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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 107 KB, 450x600, 1240095551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
25593093 No.25593093 [Reply] [Original]


Your shit is fucking HORRIBLE.

Wait, SHUT THE FUCK UP. Don't try to defend it. It IS fucking HORRIBLE and there's no fucking point denying it.

Let me say it straight. You are playing games about cute little girls, doing cute things and you masturbate to googly-eyed moeblobs, at such speed, that Michael Schumacher considers replacing his ENGINE with YOU.


Unless you are fucking twelve and just started having your period, I can't think of anything more pathetic.

Did I hear you screaming "ANIMEFAG GO BACK TO /a/"?

Nigga, please.
Animefags couldnt care less about your shit, all they care about is what the fuck is going to happen in the next chapter of SHIT they are currently reading. This is coming from someone with a refined taste; unlike you, you silly little muppet.

Did I hear you crying “NORMALFAG!! NEWFAG!”?.

YOU DUMB FUCK. Ive been ALWAYS against this crap. I hated this shit since it became distinctive as a sub-genre. I began hating it even more, when it flooded the market like explosive diarrhoea and made it even harder to find a GOOD game coming from that otaku infested country.


I hate it because you keep spamming those GODDAMN AWFUL, waifu threads; made by fat, greasy neckbeards. A FUCKING BRICK WOULD DO BETTER IN A SOCIAL SITUATION THAN YOU. You’re not fucking clever, you’re not superior to anyone in any fucking way and you don’t have a single redeeming trait. You’re just a sad fuck who faps to his plastic figurines.



>> No.25593146

Don't attach Miku to your shitposts please

>> No.25593180
File: 62 KB, 600x541, mikureimu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post mikutouhou

>> No.25593290


>> No.25593460
File: 470 KB, 555x630, 1432315069231.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

didn't read

>> No.25594496
File: 101 KB, 259x219, 1588282947524.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25594779

Yeah, use Alice instead.

>> No.25594862

>Op is TRIGGERED because there's a lot tohou threads in /jp/

OP... I'm a mikufag and also tohofag... The problem here is in your ass

>> No.25594931
File: 386 KB, 1039x1476, __hatsune_miku_and_hakurei_reimu_touhou_and_2_more_drawn_by_apr__4191c17af5e5178a45253151eb313446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I support the cause

>> No.25595054
File: 223 KB, 1673x723, Screenshot_2020-08-19 jp - Otaku Culture - Search It IS fucking HORRIBLE and there's no fucking point denying it.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Out of all the groups that would have a beef with one another, Vocaloid and 2hu doesn't make sense. In fact, I don't think I've met a single person who had more than disint-
Ok yeah that seems more appropriate.

>> No.25596248

>You are playing games about cute little girls, doing cute things
Actually they're games about poorly drawn little girls being petty and spiteful and suddenly getting in fights with random passerby for no real reason. Everything else you said is true though.

>> No.25597656

Yeah, I'm thinking this is based

>> No.25597836

Why is everyone in Gensokyo so rude and violent?

>> No.25597840

on what?

>> No.25598155
File: 178 KB, 735x856, de19d5b4c5ff3f9ebeeb828c94cfc764c9331c23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vocaloidfans and Touhoufans have been brothers on arms since day one. Your weak shitposting abilities will NEVER change that.

>> No.25598195

Based. Touhou sucks

>> No.25598235

based on what?

>> No.25598533

On the history of otaku culture

>> No.25598647

Nobody denied what op said yet

>> No.25598693

Based on cringe

>> No.25599869

You'd be too if you were under the thumb of a bitch shrine maiden.

>> No.25601380
File: 424 KB, 1000x1000, e1008d555b144fa0e71751b7cbb61dc5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good thread

>> No.25601537

I'd cum between Miku's thighs tho.

>> No.25603479

Thanks for the copypasta.

>> No.25603617
File: 2.55 MB, 1950x1843, __hatsune_miku_vocaloid_drawn_by_kawasumi_sanzen_in_matora__133dc8d82d2ff686c4e30133a0b9ffab.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to fuck Miku's small tits.

