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2520875 No.2520875 [Reply] [Original]

Katawa Shoujo is very disappointing. Discuss.

>> No.2520880

I was actually surprisingly pleased by it.

I expected complete shit, seeing as every single other english fanmade visual novel works is fucking terrible. Maybe that's why I wasn't disappointed.

Despite following it since the early stages, I expected A: It'd never go anywhere and B: If it somehow did, it'd be just as shit as everything else. I was surprised when I actually enjoyed the demo.

>> No.2520882

Sucks to infinity

>> No.2520886

It was fun.

>> No.2520889

not so good.

>> No.2520893

not woth the money

>> No.2520894

I liked it a lot actually. I'll be honest, the only VN I ever seriously played were X-Change 2 and Narcisssu, so maybe I'm not the best judge, but I liked how subtle the dialogue choices were. I appreciate that.

The dialogue was a bit too wordy for my taste. To me, a visual novel should be told like a person telling you a story. Something like a "Holy shit, you'll never guess what happened to me last weekend!" sort of thing.

I can't wait for the finished project. I've always liked the idea of OEL VNs, and I hope there are more popular, good ones in the future.

>> No.2520897

i give it a 7/10

>> No.2520908


>X-Change 2

Rape bus comment

Anyway, I loved the demo. Looking greatly forward to the finished product, especially if it has a lot more Kenji.

>> No.2520915

What money?

>> No.2520926

Well, apparently when the finished product releases they'll be fixing a lot of the bad grammar we saw in the first act (so long as people tell them there are errors). So that's nice.

Who knows what the grammar through the rest of the game will look like though....

>> No.2520946


So they're expecting the community to fix their trashy dialogue for them?

>> No.2520950

I didn't finish it yet, but this far I like it.

>> No.2520972

Do you want them to listen to what others say, or not?

>> No.2520976

Bitch, we CREATED this thing back when we were still called /a/; it's pretty much our duty to make sure they don't fuck this up.

>> No.2520980


I'd rather they take the project seriously. For instance, Lelouch. Honestly? If they want to make a VN, they'll have to be serious about it, not pulling out dumb things like this just because.

>> No.2520981

not bad at all.

>> No.2520984

Honestly, the kind of people that are going to enjoy this are going to be the kind of people that want crazy shit just because.

>> No.2520986

Lighten up faggot.

>> No.2520989

Are you trolling? The whole thing started as a joke.

>> No.2520997

I like it so far.

>> No.2520998

The bad end comes a bit out of nowhere. But otherwise its nice.

>> No.2521007

I didn't play it, but I thought it was ok.

>> No.2521026


>I didn't play it, but I thought it was ok.

Oh... okay.

>> No.2521029

I really liked the demo. If the full game is as good as what has so far been released I will be more than satisfied.

>> No.2521032

>Accepting help is laziness.

>Making characters that resemble other characters is not serious enough.

A bit too absurd. 2/10.

>> No.2521050

It was entertaining.

I wasn't expecting much, so I guess I was pleasantly surprised. I don't think I'll play the full thing though.

>> No.2521051


>> No.2521054

who is going to write the porn?

>> No.2521058

The... writers? Who else?

>> No.2521059

Shizune has really nice tits.

>> No.2521062
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>> No.2521068


And who's going to draw the porn?

>> No.2521073

The artists? I have no idea what you are trying to get at here.

>> No.2521074

I thought it was okay. It's not really my sort of genre though, so it's unlikely I'll be reading the completed work. I felt somewhat ronery when I did Shizune's route. It upsets me that at some point in the story, I'll probably be fucking her senselessly.

Huh, I wonder how a VN with a blind or deaf protagonist would work.

>> No.2521076

Haven't played it, but H20's protagonist is blind.

>> No.2521077 [DELETED] 
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>It upsets me that at some point in the story, I'll probably be fucking her senselessly.

What are you? Some sort of faggot?

>> No.2521082

I bet its going to be all-ages

prove me wrong.

>> No.2521086

>>2521076 isn't blind for enough of the plot for it to matter
At least if it is anything like the anime adaptation. Seriously, the blind protagonist was the ONE thing that show had going for it (other than the trap), and they cure it on the FIRST EPISODE.

