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25874947 No.25874947 [Reply] [Original]

Errors? Set the compatibility of the .exe to Windows 7.

Using GIMP to create a sprite or PCC? Select "do not write color space" and save it as a 24-bit BMP.

What version to play? Read the pastebin.

>New? Start here:


>E+ Changelogs:
>Latest Elona+
>Elona Custom Release Thread:

>Elona+ Custom-G Release Thread:

>Current Version:
Elona+ 1.995R (2020-07-25)
>Latest Custom:
E+C 1.90.4 (2019-06-02)
Elona+ Custom-G (2019-10-20)

>Omake Overhaul English Release Thread:

>Current Version:
Elona Omake Overhaul EN (2019-06-17)
Omake Overhaul EN Hack final release (2018-12-14)

>OOMSEST Updates

>Elin's Inn

>> No.25874976

Last thread >>25391124

No word on 2.0 arrival yet. Also try to post less in this thread so I don't need to replace it. These threads fill up fast lately.

>> No.25876287

Witch evolution of little girl retain Cheer special action of little girl?

>> No.25877114

Guys help, my allies are doing better in combat then me.

>> No.25879221

You're doing well, then.

>> No.25879380
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Show of hands anons, which version of Elona was the most fun for you personally, and why?

>> No.25879967

Is there some general tips before finishing main Elona quest in Elona+? Like maybe ranch specific pets or get to specific level?

>> No.25880099

the one before piss was added or media rewards nerfed

>> No.25880118

nefia* fuck autocorrect

>> No.25881571

I'm a purist, I only play vanilla and maybe omake.

>> No.25881662

How do I protect myself from Decapitation attacks on Elona+?
I have decent amount of HP, PV and resistances which allows me to easily tank most enemies I'm fighting but those guys with Decapitation can kill me in a few turns if I'm not careful and it seems there's nothing I can do to prevent it.

>> No.25881785

Kill them before they do
Attack from afar
get meatshields

>> No.25881824

That's what I've been doing. I sort of hoped there were some specific resistance I could raise to resist it. Damn.
I suppose these guys are in the game to keep the player on their toes.

>> No.25881996

i am guessing its the orion scorpion or something?

>> No.25882142

I thought Orion Killer was bad, but now it's Forest Assassin.
Orion wasn't that bad, it wasn't so fast so I could easily kill him from afar, but Forest Assasin can shadow step so it's a real pain in the ass. Decapitation/Suffocation makes my character wander around so I can't just hit them with melee, forcing me to use Shining Wave.

>> No.25882458

Little girl don't have cheer. Her evo paths are either
LG - Valkyrie (cheer)
LG - littler girl (cheer) - witch (retain cheer)

>> No.25883534

i have always wondered,can a swarm of witches/nyarlathohep/grassdancers keep any enemy stunlocked,confused or drunk to death? even gods?

>> No.25889633

Are there any mods to make this game's mechanics a lot simpler and more traditional? I want to enjoy this game, and I like it mostly, but I just wish it was simpler and easier to understand, not necessarily less challenging, though, not what I mean.

>> No.25889840

>How do I protect myself from Decapitation attacks on Elona+?

You can't prevent the Dypsnea if it lands, but you can Bash yourself to immediately cure it.

>> No.25890045

Play base elona then. Not plus.

>> No.25890340

That's a good trick to know, thanks!

>> No.25891795

I'm playing base Elona.

>> No.25892450

Why hasn't anyone ported Elona to PSP? I'm sure it could run it.

>> No.25892472

It's very rare that a mod will only remove mechanics, from any game really. It's usually only unpopular mechanics like plus' thirst feature when they do.

>> No.25892827

Elona is probably not as complicated as you think it is.

>> No.25896350

updated to latest because of my annoying issues with constant crashing and I've gotta say the sheer speed difference in training is kind of outstanding
plus I'm enjoying having a truck
thirst mechanic is fucking stupid though and I miss all the custom stuff god I hope it gets updated when 2.0 is out some day

>> No.25896395

what mechanic specifically are you not enjoying?

>> No.25896886

Wait a second, leveling's noticeably faster than 1.90? Somebody call Ano, I want to get off his piss ride.

>> No.25896965

you have to spend your skill/spell points which gives you a boost to skill levels/spell levels and platinum training costs are super low plus the training day and advance casting stuff just makes it way too easy to level stuff
it's honestly really weird just how different it is

>> No.25897547


The nerf to speed from Swimming and the stupid-ass cap on platinum and skill/spell points. The former feels spiteful, and the latter has no good reason to be there at all.

>> No.25897648

The latter's reasoning from what I can tell is to better level out the difficulty curve of early to late game grinding.
You need far less platinum now so it's mostly just a deterrent for people who stay in their homes forever and because of how cheap platinum costs are there's no real point in saving up your skill points now anyway.
as much as I hate the pointless grinding nerfs it is actually a pretty good change for early/mid game levelling

>> No.25898286

>as much as I hate the pointless grinding nerfs it is actually a pretty good change for early/mid game levelling

Except it punishes you for saving up plat and points for when you want to level up your chosen skills and spells at your own time and pace and not when Ano wants you to level them up, not to mention you damn well earned that plat and points, so preventing the player from getting any more because he approached some arbitrary value is bullshit.

>it's mostly just a deterrent for people who stay in their homes forever

Even NEET PCs need to go out and get platinum every now and then, so no.

>> No.25899768

Get oomsest then.

>> No.25901823

Nah, they're referring to the timeskip yacatect jewel strategy (and museum plat if you have one). Free plat each month, jut skip time for a few seconds on the overworld.

>> No.25902748

Apparently, to prevent game crashing when pets cast spells I just had to disable music.
No idea how that works, perhaps certain notes playing at the same time as sound for spells would cause some kind of buffer to overflow or something.

>> No.25906624
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>> No.25906908

don't you need opatos boots for that? and the minimum time on overworld was changed I believe to prevent that abuse,I think it was on 1.87?

>> No.25907107

What "It combines mind and sound spells" and similar enchantments do?

>> No.25907417

use one of the spells in the effect description and it'll get a bonus damage of the other based on the damage from the original spell
apparently fire/cold has the highest dps because of itzpalt's feat plus I guess oil and some other shit?

>> No.25908156

No, you can ride a snail(with corgon's ring) or a bell. The minimum time was changed, but that only affects people going fast, not slow. I've used timeskip strats when farming picnic baskets in 1.995r, still works great.

>> No.25908434

After getting to ~30lvl I start to realize how broken was that ring that allowed to see invisible creatures I had on my old character. I'm only at 15 small medals, too...

>> No.25911140

Still can't decide should I kill Zeome or get specific pet to ranch and benefit from 3 years skip. Already cleared 2 out 3 of chaos forts.

>> No.25911325

goose, cute fairy, what else is good?

>> No.25911752

That sound awesome, didn't thought about god pets but can you feed them for them to lay seeds/coins without bringing them out or you need discarded ranch and store them there?

