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2508409 No.2508409 [Reply] [Original]

I'm going to post this everyday until it's translated.

>> No.2508419
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I'm going to post this everyday until it's translated.

>> No.2508430
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>> No.2508431

How about you fuckers study everyday and then translate it yourselves?

>> No.2508449

Because I'm a lazy NEET.

>> No.2508451

Neither his method nor yours will work sadly.

>> No.2508476

You should amend your post so that it says "until EX is translated."

I mean, we'll get a translation of the all-ages version eventually.

>> No.2508490

it will be over a year until it's translated and it won't even be ecstasy

how does this make you feel?

>> No.2508492

feels bad man

>> No.2508501

But you can play MOON. 100% translated in a few days!

>> No.2508507

who cares, i'd rather have rewrite come out and be translated

>> No.2508514
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It makes me feel pretty bad, man.

>> No.2508520

You don't even know if Rewrite will be good, at least it's pretty much guaranteed LB! is good

>> No.2508523
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What about Angel Beats?

>> No.2508529

Feels good man. LB! is too good for you faggots.

>> No.2508534
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>> No.2508545

That's the Refrain route, I think

>> No.2508548

LB was middle tier

>> No.2508552

I thought it was top tier.

>> No.2508556

never heard of it

>> No.2508559


Well... you will soon.

>> No.2508560

Clannad > Little Busters > Planetarian > Kanon > Air > ONE

>> No.2508569

well i would guess that refrain takes place after rin then because shes the main route?

>> No.2508571
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>implying ONE was the worst Key game

>> No.2508574

if u are going to include one, then where does moon fit within it?

>> No.2508576


>> No.2508581

Does LB have MAJICKS too?

>> No.2508586

Refrain is sort of the After Story of LB!, both Rin's and the Refrain route are the main routes, sort of.

>> No.2508589

I haven't played MOON. yet. I'm waiting on that translation since my moonspeak skills are inferior to my English skills.

>> No.2508591

it has lots of LOLKEY MAGIC

>> No.2508596


What Key game doesn't have magic anyways?

At least it's not DRAGONBALLS this time.

>> No.2508601

>implying how shitty of your opinion is against a shitty opinion poster!

>> No.2508612

so do the routes actually reveal anything about it at all

>> No.2508613

Excuse me sir, I rather liked the dragonballs in Clannad.

>> No.2508620

I liked ONE better than Kanon or Planetarian.

>> No.2508622

Little Busters is just a ripoff of Fate/Hollow Atraxia which is a ripoff of Kagetsu Tohya.

>> No.2508625

How many routes does the original LB have? Are they about the same length as those in Clannad?

>> No.2508645
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>I liked ONE better than[...] Planetarian

>> No.2508650

Kudo, Komari, Haruka, Kurugaya, Mio, Rin, Refrain, and Masato Muscle Route (Gag route like Sunohara). So 8.

I'd say they're about the same length, or maybe a little smaller than Clannad's.

>> No.2508717

they're at 30% translated

>> No.2508772
File: 676 KB, 1600x1200, ce883c1f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kanon > Air

Planetarian doesn't.

>> No.2508775

Spoiler: The OP pic only appears in EX.

>> No.2508782

>>I liked ONE better than Kanon or Planetarian.

I agree with Anon.

>> No.2508792

Yeah, Clannad and LB are the best two Key games.

Enjoy your wait, I've already played it twice.

>> No.2508817
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You can't agree or disagree with what he said, doofus. You can, however, say that you share the same preferences or not.

Silly boy.

>> No.2508840
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I'm going to post this everyday until it's translated.

>> No.2508844


>> No.2508846
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Hook me up with the title, man.

>> No.2508855


Looks like Kudryavka's ready to tear someone a new one.

>> No.2508868

Clannad > LB!EX > AIR > ONE > MOON. > Kanon > LB! > Tomoyo After

Planetarian's too short to fairly classify in this list.

>> No.2508876

A bit of a stretch to put MOON. in front of ONE.

>> No.2508877


I think not.

>> No.2508880

>LB!EX > AIR > ONE > MOON. > Kanon > LB!

Oh come on, Saya's route isn't THAT good.

>> No.2508881

Whoops, I reversed it. Tired.

>> No.2508882

What? No it's not.

It would be more valid to argue that MOON. should go after Kanon, which I did consider when making the list, but ended up shoving MOON. first anyway, based on Kanon's couple of incredibly weak routes that diluted the overall experience.