>> No.2521088


Do you think they can draw genitalia? I'm very concerned about this.

>> No.2521095

There will be an H-fandisk if that happens; we'll forcibly insert our hot sex into their chaste plot!

>> No.2521098

Well, I got Emi's scene just by doing whatever felt natural at the time (which is usually what I do in my first playthrough). Makes sense in hindsight, since I am the kind of person who'll push himself physically just to see if he can.

Then Lilly, then Hanako (just one choice apart), then I accidentally Rin while going just a few choices back (doing the drunken fall scene several times on the way, as part of the DFS).

Completion at 86%.

Very minor spoilers follow.

"Is Carnival!": This scene did not feel like a route clincher at all. I agree with some other Anons that Emi feels incomplete, though she's a cute character, and has had some development.

"Promise of Time": Feels good, man. Lilly's development is more subtle than Rin's or Shizune's, but it doesn't feel weak. I like how they made her "the other class rep," and got it to work. The saying about the blind leading the blind was brought to mind. Someone probably used it when brainstorming her.

"Nc5xB3": Chess reference, not a program error. This scene was alright, but overall felt weaker than Lilly's. Hanako is the only one of the cast to go for this traditional variety of moe, but it does work for her character. Stammering and shyness make SENSE for her.

"Clouds In My Head": Rin is nuts. Ok. I've read crazy characters. I've WRITTEN crazy characters. This is how I know that crazy is simultaneously easy and difficult to write. The difficult part is making them consistently crazy--like real crazies are. If you fail that, you end up with lolrandum. Even if it's more like ADD, it's just a slower, subtler variety of lolrandum. Not enough of Rin to make an accurate judgement of her yet, though I have hope, and a scene of a girl falling asleep on your arm is always nice.

>> No.2521100

I'd prefer they not draw male genitalia. And lets be honest, none of us really know what the female parts are supposed to look like.

>> No.2521104

I don't know. I just don't want to.

>> No.2521105


>none of us really know what the female parts are supposed to look like.

Not even from the time you watched 3D porn?

>> No.2521110
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>> No.2521111

I have a complaint concerning this.

All the characters were drawn with approximately the same bust size. Certain irregularities appear in some poses, but overall, every character is equally, moderately endowed. (With Emi as the possible exception.)

This was not true in the original concept picture.

>> No.2521113

But this is about how to draw 2D genitalia properly!

>> No.2521117

>Report submitted! This window will close in 5 seconds...

>> No.2521118

I understand people are trying to hype this up because it's our first gaijin visual novel, but the game is is quite weak overall.

>> No.2521120
File: 12 KB, 250x325, rock-wwf-sunglasses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Shizune has really nice tits.
>I have a complaint concerning this.

I don't get your candyass.

>> No.2521121
File: 9 KB, 192x271, 1231872587102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Enjoy the Demo!

>> No.2521123


Well, my question is whether they can do that or not. I'm very concerned.

>> No.2521124

Considering this game is a product of 4chan, I'm surprised how respectfully it treats the issue of the girls' disabilities.

>> No.2521125

What's wrong with being a DFC lover?

>> No.2521127

Their tits are fine the way they are.

Especially Shizunes.

>> No.2521130


Liking flat chests is fine, but disliking NICE TITS. Well... that's just not what a man is being about. Real men, breasts of all sizes, etc.

>> No.2521131

>blind protagonist
Greatest idea ever. Save time and money by not hiring artists at all? BRILLIANT!

>> No.2521132

Hanako's tit was the perfect size

>> No.2521135

the VN had HCGs and everything

>> No.2521137


>Especially Shizunes.

You and I are one and the same.

>> No.2521140
File: 22 KB, 418x271, eyes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Where we're going... you won't need eyes to see.

>> No.2521144

The problem is not the size. It is that they are ALL THE SAME.

I don't see how this is hard to understand.

>> No.2521146
File: 9 KB, 252x252, idort.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I like both flat chests and tits

Oh, no you don't idort.

>> No.2521147

I enjoyed the fuck out of it.
/jp/'s just too bitter...

>> No.2521149

It usually isn't a good idea to judge a fanmade work by the same standards as you would a fully financed, commercial game. Especially when you consider that this game came out of some one-off thread on /a/, of all places.

