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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2522700 No.2522700 [Reply] [Original]

Mark my words. There will be an anime.

>> No.2522715

And it's made by rozenmystica

>> No.2522716

Not that I think it'll happen...

Would Japan do it or us?

>> No.2522718


>> No.2522726
File: 267 KB, 700x700, 617.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2522730

Use the existing threads, or else I will fucking report you maggot

>> No.2522731

Let's hire all the competent drawfags in 4chan to create the anime.

>> No.2522736

Mark my words. This game will suck 3 dicks.

>> No.2522738

So no one at all?

>> No.2522739

Argh, I wanna play this so badly but I currently don't have enough time.

Anyways, for this to get an anime, it would first need a moon translation. Is there ineteresst from side of the nips in this?

>> No.2522747

its going to be released in nipspeak

>> No.2522755

Just wondering, what are the responses of actual Japs to this project?

>> No.2522771

"Translation where?"
"Hanako is my waifu!"

>> No.2522774

Something along the lines of, "Oh this is terrible they're making porn of crippled people horror"

>> No.2522776


"That's so VULGAR!"


"Nice going, GAIJIN."

Though I don't know how this is vulgar or morally shameful when they have fetishes about monsters eating people and gore-sex.

>> No.2522799


>> No.2522800

Is everyone here seriously attracted to crippled people? I don't get it. I think that they should just all be killed.

>> No.2522813


The board isn't yours.

Newly released demo of a highly anticipated VN. Massive board floods always happen when new content is released.

Get the flying fuck over it you whiny butthurt faggot.

>> No.2522816


Cripple girls = Easy pickings

>> No.2522818

I'd rather have you die first.
Or even better, cut of your limbs and let you live.

>> No.2522827


To illustrate:

Scarface: Wow, how hard could this be? All you have to do is be nice.

Deafmute: Learn sign. Not a guarantee, but puts you miles ahead of any other possible competition.

Blind and Noarms: A goldmine of opportunities to be "helpful" act as an easy excuse to spend time with them.

Nolegs: She's a fucking genki girl, what else do you need?

>> No.2522828
File: 119 KB, 686x591, loli-amputee-sad.1183507766647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could you say no to this girl if she asked you out?

>> No.2522832

without the slightest bit of guilt.

>> No.2522835

You're a heartless fiend.

>> No.2522838

They're healthy crippled girls, though. They're not "fat bitch in a wheelchair who can't control her bowels and makes the bus wait an extra five minutes so they can load and unload her massive ass" crippled, they're just crippled enough to appear vulnerable.

>> No.2522843


All of the crippled girls in Katawa Shoujo are drawn to be strikingly beautiful. In real life it's a different story. Just like with normal people.

The rule isn't cripple or no cripple. The rule is the same as it's always been.





>> No.2522857

Ok here's the thing...the thought of Elevens looking at KS makes me want to hide my face is shame. It's so awfully bad, so embarrassing, I just want to hide my face. KS is like if I decided to climb into a pair of oversized swim trunks and parade my rolls of fat on the beach. It'd so embarrassing I'd rather kill myself.

Of course, I realize that is mostly or all asians involved in this game, but it does represent the ugly, pathetic waeaboo side of anon. If they laugh at Korean ripoffs, what will they do with this shit?!

>> No.2522860

What do you care?

>> No.2522861


Well, the Japanese just plain hate Korea (and China) with a burning passion.

I think they're actually more interested in Westerners, though, and think of them more favorably, though still with that glorious xenophobia they can't seem to part with.

>> No.2522862



>> No.2522870

Seems like some of the younger people over there have managed to shed that off at least a little. Overall their culture is getting better and better at not thinking everyone else in the world needs to die.

Which I guess is a good thing.

>> No.2522872

Everybody on this board has the responsibility to keep it clean and to follow the rules. If you won't do it you have to face the consequenses. And if you want war you will get a bloody hell of a war.

>> No.2522876

>Of course, I realize that is mostly or all asians involved in this game
Lol wut? The closest to Asian they have is an Indonesian.

>> No.2522887

Who cares about japan?

>> No.2522893

You're absolutely right, two threads pertaining to the sane subject should not be on the front page at all. We should call a janitor in to delete the extra touhou threads.

>> No.2522895


>> No.2522902

Man you nips are xenophobic as fuck aren't you?

