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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 70 KB, 818x634, katawa453534543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2574250 No.2574250 [Reply] [Original]

womans = evil!

>> No.2574272

This is what scientologists actually believe.

>> No.2574286

But this is actually a good thing.
Even the fattest and ugliest guy will get a girl.

>> No.2574297
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>> No.2574316

No such thing as women's rights. They should be told what to wear, where to be, and how to act. Fucking hate women these days. Think they're equal. Equality. Kick a woman in the stomach and she if she's equal in strength. Only good at crying. Walk through Harvard science departments and see if she's equal in knowledge. Only good in cooking class. Open a history book and see if she's equal in greatness. Only good at doing nothing.

>> No.2574330

Feminism doesn't exist in Japan.

>> No.2574347

You're mean...

>> No.2574425

>Open a history book and see if she's equal in greatness.

Who cares about history? Knowing something that happened ages ago is not important.

>Kick a woman in the stomach and she if she's equal in strength.

But there are lot of women who are in good shape these days, unlike the skinny nerds who never lift weights or do any sports. I know what I'm talking about, I got beaten up by a girl who was smaller than me, and trust me, I tried to fight back seriously.

>> No.2574427


I would kick you in stomach. It would be worth seeing how obese belly reacts to impact

>> No.2574448
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>> No.2574451

wtf niggers on /jp/? get out faggot ur mommas comin to rape you in the butt

>> No.2574460

Girls are for faggots. Bromance is the only way for a true man.

>> No.2574476

Did you mean:women

I wish women will some day rule the world, and make us men their slaves. Shit would be so cash.

>> No.2574543

In school I wrote a short story based on this very thing, it basically involved the men being subjected to painful physical trials to fight in wars, or the fittest being taken for breeding before being euthanised.
My female English teacher was not particularly amused.

>> No.2574552
File: 177 KB, 800x600, dark hanako copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Indeed, they're evil.

>> No.2574572


Dark Hanako is SO MOE I'M GONNA DIE

>> No.2574585

Go ahead, die. Punk ass nigga. Im gonna make sweet loving to the hoe while you lay rotting in a pool of your own feces. 'S aight

>> No.2574602



>> No.2574665

1. Men are stronger than women, but we usually fail hard at giving birth to children.
2. Even though you probably never walked through any harvard department...well, diffrent departments show diffrent kinds of male/female split. Women are all literature. (I know this since I am studying literature in Heidelberg which is actually pretty prestigious in europe).
3. Women were neither equally educated nor did they hold the same rights in past days, therefore your point is made out of fail and aids.

Any judgement about a group of persons instead of individuals is idiotic.

Also, Marie Curie would laugh at you.


>> No.2574680

That's disgusting.

It doesn't even look human.

>> No.2574692

Actually, Darwin hated them bitches. You know why? BECAUSE BITCHES AINT SHIT AND DONT KNOW SHIT.

He was also a bitter virgin, but that doesnt count as an arguement.

>> No.2574699
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Hmm... perhaps someone could shoop Dark Hanako with Michiru's expression?

>> No.2574702

Darwin was married, what are you talking about?

>> No.2574720
File: 160 KB, 450x637, sakura4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is dark sakura in this game?

>> No.2574721
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hidden eyes = cute

>> No.2574741

Does Act 1 of KS have ero? And how does it work that you can get onto each girl's path already if this is only a small portion of the game?

>> No.2574746

There is ero content.

Rins handjob was great.

>> No.2574747

no ero

the story branches at the very end of act 1, so you only get some different scenes at the end.

>> No.2574750

I like Hanako's ero scene. Her rubbing your cock all over her scars is pretty hot.

>> No.2574754

Is there awesome fanart already?

>> No.2574764

4LS needs to make a VN based on Nurse-kun after they finish KS.

>> No.2574765

No. Never. Certainly not KS x Star Trek fanart.

>> No.2574766

Already 23 pages on pixiv.

>> No.2574769


>> No.2574772

It's been shown by scientific research that women are less intelligent than men. It just isn't polite to say so, much like how it isn't polite to say that the reason why Africans have failed so far is because of their low IQs. Your point about only judging individuals is not founded on anything other than your own worldview. It is, in fact, possible and justifiable to judge whole sections of the world's population. If it weren't, well, there goes the scientific study of IQ differences among races, sexes, nations, etc.

>> No.2574778

Nah, we need one based on the stories of that dude with the adopted blindmute loli. But then again, the whole blind/mute aspect is already covered in KS.

>> No.2574785

Err no.