>> No.25912418

I assumed God pets couldn't breed

>> No.25914013

Whats a good way to get into this game? Seems a little overwhelming

>> No.25914389

1 Check Ano blog
2 2.0 is out
3 Play the game
2.1 2.0 isn't out
3.1 go to 1

>> No.25915166

See the OP

>> No.25915993

By the way, breeding quicklings good way to rise speed? What about rabbits and luck?

>> No.25916127

ask questions here

>> No.25916172

Quicklings don't breed. Quantum mechanics breed, but it's so slow that it basically doesn't matter.

>> No.25917839

>There is no difference between 0 hands and 12 hands if attacking with martial arts normally
>Continuous attacks do 8 attacks per hand,so 0 hands will fail and 12 hands will do 96 hits (8 per free hand)
is this correct so far?

>> No.25920979

Gonna lose my shit if the next update is '4.9/5'. By the way, how is Ensemble in the latest versions of Plus? Still better than solo Performance if my pets also have decent Performance skill? Going to try a Party Time quest main char next.

>> No.25921069

I forget my exact performance 60-80 somewhere but the artifact violin can maybe sometimes win people over, not sure why they aren't honestly they're showering me with gifts/money.
Ensemble is able to get an entire screen no matter who it is at this stage easily scoring multiple thousands of points.

>> No.25922995

>By the way, how is Ensemble in the latest versions of Plus? Still better than solo Performance if my pets also have decent Performance skill?

Ensemble is straight-up better than solo. No need for an instrument, and pets add half their Perform skill to yours when using it - if you have a sizable party and give them gold regularly they'll end up adding so much Perform skill to the Ensemble that you won't need to invest any more plat into Perform yourself. And yes, they do still give you plenty of gifts and cash.

The only real weakness to Ensemble is the 45 SP cost per use, but that is easily resolved by judicious use of juice or carrying a Magaqua.

>> No.25924249
File: 20 KB, 1050x28, 2020-08-29 05_20_27-Elona+ Custom-G [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25925609

Quantum mechanic breeds random stuffs, though?

>> No.25926423

How do I farm pp in oomsest? The prices are ridiculously high compared to custom but you get the same amount from quests. Also what's the best way to raise potential?

>> No.25929507

They shouldn't, only <uniques> breed random stuffs. Most everything else that's a problem, just has a breed rate of 0 so you only get like 1 a year or 2.

Dungeons and harvest spells are the primary source of plat, but the game is balanced on the assumption you pick a core set of skills and treat the rest as luxuries. You can also use skill points to build up potential.

As for attribute potential, you can bless food or milk at an altar to your god, by placing them down and praying. Puff puff bread is preferred if you find the recipe, since you can craft them en masse very easily. Each god has a different potential profile, but kumiromi and inari give potential to all primary attributes.

Be warned, this is only like 1-5% each. Potential potions are similarly low.

>> No.25936823

I saw item on wiki which can change pet gender but now I can't find it, what was that and if I change pet gender will evolution reflect changes or it's cosmetic change?

>> No.25936872
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>> No.25941087


It's called the forbidden meat, and its primary purpose is to change the sex of a pet to control its evolution path before you evolve it.

>> No.25946823

Two Questions: Valkyrie or Littler Girl into Witch
and should I ditch Jure for Kumieomi?

>> No.25947625

>Valkyrie or Littler Girl into Witch
You're asking, so you presumably have no preference and are only interested in mechanical benefits. Witch gets a rare spact, valkyrie gets float. Just equip a wing/feather on a witch.
>should I ditch Jure for Kumieomi?
Jure's healing spact is an excellent panic button. If you need stamina (e.g. heavy use of Dupli-cane or some spact), go for Kumiromi, otherwise stick with Jure.

>> No.25948295

Appearance wise I would prefer Valkyrie, my team is currently Little Girl (Who is my highest Level until the Fallen Angel joined my party) Defender, Young Lady and Isca the Fallen Angel.

>> No.25948360

what is this?

>> No.25948728

..Relationships between the gods?

>> No.25949692

How viable is it to play a long term nil magic pure warrior in omake?

>> No.25949849

Depending on your definition of magic, extremely. Custom buffs are nice but smithing + levels can cap everything.

You'll have issues with skill points though, if you don't at least use potions.

>> No.25951644

I mean the "no spellcasting" feat.

>> No.25954572

This sure is a long 0.2/5

>> No.25962458

>Witch gets a rare spact,

How often does insanity happen to you, though? Rain of Sanity is nice but you can just as easily carry some unicorn horns or crab/squirrel meat around with you.

>> No.25963373

From rare to often. I mean, it really depends on which foes or quests do you take. Like you might find a foe with such skill on hunting quest or random encounter. It's pretty rare on normal occasion tho.
Afaik, there is a quest with a bunch of insanity inducer monster, the turtle that brings you to underwater princess or something (the aging and regressing lunch). Also, I heard about this new nefia foes...
Maan, I haven't played the game for three weeks and I already forgot stuff. So, correct me if I got something wrong.

>> No.25966322

Yes, apparently posted by the author on 2ch. I was going to translate but I accidentally deleted it all so fuck it. Here's some notable parts:
Kumiromi gives no fuck about the other gods, he consider them harmless and that's that.
Lulwy has low self-confidence, see herself as unneeded/unwanted.
Jure is super cute.

>> No.25967109


According to https://elona.fandom.com/wiki/Food/Technical meat that heals Sanity will heal 20 points of it, which is a nice chunk of healing insanity considering that hunting hermit crabs in the Puppy Cave is far quicker than getting more unicorn horns. If you're concerned about getting too full to eat you can always use campfires to cap the Rank of the crab or squirrel meat dish at 3 (Roast) to minimize how filling it gets, but if the dishes are at least Rank 5 (Skewered) you can share it with a pet to give 20 points of Sanity healing to the both of you.

Other means of resisting insanity is to be Drunk (fittingly enough), or increase your Mind Resistance.

>> No.25972589

What is best way to spend pets AP? I'm thinking of getting each pet healing spells first and then shadow dash to melee pets and debuff spell to range pets but maybe I should spend everything on speed until specific mark?

>> No.25973349

If you're using Custom and the pet AI, you can cheat by learning moves, initializing their actions, then forgetting the moves to refund the AP. The moves will still be available for pet AI use.

>> No.25973553

Sorry, forgot to mention, playing Elona+

>> No.25974007


Don't forget the Character Quality Up option and the Charm and Barrier feats. All of them will make your pet much more durable in their own way; Character Quality Up gives your pet level-based resistance to status effects and extra resistance to hexes, Charm auto-Dims physical attackers (which also helps the offense of everyone who attacks with weapons due to the increased chance of critting), and Barrier turns their MP bar into more health basically. If they're not going to be casting a lot of expensive spells they may as well get it.

>> No.25975105

That's actually great options, I'll probably go for them after right after healing spells option.