>> No.2522917

This is not a commercial product, so essentially there are no rights, right? So anyone could take the characters and do anything they want with it. So they could make an anime without getting consent from the makers, right?

Not sure about this.

Also was there a 2chan thread?

>> No.2522918

I haven't played KS yet.

Although I already have an idea, what does Anonymous find so terrible about it?

>> No.2522921

Love how the fucking artists is Japanese. So, in reality, this isn't an anon game, we just like to pretend that it is.

>> No.2522924

It's under creative commons. You can take them, but you have to credit them.

>> No.2522926


>keep it clean and to follow the rules.

That's an interesting way of saying "only post what I want and never anything I don't want."

Keep pretending you're the champion of 4chan.

>> No.2522927


I find nothing terrible about it.

There are a lot of gripes about the artwork, the music, the characters, and the writing.

To be totally honest, though, it's all bullshit. It's a fine project and anyone who thinks otherwise is just trying to hard to not have fun.

>> No.2522939

>And if you want war you will get a bloody hell of a war

Go back to /b/, kid.

>> No.2522952

Is there a way to rip the sprites from the game?

>> No.2522953

Nothing, man, nothing. It's probably the best thing that will ever come out from this 4chan community. I mean, what the hell, it's a FREE VN made by fans, for fans. When I saw the intro I shed tears of awesomeness. No, really, for something that isn't professional, it's quite close to it.

>> No.2522961


that's what.

>> No.2522969


All the bitching is coming from faggots.

Faggots who bitch about how long KS has been in development and then bitch when a playable demo is released.

Faggots who can't deal with the fact that anyone other than themselves is able to claim credit for the making of KS.

Faggots who see the majority of their community in the throes of excitement about something and decide they have to act different to be cool.

Faggots one and all. Best ignored. Try KS for yourself.

>> No.2522974

Don't forget ZUN faggots.

>> No.2522978

People who like Touhou?

>> No.2522983

I like touhou AND kawata shojou.

>> No.2522986

...unless you wanted to demonstrate that fans of Katawa Shoujo are a bunch of idiots, I don't see your point.

>> No.2522991


You know it's true (at least the first part).

I bet if this was purely Japanese, there wouldn't be as much of a big deal about it, both positive and negative.

>> No.2523023

>both positive and negative

Oh, come on - you know everybody would go all "It sucks", just like they did with almost every VN after it was fully translated.

>> No.2523025

...you don't know how those boards work? If faggots like you didn't get defensive and made a big deal about this, trolls would immediately get discouraged and left, that's all there is to it. But you just have to whine and insult everyone around, right? Maybe it, too, is a part of the trolling? I can't tell anymore.

>> No.2523032


What? I'm not whining or insulting anyone.


That's a default, everywhere on 4chan there will be people who are against new (or old things). It doesn't need to be said.

>> No.2523037


This is why /jp/ sucks.

>> No.2523044

I just came here from /a/ and /v/.

You guys are cooler for the most part.

>> No.2523049

Everything is trolling

was trolling, the guy who responded to the trollanswer (>>2522986) took both serious (or not) and answered honestly (or tried to troll by "discussing" the topic further).

Honestly, I consider every post trolling.

>> No.2523054

How's /a/? Are they still focused on worshipping triptrollshitfags and discussing shit like Basquash?

>> No.2523067

I haven't seen many basquash topics, but /a/ love trolling more than I thought humanly possible.

>> No.2523076

Those aren't trolls, those are just retards.

>> No.2523079


Every single board has something great about them and something shitty, I've noticed this through jumping around the same few boards myself.

/a/ has occasionally really good discussion, but you mostly have to sift through sage-bombs, text-spams, and image-dumps (not anywmore, actually) to get to it.

/v/ is stupid, but nostalgic. I like going there because it's like going to the 90s. Still they are almost eerily stupid at times, which is a double-edged sword for it's funny OC yet frequently balls-annoying posters.

/jp/ has an easy-going vibe and is in general just really cool about things. Unfortunately, it's a very, VERY haughty board, so it's a little hard to deal with at times, especially if you're only a "casual" VN player, because then you're often too late in the game for them to care.

>> No.2523084

Still stuck in a spiral of trolls and impressionable newfags. K-ON! is the new Toradora, and everyone's a slut for some reason.
Basquash doesn't get much attention between the K-ON and tripfag drama.