Women get the brains, you guy's get the muscles.

>> No.2574788

Last time I checked, women were mediocre physicists.

>> No.2574793

Actually we get both.

>> No.2574800

Isn't the head nurse basically a tribute to him?

>> No.2574811

Take that woman and throw her off the mountain.

>> No.2574821

>It is, in fact, possible and justifiable to judge whole sections of the world's population.
No it's not. There are women who are smarter than you and black people who are smarter than you.

Also you should read up on the stereotype threat and its effect on the scientific research you mention.

>> No.2574832

The thing is, grouping things of similar nature together and then expecting them to share certain traits is perfectly logical, but only if done right.

One one hand, it's stupid to say that women are absolutely incapable of doing anything significant just because you have never seen one who is. But on the other hand, when you see an ant, do don't think "okay, that's an ant, but that doesn't mean I should expect it to act like an ant, it might be more intelligent than me, it might be the ruler of the universe, I have to keep an open mind, so I cannot assume it as any more likely that it will act like an ant than that it will actually be a lion in an ant costume".

In conclusion, it's not a law against nature that women can't be good for anything, but we should really give up pushing them to prove that they are soon.

>> No.2574834

And this from someone I should only look at individuals and not the group that that individual was born into. Yes, there are smart women. Yes, there are smart blacks. Unfortunately, it doesn't mean anything statistically.

>> No.2574835

As much as I thought the person you're replying to was just being a git, and he is, there is actually some scientific basis behind it, though I don't put much stock in IQ tests.

>> No.2574844

>There are women who are smarter than you and black people who are smarter than you.

That doesn't quiet have the same impact on 4chan. Saying there are women and blacks smarter than retards isn't saying much.

>> No.2574851
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I think it has more to do with nurture than nature. I can only comment on what I've seen myself, but women are simply held to much lower standards than men anywhere I've seen. I didn't think about it that much growing up, but looking back on it, every social situation that included girls in it allowed them to be slack ass in whatever the activity was.

Girls never had to participate in backyard sports, and were always pitched slower to when batting or whatnot. Girls never have to be genuinely funny, interesting, or charismatic for people to engage them in a conversation. They CAN be, but all they really have to do is look good. Anything else is unnecessary and unexpected.

And we all cause this state of affairs. I know you treat women differently than men. I certainly do, if for no other reason than that I don't want to get fired from my job for making rude jokes when women are around.

I don't blame women for lazily falling into a stereotype of unspoken inferiority. Why bother to learn complicated shit you don't care about in school if you can focus on making yourself into a fine catch and landing a husband to take care of you? Why bother being competitive or athletic when all you have to be is attractive? Why learn to be funny when people will laugh with your shitty jokes anyway? And in that case, how would you even know there was room for improvement if all you ever got was praise and protection?

It's not their fault. We just all come together to make a culture that creates this kind of behavior. There's no obligation to break the mold.

>> No.2574855

Women could all be the greatest scientists ever, that doesn't make them any less inferior. They were born to entice men with their flesh. Look at the women in supposedly civilized societies. Free to be harlots. Disgusting. Wearing short skirts. Showing their breasts. Their legs. Walking around with lipstick on their lips. Look like whores. If there was any justice, they would be put in jail for their slutness.

>> No.2574861

but women aren't ants, or even a different species.

humans are humans. we have slight differences but we're all the same. Heck, I've met women who were more like me and men who were my opposite in nature.

>> No.2574868

Look at how small women are. Look at their skulls. Can a man's brain fit in that small skull? No. Women weren't made to be men. Leave the thinking to men. Women can do other things like being wives. Such a task as being a wife requires the woman's whole brain.

>> No.2574869

What women have to do to get a date - not be fat, go outside

What men have to do to get a date - have money, have transportation, have "confidence", be better than ten other guys hitting on the same girl every hour, make all the decisions, initiate every part of the date, not come on too strong, not come on too weak, be able to carry a conversation for a decent amount of time essentially on your own, be handsome, be charming, be 'nice' but have a 'rebel's edge', have or make a lot of plans, never show any physical or emotional weakness and so on.

>> No.2574874

>It's not their fault. We just all come together to make a culture that creates this kind of behavior.
Are you trolling, or do you really don't see the paradox in your post? You say that the problem is that there are no expectations of them, and then you announce that people for this reason shouldn't have any expectations for them.

Expectations have never been the main motivation for most people anyway. It's just that women are more subservient, more prone to follow a path that is set out for them, and when feminists will brand anyone who tries to give them a decent path as a woman-controlling chauvinist pig, they end up a little ...whimsical. That's no excuse to just let the problem be, though.

