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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 504 KB, 1920x1080, Blue.Archive.full.3010621.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
25581004 No.25581004 [Reply] [Original]

This general is for discussing Japanese Mobile Games that don't have their own dedicated general elsewhere. Occasionally some Chinese and Korean games will be discussed too.

>List of frequently discussed games and guides for them:

Read this pastebin about how to get around region locks for both Android and iOS:


>> No.25582378
File: 192 KB, 900x500, EfwvZueU0AIu_iZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder if this means they're going to be adding Kanon and Shiho this time. Last year they had the same three BGHS VAs on for the first stream they did, but they only ended up as cameos.
Fuck, I better get to farming.

>> No.25586254
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I don't expect they're adding anything new, I got the impression this was just a straight rerun.
If it does add new characters, I'll need to start grinding too. since I've got nothing saved.

>> No.25587345

Assuming the beta had one, what exactly is the story in Blue Archive about?

>> No.25588354

Isabelle and Evante solo rateup banners coming soon in PoE

>> No.25590088

>two sets of ears
Fucking gooks can't do anything right.

>> No.25593179
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Not the best RNG, but I'll take it.

>> No.25595650

How do you make ursula do damage. Mine doesn't seem to do much compared to ones posted earlier even with attack gear so not sure if I'm missing something.

>> No.25595691

You're missing levels and stars.

>> No.25595861

So what's the big take away with the new update in shironeko?

>> No.25597982

Almost everything in this game is dependent on good gear

>> No.25598775
File: 239 KB, 913x811, Screenshot_20200820-133201__01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meanwhile my luck goes like this.

>> No.25599041

>genshin still didnt hit 1 million preregisters for global
safe to say 3 million wont be reached

>> No.25599510

Do I play the global server or the JP server?

>> No.25599535

You play the one that won't be the first to shut down.

>> No.25599546

It's regional. Yurop, burgerland, and greater chinkland.

>> No.25599699

Hoping this doesn't need a VPN.

>> No.25599703

50 more character levels.
Higher stats, and 10k -> 100k hp.
Also archers get a new stronger shot, other classes will get new stuff later.

>> No.25599725

Apparently they only divided in china/non-china since JP preregisters has the same number as EN preregisters.

>> No.25600316

Honestly, I wish the 3 star purples didn't require 2k in luck to unlock as extra drops.

>> No.25602170

JP > SEA > Global

>> No.25602231

Takes like 40k rainbows to go from 101>150. Garbage ass chaguma 2020 boss is in coop pool too and you just sit around for 3 minutes shooting basketballs and tennis balls back that your new levels don't help with at all

>> No.25602275

Only good thing I'm seeing is that it the leveling up coop gives boss tickets.

>> No.25608883

Apparently you can get gems if your guild members use your character as support. Hope everyone got in a guild.

>> No.25612788

what emu you guys use? feel like memu is running new games like garbage recently

>> No.25613728


>> No.25613878
File: 18 KB, 370x320, 47760131@2x.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Twisted Wonderland just made 600 000 000¥ (5.8 million murribucks) in 3 days with the rate up of a permanent SSR.

This is the biggest bullshit I have seen in the last 5 years, it's more than most games make in a whole month. Has there ever been a bigger earning on a permanent rate up? Because all I can name as a counterargument are limited gacha.

>> No.25615217

>Twisted Wonderland
Can someone please stop Disney?

>> No.25615309

GBF gets that every roulette.

>> No.25615391

This is a rerun of a permanent character rate up with no free rolls promotion. They've had 0 new content this month because of scheduling issues and still doubled their sales.

>> No.25616322
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>> No.25616540

>tfw my guild died just a week before this event

>> No.25617205

I'm still wondering if they are actually manipulating sales rank like what happened on Kusopl dead Babel game.

>> No.25617384

I thought so too, but they were featured on TV this week. There was also an article published on the game's immense growth and user stats.

>> No.25617415

Never underestimate Disney fanatics.

>> No.25617437

I didn't even know you could set characters as support, how do I do that?

>> No.25617577

Go to a new tab in guild menu and see for yourself

>> No.25617638
File: 423 KB, 611x343, 1589726448399.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait what the fuck is this, I just got 49 and tried volcano daily t2 first time and see this. Do the units get exhausted and can't be used after each skull fight?

>> No.25617693

Only once, I assume for 3rd world it will happen twice

>> No.25617974

Yes, they are exhausted for the fight after. You can use them again after that. I think for the 3rd volcano they are permanently usuable for the rest of the run.
A few weeks ago it used to be the same for the 2nd one too where they'd be unusable after but I guess it got changed. Usually you should be fine with just sacrificing a party of low leveled benched girls with OK equipment for the skull battles since they aren't very hard.

>> No.25618920

I'm blind as shit or something i don't see it. I see the guild war tab or something with the roaming monsters but I don't see where to set a share unit.

>> No.25619010

It's one of the buttons on the lower part of that screen jesus anon

>> No.25619070

I felt retarded cause I found it after I posted. I had failed to see those tiny icons twice looking in here cause I was distracted with the moving monsters on the screen. Also realized that the guilds I'm in are fucking dead as shit and leaving them gives me a 7 day waiting period to join a new one?

>> No.25619110

8 hours grace period and event starts in 21 hours, but you'll want to apply before the nips go to bed.

>> No.25619247
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So this is the power of money

>> No.25619679
File: 230 KB, 1207x525, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know to register for the beta of that new Castlevania mobage Moonlight Rhapsody ?


>> No.25619951

Trying to understand why he put Ursula in front row. Also I guess I need to max Ursula too and he probably has Lisa be tanky if she's in front or it doesn't matter at his level of whale, just yeet everything.

>> No.25620019

Wait the guild war already began?

>> No.25620055

Ursula isn't in that picture anon. And as you can see Lisa didn't even take damage. Only Isabelle and Sherry took damage. This boss probably only attacks the row in front of it.

You are free to do test runs against the enemies but the actual rounds have not started yet.

>> No.25620068

Isabella does THAT much damage?

>> No.25620112

Whoops meant Isabella. My mental thinks Isabella looks like an Ursula, I don't know.

Surprised Isabella survived that though and I don't get why sherry is in back. Sure she's sp feeding for more ougis but other then that I don't get it. I'm pretty chimp at strats with this game and other targetting logics.

