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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2532562 No.2532562 [Reply] [Original]

/jp/ I have an idea. While I am in Japan I will search for a girl with rich parents to marry.

>> No.2532566

how will you enter into the rich school?

>> No.2532586


>> No.2532591

And why would she marry you?

>> No.2532590


Who said anything about going to school?

>> No.2532593

Which parent are you going to marry?

>> No.2532603

Should we try entering, Oniichan?

>> No.2532607


>> No.2532609

Because I look good.

>> No.2532614

Her parents might be inclined to consider your proposal if their daughter is extremely ugly and/or annoying and can't find anyone to marry other than some dirty gaijin.

>> No.2532628

This is stupid.

>> No.2532637

>Because I look good.
No, you don't. Trust me. You might think so, but you don't.

>> No.2532641

in animes, the girls with the rich parents are usually linked to the yakuza, and in most of the yakuza related stories i've seen with romantic plots puts the hero in "shotgun wedding" situations, if he's even fortunate enough to not get killed just for fuckin' the chick.

>> No.2532646

What could go wrong?

>> No.2532652
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>> No.2532647

So, I'm assuming you are:
-not rich
-not in Japan

Marriage. Right. You might as well have an idea that the sun should rise from the west.

>> No.2532654

sage this shit

>> No.2532656

I WILL BE in Japan. For awhile.

>> No.2532667

I'd like to marry a well educated young woman, but unfortunately, my money isn't old enough.

>> No.2532668

Doesn't change the fact that you're a poor foreigner.

>> No.2532679

I'm not poor and I'm pretty sure /jp/ has overblown this whole extreme gajin hatred thing out of proportion.

>> No.2532692


Have fun finding out for yourself.

>> No.2532695

Good luck with that bro

>> No.2532696

I will.

>> No.2532701

Japan hates gaijins so much, they rejected the gaijin game console no matter how many good games were out there for it.

>> No.2532702


Well, why not find some girl with rich parents in your own country? That's cutting several complicated steps out of the process, and you still get financial security at the end. It's not like Japanese girls are all that special.

>> No.2532704

The point is not being rich or poor, are you going to come to that girl and tell her " hey, I'm rich, wanna marry me ?"
You aren't.
That's because you need relations, otherwise, piss off, gaijin scum.

>> No.2532710

I am confident this is easier to do in 日本.

>> No.2532729

How will you do this?

Also, I don't know if I just have a very good sense of imagination, but whenever I see a pic of a girl on the toilet I can sort of...smell that woman shit smell...you know the smell I'm talkin bout.

>> No.2532741

Just relations. Right.


>> No.2532747

1. Join (college)clubs and socialize
2. Obtain information on women
3. Find rich woman
4. Date said woman
5. Make friends with her family.

>> No.2532751

As a matter of fact, no, I don't, please, proceed.

>> No.2532749

Sankakucomplex sure seems like a respectable source of information about sociology related matters, yes, sir.

>> No.2532748
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>> No.2532755

Rich as in her family is rich. Not her.

>> No.2532757

I wouldn't mind marrying into money, myself. I've been told I've got quite nice genes (I know being told doesn't always mean it's true, but they're the best sources I have), I'm far from socially awkward and my ambitions in life would be much easier to fulfill if I didn't have to waste time on surviving. And I'm not limited by some yellow fetish (if what I've seen of Japanese girls so far is a good representation of them, I very much prefer girls from my own part of the world).

But it would probably just remain a silly fantasy no matter how hard I worked for it ...right?

>> No.2532759
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And /jp/ is the appropriate place to discuss such matters? I think not.

>> No.2532773

You can talk about philosophy in latrines.
You cannot quote Richard Branson on philosophy related matters.
Get the point ?

>> No.2532774

i must marry the japanese

>> No.2532781

All of them?

>> No.2532793


/jp/ - Japanese porn games and mediocre doujin STGs

Get the point?

>> No.2532826

So, since your argument got rebuked, you are basically claiming this place is not intelligent enough to discuss these matters ?
Goddamn, you are pathetic.

>> No.2532833

"Nice genes" are only the ones that make you more fit to reproduce. The people who said that to you probably didn't know what they were talking about.
