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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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25392086 No.25392086 [Reply] [Original]

A thread for discussion and recommendation of Japanese TV and movies.

FAQ: https://pastebin.com/BARFCHgF

Previous Thread: >>24926129

Please put the sauce in the filename if posting pictures/gifs/webms.

>> No.25392148
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next episode when

>> No.25392164
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Stop watching manga adaptations

>> No.25392180

Thank you Mr. Kitano

>> No.25392182
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Finished watching Ultraman Tiga today, It was my first Ultraman and I loved it, what do you guys think of it?

>> No.25392267


>> No.25404870
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>> No.25405648

Do you reply to yourself or are there two of you?

>> No.25407612
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It started slow like One Cut of the Dead, but I was laughing at the climax. The amusing ending reminded me of a Scorsese movie lmao.

>> No.25408347

Based. Miike is one of the directors who can make good manga adaptations—Salaryman Kintaro being my favorite of his manga adaptations.

>> No.25408478

This but Koroshiya Ichi instead.

>> No.25409240

I love me a bit of tokusatsu, but /m78/ over on /m/ is where you wanna be, friend.

>> No.25423557

I watched some manga movies from that list from the previous thread and they were good, some manga adaptations are fine to watch

>> No.25426049 [SPOILER] 
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My trump card when standing up to school bullies

>> No.25427020

Fuck I remember seeing this movie before but can't remember the title.

What was it?

>> No.25427629

her love boils bathwater

>> No.25429488

Yeah that's it.
Good movie would recommend.

>> No.25430185

Himezu is genuinely great.

>> No.25430276

>Our Little Sister
>After the Storm
Kore-eda is based as fuck.

>> No.25438379
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>> No.25440126

The holy trinity. I like his other films (especially Still Walking) but those three in just 3 years is just incredible.

>> No.25440148

I like this movie but there's no way this move doesn't result in even more bullying in real life.

>> No.25442316

RIP king

>> No.25442712

I must say that the Adventure of Denchu Kozo is great Tsukamoto movie. It may not explore themes like Tetsuo does but it is so much fun. 45 minutes of complete insanity.
Is Tetsuo 2 good?

>> No.25443797


>> No.25448030

The Kakegurui live action series is fucking God-tier.

>> No.25450386

the main actress was great i actually cried when she died

>> No.25452256

I really like Joe Odagiri in it too, he plays the cool, detached attitude so well

>> No.25455747

picked up
the movie is meh though

>> No.25458537
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I really want to watch this movie? Did anyone watch it and has English subtitles?

Name: Under your bed (2019)

>> No.25462495
File: 115 KB, 1777x999, expo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there any movie that I supposed to like if my fav one is Ai no mukidashi? yea, Meme Exposure

>> No.25462803

It is also one of my favourites. Not really similar but I enjoyed Himizu, 100 Yen Love and Shoplifters a lot.

>> No.25463473

all 10 of his full-lengths are good (not counting the french one from last year). least favorite was the blowup doll one, but even that was really memorable.

>> No.25464566

This movie is great definitely in my top 5. I recommend all the other films of Sion Sono if you liked this one, i'm pretty sure you will like his other stuff as well if you haven't already watched them.

>> No.25465136

Sono never really made a movie similar, though I'd say Tokyo Tribe and Why Don't You Play In Hell both have similar main female characters at least, if you liked Hikari Mitsushima in LE

>> No.25468053

does /jp/ like our little sister? i thought it would be too feminine for a place like here

>> No.25468206

Feminine or not, it is a good movie.

>> No.25474752

Legit one of my favorite movie. More Japanese directors and screenwriters need to learn that you don't need unnecessary drama and conflict to make good films.

>> No.25476813
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R.I.P. Tetsuya Watari


>> No.25478536

I've always been curious about her body
Now I know

>> No.25481089


>> No.25481224


>> No.25484212

Cocorico Endo has tested positive for COVID-19, seemingly contracted from Shoji Tomoharu.

Get well soon.

>> No.25484224



>> No.25484970

good lord Bitterness of Youth is just a bummer one after the other. When you think the ending got really sad they just double down on it and add another layer of misery

>> No.25486856


>> No.25486928
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>> No.25487010

does anyone know where I can find the [D-W]Katsu release of HERO 2001? All I can find online is the MagicStar release which seems to be a rebroadcast with some cuts. It doesn't help that the only soft subs I could find were timed to the Katsu release and are off sync to the MagicStar release

>> No.25487900

any ideas where I can find the entirety of vermillion pleasure night english subbed? Wouldn't call it a drama so I don't think it would be on any of those streaming sites or on nyaa either

>> No.25489380

maybe this will help

>> No.25490336

AvistaZ, but you need an invite or wait for open registers

>> No.25493304
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Not him but that's one god tier link.

>> No.25501482

guess i need to buy another external
this quarantine is turning me into a data hoarder

>> No.25504062
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Cheetos diced, I'd kiss the maid too if this was my bride.

>> No.25505093

>Hanzawa Naoki
IMO the Spiral arc was rushed as fuck toward the end. Also Isayama was underwhelming and it feels like all the bad guys are trying to become memes with those crazy faces and zingers. Still S2 is ok

>> No.25510294
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>> No.25513296

I'm the fat guy, but not fat

>> No.25515797
File: 2.95 MB, 854x480, [MagicStar] Watashitachi wa Douka Shiteiru EP01 [WEBDL] [1080p].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the show gives me old school soap opera feels

>> No.25515960

why is that guy wearing makeup?