>> No.25604172

I like to believe that I have a pretty good grasp of English, but I can’t figure out what word you were hoping to finish here

>> No.25604231

Not him but I think it's disinterest. He's saying that at most vocaloid people don't care about touhou and touhou people don't care about vocaloid, but there's no rivalry or hate

>> No.25604306

I’m gonna have to disagree on that
Given that the subject of the sentence is “a single person (or lack thereof from an indefinite community)”, it’s too broad of a scope to make it refer to a single fanbase (and including it at the end of the sentence is just awkward)

>> No.25604332

>Out of all the groups that would have a beef with one another, Vocaloid and 2hu doesn't make sense. In fact, I don't think I've met a single person who had more than disinterest in the other fanbase
That's how I imagined the sentence

>> No.25604572

I can’t tell if this is a good sentence or not, but I can see that it definitely follows the anon’s train of thought

>> No.25604632
File: 3.00 MB, 306x360, (th15) Touhou Kanjuden ~ Legacy Of Lunatic Kingdom 2019.01.06 - [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah look at these cute things

>> No.25605452

The 4channelian term «based» is in fact not the same as the word’s everyday usage, which refers to things being based upon certain ideas, ideologies or other such things.
In almost any language, including the English which we are currently holding our discourse in, words can have multiple meanings; one should take care not to muddle up the meanings as you have so foolishly done so in your post. You have confused the everyday term of something being «based on (or upon) » something with the meaning of «based» intended in the posts you have replied to, which in short can be said to be synonymous with the words uncaring or untouched, this is meant in a positive sense however and not in a negative sense of uncaringness such as heedlessness or recklessness, it is tantamount to ignoring the cries of foolish people and continuing to uphold one’s values in spite of others’ whining. It is seen in our beautiful community of 4channel as a very admirable and praiseworthy trait.
You have erred, but fear not, the understanding and hospitable community of 4channel will always be present and willing to steer you towards the right path should you stray from it.

>> No.25607846
File: 54 KB, 431x563, 49h4jp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what i got from reading this

>> No.25611454
File: 277 KB, 270x200, 1587157003920.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25611480

I'm surprised it took so long for someone to post this.

>> No.25611557
File: 225 KB, 900x750, __hatsune_miku_vocaloid_drawn_by_bb_baalbuddy__7dce99a85c4e6849b3f3776546b81b94.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Once your pizza is delivered, fuck Miku!

>> No.25611589

Now this bring me back!

>> No.25611608

Literally or figuratively?

>> No.25611641
File: 15 KB, 236x307, 600de4ca1dc048e7713ce10355b2b7a3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's your issue, bud?

>> No.25613033


>> No.25616946

Miku is normalized so it's okay.

>> No.25619883

That's the joke

>> No.25620013

I'd take this crappy thread over any 3D idol or vtuber or JAV and whatever other similar stuff is currently taking 70% of /jp/ space.

>> No.25620607

how dare you remind me

>> No.25623666

What even is there to discuss about /jp/ anymore? Japanese society? Not interesting. Japanese entertainment? There’s threads about that already
Give me one thread idea that would be a better replacement for what’s in the catalog right now

>> No.25633312

OC thread

>> No.25638649

OC should flow naturally

>> No.25638686

i read like half of it

>> No.25638693
File: 93 KB, 680x679, 6ECC1C45-0F10-4454-A162-53C3384E4D76.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Essentially everything is cute girls doing cute things for otaku culture, so why are you mad?

>> No.25639125

/jp/ is a stagnant hell and our only hope is literally letting hololive flood. I’d allow it

>> No.25639170


>> No.25640119


>> No.25640390

Fuck off. Seriously, go somewhere else and talk about whatever you want there. You want something that's not the current board. Find it elsewhere or go make it. I'm sick of places I like being fundamentally altered for the sake of making the "posts/minute" number go up.

