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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2542124 No.2542124 [Reply] [Original]

How good a computer do you need to experience all things /jp/-related? My PC's going on 6 years now and I am contemplating buying a new one.

My current computer can play some Touhou games at 60 fps if I cut down the framerate to 1/3 and tweak some other shit. I can't play 3DCG with this piece of crap onboard video card (not that I really want to, but having the option there is nice). Thankfully most VNs (fuck you, KS) run smoothly. It'd also be cool if I was able to play anything else I found later on, maybe start getting into other PC games or something.

I also want to replace my bulky CRT, the crappy speakers, everything, but want to keep the price tag relatively low... but I guess I could ask /g/ about that other stuff. How much does it cost for a decent rig these days?

>> No.2542134

depends how high end u want to go and what kind of sales are happening.


imo with monitor no more then 600-800 for a decent rig

>> No.2542147

$1000 - $1200 if you want to play the latest games on the highest settings.

>> No.2542158

Funny, I always spend around 500€ and it gets me a great computer for at least 3-4 years. This one has been running for 2 but I only replaced the last one due to the motherboard and CPU frying up, otherwise I'd still have it today.

>> No.2542156

>I guess I could ask /g/
lol, good luck

>> No.2542176

Do you have an LCD/plasma TV? Might as well get one and have it double as a monitor.

>> No.2542175

For anything /jp/ related, a 2.X GHz Core Duo with a dedicated NVidia or ATI 128+ MB graphics card works just fine.

It won't play Crysis, but it will work perfectly for VNs, H264 video and weeaboo games.

>> No.2542185

Oh yeah, I could start watching new anime too. Hell yes!

>> No.2542190

core2duo + decent Asus MoBo about 200-300
decent vid card- 200-300
Ram- 2gig 50, 4 gig 75
case 100
Powersupply 100
HD- Depends on how much porn and anime you need. 50-?
Monitor 100
Speakers 25

about 750 bucks. This should play every game on the market at near top end quality. 600 bucks can still play everything but not as shiny.

>> No.2542193

Buy a Mac. no viruses, better operating system than windows and you can take it to an Apple store to get it fixed. No thinking involved.

>> No.2542215
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>> No.2542218

>case 100
Spending more than 10-20 on a box of plastic/metal?


>> No.2542225

>decent vid card- 200-300
He doesn't need something that expensive for /jp/ stuff. $50 will do just fine.

>> No.2542242

If you just want to play touhou and some VNs, you'll be fine with a very cheap build.
If you like shmups in general and want to emulate ps2 cave ports (mushi and daioujou, the others don't work) you'll need a good processor and a decent GPU however.

>> No.2542249


Even Visual Novels are expecting more and more these days. My old notebook was running Sumaga slow as fuck.

>> No.2542247

really cheap.
you could just try reformating and see if that helps, if you haven't done it in a while.

>> No.2542256

50 dollars for 2GB? 200-300 video card?
200-300 for cpu and mobo?
100 for case? 100 for psu?
You don't need that shit for most things, let alone /jp/ stuff. I'd rather be cheap and play games on lower settings, fuck it.

>> No.2542258

/jp/-related stuff could include the occasional flavor of the month weeaboo MMORPG, if OP is into that. So a card with decent 3D rendering is needed.

>> No.2542261

You realize you can get a 256 MB video card for just slightly more than 50 bucks, right?

Even a slightly old 128 one should do fine.

>> No.2542264

Seriously; I either jsut use my old case, or I nail all my hardware to the wall.

Why dump more than the absolute minimum on something that has no effect on its function?

>> No.2542275

I once made the mistake of buying an expensive case, I don't know what madness drove me to do it. Fucking retarded.

>> No.2542283

Urgh /jp/ minimalist attitude towards high end computing is making my sack shrink.



>> No.2542287

asus p5q
4g ddr2 corsair (cheapest one)
ati 4770 (I recommend the 4870 or 4890 if you got the extra money)
500w psu or get the sonata3 case which comes with a 500w psu
1tb hd (do not get seagate, I recommend Western Digital)
antec 300 if you don't get the sonata3

This is for the rig itself so look these up on newegg and it should go for around 700$ ish.

>> No.2542294

More like 30:
or even as low as 20.
Hell, you can get an 8400 512MB for the same price:

>> No.2542304


Good job suggesting a 1TB HDD with no RAID1 solution numbnuts.