>> No.2523085

No, they're usually focused on trolling what they don't like.

You sound like you would fit right in.

>> No.2523094

Yeah, pretty much got it right on the head. I myself have played 2 VNs in my life, and never played Touhou, but I'm enjoying myself here. The populace is more laid back than the other boards.

>> No.2523095

Yeah, I miss when threads about Nagi were tree puns.

>> No.2523099

/jp/ - yukkurishitteittene!!!

>> No.2523100

Actually for the most part, they troll everything regardless of their opinion on it.

>> No.2523101


"Woo hoo, KS Demo is out! Time for a million threads!"

>"God, fuck you, KS is shit, sage sage sage"

"Man shut the fuck up you whiny bitch."


>> No.2523103

Let's have CLAMP make the anime for us.

It'll be FABULOUS.

>> No.2523104


I wouldn't put K-ON on the same level as Toradora for them.

God, I hated when Toradora was airing. At least with K-ON, there seem to be a few level-headed fellows who just watch it 'cuz, while of course there are trolls who say they watch it because it's the best shit since sliced bread as well as those who respond to those trolls seriously with the anger and fury of ten-thousand suns.

>> No.2523119

I liked Toradora myself. It was a good show ruined by trolls and a certain, stupid tripfag.

Hated when it was airing too though, the constant trolling pretty much ruined the board. But there were some nice discussions between the "Ami is a bro/slut" spam, so it wasn't all bad.

>> No.2523135


>It was a good show ruined by trolls and a certain, stupid tripfag.

Fucking lol. The whiny cunts and Taiga had nothing to do with it. The show ruined itself by masquerading as a harem love comedy and then slowly revealing itself to be a shoujo love drama.

Also don't blame a single tripfag for causing shitstorms. It takes one poster to say something aggravating, but the shitstorm can only be brought about by hordes of retards who all have to chip in and derail a thread so they can whine about the presence of said tripfag.

Half the time Taiga doesn't even say anything inflammatory, or she says something silly and sarcastic that would be lolled at if any Anonymous posted it. Taiga is an example of tripfag drama in which Anonymous is more at fault than the tripfags themselves.

>> No.2523138

Protip : /jp/ is browsed by /a/ and /v/ weeaboos./

>> No.2523150

>>The show ruined itself by masquerading as a harem love comedy and then slowly revealing itself to be a shoujo love drama
It's supposed to be a bad thing?
I didn't watch Toradora but if it really is more than a harem love comedy, maybe I should.

>> No.2523163

Soneone didn't read the novellllllllls.

>> No.2523168


So true.

I wanted to strangle /a/ every time I saw
>Taiga [tripcode]

It was so fucking annoying. Granted, Taiga was no saint and was REALLY annoying when she wanted to be, but that was actually pretty rare, and she definitely didn't post any sort of drama in normal threads. At least, I didn't see any. It didn't help when people started masquerading as her either.

>> No.2523177


It didn't really make any sense, actually. The drama I mean. It was really out of place, especially Minori's.

>> No.2523178

The show ruined itself because it was further proof that J.C. Staff has one main target audience and it consists of people who liked tsundere tsurupettans voiced by TEH RIE

I understand each and every person who trolled the shit out of this shitty piece of shit

I'm also very amused by the fact that /a/ likes K-ON which is basically Lucky Star without Choco Cornets but with cake and musical instruments and they like it for the same reasons they resented Lucky Star

Then again /a/ sucks ass and Taiga is either the biggest troll in history or someone who should've been shot dead a long time ago. Hell, I can't remember people getting so pissed about a tripfag since.. uh.. Dash Billions and Soviet Russia where around. Well, zer0kage on /v/ also gathered a lot of hate..

>> No.2523180 [SPOILER] 
File: 313 KB, 1616x709, anikifinal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's also started drawing stuff for a Tripfag orientated VN.

>> No.2523182

I like Toradora, I don't like that small runt, tho.

>> No.2523186

Though the show was a hit with women and casual, the ZnT and Shana fans didn't like it that much.

Didn't stop it to be one of JC-Staff biggest success in years, the game is selling like hotcakes now.

>> No.2523187

Well, that's just your opinon man.

As for Taiga; she brought it on herself really. I hated the fact that she derailed every thread she went into just by using her trip, but I do get what you mean by the other idiots going along, but Taiga was still more at fault than them. She knew what would happen if she posted, but continued using that fucking trip.