>> No.25525030
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Hanzawa just can't get a break

>> No.25526296
File: 2.92 MB, 944x720, don't make fun of apples.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah this is pretty good

>> No.25531859
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Does anyone know if "Operation Z" is translated?
Here's the description.
The financial health of Japan has fallen into a crisis. The country has accumulated more than 1 quadrillion yen of debt. Prime Minister Takamori Ejima gathers 4 elite finance bureaucrats and tells them for the benefit of Japan's future, they need to reduce the country's annual expenditure in half. The 4 elite finance bureaucrats work under the name of Operation Z and tackles the almost impossible mission of reducing the nation's annual expenditure by 50%.

>> No.25535277
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>IMO the Spiral arc was rushed as fuck toward the end
It was. Not sure if it's because of the pandemic but it could have been stretched more, it felt like they squeezed 2 episodes in 1.
>Also Isayama was underwhelming
Isayama was great though, everyone is praising his character work, not sure why you're saying that.
>and it feels like all the bad guys are trying to become memes with those crazy faces and zingers
That's been one of the drama's selling points since S1 though.
>Still S2 is ok
I'm enjoying the second arc so much. Hanzawa vs the Gov should be an epic clash.

>> No.25535439
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This lil drama was fun. I recommend it if you're into political/corporate themes.

>> No.25540690

Surely there are some exceptions? Rurouni Kenshin? Mugen no Jūnin?

>> No.25540961

Thermae Romae was fun, if you're into that kind of thing

>> No.25554282
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There is a tv show version of Love Exposure with 5 hour runtime. Does it restore any cut content or is it added openings/endings?

>> No.25558527

It's the definitive edition.

>> No.25559062

It's the best version. But the subs that exists for it are pretty bad.

>> No.25569466

Pay him no heed and watch what you want, anon. I secretly suspect that's not even the real Bīto, but you didn't hear that from me...

>> No.25570419

what are some good japanese thrillers?

>> No.25570578

Hanzawa Naoki

>> No.25571376
File: 2.05 MB, 1024x576, [MagicStar] Oyabaka Seishun Hakusho EP03 [WEBDL] [1080p].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny episode.

>> No.25577217
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I might be a long shot but anons in these threads were kind enough to help me on previous occasions; I'm searching for subtitles for the movie 'The House of Wooden Blocks (積木の箱) 1968 by Yasuzō Masumura'. I'm almost certain that there are no english ones available, but I was hoping that someone might know a place were I could find ones in any other language which I could machine translate or something like the japanese script. Thanks for anyone who could offer a suggestion.

>> No.25578259
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I need help understanding the greatness in Kurosawa. /tv/ is of no help at all. I just watched all three of these, and.... they were just Okay. But, i guess i feel underwhelmed cause Kurosawa is built as one of the greatest filmmakers of all time, and stuff like Hidden Fortress inspired Star Wars and Rashumon is supposed to be so clever.
but when i watched them. these were just my thoughts

>Seven Samurai
all the characters are as deep and complex as One Piece characters. Which isnt a bad thing, but this whole film feels like some shonen anime. I dont get the serious and direness of the situation. it just feels like a comedy. Like, if you compare something like Ben Hur and the 10 commandments to this, Ben Hurr is a much more serious film thats considered an epic. In 7 samurai, 50% of the film is just the fake-samurai cracking jokes and going commando everywhere. When the film shows hes torn how he sees the baby is born the same way he was, like i dont get if im supposed to feel a deep emotion or not cause the character is a clown for the majority.

it wasnt as artsy or clever as i thought. When i hear "a story told in different persectives" I thought it was going to be exploring the concept of Parallax; how a character at different vantage points tell a different story. but really, its more about each character describing the degree of a whore the wife is. Like thats the whole film; how big of a whore the wife really is. the ending is kind of deep on the moral side; ill give it that, but it didnt blow me too much away.

>hidden fortress
pretty much my same feeling with Seven Samurai; its mostly a comedy. The two protagonists who are supposed to be the inspiration for R2D2 and C3PO are more akin to Spongebob and Patrick than they are star wars. The battle scene is like obi wan and darth vader though

I tried looking up online "why are these films great" and all i see are
>it influenced star wars
okay, but star wars isnt really considered "high art" and more a blockbuster popcorn flick
>the fight scenes are magnificent
okay, but fight scenes making a film good or bad is something you say for capeshit.

I really dont get these films. Everyone WORSHIPS these films. Like they are the greatest of all time.
but i really dont get whats so great about them

>> No.25578665
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Are female yakuza kino?

>> No.25579076

They're great foreign vintage films. Hype is hype whenever it comes from. If you don't get it then there's probably nothing more you can get from it.

>> No.25580279


>> No.25580611

actors wear makeup you retard. also asian countries don't have the same stigma against guys wearing makeup like western countries do.

>> No.25580776
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You have to remember that most of the stuff you talk about (One Piece characters, R2D2 and 3CPO) were basically inspired by Kurosawa films. I guess it lies in the perspective appreciation of which work of art, any of it that is better in your eyes: that work which did it first, or the one which refined it. It's understandable to looking at those films in the modern lenses as unimpressive or boring but also understand that at the time, there's nothing quite like it therefore people think it's great, unique maybe even groundbreaking.
Personally i think there's several good aspects of Kurosawa that sadly, slowly forgotten; and most of his good aspects that is replicated thousand of times over thus not as impressive now; but i still think in my eyes that he's a great filmmaker even for today's standard.

>> No.25582181

Is there even a non-VHS version of this available?

