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2504982 No.2504982 [Reply] [Original]

I've only played type moon games before Saya no Uta but wow. I've never felt the intensity in any Visual Novel I did during the bad end of this one. Are all Nitro+ works this short though? Also are they this devoid of choices? It didn't really matter to me since the story made up for it easily.

>> No.2505002

No, other works are longer and do include choices (some don't impact the overall route you get in to, though, as is usual of VNs), though you may find some a bit lacking. Chaos;Head is translated, Demonbane and Sumaga are in the process of being translated, you may want to pick them up.

>> No.2505026

they're all shit

>> No.2505039

Jealous type-moon fag is jealous

>> No.2505040

Is Chaos Head as intense? I know saying this will garner tons of posts calling me a wuss but the scene where he walked into the house and encountered Oumi was genuinely scary.

>> No.2505045

butthurt nitro+ fanboy is butthurt

>> No.2505053


Most are pretty good, but if you have a metaphorical scale and put all the good VNss on one side, then put Demonbane on the other, it would instantly drop all the way on the shit-Demonbane end. So yeah, I guess it's fair to say they are all shit if you group them together as one.

>> No.2505057
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It has some good scenes.

>> No.2505059

I heard it loses its momentum near the end, though I have not played it. Perhaps a more knowledgeable Anonymous will explain further.

>> No.2505070
File: 179 KB, 800x600, Sayanouta-074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think Kouji is a pretty cool guy. eh is afraid of monsters and doesn't afraid of anything.

>> No.2505072
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>> No.2505075

It loses momentum terribly in the end and turns into a complete clusterfuck of terrible. The first half of the game is awesome though.

Also, the Noah OP is pretty neat
I still haven't played Noah, it adds routes and shit which depending on their endings might make it awesome, it's been ported to the PC already, just not translated.

>> No.2505082

>during the bad end of this one.
Subjective. Which end did you consider the "bad" one here?

>> No.2505084
File: 387 KB, 800x600, Sayanouta-002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi, Kouji! ♥

>> No.2505093

Well actually I was just going off the wikipedia article since I think the bad and good ends should probably reversed. The bad end according to the article is the one where Kouji kills Saya and Fuminori commits suicide.

>> No.2505097

I guess, yeah, that's the bad end.

>> No.2505110

Wikipedia isn't a reliable source, you should know this. Nowhere in the game it states which ends are good, bad or neutral.

Anyway yeah, I didn't play through that ending because I didn't want to deal with Saya dying.

>> No.2505132

Seriously? As far as I'm concerned Fuminori and Saya becomes the villains of this story and the main character switches to Kouji after you choose to keep your eye sight. I was ecstatic when Fuminori killed himself but was kind of wishing Kouji would have done it. I didn't understand his talk of "One's bullet all I need because I never want to be in a situation where I need two."

>> No.2505138

Chaos; Head got me excited all the way up to Takumi's awakening scene. But the final boss scene ruined it.

>> No.2505143

A bullet to the head, idiot.
And Saya and Fuminori are the mains all the while to me.

>> No.2505200
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>> No.2505240

What a moralfag.

>> No.2505248
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Ohhhhhhhhhhh~ Kouji~!

>> No.2505299

Good end

>> No.2505341

Bro end.

>> No.2505354
File: 48 KB, 220x220, Arihiko_mugshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish every visual novel had a bro end.

>> No.2505362


>> No.2505374

CHAHAHAHAHAHA cool story Arihibro!

>> No.2505572
File: 228 KB, 800x600, Sayanouta-077.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I LOVE SAYA!!!!!!!!

>> No.2505619


NITRO+ didn't do Chaos;Head.

>> No.2505966

How awesome would it be to you if one of the routes had kozue go on a killing spree?

>> No.2506011


>> No.2506574
File: 37 KB, 803x607, SNU11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Easily the scariest scene in the game to me.

>> No.2506602
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I thought Kouji's ending was creepy, where he starts getting delusional. If I were in a situation where I was seeing dead people and talking to them on a daily basis, I'd be creeped the fuck out, but I wouldn't be conscious of it.

>> No.2506721

Oh yea the fact that he treated it like a normal every day thing was just weird.

>> No.2507132

>>When that happened at the end I was like WTF. I didn't know if the game was pulling one of those shitty resets or what the hell was going on.

