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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 68 KB, 640x441, winter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2555849 No.2555849 [Reply] [Original]

What is your mmorpg of choice /jp/?

>> No.2555859


>> No.2555861

Star Wars Galaxies

>> No.2555864

What is this, and how close to naked can I get?

>> No.2555866

world of kung fu

>> No.2555873


>> No.2555879

Ragnarok Online

>> No.2555914

World of Anything but Warcraft.

>> No.2555916

This. Pre-CU.

Now nothing.

>> No.2555922


>> No.2555927

runes of magic

>> No.2555928


lol. I remember making a half-assed threat on that last year.

>> No.2555929



>> No.2555934
File: 105 KB, 391x421, Ferghus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mabinogi. You guys should come back. It's gotten a LOT better:

- New races, including elves that let you look like Len as a child and Caster as an adult.
-A new continent, complete with a new means of progressing your character: Exploration.
- Free rebirths at age 20, so you don't need to spend money to stay competent.

>> No.2555937

RAN online.

because it almost have no cheater in it.

>> No.2555945
File: 827 KB, 1280x1024, Aion0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aion Chinese version. It has a leaked english translation.

>> No.2555953


I can literally imagine that man in your picture speaking every word you just typed.

>> No.2555958

Is that a good thing or a bad thing?

>> No.2555959

Requiem Bloodymare, there's 'partial nudity' involved according to its esrb rating.

Enjoy your sali gang.

>> No.2555966

One more black dye and I can rebirth my elf into Len. Trudy's Rain Robe is a pain in the ass.

But, you can't really get a ribbon so you can't do Len completely right... oh well.

>> No.2555968


sali gang?

>> No.2555980

>Free rebirths at age 20, so you don't need to spend money to stay competent.

Sadly, this isnt so true. While you're waiting for 3 weeks to reach age 20, everyone else has rebirthed 2 or 3 times already. Plus, it's just no fun when you arent a loli.

>> No.2555983

That's how pinoys used to bug every person with the guild emblem before their nickname back when I used to play RAN.

>> No.2555994


thats not cheat.

>> No.2556031
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>> No.2556053

What server is this?

>> No.2556054
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>> No.2556058
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>> No.2556064
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>> No.2556080

Obviously the best, WoW.

>> No.2556084

TF2: Now with new hats!

>> No.2556223

WoW, of course.

>> No.2556231


>> No.2556238

Why does everyone in Wow look like they 40 years old?
The visuals are the main reason i didnt play wow but started aion.

>> No.2556256

lol humans

>> No.2556259

How's Granado Espada for a mmo? Don't know if I should start that or Mabinogi.

>> No.2556265

The undead look even older,
but don't forget the gaymen elfs.

>> No.2556272

Because ur a fag. And because 14 year-old paladins and warriors are even less realistic than zombies and elves.

>> No.2556301

fiesta online. no one talks about this, ever. its actually quite fun.

>> No.2556307


WAR was dissapointing.

>> No.2556335

Not bad, GE is a lot of fun and looks gorgeous. Sadly, the best gears are CS exclusive.
I'd recommend trying both if posible.
I played that on cb/ob almost 2 years ago, it was really fun. But I could never get over the fact that you had to pay if you wanted more than 3 haircuts/hair colours.

Mara KQ with idiots asking for clerics below level 20 for ress, Harkans AoE plvel parties, Uruga...I shall never forget you ;_;

>> No.2556342

I haven't played MMOs in awhile, burned out on them. Mortal Online is looking promising though, it has an oldschool UO vibe to it.

>> No.2556344

Granado Espada and, lately, MegaTen Online.

>> No.2556346

Warcraft is like in the middle ages remember when europe was in the middle ages the life expectancy was like 40 years. SO YEAH I EXPECT SOME 18 YEAR OLD PALADIN.

>> No.2556377

You just want your pedophile urges to be fulfilled.

>> No.2556378

oh man oh man. Mara parties sigh. makes me want to fire it up riiiight now.

>> No.2556389

But the middle ages didn't have healing/revival magic and (ex-)immortal races.