>> No.2542309

More power = more money.
Money that I could be wasting on figs and other stuff.

>> No.2542310

Damn, you got me there.

>> No.2542311

Enjoy your hardware that you have absolutely no use for.

>> No.2542315

What's wrong with Seagate?

>> No.2542316

I think they've had some issues with drives dying a lot recently. But I haven't been paying attention.

>> No.2542319

>absolutely no use for.

Yeah only if you had no idea what it's used for in the first place. It's only limited to your imagination and your imagination is only limited to what you know.

>> No.2542324

WD was having similar issues with the 150GB Raptor. Right now WD is king of the hill with their 2TB drives.

>> No.2542333


Also you can just put your old HD in there to

>> No.2542335

I know he's a moron, I just want to hear him defend himself.

>> No.2542330

Like SETI. I'm sure they appreciate your contributions.

>> No.2542326

6 years old should be enough for pretty much everything except for poorly written 3d games like those rape/abuse sims. Unless your system was poor to begin with which seems to be the case considering you're using integraded graphics.

However, getting a decent system is pretty cheap nowadays. 600 bucks is enough to get even Crysis running, even if not at the highest settings at 1920x1200. Get an AMD CPU and graphics card. They have the best value for the price right now.
As for speakers... Really, don't get speakers. Headphones have much better sound and cost less than any decent speaker setup. But if you really want speakers at least stay away from shit like Logitech. Those are utter crap.

>> No.2542325
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don't listen to him, he's a moron, here is a poorfag computer under $400 (andyes thats a Rosewill PSU and case, don't worry it won't explode and kill you because you'll probably never use it on load)

You don't even need a video card, the onboard (Radeon HD 3200) should be good enough for touhou and porn.

>> No.2542349
File: 45 KB, 397x447, 7850.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get the 7850.

>> No.2542351


>> No.2542353

Just go to /g/ and ask for the latest /g/uide. It helped me immensely when I built my latest computer last January.

>> No.2542357

At least give him non-onboard graphics. The rest seems good enough.

>> No.2542361

/g/ will make him spend a shitload of money on pointless crap he's not going to need.

>> No.2542363


The 7850 is a fantastic dual-core but I was thinking 'budget under $400', if he adds a hard drive it should be like $5 over $400. For home theater PC usage, I would suggest the Radeon HD 4650/4670, they're cheap but offer good cost/performance value, they'er both better than the GeForce 9500GT (overpriced crap) and cheaper than the GeForce 9600GSO/GT (which are more entry level gamer video cards)

>> No.2542364


>> No.2542365

>At least give him non-onboard graphics. The rest seems good enough.

The 780G is fine unless they want to be a HARDCORE GAMER. There's always that open PCI-Express 2.0 slot for later.

>> No.2542370

Don't buy ATI. ATI is the enemy of your freedom.

>> No.2542378

I can't speak for the mobo, don't really know foxconn.

>> No.2542380

Just looked that up. Huh, I'm out of the loop. Then again, it makes sense for AMD to offer semi-decent onboard graphics, considering they bought ATI.

Sup RMS.

>> No.2542377


The Radeon HD 4770 is THE best budget card available right now at $100 you get performance equal to that of the Radeon HD 4850/GeForce 9800GTX+. For under $100 the 4650/4670 go from $40-80, the best of this range is the GDDR4 4670 which is like $76, but honestly, for $25 more the 4770 blows pretty much every mid level card away. If you're SUPER POOR. I would go for a GeForce 8200 chipset motherboard and get a GeForce 8500GT and set up a hybrid SLI that should offer you ok performance

>> No.2542381


Go back to /g/ RMS.

>> No.2542384

4850's are super cheap now too, but yeah, I'll probably pick up a 4770 if I build a new PC.

>> No.2542386


Yah, the best part of that guy's set up is that its futureproof pretty much, AM2+ motherboard is compativle with the new AM3 CPUs which means that it will be upgradeable for years.

>> No.2542388

Foxconn is a well known mobo company. Many other companies reference their designs.

>> No.2542390


>> No.2542393

Cool to hear. I've never bought anything from them, but good to know.

>> No.2542401

ATI no longer supports Linux drivers. They often have poor technical support and Catalyst drivers are often buggy as hell. Ati is the enemy of your freedom.