And that white knight fag that took down zip.4chan was annoying as hell.

>> No.2523189

Fucking Lelouche. What a faggot.

>> No.2523197

Please don't.
If you loath high school love comedies.
At it's worst.

>> No.2523199

After a while I didn't think Taiga (the tripfag) was so bad, really

>> No.2523203

Wasn't exactly a harem, that implies they all get with him.
And the comedy turns into drama soon, if that helps.

>> No.2523204
File: 104 KB, 700x589, 1227573901683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pictured is western Fanart that even the japanese would never draw because they love lolis.

>> No.2523216

Initially I thought it was just pointless overreaction, but over time I it less and less as Taiga just being a tripfag and getting caught up in something and more just being an attention whore reveling in the hatred she was getting.

>> No.2523222

Toradora with a Nice Boat ending.

I'd watch it.

>> No.2523227

>she brought it onto herself

Yes, she did by doing everything any tripfag ever did, only combined - she often enough used /a/ to whine about her personal problems (made up or not - that is the main question. Next to real gender.) and how she craved the cock of her dead friend and now she craves the cock of some guy who has a girlfriend that she obviously hates yadda yadda yadda

Whoever this person is managed to throw all things that made people go to /a/ (aka the lack of RANDOM ANIME FORUM xD LOOK AT MY AVATAR AND SIGNATURE!!11) onto /a/, effectively ruining the board. As far as I know there was also a new user spike on /jp/ around that time.

>> No.2523244

Stop bringing this shit again. The Toradorama is over since the new season started.

>> No.2523257


>Well, that's just your opinon man.

No, it is not. Toradora undeniably starts light and comedic, and ends heavy and dramatic. Whether you like this or not is your opinion, but the flow of the show isn't up for debate.

>As for Taiga; she brought it on herself really. I hated the fact that she derailed every thread she went into just by using her trip, but I do get what you mean by the other idiots going along, but Taiga was still more at fault than them. She knew what would happen if she posted, but continued using that fucking trip.

It's not a person's fault when a crowd acts like a bunch of fucking retards for no other reason than their presence. No, it is not Taiga's fault that a bunch of faggots feel the need to quote her trip and sage, regardless of the content of the thread, derailing anything and everything, no matter what Taiga posted (which more often than not is actually related to the topic), and then retardedly blaming Taiga for their own threadshitting.

The word "scapegoat" was created for circumstances exactly like that concerning Taiga and Anonymous. Why does /a/ suck? Couldn't have been all the faggots who go into a thread to sage it and say "lolshit" repeatedly. No, it HAS to be the poster who uses a tripcode. Couldn't possibly be that gaggle of retards who shit on everything they see for no other reason than that they can.

>> No.2523271

>>No, it is not. Toradora undeniably starts light and comedic, and ends heavy and dramatic. Whether you like this or not is your opinion, but the flow of the show isn't up for debate.
Countless other show of this genre do this, from KOR to Kare Kano or even some of the Adachi's romances.
It's nothing unusual.
But Toradora was never very comedic either, heck the second episode itself was already full of introspection.

>> No.2523280


One poster talking about themselves doesn't "ruin the board." Fifty other posters shitting all over a thread because of one tripfag's presence, when they could easily just fucking ignore them, ruins the board.

All because you HAVE to copy-paste that tripcode and toss an arrow in front of it and a sage in the email field.

>> No.2523283

Taiga certainly didn't help matters with her constant attempts to turn the board into her personal blog though.

>> No.2523303

In this point we're like the japanese and hammer on any nail that's sticking out

Taiga made people request forced anon for /a/, that's how bad it was. No scapegoating, bitch got it on herself and made everyone go crazy.

>> No.2523304


She hasn't done that in a long fucking time. Nowadays she jumps into a thread to throw in a one-liner and it never goes farther than that. It's just that all the posters have to shit all over a thread as soon as Taiga posts in it as if they have to prove through the use of massive amounts of immaturity why posting on 4chan is anonymous to begin with.

>> No.2523313

She did it like crazy between christmas and halloween and that's essentially why many people left /a/.
Mods weren't helping to ban this underage piece of shit and moot wasn't helping by forcing anon on /a/, ignoring is out of the question for people using Opera so I left and never came back.

