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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 172 KB, 806x632, ScreenHunter_048 Apr. 30 17.06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2527979 No.2527979 [Reply] [Original]

I want to witness a battle of wits between her and Shirou.

>> No.2527983


>> No.2527985

I want ks to be bannable on /jp/, but what can you do?

>> No.2527988


>> No.2527990
File: 57 KB, 250x250, ksrin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2527991

But I'm afraid Rin has already had her hands full.

>> No.2527998

I want a pony.

>> No.2528003

It is a goddam english VN. If it should be posted, it should be in /v/. I don't mind it here but please stop spamming them like you guys do in /a/. In /jp/ thread dont dissapear in 10mins.
Not even Umineko was spammed that much since usually all the theory discussion is kept in 1thread.

>> No.2528014

Katawa Shoujo = weeaboo gay shit
weeaboo gay shit = /a/

Any questions?

>> No.2528025
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>> No.2528027

Yes, why are you so retarded?

>> No.2528028

/a/ = Take this to /jp/
/jp/ = take this to /v/ or /a/
/v/ = trolls.

Oh wait, they're all trolls.

>> No.2528030

>Lets talk about mediocre doujin VNs like Umineko instead

>> No.2528031

KS is made by 4channers
KS devs needs propaganda
KS devs will try to incite 4channers to adore their game

Final verdict, KS devs are posting this shit over and over again and hyping their crap to create a bandwagon here since they know it's not so hard to fool 4channers. Everyone knows most people around here don't use their brains, they just stick with what's being discussed the most.

>> No.2528038

I smell a butthurt KS developer here.

>> No.2528042

Oh, you

>> No.2528046


Good troll concept bad execution

>> No.2528047

Yes. EVERY FUCKING THING IS VIRAL MARKETING. ZUN makes every touhou thread himself, too.

>> No.2528048

That's nice, dear

>> No.2528049
File: 31 KB, 504x480, ber_akuwaraia1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mediocre doujin VNs

>> No.2528055


Your image really doesn't help your case.

>> No.2528057

Smells like butthurt fanboys

>> No.2528059


Hahahaha ryukishi07's art sucks!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.2528066

>weeaboo gay shit = /a/
Wait, what's everything on /jp/ then?

>> No.2528069


It's absolutely horrendous. What's your point?

>> No.2528074

ZUN don't need people hyping his touhoes, they do it by default.

KS is too small and mediocre to have so much hype in such short amount of time, it's obvious there's a couple of idiots trying too hard to make this thing create a hoopla.

>> No.2528075

I guess you must be new around here.
We hate Japan and becoming Japanese is the last thing that we want.
Weekend just became 10x worse no thanks to KS.

>> No.2528077

>Umineko art

>> No.2528081

Is that you, ZUN?

>> No.2528095


Just imagine how it's going to be around summertime, fuck. moot should just close the board until fall semester starts again.

>> No.2528099

No but is that you KS developer?

>> No.2528106

No, it's totally, completely impossible that people are genuinely interested in something that sprouted in our community, then we exercised the idea to death back then, forgot about it, and are surprised by how well they're doing, right? Right?

No, you're probably right.

>> No.2528109

Trolls trolling trolls, etc etc.

>> No.2528112

KS sucks and this place is full of newfags.

Am I cool yet?

>> No.2528114

we have nothing to do with KS, it was /a/'s project
get off

>> No.2528120

Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't it before the split?
4chan the same, irregardless.

>> No.2528122

>this place is full of newfags.
Of course it is. People think that Type Moon and 07th Expansion make good visual novels.

>> No.2528127
File: 62 KB, 637x481, beatrice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you guys are going to resort to art burns...

A) You better not like touhou

B) I hope you are ready to defend the equally horrible writing in KS

C) Beatrice is still hot

>> No.2528133

Also stop claiming that the people posting these threads are KS devs it's stupid

>> No.2528138
File: 176 KB, 621x842, 1170504535377.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will we never escape this endless newfag summer?

>> No.2528140

What's worse?

a) Trolls
b) People seriously replying to trolls

>> No.2528146

Touhou actually has gameplay.
I didn't find much wrong with the KS writing. Sure, you could tell it was amateur, but at least it used more flexible english phrases than bad translations.

>> No.2528153


Good point, I wonder if Umineko also has something that makes you overlook the art...