>> No.25976558

I though kumi wanted ehekatl pussy
>the naked dominatrix who wants attention yet kills you if you oogle her has confidence issues
being lulwy is suffering

>> No.25977418
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probably due to mani fucking her over

>> No.25977897

what about ehekatl? what's cute about jure

>> No.25979973

If I assume correctly based on arrows and colors, Opatos likes everyone and Mani hates everyone.
Virgin Mani vs Chad Opatos

>> No.25980162

Kumiromi's opinion of:
>Kumiromi: guardian mother.
>Ehekatl: former lover; sad memories; important to me;
>Lulwy: harmless.
>Opatos: harmless.
>Mani: harmless; would like to develop farming tools.
>Itzpalt: harmless.
>Jure: harmless.

Ehekatl's opinion of:
>Ehekatl: a cat!
>Kumiromi: a nostalgic feeling
>Lulwy: want to play; bouncy
>Opatos: shakes.
>Mani: a good bed; warm
>Itzpalt: makes my hair stand up; dislikes a little
>Jure: feeds me; fluffy

Lulwy's opinion of:
>Lulwy: I'm unwanted...
>Kumiromi: fun to tease, but usually no reaction
>Ehekatl: no idea of personal space; don't understand her; sometimes gets close to Mani
>Opatos: a nuisance.
>Itzpalt: a nuisance.
>Jure: fun to tease.
>Mani: hate enough to want to kill; regret; former lover;

Opatos's opinion of:
>Opatos: don't want to think about it too deeply
>Kumiromi: comrade.
>Ehekatl: comrade; jiggles.
>Lulwy: comrade
>Mani: comrade
>Itzpalt: comrade in battle; great friend
>Jure: comrade

Mani's opinion of:
>Mani: normal operation; high performance
>Kumiromi: a kid that somewhat understands what I'm talking about
>Ehekatl: difficult; unpredictable
>Lulwy: treat as a hazard; ignore; run away if it gets dangerous; former lover
>Itzpalt: rival; bothersome old man
>Jure: roadblock to my ambitions

Itzpalt's opinion of:
>Itzpalt: the lord of all gods; gentleman
>Kumiromi: good kid
>Ehekatl: cute cat
>Lulwy: vixen
>Itzpalt: comrade in battle; great friend
>Mani: rival; disrespectful
>Jure: good kid

Jure's opinion of:
>Jure: bad at everything; can I really handle my job?
>Kumiromi: good at listening to my problems
>Ehekatl: jealous she's bigger than me; jealous she's more popular than me; but can't hate her
>Lulwy: bullys me
>Opatos: pervert
>Mani: scary
>Itzpalt: like a grandfather

Thanks archive.

>> No.25982557

>kumi:guardian mother

>> No.25984612

Someday that boy's going to snap and start slicing up everyone who ever made fun of him. That's why I make a point of calling him "sir" in all of our interactions. When the end of the world comes, I'm going to be one of the survivors.

>> No.25985848

my issue is 'mother' instead of father

>> No.25992454

I haven't played Elona in quite a long while. Custom-G was my go-to version but it seems like it's fallen behind compared to regular Elona+. Aside from the piss/thirst mechanic, what changes did they make?

>> No.25992707

It includes a changelog.

>> No.25992785

easier early game grind
some anti-afk stuff which might have been a thing before the latest version which custom supports I forget
thirst mechanic is a massive buff btw even if it's kind of stupid, just grab a magaqua and ignore it unless you need to drink a potion but receive the benefits of massively boosted sp regen
uhhh, cap on platinum/skill points of 100 meaning you have to spend them but also a cap on pp costs in trainers of 5 meaning only really a downside if you didn't really play the game and just afk'd in your house spamming time travel
The major downside is the loss of translations for acts 2/3 and all the useful custom mechanics like custom ai and various tweaks

>> No.25993458

I'll have to try it out and see how it is. I made a bunch of custom npc talk tone files back in the day as well. Are those still compatible?

>> No.25993629

not a clue sorry haven't tried those before, might give them a shot though

>> No.25995865

anyone played the elm version?

>> No.26002217

Uh, well, that's quite the update on Noa's blog. Says he deals with disaster relief and has been working overtime due to the heavy rains, and is about to be inundated with even more endless overtime once typhoon 10 hits, so he's just gonna release 2.00 before the typhoon comes ashore but he won't be able to fix bugs or provide support for a while after that.

>> No.26002254

On Ano's blog, I mean.

>> No.26006065

2.00 is out, boys.

>> No.26006160

Heh, I just found 2nd living weapon 5 minutes ago and it's rock as my first living weapon. It was a sign all along.
RIP Ano, he did a great job.

>> No.26006471

Is there a translation yet?

>> No.26006636

You mean Custom/G 2.0? Obviously not and it's a big question if there ever will be.
In case you want changelog you can use google translate
Download link for 2.0 there as well.

>> No.26010647
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>In case you want changelog you can use google translate

>Also, fame of non-fellow NPCs will be set and displayed for the time being depending on Lv and quality. If you make a friend, your fame will drop.

Uh, making friends makes you less famous, wut.

>> No.26010847
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At last! The big pile of nothing we've all been waiting for!

>> No.26012340 [DELETED] 
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>> No.26012567

itd be nice if NPCs used PCCs too instead of the spritesheet. Not to say that there should be full PCCs for all the NPCs, most of them could just be the same sprite thats on the sprite sheet repeated, but it'd let you give them animation with custom sprites.

>> No.26013424

>speed increase more expensive to start with
guess I'll just hold off on patching then

>> No.26018796

I haven't updated, is that for the "kill faster monsters to get faster" thing? What's that like, anyway?

>> No.26018931

if you see the ini stat on your character page basically they're your stats added up when the character/npc was made with the second stat being the original speed stat
once you start killing strong enough monsters if your ini values don't exceed a certain amount compared to the monster you'll gain some points you can spend in act 2 to improve your character/pets
basically the faster the pet/character when you get them the harder it is to grind end game stats for them

>> No.26019549

i last played when 1.74 was the newest release. is elona+ custom really dead? i can do without it, but gotta admit that i'll miss it

also, does anyone have an updated monster girl sheet? i'm pretty sure the one i have in my old copy is horrendously outdated

>> No.26020012

ecustom 1.90.4 works fine with e+ 1.995R for me.

>> No.26020214
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>> No.26021682

I didn't mean "how's that work", I wanted to know what it's like for someone to experience it. Is it at all useful, or does it basically do nothing? Is that 2.0 early game cost change significant?

>> No.26021769

none of the stuff from 1.995 is going to show up you retard, you're just playing 1.90 with the wrong files

>> No.26021862

Why are they all so damn cold?

>> No.26021934

Does anyone know how Time Stop interacts with Riding? I can't find anything about it online. Is the effect shared between rider and mount? If not, what happens when you freeze time, and when your mount does?

>> No.26022637

Converting them to elona sprites stole their souls.

>> No.26022681

anyone know if you can edit quickload back in the game? i'm not planning on using custom, cause i'd rather play the newest update. i took a look at the config file, but couldn't really see anything, unless i'm stupid and blind, which is most likely the case.