>> No.2574877

Wait.. what? You don't think that maybe women seem uninteresting or unfunny to men, because maybe men prefer the company of men and women prefer the company of women? You see it a lot "boys are weird and dumb, always being like that!" or "girls are so stupid, always talking about things like that", it's just how things are.

And wtf I've seen more girls be over-achievers in school than I've seen guys, I could mirror your post and say "oh who needs ot be smart when you can play sprts or drink beer with your friends or buy cars or go out and bang hot chicks"

And since when the hell was being athletic or competitive important? All you're doing is perpetuating the stereotype that all guys are buffoons who always want to argue and fight with each other and be muscular instead of smart. It goes both ways.

>> No.2574880

Men = scum

>> No.2574888

So the genders are so similar that it's completely irrelevant to specifically study the difference in behavior between male and female spiders? They both basically act the same, right?

>> No.2574892


Because of people like you, I've started to hate men. If I was a woman, I would become your wife just so I could poison your food and kill you.

>> No.2574898

But people aren't spiders either.

Yes there are biological differences, but it's pointless to use that as a base for ANYTHING when people's individual personalities and views are so ranging and different. Especially not to argue about some contrived idea of superiority or inferiority.

>> No.2574900

Homosexual spotted.

>> No.2574903

1. Women aren't funny. Case in point: Female Comedians.

2. Comitting facts and dates to memory, and getter a few good scores at school isn't real intelligence. In the entire history of mankind, how many inventions have been invented by women? 9, maybe 12?

3. Guy's can often bond after a fight. It can bring us together. Females can't fight without holding a vicious grudge afterwards.

>> No.2574904

I don't get why so many lesbians hate men. It kinda makes it seem like there's a higher motivate to their sexuality than just attraction.

>> No.2574905

Dont worry baby, i love you too. You and me forever anon, till the day we die.

>> No.2574912

I would say, statistically speaking, people = scum.

>> No.2574914

I often wish I was gay. How good must it be to not have to deal with such manipulative whores?

>> No.2574921

I like guys, but only as bros.

>> No.2574923
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What I'm saying is it's not something that can be changed, because for every one guy who gets sick of the status quo of treating women like children that you can manipulate into fucking you without being sent to prison, there are at least several dozen more guys who are more than willing to pick up the slack.

Every man in the chain of command from the father who babies his daughter to the suitors who keep their eye on the prize, that prize being nothing more than a vagina attached to an attractive body, create a nigh inexhaustible pool of people who will coddle women into weakness as long as they accept it.

Learning and improvement doesn't happen to people who experience repeated success. In this case, seemingly endless and effortless social success leads to a pattern of nonlearning behavior. I say I can't blame them because, while I'd like to think I could do better in a similar position, I'm not too sure I would. Why, if you never experience failure, would the thought to alter your behavior ever cross your mind? Why, if the only people who object to you are few, far in between, and quickly stamped out by a legion of people who rather approve of you?

I can't fault someone for taking the picture that set of circumstances creates at its face value. I'd probably be stupid enough to believe it if my life went that well for me too.

>> No.2574928

1. There are plenty of funny women, I'll agree that men tend to be funnier, but what does that even have to do with anything?

2. Except that men are known for becoming straight-up mathematicians while women will do more broad things with such hard information. Most of history is irrelevant as women were only recently even allowed out of the kitchen. Heck, men used to destroy women's fine art out of competition and they were only allowed to do portraits anyway.

3. Boys like fighting and girls don't. Oh boy. The ability to hold a grudge depends on the individual, though.

>> No.2574937

>but it's pointless to use that as a base for ANYTHING when people's individual personalities and views are so ranging and different.
This is sounding an awfully lot like an assumption based of as a widely accepted fact. What do you base it on? How have you observed that gender-related behavior is so chaotic in nature that it's completely impossible to draw any legit conclusions from it?
>contrived idea of superiority or inferiority.
No one said anything about this, get it off your head. Acknowledging that difference groups of people are better suited for different roles in society doesn't mean you have to brand one of the groups as superior and the others inferior.

>> No.2574940

>There are plenty of funny women


>> No.2574945

The vibe you were giving off seemed like that of a misogynist, apologies if I misinterpreted.

I base things off that I, myself, don't feel I fit into a lot of actions that people seem to expect of me, and neither do a lot of people I know, male or female.

