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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 181 KB, 900x734, 1214370052056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2569649 No.2569649 [Reply] [Original]

If you you are a foreigner speaking Japanese in Japan and are not ugly, where can you pick up junior high school girls?

>> No.2569654

lenses and sensor

>> No.2569655

You can try becoming a bus driver.

If that fails; Roppongi.

>> No.2569671
File: 18 KB, 180x135, shirou2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bus driver
That's not what I meant by pick up.

>> No.2569694


You know, I would imagine it wouldn't be all that hard if you're Keanu Reeves hot. Anything short of that though and they're likely to hide the goods from evil devils like you.

>> No.2569703
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>> No.2569714
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I'm sure they all will love you.

>> No.2569728
File: 109 KB, 501x709, girlbeingpickedup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I was a middle schooler, I would let the OP pick me up.

>> No.2569741


Hey wait, those aren't middle schoolers!

>> No.2569891

My aunt has a friend who married a 17 year old girl in Japan, he was in his 30s at the time.

>> No.2569902
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>> No.2569909

I don't know, when I was young I found Harrison Ford incredibly handsome. Not to mention that Keanu is meh.

>> No.2569918

Keanu Reeves is hot? Bullshit.

>> No.2569923


Well, plenty of Japanese chicks think so.

>> No.2569934


>> No.2569947
File: 123 KB, 800x600, 1234665739746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are so many guys so crazy about junior high school girls? Don't you remember what junior high school was like? I do, and I wouldn't go back for the world.

Of age fellow geeks are much better. ^_^ We femanons aren't bitchs and whores, nor are we all overweight hags. We aren't going to hold it against you for being insecure or shy or having geeky interests, since we're like that too! If OP can speak Japanese and is not ugly, he is date-worthy in my opinion, and probably the opinion of other geek girls as well. That's why it makes me sad that geek guys sometimes seem like they're convinced that only Lolis are kind and nonjudgmental and etc., though I imagine OP isn't being very serious. Pic related: it's a geek girl. ^_^

Generally, girls that are nice as Lolis or middle-schoolers are nice as adults, and girls that are stuck up bitches as Lolis or middle-schoolers are stuck up bitches as adults. I spent most of my time with other girls when I was in that age range, and trust me, they're not as sweet and innocent as they look. They're far more likely to be nasty to you for being less than cool than older girls are. People of either gender who treated me like I was the grossest thing on the face of the planet for being a fashion-oblivious dork from about 5th grade to 8th grade were much nicer to me as high-school students and college students. Even I was like that somewhat. I tended to be interested in the cool guys just like everyone else from about ages 11 to 14, whereas now that I'm older, I have enough confidence in my own geekiness and enough sense of my own self to appreciate my fellow geeks.

Don't be fooled by idealized anime depictions of Lolis and middle-schoolers- they're conformity-obsessed in real life.

>> No.2569951

Them japs have no taste, what else is new?

>> No.2569963

>Of age fellow geeks are much better. ^_^ We femanons aren't bitchs and whores, nor are we all overweight hags.
>femanons aren't bitchs and whores

>> No.2569986

Not sure if serious. Doesn't seem like pasta, at the very least.

I like older girls, yeah, but it's hard to find anyone since that sort of girl won't naturally gravitate towards a social gathering or anything.
But the ones I've been with have been great gals. Not obnoxious and most of all, pretty good company.

Please, if you're serious, go back into hiding. It's been long since I've made my peace with the fact that you can't be found because you don't want to be found.

>> No.2569996

>But the ones I've been with have been great gals.
>great gals
Giant hideous fat girls.

>> No.2569997


ITT: Fat whale who can't get laid trying to milk desparate guys for attention.

>> No.2570002

Counterpoint; no anon knows femanons exist, because neither ever socialise. However, large compounds full of high school girls can be found around the place, many with fields full of them jiggling around in tight sports uniforms.

>> No.2570006

>ITT: Male troll who can't get laid trying to milk desparate guys for "a game of pretend."

>> No.2570008

Did I sound like a bitch or a whore to you in my post >>2569947? If I was a whore, I wouldn't be hanging out on 4chan. And if I was a bitch, I would be trolling OP, not trying to sympathize with a fellow geek.

>> No.2570015

I thought this thread was about junior high.