>> No.2523314

I'm not saying that the people who posted like that weren't over reacting.

But the fact of the matter is, Taiga initiated the trouble with her actions. And at ANY time.

ANY time she posted on any board, she could have deleted that trip from the Name field and that would be the end of it.

But she didn't.
Why? I don't fucking know for sure.

But my best guess is that it was because she liked the attention.

>> No.2523328

Dude read the novel translations from baka-tsuki, then watch the anime, both are very worth your time and you shouldn't care what anon says about the show because all of the bad press comes from tripfag underage cancerdorama on /a/ which I don't know personally as I don't browse that board

>> No.2523350

>>Is everyone here seriously attracted to crippled people?
Im not sexually interested in them any more than regular people, but I absolutely love the idea of someone I love needing my help. I actually dream about having a crippled girlfriend..

>> No.2523357

Sure smells like /a/ in here. Meru was a bigger douche bag than Taiga anyway. AoC is another contender, along with tonberryking. At least tonberryking's being honest.

>> No.2523367

"I will heal Hanako and Lily with my love"

>> No.2523376
File: 39 KB, 1257x211, jake the faggot troll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one will top Jake the Snake.

>> No.2523386


tonberryking blogging about going to japan and realizing that he's a loser there too and it wasn't like one of his Japaneses anamays was delicious though.

I hope to god it wasn't a troll.

>> No.2523416


Oh yeah, him. He posts on /co/ now.

>> No.2523443

2ch seems to have already started translating the trial.

>> No.2523451

Just for the record, KS staff is made out of Australians, Europeans, North Americans, and just a couple Asians. Not a single Japanese in the mix.

You might shift the balance a little bit if you want to count some naturalized citizens as Asians, but that'd be it.

>> No.2523464

Speaking of AoC and Tonberry, there was this other Anon on at the same time that reportedly went to prison. Molcom or something like that. Anyone?

>> No.2523489

KS might indeed not be for this board, if we'RE going to be strict, but it's a well done VN, or at least pretty immersive, imho.

>> No.2523494

links to threads?

>> No.2523504

I heard the artists were japanese.

>> No.2523508

Pretty sure you heard wrong.

>> No.2523511

All things considered, I went in expecting "/jp/: the visual novel"

But I was surprised from the very first event CG to see that maybe, just maybe, KS had some real potential to it, the UI isn't copypasted from some other VN, the code is sharp and clean, while alot of the backgrounds are LOLPHOTOSHOP, it's a good enough edit of existing photos to put alot of Japanese VNs to shame, and while the art has this unpolished feel to it, it's good enough to pass as a higher tier, almost even professional (again, better than alot of Japanese VNs.)

Now, I haven't gotten around to finishing the demo yet, but I must say, I am really, really digging it.

Also, Shizune is mai waifu.

>> No.2523515

Molkom, seriously? I had noticed he dropped off the face of the internet, but I took it as yet another anonymous that moved on.
Who is working on Insomnia then?

>> No.2523520

Our six artists are two Americans, three Aussies and an Indonesian.

>> No.2523523

No one, I was the one who offered to code it, but none of the writefag ever took up the challenge

>> No.2523531

I'll bet if they used a French writer, it would be epic.

>> No.2523536

This is an eroge, not a VN about surrendering.

>> No.2523559


What was Insomnia supposed to be about? Sounds intriguing.

>> No.2523561


>> No.2523566


Shut your whore mouth about AoC. He's the only good tripfag to have ever existed on /a/. /jp/'s is Jones.

>> No.2523578

Notice how most of the comments here are about "wow, they really finished something..."?
Yeah. That's just one of the many VN ideas that anonymous played with and never got off the ground.
Funny how I manage to get myself involved in most of them...

Girl with fatal familial insomnia, can't let her go to sleep. Very moving as she slowly grows more crazy and ready to die.
Other idea that never too off: Last anonymous in the world, with a down-in-her-luck magical girl.