>> No.26023093


im the retard here

>> No.26024430

Why is there no OJ BMP?

>> No.26024831

>"kill faster monsters to get faster"
That thing is great. Golem initial speed 45 but now on my level 70 I have base speed 155, used 2 hermes blood (+8 each) and few speed uppers (+1 speed, restore potential). My main source of speed is defeated enemies. Pets gain speed this way as well.

There is no interaction. Character who triggered time stop will act alone, neither riding nor tag force affect it.

>defLoadFolder. "" The saved game in the folder will be automatically loaded after launching the game. (Use a folder name under the \save folder. ie."sav_player" )
You are probably talking about this option.

>> No.26026609

Elona 2.00, I got a mutation in my sleep that made my skin brittle for PV-3, and it won't go away even after drinking both the potions of cure corruption I have (they're not cursed). Is that normal? I remember even just one potion removing multiple mutations when I last played around 1.7x

>> No.26026664

>potions of cure corruption
Yes, it is normal. You should look for potion of cure mutation.

>> No.26028194

Your pet will move with you as you move but will not get any turns until time stop ends.

>> No.26029114

Do you guys add extra limbs to pets? On one hand it's pretty cheap for pets, each extra hand for servant race is -6 life and -5% speed, on other hand I have no idea if I missing some drawback which can hinder pets in the long run.

>> No.26029844

wouldn't it just be better to gene mod them on?

>> No.26029952

You are absolutely correct, no idea how could I forget about gene engineering considering I already used it to both augment butler and dragon child. I guess then there is no reason not to get two extra hands to most pets, since -10% speed isn't that big of a deal.

>> No.26030729

not what i was after, but thanks anyway. meant pressing F2 during gameplay to load the game to a previous save. ano removed it from the game during one of this masterstrokes and custom added it back in, but since that thing's not up to date, i'm trying to find if there's a way to put it back in

>> No.26030757

>Converted .jpeg

>> No.26031174

so does the new final boss have an awesome artifact or nah?

>> No.26033987

And how strong it is compared to enthumesis/gods/inner gods

>> No.26035750

I used an imagemagick script so I could convert every single OJ sprite, but I dunno how to fix the borders because this program is an overgrown clusterfuck.

Unrelated, anyone know of any erotic tone files?

>> No.26037236

Is there a working link to download Elosnack? The one in the pastebin is dead. I'm trying to edit the age of my pets and the lunches swing too far in either direction.

>> No.26037906

How much are you willing to trust a stranger mediafire link that i just uploaded?


>> No.26040585


Thanks. Just what I was looking for.

>> No.26041706

Trying to astral light recruit gwen the pitiless how many love potions do i need to throw at her to get her to love me :(

>> No.26044468

just use potions of sleep and rape her

>> No.26045356
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Is... is that actually a thing? I really want this to be real

>> No.26053232

I heard you can hug someone to a bed like that but I havnt tried it because my lolimo loves me

>> No.26058847

I know I'm way too late, but cursed potions of speed increases age and blessed potions of slow decreases it by 1 or 4 years.
also farm food increases weight and cursed food makes you lose it.
it can be fun to take care of your pets's health over many years of adventuring.

>> No.26060144

Anyone know where the PC equip data is stored on the save file? My save file got corrupted on a blackout and I need to start over.

>> No.26060563

Is this the end of Elona+, then?

>> No.26060596

Can somebody explain how to get secret character in Elona+. What I did - wished for 隠しキャラ, finished quest, got insane book, read book - nothing. Do I need to wish for 隠しキャラ now, after I got the book? Do I need to turn japanese language on in windows, somehow?

>> No.26061379

Yeah you just need high enough strength

>> No.26062744
File: 11 KB, 743x454, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tried everything. Changed windows language to japanese, installed everything windows could install, yet apparently windows doesn't recognize wish made in japanese text because even after everything in set to japanese wishing for 隠しキャラ return "?????!!" Nothing happens...
Am I missing something?

>> No.26063416

The game is set to japanese language as well, right? The wish parser won't make any sense of japanese text if it's set to english.
Also, if you're playing with custom, you can just with for "secretchar".

>> No.26063856

Game is set to japanese (I receive exact same error - ""?????!!" *japanese text*..."), font1 copied into font2 in config.txt (font1 is "‚l‚r ѓSѓVѓbѓN", no idea why is that but font do changes normally), windows set to japanese (for previous screenshot I switched back to english). I tried every combination of everything I could, oh and I do have free slots in the group.
By the way pic related is how book look like when I read it.

>> No.26063894
File: 553 KB, 717x485, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot picutre.

>> No.26064502
File: 756 KB, 1440x808, wish.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Odd. I opened my old save (which already has the quest finished and the book read) and tried it myself and it worked fine, just changing game language to japanese (my computer is already in japanese locale).
My guess would be it's a windows 10 issue. the "?????!!" should be "隠しキャラ!!", it seems like the japanese is getting mangled when pasted in.
If you'd like, you could upload your save file and I could try wishing for you and sending it back?

>> No.26065242

Forgot to mention, it's Elona+ 2.0. I tried to use Custom with my save but game won't load it, saying version mismatch.

>> No.26065271

Gotcha. I didn't think about this earlier, but I just assumed you had some consistent way to get a wish for testing perposes. Do you have a rod of wish or something?

>> No.26065298

Yeah, was save-scumming with it.

>> No.26065320

Oh, right, which of the 8 pets do you want from the wish?

>> No.26065451

Man, I don't really thought about it. Let's go with silver fox brother.

>> No.26065489

Wait, if that's not to late, can you pick M girl.

>> No.26065515

I can roll back to the save from the zip. Keep in mind, your rod has 2 charges, so you can get 2 if you want.

>> No.26065630

Really? I thought book is consumed. Whom would you recommend as second pet after M girl? I thought about silver fox brother or sickful older brother but I'm afraid their abilities doesn't scale well into lategame, I can be wrong, of course. Does old butler have anything special, since his page on wiki is missing?

>> No.26065681

Reading the book (after finishing the quest) is simply a prerequisite for wishing for these secret characters. Once you have it done you can wish for all 8, if desired.
None of these characters are particularly strong, gameplay wise. They're mostly intended for roleplay purposes.
I don't know anything about the old butler.

>> No.26065722

Well, then M girl and Sickfull older brother.

>> No.26065770


>> No.26065827


>> No.26067170

>Does old butler have anything special, since his page on wiki is missing?
>mazin with a base level of 1. Secret character. No cHorse bit flag. Clash Rush on low health.
>Uses Dancing Wire, Zero shoot, Speed, and Feather.

>> No.26071355
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In line with new information (since I really love his skill set) I decide to give another try and solve my problem and what do you think - 3 minutes and problem solved. Turns out the only thing I was need to do is to enable Japanese in pic related. No need to switch windows or game language to japanese, worked perfectly fine with english.
In case anyone would have same problem in the future.