>> No.25589260

One of the first things that comes up when you google the movie + "subtitle" is a site that a says that a dvd of the movie with english subtitles is available at uc berkley library, which of course doesn't do me much good but technically they seem to exist subtitles for it. The video file of the movie that I have also seems to be dvd not vhs quality.

>> No.25591229

Any chance you could share the file you have?

>> No.25593492
File: 2.17 MB, 1440x1080, 水曜日のダウンタウン 動画 2020年8月19日.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25594869


>> No.25595612
File: 2.58 MB, 1280x720, [MagicStar] Watashitachi wa Douka Shiteiru EP02 [WEBDL] [1080p]-[01.19.012-01.30.690].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Minami showing the goods

>> No.25597773

Is this show any good?

>> No.25597866

It’s cringe

>> No.25598054
File: 2.83 MB, 854x480, [MagicStar] Watashitachi wa Douka Shiteiru EP02 [WEBDL] [1080p].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I loved the ending for this episode.
It's entertaining if you like over-the-top melodrama.

>> No.25598573

What are some fun mostly comedy dramas? I liked Kekkon Dekinai Otoko (S1), Nazotoki, Ossan's Love (S1), and Todome no Kiss.

>> No.25598769

Legal High
Yuusha Yoshihiko
Jikou Keisatsu
My Boss My Hero

>> No.25600708

>That's been one of the drama's selling points since S1 though
But those were supposed to be serious scenes and those faces just made it difficult for me to take it seriously.

>> No.25600847

I watched 15 mins of this. It's like the plot is constantly trying to make you mad in order to create some payoff at the end. So many jdramas do this and I don't like it, really generic tool for japanese screenwriters. Is the show going to keep doing this? I thought it would be a cute romantic drama that makes me feel nice.

>> No.25601710

>Is the show going to keep doing this?
Episode 2 had some light scenes.
>I thought it would be a cute romantic drama that makes me feel nice.
I'm not sure, but I think this season's romcom is the one with Mikako Tabe. I didn't watch it.

>> No.25601753 [DELETED] 
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It's so lonely without you, anons.


>> No.25602165

1fichier com/?6pr4fr0he4e7y38na0x4

>> No.25602351

Finished ep.1 and I ended up liking it, I'll watch ep.2 tomorrow. It somehow got more interesting as it went along. The soundtrack was good too.

>> No.25602794

>really generic tool for japanese screenwriters
the show is pretty faithful to the manga, duh

>> No.25605836

What makes the movies good is the cinematography, it was quite innovative for the time

>> No.25606728

How many times has he even said his catchphrase?

>> No.25610036 [DELETED] 

Thank you!
The UC Berkley thing you found seems to be film rolls, which I assume was only shown at some festival or event. As far as I can tell there's never been a commercial release of this in English.
If I have some time left over in the future I might end up subtitling it myself.

>> No.25610415

Have you ever read the worst kind of shoujo manga?

>> No.25612198


>> No.25616896

New season of Documental is out, but who knows when it will actually be uploaded somewhere.

>> No.25620701

Miu404 is pretty bland

>> No.25621889

Yeah, it was Itazura na Kiss, though I haven't watched the live action drama of it.

>> No.25628304

Can anyone recommend a good Kamen Rider series to start with? I'm looking at some random list I found and it suggests Ryuki and Blade.

>> No.25629332


>> No.25638037

>watched The Urban Legend of Sugisawa Village
Holy fuck this was 90% shit. Don't ever watch this.

>watched Bakuman live-action movie
Wasn't bad. Never saw the anime so no clue how it compares.

>watched Hyouka live-action movie
Skips a fuckton of the anime, but I didn't hate it

>hurr durr stop watching live-action adaptations
No, fuck off you fagots. I'll watch what I want.

>> No.25646898

I started with Gaim myself, but frankly just pick whichever series interests you the most for whatever reason(s). /m/ has tokusatsu generals if you want more help

>> No.25647740

Like Father Like Son hits way harder for me.

>> No.25647859

I feel like the new generation of actresses Hashimoto, Hirose, Hamabe just can't hold a candle to the previous one with Nagasawa, Gakki, Kitagawa, Ayase, Toda, Horikita just to name a few. They're all cute, but none of them can act for shit and they're all so small and have no presence at all.

>> No.25647942

Can any anons reccomend me some good recent Japanese action movies?

Going through google I can only find Manga adapations.

>> No.25647983

>good recent Japanese action movies
No such thing. Japanese are only good at slow-paced slife-of-life dramas. You're better off watching Korean or HK movies you want action.

>> No.25648005

Well, that stinks. What about from the 80s-00s? Maybe a Yakuza film? I was told stuff with Beat is pretty ace.

>> No.25648071

Kitano movies are good, but they're not really famous for the action. You can find good crime movies and yakuza movies, but the action is just not very good. It's not what you'd watch a Japanese movie for anyway.

>> No.25648076

I don’t agree that all recent Japanese action movies are shit but they are a rarity nowadays.
> I was told stuff with Beat is pretty ace.
Absolutely, you can never go wrong with a Kitano kino. I also recommend Miike Takeshi and SABU for action/yakuza movies.

>> No.25648117

They can be decent, sure, but even the Japanese don't turn to Japanese movies for their action fix. They know what to expect. The best Japanese action movies I can think of are samurai movies.

>> No.25648168

Don’t watch Kitano if you’re looking for a hard boiled action-filled flick, you’ll get filtered.
Like the previous anon said, the Japanese don’t make that good of action movies, perhaps they’re not into that genre. Japanese movies tend to be more about emotion and the psychological state of the characters. They make great psychological thrillers, even in anime.
I also recommend Miike and Sabu like the other anon, their early movies are quite an experience.

