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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 146 KB, 800x600, 1234510215866.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2554821 No.2554821 [Reply] [Original]

Imagine, having your own robot girlfriend. She'll always be pretty and beautiful, while remaining humble and modest about it.

>> No.2554825
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She'll never bitch and nag, she'll always be respectful to you, ready to listen to what you say and will always be there to support you know matter what.

>> No.2554830
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Even after a shitty day at school or work, you'll always have her to look forward too, she'll always love you, no matter how fat or ugly or socially awkward you are, she's patient and and kind.

>> No.2554841

>she'll always love you

>> No.2554844
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Unlike the real thing that bleeds every month, she'll always be pure and sweet. She won't have unpredictable mood swings and depression, she'll always be happy and smile.

>> No.2554858
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She'll always be loyal to you, she won't be like the real thing that easily fall and abandon for some asshole jerk that treats her like shit. She'll never leave your side, loyalty means everything to her, and you are to her as she is to you.

>> No.2554861

Well, at least we would both have the same personality.

>> No.2554865


Robots CAN fall in love.

>> No.2554868

Sure they can, bro.

>> No.2554874

And she'll always be 3D.

>> No.2554875
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She'll always be happy to accomodate your wishes. She won't be like the real thing that only uses sex to gain some vain material object or to manipulate you in some retarded social game. She'll know how to demonstrate her love for you in ways that the real thing could never do.

>> No.2554882

The dolls in these pics, though neither motorized nor given anything resembling intelligence, are a better solution to female companionship issues than most women.

>> No.2554887

Posting in the future cause of extreme decline in birth rates.

>> No.2554889
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She will be perfect, and she will be mine. And yours too, one day they will be massproduced for everyone who wants one. In this cruel, harsh, and unforgiving world she will shine as the one true beacon of love and joy that finally gives meaning to life. One day, you'll never be lonely anymore, because she will be there for you, always.

>> No.2554895

In the long run, they'll cost you less then a real wife.

>> No.2554896


>> No.2554897

Sorry bro, I'd still rather have a petgirl.

>> No.2554899

And this is bad because...?

>> No.2554901

3D with all the inherent advantages of 2D.

>> No.2554904

I think I prefer my robobabes to be more obviously robotic.

plasti-flesh is just too uncanny valley.

>> No.2554910

Thing about an uncanny valley is that once you get past it, everything's realistic.

>> No.2554932


>> No.2554968

but i don't want her to be humble and modest. i want her to know that she is hot and i want her to be sassy about it, and talk dirty too.

>> No.2554973

sorry, but because of the fact that you aren't able to make bonds with ppl or to even start a conversation doesn't mean that things have to be that way.

>> No.2554979

besides, why does she MUST be pretty if you are ugly cunts? fucking men¬¬

>> No.2554989

She's a robot, you can program her to be whatever you want. Although honestly, if you like shit like that, you can just go outside right now and find the 3D thing to do that instead.

>> No.2554992

then pick up a slut off the street

>> No.2554995
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I'd rather my girlfriend be Jenny.

>> No.2555010

humans are shitbags, but there's trusting, faithful, loving ppl outhere, a plastic pussy can't be compared to a real one never.

>> No.2555014
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>> No.2555059

I know. It'd also be cool if she was programmed to have "bad days" where she doesn't want it.

>> No.2555082
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I don't know about you guys, but I'd think it twice before sticking my dick into something with gears inside.

>> No.2555092

They would do the world a favor, they won't reproduce-

>> No.2555106


>> No.2555108

2/10, don't even believe you're female

>> No.2555114

Now I'm thinking a robot girl wouldn't be too bad.

>> No.2555116

I don't mind, enjoy your hand. No, I won't post tits or anything like that.

>> No.2555128

Alright. Let's say you are a femanon. I lol at your butthurt over pretty, lifeless heaps of plastic being preferred over you.

It won't be long till you're obsolete. What guy wants to fuck a computer hugging femanon when he can fuck his own fembot?

