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2538482 No.2538482 [Reply] [Original]

Alright, so, everybody thinks Katawa Shoujo is a good enough self-made VN. It looks easy enough...

Is everyone else inspired to make their own visual novel now? Also, what program did Anon use to make KS Soundtrack?

>> No.2538482,1 [INTERNAL] 

>good enough

Good enough for morons, maybe.

>> No.2538482,2 [INTERNAL] 

>It looks easy enough...

It took, what, 2 years and 50 people to crank out on damn demo?

>> No.2538482,3 [INTERNAL] 

I don't know if it is that good since I never play it.
But from the hype and people spamming it sure seem that it is good enough for morons.

>> No.2538482,4 [INTERNAL] 

Pretty shitty for all the effort it took.

>> No.2538482,5 [INTERNAL] 

could you do any better

>> No.2538482,6 [INTERNAL] 

neither anyone

>> No.2538482,7 [INTERNAL] 

>looks easy enough
...Sure, if you think it's easy to crank out that much text, a damn good plot, decisions that actually make sense in terms of what they cause to happen, likable characters, and well-done art.

Do you have any idea how many people worked on that game, and for how long?

Oh god /jp/, I missed you so much. ;_;

>> No.2538482,8 [INTERNAL] 

>damn good plot, decisions that actually make sense in terms of what they cause to happen, likable characters, and well-done art.

But Disability Gals has none of those things.

>> No.2538487

Nah. I want to make a date-sim/beat-em-up hybrid now.

>> No.2538487,1 [INTERNAL] 


You can beat up your date, right?

>> No.2538488

>looks easy enough
...Sure, if you think it's easy to crank out that much text, a damn good plot, decisions that actually make sense in terms of what they cause to happen, likable characters, and well-done art.

Do you have any idea how many people worked on that game, and for how long?

Oh god /jp/, I missed you so much. ;_;

>> No.2538488,1 [INTERNAL] 

It is neither brilliant nor is it shit.

>> No.2538489


>> No.2538489,1 [INTERNAL] 

The morons that came to /jp/ to spam it seem to think it has better music than key/07th stuff and better plot than nasu stuff.
Hype is a dangerous thing.

>> No.2538489,2 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.2538489,3 [INTERNAL] 

If that's your opinion, then there's nothing I can do about it. I, however, thoroughly enjoyed it and eagerly await more.

>> No.2538489,4 [INTERNAL] 

>Do you have any idea how many people worked on that game, and for how long?
Only because the project was so poorly organized. And with things like this the fewer people you have working on it the better, which was one of the many problems with the KS development.

>> No.2538489,5 [INTERNAL] 

You've definitely got a point; KS kinda stagnated for quite a while.

But it still takes a lot of time and effort to make anything even moderately enjoyable.

>> No.2538489,6 [INTERNAL] 


It must feel bad to have shitty taste. You sound like exactly the kind of moron they marketed the game to, anyway.

>> No.2538489,7 [INTERNAL] 

Why are some people able to post?

>> No.2538489,8 [INTERNAL] 

Well many of them have never played a visual novel before KS. Now more /a/ posters are getting interested in VNs, which I hope doesn't lead to more of them migrating to /jp/.

>> No.2538489,9 [INTERNAL] 

>which I hope doesn't lead to more of them migrating to /jp/

Hope status: VAIN

>> No.2538489,10 [INTERNAL] 

Oh no, my tastes are being attacked! Clearly this is a serious insult to me and my ancestors, and not trolling at all!

>> No.2538489,11 [INTERNAL] 

I know. They've already been shitting up /jp/ since the demo came out, but maybe they'll lose interest eventually.

>> No.2538491

Wait... is it working yet, or not?

>> No.2538493

But Disability Gals has none of those things.

>> No.2538495


I would like to assist you.

>> No.2538496


Data translation is so fucking slow it takes 5 minutes for one post to get through.

>> No.2538500

Let's make our own visual novel, then. With crappy writing, mspaint graphics, and QUALITY music. Let's see if we can beat Katawa Shoujo.

First, we need to settle on a genre/concept/whatever. Romance/POWER LEVELS/drama/slice-of-life, any suggestions?