>> No.2521152

The most amazing thing was: even when the protagonist was blind in H2O, there was still CG, it was just in black and white.

>> No.2521155


>It is that they are ALL THE SAME.

They look different to me.

>I don't see how this is hard to understand.

But they look different...

>> No.2521157
File: 93 KB, 500x482, 1241070253372b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do want Hanako h-scenes.

>> No.2521163

....It's probably hard for me to understand because you and I are playing different versions of the game.

See, in my version they don't have the same sized busts at all.

Where did you get yours? Because if they're all shaped like Shizune I think I'd enjoy this thing a ton more.

>> No.2521165

Emi's are smaller.

All the rest are the same size, though Hanako's look larger when she puts her arms together.

In the original concept, Shizune's were significantly larger than the others'.

>> No.2521169

I think something is wrong with your eyes.

>> No.2521170

I'm not him, but I also like DFC and HEALTHY.

>> No.2521171

It's okay. I guess a 6.5/10.

The writing is a bit awkward at times, and instead of telling it like a book they should tell it more first person, like thinking "What the hell?" or expressing their opinions instead of describing something to perfection.

>> No.2521172


I understand what you're saying but I'm not seeing it. Their shape is totally different.

>> No.2521174

What a cop-out.

Wait, what do blind-people see? I could completely imagine two entirely different sides to the store, the world that the blind guy "sees", and the world that some other guy related to the same event sees.

>> No.2521181

I know its been asked a dozen times but...

How do you get 100%?

>> No.2521182

Is the problem that you can't tell the size of a woman's breasts unless her shirt is as tight as possible, thus showing the shape?

>> No.2521187


I don't know. I haven't thought about it. I'm just telling you what I see.

>> No.2521190

Bad game with both poorly written and pretentious dialogue.

Basically imagine a lesser skilled Seung Park as the main writer and team dev leader, and you have KS. The game even has a pretentious PDF as the readme file.

>> No.2521191

>>2521174 Wait, what do blind-people see? I could completely imagine two entirely different sides to the store, the world that the blind guy "sees", and the world that some other guy related to the same event sees.
Shit, THIS would be a good visual novel.

>> No.2521199

Who is Seung Park?

>> No.2521207


>> No.2521216

I don't know how anyone could call this dialogue pretentious.

>> No.2521219

Why are you judging the game with such high standards? It's internet spawn, and it's actually pretty good for what it is. Sit back and enjoy the burn victim moe.

>> No.2521224

holy shit

>> No.2521231

Jealousy much?

>> No.2521232


I can see why someone would think that but I wouldn't agree with it.

>> No.2521236

I forsee that the Student Council Threesome scene will be glorious.

>> No.2521239

>The game even has a pretentious PDF as the readme file.
...The fuck are you on about? Pretentious?

>> No.2521241

He's judging the game for what it tires to be.

The writer tries to make the game sound like something else when he clearly don't have the skill.

>> No.2521244


These standards were set by the dev team during these past few years of posting their game here. Not myself.

I'm just telling them how it is. And I didn't find any of the characters moe at all. Maybe I would enjoy the game more if I did.

>> No.2521246


No, ZUN. YOU are the pretentious.

>> No.2521247


Highschoolers could say any of this. Any line even somewhat unlikely for a highschooler could easily be uttered by a stoner, some of whom are also highschoolers.

These lines are made of juvenile and weed.

>> No.2521250

The whole idea is that the girls aren't moe.

>> No.2521253


We obviously went to different high schools. Didn't I just say I didn't agree on calling it "pretentious"?

>> No.2521254

>These standards were set by the dev team during these past few years of posting their game here.

Are you even trying to make sense?

>> No.2521256

Yes you did.

But you said you could see why someone would call it pretentious.

So I asked why.

>> No.2521259

But messed up girls are totally moe!

...should I just go back to /d/? ;_;

>> No.2521260

But they are moe.

>> No.2521266

The writer studied Nasu technique for years, he played Tsukihime and read KnK over and over again.

Know his ability before flaming him. He's the gaijin Nasu, that's how awesome he is.

>> No.2521268

Since when are they not moe?

>> No.2521272

But the protagonist could just ask some random person "What happened", and he could get an idea about what really occurred in the story.

