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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 470 KB, 1000x629, 75bd5c6323d884e7acd2cebf503474b4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2541440 No.2541440 [Reply] [Original]

>Visitors to katawashoujo.blogspot.com

>Japan (JP) 13,224
>United States (US) 4,916
>Canada (CA) 700

>1 May 2009 to 5 May 2009: 22,739 visits

>Total since 11 Nov 2007: 137,317. Previous 24hrs: 4,264.


>> No.2541449


>> No.2541459

Japan can't read egorunes

>> No.2541465


>> No.2541469

It's the Itai News effect.

Kind of similar to being Slashdotted.

I bet 13,223 of those people who visited the site haven't been there since.

>> No.2541506

Haha! I can see myself in the map!

>> No.2541510

The Itai News post I've seen linked is from 2008.

Or did they make a new one?

>> No.2541518

Those are from the past five days, bro.

>> No.2541521

The Nips visiting the site now are actual fans.

>> No.2541529

Oh shit, you guys are right, I didn't notice "1 May 2009 to 5 May 2009"

I guess it just goes to show just how incredibly small the English speaking eroge fandom is.

>> No.2541530

We no care about shit game
We just come to laugh at pig ameri
cans ha ha ha

>> No.2541539

or guys its gaijin in japan

>> No.2541543

These are all Mac users in Japan. Mac gamers are so desperate they'll play anything.

>> No.2541550

2 Africans?

>> No.2541552

I kind of wish they were selling the game, I wanted to see selling figures for Japan and other countries.

Too bad they already made a commitment towards it being free, if they changed their minds, it would cause an uproar.

>> No.2541561

>Greece (GR) 15
Hmmm, I wonder who visited the site 15 times in the last 5 days.

>> No.2541567


2 South Africans and 1 Moroccan... and somebody in the Canaries... and one in Diego Garcia?

>> No.2541569

I don't people would really mind if they had to pay for KS' quality.

>> No.2541571

If you're talking about the tripfag, he's in England.

>> No.2541582

I would buy it regardless. And it's the first VN i played.

Why the hell is Pico in that OP-pic?

>> No.2541585
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>> No.2541587

>Report submitted! This window will close in 5 seconds...

>> No.2541588

What they should do once the get a Japanese version is put the Japanese patch up for free download, but also sell at doujin events in Japan via itaku or something a version in an actual case with a printed manual and maybe some other goods, like a small fold-out poster or something. The idea would be that you can download the game for free but also buy it if you like it or want to support the circle.

>> No.2541604

The main problem would be dividing the money. It's not worth the drama.

>> No.2541610

me off the west of Madagascar

>> No.2541613

They could charge for it and donate all money to charity.

>> No.2541621


Not Diego Garcia? Diego Garcia is farther off in the Indian Ocean then, I guess.

>> No.2541622

Doesn't that kind of defeat the point?

>> No.2541637

That's actually a good idea, they could donate to a charity for crippled people
Not really, buying and selling doujinshi isn't really about making money, at least not to the cool people. There's just something magical about lining up to buy a something and holding it in your hands as opposed to just having it in data form.

>> No.2541686

It looks like I'm the only one in my city that visits the site or whatever. But I'm pretty sure that can't be true.

>> No.2541700

Translate and upload Japanese version right now.
plz ><

>> No.2541719

If doing this spurs more japanese fanart... PLEASE DO.

>> No.2541728


There is no Japanese fan art.

>> No.2541737

Get a stall on C76.
Then sell them there.

>> No.2541738


Quite a few Japanese artists on there.

>> No.2541748


>> No.2541753

there have been a bunch of threads on 2ch about katawa shoujo. general consensus is it's shit.

>> No.2541760

someone posted a pic of Emi that was from Japan a while ago

>> No.2541789

more like half of them are scared of running an American exe, another quarter refuse to play it because it's made by gaijins

>> No.2541803

Is 2ch really that stupid? Do they really think anyone would bother to make entire websites, forums and blogs just to put a virus in a game in order to troll Japanese people?

>> No.2541818

I get the feeling 2ch is just as full of trolls and people spouting crap as here, if not more so.

>> No.2541821
File: 17 KB, 300x400, 1241236330173.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've already oekaki'd my Wahahahaha~ and my mistress ><

>> No.2541830


>> No.2541834

Have they heard of antivirus Software?

Then again, I doubt any of them knows basic english.

>> No.2541884

Just run it in Vmware. Unless you're telling me Japanese people don't use VMware?

>> No.2541897

Your English doesn't seem bad, why do you need a Japanese version?

>> No.2541902

English is mandatory in Japanese elementary school, I believe, so they probably know some very basic English.