>> No.25643216
File: 214 KB, 1889x1275, A226F605-C54E-4A9C-B39C-E030C3E312A7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Id rather a board that has signs of life and people who care than a place that’s past it’s expiration date and crawls with the same old same old. Too many of the same threads, too many of the same old thinly veiled /d/ threads that are called culture, and too much stagnation.

>> No.25643396

So go somewhere else. You're bored, so go somewhere more interesting. If a place dies, it dies. If it keeps going in a form that bores you, so be it.

>> No.25648666

Literally. "not like she's getting it anywhere else.

>> No.25649267

>this thread is still up

>> No.25659960

yeah, I'm thinking this deserves a bump

>> No.25660254

>masturbate at such speed, that Michael Schumacher considers replacing his ENGINE with YOU.
It's an archivement for sure but I won't feel proud until SpaceX decide to replace their Raptor engines with my dick.

>> No.25679713

The based aura is very strong in this young one

>> No.25679780

Based on what?

>> No.25679810


>> No.25680125

I see.
Don't use crossboarder lingo on /jp/, ``please''.

>> No.25680636

who are you quoting?

>> No.25734961

Why can't you like both?

>> No.25735643

What's wrong with Touhou?

>> No.25736071

god i want to pull on mikus twintails while i fuck her

>> No.25736119

unironically correct

>> No.25736245
File: 136 KB, 460x460, reimu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why dose this 10 year old pasta have 67 replies?

>> No.25737209

shitposts are protected /jp/ heritage

>> No.25743881
File: 617 KB, 810x1100, 1597984064670.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pull on mikus twintails

>> No.25744679
File: 555 KB, 1300x1200, f8fa8fbd4bd295c579471ece647c60a4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's clearly just maintenance work, it should stay in place during normal usage (unless it's broken).

>> No.25757451

because no matter how old it's still true

>> No.25759292

Here's a rundown on why I don't like touhoufaggotry:

1. An individual who has begun playing touhou tends to be weak-willed and tasteless.
He is weak-willed because he has succumbed to a forced opinion, according to which playing touhou is fun and captivating; although, perhaps, he began playing it just in order to approach a resemblence of a TRVE OTAKU, in which case he's just a fucking retard.
And he has no taste because only a truly outstanding shit-eater would play some crap that looks straight out of 80s in regards to graphics, engine and plot in 2020.
Ergo, all touhouniggers are shit-eaters.
Some try to justify themselves by saying that it has, like, cute girls, but any man with two running braincells will be able to tell that cute girls in such graphic mode will look like shit rather than cute girls.

2. Usually, a touhounigger doesn't want to eat shit by himself and actively leads others on shit-eating.
As soon as a touhounigger appears in some community, he begins methodically foisting his shit no-one asked for, like a fucking Jehovah's witness or a fast-food company advertiser.
As per usual, he lists an extremely limited amount of touhou's advantages:

- all TRVE OTAKU play that
- it features cute giiiirls~

As we can see in para.1, both of these reasons to play touhou are made-up bullshit.
For the most part, image boards attract weak-willed people, i.e. latent touhouniggers. And sooner or later, a community dedicaded to, say, LuckyStar, gets completely overrun with shit-devouring touhoufaggots.

3. As the time goes by, touhoufaggot gets dumber and dumber. No wonder - try eating shit on a daily basis yourselves, lol.
All communication of a touhounigger can be watered down to saying "I wanna FUCK that 2hu" and dumping images of some touhouslut.

As you can see, touhoufaggots are virtually worthless - moreover, they harm the community by infecting other weak-filled individuals with TOUHOUFAGGOTRY.
People used to relegate the sick with lepra to leprosariums, so they won't infect all the healthy people. That's why I demand all touhoufaggots to be rightfully banned and cleaned off 4chan. They have no place here.

>> No.25759791
File: 345 KB, 600x680, cycle.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok but can your miku do this?

>> No.25760054

Play the "lol don't care" card all you want but you know it's true.

>> No.25764588

Notice how all of the crossboarders agree with a copypasta whereas /jp/ mostly disregards it.

>> No.25764963

you forgot your bump