>> No.2521274

Gaijin Nasu? Let's not fall into over exaggerated flattery now.

>> No.2521276

Ever since the original image.

>> No.2521279

There are five writers listed.

>> No.2521281

Things have changed since then.

>> No.2521284

That requires that he know that they are telling the truth. What do you do when two people you thought you could trust start to give you contradictory accounts?

>> No.2521285

Yeah, and the music surpasses Umineko's.

>> No.2521291

Try to piece the sounds that you heard together.

>> No.2521292

You get Umineko?

>> No.2521293


Occasionally a word would pop up that didn't feel like it fit. They would seem out-of-place with the setting and the tone of the story and unnecessary . I didn't have a problem with that because I'm lenient with these kinds of things; other people aren't as much.

This could all be totally stupid because I'm not smart.

>> No.2521295

Does KS work shitty for anyone else on vista? I mean, I have 3 gigs of ram on my laptop but it just goes fucking CRAZY when I load it up.

>> No.2521296

Both accounts could match what the blind guy heard. He'll just have to try to paint the picture in his head. Wait a second, do people that were always blind have any grasp of value? what does their imagination look like?

>> No.2521299

It's fine for me. Also, stuck at 98%.

>> No.2521301

Being compared to Nasu isn't flattery, though.

>> No.2521305

Maybe all my highschool friends were geniuses (though their grades said otherwise, and one dropped out) but I can not think of any examples of what you're referencing.

Can you?

Works fine with my vistaids.

>> No.2521306

Works fine for me bro.

>> No.2521313

The writing needs to be cleaned up some (although it's great overall), but I don't see how an out of place word here and there could be called pretentious.

>> No.2521320


>> No.2521323

You're a bit late.

>> No.2521334

I noticed.

>> No.2521344

Better late than never.

>> No.2521349

Just tell me why its pretentious. You haven't answered this so far, are you really this annoyed that somebody else has put something out there?

>> No.2521350 [DELETED] 

Can anyone help me out here? I've got the Mac version and I don't see a menu anywhere. If I click on Katawa Shoujo at the top it doesn't do anything. I've been playing for a while and don't want to lose all this.

>> No.2521359

I just finished the demo for my first time.

Got Hanako's ending, I think. Played chess with her.

So moe I'm gonna die.

>> No.2521361

I want a Shizune dakimakura. That way, I won't have to imagine that she's talking to me.

>> No.2521362

I refreshed this thread after some minutes and it went from 5 posts to 100. jesus christ.

>> No.2521365

ZUN is butthurt and jealous that he'll never make something like this

>> No.2521382


>Shizune[...] talking to me.

You don't even know sign language.

>> No.2521390

Does the game take place in America or Japan, anyways? American, British and Japanese sign languages are completely different.

>> No.2521402



>American, British and Japanese sign languages are completely different.

You'd think they'd have a universal sign language.

>> No.2521404

You know, I didn't think it was all THAT wordy. maybe a bit sometimes, but every other VN I've played has done descriptions and such like that. Maybe I'm playing the wrong ones?

>> No.2521405

It's set in Japan.

>> No.2521409



>> No.2521418

I already made a thread about how verbose and shitty the writing is. If anybody thinks the writing is decent they have not read many VNs or literature.

>> No.2521421

Writing: Better than I expected. The descriptions are short and to the point, yet are literary enough to keep the reader's attention. The dialogue is well written, and all of the archetypes are executed to achieve just the right amount of moe~. VNs like this are all about the characters, so this very good.

Art: Besides Emi's, the sprites are good. However, the CGs had some weird proportions. Anybody else have a hard time imagining how Hanako was sitting in that beanbag chair? However, being used to KEY, it didn't bother me that much.

Music: Lots of generic tracks, with a few good ones mixed in. The number of tracks could easily be cut down, so that the better ones get played more often. It's hard to complain though, as all of it fits the mood properly, which is probably the most important measure for it. If Type Moon and Key BGM is average, you could say it's a bit above average. But that's not saying much.

>> No.2521425



I didn't know this existed.

>> No.2521433


Oh, I was doing other stuff. Patience, bro.