>> No.2538504

It would be a super hero game exploring the aspect that doesn't get much attention in video games: The secret identity.

>> No.2538510

If that's your opinion, then there's nothing I can do about it. I, however, thoroughly enjoyed it and eagerly await more.

We're not going to go through this whole thing a second time, are we?

>> No.2538511


good luck drawing better than KS.

>> No.2538514
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>> No.2538519



Now I got it! He's a super hero who hangs out in sex clubs, but he can't let his secret get out due to the royalties he receives from his image being used for abstinence only education.

>> No.2538521

River City Ransom Happens to have a few RPG-like features. Perhaps you could use that as a base?

>> No.2538527

Would /jp/ play a gaijin VN if it didn't have any routes or ero scenes?

>> No.2538529

Just having good drawing doesn't mean it is instantly good.
07th stuff and tsukihime doesn't have good drawing but it is still good.

>> No.2538541

You mean just a linear story? Doesn't that ruin the point of the VN?

>> No.2538547

Well yeah. Something like that would be a kinetic novel, not a visual novel.

>> No.2538549

>Is everyone else inspired to make their own visual novel now?

I've been inspired for a while now, it's just that I'm way to lazy to even start working on the script.

>> No.2538552

If I am capable of writing fiction, I know not the way.

>> No.2538555

Actually kinetic novel only refers to linear Visual Arts games (like Planetarian) and even those are still visual novels. 07th Expansion games are linear but they're referred to as sound novels, not kinetic novels.

>> No.2538558

The year is 2061
16 year old Kristian is being targeted by the cybercult 404/face which he started as a 14 year old but spiraled out of control soon there after. Now haunted by his alter ego Mu.01 he must struggle to protect his daily life while being monitored by radicals, the Interface Security Foundation and a mysterious organization know only as the Eye of Ourborous

>> No.2538565

However, the cybercult is growing more powerful every day. And its influence on the non-cyber society is starting to be more noticable when the police stops the reports on the murders of various politicians in town.
Will Kristian really be able to keep living his normal life?
Or should he man op, and stop the cult that he personally started.

>> No.2538569

Yes, you can! All you need is a Japanese artists willing to help you out and you too can make a "self-made" VN like KS.

>> No.2538574

I'm not talented at anything, but I still do have plans for a VN. It will be called Twilight over Innsmouth. The plot should be quite obvious: The protagonist, Isabella Swan, grudgingly arrives at the mysterious town of Innsmouth only to have a Deep One called Edward and even Wilbur Whateley himself fawn over her. General self-wankery ensues, except this time with fishmen and tentacle monsters!

I think shitty writing could be excused if you're basing your crossover off of two shitty writers (Lovecraft is still awesome, though. )

>> No.2538578

I've lead a team of five people from january - march in creating a short (~40 minutes) kinetic novel. It was pretty fun, I made the engine, music and did the directing. Had two really talented drawfags to do the art (one for the character and one for the backgrounds). I'm pretty happy how it went. Maybe I'll translate it into english later.

>> No.2538636

Isn't it what Umineko is like?

>> No.2538654

not same person yay

>> No.2538751

What language is it in?

>> No.2538796


I wonder if Nasu if free to write the sex scenes?

>> No.2538810 [DELETED] 

Shaggoth tentacle porn?

>> No.2538813

Shoggoth tentacle porn?

>> No.2538866


No drawing or music making or script writing involved in making this VN. When released /jp/ thought that it was written by 10 years old.

>> No.2538970

I've been interested in making a VN for a long time. Actually I started with being interested in writing books, but thought the media was a bit too linear.

Of course I could always have settled for just writing something and add links at each decision spot to make you end up at different places depending on your choice. But part of the whole idea of writing something is having someone read it, and I'm not sure how big online texts with choices are.

I'm usually quite content with a sort of linear story but with the ability to interact with characters and change how the small details change. Like your girlfriend could be kidnapped, but who your girlfriend is could be determined by your past actions.

>> No.2538976
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>> No.2539000

Trust me, the whole little details thing is nice to experience. But not to write. It's a fucking pain to do that, so you just make it a linear thing in each route, which the only true choice being what girl will you follow and whether if you'll die sooner.