>> No.2555133


>> No.2555136


I loved that show.

>> No.2555154
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>> No.2555168
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>> No.2555179



>> No.2555186

Not over ME, but over REAL things, ha! If you have had sex with a girl you'll know it, don't you??

I know that these times are different, that ppl desconect themselves from real life because they can't stand it, because it hurts or they can't adjust to it, that's why this is the: I have lots of internet friends and an internet bf-gf.

Humans are obsolete, both men and women, with science we are becoming dispendable, ha ha.

>> No.2555633 [DELETED] 

Who keeps a $3,000 doll in a $20 cabinet made of particle board and wood veneer? I'd be getting solid OAK.

>> No.2555687


Even if you have a real person waifu who loves you, can you guarantee the two of you will not have a change of heart in the future? Humans are fickle by nature and we get bored of everything given enough time. It doesn't matter if your waifu is human or robot, given enough time you will grow tired of her and stop loving her.

Your robot waifu on the other hand will always love you, for as long as she remains operational. It doesn't matter if you change heart towards her, doesn't matter if you die, it doesn't even matter if everyone who knows you have died and your name can no longer be read from your tombstone, her heart always remain true to you. She have to endure the pain of seeing infront of her her one love pass away, with no chance of ever getting over the grief and moving on with someone else.

Is that not true love?

>> No.2555712

That's the LOLI RIPE cover isn't it.

>> No.2555725

What do you think about the planetarium? That beautiful twinkling of eternity that will never fade, no matter when... All the stars in all the sky are waiting for you.
> I know that these times are different, that ppl desconect themselves from real life because they can't stand it, because it hurts or they can't adjust to it, that's why this is the: I have lots of internet friends and an internet bf-gf
> I have lots of internet friends and an internet bf-gf
> internet bf-gf


>> No.2555764

Women have pretty much shot themselves in the foot by abandoning everything that made them women in the first place. Real women have essentially become the same as men, only they still expect "chivalry" from men and expect us to tend to their every financial need.

When robot girlfriends are realistic, mass produced and cheaper, women will literally become second class citizens, with their only purpose in life being to give birth to the next generation.

Those 3D whores who as we speak are sleeping around with men who treat them like shit, just because they love money and want to be degraded, will soon be obsolete. I can only hope that I live to see the day.

>> No.2555778



Not even. Only service guarantees citizenship.

>> No.2555858
File: 24 KB, 637x515, Kenji BITCHES AND WHORES.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll know Western society will have taken a turn for the better when women's suffrage has been revoked. The way I see it, only a matter of time. A complete economic collapse is already imminent, and birth rates are just getting worse and worse.

Robotic wives is simply a symptom of the current society's slow agonizing death.

>> No.2555860

Yeah, always wondered where it was from.

>> No.2555863


Thanks. You just gave me an idea for a scifi story.

>> No.2555878
File: 336 KB, 1155x1231, men-didnt-just-contribute-to-civilization-we-ARE-civilization.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women's suffrage has lead to the abolition of most traditional values. It's been like a long and drawn out gender-based cultural revolution. The end of that suffrage will lead to a resurgence of civilisation.

>> No.2555882
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>> No.2555886

> I'll know Western society will have taken a turn for the better when women's suffrage has been revoked.
And after that, it'll get better, amirite?

>> No.2555887

>traditional values
Who cares.

>> No.2555898

Amen. Society has been shittier and shittier ever since the women's rights movement. The only way we'll get back on track is if we put women back in their proper place and keep them there.

>> No.2555901

People who are attracted to actual women, and not the loud screaming primates we have now.

>> No.2555905

Yes, it will.

>> No.2555908

>hurp wimmenz should stay in kichin lolol

>> No.2555911

As I sad, loud screaming primates who shouldn't invade on men's discussion, because they have nothing of value to contribute, as you have proved by your post.

>> No.2555912

As soon as we perfect cloning, Women will become obsolete.

then, Humanity will die out.