>> No.2556422

If i still remembered my ID/Pass i would log just to kick some robo ass.

>> No.2556425

Well i Warcraft universe everyone can die expect the players.

>> No.2556426

IRL, since my ISP is bullshit and enjoys resetting my modem remotely when more than one person tries to access the internet simultaneously.

>> No.2556427

EVE Online

>> No.2556428

eh... Guild Wars

>> No.2556446


>> No.2557079

Is Runes of Magic worth trying?

>> No.2557090

I like your style, bro.
Used to play that too.

>> No.2557091

I played City of Heroes/Villains for a long time. Planetside before that.

The first got stagnant as the devs made it more and more like WoW, and Planetside got lolSony'ed to death.

I haven't found one worth playing after that, never mind worth paying for.

>> No.2557096

/jp/ - /v/

>> No.2557101

None. Playing Florensia because it has ships and guns. I'd play EVE if I have a job.

>> No.2557102

ronery games are /jp/ related.

>> No.2557108

If you want to play EVE that bad ask /v/, they should be able to give you a 21 day trial and in that time you can begin to earn enogh to pay for the subscription with ingame money.

>> No.2557110

I've played almost every AAA MMO.
Not a single one offers a satisfying PVP experience. Good old game devs treating PVP like shit in order to reach their PVE goals.

>> No.2557112
File: 740 KB, 1280x1024, Aion0008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try aion

>> No.2557119

It's like I am really in /v/!

>> No.2557124

Tried WAR?

I'm on WAR and EVE
but I need a new computer to play again :(

>> No.2557125

Good joke, there's no international version yet.

>> No.2557129

it's one of the easiest games to play for free, but it's a pretty direct copy/paste of WoW, except the dungeons are kind of lame.

>> No.2557134

it's pretty cool in the first 15 levels

after that you'll have to grind grind grind and buy some inventory space for real $$

>> No.2557136

I just don't go for the fantasy setting, especially with ELVES abounding.

The fact that I can't stomp them all to death breaks my immersion.

I want them to make a Planetside-like Warhammer 40K game. Lead a squad of Assault Marines from the skies to chainsaw every living thing to death.

>> No.2557137

this is why we need a neet/ronery otaku board.

>> No.2557142

I've been trying hard to get into PWI, but it hasn't been going well.

>> No.2557148

From the previous mmo thread I asked how hard it is to get to that point where I can make enough in game money to pay the monthly fee. I don't think its possible within 21 days.

>> No.2557149

I betaed it. Played until end of January. Leveled two characters to max (IB and RP) to make sure I just hadn't picked an unfun class. Game was unstable, unbalanced, and uninspiring. Crowd control was out of hand, WEs, Sorcs, BWs, Fetches, Vacuums, DoKs, WPs. I'll look at WAR again in a few months. Maybe.
But on the bright side the PVP theory and battleground designs beats WoW's spawn-camping everyone dies in 5 seconds gameplay. WoW takes the 'people enjoy big numbers and get an adrenaline rush' thing too far and made their game into a gibfest in order to offer an 'exciting pve experience where you don't step on fire and push a 3 button rotation for 10 minutes.'
I've also played City of Villains recently. Game is shallow, but is so damn silly it is fun for a few weeks. PVP is god awful though.
Funny thing is I didn't pay for WoW or CoV reactivations, I had friends reactivate old accounts of mine. Guess that's a bonus of being an ex-guildmaster, everyone wants you in their group/guild/whatever.

>> No.2557153

get WAR
create a bright wizard or another cheated class
join a powerful guild

>> No.2557154

Other than /jp/? Thats like taking the pedophilia out of anime.

>> No.2557156

Iam still on FFXI, anyone else?

>> No.2557162

But sadly, from what I've read, Warhammer 40K, if they finally make it, will not be like Planetside, not tactical in any respect. Instead, it'll probably be like WoW.

Which is a terrible, horrible idea.