>> No.2570037

Well, she does have a point. Besides, while everyone on /jp/ is a loser, no one has the guts to lie about himself. It's pathetic, even for our standards.

As for you, self-proclaimed femanon, please do as >>2569986
said and hide your gender while in here. Don't go digging up our hopes, we are trying to live without any. And you should do the same.

>> No.2570045

The thing that bothers me with nerdy guys that go for the nerdy girls is the over all hideousness. Not that people are perfect or anything but these people have such attitudes. Usually these types have ridiculous standards and are extremely emotionally immature, unconfident and troubled in general.

Yes, everyone sure has their troubles but would it be so much nicer to have at least a hint of what mature adults are made of. Now, me, for an example, I do not really have such stigma against anyone. As long as you're not totally hideous and have nice personality and wit about it, I would not complain. It is just that these guys are so hang up on themselves that they bring you down with them. How would it feel to date an adult that is into same things as you (nerd).

In before these nice people swarming in to call me a slut and whore for not being a cartoon character.

>> No.2570047

>while everyone on /jp/ is a loser
I never once thought of myself as a loser.

>> No.2570056

I attend a local anime-watching group, and would like to be more social. And I think most of the other girls in the group actually have social lives. I bother commenting in an effort to be more social with my fellow geeks, not because I'm an attention whore. I don't want the attention of people like >>2569997 and >>2569963.

>> No.2570064

Just as surprisingly the average /jp/er is not overweight, but rather skinny, most of the female geeks I've been are no whales.
They're not models, most of the time they're rather homely, but I think that's attractive. The "every nerd is overweight" image is askew from the american population, messing up the average.

>Whore [...] not in 4chan
Don't be so quick to say that. A lot come here for the attention, specially in the normalfag boards.
As I said, I can respect the female anonymous among us that hide their gender. It's a hard sacrifice, but it's for the sake of the continued board peace.

>> No.2570072

To be honest with you I doubt this is true. It's like Konata said in Lucky Star, geek girls aren't interested in geek boys. It's a rule of the universe or something.

>> No.2570082

Most of the time I feel no need to reveal my gender. It seems it would be good to keep it that way.

>> No.2570095

I'm a different girl than the previous poster...but I have to say, I dress up especially nice every time i go to my local anime club (it's my only social outing) in hopes that one of the geeks there will notice me and ask me out on a date. Is that sad?

>> No.2570097

Actually, it would be nice if this retarded "rules of the internet" thing would just stop. It is a lame meme, that is all.

Of course there are girls out there. About 50% of world population is female last time I checked.

What needs to stop is the idiot virgin trolls turning every topic into shitstorm when a female shows up. There is nothing special about females, just try to behave like a normal person and not like a 12-year-old brat about it.

>> No.2570099

Only words.

Nerdy girls will still go for the OMGHAWT guys, no matter what the fuck they say otherwise.

In the end all women are vapid, lying whores.

Stop trying to deny your nature.

>> No.2570103
File: 30 KB, 300x300, 1229036389402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's true I'm not exclusively into geeky boys. However, normal guys would not be into anime. And shared interests and hobbies often bring people together, like in Genshiken. Picture related.

>> No.2570104

And? All make nerds would go for the supermodels. If they could. It is a matter of accessibility. Same thing with females.

>> No.2570105

Fuck, you guys...this is some depressing shit.

>> No.2570108
File: 152 KB, 800x600, middleschooler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread should go back to being about picking up middle schoolers.

>> No.2570112

You're a good person.
Personally, I would like to read a female point of view on some of the many things we indulge in; Yet the constant white knighting and shitstorms are too much to endure.
Thanks for prolonging peace. It shouldn't be this way, but so is life. We're basically an order of monks that keeps their female members hidden.
Have a good weekend. Guess I won't recognize you when you post again. Bye.

>> No.2570115


But, isn't that a teacher bro?

>> No.2570116

I wouldn't touch 99.99% of the super models because they are vapid whores.

>> No.2570119

I don't know about you, fellow femanon. But i could never ever date a man that didn't share my interests. What the hell could we talk about? What activities would we both enjoy? I've heard of geeks dating non-geeks and being forced to stop their geeky behavior/activities in order to please their significant other. I could never do such a thing....that would be denying who I am.

>> No.2570123

>Nerdy girls will still go for the OMGHAWT guys
Nerdy guys will still go for the OMGHAWT girls


>> No.2570126

I wouldn't want a super model.
Geeky girls are my thing.