>> No.2523579

I sit on the bed, staring at the wall in front of me.
"So, how are you doing today?" I ask her, not moving my head one inch. The wallpaper is starting to fall apart...
"What do you mean how I'm doing?" she answers me with a question. I feel her standing on the bed.
"You know... how is your head doing..." I mutter the last part. It really is hard to accept that she is really getting worse every day.
A long silence.
"Well..." She finally answers "I hear it's amazing when the famous purple stuffed worm in flap-jaw space with the tuning fork does a raw blink on Hara-kiri rock."
I turn to look at her. She has a big grin in her face, and her hand is slowly crawling towards a pillow.
"I need scissors!" she says with a smile, grabbing a pillow by the edge.
"Sixty-augh!" I don't let her finish, and attack her before she does. As I wallop her with the other pillow, she tries her best to defend herself while laughing histerically.
"Ok, ok, enough, I give up" She says, droping her weapon, and lying down in the mattress. I fall besides her.
We just look to the ceiling for a while, with only the sound of our gasping breathing.
"I'm on a good day" She finally says. I turn my head towards her, she's not moving her eyes from the ceiling, avoiding my gaze. "But it feels like it won't be long enough, you know?" She turns to look at me with fearful eyes.

>> No.2523582

>Also, Shizune is mai waifu.

Mai brother in arms!

>> No.2523596


Both of those sound really cool. If I had some free time, I would write for a project like that in a heartbeat.

>> No.2523604

I really need to clean up most of what I write, shit is awful...

AoC is a jerk, and an idiot.

>> No.2523606

I haven't played this game, but from what I've seen, the writing is terrible.

Is the story any good

>> No.2523608

just play it

>> No.2523619 [DELETED] 

It's a free VN made by fans for fans. Is it that hard to download it and see for yourself?

>> No.2523623
File: 112 KB, 806x632, vlcsnap-02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2523629


Shizune, fuck yeah!

>> No.2523630

It's a free VN made by fans for fans. Is it that hard to download it and see for yourself?

>> No.2523632

AoC tried to make a change and actually helped people.

What did you do?

>> No.2523633

See, how is that a logical fallacy?

>> No.2523635

You're going too far. It can't be... can it?

>> No.2523641

I fucking said I was apprehensive about the shitty writing, didn't I?

I was asking you faggots if the story is awesome enough to make up for it.

>> No.2523644
File: 139 KB, 200x150, 1241009810631.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2523663

Download and see for yourself.

Your standards are your own. Don't depend on others to define what you should or shouldn't like.

>> No.2523665

The writing isn't horrible at all. Trolls are, though.

>> No.2523668

How can you know if the writing is shitty if you haven't played it? It's free, for god's sake. Form your own opinions, will you?

>> No.2523675

How about not being a whiny little-
I'm sorry man, take it easy. I like to badmouth myself instead of getting all worked up over nothing.

It's enjoyable. Not a masterpiece, and you might break the flow at times thinking on the writing, but overall I think you get into the story enough. Of course, there's not much of a plot, feels like slice of life. No goal or conclusion except for trying to get some friends. In a way, isn't that what life is about?

I liked Hanako's and Lilly's final scenes for one. I wasn't thinking of the people behind the game, but focused on the characters and their little nuances.

So yeah, play it. It's a couple hours playthrough anyway.

>> No.2523680

The frusting part of anon's ideas for VNs is that they absolutely awful. KS is actually one of the less awful concepts, but it still thinks miming Key is the way to go. We can still be influenced by Japanese VNs without being pathetic weaeboo posers. For instance, we could take a Western approach to the modern fantasy powerlevel epic. We could make a doujin game using Wheel of Time or something and get mass appeal, or a TV show, or tabletop game. But HELL no, we have to do the weaeboo thing instead. Why??

Fuck I wish I could draw worth a damn, I would own all you fuckers' faces with awesome.

>> No.2523688

Is it so bad that I don't want to feel like I'll have wasted hours of my precious life I could have spent aimlessly browsing the internet or playing vidyagames?

No, every screenshot I've seen has terrible writing and generic lolanimu females.

>> No.2523696

Just finished playing chapter 1, I must say that being an amateur VN Katawa Shoujo far exceeded my expectations. Well done.

From the start of the story I have already set my eyes on Hanako since I am an introvert and a bookworm I can relate myself with her. Having to see her charred naked body later in the h-scene would be disturbing though. But then I can always sit back with Lily instead.

>> No.2523697

What can I say, when she broke out the Risk, she moved her troops straight into my heart.

I say the writing in KS was really, really good. The dialogue between Hisao, Shizune, and Misha was a little confusing only because I found myself unable to really tell when Misha was translating and when she was speaking for herself (maybe use a different color for the translated bits or put it in italics? Something a little easier to pick up is all) but other than that, I think it's really, really well done. A little cliche, but thats not necessarily a bad thing.