>> No.25620199

That boss only attacks the middle row.

>> No.25620510
File: 314 KB, 1407x727, Screenshot_20200821-101359__01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My feeble attempt went as expected.

>> No.25620659

Isabella gains a damage buff every time she is attacked so that's why he has her in front with the boss right there. The guy is lv 70 so no doubt his Isabella has probably around 1.3+ mil HP which is enough to tank. Her ougi deals supplemental burn damage at the end of it that is equivalent to a % of her ougi's damage IIRC. He probably has equipment that helps boost her attack or damage so he's getting more reward from the extra burn damage off of ougi.

>> No.25621098

You won't get any replies here son

>> No.25621765


Thought this wasn't global mobage only crowd here.

>> No.25621915

This is PoE general now where we only occasionally also talk about other games

>> No.25622204

>Starting shit with PoE fags.
Why anon? It's not like they're being particularly obnoxious or disruptive.

>> No.25622348

Half this thread is PoE posts
Might as well move to /vg/ with how much they post.

>> No.25622423

Then again it's not like they have that many posts either. They probably can't sustain shit in /vg/.

>> No.25624149

There's always /vmg/

>> No.25625628

Isn't this hp buff thing really bad for characters that need t stay above a certain % of hp?

>> No.25626839
File: 40 KB, 549x427, 118177537_3471449932866715_4001564440116341776_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This has been mined from the game “Alice Gear Aegis” along with Aya’s name. Pretty sure we can expect our name collab to be with this game, and to have Aya playable in it
Uhhhhh PTD BROS.

Remember the last time a dying school based game got a collab with them?

>> No.25627640

Nice. Good thing I play both so I can probably get all the rewards unlike in their collab with Revue Starlight.

>> No.25627959

>every alive guild is either trash or asks for 800k+ power

>> No.25628048

I don't even know if the guild I'm in is dead or alive.

>> No.25629457
File: 354 KB, 508x287, 12113786055f3f3af30a4910026.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Their intention was to make healers not mostly useless but I guess we will have to wait and see.

>> No.25630494
File: 62 KB, 375x525, Hakkun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude decided to stop looking like a dork, I guess.

>> No.25633895

>evante rate up
>just in time for GW

>> No.25634436
File: 348 KB, 2048x2048, Am_cb-1283053676408590339-20200714_080009-img1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>CV: 高坂知也

>> No.25642872

>Left my guild because I realized only 5 of us active out of 23
>Cant' find any guild that's remotely halfway decent, either full or lvl 1 afk leaders
I hate it so much.

>> No.25645967
File: 13 KB, 274x180, 1576401931619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh shit there's an usage limit. RIP me

>> No.25646986

>Only have enough resources to upgrade 1 main team and around 2 extra characters while all the rest are level 1.
Well that's RIP to me too.

>> No.25648378

>can field 2 full teams without even subbing in supports
All of my mistakes have finally paid off.

>> No.25651087
File: 335 KB, 900x508, Ef_jm5xVAAAmSqd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

play Miku's game

>> No.25651858

I'm only interested in JRPGs.

>> No.25658714

so you're only interested in Another Eden since all other "rpg" gachas are auto

>> No.25659202

Are they seriously collaborating with a dead mobage? Does BGHS even have any running stuff now?

>> No.25659558

Same company.

>> No.25659946

What's the point of a BGHS collab when the franchise is dead?

>> No.25659999


>> No.25660580

Shilling new merchandise.

>> No.25661835
File: 73 KB, 272x163, 392.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>barely top400
fug, hope we don't drop it at least

>> No.25662270

>Only managed to get 6k points because I only have 8 characters ready.
Damn with the lack of resources in this game, making 3 full teams would be difficult.

>> No.25662273
File: 1.56 MB, 1152x1511, 1570204648556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Try to get a ton of people playing the game to get addicted to headpats and fond of the girls
>After 4 years, finish up the story, disband the class, graduate the 3rd years, and pull the game
>Now have a bunch of Sensei hoping to find their students again
But they constantly bungled management of the game so I don't think they ever got the fervor they wanted out of many players that weren't already fans of the various VAs. Especially considering 5ch called the director a wanted criminal in the thread title for 3.5 years of its service life and futuba still makes threads to shitpost in about it. And of course they only seem to do Miki plus the extra popular girls, so there's little chance anyone else will be involved in other games.

They also had a collab with an idol arcade game, but that started right when Corona-chan was ramping up and started leaving China.

So, this collab, which is a rerun that already happened a year ago, is somewhat out of nowhere. Aside from the possibility that the dev team has not had enough time to really work on new content thanks to Corona-chan, there's not much of a clear reason to rerun it and do a stream with the VAs if they aren't adding anyone. Well, you don't care about that but there's a few of us that had already started AGA back when BGHS management was clearly trying to piss everyone off.

>> No.25665772
File: 686 KB, 1241x1754, EfQQsuSUcAIMIBX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The original run of the collab was shortly after the shutdown, so it was kinda like a farewell to the game.
And also like a few of the girls jumped to a new game, after graduating from their original one.
I always kinda figured it was gonna be a one-time-only collab because of it.

>> No.25666055

Not that using a certain font and font color is exactly copyrighted, but that feels vaguely distinct of how PriConne designed it. Unless I'm remembering incorrectly.

>> No.25666092

Can whales even buy exp pots with gems?

>> No.25666942

Yes. 3 gems per purple exp pot. Infinite stock

>> No.25667487
File: 25 KB, 390x205, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope we stay in the top 100 at least. Was top 50 briefly at the start.

>> No.25670269

That's not actually true, but okay, whatever. There's nothing anyone could say to change your mind.

>> No.25671931

You're higher than me, I am in the 400 bracket. I think my guild is staying put unless all the members in the guild starts using their 3 participations each day.

>> No.25672719
File: 212 KB, 910x810, Screenshot_20200823-094431__01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no attack
Into the trash it goes.

>> No.25674943

One day into this guild battle shit in POE and I'm already bored.

>> No.25675258
File: 14 KB, 371x128, Screenshot_20200823-130433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apply yourself.

>> No.25675438 [SPOILER] 
File: 23 KB, 450x396, 1598152768403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got 20k the first day. Can probably get a higher score today but I just did my equipment stage dailies and then fucked off. Will probably do my guild battle runs later after I finish farming for GBF's guild war

>> No.25675486

The time you took to reply was time away from farming more meat, slave.