>> No.25649362 [SPOILER] 
File: 198 KB, 1280x692, 1598060208503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25649586

70s Japanese Cop Shows

>> No.25650738

Imagine complaining about acting when into Japanese dramas

>> No.25652335

Dead or Alive series
Black Society Trilogy

>> No.25652362

Is this as bland as the midnight runner show I am watching?

>> No.25652557

I downloaded Dead or Alive 1 after that anon mentioned Takashi Miike. Gonna watch it tomorrow.

>> No.25654380

Nice. Just don't expect the second one to be more of the same. It has some action but it is more meditative and reflexive take on its characters.

>> No.25654467

this >>25464566 - you might not get what you're looking for but if you enjoyed LE you should get a similar amount of enjoyment from Why Don't You Play in Hell? Antiporno is good as well but it's a lot less openly wacky and more just insane character study

>> No.25654588

Kurosawa gets mistakenly typecast in the west as le Samurai guy but he had a really diverse career.
try stuff like Drunken Angel, High and Low, Dreams, The Bad Sleep Well, Dodeskaden, or I Live in Fear to get a broader understanding of the depth of his work and why he was so influential
Ran and Throne of Blood are still very much worth watching in the samurai period of his career though

>> No.25655746

I like how you can tell right away who's the main character. Kanna is too cute

>> No.25656126

It's better filmed, has a budget, the actors playing side characters are better actors, and the main leads are more interesting. But the cases are boring as fuck, there's star cameos just for the sake of it, and unlike midnight runner it takes itself very seriously. It also follows the usual formula
>crime occurs
>investigation with bits of comedy between the main leads
>sob backstory of the criminal or the victim
>social commentary
>more comedy
>Kenshi Yonezu starts singing
TLDR; it's okay but it's nothing special.

>> No.25658901


>> No.25660307
File: 86 KB, 625x913, 8f1440a35ae680862c94cc59fb2b3ae3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have seen poor ratings but the Uzumaki movie is actually pretty good. I didn't like the final scene before the montage but otherwise it had good atmosphere. It really felt like it was supposed to. Are other Higuchinsky's movies worth watching?

>> No.25660621

The live-action version just doesn’t measure up with the manga. It shouldn’t influence me but the manga is just that good.

>> No.25668205

Some japanese indie short films available for free streaming.

>> No.25669606


>> No.25674103

>>crime occurs
>>investigation with bits of comedy between the main leads
>>sob backstory of the criminal or the victim
>>social commentary
>>more comedy
>>Kenshi Yonezu starts singing
This is exactly what is happening to what I am watching too except it's a Johnny's song playing at the end lmao.

>> No.25674511
File: 30 KB, 500x280, 1E9882D4-73D8-42A4-81B6-7A9BD30C824D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop watching memeshit

>> No.25675208

watched outrage
was pretty good

>> No.25675376

Based. Make sure to watch the rest of Kitano’s kinos.

>> No.25675444

I will
I saw one of his movies once with a silly scene at the beach. Forgot the name though.

>> No.25675491

He has many movies with scenes at the beach. I would have recommended you watching his works by release order, you’d appreciate his works more that way.

>> No.25676185
File: 65 KB, 480x640, haradamieko013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just watched Ran and was really impressed with Miss Mieko Harada's performance.

>> No.25678430

Way to watch/download Dead or Alive Final without torrenting?

>> No.25678462 [DELETED] 
File: 12 KB, 151x204, .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

come over to my house ;-)

>> No.25678979

But he is dead...?

>> No.25682680
File: 58 KB, 500x720, hzOrS9pJJtGolmPxXNa03DNNEUJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished Rainy Dog. Probably my favourite Miike's Yakuza movie so far.

>> No.25683996


>> No.25692347
File: 34 KB, 747x419, EgG4C6tUEAAPNl-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this fucking show, man.

>> No.25693910

Is this the right place to ask about if Takeshi's Castle has a sub'd release?

>> No.25695379
File: 732 KB, 1000x758, Miki+Odagiri+as+Toyo+Odagiri+bunny.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Like thats the whole film; how big of a whore the wife really is
Anon you might be retarded if that's what you took from its multiple perspectives.
Anyway Ikiru is an absolutely fantastic film.

>> No.25696797


>> No.25697095
File: 3.03 MB, 1897x921, boilingpoint.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

watching boiling point now
why is he so gay lmao

>> No.25697106

They're interesting concepts and they can create more as a base for another story.

Now that I've mentioned it, I realized Ran embodied this cycle of creation and inspiration, with it taking inspiration from Shakespeare's King Lear.

One growing, evolving from another.

Just as modern RPGs are inspired by Dungeons and Dragons which are inspired by Tolkien's works which was inspired by folklore from generations upon generations of retelling and adding to the lore.

Aside from that, they're period pieces (a view of the relatively recent past) and celebrates native culture (viewing a past that might be lost and forgotten).

>> No.25697539

Ahh the 5 episodes up on nyaa really are it huh? What a shame.

>> No.25699858

This week on Hanzawa Naoki

>> No.25704830

episode 4 and 5 subs when?

>> No.25705024

5? We're already on 6, buddy.

>> No.25710365
File: 124 KB, 1024x576, vlcsnap-00719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any urban horror similar to games like Fatal Frame and Siren? I know those two have adaptations. FF is supposedly something different and I saw Siren and it was just okay. Not great but not bad. Anything similar? I think Uzumaki did good job.

>> No.25717010

Open till end of August.

>> No.25728485
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>> No.25729251

She was good in farewell song

>> No.25729484

Where can a find Japanese subtitle files for J-Dorama?