>> No.2528156

ZUN art sucks. Touhou as a STG is decent, nothing more.

>> No.2528157


as soon as Higurashi stops being discussed.

>> No.2528162


Sherlock Homes would be hella trippin'

>> No.2528168

>I didn't find much wrong with the KS writing.

>> No.2528171

>ZUN art sucks
You clearly don't realize his art is unique and he's a god tier composer.

>> No.2528172

Nothing, the story blows

>> No.2528178

It's understandable some idiots will try to hype this because it's a former 4chan project, specially /a/, but not in the same proportion it spawned.

Shit was released in one day and we already got memes and image macros all over the board over and over again like it was all made beforehand.

It's undeniable KS team is behind most thread we have in /jp/, I have nothing against this game but viral marketing is going too far. Is 4chan popularity that important?

>> No.2528186

Right. You're reading a visual novel for christ's sake. PICTURES to help you visualize characters and situations. If you cared anything about literature quality you would read a goddamn book. It's the scenarios and plot that make a visual novel.

>> No.2528190

>he's a god tier composer
I didnt said his music was bad, it is quite good. But the art...

>> No.2528201 [DELETED] 

I'm wondering just how well read people are on this board at the moment.

>> No.2528198

CNN aired a segment a few hours ago

>> No.2528200

>It's undeniable KS team is behind most thread we have in /jp/
Haha, no.

>> No.2528204

A lot of people who go to /a/ also go to /jp/, vice versa.

>> No.2528206
File: 44 KB, 646x505, Screen00 (27).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the art is awesome
not fap material

>> No.2528207

unique =/= good

Zun sucks at character designs, doijin artists makes it fappable.

>> No.2528208

>>2528178It's undeniable KS team is behind most thread we have in /jp/

Easy there Kenji.

>> No.2528211

I'm wondering just how well read people on this board are at the moment.

>> No.2528213

I don't know, I think the release of the demo has brought /a/ fags into /jp/, and we all know how they love to spam shit. I got suspicious with how shitty /jp/ became around the time the demo was released, and we've even had a few "the KS demo is the only VN I've played, what should I play next" threads. So it's likely that they're just outsiders and not necessarily the KS dev team.

>> No.2528215

eye have read all of the greek tragedies and shakespeare's stuff
also war and peace
meye literature is the strongest

>> No.2528219

I find his art quite unique
He's not trying to imitate any particular style like in most of the other games we've mentioned, it's just his own thing. You should see his drawing he made for his site, they've posted recently, they're quite interesting.

>> No.2528220

So because it's a VN, it has an excuse to have horrible writing? Because, after all, it's not like we're reading this shit, just looking at the pretty pictures and crippled girls.

Cool logic, bro.

>> No.2528231

>and we all know how they love to spam shit.
...And /jp/ doesn't?

>> No.2528245

japanese bird cooking spaghetti, shiki can kill servants, sakura/sanae/aya is a slut

/jp/ sure is a bastion of creativity

>> No.2528246

Not nearly to the same extent that /a/ does.

>> No.2528248

No, but simple redundancies and junior high level flaws in writing shouldn't be such a big deal when you're dashing through the text, which for the most part is dialogue. It's better than any bad translation, that's for sure.

>> No.2528251


"No we're not looking at pretty pictures, we read VNs for their own merit in story and writing quality!"

*the population of /jp/ in every thread but this one*

>> No.2528258


Eye'll concede that. I assume anyway, I wouldn't touch /a/ with a 10 foot pole.

>> No.2528266

Do you have a link?

>> No.2528268

sorry bro, I can't hear you over the awesomeness of ever17

>> No.2528288

Unique = Silly hat + Frills

>> No.2528293

You're just trolling or just plain dumb

>> No.2528311

Though he's stupid if he meant the style or his other art which I haven't seen, but it's true that touhou are just silly hats, dude.

>> No.2528314

Sorry, but you'll have to ask around.

>> No.2528321

>oh look a fanboy

>> No.2528322

Not really, most of the designs don't involve silly hats contrary to the popular believe, take a look at PC-98 character designs and the latest games.

>> No.2528324

Someone post the design-your-own-touhou image.

>> No.2528330

fanboys know about a certain topic more than anyone, if they present proves, there shouldn't be any reason to think otherwise.