>> No.25676117

Prereg rewards are always fake and gay, anon. Getting a large number looks good from a public perception. There's a reason why the facebook and youtube subs are only around 100k, since they can't fake them and those are easy numbers. I don't think anyone can name one game which didn't meet all the preregs, since it would just turn people off from playing it.

>> No.25676227

How on earth is this gonna stand up against GFL at this rate? It's like DMM shooting girls but with more budget!

>> No.25676245

no clue all I know is Im rerolling until I get the kobayashi yuu angel

>> No.25679157

Just use it on Iris

>> No.25679749

>zombie shaking leg
i stop shaking my leg every time i saw this

>> No.25679902

>golem fucking steals evante's immunity to attacks for 2 hits

>> No.25681149

yeah probably not preregs
but saga fails to meet every milestone right now for their social campaigns, that game is actually done for i think

>> No.25681809

>view tweet
>comfy bgm playing in the back
>check out BA's OST
Holy fuck, this is nice.

>> No.25682589

Listening through more of the stuff and it really sounds like some of the tracks were done by snail's house or yunomi or someone with a similar style.

>> No.25685748

Fuck. I wasn't supposed to play this game but it sounds like it came off my dead soundcloud stream.

>> No.25687238

Actually I want to change my mind, so feel free to tell me how most RPG gachas arent about auto. I used to like OPTC because you had to make teams according to the stage you wanted to clear, but now you can just do it with broken shit and not thinking.

>> No.25691063
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>Lovely Picnic

>> No.25692807
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Rip in pieces

>> No.25692824

At least you got SSRs

>> No.25693004

Only technically, those 2 are literally the worst SSRs in a game

>> No.25693495
File: 1.62 MB, 2270x1080, Screenshot_20200824-061637.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>realize I'm finally strong enough to comfortably auto 11-1
>start autoing today
>5 runs in
Took way less time than me getting a 4* from 9-3.

>> No.25694507
File: 1.53 MB, 2388x1668, image0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got him four minutes before the event ended and then passed out.

>> No.25694521

What's a comfy 11-1 look like so I know what to remember in a month.

>> No.25694628
File: 547 KB, 680x382, 1571143366264.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sweet, now nobody will pick on me anymore. Based dupes.

>> No.25695035

Being grossly overleveled in my case.
Quinn | Bridget
Evante | Lisa
Monika | Noel
was my formation. I just left it on auto and by the time it ended on average I had just the backline left alive. 1.16m power. The first time I tried this I barely succeeded while having to manually time my ougis with ~900k power. Haven't grown many levels since then either. Just crazy how spending a week and a half going back to older stages and farming 5* gear from RNG encounters can do.

>> No.25695387

I'm still struggling to get 4* drops from randoms.

>> No.25697573
File: 1.39 MB, 2340x1080, Screenshot_20200824-082527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gotta catch them all.

>> No.25697834

kys lucknigger

>> No.25700953
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I feel so terrible.

>> No.25701410
File: 94 KB, 420x798, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're not alone.

>> No.25703158
File: 290 KB, 320x400, Ef1rVydVAAA0hys.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Next feature scout is Souma with 4* Natsume. Souma's story is about designing costumes.

"Sunlit Smile!" is now in-game. Heard that the expert map is fun, but I wonder how bad Wataru's hair would clip.

>> No.25705092
File: 271 KB, 1280x720, EgK9ZwzUYAAXUNM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Compass is out of maintenance and has updated. 2525BM has been given out as part of the stream rewards and there are two free single-pull UR gachas - one for fire and one for earth. These will be available until the 6th September. Pierre's cards have also been added and can only be obtained via silver tickets until the 6th, after which they will be added to the standard card pool.
Matoi's season rewards will be distributed on the 26th.

Kitsunegasaki will be available after maintenance on the 31st - a login campaign featuring hero tickets will be there along with an increased rate hero gacha for her.

That's all for now!

>> No.25705752

I didn't get a single 4* last week, at least yours can be used for luck drops

>> No.25708050
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>> No.25708975
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>2 CDs, one with a new song
Damn, that anon was right about them pushing merch

I somehow still don't have any outfit bags.
Or enough scout tickets. But both are pretty much my own fault.

>> No.25709524
File: 1.39 MB, 1920x1080, asd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do those ever change? I don't run out of medals even if I buy all the bags and why would I ever buy 2* equips

>> No.25710549
File: 521 KB, 720x924, 1531466050271.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, neat, was hoping for swimsuits back at the original run.
Hope I can at least get Sadone's, with my 2 bags and whatever else we get this time.
And yeah, gonna have to try to save up a few scout tickets as well.

>> No.25710620
File: 1.77 MB, 1276x718, 1598271339269.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25712093

>failed to get all the BGHS characters and they are releasing even more
Fuck, i tried to reroll but failed to get them and now it's too late.

>> No.25713109

Watch Azul PU doubling those numbers

>> No.25714001

Are they trting to milk a BGHS Re:Dive?

>> No.25714182

The game official twitter is still alive and even celebrated 5th anniversary last April, despite the game had been dead for a year, so I doubt they would let the franchise rest in peace.

>> No.25714536


getting seizures from this

>> No.25719829 [SPOILER] 
File: 612 B, 150x150, 1598303460258.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Doubled the threads per page, so /vg/ can have 200 threads instead of 100. This has an exponential effect of making threads take 10 hours to die instead of 45 minutes
don't know how true this is but /vg/ is slow as fuck now so you guys should consider moving back

>> No.25719859
File: 80 KB, 523x200, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I'm getting these errors on 4chanX now.

>> No.25719925

yeah i get those too, but looks like it only affects old threads and not new ones? just open it in another browser or private window and wait for 4chanx to update

>> No.25719979

Is this related to Final Gear?

>> No.25720210

already updated on chrome, check the store

>> No.25720466
File: 145 KB, 279x503, nice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only have 10-1 cleared and just got this

>> No.25720941

Give it to me.

>> No.25721189

Damn that's a great weapon to put on someone like Bridget or any tank that doesn't have auto-guard.

>> No.25729744
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>> No.25729837
File: 1.83 MB, 1560x720, card_still_full1_2510_normal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Souma's feature scout is now live. The 3*s are Aira and Tatsumi.
>Tomoya appears in Tatsumi's story
This is the third gacha set in a row where he appears in a story. What the fuck?

