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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 363 KB, 1280x800, mabinogi_2008_03_19_024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
257922 No.257922 [Reply] [Original]

Who plays on Ruairi? Guilds aren't in yet but at least we can set a portion of our friendslist for /jp/.

Picture semi-related. Found Kasumi and a Fonewrl in Dunbarton.

>> No.257928

Oh god, I'm reminded of my days playing PSO now. What a timesink.

>> No.257933

megid grants ryuker

>> No.257938
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Also ITT: Food causes hallucinations.

lol ingame Nao wetdream

>> No.257941
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>> No.257944
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>> No.257947
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>> No.257962
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A chicken dish conquers you character upon digestion.

>> No.257967


>> No.257974
File: 97 KB, 1280x800, 1205995034349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'Conquered by this dish!'

>> No.257990

/jp/'s been fagging over this game for a while, so I'm wondering if it's any good or if it's just normal MMORPG (i.e., shit), and if it's good, HOW DO I STARTED PLAYING

>> No.258008

You can have your own, personal, loli. And you can make her the perfect waifu.

>> No.258013

I'm sold, now how do I start?

>> No.258026


>> No.258028
File: 258 KB, 1016x713, 1205995515401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She looks so damn happy to see Nao.

Can you make 5 star food at F rank?

I play on Ruairi as Kurokami, and just WTF is that one named cosmic saying there? Is she speaking crystal pancake?

>> No.258033


>> No.258039

She's comparing the game to some other game.

>> No.258040

>I play on Ruairi as Kurokami, and just WTF is that one named cosmic saying there? Is she speaking crystal pancake?

She's speaking in Phantasy Star-ese. Zonde is the only one I can remember, I think it means "lightning".

>> No.258056
File: 212 KB, 1280x800, 1205995806347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Though it has several MMO mainstains its design of not having to fight to level up(lol housewife build) and instead being able to just dick around town while also gaining xp really set it apart. And if you happen to like fighting the combat system isn't too shabby either. It's all still GRINDIN', but with more variety than the standard 'fight monster, level up, repeat'.

The amount of emphasis on interacting with NPCs makes it feel more like a console RPG than an MMO too.

Also, lolis.

>> No.258063

You could've just said lolis like the other guy.

>> No.258067

your arm. it is not attached

>> No.258070

Well, he's got it all wrong if he's trying to relate mabinogi spells to PSO's. Barta is totally different from IceBolt.

>> No.258072

I'm reimu on Ruairi.

>> No.258076

Endymis on Ruairi.

>> No.258078

Oh, and Grants is a holy spell, I think.

>> No.258100

Wow Lorna and Pan are so gay

>> No.258103


>> No.258115

Cannot stand those videos. They are like every bad anime dub in the 90s.

>> No.258124

Is there a sheepfucking skill and can you give your female character a penis?

>> No.258139
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>> No.258142
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>> No.258156
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>> No.258164


Nice panties, tableslut.

>> No.258174
File: 265 KB, 1280x1024, 1205997098046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are the best.

>> No.258179

Jesus Christ, gain some weight so you can look sexy.

>> No.258202

healthy loli? why would you want that?

>> No.258206

Well, I do not like stick loli either.

>> No.258211

play on Ruairi as well,add me Trap name Cecillia.
Was going for bridget name,but it was taken...fuck

>> No.258214

Toothpicks are not sexy.

>> No.258218

Not a hoshino fuuta fan, I see.

>> No.258236


eat more meat! or drink more liquid protein

>> No.258280

more like potatoes.

>> No.258287
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>>Is there a sheepfucking skill
>> and can you give your female character a penis?

>> No.258300
File: 137 KB, 665x520, 1205997924613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Build-a-loli workshop

>> No.258330

Tyr on Ruairi.

>> No.258359



South Korean Release date: Sometime in 2008
International Release date: wtf 2015 game's still in beta

>> No.258396
File: 195 KB, 1200x674, 1205998841336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



South Korean Release date: Sometime in 2008
International Release date: wtf 2015 game's still in beta

>> No.258406


>> No.258409

Sasuke is ANGRY

>> No.258449

If you want a healthy loli, just eat tons of bread, with an occasional meat slice. Don't just eat when you don't need to, though, or your loli will get fat regardless.