>> No.2574948

The world would be alot better off if it was ruled completely by women, think about it~ it would be a pretty peaceful place imo~

>> No.2574949

When two women meet, they start as enemies until something makes them friends.

When two men meet, the start as friends until something makes them enemies.

>> No.2574951
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You sound like a woman. Everything from your need to contradict my every statement in line-by-line fashion to your immediate assumption that women are inherently more intelligent than men (an impression pressed upon you by the vast majority of modern sitcoms, no doubt) leads me to believe that you can only be either a girl or a very underage white knight boy who needs to be spending his precious afternoon anywhere but on 4chan.

>> No.2574952

>Boys like fighting and girls don't.

Because girls are weak. Physically and mentally weak.

>> No.2574953

You say it like it's a bad thing.

>> No.2574958

Men hold grudges. Women don't, because they're already planning revenge.

Grudges are things you keep to yourself passively and might let sway your actions sometime down the road. Women will begin plotting the demise of what they hate the moment after they're slighted.

>> No.2574961

I was trying to make a point by saying that it's stupid to argue that one is better or more intelligent than the other, because there are idiots in both genders who seem to feel like they're superior. Pointing out that "Well someone could say the same sort of things about you, but you know it's not true of everyone."

>> No.2574962

Girls realize there's better ways to solve an issue than punching each other in the teeth or participating in endless "debates" that never actually go anywhere or result in anything.

>> No.2574963

Women are good sex machines, however they are totally disgusting as human beings.

>> No.2574966

They can already manipulate with their bodies, what right have they got to be so jealous and hateful?

>> No.2574969

So you're saying "all women are vapid manipulative whores." Is similar to saying "All men are braindead beer-swilling nyphomaniacs"?
I have to agree that both are pretty stupid.

>> No.2574972

>The vibe you were giving off seemed like that of a misogynist, apologies if I misinterpreted.
That's a major problem in arguments about this issue and why you should avoid letting your emotions judge other people. The thing is, feminists, wanting to further their own agenda creates an image of anyone against them as some kind of evil wife beater. It's in the word, misogynist, woman hater, suggesting that anyone who shows any opposition to the feminist agenda must hate women.
>I base things off that I, myself, don't feel I fit into a lot of actions that people seem to expect of me, and neither do a lot of people I know, male or female.
That's a pretty poor thing to base such broad claims on. Yes, many gender generalizations are too ...generalized, but that doesn't mean it's completely impossible or unethical to draws conclusions based on the behavior of the genders.

>> No.2574973

Why punch or fight on even ground, when you can pull hair, scratch and kick people with high-heeled shoes, eh?

>> No.2574978

..What. I see every girl as a potential friend. I can't attest for others, but that doesn't seem correct. I myself couldn't hold a grudge for five minutes.

Man I hate assumptions. Eh, just gonna get off /jp/ for a few hours. After a thread like this it's usually unbrowsable.

>> No.2574981

This is a stupid assumption, girls are generally just as ready to get into meaningless fights as men, so arguing that doing so or not proves superiority is pointless.

>> No.2574986

>"all women are vapid manipulative whores." Is similar to saying "All men are braindead beer-swilling nyphomaniacs"?

Trust a Woman to compare personality traits to beverages.

>> No.2574990

Any girls I've ever... well, anyONE I've ever been friends with do not do things like that. Men who fight are not worthwhile to me and women who cause drama are not worthwhile to me.

>> No.2575000

It saddens me to imagine that there might be some people out there who seriously thinks this. The ideal of females as the perfect social creatures, since men are responsible for much social conflict, is just that, an ideal. There has been no evidence of it working out in reality. In fact, I remember reading a news article about a woman who tried to make a work environment with women only, and it was a complete disaster.

>> No.2575002

Last time I checked I was a guy, though I'm just going on what my biology textbooks taught me.

>> No.2575003

Why would you come to the most misogynistic, lonely, nerd-filled board on 4chan, then complain that we're being mean to women?

It's like going to /k/, then getting in a hissyfit when people post pictures of guns.

>> No.2575006

Yes. Though that point has been reached in many threads before this one. /jp/ continues to repeat itself.

I miss those ronery threads that weren't women-hating threads. No really, they existed! Nowadays it's jsut women-hating threads and trolling.

>> No.2575008

Or even better: spread vicious rumours about them and polarize as large a group of people as possible against them.

>> No.2575014
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Of course you were trying to make a point. I can see that. Declaring your intention doesn't make your position any more convincing.