>> No.2508883


>> No.2508889
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>incredibly weak routes

There will be no need to specify. You don't want to say the wrong thing... now do you?

>> No.2508891
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But the bonus h material is delicious.

>> No.2508896



>> No.2508897

What does Ecstasy add on besides H-Scenes?

>> No.2508899

Saya route, Kanata route, Salami route

>> No.2508906
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>> No.2508907

You got me until the LB! part.

>> No.2508909
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>> No.2508915

Sorry, I mean Sasasagamawa

>> No.2508926

Now I'm hungry...

>> No.2508938

I don't get why they aren't translating EX then if there's three new routes.

>> No.2508941
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why dont i see a yuiko somewhere

>> No.2508943


>> No.2508946
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>Kudo, Komari, Haruka, Kurugaya, Mio, Rin, Refrain, and Masato Muscle Route


There you go, shounen.

>> No.2508951

The translator is a christfag who thinks the sex is smut and that people would go out of their way to download a 4GB game just to play the shitty sex scenes. The details are on the Discussion page of the Tsukuru wiki.

>> No.2508957

Because the main addition was 'ecchi' material.

And because it is only slightly better than LB!

And because people who get the LB!EX translation patch will just skip straight to Saya's route and the H scenes.

none of which are even remotely true

>> No.2508958


>people would go out of their way to download a 4GB game just to play the shitty sex scenes.

It happens all the time, man.

>> No.2508967

Not with LB!EX. It does the traditional Key thing of having the H scenes end before the actual act does, which is fine for the way Maeda uses the H scenes, but not so good for fapping.

>> No.2508971


I suppose so.

>> No.2508974

>ONE OF THE THREE TRANSLATORS is a christfag who thinks the sex is smut and that people would go out of their way to download a 4GB game just to play the shitty sex scenes. The details are on the Discussion page of the Tsukuru wiki.
LBEX will be translated, really.

>> No.2508978
File: 129 KB, 800x600, FGRN10C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are you doing, Riki?

>> No.2508983


Is Rin wearing a training bra or a sports bra? I wouldn't know since I'm not learned in such things.

>> No.2508984

The leadup to most of the sex is better than the sex itself.

Especially with Kuda.

>> No.2508993

Sports bra, yeah.

>> No.2509001


That's cute. You don't see that very often in these kinds of things.

>> No.2509009
File: 86 KB, 591x756, 1096605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Having sex with Rin must be totally awesome. Especially because of those bells in her hair.

*unf* *unf* *unf*

*ring* *ring* *ring*

>> No.2509017

RING RING RING! is now playing in your head.

>> No.2509033


>> No.2509266

ecstasy will be translated. i don't get why people think it won't be.

>> No.2509290

No it won't.

>> No.2509440

You now cannot unsee the fact that their legs are fused together in this picture.

>> No.2509459
File: 66 KB, 800x567, 1222714091458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Needs more ECSTASY translations.

Hope to see my waifu talking in English before I die.

>> No.2509467

Does anyone know of the source for this?

>> No.2509470

You want her talking in English?

I guess I could fandub it for you, if you really want...

>> No.2509604
File: 392 KB, 800x2753, 1234798190635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You fail, good sir. Play Little Busters!, then try again. Kud often attempts to speak English, resulting in many lines with hilarious Engrish.

>> No.2509608

What? Who mentioned Kudo? He was talking about Saya.

You fail sir, etc.

>> No.2510861

That's not Saya, that's Sunohara.

>> No.2511563
File: 104 KB, 936x702, 1229424286347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sunohara is mai waifu.

>> No.2511572

Little Busters is SHIT. How can anyone like this? it's like Key even knows they suck and have decied to wallow in it secure in their ability to print money.

>> No.2511577

Hasn't even read it

>> No.2511582

Try harder, bro.

>> No.2511590

I TRIED to play this game. I gave it a shot. I was super patient with it, and then I realized it was ALL boring slice-of-life crap and slapstick "comedy". Well, maybe it's legitimately funny to Japanese fans, and then that would simply make me the wrong audience. But when I spot shit I can only call it shit.

>> No.2511598

I take it that it was your first Key game, then? Fair enough, I understand the humour isn't for everyone.

>> No.2511634

Anyone one have a torrent for MOON?

>> No.2511649

But I love Key's slice-of-life and comedy.

>> No.2511658

cool story bro

>> No.2511673


Me too, that guy is dumb
