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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2529276 No.2529276 [Reply] [Original]

So I've been thinking, how does it feel like to be forced to come against your will? Is it really like how Japan suggest where the victim instantly become deredere and develope stockholm syndrome?

>> No.2529284

nuclear myhaps

>> No.2529280

I don't think so.

>> No.2529290

I've wondered this myself. I'm not sure it's even possible for a woman though....

>> No.2529306

No, it doesn't happen in real life. Look at Fritzl, even after 20 years the daughter still escaped. If you truly break someone's will, it pretty much means they'll die.

>> No.2529314

/jp/ - Rape/Japan

>> No.2529318

if the fritzman was cold hearted and just let his daughter die, then he wouldn't of been caught

>> No.2529324

I don't think Master Fritzl did things like making his subjects come forcefully.

He just raped them and beat them up.

>> No.2529339

Depends on how young you are when the process starts. Feral children are found from time to time. I was looking for the california girl named Birdy but found this, it'll do.


>> No.2529352

No, rather the opposite. It will traumatize the fuck out of them, adding even more feelings of guilt and shame.

>> No.2529355

>Local people tipped off the police after spotting the woman buying children's clothes.
You can't buy clothes for other peoples' kids in Germany?

>> No.2529362

Are you fucking serious?

>> No.2529367

That article makes no sense. If she was kept in a darkened room for years, how did someone see her through a window?

>> No.2529406

It might be possible with shota, but only in very specific circumstances. Like for example you rape a shota and make him cum against his will, and it just happened to be the first time he ejaculate. The strange and overwhelming pleasure might imprint him into becoming deredere for you.

>> No.2529420

You can orgasm before your body is capable of ejaculating.

>> No.2529419

Is there some sort of truth in sexual imprinting?
Hardly. I mean, is the whole thing not like making someone fall in love with you?
You cannot do that by raping someone, can you? Nope.

>> No.2529425

But your first orgasm with ejaculation is mindblowing

Well, at least for me it was

>> No.2529438

Yeah, my first ejaculation was after like 2 hours of fapping.
God, i would really like to have as good faps as my first one ;_;

>> No.2529441

Fritzl better write a damn book about his experiences so /jp/edos won't make the same mistakes and get caught.

>> No.2529455

I think you need to play more eroge.
Most of the time, after you rape the heroine they will be in loved with you. They only say no but their body want it.

>> No.2529470

Probably the girl would have to be really young, naive and innocent, and you have to be nice to her constantly, even if the sex is non-consensual. Make her orgasm regularly, and also brainwash her into thinking that girls should only have sex with one man for their entire life i.e. the Christian way. Requires a lot of effort but it all pays off if it works.

>> No.2529477

That game was a deception, she kept yelling all the time.

>> No.2529478

I think you need to play less eroge.

>> No.2529481

It's pretty common that women come when they are raped so yes, the nips are full of shit. YOU WA SHOCK.

>> No.2529491

Wait, what?
Did you type that right?

>> No.2529495


No, sexual imprinting was junk science that was popularized back in the 60s when various myths about sexuality were still widespread. With the advent of Kinsey and other sex scientists, I thought we moved past those Puritan superstitions. I guess not : /

Little history behind the theory of sexual imprinting: homosexuality was once commonly believed to be the result of sexual imprinting in a young person's life, usually attributed to the parental figure of the same sex. Once gay rights became commonly accepted, this got acknowledged as junk science and academia quickly disavowed any records of professors claiming such. Nowadays, it's commonly being held (among right-wingers) that paedophilia is the result of sexual abuse at a young age. See the trend?

Anyways, I think part of what makes rape so traumatizing is the fact that there is the possibility for orgasm even against one's own will. It's like your body betrayed you at your most vulnerable moment and the memory of it would undoubtedly make you question your identity and desires. While I don't believe in sexual imprinting, I do believe that the mind can develop a Pavlovian response to repeated sexual encounters (probably much stronger due to the nature of the act) whereby a victim who gets repeatedly raped over a period of time will have a visceral reaction whenever they are exposed to stimuli that reminds them of the rape completely against their own volition.