>> No.2507453

How does wikipedia call the sanatorium the good end?

>> No.2507460

Chaos;head is a horrible example of a good Nitro+ VN.

Try Phantom, sure the format sucks but if you can get passed that it's one of the best.

>> No.2507471

> Try shitty VN
> if you can get past it being shitty, it's one of the best

>> No.2507477

why is chaos;head bad? i'm about to play it sooin

>> No.2507484




>> No.2507490


>> No.2507498


>> No.2507502


>> No.2507505


>> No.2507516



>> No.2507519


>> No.2507534

Like the other anons mentioned, wiki isn't a reliable source. The bad/good/true ends are entirely subjective.

Most people think of the ends this way:
Best -> true
Medium -> good
Worst -> bad

That's why the medicore sanatorium ending is considered the "good" end. It's "good" in the sense that Fuminori regains his normal psyche and Saya goes back to way she always was - all alone ;_;

>> No.2507596

Sounds pretty opinionated to me. What if you didn't like Saya? The order would be reversed!

>> No.2507603


>> No.2507605

>The bad/good/true ends are entirely subjective.

This. And, if you want to go purely from a which ending effects the least amount of people approach, Fuminori ending up in the sanatorium is the best.

>> No.2507636

sanitorium ending broke my heart. bad end :(
kouji ending made me RAAGE, stupid moralfag ending. I listen to the ost all the time but i refuse to listen to shoes of glass because kouji can suck a dick and i dont even acknowledge his ending as a real ending.

>> No.2507641

But true would be the bad end then since it effects everyone in the entire country.

>> No.2507654

That was my favorite ending! Why didn't you think Fuminori and Saya deserved punishment for killing, eating, and raping multiple people? He didn't even escape with his sanity in tact doesn't that make you happy?

>> No.2507680

Personally, I'm opposed to the labelling of different conclusions, especially in the form of "True ends". It kind of implies that the other ones are false and doesn't really matter. It's kind of insulting really when a non-true ending is preferred because it's as if saying "No, that end doesn't really apply to the story, so your viewpoint is null."

Though, I'm willing to admit that since I don't know where these terms originate from, I could be interpreting it wrong.

>> No.2507694

Don't you deserve punishment for killing and eating multiple animals? And they only raped one person, who was a bitch anyway.

True end doesn't mean canon end or anything like that.

>> No.2507704


Seconding this. Not just out of spite against Fuminori/Saya, but Kouji was the one I could most relate to. He's a regular guy whose best friend gets in a bad accident and becomes completely distant from him, tries to kill him multiple times, eats his girlfriend and tortures another of his friends. Yet in the end, he still feels sympathy for Fuminori as a friend, even though Fuminori felt no humanity towards him.

>> No.2507709

because their love was epic. Fuminori was a standout who was fucking transcending his own humanity through the power of love. Also I think humanity is generally overrated and if I were in Fuminori's shoes I would be chowing down on that soylent green like woah and humping the hell out of that little gelatinous-flesh-blob loli

>> No.2507725


This. It's easier to feel more for Fuminori after seeing the world from his perspective, but when you consider Kouji's position, you have to sympathize with him, even if you consider that end a bad one.

>> No.2507748

Kouji was a generic faggot.

>> No.2507760

Fuminori's friends should've just fucked off instead of trying to meddle in his life. Kouji's girlfriend only died because she went to Fuminori's house to bitch at him for not hooking up with that other whore like she wanted him to. It's hard for me to sympathize with "friends" like that.

>> No.2507761

> generic
no, he was quite a fleshed out character.
I will agree with you on that point.

>> No.2507767

How many breads have you eaten? Wish I had the picture.

>> No.2507774

Kouji was about as fleshed out as your typical action movie hero.

>> No.2507788

What was so special about Fuminori? How was he anymore fleshed out than "I want to kill everyone/be with Saya?"

>> No.2507797

>Kouji was about as fleshed out as your typical B horror movie hero.

>> No.2507798

>I want to kill everyone/be with Saya
I don't see how the average Anonymous's though process is any different from Fuminori's.

>> No.2507801


Well, that's what friends do. Friends can be annoying sometimes, though they have good intentions.

That said, I sympathize with Fuminori as someone who wants to be left alone. If only I had my Saya.

>> No.2507806
File: 49 KB, 806x609, SNU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was pretty much the only scene where I didn't hate Fuminori but he was too late anyways.