>> No.25729883

House is a comedy but it comes to mind

>> No.25731585

d-addicts forum you need to make an account though

>> No.25731715

some can be found here, but you need to time them to your own raws
some are on avistaz tracker, so sign up now while it's open

>> No.25741700

The fucking female proper employee in hanzawa naoki S2 has psycho eyes and I fucking hate her. Also thanks to the kind anons that answered my questions about the hanzawa series I decided to watch season 1 and now I am hooked. Finance drama / economics is my drug.

>> No.25744946

imada mio is cute

>> No.25745452

Maybe by Japanese standards, but making your eyes look bigger than normal is absolutely disgusting to look at.

>> No.25745515

have you never you widened your eyes or not seen someone else do it anon?

>> No.25745676

No not all the time, but when I did it was the textbook definition of thyroid/hormonal disease or psychos, I have met 3 or 4 of them.

>> No.25748649

For anyone who watched with english subs: how did they translate the bank kick-outs denigrating the male proper employee for being a proper employee?

>> No.25752209

This whole sequence is one of my favorites in the movie, absolutely hilarious. Kitano and Dankan have such a good chemistry even in Kitano's other movies/shows.

>> No.25752297
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Kek. I kept replaying this part. I love Kagawa with passion, man.

>> No.25752339

Twilight Syndrome movies.
I never watched the movies, only played the games, but Twilight Syndrome is one of my absolute favorite games of all time.

>> No.25755793

I mean, if they're translating プロパー as fucking "proper", it's pretty reasonable to assume they're just using TL notes or something.

Hell, maybe they aren't even bothering with that.

>> No.25760423

I just went through the SPEC shows and movies. I've never really been into these sorts of shows, but I loved them.
Anything else similar? I liked the serious tone while still being whacky and comedic when shit hit the fan. I also like when shit hit the fan, wasn't expecting such epic stuff to happen.

>> No.25761912
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just watched this
>just show up with guns and kill everyone lmao

>> No.25763402

Anyone know where I can find bloody Monday tv drama subbed? I found both seasons on nyaa but season one got stuck at like 80% and season two has been at 0% the entire time

>> No.25763531


>> No.25763577

My nigga thanks a million

>> No.25764314

Did you watch the prequels first?

>> No.25764578

Can anyone explain to me what the HiGH&LOW franchise is? What's it's demographic, was it really that popular, and why it appears to have more of a budget than most of the Japanese live action stuff I've seen? From what little research my EOP ass is able to do it seems to be some huge promotion project for several boy bands and b-boy groups but that doesn't really explain everything.

Might as well help this guy out why I'm here. You have to have a pretty high tolerance for schlock if you're looking for Japanese action movies. I'd personally recommend Ajin: The Demi-Human (is an anime adaption, but is a fun action flick that really utilizes its dumb premise), The Rurouni Kenshin films (also an anime adaption, but has lots of stylish fight scenes), Re:Born (starring the most underappreciated action star of all time Tak Sakaguchi), Versus (dated but very entertaining). First Love (fun but Miike remains the worst action director of all time), and Kuro Obi (classic that's highly regarded among karate practitioners). If you want more I can try and rustle up some of the even lower budget and less than stellar stuff that I can't recall right now.

>> No.25768407

Yes of course

>> No.25769214
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Dude, always up for more movie recs :)

>> No.25770801

Sure. Just keep in mind that these are coming from a guy who's more of a martial arts and action movie nerd than a film buff.
>Death Trance
>Bushido Man
>Gantz & Gantz: Perfect Answer
>Shinobi: Heart Under Blade
I haven't seen any of these in several years, so your mileage may vary. I remember having generally positive opinions of all of them though, if I keep going it's just going to turn into a list of Japanese action movies I've seen. I initially came into this thread asking about HiGH&LOW, and I can't decide if I'd recommend it or not. I had a love/hate relationship with it while watching it but now that I've finished it I kind of miss it. It's half stereotypical, sappy jdrama with a godawful soundtrack and half ultra stylistic action show with a huge budget. I suppose I'd recommend the first season at the very least.

I'll also throw out these out:
>Wicked Game - martial arts movie directed by Koichi Sakamoto, stars a couple of former Power Rangers
>Shadow Fury - really corny ninja movie starring a famous PRIDE fighter made in Hollywood by Japanese filmmakers
>Guyver 2: Dark Hero - action directed by Koichi Sakamoto
>Fighter in the Wind - Korean movie about the guy who created Kyokushin Karate

>> No.25771694

Death trance
Really want those gantz thou cause I love the series. I’ll check the other ones, thanks.

>> No.25771988
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>> No.25772113 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.25777056
File: 2.73 MB, 1024x576, [Jae-Raws] Watashitachi wa Douka Shiteiru - 03 (NTV 1280x720 x264 AAC).webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't know they were that faithful to the manga. Pretty cool.

>> No.25777825

Can anyone recommend some good Comedy and Thriller movies?

>> No.25779581

Interesting. You make me want to try the game out.
Which specific version/platform are you talking about?

>> No.25779759
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Am I the only one that found 来る to be pure kino?

Was seriously expecting something mediocre at best.

>> No.25781955
File: 300 KB, 560x649, スティルライフオブメモリーズ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could any very kind anon possibly hook me up with a copy of Still Life Of Memories? T'would be heartily appreciated!

For the anon that asked before, I did eventually get that Stardust Brothers bluray+album and do intend to rip the ost - I just need to wait until I'm back in the office post-pandemic, as my laptop doesn't do physical media.

