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2531963 No.2531963 [Reply] [Original]

Would you eat Touhou brand food?

>> No.2531973

Yes. No matter how bad it tastes.

>> No.2531983

If I wanted to eat shit I'd eat actual shit, not an imitation.

>> No.2531987

Only if Remilia Scarlet comes inside the box

>> No.2531984

If only it existed ( ´ー`)

>> No.2531985
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I'd rather eat Nanoha.

>> No.2531989
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I'd eat some Kentucky Fried Mystia.

>> No.2532006
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U Mad?

>> No.2532036


>> No.2532049

Wouldn't touhou brand food be made of people?

>> No.2532058

I would eat danmaku shaped cookies.

>> No.2532081
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also: stardust reverie star-shaped cookies

>> No.2532278
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A Touhou Bar & Grill would be nice.

>> No.2532381


I would actually like to see this developed.

>> No.2532397

In before that belarussian waffle.

And by "in before" I mean "I didn't save that picture when I saw it, so I can't post it myself".

>> No.2532462

Only if Touhous were real and served you themselves ;_;

>> No.2532468

I only eat touhou food.

>> No.2532854

I don't want to be served a Mokou. At least, not as food.

>> No.2533095


>> No.2533465

He seems to have misunderstood "they serve you themselves" for "they serve themselves for you".

>> No.2533501
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Touhous would eat ME. I have no objections to eating them instead. At least I'd beat them to it.

Perhaps I'll start my banquet off with appetizers courtesy of Mystia - grilled Night Sparrow Yakitori and ale.
Then, Kawashiro Nitori turtle soup, served over rice, with crisp water and strong wine.
After that...ribs of Keine, lightly glazed with barbecue sauces.

Hmmm...my mouth is watering now.

>> No.2533520

what about a nice Inaba hasenfeffer

>> No.2533537


Potted hare? I'll have a serving and ask for seconds.

>> No.2533534

>ribs of Keine
I don't get it.

>> No.2533550
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Pic related.
Except that they'd be from Were-Hakutaku Keine.

>> No.2533561

better keep suwako away from the French then

>> No.2533565

But what do ribs have to do with hakutaku?

>> No.2533579


>> No.2533580


Ah! Frog legs!

I almost forgot. Those would be served as well.

>> No.2533599
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>> No.2533619

But she doesn't eat humans. In fact, she protects humans from youkai.

>> No.2533661
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moo-cow Keine.

Fine, we will merely use her milk to sate our thirsts.

>> No.2533688
File: 155 KB, 635x900, hakutaku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is not an accurate representation of a hakutaku.

Kappa don't eat humans, either.

>> No.2533695

What happens if Chen and Orin fall into the hands of some Korean

>> No.2533719
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ill take mine without the penis

>> No.2533761


No, they just suck your innards out through your anus.

>> No.2533785

Depends on the kappa, some can be outright beneficial. This usually requires you to beat the shit out of them until they give you an oath to never do humans harm, though.

>> No.2533794
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ill allow it

>> No.2533825
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>> No.2533869
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>> No.2533876

But you can't

>> No.2533888


He can, but not when the Full Moon is out.