>> No.2528346

Does it even matter if it is 'just silly hats' or not? The art is secondary on most STGs and Touhou is not the exception.
That said, my opinion is that ZUN's art is unique, but crappy when compared to other games.

>> No.2528355

/v/ - DURP 8.8

The only board that actually had a thread about this game and didn't spend that entire thread bitching, or just randomly delete it for being "off-topic" was /tg/

>> No.2528356


Now take it to /tg/ and never come back again.

>> No.2528368

That's because /tg/ is actually the best board for a reason. Even though katawa shoujo doesn't really belong there.

>> No.2528378

Of course. But look at earlier context. I don't care about the art, in fact, I love silly hats. But they aren't incredibly inspired.

>> No.2528390

I'm not whoring here, but as a drawfag, after drawing every single character in touhou, I've realized the design is actually pretty good.

>> No.2528392

I'm really disappointed by /jp/'s fag-tacular response to KS. /jp/ used to be a lot cooler than this. It's a motherfucking vn, we can't just have calm discussion about a new english vn?
/jp/ is taking on the same kind of shit-on-everything, meme-spouting attitude that makes /a/, /v/ and /b/ so terrible.
in the haters' defense, people do need to stop making 5+ simultaneous KS threads. One on the 1st page is enough.

>> No.2528403

/jp/ became popular.
Personally, I don't mind the 9999 hourly KS threads, as the game is quite new.

>> No.2528405

/jp/ liked it a few hours after it came out. But then it became too old. Combine that with the weekend, and the trolling is explained.

>> No.2528410

I don't think it would get trolled if it was kept in one thread. I don't care one way or another about KS, but in all honesty people who start these threads almost deserve to be trolled for spamming this shit all over /jp/.

>> No.2528413

Too much trolls due to popularity, etc.
Happens to everything.

>> No.2528416

Hey, uh guys...

I like both.

>> No.2528419

Girls aren't the only thing we like young.

>> No.2528420

both what?

>> No.2528422

>people do need to stop making 5+ simultaneous KS threads. One on the 1st page is enough.

If you haven't notice.
Most of complain is about this.

>> No.2528438

I just fell off the roof......

>> No.2529104

Rin has the best BGM

>> No.2529143

faggots complain about KS threads, then turn around and make more japanese bird cooking spaghetti threads

>> No.2529191
File: 64 KB, 695x805, Japanese bird the artbook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those threads are posted by AORF's bot, genius.

Even then the Japanese bird-inspired original content is still better than KS.

>> No.2529214

/jp/ has become /v/ without the creativity and /a/ without the frequent new material to discuss. I should stop checking whether it's improved.

>> No.2529218

>/jp/ has become /v/ without the creativity
Yet you say this in a thread dedicated to one of the highest quality things to ever come out of 4chan. Oh the irony.

>> No.2529220
File: 114 KB, 427x348, 1236458111263.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>/v/... creativity

>> No.2529221
File: 85 KB, 709x792, 2893206.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you lick her scars?

>> No.2529227

That's old /a/. You guys aren't.

>> No.2529228

Right, since /jp/ is not creative and didn't make KS,
Why don't you spam this shit on /v/ or /a/.

>> No.2529234

Most of the people who were on old /a/ and trying to get this off the ground either migrated to /jp/ or post in both sections.

>> No.2529235

/jp/ = weeaboos with brains.

>> No.2529253

Scars are my new fetish now.

>> No.2529260

No, i dont believe that it would feel good for her

>> No.2529282

I'll only be able to accept lesbian h-scenes.

>> No.2529302
File: 76 KB, 320x439, sameperson.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2529305


do burning victims have any kind of sense left on their scarred skin?

>> No.2529311

I believe that its pretty sensitive. I dont really know, but i believe that it depends on the type of the burn and other things.
But anyways, i dont think licking them feels good.

>> No.2529313

Depends on how deep the burn was. If it took out the nerve endings, they feel nothing. It is skims off the skin, they become ultra-sensitive.

>> No.2529316

white weeaboo trash

>> No.2529322
File: 110 KB, 593x737, two-face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only complaint is that Hanako should look creepier. Creepy like Two-Face in The Dark Knight.

>> No.2529326

Have you played it?

>> No.2529331


but scar tissue is generally numb...