>> No.25730936

not too sure about this. Maybe not directly but i think in someway is related because it has characters from Armor girls which inspired Final Gear.

>> No.25741253

This looks ok, I like the attack animations


>> No.25741523

damn this looks nice
definitely play it once it comes out

>> No.25743777

>come back after years
>scooter isn't even listed anymore
It kinda hurts to see. So what's actually any good nowadays?

>> No.25744051

scooter spirits got its own general years ago already
it died for a few years but recently spawned back on /vmg/ I believe

>> No.25750190

Is Disgaea as trash as it seems? Basic bitch auto battler. Lobby clicking gives generic battle grunts. Practically no one in the default gacha pool, and banners have a miniscule rate up. Bunny cunny looks to have been a timed exclusive, but her alternate is only SR so I figured I might be able to get her. But because of the miniscule rate up on banners, I didn't pull her, and it looks like there's not much freebie shekels to go for a second try.

>> No.25750359

The new content thing in shironeko is kinda hard with everything hitting through skill animations. If it shows icons does that mean the class gets a buff there?

>> No.25751019

I think they are increasing random encounter rate in the tower. Holy shit

>> No.25751049

I wonder if they are increasing the limit on how many you can get a day too or just increasing rate so that you can more easily get all 3 within the first 10. Either way it'll be nice if I can stop having to spend crystals to refresh.

>> No.25752428

RomaSaga Re;Universe JP stream soon


holy fuck Battle Island tier 3 difficulty is c a n c e r

>> No.25769130
File: 34 KB, 1005x486, 1589591773223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice, there's a skip function for the board game. At the end you can do all the mini games you land on.

>> No.25769619

I just don't want to do the mini games at all desu. I'd take half the rewards if I didn't have to do them.

>> No.25770018

Thank fucking god. It was annoying as shit to have to keep rolling the dice manually.

>> No.25770072
File: 260 KB, 1064x1012, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Went 6 tower battles without an encounter with the new buffed rates.

>> No.25770278

Do unused entry tokens for the tower carry over to the next day?

>> No.25771923

I don't know anon the increased rates worked for me. I got 3 bonus encounters with just 10 tower battles.

>> No.25772466

I had 1 in 10. No drops though to compensate it.

>> No.25775073
File: 298 KB, 320x400, EgP0mFKVAAA4bIA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Advent! The Neverland that Begins to Weave" starts on August 31, 3 PM JST.
>Shu returns from overseas to prepare for the “Japan Neverland Cup”. Mika is also prepping up, in line with Shu’s return, but he got stuck at a dead end.
Someone pointed out that the outfits look like the Dead End Land ones. Wataru's in here too, as a 3* along with Nagisa.
>3/9 of Dramatica

>> No.25776685

>Mei not only has shit skills but also needs high speed to even make use of them because lmao one turn
I feel like Kate is strictly superior to her if you plan to run anything with heal

>> No.25776768
File: 618 KB, 1620x1080, 45cd26b5c77718c47c8cd627a91f6afe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When is this coming out?

>> No.25777070

jesus christ those tits were made for paizuri

>> No.25777233

looks too big for playable unit. more suitable for event boss unit

>> No.25777570
File: 4.02 MB, 609x319, ezgif-7-d2db23a897ae.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

surprisingly she is playable
there are other characters that are just as big

>> No.25777583
File: 3.24 MB, 470x397, 584_2019010393700526.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

robo horse pussy

>> No.25777816

nice. but im trying to imagine few of this size unit on my side. Not used to seeing chibi this big.

there better be spider pussy as well.

>> No.25787986

Wait a second, are we not getting gems for GW because it was a test one?

>> No.25788081
File: 78 KB, 407x184, s.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nevermind, it was just delayed a bit
110 rolls 0 evante

>> No.25788864


Anyone pulling for SaGa 2, good fucking luck

they also buffed pity from 1000 coins on multi to 1300 coins on multi so your safety net is now 12 multis

>> No.25790668
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I hope the new event gives out growth mat similar Lisa's event.

>> No.25791491
File: 156 KB, 973x1188, EfjWLd5VAAA2B6r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally filled out the first stamp card, only to get a dupe on the guarantee. Seems my Ciela compu ends here, but at least I tried. No Satera either, so RNG perfectly avoided the two I wanted the most and gave me the other three instead.

>> No.25791896
File: 516 KB, 1298x813, Screenshot_20200828-095247__01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got all the dupes that I wanted.

>> No.25792001

>4 for 40
>meanwhile I'm 100 rolls without a SSR so far in Sherry's banner
Fuck you and fuck this bitch I'm saving for Summer Isabelle and will be ready to cry when I get nothing from her banner too.

>> No.25792278

I've been fine in Sherry's just not getting her. Just gonna save for event I guess and try to get spooked by her. Not like I have funds / resources to be maxing more shit, the daily slog is so slow with resource gain to rank units, really want another event so I can just buy stam refills and get maximum value again.

>> No.25793026

wow this place really turned into poe general
guess the sagafags ended up moving to vmg then?

>> No.25793373
File: 788 KB, 1000x1414, 82979518.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I lost Ciela comp at RS. Still don't have that version despite dumping hard into it every time.

>> No.25793488

>Finally break into world 9 gear dungeon
>Beat 9-1 pretty easily
>9-2 this knight in the backline is hitting me for 300k
Okay dude settle down. How the fuck you supposed to win.

>> No.25795283
File: 2.20 MB, 1760x6432, 2020Survey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll just leave this here. Three Years of MagiReco and /PMMM/!

>> No.25795306
File: 2.51 MB, 2904x2285, Saga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ive been playing through Romancing Saga and I made it to chapter 6. I've sort of hit a wall. Attached is my current main team, formation and the SS ive obtained so far.

I just need to be pointed in the right direction, which is my experience with SaGa as a whole. Should I stop doing chapter 6 and hit up Hard to start getting weapons and gear from there to evolve? Should I be changing up my team to add a character that has the ability to heal? Maybe do a different formation? I got White Rose and Rocbouquet on my latest pull.

Just a knock in the right direction should help get me on my feat to not feel confused 100% of the time while playing.

>> No.25795689

>limiteds not even two months into a game

>> No.25796011

World Flopper had them like 3 weeks into the game's life.