It's way better than alot of stuff I've read anyway.

>> No.2523699

Stop that

>> No.2523700

Actually, the writing is absolutely terrible, the story is shit and everything is generic. Now do yourself and us a favor and hide this thread.

>> No.2523702

Erm, because we are weeaboos after all?
Not low level annoying ones, but realistic weeaboos. We like our jap media, and want to do something on that level.

Good luck not getting sued to hell and back adapting copyrighted western materials.

Besides, it's not just us, all of 4chan suffers from a lack of conclusion on their projects. Chaptor, gentleman detective velocirraptor was supposed to become a full blown comic book for one.

Can you write? Do a script, people will come if it's good and interesting.

>> No.2523703

>The frusting part of anon's ideas for VNs is that they absolutely awful



>> No.2523708

>Having to see her charred naked body later in the h-scene would be FUCKING HOT though.

Fixed that for you.

>> No.2523713

Misha's confused at times whether the words coming out of her mouth is her opinion or Shizune's. I think there was one instance where she calls her friend Misha instead.

>> No.2523715

Is this entertaining? Will kill my boredom?

>> No.2523719

Dibs on Teddy.

>> No.2523721

I'm not a writer and have never professed to be.

I can, however, speak English at a high enough level to point out linguistic or vocabulary mistakes, tell-tale signs of shitty writing

>> No.2523724

The plot twist will be that Misha is lying about the translations, and the ending will involve shoving Misha out a window before she can kill Shizune.

>> No.2523725

"Hot" and the state of Hanako's body is going to be an overused pun in the future....

>> No.2523726

Yeah, I picked up that much, but I'm just saying that if you're like me, speed reader extraordinaire, it gets a little jumbled.

But Shizune is moe regardless, so it's ok. Here's hoping for one hell of an h-scene!

>> No.2523736

Hey, how come I couldn't get to jerk off in front of Lily? She won't notice a thing, right?

>> No.2523744

Yeah, what a letdown. That would have been hot.

>> No.2523747


She will smell it.

>> No.2523750
File: 64 KB, 800x599, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I found myself unable to really tell when Misha was translating and when she was speaking for herself

Before Misha translates something Shizune said, there's always "...". Picture related.

>> No.2523753

Is there any staff around that can comment on the writing quality of the diaper scenes?

>> No.2523754

Only if you can do it without breathing like a pig. Otherwise, doing it behind Shizune when she's busy with her homework is another good option.

>> No.2523759

Thats what I thought, but at times it's a little jumbled...but I guess that's why speed-reading and VNs don't mix.

>> No.2523761

Not this shit again.

>> No.2523763

Oh come on, you know the best option is to jizz on her food while she's eating it.

>> No.2523765


Does anyone else remember this ideal?

>> No.2523766

I want to know if the story will involve a murder of some type.

>> No.2523774

Hopefully it does and Hanako dies.

>> No.2523777

Shizune will definitely kill Lilly at some point. She won't see it coming.

>> No.2523780

I see what you did there.

>> No.2523786



>> No.2523788

No, no, no, no! It's obvious that Kenji is going to fucking kill everyone, especially when he founds out about his roommate getting laid!

>> No.2523790

Have a heart for Hicchan, he can only take so much.

>> No.2523793

I dont want anything like that..Well, Shizune killing Lilly might actually make some sense, but id rather have a light-hearted slife-of-life eroge where nobody dies. Expect in bad endings, of course.

>> No.2523797

Kenji will take off his glasses to reveal that he is actually Shiki Tohno, sent there for his disorder known as THE GLAND, and kill off all the men so that he can add the women to his harem.

I'm fuckin' calling it right here and now.

>> No.2523799

Protagonist dies of stroke after jammin' it in.

>> No.2523803

That might count as one of the bad ends, aniki.

>> No.2523805
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>> No.2523811

He'll just have to break a leg when it comes to fucking Emi.

>> No.2523817

Talk about awkward

>> No.2523822
File: 97 KB, 808x502, 1240732638403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2523826

Would Rin be able to give a helping hand in that situation though?

>> No.2523828

That Shizune... she sure has nice tits.

>> No.2523837

Hopefully Shizune turns a deaf ear to his plight.