>> No.2570127

>What the hell could we talk about?
....why do you need to talk excessively...?

>> No.2570129

Sorry but no, I find OMGHAWT girls mentally disgusting and uninteresting.

>> No.2570132

No, nerdy guys just stay single for all eternity.

>> No.2570135

Yes, in general, I would not see a reason to date a person that does not share my interests in life.

To guys it may not be so relevant since most guys (especially nerdy ones) want just free sex out of a relationship.

>> No.2570136

You could have sex with each other. I'm pretty sure that's what normal people do, right?

>> No.2570143
File: 42 KB, 500x400, mainstream_200902062503307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would I even want to be a lying, vapid, whore? Being a whore would mean being used like thing by woman-haters like you. Being vapid would mean having boring hobbies and interests like shopping and trying to find emotional fulfillment through material things. And if I was a liar, I could never have loving, trusting relationships with anyone. And the #1 reason not to be a lying, vapid, whore is that men use it as an excuse to do really horrible things to women. Besides which, lying, vapid, whores are total stuck-up bitches to other women as well.

>> No.2570144

I'll be honest, I once had a girlfriend and I dumped her when I found out she was too stupid.

>> No.2570151

sigh. Still waiting for the shy geeks at my anime club to not be too scared to talk to me...
I've been in the club for a year and have only had a few sentences exchanged with most of them.

>> No.2570153

If that is true then the best thing you can do to actually date one of the geeks is to ask him out. They will never ask you out because they are far to scared to do it

>> No.2570154

Rape them

>> No.2570157


Same here.

Nerdy girl or not, she'll be pretty lucky to end up with me. I have a pretty comfortable life style.

>> No.2570158

My mother (who is into D&D) married my father (who is into music), so I simply can't believe you.

>> No.2570167

Yeah because those are all the interests they have.
Also, they're getting divorced.

>> No.2570172

They have been married for 30 years.

>> No.2570173


>> No.2570175

Here's a counter point for some of the femanons here...

A good friend of mine dated a gamer/nerd chick for a while until she cheated on him multiple times behind his back. After that he vowed to never date a girl with similar tastes again and is now engaged to a very nice polite girl that really cares about him and keeps his power level in-check. They get married in August.

>> No.2570179

And every day they continue to be married is just another day closer to when they get divorced.

>> No.2570180

This nerdy guy here just got offended by your post. I don't need sexual pleasure, my palm is way better at this than any woman. I just want someone to share my interests in a relationship.

Also, let's end this discussion as quickly as possible. Please.

>> No.2570193
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>> No.2570200

And will have couple of mixbred yank babies and have a divorce after few years. What is your point?

>> No.2570202

Or maybe they won't divorce...

>> No.2570204

Would I go for a nerdy girl?
Maybe if she was both hot and nice at the same time, but I think it's a lot easier to find nice and hot.

So far no luck for me when it comes to going further than watching movies, going for walks, etc., of course.
I'll just take it easy.

>> No.2570205

>In the end all women are vapid, lying whores.

Half-blind fool. Isn't it clear that all humans are vapid, lying idiots, no matter their gender?

>> No.2570214

No, I think pretty highly of myself.

>> No.2570217

This. I'm no exception.

>> No.2570221

Nerdy isn't the decisive factor, intelligence is.
I'll go after any girl smarter than me, and fairly cute.
Still no luck.

>> No.2570231

Whether you say that or not, it is a fact that 20 something guys look for sex out of relationship and prioritize it as the most important quality. Some of them just do not admit it to themselves but thats just how it is.

To prove this point, any girl in a relationship, stop putting out to your boy for a month or so and see what happens. Yeah, you see what I mean.

>> No.2570233

But I'm a super human...

>> No.2570236

>Usually these types have ridiculous standards and are extremely emotionally immature, unconfident and troubled in general.
If you see this as a problem, then it is you who are the immature.
Nobody is perfect, but moral flaws are, most of the time, much more harming to relationships than personality flaws.

>> No.2570237

That said, nerdy/geeky≠Intelligent.

>> No.2570240


I think the point was this: A lot of gamer/nerdy chicks seem to be "all over the place" mentally and are not really set in their ways. Can any of the femanons really claim to offer the same kind of stability as a highly educated proper career girl? If so, I applaud them, but remain skeptical.