>> No.25797018

Yes, and?

>> No.25797193

Fast Quin + Monica is generally enough to solve any backline problem.

>> No.25797983
File: 1.13 MB, 1920x2148, yikes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you need to kill every single unit for it to count as a win
Time to run 4 tanks + 2 heals

>> No.25798057

>majority voted for EN server to play on

>> No.25798106
File: 170 KB, 1778x1000, ohnonono.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25798225

Kek, well done

>> No.25798309

You have christmas units but by the looks of your overall units I'd say you've been playing for a couple days. What the fuck have you been doing? Hitting a wall means you've been trying to do something for a while but your shit's so weak there's no way you've been stuck for more than an afternoon. My overall advice is to just play more. Chapter 6 isn't even that important to clear. After you got all the expeditions unlocked the story missions lose importance. If you can't clear chapter 6 then go to chapter 1 hard or do some events or whatever it is that you can do.

Anyway, if you need more hand holding then your party CP is low as fuck. Get more stats.
Your weapons suck ass. Get at least some A rank weapons for now until you can get better.
You're using shit units. Use better ones like Sophia, Gustave, Blue, Rogue, Ginny, White Rose, Azami. You have some of the best units currently and still you're using trash.
Use the skill inheritance system. Hector is only good as a budget flowing slash machine, yet you don't have even that. If you have A Emerald use Flame Whip, A Rogue get Shadow Chains. These are just examples, use your brain for more.
Use the expeditions and skip tickets. You clearly haven't.

>> No.25799042

Never had this problem. Maybe Mei really is that bad.

>> No.25800907

>got into punishing gray raven JP beta test too
damn feels good

>> No.25809365
File: 725 KB, 537x718, bghs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>always rolled Shiho pretty easily back in BGHS
>joke to myself i will get her in a single roll in AGA
>it really happens
Well shit, i wish i was able to get the other characters too but at least they give them as 3* for free.

>> No.25809665

This Girl Cafe event is a pain in the ass with the NPC you have to protect.

>> No.25813955

>did one last ten roll on Sherry's banner
>first SSR in over 100 rolls
>Sara dupe
Buffs when?

>> No.25814013

Just wait for the alternate costume version bro. I am honestly expecting Summer Isabella to be stronger than the normal version.

>> No.25814233

>Pull a priconne and the summer versions are worse and more niche
I can't wait.

>> No.25814507

Every new unit that's been added to the game has been pretty strong so far or at least nothing has been close to Sara/Shou/Mei tier so I have hopes.

>> No.25814850
File: 1.84 MB, 1480x720, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As an AiraP I've needed that school uniform 3* since fucking forever. They were even so generous as to throw in a cute second-year Midori for free.

>> No.25815286

Do you guys buy refreshes for weapon dungeon? Does the refresh guarantee another random encounter? I've been buying volcano daily extras of the crystals trying to power boost faster but getting a fat piece of gear seems better but not as consistent.

>> No.25815333
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>> No.25815385
File: 295 KB, 320x400, EgURIVmU4AAIINW.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Scout! Wasteland Flowers" begins on the 30th at 3 PM. JST. 5* Nagisa and 4* Subaru.
>Nagisa returns to Yumenosaki Academy, which he used to study at. There, he meets the basketball club who are having club activities. They exchange greetings, but Nagisa's objective lies elsewhere...
Are EdenPs okay?

Rhythm Link's limited 5th anniversary gacha started too.
>Rei: Rhythm Link's Vampire
>Adonis: Rhythm Link's Kindness
>Nazuna: Rhythm Link's Caretaker
>Tomoya: Rhythm Link's Promising Future
>Kuro: Rhythm Link's Chivalry
>Souma: Rhythm Link's Grace

Happy birthday to Adonis and Midori. A pain to grind two birthday campaigns, though.

Interactions are back in !! too, but only in-unit for now, which makes me pissed. Hoping that circle interactions get added in soon.

The story's pretty cute. https://ensemble-stars.fandom.com/wiki/Aira_Shiratori/Idol_Story/Do_The_Norm
Aira literally joined the basketball team in order to watch good-looking boys. Also it's nice to see Chiaki and Midori's interactions again.
Aira's school uniform reminds me a lot of Tomoya's, to be honest. At least Tomoya doesn't wear his vest during the summer.

>> No.25815954
File: 481 KB, 1817x771, Screenshot_20200829-110844__01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's fast.

>> No.25817031

She eventually gets strong enough to almost not get damaged at the 12th stage. Just level up her HP and defense skills first if you're having a hard time.

>> No.25819128

Shironeko, is tempest coop still king for exp grinding?

>> No.25819909

I just do the leveling quest instead for now.

>> No.25820767

just release it already

>> No.25821759

The 150 level up ones are good for rank exp? I hate how shitty some of them are and they eat quite a bit of time too

>> No.25823128

CBT ended yesterday
so it should be soonish

>> No.25823695


>> No.25828277

Hey uhh
/vg/ had doubled its thread catalog. There are now 200 standing threads possible.
You can come back if you want but youre gonna have to pick a new name to not get mixed up with /vmg/

>> No.25828469

this thread is for japanese mobile games (actually its really just a poe general with a few posts of other games on the side) and theres /vmg/ for random English mobile games without a thread so there is no reason to go anywhere

>> No.25828526
File: 1.52 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20200830-011712.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did I do to deserve this gachagods? Rolling all three on banner in one ten roll means I'm surely going to have some tragedy happen wwww

>> No.25829462

If there are any anons still playing Blue Oath here, is Wichita limited in JP? I heard before that she was limited in the CN version.

>> No.25831445

Both /vmg/ and /vg/ are slow now, but there isn't really any problem in staying here (and the shitposting seems to have died down after /vmg/ was created so there is that.)

>> No.25834616

remember to choose either esper girl or human warrior (male) to get 5x stats

>> No.25837127


>> No.25838400

Why are some people so eager about moving to /vg/ again?

>> No.25838422

/jp/ needs more space for their touhou and hololive threads.

>> No.25838867

Ignore them, they're just false flaggers in general.

the Another Eden crew moved out so we're basically left with games that actually only have a Japanese community presence.

So people acting like we're even one community who should move to /vg/ are just newfag tourists.

>> No.25838972

cool but

>> No.25841328

Holy shit rerolling in AGA is such a fucking chore. Anyone has an account that has both *4 Shiho and her swimsuit?