>> No.2542402

E5400 2.7ghz Dual Core
4gb of any brand of DDRII ram
640GB WD 2 platter Caviar
any brand of DVD-RW is fine
if you're running on the cheap a 9500GT will run everything from Cuda Accelerated H264 decoding to things like Artificial Girl 3 or that new one that's coming out. A GTX 250 is fine too.

>> No.2542405


a Radeon HD 4770 and a 400w PSU go hand in hand! (although I wouldn't trust the Rosewill that guy posted for it)

>> No.2542407

>no longer supports Linux drivers


>> No.2542410

Foxconn should be avoided. Some of their mobos don't work with bios emu activators.

Gigabyte EP4X-UD3 varients are the most stable with 2oz copper prints for maximum stability and overclocking potential.

>> No.2542416

Oh, good.

>> No.2542417
File: 87 KB, 525x700, 18986.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Intel Pentium Dual-core E5400<AMD Athlon X2 7750/7850

>> No.2542429

E5400 is not even on that chart

>> No.2542447

lol google says otherwise enjoy your 95w TDP pile of fail while the E5400 runs at >65w


>> No.2542448

so which post in this thread suggests the most sensible purchase?

>> No.2542453

Just buy a Dell.

>> No.2542460

almost none of them. just buy a netbook or something, don't play games. you'll get bored of them anyway.

>> No.2542467

E5400 or if you have the cash E7XXX E8XXX Varients

9600GT is a nice budget card GTX 250 is nice but overkill for anything /jp/ related

4GB ram is a minimum

640GB WD 2 platter drives are really good
seagate has firmware problems and bricking drives

>> No.2542471

OP if you really want to build something cheap and efficient that can run certain games, try thinking about an Intel Atom: $80 comes with a CPU soldered to the mobo, runs at 1.4-16 GHZ you just need to buy the rest.

>> No.2542475

2GB is a minimum. 4GB is nice if you use RAM intensive applications at the same time, but not necessary by any means.

>> No.2542473

I mean, you just want touhou and VNs? You can build something really fucking cheap if that's all. Am I missing anything?

>> No.2542474


Gives us an actualy budget to wrok with here so we can give you something more solid?

>> No.2542484

What is with you people suggesting large-capacity HDDs but with no RAID1 solution to go with them?

>> No.2542485

If you're going for an Atom, why not just get a netbook?

>> No.2542486

i'm not OP fool
i dunno, <500 maybe 600

>> No.2542493

Atom has slight more options. You can't dual-drive a netbook or use a RAID1 card in it. More options.

>> No.2542495

Then what do YOU want?

>> No.2542496

OP wait a few months and get the Acer AspireRevo 300bux and will play anything /jp/ related.


>> No.2542510

Gah I meant a DYI Atom-system versus a netbook

>> No.2542515

AspireRevo is Ion based which means 9400m

>> No.2542525

Don't know much about on-board video seeing as I avoid it like the plague.

>> No.2542534

psst, http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?nm_mc=AFC-SlickDeals&cm_mmc=AFC-SlickDeals-_-NA-_-NA-

>> No.2542535

It's a dedicated chip. Nvidia 9400m

>> No.2542542

Intel's IGPs are complete shit.

nVidia has the 9400/9300 and ATI has the 780G which are fine on a budget.

>> No.2542544


Swap >>2542325 for a Phenom II X3 720, 2x2GB of DDR2-800 RAM and get a Radeon HD 4770 and you should still be around $550

>> No.2542556

Swap the 4770 with >>2542534

>> No.2542557
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>Swap >>2542325 for a Phenom II X3 720, 2x2GB of DDR2-800 RAM and get a Radeon HD 4770 and you should still be around $550

Godly system.

>> No.2542562

Get the AspireRevo and use the other 200 on a monitor and speakers
you'll still have a few bux left over from your budget of 500

ignore the faggots that are trying to have you put a >100 dollar card in a system as you obviously don't need it. No Touhou is going to need it and even games from Illusion won't need it.

>> No.2542577

get a cheap Emachine or Dell, upgrade ram to 4gb and slap in a graphix card and you'll be set

>> No.2542719

Oh wow, thanks guys! Coming back to this many replies is great, I think I'll go with >>2542544 if no one else sees a problem with it