>> No.2570276
File: 114 KB, 800x566, moe_200809078910028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>_< I hate it when stupid girls give a bad name to my gender.

Have some real middle school girls (not lolis).

>> No.2570278

Uh, that's the teacher from Hani Hani Operation Sanctuary. She's in her 20s

>> No.2570280

I've thought about what matters most: "personality" or similar interests. Supposedly personality is the most important factor but...how are you supposed to even meet someone and talk to them without sharing at least some interests? How can your relationship develop on personality alone, if you can't even do things you enjoy together? This is why for now I'm looking for geeky guys instead of widening my scope. I've given up on normal men.

>> No.2570281

Any physicist femanons here?
That's what I thought.

>> No.2570294

Looking for Renko?

Speaking of, any of the female anonymous here that prefer wearing long skirts?

>> No.2570295

So you managed to turn a shitty thread into pretty much a strain to the universe? GG, jaypee.

>> No.2570296

The only real middle schooler is a loli. Like that one in the middle, possibly.

>> No.2570298

The reason I go for "no girls on the internet" is back in the day with all he conversations I had in Gunbound and Ragnarok with "girls" turned out they were all guys. I don't want to be sickened by that revelation again so I assume all people on the internet are boys and it'll never happen again.

>> No.2570309

Shut up, I know it's possible.

>> No.2570312

I have yet to meet any woman with intelligence, or at least culture, as high as my own and less than old enough to be my mother.

>> No.2570313
File: 227 KB, 142x160, 1241740590224.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just set up one of these things and they'll come to you.

>> No.2570316

is there supposed to be something hidden in her stockings? I don't see any cord though.

>> No.2570319

erm, i was a physics major but chose not to pursue that career, so I changed it to a minor. Still a pretty solid background in physics though. And all the skirts I wear are long.

>> No.2570333

I wear skirts that cover my knees, I don't like shorter ones.

>> No.2570337

I personally don't go for "nerdy" girls for two reasons.
1. They're obsessed with sex. I prefer to wait until later in a relationship, most "nerdy" girls seem to have absolutely no patience in terms of intimacy. Soon as you tell them you'd rather wait, instant loss of interest.
2. Like most of 4chan, they're too cowardly to ever tell you they're interested, and don't even try to make it blindingly obvious. If I have no inkling that they may be interested, I won't bother.

Oh yeah, and like others have stated, I won't date frequent MMO players. I've had interest in a couple MMO playing girls, but they were so into whatever MMO that it was impossible to talk to them. Sorry, I refuse to compete with an MMO for your attention.

>> No.2570344

Yeah, that's what most girls do after they have their 20th boyfriend.

>> No.2570348

Let's date.

>> No.2570360

So it's not a myth. This warms by dark heart.
Still, I'm sure they'd be creeped out if I approached any geeky looking girl in a cafe. One can only do so much with a face like mine.
Oh well, I'm glad just knowing they exist out there, somewhere.

>> No.2570362

Oh yeah, and what are you studying now?

>> No.2570393

African-american studies.

>> No.2570401

I decided that instead of focusing narrowly on a particular subject, which scientists must do in their jobs, I liked thinking about the big concepts of physics more - and science in general. How science works, how it affects our lives. That's why I'm studying STS - science, technology and society - and I'm in a Masters program right now.

>> No.2570405

The reason there are no "girls on the internet" is because the threads derail into threads ABOUT the girls, such as this thread here.

Though it's not like this thread didn't start out shitty anyway, so it's really no harm done.

>> No.2570409

femanons of /jp/ posting in this thread. How does it feel to know many of us are now fapping to thoughts of you?

>> No.2570416

Sorry, but we nerdy guys usually have this complex about being choosen as the last option.
Lucky are the ones that find themselves girls intelligent (or dumb?) enough to go for them in the first try.

>> No.2570437

>have this complex about being choosen as the last option.
>Lucky are the ones that find themselves girls intelligent (or dumb?) enough to go for them in the first try.
Right on man, ironically I usually go after the girl that all the alphas want every time, she may even like me over a few of them but I would never do anything about it because I know she's thinking about an upgrade

>> No.2570447

Trying to get this a bit closer to the original topic...

>Why are so many guys so crazy about junior high school girls?