>> No.25842083

Reroll by transferring the account to DMM to get easy 10 rolls.
>Make new one in mobile
>Transfer to DMM client
>Roll free 10 tix
>Make new in mobile if fail

>> No.25842357

>human warrior (male)
It's just Human (male).

>> No.25842587

>Japanese community presence
I don't know why you're so proud pretending to able to read japanese but only play fotm shit that already has reddit translation

>> No.25843031

Can someone tell me what to reroll for in Romancing SaGa other than White Rose?

>> No.25843077

How do you transfer to dmm? Do l need a dmm account?

>> No.25843758

Gustave, Rocboquet, Ginny, Katarina, Blue, Final Emperor. Something like that. It doesn't really matter. You'll get a lot of rolls that don't require jewels from different sources and you'll end up with a bunch of SS styles. Just get White Rose and whatever.

>> No.25844302
File: 1.79 MB, 1080x2156, Screenshot_2020-08-30-09-48-50-473_com.square_enix.android_googleplay.RSRSWW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I got this account with Katarina and WR but otherwise it doesn't seem so good

>> No.25845205

Fuck it I got an account with WR and Kongming that's good enough.

>> No.25846879

When is ソボロ助廣 coming back tenka bros
English games are discussed in /vmg/ friends.

>> No.25846957
File: 223 KB, 1134x448, 4353465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>release a banner with a girl i wanted
>i went all in and got some copies
>devs release her event version right next to her original one
Is that was a ultimate rat tactics? Because i feel cucked.

>> No.25847089

>he didn't know about the datamine
at least arena is resetting soon too...

>> No.25847192

That's exactly why releasing different versions of same characters is completely retarded shit in mobage. And stupid consoomers doesnt mind being cucked at all so they dont complain.

>> No.25847833

Yes, I'd much rather prefer we get seasonal paid-only skins than entirely separate characters we can roll for free.

>> No.25848027

No, people are actually just happy she gets another version/design and have enough money to spend on.
You should have quit that gacha if dupes are necessary in the first place. And if they aren't necessary then you literally cucked yourself by rolling past her first copy

>> No.25848961

They aren't necessary but they do speed up character progression.

>> No.25849434

>the Another Eden crew moved out so we're basically left with games that actually only have a Japanese community presence.

AE basically only got a few posts per thread and I dont really want to cringe at the shipping posts or other turbo yikes posts in the /vmg/ thread like people praising the english dub so i'm still here

>> No.25849632

poor anon, is the saga discussion getting in the way of your poe general? You guys should rebrand yourself as /poeg/ next thread because its the only approved mbgg game these days

>> No.25850208

Nice quoting fail /vmg/ friend, /poeg/ would at least be in the right place if it was here. English game discussion now has a board, so take Saga there instead of forcing discussion with braindead topics that are already covered in the moonrune wikis and shitposting when no one here cares.

>> No.25853371

Nothing in the board rules says that /vmg/ is for English mobile games only, and I see Japanese mobile games discussed quite often there, too.

>> No.25853651

The board rules however say that generals are not allowed in /vmg/ and /mbgg/ is obviously a general so it has no reason to go there.

>> No.25853839

I am aware, but do you seriously think that all discussion of Japanese mobile games would go into a single thread on /vmg/?

>> No.25853949

Not him but absolutely lots of games aren't big enough to substation a thread and someone already tried to make a Japanese only thread at the begining of /vmg/ and it failed miserably because the board users only play English shit

>> No.25854154 [DELETED] 

What's the point of making different threads in /vmg/ about an all these obscure JP kusoge that only around 3 people here play per game? Separating the threads in /vmg/ would likely mean that each of the threads will die before you can even get a reply.

>> No.25854202

What's the point of making different threads in /vmg/ about an all these obscure JP kusoge that only around 3 people here play per game? Separating the threads in /vmg/ would likely mean that each of the threads will die before you can even get a reply.

>> No.25854457

I dunno, the Re:Stage thread is still alive and well, and it's not like all the threads about games in English are thriving there, either.

>> No.25854487

/mbgg/ - Pride of eden & discussion and meta discussion about other boards

>> No.25855189
File: 27 KB, 106x106, 1574588300256.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still remember when this was priconne general. It is what it is man.

>> No.25855881
File: 379 KB, 1593x2048, EggpdcDVoAAAzx2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

September's ranked season is based on Luciano - I'm predicting a dapper white version of his suit.
Kitsunegasaki in less than 24 hours, I pray my 33 hero tickets will be enough.

>> No.25857225

I wouldn't call 1-post-every-ten-hours being well

Please play Re:Stage

>> No.25857282

Where did they say that? Are lifetime rewards resetting too?

>> No.25857523

The arena season resets with every new month. If what you mean by lifetime rewards is the ranking milestone rewards then yes those reset each season too.

>> No.25858830

Maybe when it's playable on iOS outside of Japan without the need to jump through hoops.

>> No.25860419
File: 2.16 MB, 2270x1080, Screenshot_20200831-070515.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus christ that's a lot of attack

>> No.25861500

Welcome to /jp/ champ

>> No.25861781

So if all the girls get some sort of animal likeness / mutation, what's Isabella's spirit animal?

>> No.25861894
File: 417 KB, 1080x1563, EgkfqdiVkAEQ-2D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ophiophagus hannah -> King Cobra

>> No.25861922

She's a king cobra.

>> No.25862149

Why is PoE so popular here anyways? I thought most people dropped it.

>> No.25862212

what is it even, reminds me of azur lane but I hated that game. art looks nice in PoE so I kind of want to try it

>> No.25862289

There hasn't been any good fotm since its release. Waiting room for genshin and blue archive now.

>> No.25862351

mbgg hasn't shilled me anything else and it has a comfy enough gameplay loop / surprisingly generous rolls / gems amount I'm fine playing it.

Genshin probably get it's own gen almost immediately but blue archive probably be new fotm. Still hoping for PGR soonish too but it might delay os it doesn't compete with genshin in global market for a bit anyway.

>> No.25862367

It's a weird turn-based version of Priconne. Shares a lot of similarities to pricunny except the battle system. Game is played on autoplay for the most part except you can choose when to activate your characters' ougis which is probably the most important thing in the game because timing on ougi activations can be the reason why you win or lose a hard fight. Formation positioning and turn order also matter a lot, meaning Speed is a very important stat to manage and manipulate. Plays nothing like Azur Lane outside of being an autobattler for the most part.