And that's just my conclusion from the dev team's threads over the years, their forum drama, and their pretentious blog entires they always link to us. Even the readme is just pretentious. Magnum opus? Very funny guys. I wish it was just parody or the guys trying to be silly, but they just do no operate this way. It's just obvious from lurking.

Maybe is just that Cpl_Crud guy again. He was a big source of drama during their first little forum. Or at least in those threads linked in /a/ during 2007.

>> No.2521435

The writing is perfectly acceptable, and there's no way anyone in their right minds could call it verbose. I don't think you know what you're talking about.

>> No.2521438
File: 36 KB, 300x250, 1239484094559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>If Type Moon and Key BGM is average, you could say it's a bit above average.

It wasn't funny the first time you said this. What makes you think it would be this time?

>> No.2521439
File: 59 KB, 800x600, 1236222628423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Better than Nasu's work.

>> No.2521441

Key and Type Moon BGM are shit. Anyone who says otherwise is deluding themselves.

>> No.2521442

I know its a visual novel and it needs to be wordy and descriptive.

And I know grammar is important.

But seriously, some of you need to quit being so anal about the writing. Its a GAME ABOUT FUCKING A DISABLED PERSON.

>> No.2521444


I admire your persistence but you're getting nowhere with it.

>> No.2521449

ITT: KS staff defending their shitty game

>> No.2521454

I don't think saying "magnum opus" could be anything BUT a playful joke.

Your vendetta is tiresome.

>> No.2521458

ITT: trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls

>> No.2521469


Sup bro, just listening to my MOON. and ONE soundtracks. Yeah, they're better than the bad KS music. Then again that's an easy thing to do.

I wonder if you're part of the KS music team? It wouldn't be too far-fetched ; I can see them thinking that their music is better than professional game stuff.

>> No.2521471

You best be trolling.

>> No.2521472

just started playing, first scene in the snow etc

production quality is much higher than expected

>> No.2521480


Yeah, it's very tiresome. They've been posting their bad game here for years now.

Sadly, this game is going to take another few years to finish. Will we still be around on /jp/ by the time they finish it? Who knows. My "vendetta" won't be going away anytime soon though.

>> No.2521481


Yeah, they pulled the beginning off really well. After that it becomes a bit slow, but after you meet a number of the girls (and Kenji) the game starts shaping up really nicely.

>> No.2521484

those are the only animated backgrounds

>> No.2521486

People have different opinions on what kind of music they like? And they're using this alone as their basis for calling one kind of music better than the other? SHOCKING!

Seriously, both of you need to shut the fuck up.

>> No.2521488

Are you a KS staff? Seriously the first step to improve on anything is to learn to take criticism.
I like KEY and TM BGM. Also Emiya and Gentle Jena is better than anything that you can ever come up with.

>> No.2521489

So your judgement of the GAME'S writing is based on the DEVBLOG.


>> No.2521492

i want kenji to take me, and take me hard.

that's all.

>> No.2521501

The funny thing is, if you had posted saying that KEY or Type-Moon BGM was average at best in a KEY or Type-Moon thread one week earlier, nobody would have disagreed.

(Have not bothered with KS yet, so I can't make any statement on that front.)

>> No.2521502

I can't believe you're complaining about the writing.

>> No.2521509

This is a fanmade project. They're all making the game in their free time. For free. You go ahead come up with an idea for a VN, pull together a dev team, and start work on it. See how good it'll be and how long it'll take you.

Working under these conditions, I'd say the devs made a pretty damn good game. Better than anything you could make in your spare time, I'm sure.

>> No.2521512


That's not even remotely true. I can't speak for TM threads but you don't know jack if you think that comment would go unchallenged in a Key thread... or any thread for that matter.

>> No.2521517

I'm enjoying this demo perhaps even moreso than some other actual VN's I've played, which is saying a lot for any sort of original/doujin works at all.

I guess anon will always bitch about the most minute details and call it shit no matter what, but admit it, this is about as good as it gets for a western made VN. The presentation is right up there with some professional VN's even, CG's/Music are great as well, with not many places reeking of QUALITY so to speak.

A++++ 10/10 would play through again

>> No.2521519

>>2521509 Working under these conditions, I'd say the devs made a pretty damn good game. Better than anything you could make in your spare time, I'm sure.
Careful, you're talking to a man that thinks he's ZUN.