>> No.2555915

Go back to reading about sex with strangers in Cosmopolitan. Men are talking.

>> No.2555918

>implying there are women on /jp/

>> No.2555919

You need to add things like wars, rape and mindless killing to the man side of your picture.

>> No.2555933

More like the female side to be honest.
They are controlling evrything from the shadows.

>> No.2555940

Why would I do that? Women are just as guilty of all of those.

>> No.2555941

ITT: We blame everything on women

>> No.2555946

Women would do all those things and more if they had the power to, thankfully men have kept them under control, though thanks to feminism all that is ending.

>> No.2555948

I wasn't blaming "everything" on women. Why don't you attempt to refute my argument instead of making pointless posts like this? Are you capable of that?

>> No.2555952


No, I'm afraid men will become obsolete and go extinct from their lack of genetic diversity and inability to reproduce, and humanity will continue on happily invitro-fertilising their female offspring; perhaps occaisonally making a few (sterile) males for labor, war, or entertainment.

>> No.2555956

ITT: No prices.

>> No.2555962

Why would men go extinct from the inability to reproduce when we can clone?

>> No.2555963

Oh, so if the world's leaders were women there'd be no wars right?

Also, you're going to have to define rape. The definition gets changed every couple years when new rape laws get pushed through congress.

I've heard there is already talk of "visual rape" laws being created. I mean, when a men lasciviously stares at a woman, it's obviously rape right?

>> No.2555965


This word seems to set off a highly reactive defence mechanism in men whereby they express great hatred-fuelled statements against women. This reaction is rooted in man's greatest fear and insecurity about the size of his dick. The hatred expressed is in inverse proportion to his dick size and tries to express his undeserved sense of superiority.

Most wars are started by men and much of the hatred and negativity in the world is due to this testosterone related need to dominate and control. Testosterone seems to neutralise any positive feelings towards his fellow woman (human being).

The examples of the voting for and against the definitions listed are proof that feminism needs to thrive even more in this world. It stands for justice, humanity, equality, love and peace.

If you aren't for those things, you aren't really human, and if you aren'€™t a part of the solution, you are a part of the problem. But thankfully, there are some normal men out there too. Oh well, I guess it's true that men have a brain and it'€™s not in their heads...

>> No.2555967

Things like science wouldn't survive long under matriarchy.

>> No.2555972


Science is barely surviving thanks to the Christfags trying to undermine it at every turn.

>> No.2555976


Things will get better when there is a government that taxes only land ownership, and only allows land owners to vote. In such a social structure, gender would be highly irrelevant.

>> No.2555981


It seems to be doing alright.

>> No.2555990

Science exists outside the bible belt. Creationists are silly though.

>> No.2556000

So, you guys want a world without women. What are you, gay?

>> No.2556001


Men fucking other Men? that's for fuckin' Pussies and Women.

really Men would fuck Robots that look like Women. because it's totally different.

>> No.2556005

Feminism is simply the process by which women in society become men. It's horribly unnatural, and can't be sustained in any case.

I don't hate women necessarily either, I just hate what they've become. Pseudo-men with vaginas, who expect the "real men" to take care of them. Fuck that. They want to be men, they can take care of themselves then. An estrogen-fueled society can't go anywhere.
It's already puttering to a stop.

>> No.2556006

We're living in a world without women right now. I want to go back to a world with women. Do you follow?

>> No.2556008
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>> No.2556009

If you've read the thread, instead of looking at one post and making an emotional response to it, you'd know that's not true. We want women to act traditional and civilized. If it wasn't for feminism, we wouldn't be discussing robot wives right now.

>> No.2556012

Land ownership was the the worst idea ever. Look at India, people can't grow enough food to feed their families because companies are constantly bulldozing it to put call centers or whatever on it.

Better yet, look at Paraguay, food shortages wouldn't exist if you just got rid of all the golf courses and massive horse riding estates which the rich people have on all the arable land.

>> No.2556013
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>> No.2556014


I am going to reveal an ancient secret of human civilization to you.