>> No.2541913

I have seen these classes at work, and the best they have are formulaic phrases the students are thaught to memorize like robots. It doesn't go beyond a parrot's level of understanding.

>> No.2541918

Well it's not enough to play a VN, that's for sure

>> No.2541931

> These are all Mac users in Japan. Mac gamers are so desperate they'll play anything.

Or Linux?

>> No.2541938
File: 168 KB, 600x600, katawa shoujo - emi jap fanart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I would buy it regardless

I would too. But ah well.

>> No.2541945

>Why the hell is Pico in that OP-pic?

That's Lily's sister.

>> No.2541948

I only care for Raita's opinion. What did he say?

>> No.2541950


I'd only buy it if it was voiced... in Japanese.

>> No.2541951


>> No.2541964

I seem to recall they got his permission to start with.
No idea wat he thinks about the game itself, though.

>> No.2541965

how long till they finish this shit?

>> No.2541966

but they capture the really important day-to-day conversational phrases, such as
"you get to burning" aka Hanako's theme song :(
"you're always super special"

>> No.2541970

Troll. How about some links to all those threads?
Idiots getting trolled.
No, actually it's not really.

The reaction is overall positive and supportive, and people want a Japanese patch.

>> No.2541973


>> No.2541977


>> No.2541980

>Idiots getting trolled

I don't think you know what that means.

>> No.2541987

I'd kind of like to see them sell it.

Just so I can see it pirated.

For irony's sake.

>> No.2542024

My English is not enough to understand difficult word like some novels and so on.
And almost Japanese are really not good at English.
If typical Japanese see more than 3 sentences, they would skip reading it.
That's why we didn't show any reactions for this game yet... ><

>> No.2542046
File: 252 KB, 806x625, Screen12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I heard someone was translating it into Japanese.

We should make a trade. 4chan will translate Katawa Shoujo and 2ch will translate Yusuga no Sora.

>> No.2542088


>> No.2542093

Sorry, please request other people because I'm not moe on Yandere Imouto ><

>> No.2542161

That's fine, just tell 2ch we'll give them the KS translation patch when they give us the one for Yosuga no Sora. Maybe someone will buy it.

>> No.2542547

All I want to see are some decent quality doujins once this game gets translated to Japanese. Then the circle will be complete.

I also want a doujin fighting game spin-off.

>> No.2542565


>> No.2542569

>Europe (EU) 1
It's official, Europe is a country. Americans were right.

>> No.2542581


Pick Lilly and you get a black screen when you play. Gotta judge both yours and the enemie's respective location and actions with XIII style sound effects.

>> No.2542599


>> No.2542692

Obviously that hit came from an IP that was European in origin, but not tied to any country in Europe.

PARADOX I know, but I've seen similar IP's, where they'd be "American" but not from any state etc.

>> No.2542693

First Quarter of 2010 from what I've heard.


>> No.2542718


>> No.2542751

oh god
please japan, please
i will forgive you for all the times you have made me disappoint, if you give me this one thing

>> No.2542754

One thread isn't so bad, it's not like it's stickied to the front page or anything.

>> No.2542764

It took two years for the first act, so if there are three acts it'll be another 4 years.

>> No.2542778


I assume they didn't just work on Act 1 the whole time

>> No.2542783

Not really, considering that they probably have the bulk of the artwork done by now and a rough outline of the rest of the story.

>> No.2542785

Where's Pygma-chan tonight...? I miss her...

>> No.2542797

It's my understanding that the delay was always the art, not the story.

>> No.2542812

As expected, decent drawfags are a rare breed. I'm very surprised they got artists as good as they did to be honest.

>> No.2542815


jap subs part 1. damn they are fast

>> No.2542816

I remember reading on the Forum the Art guys didn't start until a year after the writers.

>> No.2542824

lol canada

>> No.2542829

They joined about March '08

Writers mostly began writing about September '07 I think.

>> No.2542835

Well yeah, but now that have a good stock of reactions for all of the main characters, they won't have very many left to draw.

>> No.2542853


On this subject... does anybody have all the sprites? I want them.

>> No.2542868
File: 106 KB, 816x636, legs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On another note...

...why does Emi suddenly have legs in this picture?

>> No.2542870

The teaching method is like that on any other subject.

You know how in Asian schools they always say "It's in the workplace that the real learning begins"? Now you know why.

>> No.2542881

She wears shoes and socks, duh.

>> No.2542884

Hiding prosthetic with socks. She doesn't wear the running ones all the time.

>> No.2542887


Oh you trolls.

>> No.2542888


Realistic casual prosthetics.

>> No.2542893

They're fake.

>> No.2542898

She only wears the blades when running. Those are regular prosthesis.

>> No.2542905

How do you get this CG?

