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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2504895 No.2504895 [Reply] [Original]

Compulsory slacks are already in effect in Kanagawa Prefecture.

>> No.2504900

This does not affect me in any way.

Animu, VNs, manga, J-drama and movies will still use skirts.

>> No.2504903

That picture does not make me mourn the loss of skirts.

>> No.2504904

Wait until the current generation dies out...then next-gen anime/VN/etc will use slacks.

>> No.2504911
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Oh wait, I'll be dead by then, all is good.

>> No.2504913

You'll be dead in 5-10 years?

>> No.2504920

I wouldn't doubt it. I don't take very good care of myself, you see.

>> No.2504930
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Will there be more or less reverse trap porn?

>> No.2504941

More, I would say...if you consider women's slacks (which zip the opposite way from men's) to be "reverse"

>> No.2504944

>(which zip the opposite way from men's)
How does this even work I don't even.

>> No.2504945

it opens in the back?

>> No.2504958

Men's pants button and zip with the flap facing the right of the wearer. Women's pants button and zip with the flap facing the left of the wearer.

Same goes for shirts and jackets.

>> No.2504967

holy shit
I never noticed

>> No.2504973

Skirts won't be gone from anime in a decade. There will probably still be some schools wearing them. Even when skirts completely disappear anime will still have them to cater to the sailor uniform fetish that all otaku have.

>> No.2504975
File: 23 KB, 397x595, Tokushima_025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The girl looks so nice in trousers

>> No.2504980

What the fuck are you talking about? I have never seen a pair of pants with the flap facing the right.

>> No.2504999

Face it dude. Japan's finally getting progressive, and is finally realizing that skirts are outdated and lack in function. Therefore, they're replacing them with slacks.

>> No.2505003

Skirts are pretty awesome for wearing actually, it's pretty clear you've never worn one.

>> No.2505006


>> No.2505012

Slacks don't provide fanservice or pantyshots.

They won't be gone from eroge or animu.

>> No.2505022

You've obviously never heard of a "plumber" or a "whale tail" have you?

>> No.2505029


I'm sure there will be plenty of scenes where a girl bends over and you get to see the string of her tho-

Fuck, bring back skirts.

>> No.2505030


tell me more

>> No.2505034

Honestly, I do not want to see someone's asscrack, that's not fanservice, that's disgusting.

>> No.2505037

thongs are for sluts

striped panties are optimal

>> No.2505043

I wouldn't want my waifus wearing something like a thong

>> No.2505066


Unless the slacks are super-tight, girls won't have to worry about VPLs, hence they wouldn't have to wear thongs.

Besides, thongs are outta style, boyshorts are what's fashionable now, even in the Japan.

>> No.2505078

what the hell does any of this have to do with Touhou? this is a Touhou board!

>> No.2505079

but those are disgusting.
I like panties.

>> No.2505080
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Uhum, I see... Please continue.

>> No.2505091

What the fuck? Why do weeaboos insist on fashion to be so ass-backwards for their art? Real Japanese girls don't wear the white cotton panties you see in animu...they wear the cute VS-style bikini briefs or boyshorts, much like in the US.

>> No.2505099

I think you should leave.

>> No.2505103

I dont care about real japanese girls.

>> No.2505105

I don't care about real girls, I care about animu, and if they phase out skirts and input your shitty underwear, I'll be unhappy.

>> No.2505106


>> No.2505109

because "3D is pig disgusting" right?

Yeah, have fun getting laid in your imaginary world, weeaboo

>> No.2505117

I had to look up what those boyshorts you're on about were. Do not want.

>> No.2505119

Hey, at least you spelled weeaboo right.
So many idiots spell it "weaboo" nowadays, that's consterning.

>> No.2505120

Oh, I love those female boxers...
Ahem. My highschool had both skirts and slacks for PE. Man, those pants were delicious, the way it highlighted the ass and thighs without being skin tight.

What I would really to see is a resurgence of the long skirt. It's fashionable and looks great. Specially on Fall months, along with a sweater.

>> No.2505128

Long skirts are great, but I haven't seen anyone less than 40 wear one in about a decade.

>> No.2505137

>have fun getting laid in your imaginary world

What are you, new? Get out.