>> No.26075135

Why am I leveling so fucking fast on Elona+ 2.0? I'm literally just walking back and forth doing escort quests 90% of the time and I'm already level 8 around the span of an hour or so.

>> No.26076519

Ano's been jacking xp rates ever since 1.6x, maybe even before that. From 1.91 and beyond, it's tripled like 2-3 times, counting destiny.

>> No.26076731

What are you guys usually wish for? My first wish was evolution potions, turns out it is pointless. Now I don't even sure what to aim for.

>> No.26076756

Seven league boots

>> No.26076976

I used my only wish so far on a Happy Bed, not sure if it was a good idea or not in the latest versions but I always like having the highest quality bed for potential gains.

>> No.26078016

leveling rates are pretty nuts rn, I'm level 47 doing jackshit

>> No.26082873

Need some beginner tips. Been playing through a few characters now on both Oomsest and ElonaE+C and i'm getting filtered rather embarrassingly early. Furthest i've gotten was to the 4th floor of the Puppy Dungeon, and learned I had to dismiss my active companion in order to bring the dog into my party which was the vast majority of my firepower at the time and subsequently got killed by some magic dude in blue robes as I tried to escape the dungeon. What am I missing here? Do I need to grind more hunting quests until I accumulate decent gear or is it just learning certain key enemies should be avoided at all cost when low level?

>> No.26083334

You don't need to dismiss your active companion to get poppy. There is a follower cap that starts at 2 and goes to 15 based on your charisma(75 for 15), but even in the inn they'd still count to that cap.

But, yes. It's generally recommend to avoid much fighting until lvl 10-ish, with a better set of gear, and more attributes/hp.

You *can* just learn enemies and how to fight/not fight them early on. But, expect to die a lot if you go that route.

>> No.26083606

Don't know why I got that warning then. Maybe it was because of my low charisma and already having a little girl (starter pet) and a child boar (used the pokeball from the bandit quest reward.)
What do most of the experienced players here do then for their early game for the non-combat route to lv 10?
Think my error was taking a lot of risk going straight from bandit quest -> Story dungeon to find the messenger -> Puppy dungeon and thinking being the recommended level was sufficient.

>> No.26084495

Try to travel between cities doing jobs, unlocking new skills with platinum coins, go to Truce Ground and worship god of your choice.

>> No.26085918

>Fuck the entire early-mid game we gotta get the player to late game as fast as possible!
I hate this kind of power creep.

>> No.26086801

Do necromancy creeps count towards allies for the speed boost of the 'lonely' feat?

>> No.26090416


Mostly shift cores, as wishing is the only way to get those. I did spend one wish on a present, though, so I can throw it at enemies for status effects and pets for healing.


Yes. Kokou is for those players who want to solo the entire game.

>> No.26103771

Was it the wizard of elea's nerve bolt paralyzing your PC? You can eat the floating eyes to gain nerve resist. The puppy cave's 4th floor has a sharp spike for beginners, anyway. It has mages, actually competent ranged enemies and stat damaging ghosts, you might want stay out of it until you gain more HP, resists and better weapons.

>> No.26104850

What's the best use of music tickets for a mage? Magic fruit? Hero cheese for survivability? Apple for luck? Something else? Going Performer this time around and already amassing a ton of tickets. Don't need the stradi since I'm doing Ensemble.

>> No.26105365

I think someone said cheese,you get so much Mana late game that more doesn't do much,and luck is shit never use tickets or little sisters to buy lucky apples

>> No.26105719

Magic fruit. You can now buy 1000 life from just AP, so hero cheese is a waste of tickets. You can get luck with Christmas cakes every year if you want luck for something. But, you can't buy mana, so trade for it.

>> No.26106464

I thought ap had a cap?
Or was that just a cap of how much you can have before having to spend it

>> No.26107618

defeating the final boss of 2.0 removes the AP cap I think?

>> No.26108157

Yes, after beating the final boss the 800speed 300life caps are removed.

AP itself also caps around 80k-90k, but thats plenty to get everything and still buy gobs of skill points.

>> No.26109353

>shift cores
Are they serve only as short term buff or you can do something else with them? By the way, can you wish for god heart? Couldn't find any information on wiki.

>> No.26114477

It might have been that. I was taking the previous anons advice and started my new character off doing safe harvesting quests and trading a small amount of cargo between Vernis/Yoywn/Palmia. I've obtained a small buffer of gold which I spent on a farm, although I can start keeping my eye out for nerve resist gear for when I take on the puppy dungeon again.
On a side note though, since I started travelling so much I invested in riding/horse companion. However it's movespeed drops from 150 to like 24 when I mount it. Is this difference going to shorten as I ride him more frequently? Issue is that it's even slower than my players base walking speed and idk if I should just use him more as a mule than a mount at this point.

>> No.26114788

>However it's movespeed drops from 150 to like 24 when I mount it.
When you use riding on pet/horse you have three options:
1. close
2. whatever
3. whatever
Translation for 2nd and 3rd option is wrong. Second option is - ride pet. Third option - pet ride me. Most likely you click on third option.

>> No.26115651
File: 1.45 MB, 1807x979, Riding fuckery.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It might be the case, the movespeed is slightly higher when I do the reverse but still lower than my characters base movespeed on the character sheet 93(80). Here is a reference picture for both options and the chatlog output I got for both my horse companion and little girl companion.
Also playing on Elona E+CG if that's any relevance.

>> No.26115806


Your rides move speed usually goes down when ridden, but it won't affect the speed it gives you which you can seen in your stat sheet. It should get faster over time at least. Strength and riding skill need to be a certain ratio of speed, don't remember what.

>> No.26115823

Never mind, I just noticed what the little wing icon at the bottom of the screen stood for and there is a difference of exactly one movement speed when i'm mounted vs unmounted. The chat box was just misleading me.

>> No.26118260

An anti paralysis gear would suffice. Generally, you should avoid dungeons at low level and stick to harvest/delivery quests unless you're playing a warrior/gunner.

>> No.26118852


Shift cores give the target a few buffs that last for 200 turns, and they also let its Gauge go up to 200% if it doesn't have that ability already.


Potions of speed upper. Yes speed can be bought with AP but it's capped until you beat the final boss, it frees up your AP to be spent on life (or something else if you prefer) instead, and potions of speed upper are only 8000 tickets each. By the way, potions of speed upper set your Speed potential to 400% when drunk so it's better than it looks.

>you get so much Mana late game that more doesn't do much,

The Barrier feat exists and therefore more Mana means you can take more damage, so even then it's basically more Life anyway.

>> No.26118970

>wish for "sure" because wiki says result is book of resurrection
>got pachisuro machine
It's all so tiresome.

>> No.26119183

sure or surre ?
Because there is no sure in resurrection.

...why are you wishing for a book of resurrection anyway? You can get them for free buy mining in cemeteries.