>> No.2542906

Complete all paths.

>> No.2542913

The blades aren't something that actually exists, right? Much less something that you could jog with.

>> No.2542916
File: 125 KB, 1000x629, wat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm kinda high right now so I need to ask. Whats up with this?

>> No.2542920
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No, they're real.

>> No.2542921

I got 100% though...

>> No.2542922
File: 63 KB, 450x645, pistorius.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2542923

That is Kenji

He is a plant in this image

>> No.2542931
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>> No.2542934

Not only that, it makes them faster.

That's the Librarian/Waitress whose name I seem to have forgotten. Artist joke.

>> No.2542940

Holy shit

And here I thought it was some kind of cruel joke

>> No.2542946

He's looking pretty... beastly, for lack of better word.

>> No.2542953
File: 103 KB, 500x1250, 565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not only that, it makes them faster.

This is just the BEGINNING of the advantages of cyborg transitions.

>> No.2542956

oh yeah I guess that is her

>> No.2542957

You probably didn't actually get the Lilly ending. I had the same problem; got 100% without going through her path, and didn't have that last image.

>> No.2542960


>> No.2542962


Why would you think prothestic limbs designed for the purposes of running a 'cruel joke'?

>> No.2542969


Because if they didn't exist, it'd only be an insult to legless people who are unable to run.

>> No.2543170


Did you get the Kenji ending? I hear it doesn't add to the percentage.

>> No.2543661
File: 33 KB, 700x542, kshijackshizune.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2543667


I love you.

>> No.2543690

Is she saying she wants to be fucked in the ass, mouth, and vagina at full force?

>> No.2543719
File: 53 KB, 700x542, mishashizunehijack.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she needs her translator

>> No.2543739
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My God..... it's beautiful!

>> No.2543744
File: 14 KB, 237x349, subway-yellow-line.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dear /jp/,

Why are there no yellow blind lines on the floor in the KS High School? I was pretty sure they'd have them consindering they have them anywhere else in Japan.

>> No.2543751
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>> No.2543776
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>> No.2543817

Because the school backgrounds in KS are photos from a Rhode Island university, not Japan.

>> No.2543830
File: 34 KB, 700x542, kshijackhanako.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2543834

How does that work?

>> No.2543836

People who are partially blind can make out the bright yellow and not bump into the walls.

>> No.2543844
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2/10. At least I hope you're trolling for your own sake.

>> No.2543854

>>Current Country Totals From 1 May 2009 to 6 May 2009
>>Japan (JP) 16,557
>>United States (US) 6,000
>>Canada (CA) 827
>>United Kingdom (GB) 679
>>Australia (AU) 436
>>Germany (DE) 367
>>Finland (FI) 221

Wtf, how can there be more visits from a tiny country like Finland than from most other countries?

>> No.2543856

Maybe if they're not totally blind. Some forms of blindness allow you to sense bright light even though you can't see.

>> No.2543858

One of the devs is from Finland, as well as a longtime fan/lurker.

>> No.2543861

Why is Yosuga no Sora so popular around here anyways? Apart from the twincest route, that game is fucking boring

>> No.2543864

Too PEACEFUL for you? I liked the atmosphere and pacing.

>> No.2543868
File: 65 KB, 600x392, Kenji Manly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Can't see shit, Captain.

>> No.2543918

>Croatia (HR) 20
This was probably only me. With 20 different IPs.

>> No.2543927

What is Croatia like these days? Didn't know it was still around, no offense.

>> No.2543928

Having been around since this thing was first visualized and subsequently resigned for it to never see the light of day when interest waned on the project, I have to say that this has been an absolutely delightful taste of what's to come.

The group really has outdone themselves. I like Emi the most so far

>> No.2544155


>> No.2544371

>>2543861Apart from the twincest route, that game is fucking boring

That's like saying "apart from the thing that made it awesome, that game wasn't awesome."

>> No.2545811


If there was an advantage, his times would be better than the best able-bodied runners' times, which they aren't, so, that is bullshit. The human body is far too amazing to be imitated sufficiently with our current technology.

>> No.2545835
File: 67 KB, 580x720, 1237682337047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2545838

I've only taken a quick glance at it, but I am not seeing any awesome yet. Where is the loli route? This thing is made by 4chan right? I don't want to seduce some old woman in high school.

>> No.2545840

Since when does advantage mean BETTER THAN EVERYBODY EVER?

>> No.2545872

Just because I have a better gun doesn't mean I'll win in a firefight against Soldiers.

>> No.2545944
File: 63 KB, 719x320, suz hijack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

had to stitch it

>> No.2545973

I love the Shizune/Misha Pair

>> No.2546369


instant favorite