Men have never ever respected women, and they still do not.

This is not viewed as being an obstacle to fucking them, except by hopeless romantics, who are in turn looked down upon by men.

Look at the divorce rates in first world countries and tell me you honestly think people fuck and marry each other because they honestly think they're going to get along for the rest of their lives.

>> No.2556018


To the victor goes the spoils.

>> No.2556020

/jp/ - Kenji

>> No.2556022

Most people, regardless of gender, are worthless. Especially you.

>> No.2556023

I see. Well, about women not acting traditional and civilized, I think that men should be acting traditional and civilized as well, but that does not seem to be the case these days.

>> No.2556028

Anyway, I'm off to bed.

High end ones are about $7000. That article also contains links to the homepage of the company that sells them.

>> No.2556030


if anything, all these women cutting into our shit is making us pussified!

once we get those bitches back into the kitchen, we can have Dick-sword fights like our great granddaddies used to!

>> No.2556035

Men are still able to contribute to society even if they don't abide by traditional values. However, women can only contribute if they take their traditional role, because they are useless outside of the home.

>> No.2556041

I have been backed into 3 times in my 2 years driving, every time it was a woman.


>> No.2556044



>> No.2556048

>robot girlfriend
Don't you mean a "robofriend"? Because a robot is not a girl--it's a robot. Unless it's so far advanced that it is, essentially, a pre-programmed actual girl.

>> No.2556056

Traditional men treat ladies with respect.
When I meet one, I'll make sure to do so.

>> No.2556060
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I don't care about traditionalism in the least. I have nothing against women or men. It's just the double standards that annoy me. To be recognized as a man, I'm expected to do things that could legally be described as anything from sexual harassment or rape to aggravated assault. I'm expected to break rules whenever it would be convenient for me, but follow them when the time comes to be punished for breaking them, or when I can hide behind them to make other peoples' lives miserable for nothing more than my own entertainment.

If I abide by the rules, I'm a pussy and an undesirable sorry excuse for a man. If I rebel senselessly, it's alright, until a stronger, prettier rebel opposes me. Then I get crushed and it's back to square one.

Blech. There are a lot of reasons I chose the life of a hermit, and that's a big one.

>> No.2556062

>Traditional men treat ladies with respect.
Non-jackasses treat non-jackasses with respect. So that's not saying much.

>> No.2556063

Two of my friends have died because some drunkard drove over them. In both cases, the driver was a man. Coincidence?

>> No.2556067


No. Because that's the difference between men and women. Commitment.

>> No.2556069

wtf never saw chobits?
serious bussiness man

>> No.2556075


yea, remind me not to be your friend.

>> No.2556077

Robots are pig disgusting.

>> No.2556089
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>> No.2556108

Gynoids are people, too.

>> No.2556113

as soon as your "Perfect Loving Girlfriend" is damaged beyond repair, she'll just be passed up by the latest model with the newest features.

>> No.2556156


Your post reminds me of what Andrea Dworkin said once: "Men start wars so they should have to fight them," I have a different opinion:

Men will stop fighting wars and committing violence when women stop loving men who do.

>> No.2556177
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I, for one, welcome our robot waifu overlords.

>> No.2556179

I disagree with this, you are aware of economies of scale right? Land ownership in terms of large estates tended to increase crop yields. On the contrary when land was redistributed in Italy itself in Roman times to individual soldiers (breaking up estates) in the interests of egalitarianism it led to decreased crop yields, in fact many veterans sold up to the previous owners and just returned to Rome itself. Farming is a tough business!

Other types of farming like viticulture are almost entirely dependent on specialization gained through division of labour.

Look at what state collectivization did in Central Asia under Gorbachev. Agriculture run by the state doesn't really work that well.

>> No.2556181

>Let's blame everything on genetics and parenting and completely ignore society.

>> No.2556189

>If I rebel senselessly

The problem with the rebel archetype is that it has been played out so much by differing kinds of media like TV and film (and video games and anime in fact) that rebellion in of itself has become something respectable.