>> No.26119304
File: 2 KB, 334x35, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Because there is no sure in resurrection.
Fuck my ass, brain isn't working at all. I used ctrl+c/ctrl+v from wiki.
>...why are you wishing for a book of resurrection anyway?
Pets are dying in dungeon, it's not a big deal but having method of bringing them up seems to be a good way to spend wish on since I had no idea about:
>You can get them for free buy mining in cemeteries.

>> No.26120003

>picking berries and eating herbs makes my character stronger compared to slaying hordes of enemies
that doesn't make any sense

>> No.26120223

Just be glad Elona's herb farming doesn't require you to play Conway's Game of Life.

>> No.26120238

>picking berries
Lifting is pretty damn good way to boost strength, ask anyone.
>eating herbs
Special type of plant which boost tissue growth.
>slaying hordes of enemies
That's called practice it exist to make your moves automatic/better but not to expand your limits.
Everything exactly as it should be

>> No.26120294

That's how women survived several of their husbands back in the stone age lel

>> No.26120426

No human can survive long with just herbs,that's just dumb

>> No.26120538

That's probably explain why there exactly zero humans (RIP old humankind) in Elona.

>> No.26121707
File: 20 KB, 593x29, 2020-09-09-170123_593x29_scrot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw too intelligent

>> No.26123901

what happens if you use empathy on stuff that cant die such as the chaos child? i assume it doesn't work?

>> No.26125484

Tell me how to focus on pumping one attribute efficiently early game. I want to go FULL STRENGTH.

>> No.26128872


Keep your Strength potential high and hack, chop or punch things. Invest plat in skills that train Strength. Join the Fighter's Guild.

>> No.26130669

Exercise right diet https://elona.fandom.com/wiki/Food/Technical (start rabbit/sheep farm and eat nothing but high quality meat)
and do heavy lifting in the form of always being at least at Burden level.

>> No.26138634
File: 324 KB, 769x519, 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apparently there is 2 'lonely' feats on the character creation screen but only one of them applies,just throwing this out here so you dont waste a feat point in 2.00

>> No.26138843

The other one is a translation error, it's a separate feat.. that I can't remember what it really does.

>> No.26140150

something about riding I think?

>> No.26140179

How do i set pets to 'talk mode'?

>> No.26141599

Directive skill or command flag item.

>> No.26145103

It is possible to mod game to remove 15 pets limit? Maybe with EloSnack?

>> No.26145442

do you really need more than 15 pets?

>> No.26145472

>do you really need more than 15 pets?
Well, yeah. I have one free slot but when I meet second big daddy in dungeon it's pretty sad to let little sister be wasted.

>> No.26146849

Zin-Ba is the riding feat.

>> No.26146866

The only thing that expands your limits is true combat though, both physically and spiritually. Muscle mass is worthless if you can't use it efficiently.

>> No.26147020

You gotta eat big to get big.

>> No.26149134

What do the green arrows mean?

>> No.26150457

3x experience rate

>> No.26150795

You can’t wish for any hearts. I learned that the hard way. Easiest way to get a god heart is to kill the dog god in act 2

>> No.26152868

That's skill points, we're talking about stat points.

>> No.26159154

If I build my house in North Tyris during first chapter of Plus, can I move it to South Tyris using one of those moving scrolls in second chapter? Or do they only work on the same continent?

>> No.26159489

You can but you shouldn't.
South tyris has the maid mansion you have no reason to put your house there.

>> No.26159915

If I hire a magic shopkeeper in a smaller house and invest in them, and then later upgrade to a palace/castle, will their investment level be lost when I swap houses? I think it was in vanilla, not sure if Plus changed that.

>> No.26162641

investment is kept in plus, no idea about vanilla

>> No.26164606

but I hate maids

>> No.26165253

Grab a gun and clear them out.

>> No.26166102
File: 29 KB, 397x230, Hey Benny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been having a problem for a while now; for some reason the portals that open up no longer have a list of rooms to go to, what's up?
I'm running 1.995R, is that the problem?

>> No.26166329

Servers are dead. By the way, 2.0 is out, there is no reason not to upgrade.

>> No.26166781

damn. okay then. also didn't realize, updating now.

>> No.26169249
File: 95 KB, 587x359, ikz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found an amusing bug in oomsest. Apparently you can fire Larnierre from your house (like a hired servant) by talking to her when she's drunk. If you complete the intro by booting Lomias from your house, well...things got more interesting. This results in a death log and an error though.

>> No.26178894 [SPOILER] 
File: 17 KB, 618x33, 1599880683502.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's happening here?

>> No.26179172
File: 83 KB, 551x116, Definitely foul.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This Erovin guy clearly pissed someone off

>> No.26181212

I'm not sure but it's looks like your pet got wish for you by drinking from well or failed to grant you wish since you already got wish this year.

>> No.26181518

I think it's a somewhat rare well event that grants you a wish ignoring the annual wish count check (and spawns a neutral younger sister in addition to it). Omake exclusive stuff.

>> No.26182097
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Any news about the custom version?

>> No.26184263

It's still dead, and alfredo keeps saying he'll totally work on it when he fixes that one windows version compatibility bug.

>> No.26184630
File: 288 KB, 640x411, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After two living rocks I got this. I didn't even know that living weapon can be of miracle or godly quality.

>> No.26187811

Living weapons can only be miracle or godly quality.

>> No.26198582
File: 1.69 MB, 1456x878, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not him, but on the topic of living weapons, is this shit worth using? This thing is multitudes worse than my regular weapon and a pain in the ass to level up. But I didn't even know these things existed until I picked this one up. Do they get good?

>> No.26199687

It would have, but you wasted its level bonus on something useless.

>> No.26199880

Living weapons (assuming plus) are mid-upper tier. They usually sit just below min-maxed fusion weapons, though in theory a lucky roll can be better than fusioned gear.

But, you have to go all-in on elemental damage enchantments. You can equip make them into better weapons of the same type, (shakujo is the best staff), use mat kits to get adamantium/ether for damage, and get them to +10/15 with blacksmith and stardust.

However, I'd only recommend using them if it's the type of weapon you plan to use. Or you could try to level them up to make resistance sticks for defense.

>> No.26200748

Yeah, I figured its damage potential was probably shit so I tried to make it into some kind of passive-bonus sidearm, but I guess since you need to kill with it to get xp it needs to do actual damage.
Huh, I didn't realize they were that high tier. I do use staves anyway, so I guess it's worth investing in. It's not really all lost because I wasted one level right?

>> No.26205133

I've tried to get into Elona several times but I think it's just not the game for me, the open-ended stylevof gameplay is not my thing, I prefer regular roguelikes, where you have a clearer objective like "keep going down until you reach the end of the dungeon".

It's a shame because I really wanted to like this game.

>> No.26205233

You get 10 levels free, and 5 more if you put up with bloodsucking. So, you wasted 1/10th or 1/15th of its potential. Not the end of the world.

You can also reset living weapons at the oblivion palace, but I've heard that will wipe all the enchantments too, not just the ones you selected while leveling.