Imagine that, being turned on by getting beaten up because you were repeatedly raped when you were younger. That would be fucked up and I would not wish that on anyone.

>> No.2529498

But those things are true, psychotherapy helped establish that all these perversions HAVE a strong foundation in child trauma.

>> No.2529503


I should qualify that last statement-- I meant to type "being aroused against your own will by being beaten up."

Anyways, tl;dr-- no, a person will not become deredere for you because you rape them repeatedly. If anything, it will fuck them up to the point where they will no longer be able to enjoy sex under any context.

>> No.2529506

>It's like your body betrayed you at your most vulnerable moment and the memory of it would undoubtedly make you question your identity and desires


>> No.2529508

That's fine too.
Gentlemen, I think I have found a cure to mankind's general sluttiness.
Let's make make the rape of all 12 year olds mandatory.

>> No.2529516


I challenge you to find a credible source citing homosexuality being the result of sexual imprinting that was published in the 90s and later.

Also, as for the whole perversion thing being the result of childhood trauma, I call bullshit. Anecdotally, none of the pedos I've known have had ANY sexual contact whatsoever throughout their entire lives. There have been precisely 0 opportunities for sexual imprinting, and yet media and other dubious sources claim that all pedophilia is the result of childhood sexual abuse. Who on earth are all these pedophiles raping children and making more pedophiles much in the same way a vampire makes more of its own kind?

Again, its Christian superstition/nonsense that was loosely derived from behavioral science as understood before the days of Alfred Kinsey.


>> No.2529537

You cannot orgasm against your own will, the majority of the pleasure comes from your own imagination and arousal.

>> No.2529538

Psychotherapy is total utter nonsense. The sort that you expect from a rambling coke fiend that spends his time doing human experimentation.

How can you get off if you're raped, I wonder? Rarely people get excited on getting mugged and violated. It is not possible.

Anyhow, in one of those dune books there were these some sort of female ninja type of things that used sexual imprinting.

>> No.2529541

Have you got links to papers refuting the idea that sexual abuse during childhood predisposes someone to do the same? I had read that in a criminal psychology book once, so at the very least it is a widely accepted notion.

>> No.2529543

Not sexual imprinting, but childhood is proven to have a strong influence.
Of course all homos didn't take a dick up the ass before becoming gay, that doesn't mean their parents have nothing to do with it.

>> No.2529544

First, you have to be clear on what you consider a "perversion." Homosexuality? Pedophilia? The former has a genetic basis. Second, theories of psychosexual development have been largely discredited. Sure trauma CAN influence sexual behavior, but to say that all sexual deviancies are caused by trauma is beyond bullshit. In fact it's considered normal to have some fetishes and abnormal sexual behavior. Yes, it's normal to be somewhat abnormal.

>> No.2529548

Rape isn't the only childhood trauma, I think a backhand slap from your mother is enough to cause trauma.

>> No.2529554

You sure as hell can. Imagination does play a large role, but physical stimulation alone is enough to cause an orgasm.

>> No.2529561

When I get caught fapping my shaft instantly shrinks

>> No.2529562

I've read that women become wet in anticipation of sex, whether they desire it or not. This is likely a defense mechanism--as being raped while dry could cause skin rupturing and so forth.

That's not to say they'll enjoy the experience afterwards. I somewhat doubt that.

>> No.2529564

There is absolutely no genetical basis for sexual attitude, unless you were to count the extremely rare case where some kind of sexual trysomia takes place, and that's got to account for 0.5 percent of gay people.
These people turning out that way, they're no different than fetichists.
And fetishes are known to be caused by abnormal development.
In what way is it considered normal to have fetishes and abnormal sexual behaviour, just because society tells you you have no right to stigmatize someone for liking scat porn doesn't mean it's socially acceptable.
As for trauma, you're greatly overestimating the sense of the word, it doesn't have to be a plane crashing on your house.