>> No.2557171

Nasuverse Online

>> No.2557179

>Warhammer 40K
>probably be like WoW

>> No.2557181

Chinese Aion at the moment, shit is awesome. I loved Lineage 2 so I really enjoy it right now. I'm playing from Europe and I still don't get any lag on the Chinese servers so it's great, especially since the English translation was leaked not long ago.

FFXI was enjoyable years ago but I personally haven't played it in like 5 years. WoW was 'fun' until season 2 ended then the PvP suddenly turned shit. WAR was decent but a little too buggy for my own liking, renewed it for this month and quite a few bugs are fixed but it's still not quite there yet, especially when getting a keep warband going only for the server to kick you in the face and make everyone have 30+ second lag, shit sucks.

>> No.2557187

that would be great
with events like grail war and stuff

>> No.2557189
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Level 30 succubus and level 25 martial artist looking for group.

>> No.2557194

Can't wait for Blizzard to close WoW and make World of Gensokyo.

>> No.2557208

I can't even begin to grasp the manifold ideas for races and classes which could be chosen from!



>> No.2557217

That's why I said it would be terrible.

>> No.2557232

Rain of Fire
Pit of Shades
Unbalanced Online

>> No.2557245


That's not even a fucking RPG. Stop messing up your full-of-hack-and-aimbot games with Role Playing Games.

And I find it rather ridiculous that these FPS fags actually believe they are more intelligent than MMORPGfags, when all you have to do is just google for a decent aimbot.

>> No.2557260

This makes me want to beat up some deers, snakes and crows with my V. Akiha.

>> No.2557288

RO, even though I suck at it and don't know how to do anything there. And I've been playing it for three or four years.

>> No.2557291

Imagine if it was set during the Lunar War period.
You can choose to be either in the eintei faction or yakumo faction.

Race - Human/Youkai/Ghost/Rabbit/Fairy/Kappa/Vampire/
Class - Miko/Wizard/Sorceror/Magician/Witch/Sword Fighter/Drunk Brawler/Nuclear bomb spammer/Doctor/NEET/Librarian/Maid/Photographer

The potential for it will be limitless. Why doesn't anyone fund this already?

>> No.2557303

Because Touhou is shit and you should feel like a pathetic nerd with nothing to look forward in life for liking that shit. Go suck ZUNs dick homo.

>> No.2557305
File: 62 KB, 300x400, Midori.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doggirl / Boomerang-chucking hybrid caster.
So I can play fetch. WITH MYSELF. Unless I lose my glasses. Lost my glasses and my boomerang moe~

>> No.2557307
File: 214 KB, 1024x768, screenLoki551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seriously? I just quit RO for like the 5th time recently. Been playing on and off since beta.

The new 3rd classes and the 150 lv cap sounds retarded though. I guess it's a good time to hang it up again.

>> No.2557308


>> No.2557317

Huh, about half a year on RO and I was taking on hordes of brazillians and pinoys with my mere Acolyte (with 8k hp and fairly decent gear by standards of back then, though. )

Good times, I do miss them. Agreed on level 150 cap and third classes being retarded too.

>> No.2557322
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>> No.2557331

Of course, what were we thinking! MMO's are so secure, there is no way you can automate all that grindan. If you excuse me for a moment, I have to pick up my new level 80 from Shang Zao Madong.

>> No.2557332

I tried this but then the gametime ran out ;(

>> No.2557337

I got back into Nexus, Kingdom of the Winds again. It's like free to level 60 now or something.

>> No.2557460

You should give WAR a chance though.
I started recently, and didn´t even grind on my first 8 levels. PvP is a faster and much more entertaining way to earn levels. Then, there are the public quests, which you can enter or leave as you wish since they aren't on a different map, then there's the keeps, a clusterfuck either on defense or attack, the honor, reputation, perks, all the different classes, auras, stances, skills, weapons...

I can't say if it's 'Better' or 'Worse' than WoW, but it certainly is more fun and you don't have to force yourself to play entire months in order to be competent.

>> No.2558216


Have you ever considered private servers?

>> No.2558258

If you're going to play an MMORPG, you might as well be playing WoW.