Again, you sound REALLY young. Your posting habits are disturbingly similar to my own when I was a teenager. I am saying this as empathetically as I possibly can. Get the fuck off of the internet, and quit arguing about this shit. It's stupid. It can only lose you friends and time. Don't be like me.

>> No.2575015

A spineless white knight is only a hair's breath from being a woman.

>> No.2575016

I like the actual on-topic content. If I were in /k/ and they started talking about women, yeah I'd be annoyed.

>> No.2575023

How the frig is saying stereotypes are stupid being a white knight? Jesus christ.

>> No.2575028

>Nowadays it's jsut women-hating threads and trolling.

Oh shut up. /jp/ is too new for your well-worn 'SIGH NOT LIKE THE GOOD OL DAYS' rhetoric. We've all been on /jp/ since it's birth, and can attest to it's consitent misogyny.

>> No.2575030
File: 30 KB, 853x480, 1231486468176.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I dunno, with the content of the VNs that float around on /jp/, you'd get the impression that we do actually like women and romance. We're just escapists hiding amongst our moe because we can't fulfill our fantasies in the real world.

>> No.2575034

I felt you weren't understanding the point I was trying to make, is all.
And despite the stupidity of this, being an anonymous imageboard, no I am not by any means young. I just think your opinions are terrible and mislead.

>> No.2575041

>we do actually like women and romance

VN's have fictional, 2D girls who's personalities have all been hand-crafted by men. Real girls are all money-grabbing wastes of space.

>> No.2575043

Every guy ITT wants to be the little girl.

>> No.2575047
File: 48 KB, 640x721, 1218834380144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

King of England > women

>> No.2575050

Derp derp I couldn't possibly be talking about before the split. Though I do distinctly remember the very first ronery threads on /jp/ were much friendlier and less about bitter frothing. Then again I never liked either of those kinds.

>> No.2575063
File: 67 KB, 500x585, 1231489485381.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


See, that's one of the things that makes you sound like a woman. It's quite typical for immature girls to confuse disagreement for misunderstanding.

Because how could anyone possibly understand you and disagree with you? Impossible!

>> No.2575067

It's because /jp/ is becoming pooshlmer. You can start a huge rage-filled sperging thread over anything with minimal effort.

>> No.2575071


Okay, some want to be the big girl, I guess.

>> No.2575076

No, what I'm saying was that I felt you were not understanding my post, because I felt your disagreement did not quite match what I had said, not because you were disagreeing.

The fact that you're trying to pin a gender on me for some reason says something, anyway.

>> No.2575083

This thread is terrible. Although I agree with OP.

>> No.2575089
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I wish to be the adolescent.

>> No.2575092
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Why aren't people reporting this faster?

>> No.2575107

And no matter your actual age I can only agree with anon and say that you do sound very much like me in my middle teens. Before I'd had much time to observe people.

>> No.2575114

I'm sorry, I was legs. What were you saying?

>> No.2575124
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>> No.2575128

I'm a separate person from the other one that anonymous was referring to, and I'm early twenties.
Two many anonymii can get confusing, I guess.

>> No.2575131
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>Most of history is irrelevant as women were only recently even allowed out of the kitchen.

>> No.2575138

Two...I meant too obviously, apologies.

>> No.2575163
File: 396 KB, 800x600, HanakoWat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was bored

>> No.2575170

Best thing in this thread.

>> No.2575174

In that case my comment was directed at the amalgamation of you two.

>> No.2575186
File: 66 KB, 640x480, 1231490396055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I forgot.

>> No.2575192

This thread is so fail it's awesome.

>> No.2575193

I barely said anything, though.

>> No.2575203

The amalgamation of mostly the other anonymous and a little bit of you then.

>> No.2575210

I hope the other anonymous is female, in that case.

>> No.2575212

This is a small enough image and good enough art to seem real but I haven't seen it. Is it from HF or FHA?

>> No.2575239


It's probably FHA.

>> No.2575257

Realta Nua.

>> No.2575300

Huh... Details on the scene?

>> No.2575318

Women are better at danmaku.

>> No.2575364
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>> No.2575372

No, thats not true.

>> No.2575391

Why is Japanese Harry Potter pissed off at women? Did Ginny leave him and is now hitting him up for child support?

>> No.2575429
File: 83 KB, 628x418, nice job trolls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus fuck, this thread.

>> No.2575437

All Asian otaku are Harry Potter? What.

>> No.2575465


Worse, she gave him a micro-penis with magic before she left. And posted the images online.

>> No.2575465,1 [INTERNAL] 

lol faggot