Because the chances of scoring with a younger girl are far higher than with a girl of my own age. People can talk about "50% of world population" being female, but I honestly can't remember the last time I met a girl in my age group who isn't in some sort of relationship (and I'm only 21). Besides, I live in a country where the age of consent is much lower than 18.

But that's all on a relative scale. I don't have any chances with the younger girls either, of course.

>> No.2570462

I'm still majoring physics, and I have found it to be quite interesting, particularly theoretical physics and all the advanced math involved. STS sounds interesting, but I'm more into hardcore math.
Anyway, how old are you? since you're in a Masters I guess you must be 20 something.

>> No.2570472

You're absolutely right, man. This isn't /r9k/ and I shouldn't be bawwing about being ronery/being an attention whore here. I will now retreat back into anonymity. But...my email address there, if Mr. I-want-a-physicist-girl is still around.

>> No.2570484

/jp/ is whatever you want it to be if the others agree.

>> No.2570487

Where the heck did all you guys come from?

Lots of new faces in this thread.

>> No.2570491


>> No.2570495

Loneliness makes us show the worst of us.

>> No.2570498

Maybe it's time we allow females to be more open about themselves. As long as they keep it decent like in this thread and not fall into attention whoring or lashing out against the misogyny in the board.
Perhaps we would all be happier if we could see women for what they really are, instead of the images we feed into each other.

>> No.2570502

>/jp/ is whatever you report but doesn't gets deleted.
Oh boy, her comes Mr. ZUN !barYV1VtIA to fag around.

>> No.2570503
File: 9 KB, 584x315, 1241985771334.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Weekend makes us show the worst of us

>> No.2570505

Its a thread about how we want to fuck a 13 year old, who wouldnt post?

also /r9k/ is still down, so I have to go somewhere

>> No.2570512

Oh, I guess that explains the general shitiness of /a/ and /jp/.

>> No.2570513

Sounds alright.

>> No.2570519

No. This will attract whiteknighting and people who come here only to score with the girls.
Want to find a girl? Try exchanging emails with people. You'd be surprised to see that guy with awesome tastes is actually a girl.

>> No.2570520

> Ragnarok
You had it coming. Who doesn't make female characters in RO?

>> No.2570520,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.2570520,2 [INTERNAL] 

>Guy pretending to be Renko

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I can't take it easy like this!

>> No.2570520,3 [INTERNAL] 

Could be, could be not. Either way, I saved those yukkuris.

>> No.2570520,4 [INTERNAL] 

How do you feel about this? >>2570498
Not to go as far as fomenting an attention whore hub, but merely allowing females to reveal their gender without getting all worked up about it.
That is, as long as they behave. Our resident female population has remained hidden for too long, and it's just unfair and retrograde.

>> No.2570520,5 [INTERNAL] 

Well, I never had a problem with it, the more the merrier.

>> No.2570520,6 [INTERNAL] 

I wonder if they lurk the archive

>> No.2570520,7 [INTERNAL] 

Be honest with yourself. Has there ever been a time when a female (real or otherwise) revealed her gender without acting like an attention whore or trying to cause some drama?

What's wrong with not mentioning your gender with every post, huh?

>> No.2570520,8 [INTERNAL] 

Well, it wouldn't be a problem if we didn't make such a fuss about it.

>> No.2570520,9 [INTERNAL] 

Yes, plenty of times. But we tend to remember those that irked us instead.
I'm not saying that we should reveal genders at every post, otherwise I would be known as Anonymous [Male]. What I'm saying is that there's no need to lash out at people that reveal their genders in context of the thread.

Of course, the attention whores will be the ones that are more inclined to do this, attempting to be idolized just for being there and having a vagina.

Or perhaps we should be more strict with the full concept of anonymity. No personal life, at all. Ronery threads whining about personal issues are only for the drama after all.

>> No.2570520,10 [INTERNAL] 

But there is! It's a defense mechanism which tries to keep female attention whoring at bay.

I'm not sure why you want to be more fair. The default gender on 4chan is male. Anyone who says otherwise is an attention whore and therefore undesirable anyway. Your gender doesn't have any affect on touhou, vns, japanese birds cooking spaghetti, etc, so there's no reason to bring it up.

tl;dr no sluts in my /jp/ please

>> No.2570520,11 [INTERNAL] 

I like you too, Jones.

>> No.2570520,12 [INTERNAL] 

There is hardly any reason to reveal your gender though.