>> No.26205929

killing the gods is the endgame or clear act4,in omake overhaul I guess certain title can be your goal like one billion gold or prostitute 1000 times

>> No.26208322
File: 3 KB, 97x521, 2892 Differences Found.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Custom 1.98.1 is very roughly 1/3 done. No idea how long it'll take me. I wanted to finish it in August, but I ended up not having as much free time as I thought I would.

>> No.26210293

i need a game that will make me hate anime is this it

>> No.26243313

so she turns into a common NPC and the game crashes or what? i am too retarded to understand your post

>> No.26246538

>machine gun
><Unhappy Intelligent>
You know what to do elliot.

>> No.26257760

Getting my feet stable in Elona Plus, have two highly invested magic vendors in my home for potions of potential. Is a black market shop a good investment? I'm finding that my biggest challenges are becoming debuffs/bad status effects from enemies and looking to find good immunity/resistance increase stuff for me and my two pets.

>> No.26260602

>potions of potential

Get your Cooking up (and a Pot of Fusion) because Picnic Baskets are pretty much cheaper Potential potions that'll also affect your pets.

>Is a black market shop a good investment?

No. You'll be finding tons of equipment in dungeons some of which will be guaranteed to spawn Godly if you do enough plundering, and also there's two black markets in Port Kapul and Derpy already.

>I'm finding that my biggest challenges are becoming debuffs/bad status effects from enemies and looking to find good immunity/resistance increase stuff for me and my two pets.

Until you manage to find equipment with what you want on them, the better way to avoid getting debuffed and statused is to status the enemy first. Paralysis, blindness, sleep, Mist of Silence or confusion for spellcasters, it's all good.

>> No.26263129

Basically the game erases your PC from the map in place of Larneirre (which is already gone). It does play like a weird alternative ending, though.

>> No.26272579

>Get your Cooking up (and a Pot of Fusion) because Picnic Baskets are pretty much cheaper Potential potions that'll also affect your pets.
>potential potions take 5 seconds to make 20
>throw some money at pet then walk in town for a minute
>boosts your potential by a shitload
>collect 6 different kinds of food plus baskets and make sure they're all rank 9 or you're lowering your gains, rotten/cursed is fine
>only raises it somewhat and also fills your pets up so they can't eat meaning you can't share herbed food with them right away
naw dood

>> No.26272632

forgot the pots do need to be blessed as an added step but that shit is also super easy

>> No.26273286

>Get your Cooking up (and a Pot of Fusion) because Picnic Baskets are pretty much cheaper Potential potions that'll also affect your pets.
They also restore potential for speed and luck, which the potions don't. Potions of potential are practically a noob trap, honestly.

>> No.26276446

speed is now incredibly easy to raise with ap so that's largely irrelevant now
also luck isn't actually all that useful anyway

>> No.26281292

>first playthrough
>70ish hours in and haven't touched crafting shit
>finally buy the tailoring skill and a sewing needle to see what I've been missing
>instantly tailor 500k worth of dresses and shit
well it was fun having a challenging economy for a while

>> No.26281790

I could never get into the original game. I had the most fun when I came back a few years later and played E+ which was around V1.3x. I got the "furthest" a few years later when I came back and E+ was around V1.6x; I was still having fun but some of the magic was gone because I had seen it before and knew how to play.
Since then I think E+ has kind of gone off the rails with the addition of ridiculous "features" like hydration and ending a lot of the efficient grinding schemes. It only got worse when the original creator of E+C left at approximately the same time, which to me marked the end of the golden age of Elona for EOPs.

>> No.26288435


You're just bullshitting. Potential potions require rare materials, Picnic Baskets don't, also so what if it fills you and your pets up? There is this wonderful item called a Cooler that'll prevent herbed food from rotting, you might want to look into it.

>make sure they're all rank 9 or you're lowering your gains

Just eat more Picnic Baskets, moron.

>They also restore potential for speed and luck, which the potions don't. Potions of potential are practically a noob trap, honestly.

Well you can have both pots and baskets, since it's not like they are mutually exclusive options.

>well it was fun having a challenging economy for a while

That's nothing. Jerky of monster corpses sell for much dosh in a food shop and jerky of higher-level corpses are even more expensive. Every corpse that drops from a monster is free money, and that's without bothering with condiments.

>> No.26289060

You can just buy pot pots at the larna tourist trap. Getting infinite money isn't too hard nowadays, worst case you wait for act 3 and yaca banks.

>> No.26289190

>You can just buy pot pots at the larna tourist trap.

Or you can hit up food vendors and your ranch for the food needed.

>worst case you wait for act 3 and yaca banks.

>waiting until fucking act three in order to increase your potentials as opposed to getting a pot for fusion in the Puppy Cave

Troll harder.

>> No.26289414

What, do you stop gaining potential after act 2? Most of your stat gains will be in act 3.

>> No.26289534







>> No.26289657

Custom G is honestly a massive crutch. The updates nerf areas while buffing others. When you make a mod that undoes the nerfs while keeping the buffs it just makes the game easy. Also custom AI is gamebreaking as fuck.

>> No.26289692


>assuming that everyone plays like he does

Guess all those people taking it slow must not be playing the game "correctly", eh?

>> No.26290217

It's all fine and dandy to take 600 hrs to reach act 3, but you'll still spend the next 1800 hrs getting stats there. This has nothing to do with speed.

>> No.26292946

>This has nothing to do with speed.

Can get the Pot for Fusion in the Puppy Cave and begin making Picnic Baskets soon afterwards, or waiting until act three to start gaining potential, and you say it has nothing to do with speed? Lawl. Besides, Picnic Baskets do increase speed potentials, so you're wrong twice over.

>> No.26294088

>The updates nerf areas while buffing others. When you make a mod that undoes the nerfs while keeping the buffs it just makes the game easy.
Can you name some examples? Custom-G undoes some nerfs, but to my knowledge they're mostly random out-of-the-blue nerfs where Ano nuked old things because they got popular. I can't think of any instances of "keep buff and remove nerf" off the top of my head.

>> No.26294345

not him but shadow step and cooking sp costs I guess?

>> No.26295069

Nefia and ranching got nerfs while crafting got buffs, play custom G where you undo the economic nerfs while capitalizing on the economic buffs and you just get exorbitant amounts of money extremely easily. A lot of the baseline resource sinks like stats, potentials, and skill training have been buffed hugely over time in general so you get more for the same amount of resources as you did before a given "nerf". Now you can even train every non-weapon proficiency skill and get godly equipment by clearing nefias.

>> No.26295536

Shadow Step was only changed back to its original cost, that's not really a "buff and nerf" thing. Cooking SP was pure quality-of-life, nothing to do with gameplay IMO.

>> No.26296037
File: 434 KB, 400x225, a827585ee79a3d6766590b8084e82270c2721130.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get godly equipment by clearing nefias
Yeah dude, Custom-G 1.995.1.1 sure is broken...

>> No.26296090

>missing the point entirely

>> No.26296320

You certainly did, yes. And your grammar was atrocious.

>> No.26296672

Feel free to elaborate instead of no-u-ing like a homo. This isn't /v/, so you have plenty of time.