I think it's worth a try but my harshest criticism of the game so far would be how much certain SSR characters are just drastically much stronger than all other characters in the game. Rerolling is heavily advised but the devs hate rerollers since I think you are forced to use the sole 10 roll you get after the tutorial on a guaranteed SSR pull that is fixed to 1 SSR out of a pool of 3 - of which only 1 is considered decent and all 3 are defender-type characters that can't carry. During the first week of playing you will get a few singles each day adding up to a total of 40 pulls I believe? I forget, but basically if you want to reroll you may have to keep track of several accounts and roll on them each day rather than trying to do one account at a time since you'll only have a few singles after the guaranteed SSR scam and the rates are 3%. Luckily right now there is a banner for the strongest character in the game so if you want to reroll you can at least try to go for her.

>> No.25862392

Blue Archive might get its own general too from Yostarfags in /vg/, even if it's just JP. After all /alg/ started off as JP only and did well before it exploded in growth thanks to EN release.

>> No.25862424

princess connect was a miss for me but PoE being auto turn based makes me wanna try it for fun. is the game generous or is it usually just during special celebrations? is it on DMM?

>> No.25862511

It's fairly consistent in gem gain which is surprising. YOu get a fairly huge chunk up front from quest completion / first time stuff in dungeon map / story book and other modes. Between the board game mini-games, dailies, pvp daily rewards and other misc you can rake in honestly like 350+ gems a day, pvp reset is fat chunk and if guild war becomes monthly that's another fat chunk. I went balls deep on rolls on some of my accounts like the Sherry one on her launch, probably 50-60 on each for her with another 20-30 or so over the next week or two and most are back up to 6k-10k gems again ready for summer Isabella.

Hell this is with me consistently buying the extra stuff from volcano daily too. The only complaint really is gear rng which can make or break how fast you can accelerate and like the other anon said, some units are just grossly superior to others, but a plus is that 2 of them are 100% farmable and farmable fairly early so it's just some time gating stuff. I like it kinda since it really sets up a "I'm done" for the day and I can play other shit.

>> No.25862675

The game has done two freebie giveouts so far, each of which gave a 10 roll to all players. They both happened during the first month though and it's been dry on that front for this past month.
There is no pity system for the gacha so you can very well do 100 rolls and get jackshit. Rate-ups for pickup banners are 1.5% so if you do ever get a SSR it's going to be a literal coinflip between the rate-up or an off-banner. Pretty generous to average depending on what kind of gacha games you've played before and are used to.
Crystals are used for a lot of different things in the game besides rolling. Sometimes it will feel like the game is trying to jew you into using crystals just to progress at a non-snail pace. However the game is at least very generous with crystal acquisition. PVP is probably the biggest source of crystal income. Similar to Priconne arena where there are one-time milestone rewards for your highest rank, along with a daily income dependent on your current placing. Very doable to get to a rank tier that lets you earn enough crystals for an entire roll per day - which would be 3 10s in a month. The milestone rewards for getting to that tier in the first place are also probably enough to add another 2 10 rolls a month, as the arena season resets on a monthly basis unlike Priconne.
Events are your usual box gacha kind of event where you do runs on event maps and get tokens to roll the event gacha with. We've only had one event so far but it was EXTREMELY generous as the boxes past the basic ones all gave great repeatable rewards including universal SSR fragments that you can use to limit break your characters' stars, and a hefty amount of crystals that was enough that you could spend a bunch of crystals on refills for event box farming and it would still be worth it.
Game also lets you skip most battles so farming things like materials or event tokens is very fast. Skip tickets do not exist so you can do it infinitely as long as you have the stamina.
Game gives you free stamina depending on the time of day but unlike Priconne if you miss that timeslot then you have to pay a very small amount of crystals to reclaim it which is still very much cheap and worth it.

I think overall the game is pretty generous with currency and rolls outside of the gacha being prone to fucking you in the ass due to no pity system. In terms of actual gameplay it can be slow but it's comfy at least due to not needed skip tickets to skip everything. Very nice sidegame overall.

>> No.25862771 [DELETED] 


>> No.25862863

fuck off nigger

>> No.25862902

thank you bros, downloading it now. sounds promising

>> No.25862949
File: 446 KB, 1024x465, 1598809785764.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else been playing Final Gear?
Im loving all the mechs

>> No.25863206
File: 2.18 MB, 2270x1080, Screenshot_20200831-100517.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>failed the coin flip two times
fuck, at least there's arena reset in like a day and a half

>> No.25863280

Isabella Swimsuit

6 Target AoE, reduce -150 SP, and reduce healing received by 35%

1 ST Front, reduce -150 SP

Ex Skill (basically passives):
Summer - Increase self dmg taken +5%, increase dmg given +10% to non-swimsuit chara.

Cool - When self and allies in same horizontal position uses ult and targets enemies, enemy won't gain SP

The powercreep is real

>> No.25863385

Nonno Swimsuit

Ult - Column AoE, 50% chance to blind for 1 turn

Special - 1 ST Front

Ex Skill
Summer - Increase self dmg taken +5%, increase dmg given +10% to non-swimsuit chara.

Cleaning - Each attack (except for coop-attack), will cleanse 1 enemy buff.

>dispel on all her attacks
Core for guild battle

>> No.25864405

The new PoE event battles are scaled to your level. HOWEVER there's a bug right now where losing still gives the rewards. Not sure if this is intended or an actual bug but you can clear the event pretty fast by just putting up a lv 1 R character and losing as fast as possible.

>> No.25864513

Correction: losing for rewards works until 1-11.

>> No.25864645

1-11 doesn't work but apparently 1-12 works...? I guess it's mixed depending on the stage.

>> No.25864730

>Those passives
That 2nd one is pure bullshit, she basically screws your whole backline in pvp it seems.

>> No.25864938
File: 303 KB, 729x363, 1549641671679.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hard stages from the Lisa event can still seem to be cleared using the all-in-one thing. Abuse now to get some extra tickets/Paroness fragments before they patch it.

>> No.25864966
File: 439 KB, 618x347, 1596209259169.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What rewards? I'm losing but I get nothing.