>> No.2521521

So, any 2ch threads yet?

>> No.2521524

>The funny thing is, if you had posted saying that KEY or Type-Moon BGM was average at best in a KEY or Type-Moon thread one week earlier, nobody would have disagreed.
I would. I have before.

>> No.2521526

What do you mean? I thought that was Zun.

>> No.2521530

So... the real question is, there will be porn in this yes? This is an H-game yes?

>> No.2521535

>The funny thing is, if you had posted saying that KEY or Type-Moon BGM was average at best in a KEY or Type-Moon thread one week earlier, nobody would have disagreed.

>>2521488 here.
I agree with that statement, but he is saying some forgettable music in his game is better than KEY/TM BGM.
Sure Key/TM BGM are average at best, but at least a few them evoke emotion in you. For example Gentle Jena and Emiya.

Japanese doujin maker have been churning them out for years already in that condition.

>> No.2521537

Supposedly yes.

>> No.2521539


The old "do you yourself" thing is just as tired, devs.

My complaints are not unique. Just look through this thread and past threads about your demo. It's fine if you ignore me, but are you really gonna ignore everyone else?

You've been working on this thing for years, and are you really satisfied with creating mediocrity in the end? Because that's the current road you're taking. If you're happy with that, then just say it. It will put some closure on all of this.

>> No.2521545

You're trying too hard.

>> No.2521546

I'm betting no. Though the art looks passable for that purpose.

I refuse to go anywhere with anything KS-related, other than /jp/, to actually check.

>> No.2521547


Yup, these are my thoughts too.

>> No.2521551

>Japanese doujin maker have been churning them out for years already in that condition.

And for the most part this game measures up. I'm not sure why people are hating on it. Frankly, I enjoyed the hell out of it.

>> No.2521553

I don't even like the game that much but you are a huge faggot.

You've never contributed anything to this board yet you feel you deserve a tripcode and recognition.

>> No.2521560

I spent five minutes skimming through their forums earlier. The answer is most likely a "yes."

>> No.2521562

>It's fine if you ignore me, but are you really gonna ignore everyone else?
What, you mean the sagefags and the rest of the tripfags? Yeah, I tend do that regardless of what the thread's about.

Also lol at you calling something pretentious.

>> No.2521564

People seemed pretty happy with the mediocrity the first few hours it got released, just like people always seem content when a new VN gets translated; the hate always comes a day later.

>> No.2521571

>Japanese doujin maker have been churning them out for years already in that condition.


They get paid for it.

That is completely different from not being paid.

Why do I get the feeling that you haven't even played the game?

>> No.2521577

>but at least a few them evoke emotion in you
To be fair, the game is just starting. There hasn't been an opportunity for stirring scenes, and equally stirring BGM.

Also, can we stop accusing anyone who likes the game as being part of the devteam? This is athens level arguing.

>> No.2521578

>>2521562 Also lol at you calling something pretentious.
Dude that's not fair at all; I trust ZUN's opinion on pretense. He has proven his familiarity with the subject.

>> No.2521579


We have had KS forum users, IRC lurkers, and dev team members posting here as Anon for years. Of course they're gonna be happy with their own game and see nothing wrong with it.

>> No.2521584

1) I'm not a dev.

2) I'm perfectly aware that the THEN DO IT YOURSELF IF YOU THINK MINE SUCKS line is usually just a shitty excuse for poor quality. It doesn't apply in this case. The game was fun. It wasn't perfect, but also not worth the amount of vitriol you've been spitting on it.

3) ???

4) Cocks

>> No.2521590

Hey, DevTeam... is it too late to make Shizune's tits bigger?

>> No.2521605

Were you a KS Dev at some point, ZUN? Did they not like what you had to contribute? Did they kick you out, or just push you out by not using anything you worked so hard on? Because honestly, the only way I could possibly see someone being so god-damn bitter about a stupid project like this would be if they had something personally invested into it.

>> No.2521618

ZUN, you are being paranoid. A couple of the posts might be dev team, but IM not, nor are most people posting. The game really is above average. At the very least it is much better than expected.