It's the best of a terrible genre. Trying to delude yourself into thinking the others are better is just you being an underageb& who can't afford $15 a month or a faggot on the anti-WoW bandwagon. It's far more polished with infinitely more content than the competition (lol) and the community is only bad if you associate with retards. I'm friends with plenty of 20+ NEETs and collegefags in my guild and the 15 year-olds are on my vast ignore list.

>> No.2558377


I would start to play, but I'm real bad socializing with people on the internet as well as in the real-life. I, however, have a hikikomori friend, who wants to play WoW, but he's currently running Windows-oh-lawd-98.

>> No.2558385

I only play elite corean grindan games, take your shit back.

>> No.2558431

trying PWI for the first time....it's pretty, and I can play it at 1920x1200 with all setting maxed and no lag at all. Most of my MMO experience has been at like 12 fps prior to this.

previous...EQ, EQ2, SWG, AO, COH/V, EVE, VG, Ryzom, Trickster, Mabinogi, DOMO.

Nothing's compared to the fun I had in ol' EQ though. Played from before Kunark to Omens of War and finally burned out. Best memory of good times though...

>> No.2558435

Haven't played an Online Ronery Game in years.

WoW was ass too. What a waste of $30 that was. FF11 was also a waste; the game sure was pretty though. At least there are good doujinshi for FF11. Same with RO.

>> No.2558455


Hey zun you seem like the kind of guy that would make search comment in japanese and maybe put a JP ORNY in it, am I close?

>> No.2558462

Well, I can see what you are trying to say, but I don't like WoW. I have to admit, I only played it in its first month or so. For me, Guild Wars is more enjoyable, I can stop playing for however long I wish, and come back any day, without having to renew any subscription or shit, good PvP, even some good PvE, if you can look past some flaws. Anyway, WoW isn't the only possible choice.

>> No.2558484


I.. guess? I don't remember much about WoW.

>> No.2558534
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Oh u, I was talking about ffxi. Though you knew that already. :) :) :) :) :)

Yeah it did make for good doujinshi. the story was good too

>> No.2558541
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City of Heroes.

>> No.2558553

Reminds me, I still have my character from 2005. Beside all the annual presents I'm now the sole leader of a guild I started back than with some friends. But everyone has quit so I have a fucking guild hall for myself.

>> No.2558558

>:) :) :) :) :)


>> No.2558728
File: 373 KB, 1280x1024, Aion0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's so much better than any other MMO I have ever played. It's also the first MMO where I have payed to play.
I've played for at least 15 hours, and still almost haven't grinded at all. There's just so much to do.

>> No.2558886


Is there a way to obtain it for free?

>> No.2558900

What server are you on? And why are you goddamn elyos ;_;

>> No.2558903

Yes the new regions are free till the 15th so go and try it out.

>> No.2558921

I would join you, but my computer doesn't meet the minimum specs (and I don't want to P2P).

Trying Runes of Magic now.

>> No.2558924
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>> No.2558946

All my characters are trolls.

>> No.2558970
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That's good, because trolls are awesome.

>> No.2559002

Which realms do you guys play on?

>> No.2559016
File: 474 KB, 1300x1207, 24d9d2ae1af71e48f95d7fac48fd1a26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jaedenar EU (Horde), Twilight's Hammer EU (Alliance), Sylvanas EU (Alliance).

>> No.2559033

WoW doesn't belong here.

Too mainstream and not enough grind.

>> No.2559039

WoW, planning on trying Aion when it comes out.

>> No.2559045

>not enough grind
fuck your grindan korean shit

>> No.2559061

But it's the only MMORPG worth mentioning, so I thought I might as well.

>> No.2559066

North China, Azariel.

Apparently, many English speaking players are on that server.

>> No.2559103

it's too boring. I've given it several chances, but i end up uninstalling it again after a few hours of playing

>> No.2559120

How good is Aion in the "being a little girl" department? Char creation? Clothes? Seriously, it's the only reason I still play mmos anymore.

