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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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25868788 No.25868788[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Whats the point of indulging in the culture of a country full of people who would be highly xenophobic of you no matter how much you tried to integrate? I know damn well 99% of y you are non asian dudes.

>> No.25868896

Reddit is that way, faggot.

>> No.25868910
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>> No.25868930

Good thing I’m Asian

>> No.25868938

I imagine most otaku as fat fedora neckbeard with wider eyes

>> No.25868983

Good thing I'm Asian

>> No.25869005

I'm asian too.
But trust me, if you don't look and act the part, they'll treat you like a tourist.

>> No.25869024

even if you are you would probably face some lesser form of xenophobia based on the fact your not originally from japan

>> No.25869056

i don't want to integrate or "be japanese", thats not possible. i want to enjoy japanese culture because it is fun to me. i don't mind always being a white foreigner because i just want to visit and can get a lot out of that. it's not that deep.

>> No.25869120

I can't take this dumbass language seriously. What kind of madmen think the world sounds like this? Why does Japanese lack complex vocabulary?

>> No.25869296

I’m trying to study colloquial words and body language to avoid or at least minimize the stigma, but there’s just no comprehensive guide for all of the unwritten culture and I hear nobody corrects anything

>> No.25869611

10 years ago the word otaku didn't equate to weeabo. A weeabo literally wants to be japanese, an otaku is just a hardcore fan. Most people are the latter, I don't want to move to Japan.

>> No.25869630
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What's the point of indulging in a board full of people who are going to be hostile towards your off topic threads?

>> No.25869642

I wholeheartedly agree with this sentiment. it's fun, thats all i need

>> No.25869895

>I know damn well 99% of y you are non asian dudes.
Not wh*te either, so doesn't matter.

>> No.25869924

>Why does Japanese lack complex vocabulary?
The language has a small amount of sounds compared to most.

>> No.25869946

who said anything about wanting to integrate? (besides the losers in the idol threads)

>> No.25870052

>I watch old Italian and French films, listen to Spanish music, drive a German car, read Russian novels (depressing as fuck by the way), and watch American television
>I also watch anime and read manga

>> No.25870116

That's the point, I admire a culture that defends itself.
This is why I also admire muslims.

>> No.25870132

How accurate is this?

>> No.25870137

Only the genuine fucking losers think they'll one day have the Japanese see them as actually Japanese. Learn the language, don't be a dick and have fun. There's always gonna be people who may not like you but that's the same with quite literally every single fucking country on the planet.

>> No.25870214

east asians are like that afaik

>> No.25870281

I imagine everyone complaining about that sort of thing are like those people who speak English with good grammar but unintelligible pronunciation.

>> No.25870323

t. pajeet from some 3rd-world southeast asia countries

>> No.25870355

Just like anywhere in the world to varying degrees. Hell, in some countries that happens even if you're a native but from a different region.
Also: >>25870052 this

>> No.25870365
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What is with the high concentration of cancer in this thread?

>> No.25870477

It doesn't, they just think words like that sound more "alive". You can say that stuff in more boring ways. A lot of the world speaks like that that though.

>> No.25870777

Come on, autistic kuso otakus are already hated in ALL countrues so your social life will not change that much if you just change countries.

>> No.25870799

2 different syllables repeated twice is a minimal way to display an intentional pattern of sound expressing a noise intended to be repeated ad nauseam

>> No.25870806
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Here's hoping tourist will be leaving soon and to answer your question OP, I just enjoy their culture and entertainment, don't really want to go and live there since I'm pretty good where I am, simple as

>> No.25870849

Because it allows me to enjoy all the good things about Japanese culture without having to endure the bad parts. Who wouldn't take a deal where they only benefit from the transaction?

>get to enjoy cute girls and LNs
>don't have to endure being a broken salaryman
>don't have to endure insane standards of traditionalism that are killing the country itself, simply because it's stressing everyone out to where they don't have children

>> No.25870940

99% of people itt are vtuber simps

>> No.25871099

Imagine complaining about being constantly handled with kid gloves as a white guy while in Western countries Asian dudes get physically assaulted on the street for bringing 'teh Corona'

>> No.25871601

Is that a drawing of a Chigyu?

>> No.25872061

On the contrary, the fact that japan isn't more xenophobic and racist towards everyone, especially whites/heebs/christians, is very concerning to me
t. gaijin
I would go to japan to just join an anti-gaijin anti-korean pro-imperialist march. I'd make sure everyone knew about the eternal 'white savior' slave moralist and why they need to never be allowed in. I'd bring my own sign and everything.
Japan isn't perfect but they've got a relatively good thing going and I don't want MONOTHEISTS to ruin it. MONOTHEISTS in charge of MUTLIKULTI was a bad idea, and the west will learn their lesson (for the 110th time)

>> No.25872678

You mean complex phonology. Japanese Has incredibly complex vocabulary.

Japanes phonology is one of tje simplest of major languages

>> No.25872818 [DELETED] 

You're the carcinogen, you should know.

>> No.25872837 [DELETED] 


>> No.25873109
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>> No.25873141

This desu. At least in Japan I can play awkwardness off as just being foreign, and general politeness/distance makes them less likely to insult me to my face; normies here are less likely to leave me be.

>> No.25873152

When I went to Japan I had no problem talking in Japanese with people, even though I'm a N5/N4 pleb. That said we had no asians with us.

>> No.25873318

>Unironically uses "simp"
Back to r*ddit, anon. Seriously.

>> No.25873333

im chinese american, which i assume is some sort of ultimate nightmare combination to them due to ww2

>> No.25873610

>insane standards of traditionalism
Traditionalism isn't responsible for Japan's birthrate. All economically advanced countries have below replacement birth rates, including ones that have almost entirely abandoned tradition such as Germany. It's not as if working 70 hours a week as a salaryman is particularly traditional to begin with, either.

>> No.25874453

I'm capable of enjoying outside perspectives and cultures without demanding they change their ways just to appeal to me. This is something leftists struggle to understand.

>> No.25875225
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>traditionalism that are killing the country itself, simply because it's stressing everyone out to where they don't have children
Almost all world is struggling with birth rates. Children upbringing is expensive, anon. Especially if you live in the developed country. But even shitholes are not "safe" from that.

>> No.25875259

Even on rddit no one uses it seriously.

>> No.25875293
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>who would be highly xenophobic of you no matter how much you tried to integrate
Good. That means their culture wouldn't change even under the pressure of "progressive west", feminism and other 1st world problems.

>> No.25875762

pretty fucking accurate. source: non-asian, lived in japan for a year, have non-japanese asian friends who live(d) there as well. most servers would immediately turn to my friends, most of whom spoke worse japanese than I did, and they would often defer to me or another friend of ours who is a blond hair blue eyed white boy that speaks fluent Japanese... it was always a little funny, but sometimes it was just annoying as fuck and got old.

>> No.25875786

move to Japan and work for a Western company. problem solved

>> No.25875842

I just like the media. The Japanese are faggots.