>> No.2521623

Considering this isn't the final release.
It would be good for the DEV to read through the complains and try to improve their game instead of the usual THEN DO IT YOURSELF IF YOU THINK MINE SUCKS.

>> No.2521627


>nor are most people posting

This is just as much a baseless assumption as Zun's.

>> No.2521631



And I've said their 4chan threads since 2007 are the only reason I care about this. I don't think I have missed a single KS thread to date out of the 500 posted so far by the dev team.

Normal Anons don't care about incomplete things, so it wasn't him posting it.

>> No.2521632

But much more likely.

>> No.2521634


>try to improve their game

By making Shizune's tits bigger?

>> No.2521647



>> No.2521648

>Of course they're gonna be happy with their own game and see nothing wrong with it.
You haven't seen the occasional bouts of extreme emo they have about their abilities in their IR channel, have you?

>> No.2521649
File: 530 KB, 806x632, ApparentlyIamakamenrider.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's actually pretty alright. The Writing is fine,nothing note worthy except for a few words that I had to stop and look up,making you wonder who uses that in casual conversation, like Disingenous or however you spell it, for example. Another slight problem is that I cannot really get in tune with the main character Hisao. To me,it's a bit hard to understand him... But still, you can read it without getting bored. And the art is not your everyday american "GRIMDARK,NICE CHIN FUZZ BATMAN!",it looks kind of artsy probably thanks to the shading, yet still modern day anime style. Music is tolerable,nothing noteworthy, but it gets the job done.

It's free and it has the quality and aspects of a normal VN you would normally pay money for. I would give these guys a medal,they did very well. All we're missing now is some Japanese VA's for the added Weaboo effect and we are set.

By the way,the game should have a Kenji route. I dont even care if it has that required "Do all other routes to unlock this one" for it. It just simply NEEDS to happen.

>> No.2521655

You seriously think every thread was started by a KS dev?


>> No.2521660


>IR channel


>> No.2521661

fund it!
wait thats wrong
Get to work!

>> No.2521666

Not the guy you are replying too.
But I am tired of seeing KS thread getting spam.
It is reaching /a/ level spam soon.

>> No.2521668

I seriously think he does. I also think he things that we are all KS devs. Seriously.

I once thought he was a troll, but I am no longer convinced.

>> No.2521670


No, naturally they have shared this with us here on 4chan as well. Panic attacks and such over making a bad route for their specific character and various other nonsense.

Well devs, you better start panicking again. That demo wasn't too good when compared to the 3 other decent OEL VNs.

>> No.2521671

Kenji would be an excellent match for him.

Just saying.

>> No.2521673

On the subject of BGM, I like Shadow of Truth, Stride, and Concord. I can understand why some people think this soundtrack is turning out well.

>> No.2521682

What are the three other OELVNs?

>> No.2521684


I like you. Come over to my house and fuck my sister.

>> No.2521686

>Well devs, you better start panicking again. That demo wasn't too good when compared to the 3 other decent OEL VNs.
I am sure they are panicing right now. This avalanche of negative feedback must be scaring them shitless.

Oh, wait, no. Most of the people playing it have said it's alright.

Insert credit to play again.

>> No.2521692

>Well devs, you better start panicking again.

I don't think the devs need to worry about the one opinion of an accredited pretentious douche.

>> No.2521695

Wow ZUN, you seem kind of... well, crazy now.

>> No.2521720


Probably due to the past 500 KS threads over the years.

I haven't missed a single one; check the archives. That would make anyone crazy.

>> No.2521741

I demand that a character based on Zun!bar be put in the game. Seeing him denounce himself would be the height of hilarity.

>> No.2521750


This is the best post in this thread.

>> No.2521751

I'm going to start a bunch of KS threads each day just to bother Zun!bar

>> No.2521782


Cool theory, but I think it's obvious that I enjoy posting in KS threads.

That's why I never missed a single one out of the past 1,000 threads posted.

>> No.2521804

I thought you said 500...

>> No.2521806


>> No.2521814

I admire your zeal, even if I think your cause is retarded.

>> No.2522397

I'd play it... if it wasn't about crippled girls. I hate crippled people for some reason.

>> No.2522735

>3 other decent OEL VNs
Umm... is my work included in your list?