>> No.2507812
File: 111 KB, 1024x768, evil-dead-2-crazy-ash-27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm okay with this.

>> No.2507813
File: 121 KB, 796x600, saya-190.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was this part for me.

>> No.2507819

It's not that, I'd say that she was more pissed off at how distant he suddenly got from everyone then snapped at, who used to be a fairly intimate friend, like a huge bastard. If there's something wrong, friends want to know what's up. If it's really her fault that she had to die for caring about her friends, then that's really fucked up. Fuminori has to share some of the blame. These are his close friends and all of a sudden he starts treating them like trash without any reason. All they wanted to do was help him after the accident and be together, but Fuminori was acting acting like Jesus Christ bearing the sins of humanity while being nailed to the cross and refusing to let others know what was going on with him. He might be a victim of chance for having the accident that lead to the operation which altered his senses, but he's also his own victim.

>> No.2507824

Wait, change that to C horror movie hero, because the dumb fuck dies in 2 out of 3.

>> No.2507833

Funimori couldn't let anyone know, because they'd send him back to the hospital

>> No.2507838

ITT faggots that didn't played the game or expected a fucking field of flowers with friends and pretty pony princess.

>> No.2507871

She was more worried about the other girl being hurt by Fuminori's rejection than she was about Fuminori himself. She was furious with Fuminori, not sympathetic towards him. And no I don't think she deserves to die just for being a bitch, but it's hard to sympathize with her because of that.

Also when people are coping with something sometimes they need space. Kouji's girlfriend (really wish I could remember her name) would have realized this if she had really been thinking of Fuminori and not her friend. Instead she just wanted Fuminori to start hanging out with them again so her friend wouldn't be so upset.

>> No.2507880

It's fairly plausible that the surgery messed with his head more than what was explained. Along with that, he abandoned his friends because in his eyes, they were no longer his friends. His old life was dead and his new world would not have been worth living it if weren't for Saya.

That said, I don't see Fuminori as blameless, but I sympathize with him.

>> No.2507975

>>2507694 Don't you deserve punishment for killing and eating multiple animals?

Why? If ou go the religious route, God gave man dominion over al beasts. If you want a more aesthetic answer, it's that those animals have not demonstrated themselves to have the capability of morals and reason (ie incapable of setting aside self-interest for others).

>> No.2507990

I agree. The surgery definitely made him irritable and withdrawn. I don't think it was just a latent effect from having your entire world altered, but more a conscious decision that was incorporated into the actual surgery.

>> No.2508013

>If ou go the religious route

>incapable of setting aside self-interest for others
Altruism most certainly exists in the animal world, and while it's not totally selfless neither is anything humans do.

>> No.2508031

>If you go the religious route, God gave man dominion over all beasts.
Keep your fairy tales out of debates.
>that those animals have not demonstrated themselves to have the capability of morals and reason (ie incapable of setting aside self-interest for others).
You have no idea what you're talking about. Altruism is found in many animals, they're given through evolution, they don't come from reason. Animals which have to live in packs wouldn't survive very long without it.

>> No.2508173


Beyond dolphins, various members of the guerrilla/ monkey/chimpanzee families and domesticated animals (such as dogs and cats), I can not recall of an instance where one species being altruistic for a different, unrelated species on a fairly consistent basis.

Do I think it's wrong to harm those animals that weren't mentioned? Certainly, but I'm convinced most people just don't care what sort of conditions the animals that they eat are in so long as when the meal is prepared, it's nutritious and delicious for us.

>> No.2509588

Do you honestly feel killing a human and killing a cow are the same? The guy who goes to McDonald's is as guilty as someone who killed and skinned his neighbor to eat him?

>> No.2509601

Not who you're replying to, but is there much difference between the two?

>> No.2509620

Why dont you faggots play a real VN? Like FSN.

>> No.2509644

I guess I'm just a weird-o then. I never thought my belief of beasts being lower than man would be challenged here of all places.

>> No.2509647

Well, yes. Are you retarded?

>> No.2509654

When did he say anything of the sort? Are you quoting the wrong post?
If he doesn't think there's a difference, there's no difference. Human value is obviously subjective.

>> No.2509657



>> No.2509658


Look in the mirror and tell me again if you think that humans are still somehow better than beasts.