>> No.25782681

I liked the first half, really intriguing, but I kind of lost interest at the exorcism stuff

>> No.25793869

april fools

>> No.25793911
File: 2.93 MB, 1280x720, [MagicStar] Watashitachi wa Douka Shiteiru EP03 [WEBDL] [1080p]-[11.42.768-11.52.278].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking smug

>> No.25796197
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This could have been spookier, but it was a decent high budget supernatural film.
next ep is gonna be about love triangles lol

>> No.25799759

For me it's Minami Hamabe.

You can see her showcasing her versatility as an actress in this video, masterfully executing facial expressions one scene after another.


>> No.25800482

If we're talking about bad actresses that are appearing in every fucking manga adaptation ever I'd take Kanna Hashimoto over her

>> No.25802085


Read the sypnosis and it already sounds like a hoot. Thanks.

>> No.25812106

I LIKED terrace house. What do I like now?

>> No.25813890


bumping this >>25717010

>> No.25814049

Ainori is better

>> No.25815318

How good's their catalog?

>> No.25816245

Reuploaded due to Youtube


A Kanna is fine too.

Shogun Abe's wives fucking the yojimbos while he is on his death bed on the other side of the door.


>> No.25818506


>Hamabe Minami is back as Jabami Yumeko in Kakegurui Part 2 with the original cast!

>Live-action Kakegurui TV Drama/The Movie's offical Twitter confirm the sequel "Kakegurui part 2" (working title) is in the works, and it is planned for a 2021 release.

>> No.25819099
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There's also this one.

>> No.25819161

I’d rather read the manga honestly, although that Hirate girl is an interesting actress, loved her in Hibiki so might give it a watch when I finish from the manga.

>> No.25819187


>> No.25819234

Why is japanese movies so shit compared to koreans?

>> No.25819266


>> No.25819360

>Why is japanese movies
Maybe because they’re just not for third world ESL subhumans who watch gook shit.

>> No.25819410
File: 111 KB, 1000x1157, 玉城ティナ (9).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that hapa from wolf girl and black looks like that

>> No.25819427


black prince*

>> No.25819680

Yeah, that Hirata girl was great in her movie and Fable 1 was really entertaining. So I'm still eager to watch the sequel.
She was good in Aku no Hana.

>> No.25819807

Was looking for some srts today and site's down. Anyone else been able or not able to access the site recently?

>> No.25824281

>sato jiro
yeah, not watching this shit

>> No.25824293

aku no hana was all about akita shiori

>> No.25826515

Can anyone recommend me dramas based on what I've watched? I know of https://pastebin.com/PyJh4FLc, I just want to see if anyone else has similar tastes. Thanks!

Really liked:
Beautiful Life
Boku dake ga Inai Machi
Confessions (movie)
Densha Otoko
GTO (1998)
Hero (2001)
Kekkon Dekinai Otoko
Koi wa Ameagari no You ni (movie)
Kuchibiru ni Uta o
Liar Game season 1 and 2 and the Final Stage movie with the apples
Long Love Letter
Long Vacation
My Rainy Days (movie)
Orange Days
Nigeru wa Haji da ga Yaku ni Tatsu
Sakurada Reset (movie)
Signal: Choki Mikaiketsu Jiken Sosahan
Sutekina Sen Taxi
The Miracles of the Namiya General Store
Toki o Kakeru Shojo (movie with Naka Riisa)
Tomorrow I Will Date With Yesterday’s You (movie)

Kinda okay:
3 Nen A Gumi: Ima kara Mina-san wa, Hitojichi Desu
Boku, Unmei no Hito desu
Code Blue season 1 only
Hero (2014)
Iryu Team Medical Dragon
Ishi no Mayu
Ito-kun A to E
Kageri Yuku Natsu
Love Generation
Nodame Cantabile
Todome no Kiss
Tokyo Shoujo (2008 movie) with Kaho
Toki wo Kakeru Shoujo (2016)

not much impact for me:
Gokusen season 1 only
Good Luck!!
Minna! Esper Dayo! (movie)
Paradise Kiss (movie)
Stand Up
Strobe Edge

>> No.25827540
File: 138 KB, 800x452, dokkiri.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

funny episode
This show:
Check out the director's other shows or movies if you liked it.

>> No.25828381

If I only had to watch one season which one should it be?

>> No.25833587

I liked Anone.

>> No.25834420

Asian Journey and African Journey
both are great

>> No.25834656
File: 39 KB, 650x488, 1483995309613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bro any recommendation on something that makes you wanna binge hard like Dakara Watashi wa Oshimashita?

>> No.25837316

Anata no Ban Desu
Soshite, Dare mo Inakunatta

>> No.25842765

Give Biblia Koshodou No Jiken Techou a try. It's a decent weekly whodunit set in a used bookstore.

>> No.25856761
File: 110 KB, 1080x606, 109978687_839604359902292_1768093768002570651_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this the girl that killed herself?

>> No.25856834

Yes, She was in The Bachelor Japan

>> No.25858864

What a waste

>> No.25862876
File: 2.88 MB, 1280x720, [Jae-Raws] Kyoufu Shinbun - 01 (THK 1280x720 x264 AAC)-[11.00.894-11.33.293].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not gonna lie, the show was getting a little scary till this

>> No.25864731

Shiraishi Sei show? I'm interested.

>> No.25880498

sad any kind a cute japanese girl dies

>> No.25891313
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Bankers are awesome

>> No.25901409

I was going to say manga is like the storyboard for a movie, so no hate for manga adaptations, but then >>25819161 has a point, what if the actor couldn't depict the character accurately. What about manga -> anime adaptations, why is there almost no hate for it? I think manga to movie adaptations should be viewed as a stand alone product, viewed irrespective of the source material, ie. could you appreciate the story even without reading the manga.