>> No.2529336

Well then it wouldnt feel good.
Might not feel bad, but whats the point in licking her scars when she could enjoy licking other places more?

>> No.2529340

I will kill someone if there is no Lilly/Hanako yuri scene.

>> No.2529347

I agree. If she's scarred but still very attractive looking I can't see the reason why she's so afraid to socialize with other people. Given her cuteness she would have people willing to overlook her scars and she would have plenty of similarly unfortunate friends!

Making her scars hideous to the point of ZOMBIE LEVEL HIDEOUS is a more sensible option.

>> No.2529348

Me too. Without that, I would not be a happy man.

I'd still play it for Rin though.

>> No.2529354
File: 85 KB, 500x350, 1120068095_9a98f2c45c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.2529358

Hanako wears a wig if you didn't notice.

>> No.2529365

the point is that she has MENTAL PROBLEMS. Mental problems dont need good reasoning. Im not especially ugly either, but Im really scared around people I dont already know.

>> No.2529373

What makes you say that?

>> No.2529374

What the fuck is that thing!?

>> No.2529382


>> No.2529383

Does it seem waaaaaaaaaaaay too convenient that half her body got burned, right to the face, and NOT up to her scalp?

So yeah, like many other victims of serious burn injuries, she's bald - or half bald for that matter.

>> No.2529386


notice where?

>> No.2529389

It would make sense, but I really don't see it as some kind of ironclad guarantee. This is animuland, after all.

>> No.2529390


>> No.2529391

This is VN, not real life.

>> No.2529393

>Given her cuteness she would have people willing to overlook her scars
You'd be surprised. People tend to focus on the ugly parts, not the attractive parts. Something as jarring as half your face being covered in scars generally has you placed as "unattractive" by people, despite the other side being really cute and your personality being nice.

>> No.2529396

Misha and Hanako confirmed to be wearing wigs?

>> No.2529397

Plus, this is Japan.


>> No.2529399

If you are disfigured yourself you are in no position to judge others by their ugly parts either.

>> No.2529401
File: 11 KB, 203x152, _40742501_burnt_face203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's what the scars in her face probably look like...

>> No.2529409

ITT we talk about talking about the game.

Well, guess it's reverse-derailing off the meta bitching now. Dibs on Rin.

>> No.2529415

ITT: Retards 'sperging over weeaboo content on /jp/ OH NO DIRTY GAIJIN GAMES GO TO /v/!!!!!

God damn chill out people.

>> No.2529431

Now would would we want to assume Misha is wearing wigs? I don't think her low intelligence is related to brain cancer.

>> No.2529499
File: 58 KB, 812x887, 1241211180403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>low intelligence

>> No.2529513

What? She stumbled over long words, for god's sake. Bitch is thick as hell.

>> No.2529515

So moe~

>> No.2529519


stumbling over long words doesn't necessarily mean someone is dumb...

>> No.2529521

"Mag... nan.. imous..."

Thick. As. Two. Short. Planks.

>> No.2529525

her intelligence is related to her being Misha
learn sign language if your so smart

>> No.2529528

"Oh nice, a KS thread, I'll probably open it to see what people have to say about it. With 138 posts and 13 image replies omitted people must have said many interesting/funny things.

Wait, no, there are just 138 posts of shit. I might create my own thread and hopefully I can discuss KS."
You get it, now?

>> No.2529545

>You get it, now?
You're opening a new thread?

>> No.2529566

Someone should draw FascinatingRin.jpg

>> No.2529602

It would be legitimate.

>> No.2529620

Is the game with sex or like clannad or something?

>> No.2529647

There will be sex in the later chapters.

>> No.2529651

You accidentally rape the blind girl if you try to seduce her before you learn sign language.

>> No.2529675

Why would sign language be of any help with someone who's blind?

>> No.2529677

Misha intentionally translates wrong.

>> No.2529678

>You accidentally rape the blind girl if you try to seduce her before you learn sign language.
Amusing mental image.

>> No.2529691

Is KS voiced?

>> No.2529700

Whoops. I'm the world's silliest goose.

>> No.2529703

No. Read their latest blog post.


>> No.2529759

This reminds me. When did every English dub of Japanese material start doing that awful lilt? It seems to happen regardless of the type of role. They have to be imitating some originator.