>> No.2529572


Bruce Rind, as far as I know, is the only American professor who has published papers refuting that idea. Quick google search yields this:


There used to be this other board I used to frequent called Girlchat that consolidated all research on this topic which attempted to disprove the aforementioned belief. But unfortunately, that was another me back in freshman year of college; back when I actually cared about all this shit. The biggest problem about finding counter-discourse on this subject is the fact that open dialogue has been completely suppressed on the academic level. Bruce Rind, at once point, had to completely discontinue his research since his University (Temple University) threatened to cut his tenure unless he stopped publishing controversial papers. There are probably countless other professors that I haven't even heard of whose papers never made it past peer review, not because of their methodology but because of their findings.

Anyways, thinking about the reality of the shit always raises my blood pressure. I'd rather think about Touhou than this bullshit.

>> No.2529579

Everyone in this thread saying it is impossible to be forced to come against your will is wrong. It's pretty rare, but it happens, even in women. Those who do have this happen to them find it even harder to come forwards to the police as a result of the shame and guilt of it. If you read a few sources talking about reporting of rape and conviction, you might see it mentioned.
But enough about real life.
アユマリン707R Mission:02 後編 anticipation thread.

>> No.2529590

Getting angry at the reality of the world is pointless, as task best left to teenagers.
You made the right choice.

>> No.2529593

Well, you know. The thing with Freud the junkie is that in his little world everything comes down to sexuality and childhood trauma.
That really tells more about him as a person than anything about anything else.

The other theme in psychotherapy is singling out abnormality by labeling it. But that really comes more down to social sciences. In reality there is no such thing as diagnosis, meaning that it is a forced concept in terms of relativity.

>> No.2529607

Have you not seen jurrasic park? Life will find a way!

>> No.2529616

Of course, artificial insemination is the way.

>> No.2529640

You're implying that a group composed entirely of female animals will... breed?

>> No.2529644

i lol'd

>> No.2529737


There's a type of lizards that does. I forgot the name, but the whole species consists of natural clones.

>> No.2529757

Oh shit it's been so long since I've been duckrolled.

>> No.2529775

holy shit there's going to be a sequal?

>> No.2529812

I know, I can practically fap just imagining what it's going to look like. And the picture on the site makes it look like it's going to be even more awesome than the first one. I really love the top left pic in the pic. The way her face is flushed together with the cute headset makes it simply adorable.

>> No.2529830

Touhous can do that.

>> No.2529839

More than one species does this.

>> No.2529857

We had that conversation on /d/ and they created the complete guide on how to make a girl your slave. (Sadly I'm aways from my own computer and I don't have the copy/pasta with me but if /jp/'s interested I may post it when I get back home).

>> No.2529973

My boss just caught me looking at that picture. Fortunately it was censored so he wasn't concerned with it, and did not fire me.

>> No.2530074

Great idea to spend your weekend on /jp/ while working, bro.

>> No.2530737

i would like the uncensored picture if you please

>> No.2530767

There are two of these games, right? Are they both voiced? I think I downloaded some sort of rip without the voice files.

>> No.2530768

/jp/ - Psychology/Physiology/Archaeology/Touhou/Eroge/Rape/Japan/General

>> No.2530786

fucking simple : Money.

>> No.2530794

I lol'd.

>> No.2530811


And that's why we call things NSFW

>> No.2530826

>The mother was seen around the town but described variously by locals as "withdrawn, joyless, shy and strange."

Yandere moe~

>> No.2531122
File: 1.92 MB, 1200x1600, 1221685318062.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How to Develop Stockholm Syndrome in Prepubescent Girls: A Quick Guide.

>> No.2531136

Fuck yes, I'm interested. You better come back here and post it.

>> No.2531143

So THAT'S how I do it...