>> No.2570520,13 [INTERNAL] 


Whatever, slut.

>> No.2570520,14 [INTERNAL] 

There's hardly any reason to use a tripcode when you don't need to as well.

>> No.2570520,15 [INTERNAL] 

Oh dear.

>> No.2570520,16 [INTERNAL] 

So there's never ANY reason to use a tripcode that reveals your gender!

/ghostboard/ - triptrolls/general

>> No.2570520,17 [INTERNAL] 

All I say is this.
Next time you see a poster mention their gender, don't overreact. Act accordingly instead. Try to asses if it's a transparent attempt at attention whoring and encouraging drama, or if it is someone trying to post their opinion as a female.

I don't want /cgl/ levels of whoring either, I just want a sliver of tolerance to our female posters that deserve better.

>> No.2570520,18 [INTERNAL] 

Exactly. I only started using this trip because /jp/ers overreact far too much at female posters and it's pretty hilarious. Actually, it was in a thread where some people were raging at Pygma for being such an attention whore. (check the archives if you want, it's a pretty horrible thread)

>> No.2570520,19 [INTERNAL] 

>>I just want a sliver of tolerance to our female posters that deserve better.
Never going to happen with Anonymous Jones-type posters.

>> No.2570520,20 [INTERNAL] 

You're a good guy.

>> No.2570520,21 [INTERNAL] 

Oh, come on, that's no fun at all.

What next, you want to help people who ask /jp/ to do their Japanese homework?

>> No.2570520,22 [INTERNAL] 

He doesn't actually believe that. He's Jones.

Plus, you're on /jp/. Everyone in here is a loser, you and me included. What kind of "respect and tolerance" are you looking for?

>> No.2570520,23 [INTERNAL] 

Poor Pygmalion. I leave for a bit and Anon went after her ಠ_ಠ

>> No.2570520,24 [INTERNAL] 

Ironically, it was that thread that made Pygma "really popular."

I'm still sorry for that, Pygmalion.

>> No.2570520,25 [INTERNAL] 

What kind of "respect and tolerance" are you looking for?
I'm just looking for a good time.

>> No.2570520,26 [INTERNAL] 

>I'm just looking for a good time.
That sounds like something you'd find in dubious classifieds, sis.

>> No.2570520,27 [INTERNAL] 



>> No.2570520,29 [INTERNAL] 

What the hell happened to this thread?
Anyway, I'm going to email that physicist.

>> No.2570520,30 [INTERNAL] 

C'mon now, cut Jones some slack. It must be hard for a black woman these days.

>> No.2570520,31 [INTERNAL] 

I just remembered that black female doctor from Scrubs.

>> No.2570520,32 [INTERNAL] 

It's official, Eksopl and Misaki is mai waifu are both niggers.

Do you mean the nurse who died? I'm not sure I approve of the point you're trying to make here. Be careful, Anonymous, do you want to be on the list of niggers as well?

>> No.2570520,33 [INTERNAL] 

Note the lack of straightness in the word niggers.

Ganbatte, Anonymous! I don't feel worthy of her, myself. Even if she's into soft science.

>> No.2570520,34 [INTERNAL] 

I hope I can do it Jones.

>> No.2570520,36 [INTERNAL] 

>Do you mean the nurse who died?
Oh no no
I mean that joke about if it was harder to be a black doctor or a female doctor.

>> No.2570520,37 [INTERNAL] 

Haha, I remember that.
Elliot: Look, I'm not gonna fight about whether in medicine it's harder being black or a woman.

Turk: Black!

Elliot: Woman!

(a black female doctor walks by)

Turk: Much prop, Dr. Rhodes.

Elliot: (does a chest pound with her fist) Mmm.

>> No.2570520,38 [INTERNAL] 

Yeah, that one.

>> No.2570520,39 [INTERNAL] 

lol, I remember that one now.

>> No.2570520,40 [INTERNAL] 

I was wondering how many people would actually go for it. Don't think I will, I would probably just scare her.

>> No.2570520,41 [INTERNAL] 

Sometimes....you just have to do it.

>> No.2570520,42 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.2570520,43 [INTERNAL] 

Man, /jp/ sure is slow right now, the posts come out like 5 minutes after you post them.

>> No.2570520,44 [INTERNAL] 

/jp/ is down, what now?
