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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2525102 No.2525102 [Reply] [Original]

Hi guys, I have a couple of grammar questions that my book doesn't cover. (I am a beginner)

The book teaches a construct for saying you have to do something, but what if you have to BE something, like a noun or an adjective?

This seems to work with adjectives, but not with nouns: (counting google hits, hehe)

楽しくなくちゃいけない seems ok?

元気じゃあなくちゃいけない these are not ok...?

Also, if you DON'T hope something, can you negate the predicate or the adjective ?

"I hope you can't go". Would you write
行けないといい or 行けるとよくない?
Or are both OK?

Thanks for reading. (pic not related)

>> No.2525114

I guess the correct phrasing of the last question is, can i write yokunai to make it mean
"I don't hope you can go".

>> No.2525158

Input is appreciated. Or do you know a good learner's forum? The one's I've seen on the net have like one post a week. :<

>> No.2525177

Some of you must have picked up something after watching anime for 10 years?

>> No.2525189


u mad



>> No.2525213

Why are you focusing on speaking? Just bask in Japanese until it comes naturally otherwise you'll just spew verbal diarrhea like

>> No.2525221

So you can't negate "ii" to turn it into "don't hope"? It's only a question...

>> No.2525223

girl in OP pic is korean

>> No.2525227

Holy crap, I'm only asking questions. I have to start somewhere..but thanks for answering anyway

>> No.2525235

That's why I wrote pic not related, I just needed to get some people in here, hehe

>> No.2525250

So what about the other question I had?

>> No.2525245

And I gave you an answer: don't worry about it. If you can barely understand the language, don't try to speak it.

>> No.2525251


>> No.2525258

I did get your answer. And I am not trying to speak it, I am trying to learn it. Why the arrogance?

>> No.2525266

You guys are worse than /b/

>> No.2525282

>Why the arrogance?
Comes with the territory, you'll be doing the same if you hang in there and become proficient at it.

>> No.2525284

Feel free to ask /b/ your Japanese-related questions.

>> No.2525288

I really hope I don't turn into a condescending asshole.

>> No.2525299

Go to /b/
Punch your face for saying that

>> No.2525313

Even /b/ won't ask people to kill themselves for not knowing grammar.

>> No.2525308

Good for you.

>> No.2525312

If I sound arrogant, you're either a sensitive pussy, or you think the use of sage is a "fuck you" like a lot of non-/jp/edos seem to think. I'm honestly trying to give you advice here. Unless you need to learn to speak the language quickly, questions like these are useless. Listen and read the language a lot until you get a feel for it on your own. You'll just confuse yourself thinking like that.

>> No.2525322

Nah, I'm not offended or anything, I just found the aggressive response slightly strange. I think I need to know some grammar and have a stronger foundation before I can start reading stuff and learning by inference.

>> No.2525326

That's because present day /b/ is a bunch of pussies, I'd rip your nails off.

>> No.2525335

This is what usually happens:

Someone comes to /jp/ for the first time and asks some /trv/- or /lang/-related question. We tell him to fuck off. He leaves and tells everyone on other boards that /jp/ sucks.

And thus, everyone hates us. ;_;

>> No.2525349

ooh wow, internet tough guy

>> No.2525354

I'm not gonna be offended by some socially inept kid talking crap to me anonymously on the internet, hehe. But I realize I came to the wrong place, no? Do you know any serious boards where I can ask questions that arise?

>> No.2525361


He just mentioned /lang/

Turn on text boards

>> No.2525362

official boku no pico forum

>> No.2525365

/lang/, now leave.

>> No.2525378

>boku no pico

Stop that. This is not /a/.

>> No.2525383

And since when does /b/ care about grammar, they're a bunch of ignorant kids, now, they'll tell you to kill yourself for much meaningless thing, you be sure of that.

>> No.2525386

None of my responses were aggressive, you just read them like that. I'm honestly trying to be helpful here.
>I think I need to know some grammar and have a stronger foundation before I can start reading stuff and learning by inference.
Try reading Yotsubato and other simple manga raw, and check if you're reading it right with the translated version. I think you may be underestimating your reading abilities. A lot of people seem to think they have to have their heads in textbooks for at least a year before trying to read, which is ludicrous. A few months is all you need. Try to wean yourself off grammar books as early on as you can.

>> No.2525411

>everyone hates us. ;_;

How's that bad, exactly?

Everybody hates us. Less people come here. No random people among them. We defend ourselves from 4chan's inherent entropy a bit longer.

>> No.2525422

Just a friendly tip, we don't use sage here purely to insult someone. All it means is the poster doesn't want to bump the thread.
In your case, it's because I don't want a /lang/ thread on the front page (having no interest in learning Japanese).

>> No.2525434

sauce/name of OP-pic?

>> No.2525436
File: 16 KB, 300x411, 333362-laughing_elf_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/b/ won't ask people to kill themselves

>> No.2525443

You got a point there

>> No.2525454

thats just your opinion

>> No.2525469

No it isn't. There are other people here (there's at least one in this very thread) who don't always use sage in a derogatory fashion. I'm not saying people never use it that way, just that not every sage is like that.

>> No.2525835


Is a good place to ask questions. Go to their forums and post under grammar. Might take a day or two to get a reply but hey at least it will be better then what you're getting here.