>> No.2531162

I was not sexually abused during childhood. I like loli.

>> No.2531169
File: 828 KB, 704x400, shot0021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[ ] Blame the individual
[ ] Blame society
[ ] Blame nature

>> No.2531173
File: 372 KB, 1330x796, 1238019503494.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2531194

Fascinating, no. But it does go to show you that you can't just place everyone in a blanket category, like anyone with authority is wont to do.

>> No.2531225

I think the problem is more with idiots like you.
You people have a hard time understanding that an explanation such as these means that those are an aggravating factor, I don't think anyone actually believes all rapists were once abused.
Now, unfuck yourself for believing someone does.

>> No.2531228

Saved for future reference.

>> No.2531245

Guys, aren't we forgetting something? This happens in real life.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elizabeth_Smart_kidnapping for one.
for one

for another.

Notice how neither tried to escape their kidnapper. Steven Stayner only escaped when he felt another boy was in danger. Stockholm syndrome may or may not exist there's arguing either way but weird shit happens to kids that are kidnapped

>> No.2531266

post it when you get back home

>> No.2531300

I'm a /d/eviant, I have a lot of weird fetishes. I definitely wasn't born with them, nor did they suddenly appear after puberty. They developed over time, largely through boredom, though I can identify some of the reasoning from facets of my personality, which is certainly traceable back to my childhood. This includes my very sexuality itself.

I don't have any sources on-hand, but my own experience and some first-hand accounts I've read indicate that indirect effects of the events of a person's past commonly influence sexual nature.

And I've never heard the existence of Stockholm Syndrome outright denied.

>> No.2531312

Your problem is you seem to think that people understand the concept of "factors", when most people that hear studies saying "many pedophiles and sexual deviants were abused as children" interpret that as "all people are sexual predators because they were abused as children."

And correlation does not, in itself, prove causation, but merely suggests a link of some kind. Just because a person is abused as a child doesn't dictate that they will embody that abuse later in life. It's not a destiny that they're going to fulfill.

>> No.2531314

All available evidence strongly suggests that there is a biological basis for homosexuality in males (not necessarily genetic).

>These people turning out that way, they're no different than fetichists.

A fetish is qualitatively different from homosexuality. A homosexual attraction to a man is essentially the same as a heterosexual female's attraction to a man, whereas a fetish is a more specific attraction to a nonsexual thing.

>> No.2531329
File: 41 KB, 436x401, nope.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2531333

As a fetishist, I can say your reasoning is bullshit.

>> No.2531343


>> No.2531347

Wrong, a fetishist's fetish is as sexual to him as the naked body of a woman to a heterosexual.

>> No.2531355

As someone who knows what a fetish is, I can say you're an idiot.

>> No.2531373

Heterosexuality is just like a fetish that the majority of the population has because of the influence of society PROVE ME WRONG

>> No.2531385

Hang on, the majority of fetishists - Do they frequently fall in love with their fetish objects?
I'm talking not falling in love with the feet of a woman you're also in love with. I mean falling in love with something inanimate.

>> No.2531396 [DELETED] 

Love is just sexual attraction coupled with being friends with that person.

>> No.2531680

> A homosexual attraction to a man is essentially the same as a heterosexual female's attraction to a man, whereas a fetish is a more specific attraction to a nonsexual thing.
So how do you define what a "nonsexual" or a "sexual" thing is? By how well accepted sexualizing that thing is in society? Does that mean what in one society is a fetish is not in another society? Or do you have a list based around your own particular acceptance of things that you feel is universal?

>> No.2531708
File: 175 KB, 840x1200, hina_hi_02-269e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this will explain everything for you.

>> No.2531713
File: 227 KB, 840x1200, hina_hi_02-271e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From Breeding Diary by Mera Mera Jealousy

>> No.2531774

Sex and love are two things which are not the same thing.
You don't have to be aroused by something to love it.
You don't have to love something to be aroused by it.
Your post has no point.