>> No.2559139
File: 348 KB, 950x1594, f555c6e565e2d91c92e70c88373e1ee6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If this was at a rather low level, I can imagine, leveling is boring as fuck.

If this was at the max level depending on when you played, WoW is not your kind of game, I guess.

>> No.2559164

You can't play a little girl with a dfc. What you can do though is make a very small and slim girl with a small chest and the face of maybe a young teenager. It IS possible to create some pretty cute girls, and you have control over pretty much every part of their face and body when creating them.
When it comes to clothes, you don't have many options though. Don't know whether that changes at the higher lvls.

>> No.2559170


This Anon is wise.

>> No.2559173
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Mabinogi was fun but the community got shittier and shittier as time went by.

Granado Espada was fun. I loved the music in each area. Lots of grindan though.

I enjoyed Aion until around level 17ish when I needed to party up with people to finish some quests inside some area. I forget what it was called but I was unable to communicate with the Chinese locals.

>> No.2559220
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Posting a few screenshots of the character creation screen in Aion.

>> No.2559227
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>> No.2559238
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Much better than what you see in many other MMORPGs, where you can just choose between gender, and maybe 4-6 different faces and hair styles.

>> No.2559332

i'm in love!

>> No.2559365

But is there a story more interesting than the ever-present "us versus them PvP" bullshit that has been pervading the MMO market since WoW?

>> No.2559379

Perfect World has more. Hell PW has more than Oblivion.

>> No.2559383


You can pick lip color but not eye color? Wat?

>> No.2559450

Don't know, and don't care really. The actual gameplay is all that matters to me.

yeah I'd wish they hadn't forgotten about the eyes.

>> No.2559484

There is nothing good right now. I am disappointed.

>> No.2559506

perfect world has tonnes. i liked it, but i found it a little confusing/tiring. it was fun but i had no real drive to start it again once id stopped playing for the day

>> No.2559600


>> No.2559621
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>> No.2561306
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>> No.2561330

All your sub par Korean grindan games will never meet the standards of WoW anyway. How about you guys stop being poor faggots and pay for a REAL game?

>> No.2561393

I've been trying to play Mabinogi recently but it's rather difficult to continue since there isn't anything entertaining to do. I must be doing it wrong.

>> No.2561409
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>> No.2561432
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I don't play MMOs, my hatred of human interaction extends to videogames as well. So I play single-player games instead, and Fallout 3 satisfy me just fine. Mmmm, meido lolis and bunnygirls...

>> No.2561437
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>> No.2561445
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>> No.2561455
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>> No.2561459
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>> No.2561461

some japs built their house near mine on a uo freeshard
they'd fight each other on the roof of the house then talk in those moon runes

sometimes i would spy on them

>> No.2561467
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>> No.2561472
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>> No.2561473


Aimbot ruins the whole point of FPS.

Levelbot does not. In fact, I would have laughed if any game claim that botting ruin their games, since it shows that it is so redundant that only grindan is the only thing that keeps the game moving.

Oh, and most MMOrpgs these days have automated bot function included in anyway, so nothing is lost.

>> No.2561499

I used to play Oblivion as Bazett before I ran out of punching levels.

>> No.2561509

What are those humanoid things?

Looks like something out of a kid's nightmare.

>> No.2561563

Oh god how could you let them die ;_;

>> No.2561603
File: 168 KB, 659x618, frostlordcirno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WoW is fuckall boring at 80.

Log in
Do Storm Peaks/Icecrown dailies
Maybe arena
Maybe raid
Log off


>> No.2561631
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>What is your mmorpg of choice /jp/?
DoMO, yeah I'll stay a little bit more for the new upcoming class...

>> No.2561762
File: 154 KB, 490x641, aion-cleric-close.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Playing the aion chinese beta atm, this is my level 16 cleric. It's quite good.

>> No.2562469
File: 477 KB, 1024x768, fallout3_uljp00600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are the base loli models for Fallout 3. Unfortunately, I haven't yet found a mod to make the prexisting lolis look more attractive. How about this then, does this look better to you?

>> No.2562492
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Dream of Mirror you say?