>> No.2509663

'Scuse me for thinking of Man as an animal.

>> No.2509670

Find me a cow capable of doing the same and I'll get back to you.

>> No.2509673

Humans are a thousand times more intelligent than an animal. Thus, the death of one is more important.

>> No.2509678

Yeah am I the only one that remembers that Fuminori didn't want anyone to know about his condition for fear of being locked away in an insane asylum?

>> No.2509682


Look outside and see what man has built, then say we're on the same level as beasts. It's not our bodies that make us better but our inventions.

>> No.2509685
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>> No.2509698

Do you think even one in 1000 people will use their intelligence for anything but finding their way to the feed trough?

>> No.2509704

That's still more than cows.

>> No.2509720

Our inventions haven't done anything major; we still live and die, focusing on propagating our species.

Just because it's shiny and "hi tech" doesn't make it significantly different from a pointy stick.

>> No.2509721

Vegan faggots on /jp/

It's more likely than you think.

>> No.2509732

PROTIP: Nature has NEETs far superior to humans already. They're called cats.

>> No.2509735

I have no problem eating animals, I also have no problem eating people either, though. Not that I've ever had the chance to.

>> No.2509754

>we still live and die

With technology we live at least 5 times longer than we would naturally. You're an idiot.

I'm going to go play Kusarihime. Good day, sir.

>> No.2509780

And how does that inherently make human life more valuable than anything else's? The value of human life is a social construct, bro. Considering that this board is entirely populated by unmployed, unwanted and unshaven human detritus, I find it usual that they'd be so quick to accept something from a society that rejects them with no justifiable basis other than the belief of the hivemind.

>> No.2509846

hurr durr I believe all beings are equal and refuse to conform to societies rules

but seriously, why is man superior?

Because that's who we are. If a cow could speak, it'd say that cows were superior to humans. Fortunately, they don't speak and are delicious at the same time.

>> No.2509928

Humans kill animals. Animal species hunt and kill OTHER animal species. Killing one of your own kind is a completely different issue, and it is considered wrong among most of animals. This is why murder is a heavy crime, and why it can't be compared with hunting animals, you retards.
It's just that Fuminori didn't see his victims as humans at all, which is why we all sympathize with him.

>> No.2509940

Most animals? Other than pack animals, most animals have no problem with killing and eating other members of their species when they are low on food.

>> No.2509960

Some also kill each other or each other's kids even when not hungry. Ensures their own genes pass on and not their rivals'.

>> No.2509970

>hurr durr I believe all beings are equal and refuse to conform to societies rules
This guy must have some great arguments to warrant this bullshit-
>but seriously, why is man superior?
>Because that's who we are.
Oh, OK.

>> No.2509971


>> No.2510077
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>This thread

>> No.2510094

Most valid point in any of the arguments in this thread.

>> No.2510100


Because she's not Saya.

>> No.2510107

She was trying t punish Fuminori for having rejected whatsername, that's bitchy.

>> No.2510128

What the fuck happened to this thread?

>> No.2510152


Angst-ridden recluses who hate humanity and the world versus moral-preachy humanitarians who's been bought into our false and flawed idea of society. It's what all Saya threads turn into.

>> No.2510155
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>> No.2510161

Which one are you?

>> No.2510170

When it started, all is see now is vegans vs. non-vegans.

>> No.2510172

That's not Yoh, that was Oumi.

>> No.2510173

>I've never felt the intensity in any Visual Novel I did during the bad end of this one

hahaha owow

What rating does Saya have? And what FSN? Case closed.

>> No.2510179

>only vegans see animals and humans as equal
So I'm a vegan for thinking they're both equally worthless and probably equally delicious?

>> No.2510187
File: 54 KB, 452x604, 1215214193128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2510188

On the verge of tears, Kouji continues to swing his pipe furiously. The monster's slimy fluids fly through the air, joining with the blood already covering his face.
The creature extends one thin, trembling tentacle to touch Fuminori's shoulder, then lovingly caresses his blood-stained cheek――
And then it stops moving.
Even in its final moments, the monster would not let go of Fuminori. It died joined with him.

>> No.2510191

>anon incapable of thinking for himself

>> No.2510192


>> No.2510201

Best ending was bad end, the two later ones missed impact.
FSN was still superior, manly fight copycatz is still copycat

>> No.2510206

What the fuck are you talking about, nigger?