Rebellion for rebellion's sake is just what you get ghetto thugs doing when they riot. Rebellion for a cause is certainly not a bad thing though. Also women have a problematic maternal instinct which means they empathize too strongly with people like convicted criminals, they have an innate 'fixit' mentality whereas men have the rational approach of putting a bullet through a repeat offender's brain. This is what leads to domestic abuse and inevitably to a cycle of abuse. In a lot of other cases its just out of sexual masochism, which is a topic I know little about.

Also, just got back from a lecture and there were a group of girls on the bus complaining about women's magazines, I thought 'oh, thats cool' to myself, but 10 minutes after complaining about the 'snag a husband' kind of nonsense these magazines have they started criticizing a girl they knew because her hair was too straggly, in extremely offensive terms.

Old habits die hard I guess.

in b4 'fascinating' and 'cool story bro'.

>> No.2556191

Society is just a reflection of genetics and parenting.

>> No.2556204

That's nice, dear.

>> No.2556236

Exquisite tale, sibling.

>> No.2556249

Reflections reflecting reflections reflecting reflections.

>> No.2556314


Don't you mean consequence?

>> No.2556319


>> No.2556325
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>> No.2556326
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>> No.2556328
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>> No.2556330
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>> No.2556331
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>> No.2556350
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Sorry, I was vague. Let me see if I can clarify this for you.

I've always been a typical introvert and nonconfrontational guy. While the attitude of not rocking the boat tends to leave boats unrocked, it also leads to you taking a lot of shit you shouldn't have to take, and surprisingly, being looked down upon even by people who aren't even the ones pushing you around.

Of course, in every Nice Guy there's a bit of White Knight, the guy who wants to save people in distress. "I'll help that kid getting picked on, just when it's someone else." The opportunity never comes, for reasons including things like target acquisition (can't punish a kid who chucked an altoids can at the back of someone's head from the back of the bus if you didn't even see who threw it, and there's a lot of big kids at the back of that bus) and obviously your own wimpiness.

>> No.2556352
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Years of inaction and the resulting disgust displayed in my direction from girls led to a breaking point. It wasn't even a big deal. Some jackass threw his lunch at me, hitting me and a couple of other people at the table. Knowing how stupid it would be to start looking for some way to retaliate, I made the conscious decision to do exactly what I knew would be stupid and petty.

So I just marched over to another table in the general area behind me, grabbed some guy's head, and bashed it against the table a couple of times. I'm pretty scrawny, but it wasn't fair at all. He had no idea it was coming. I knew he most likely wasn't the culprit. I just wanted to vent, I knew this was the wrong way to do it, and I decided to do it anyway. Miraculously, I didn't get my ass kicked. The aftermath cooled down to a couple of kids screaming obscenities at each other until school authorities came to wave their fingers in our general directions and issue some meaningless warnings.

To make a long story short, I shit you not, I had half a dozen girls suddenly develop crushes on me. I got more sex in the next four months than I'd ever get for the rest of my life. I don't understand it and I never will. But that's the observation and the lesson learned. We're all a bunch of apes, apparently, and the she-apes just start getting all moist when they see a he-ape hurting something.

>> No.2556355 [SPOILER] 
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Man. Dolls are so nice...

>> No.2556372

Cool story bro.

>> No.2556374

moar photos

>> No.2556394

This story made me lose all my remaining faith in humanity. Thanks.

>> No.2556465
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Superioru Roboto Waifu

>> No.2556970
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slightly superior version

>> No.2557138

$7000 for a not so realistically skinned skin, imagine how much an actual robot would cost, I'd say over 300k.

>> No.2557151

Try that today and you'll get knifed to death by some guy who was in the gang of the one whose head you bashed into the table, if the entire gang doesn't just get up and stomp you into dust.

>> No.2557352

makepure.com sells these dolls. they're like $4000 and they're not even robots, fuck.