>> No.258457


Nao Simulator

all the bouncing you'll ever need

>> No.258489

Why does this just load a blank page for me?

>> No.258491


>> No.258522


Thats a hefty request there. Plus it wants to install stuff.

>> No.258526

Don't worry, it won't rape you.


>> No.258540

you have to install the shit it wants or else you won't see anything

>> No.258541

that websight also has a character simulator, btw

>> No.258561

What is this, multiplayer Harvest Moon?

>> No.258584
File: 511 KB, 1280x1024, 1206001853051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.258586


That's exactly it.

>> No.258589

god that would be so awesome

>> No.258600

Okay, you've convinced me.

>> No.258607

what the fuck, in the game wheat is only gray blocks or just gray to me

>> No.258662
File: 96 KB, 1016x692, 1206002676454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, wait, there are two moons?

>> No.258666

One day our lolis will get off this rock and join the Rebellion.

>> No.258671

does anyone know where I might be able to find the ost? I'm looking everywhere and I cant seem to find it

>> No.258680

Or wherever you installed it.

>> No.258687


oh wow

I'm just a little slow then, I didnt realize that icon was.. a folder


>> No.258689

You mean these?


>> No.258691

I didn't either at the beginning.

>> No.258794

Oh wow, there's a track called "wedding bride enter". Can we marry NPCs?

>> No.258843

If only. It'd probably be some sort of combo between a pet system and npc flirting.

>> No.259099


Zero on Mabinogi?

>> No.259117

why the fuck would you choose other servers than mari?

>> No.259118

...So your character never ages to the point where they become wrinkled old crones, right?

They stop looking older when they reach their mid 20s?

>> No.259138


around 25, so i heard from veteran off korean server.

>> No.259251

Anybody know if there are any hunting quests after killing the ogre?

Or do I have to kill the Hellhounds before I get new hunting quests?

>> No.259254

Mari is full of lag and fail.

>> No.259262

You know, when I think about it, Mabinogi's business model is kind of smart...

Monthly fees drive people like me away. (especially after you've already spent $50 buying the game) Its not completely out of the question for me to throw $5 at them a few times, as compared to something like WoW where they wouldn't a get dime from me.

Of course, the MMOs that have monthly fees make a lot more money off of the customers that do have than the ones that ones that don't, so maybe its not so smart.

>> No.259265


I haven't experienced any noticeable lag.

Of course, I live in the States...

>> No.259349

Cash shop is a better idea because people will spend way more if they think they're getting something for it. Paying for days they won't be on = BS, as does having to pay to keep your character.

However, cash shops usually do it wrong either making you want to buy by having horribly overpowered items, or else holding you at ransom if you want to do anything, go anywhere, or make any progress.

Mabinogi has these problems too, but to a lesser extent. I hate how they force you to pay to have decent item storage because, like most others, they still don't give you enough when you do. (how big are the item storage bags, anyway?)

It does have three things I like
1. Your character isn't completely stopped. You can keep leveling for ap and building your stats without needing to level. Rebirth does make the ap obtaining process speedier, but not by much.

2. Fashion is makable. I HATE when games advertise fashion but you have to pay for everything.

3. You don't have to use a credit card. I hate the idea of using it for things that will continually charge you, and am reluctant to do it for a money grabbing game company at all. Supposedly they have cards at various stores you can buy, but I've yet to check to see if they sell them around here. If so, then this is the only decent cash shop.

Cash shops sill have a way to go from extortion to getting you nice things that don't screw everything up for everyone else. I'm going to be saged for this, but gaia has the right idea, extracting so much money from stupid youths who want shiny virtual angel/demon shit.

>> No.259369

I gave money to Gaia way back when, and unexpectedly got a halo for my trouble. I gave the more money and got more items.

Then it started to suck and I really would rather have saved that money.

>> No.259379


>> No.259448

The same will pretty much happen with any mmo.

I'll rebirth a couple times, but I'll probably eventually wish I had gotten another game with it or something.

>> No.259646

Something's wrong with hot-spot shield. It worked perfectly for like... 5 days. Now it connects for 1 minute at most and then disconnects. Then it reconnects and circle continuses.

Any other easy-to-use-proxies Anon can advise?

Also, S> Banhammer 11/13 (3 dmg balance enchanted)