>> No.26296998

You first. What exactly do features added in Plus 1.995 have to do with Custom-G being "a massive crutch"?

>> No.26297745

>Shadow Step was only changed back to its original cost, that's not really a "buff and nerf" thing
That's quite literally a buff/nerf.
You can also call the cooking qol change if you want but more actions available easier is still a buff.

What was the nerf to ranches I don't notice any real difference.

Btw coming from custom to 95 then to 2.0 I gotta say that custom was more difficult purely because the added buffs to the game make it so much easier to the point where training is no challenge at all anymore.
Massive exp multipliers to the point where you level up non-stop and skills being so ridiculously easy to train/pp costs being so low and easy to get I don't know why you'd say custom was the crutch.

>> No.26301014

>Btw coming from custom to 95 then to 2.0 I gotta say that custom was more difficult purely because the added buffs to the game make it so much easier to the point where training is no challenge at all anymore.

That was because Ano wanted to force people to progress their PCs like he wanted them to instead of simply taking his slimy fingers out of their pies and letting people do their own thing. It's not surprising that a lot of his shit is getting modded out.

>> No.26301137
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Which town is the comfiest?

>> No.26301872

I already pointed out buffs that apply to current ECG, which you conveniently ignored. Recent Nefia buffs become relevant should ECG actually be updated to the current version.

The "harvest moon mode" setting in ECG. Ranches go into stasis if you don't visit for too long and you need to feed/tend to animals for them to grow and produce materials.

>> No.26302043

>Ranches go into stasis if you don't visit for too long and you need to feed/tend to animals for them to grow and produce materials.
In current elona+ vanilla? Because I haven't had any issues.

>> No.26302386

Character progress gets faster each time the story gets extended because the game is now overall longer and there's less reason to pad out the same content with grind. The point to begin with is that Elona isn't getting harder in the first place, so making a mod that gets rid of changes that make certain things harder will just make the game progressively easier.

Even if one were to say 2.0 is easier than custom 1.9, custom 1.9 is objectively easier than E+ 1.9 (because all the changes buff the player) and if custom were updated to 2.0 while preserving the same feature set it'd simply make 2.0 even easier.

>> No.26302722

Read 1.89 change notes
Obviously non-intrusive enough that you never noticed the difference yet the first thing some anons did when reading the changelog is throw a fit, and it ended up being something that got a mod toggle.

>> No.26303228

do people really use all those ranch features? I just kill them and cook their meat for sale

>> No.26303890

Cooking massive eggs is worth a lotta dosh

>> No.26320253
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I apologize for the late reply. Thank you for your effort. I do not mind how long this will take, as long as it gets over. I, personally, would not be able to play without this custom version — that is just how good it is for me.

>> No.26330347

>a single ensemble cast is enough to pass the party time quests
what the fuck

>> No.26335511

No town can compete with my house.

>> No.26340431

Kapul or Noyel, sadly. The new continent towns just don't stand out for some reason.

>> No.26345578

Party time rewards took a huge hit in E+ so it's not really a big deal.

>> No.26345968

what HASNT taken a hit since vanilla? throwing and bows?

>> No.26345973

Noyel is so comfy. I always try to go out for the festival no matter how hard I'm working.

>> No.26346309

Why are you on jp if you hate anime?

>> No.26346475

I don't think that was unreasonable though, farming high-difficulty parties (and summoning gods to the parties etc) as peak performance was stupid, an obvious oversight that never got corrected because Ano dropped the game.
The fact that ensemble lets you clear easy parties without effort isn't a big deal to me because after some point in your character progression the easy quests shouldn't really require effort, that's why they're easy.

>> No.26348610

wait,people would waste wishes to summon gods to a party? that sounds stupid

>> No.26348890

They give a high base music ticket, and music ticket multiplier. So, in theory you can summon 100 gods, and get millions of tickets to max stuff and things. I suppose vanilla was more interested in the cash/loot though.

>> No.26350441

I forgot, god party farming didn't become a thing until the E+ guy added a use for music tickets (hero cheese and magic fruit especially). Farming wonder scrolls -> wish stock -> god parties -> hero cheese, maybe more complex than finding little sisters but more time efficient if you're at the powergrinding stage of the game.
In Elona I think it was just an effective way to farm gold but I never played very much base Elona so I'm not sure.

>> No.26350605

Once you're out of the early game there's not much to wish for; you run out of feats to spend miromi on eventually. Farming wonder scrolls was a side effect of farming potential potions so it wasn't difficult.

>> No.26353216

>farming high-difficulty parties (and summoning gods to the parties etc) as peak performance was stupid
That sounds awesome

>> No.26353658

>don't finish kamikaze attack to keep it to farm meat etc
>don't get access to magic fruit sister farming
>getting magic fruit from tickets doesn't unlock it in sister reward list
damn game

>> No.26353905

do you just suicide to exit without completing it?

>> No.26360632

just leave before 250 turns passes

>> No.26365885 [DELETED] 

Are there are any games that scratch that RPG fantasy life game like Elona? Fuck Elder Scrolls so don't mention it.

>> No.26366013

Are there are any games that scratch that sort of RPG fantasy life itch like Elona? Fuck Elder Scrolls so please don't mention it.

>> No.26366941

Two worlds.
Definitely a complete and working game that is functioning and balanced properly.

>> No.26367119

Mixed reviews on Steam... well that's not good.

>> No.26367469

Two worlds is garbage in every sense. Don’t bother with it.

>> No.26367592

It's interesting in how jank it is but I would definitely not recommend playing it unless you enjoy playing bad games.

>> No.26368251


Farming the Infected Yerles Soldiers on the last floor of Rehmido is better so long as you haven't even touched the Ether Generator. They respawn every time you leave and come back and you can directly warp there with Return.

>> No.26379765

Rune factory? Personally I would recommend one way heroics too due to its similarity on wackiness (even though that game literally forces you to always rush forward instead of taking your time around)

>> No.26379943

I played Two Worlds back in the days and remember having a good time abusing the magic system in it, killing everyone with big spells then reviving them. It has been 13 years though, im pretty sure the game has not aged well at all considering it already felt aged when it came out.
OWH is more of a roguelite game than a fantasy life game though. Elona is really one of a kind in that regard I feel.

>> No.26389123

Yowyn comfiest

>> No.26389916

Noyel. I always moved my house there for festivals and easy access to the dwarves' workshop. That town would be totally overlooked for most players, otherwise.

>> No.26392288

What do the weapon specific skills do exactly? I mean, for example, when firing a bow marksman affects damage, so does the "bow" skill in that case just affect accuracy?

>> No.26392873


Increase accuracy and damage. Which means that yes, both Bow and Marksman makes your shot hit harder.

>> No.26417939

I fucking LOVE One Way Heroics but as >>26379943
says they're not quite the same.

>> No.26420942

I wish south tyris was less of a hole some of the towns there are kind of cool.
Lumiest is great though, wish it had a place to cook food early in the game though.