>> No.25901688

>that guy
>that girl
does this have anything to do with the 'myth' movie?

>> No.25902637

nvm I checked and the title was actually 'fable'

>> No.25915918
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>> No.25916244


>> No.25916249
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>> No.25919730

Anyone know where I can find subbed versions of the Sengoku Jidai Taiga dramas?

>> No.25932036

I don't think Taiga dramas get translated.

>> No.25938017

Would anyone have a working link for Mother starring Mana Ashida? All the ones I found are dead

>> No.25938787


>> No.25939323
File: 155 KB, 696x1024, 1433573384679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone here know if there exist uncut 6 hours long version of "love exposure" movie with subs ?
or is there only 4 hour version?

>> No.25939502
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Anyone saw Brave Father Online?

Should I watch the drama or just skip straight to the movie?

>> No.25940635

AvistaZ and d-addicts have some.

They do.

>> No.25940706

It exists as a tv series with ten 30-minute episodes.

They;re basically the same story with different casts. You can watch both or just one. I'd recommend the drama though.

>> No.25942739

Based nervous banker destroying that bitch

>> No.25942898

Who are the hottest drama actors?

>> No.25942931
File: 59 KB, 828x552, 1535496442_1535496410_HiroshiAbe_0078-p-s-x828-y552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25947151

How does it compare to the movie? I sorta like Yoshida Koutaro

>> No.25947804

It's more fleshed out thanks to the greater run time

>> No.25948342
File: 1.56 MB, 1024x576, [MagicStar] Watashitachi wa Douka Shiteiru EP04 [WEBDL] [1080p].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

next episode when

>> No.25950632
File: 56 KB, 630x1200, MV5BYzJlYWU5NzktNDA2NS00YzA1LWFjMDEtMTFkMWM2Y2U0YWIyXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNDk4NzAyNzU@._V1_UY1200_CR83,0,630,1200_AL_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thoughts on this movie and on his director? the message at the end is smack your wife. japan losing the war was a mistake. (i'm not a mysoginist by the way)

>> No.25955145

After watching Perfect Blue anime movie, oh man, I can't believe it was made in 1998. It's still relevant today and having been into kpop and jpop recently, the fantard shitbaggery depicted in the movie was just too real. It made me wonder if Japanese idols in the 90s do really experience things like these or if it's just an exaggeration for the sake of the story. Ah the 90s, wish I could turn back time, the internet really diversified and enriched world pop culture, so many new things to discover.

>> No.25956477

One week delay

>> No.25957179

Only reason why I watched Thermae Romae

>> No.25957753

I haven't seen that movie but I liked Tokyo Story,

>> No.25958258

nagase tomoya looked pretty cool

>> No.25959811

how many episodes in total? it seems like there aren't many episodes over 45mins like the previous season

>> No.25961023

Damn that sucks.

>> No.25967443

When will the soundtrack for Hanzawa Naoki S2 be out? I've had that violin arpeggio stuck in my head for two days now.

>> No.25971792
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>> No.25971822

This show is nice, but some outdoor scenes looked like they were done using green screen. Probably because of the pandemic.

>> No.25973278

Fuck. I wonder how much the situation affected their original plans.

>> No.25985925

is there anywhere I can find S4 and S5 of Onsen E Ikou?

>> No.25987755
File: 4 KB, 90x90, kino.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone can recommend me something similar to Mahoro Ekimae Tada Benriken?

>> No.25990612

Have you seen the series follow up and the sequel film?
There's also Ikebukuro West Gate Park which is similar.

>> No.25990848

Seen all that but thanks anyway.

>> No.25993208
File: 246 KB, 432x432, 1583858748538.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Matsumoto is about to lose all his Amazon money. He had a good run

>> No.25993474

what happened?

>> No.25993521

His pedo shit is popping up

>> No.25993767

Where are you reading this? I don’t see shit anywhere

>> No.25993935

People are already talking about sending emails to Amazon in the replies. This is really only going to affect his dealings with western companies I think.

>> No.25994054


>> No.25994125

Not in the US

>> No.25994174

I don’t see anything coming out of this, last month some people were trying to cancel Matsumoto for some ultra-nationalistic remarks he made or something, I don’t remember exactly, even making the same threats like getting him dropped by Amazon, it was trending on Twitter too but nothing happened.

>> No.25994211

Amazon would only have to act if westerners got wind of this, and westerners don't even know who Matsumoto is. 1000 retweets isn't going to do anything. Nothing will come of this.

>> No.25994229

It's pretty easy to write of nationalistic remarks as "political opinions." Sex with grade schoolers, not so much

>> No.25994241

I remember this, I don’t think he said anything actually. It was about one ultranationalist female politician I believe who was recruited by Amazon to advertise something and the twitter users had a meltdown over it and they lumped Matsumoto up with it saying he’s a close friend of Abe and a supporter of the LDP etc. I even read some of them tweeting Amazon in English explaining all of this to them and asking them to cut their ties with Matsumoto and that woman.

>> No.25994317

I’m not sure if you’re new to the Japanese entertainment world but C- listers who did worse than whatever Matsumoto did recovered completely from their scandals, a showbiz tycoon like Matsumoto won’t be affected by this.

>> No.25994345

Like I said, I don't think this will affect him at all in Japan. I do think it's going to halt anything he's doing with western companies who have to deal with western consumer base

>> No.25994828

Any good Japanese movies on US Netflix?