>> No.2523840

I'm sure Shizune will speak up with some suggestions.

>> No.2523851

You know what this game is missing? A song with vocals in it, something to put over the end credits.

I suggest a cover of Two Headed Boy, Part 2.

>> No.2523852

I dunno, with all that commotion, do you think she could get a word in edgewise?

>> No.2523897

Okay now I'm backed into a corner.

I got nothin.

>> No.2523904

Lol, me neither, my last one was pretty lame.

>> No.2523910

I'm convinced anyone who likes Shizune is just trolling.

>> No.2523913

I had one about Hanako facing up to something, but I couldn't get it to flow right with the context.

>> No.2523919


The first stage is denial.

>> No.2523922


No, man. She's got really nice tits.

>> No.2523932

So you just like her because of sexual bullshit.
You fucking sex-addict

>> No.2523940

Maybe it'll be up to Shizune to face the fact that...yeah I got nothin.

I'm surprised not more people like her, I mean she's better than fatso twin drills, stubby, can't see shit, burn face, or peg legs.

Ok...maybe I'm trolling, but I really do like Shizune.

>> No.2523944


Well, she's got really nice tits.

>> No.2523945

Fuck, I meant Hanako, fuck this game.

>> No.2523946

An eye for an eye, Lilly. Your insolence towards Shizune would not go unpunished.

>> No.2523953

I like her because she likes Risk.

And that last scene on the roof just completely cemented me going for her route first.

>> No.2523955

While I respect that failure was staring them in the face at all times, and they actually managed to come up with something that doesn't as such fail, was it really worth 2 fucking years to make something that is meh?

2 years and a whole team who will be getting almost nothing out of it other than saying 'I played a part in making something slightly above mediocre'.

Don't get me wrong though the art is really decent.

>> No.2523963

A smell she never smelled before, huh.


>> No.2523971


What rooftop scene? All I remember is she would not get off the main character's balls and was bitchy 24/7 except when she would cackle like a witch as she was beating someone down. When she decided to unleash her bitchiness on Lilly I had had enough.

>> No.2523975

>*Shoots random people*


>> No.2523976

>>And that last scene on the roof just completely cemented me going for her route first.

Seconding this.

>> No.2523981

Better than two years, a whole team and millions of dollars spent to make something that's complete shit. See: Hollywood

>> No.2523994


>> No.2524002
File: 20 KB, 266x205, KindergardenCop9..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What's the matter? You don't like nice tits?

>> No.2524004

Hollywood makes shit things because they are basically guaranteed to make money from them. What you thought they are trying hard to make a shit story the best thing ever?

>> No.2524025


>we could take a Western approach to the modern fantasy powerlevel epic. We could make a doujin game using Wheel of Time or something and get mass appeal, or a TV show, or tabletop game

>table top game

Warhammer 40k VN? Hell yeah!

>> No.2524026

It's not like the whole game is out yet.

Demos are to take a look at what might cost you money. If you think the demo is "meh", fine. Somebody else might've enjoyed it.

>> No.2524027
File: 72 KB, 801x600, rin3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rin, guys. As a fellow foot fetishist, I won't miss her route. She's just awesome.

>> No.2524028

'Someone else' hasn't played any other things then have they?

>> No.2524033

Likely better than what you spent your last two years on.

>> No.2524037

Someone is setting their standards unreasonably high for something that by design, is supposed to be low/no budget and indie, aren't they?

tl;dr - Someone is being a douchebag, aren't they?

>> No.2524042

>2 years and a whole team who will be getting almost nothing out of it other than saying 'I played a part in making something slightly above mediocre'.
They arent doing this for money or anything like that, you cant expect them to work full-time for this. Taking it easy is the right way of life.

>> No.2524050


If you haven't seen the Rooftop scene then you've missed the best parts of her.

Well of course I like tits.

But that reasons has already been stated!
I see no reason to be redundant about it.

>> No.2524081


Actually, I remember /tg/ talking about doing that. Of course, like most VN projects, it's just talk so far.

>> No.2524111



Is there a name for that?

>> No.2524137


Agreed. She's awesome. And I love her kinda aloof comments on various subjects.

>> No.2524151

She must smoke some nice weed in there.

>> No.2524157

They should stick to producing the sequel to Love Can Bloom. I missed my Eldar waifu.

>> No.2524308


I don't even know the 40k lore and I liked that