>> No.25865052

Think it's dependent on stage. I did everything up to 1-6 normally and then lost my way to 1-11 where it stopped working. 1-12 all the way up to Hard 1-3 worked again. Hard 1-4 does not.

>> No.25865143
File: 912 KB, 853x479, 1571678017727.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

35 rolls later no dupes. Time to fish on last account, other 2 I want didn't get her on them so hopefully pvp rewards pan out. Got fucking spooked by bridget (again). At least it's the useful starter.

>> No.25865456

The success/fail is also dependent on your character. The cow girl should work for stages that it's bugged for but using a character that has a skill that buffs/heals/does no damage 1st turn will fail. Characters that have a damage Turn 1 skill will pass even if they die before they can even act.

>> No.25866094

nice poe general

>> No.25866605

Damn I didn't get her after spending all my 20k gems.

>> No.25866885

Literally me with Sheryl's banner

>> No.25866920

You can roll Wichita in the gacha that just went up so not limited.

>> No.25867023

At least Sheryl is not limited anon. Now I have to get lucky with the gems I get within the event period or permanently lose the powercreep limited. I can't even spend gems to buy stamina for the event at this rate.

>> No.25867268
File: 1.43 MB, 1280x720, 1571053134195.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meanwhile one of my accounts got 5* super easy and still had 5k gems. Hope I get her on the ones I wanna keep.

>> No.25867682

Damn I really hope they implement a pity system in PoE soon.

>> No.25868818
File: 1.82 MB, 2340x1080, Screenshot_20200831-133529.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't seem to stop winning.

>> No.25869177
File: 320 KB, 640x360, 1574534519001.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25869765

>tfw had 5 ssrs in a row from 10 rolls
>now 70 rolls without one

>> No.25872871
File: 3.11 MB, 1920x1080, nice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh hey complaining worked I wanted evante more tho

>> No.25875539

Fuck this shit anon. Now I'm the one with 80 rolls with no SSRs. If I don't get her tomorrow with the pvp reset gems then fuck this game and its shit rates.

>> No.25889517
File: 1.56 MB, 2340x1080, Screenshot_20200830-165621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice, I actually won in Tenka for once.

>> No.25891187
File: 147 KB, 750x421, 16411776475e85ad7a031420033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anime announced
>Sega announced they won't be involved on pic related starting this November
I wonder what happened.

>> No.25891224
File: 921 KB, 960x540, oof.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

d-do I just reroll this? new player and I don't think this is very good but maybe I should just stick it out

>> No.25891409

Yes. Reroll hell is probably one of the worse parts of this game. Good luck

>> No.25891459

Try to reroll for evante and then just play with whatever

>> No.25891606

thanks, I'm on it
not summer Isabella?

>> No.25891682
File: 26 KB, 166x68, fug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>arena didn't reset
>lifetime rewards are still the same

>> No.25892076

Evante will carry you through all content.

It resets on the 2nd of every month which is tomorrow.

>> No.25892130

So what you're telling me is this game is now officially dead?

>> No.25892348
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>> No.25892595
File: 1.02 MB, 960x540, rr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how's this for a start? she's a healer or support apparently?

>> No.25892845

Nope, keep going.

>> No.25892894

ok back to the mines

>> No.25893592

Flour is the best healer, but healers are worthless in this game. Game really boils down to a dps race and having your frontline tank enough for your backline to win.

>> No.25894379
File: 856 KB, 1080x2158, 202358518.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Compass has been updated and Kitsunegasaki has been added.
A double UR gacha that gives a hero ticket every 33 rolls will be available until the 13th. A hero gacha with a 4x rate-up for Kitsunegasaki will also be available until the 13th. Additionally, until the 13th you will be able to gain certain extras when purchasing BM, including a hero ticket for buying 120BM and 5 UR tickets for the rest of milestones (once only).
A 7-day login campaign will be available until the 13th. Rewards include up to 3 hero tickets, 3 hero tokens, 3 UR tickets, 30,000 energy and 300BM.

For hero balancing, mostly buffs today:
>Defence modifier reduced from 1.05 to 1.00
>Increased the speed of the first normal attack by 28%
>Damage buff from hero action increased by 20%
>Movement speed buff from hero action increased by 20%
>Hero skill requires 8% less to fully charge
>Increased the speed of barrage cards by 50%
Novice Hero:
>Hero skill requires 10% less to fully charge
>Normal attack range increased by 3%
>The final attack of his normal attack sequence now deals one extra tick of damage at the end
>Adjusted the camera when jumping to give a better view of your surroundings
>Normal attack speed increased by 3%
>Max attack modifier from hero ability increased from 1.30 to 1.35
>Weapon swapping speed from AR to shotgun is now 14% faster
>Max range of hero action increased by 6m
>Hero action aiming time reduced by 0.1 seconds
>Hero action radius increased by 4%
>Attack power of hero action increased by 8%
>Stun duration of hero action reduced by 0.1 seconds
>Adjusted cursor movement speed when aiming the hero action
>Attack power of hero action increased by 5%
>Hero action activation time increased by 0.2 seconds

Looks like people now have a bit more time to avoid getting spammed to death by Aiz.

Stage maker is still AWOL for now - free UR gachas are still up until the 6th.
Kitsunegaskai is cute - having her hero skill active gives an alternate taunt, and getting MVP whilst it's active gives an alternate victory animation.

>> No.25894433

It's a joint project between Sega and f4samurai. f4samurai will handle the game by themselves after the split happening.

>> No.25895517

Nice I'm jelly, waiting for sorobo is suffering.

>> No.25895778

So basically Sega sold its stake in the game to f4samurai? Maybe the anime was too expensive for Sega pockets.

>> No.25898503

>Haven't gotten anything in a long time

>> No.25908091
File: 47 KB, 347x213, AAAAAAAA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>arena season reset
>alright time to buy refills and rush as high as I can!
>it doesn't let me attack anyone
What the fuck, did I just waste 300 gems?

>> No.25910259

Tell us if you lose those extra attempts when reset rolls around.

>> No.25912226
File: 1.60 MB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_2020-09-01-10-55-28-914_jp.colopl.alice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm surprised I actually got a collab unit, after last year not getting any.

>> No.25912692

Grats. Just got enough for a 10 roll myself but didn't get anything. Gotten 3 offbanner 4*s this collab so far but I did get Sadone and her swimsuit first try so I can't really complain.

>> No.25913658