>> No.25996248
File: 2.12 MB, 2158x1466, 3D50759B-9105-4850-96FE-DF17096E86B8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maruyama Karina got married

>> No.26000104

I watched it, It's not great but I think I was expecting something else. A group called "Rjgman56 Subs" translated it and posted the whole movie to their website

>> No.26006626
File: 293 KB, 300x422, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where would I be able to watch Taiyou ni Hoero do you reckon?

>> No.26007902

Seems like there's a bunch of episode on PD - I'd guess that it's far from everything though.
Best bet if you wanna watch all of it would be buying the DVDs second-hand. But that would be around 500k-1m yen and you'd be missing 8 episodes that never got released on DVD.

>> No.26009039

>Romance Doll
>37 Seconds
>Hot Gimmick: Girl Meets Boy
>Little Miss Sumo
>The Forest of Love
>Tuna Girl
>Cultivating the Seas: History and Future of the Full-Cycle Cultured Kindai Tuna
These are all the live action movies on US Netflix.

>> No.26009276
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>> No.26009893


>> No.26010117


>> No.26010891

It's the I's girl who used to get posted here constantly. She looks like a normal japanese woman, lol.

>> No.26012389

She looks fine

>> No.26014310

no she doesn't

>> No.26014514
File: 2.29 MB, 2400x4464, MV5BZmE1YTAwODMtYmZmMy00NmNlLTg0ODItZjQ2YTVlNzJlMGFkXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMTA2MDQ4Mg@@._V1_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gotten into Sukeban and goddamn Japan needs to bring bring back feathered hair. It looks so fucking good on Japanese girls.

>> No.26014652
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>> No.26014851

I'm getting younger Al Pacino vibes.

>> No.26020949
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>> No.26023070

I liked her kissing scene in episode 1

>> No.26035149
File: 63 KB, 640x426, Tokyo_Refugees-0003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tfw your only hobby besides watching japanese depression kino is lifting and they all drink daily in the evening and they make it look so damn comfy.

Fuck even reading Murakami is more powerful than any western alcohol publicity.

>> No.26035352

did anyone watch the chiisana koi no uta movie? it was good but the english cast was complete dogshit you can tell the director couldn't speak english.

>> No.26039042

It was okay but I prefer that other movie about the 'ai uta' greeeen song.

>> No.26041728
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>> No.26042848
File: 206 KB, 1920x1080, [MagicStar] Watashitachi wa Douka Shiteiru EP04 [WEBDL] [1080p]_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the plot thickens

>> No.26042979

is she okay?

>> No.26043058

she will be

>> No.26043831
File: 68 KB, 667x330, EhJbibkVkAAp9Q6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love 昆虫すごいぜ

>> No.26048062


>> No.26049261


anyone know of good subs for Ikebukuro? the suibs on avistaz suck

>> No.26049612

Is this the same?

>> No.26055069

Watched mischievous kiss. Found it meh. Recommend me some really good doramas

>> No.26060427


>> No.26063195

Ossan's love

>> No.26066528

At least you're physically healthy

>> No.26069098

Just finished watching Nigeru wa Haji da ga Yaku ni Tatsu, first drama I watch. It was pretty cute. What's other stuff like it I could watch?
Also I picked up the manga after that, why can't josei artists draw at all?

>> No.26072714
File: 101 KB, 1199x678, 1GpyAFj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26073194


>> No.26073722

Nobunaga Concerto
Kahogo no Kahoko

>> No.26075140
File: 134 KB, 761x761, 89B8A66658A2402488549FEC10A95F72.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like slow drama otherwise I wouldn't be watching as much Japanese shit but Orange Days is just too much how slower could it get? Only 2 episodes deep but I'm struggling not to drop it.

>> No.26075408
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>> No.26076627


>> No.26076828
File: 90 KB, 1280x720, Watashitachi wa Douka Shiteru EP04 [EN][Blitz].mp4_snapshot_03.34_[2020.09.08_20.29.03].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not just kissing.

>> No.26076856

The tv show; iirc every episode. Her new movie too.

>> No.26077064



>> No.26077292
File: 90 KB, 1280x720, Watashitachi wa Douka Shiteru EP02 [EN][Blitz].mp4_snapshot_49.56_[2020.09.08_20.51.44].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26077989

Matsumoto x Ashida Mana

>> No.26079736

Don’t project your sick fantasies on Matsumoto

>> No.26082936

why do you care?

>> No.26083146

It's a Southeast Asian thing.

>> No.26085111
File: 2.92 MB, 1440x1080, テレビ千鳥#63.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26085179
File: 2.46 MB, 1920x1080, Kamaitachi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's funny how Kamaitachi got dokkiri'd about getting a new show on Suiyoubi 2 weeks ago and this week on TV Chidori they actually got to be regulars on a new show.

>> No.26088875 [DELETED] 

It looks like her sweet revenge is coming to fruition in the next episode.


>> No.26088925

love shuffle

>> No.26089040

It looks like her sweet revenge is finally coming to fruition in the next episode.


>> No.26089492

I hoped the announcement would be their own kanburi bangumi when they teased an announcement in last week's next episode preview. I'm glad the suiyoubi dokkiri came true.

>> No.26090438
File: 272 KB, 1000x1416, museum-2016-frog-killer-japanese-film3-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


anyone know where I can find a torrent of Museum/Myujiamu a live action movie adaptation of a manga by the name of Museum: Killer singing in the rain? Rarbg has nothing

>> No.26090545

Avistaz, you just missed open registrations.

>> No.26090583