>> No.2505142


>> No.2505154

>bawwww, /jp/ is for losers with no life only

>> No.2505155

This girl that used to had a crush on me did. It looked awesome.

>> No.2505168
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So, you're saying you aren't a loser?

>> No.2505173
File: 44 KB, 450x600, OHGODNO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would you do this ?

>> No.2505180

>whale tail

Stop turning my stomach like that.

>> No.2505196

I see I'm not the only one who's been bothered by that.

>> No.2505212

You'll never be alone in your fights,bro.
I got your back !

>> No.2505232
File: 118 KB, 444x580, ザ・サード ~蒼い瞳の少女~ 9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2505255

You're not alone. I'm way more bothered by the misspelling than by people calling me a weeaboo.

>> No.2505259


>> No.2505265

Thank you, but flattery will lead you nowhere.

>> No.2505332

I'd love to see 2ch's reaction to this.

Who knows, maybe in 10-15 years women in japan will be able to get a job that doesn't require them to wear a sexually fetishized uniform of some sort.

Nah, I doubt it.

>> No.2505336

Slacks are the wave of the future. Just like how Speedo-style racerback one-pieces replaced sukumizu and gym shorts replaced bloomers.

>> No.2505344




>> No.2505361

I saw a really hot asian chick in her twenties wearing one the other day, but it was part of airforce uniform so it may or may not count.

>> No.2505370

Doesn't count, I saw a girl wearing a bowtie the otherday, it was part of her McDonalds uniform.

>> No.2505373
File: 159 KB, 1179x861, 1221549806836.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time to join the Air Force.

Maybe something crazy will happen and it'll be like I'm really in Ace Combat!

>> No.2505378

Both of which are still in anime, thank god.

>> No.2505379

School uniforms are not about its sexual appeal. Its about its practicality and ability to identify said wearer as a school student.

Slacks will do just fine for that purpose, and will curb train groping and oglers when going up the escalator.

>> No.2505388

10-20 years after the fact.

Anime should try to be progressive. See how much popular it'll get.

>> No.2505393

I see lots of girls wearing long skirts, they're just: (pick 2)

a) muslim (ewww)
b) fat (ewww)
c) crazy christians with 10 kids (ewww)

>> No.2505395

Be glad, join the Chair Force and get paid to do the same thing you've been doing for the past five years.

>> No.2505404

There are a ton of hippies around here who wear long skirts.

>> No.2505408

How can a crazy christian be a muslim ?
You're not making any sense.

>> No.2505411

But hippies are pig disgusting.

>> No.2505431

If I was a girl I would wear long skirts and sweaters. But I still wouldn't go outside, so it doesn't matter.

>> No.2505460

Whatever. I've found plenty of good looking girls in the crazy christian category. In fact, before going 2d only, I went every once in a while to a crazy christian church because it was the only place I could find that had good-looking girls that had long or knee-length skirts.

>> No.2505544

>before going 2d only
So, what's wrong with 3D?

>> No.2505562

3d people have their own plans, so they're not inclined to dance to my tune.

>> No.2505576

Good choice mate, better wait until you can bend them to your will.

>> No.2505578

Your tune sucks, who the hell would want to dance to it anyway?

>> No.2505584

I still fap to 3d on very rare occasions, but 3d isn't very stimulating unless you know the person. And no 3d person is worth knowing.
>>2505562 is not me by the way.

>> No.2505611

Thanks for being the flagship example of my point. Someday I'll buy you a beer.

>> No.2505645

This thread made me google boyshorts (yeah, total lack of female contact, I know) and now it has come to my attention there's an entire lingerie section on wikipedia.

I've got some reading to do.

>> No.2505722


Oh thank god, the world agrees with me.

>> No.2505741

I remember in High School there was a German exchange student who always wore what looked like a catholic school girl's uniform, with a skirt that went a little above her knees.

I couldn't help stare at her since it was so unusual to see a girl wearing a skirt.

>> No.2506281

Question. Have the female police uniforms gone to slacks?

>> No.2506987

The Japanese police have always had a skirt or slack option. However, Japanese police uniform regulations require pantyhose be worn with the skirt.

>> No.2507042

Its good to de-sex a school uniform; its sickening how something so harmless has become fetishized. I mean, WTF is "zettai ryoiki"?

>> No.2507158

Japan lives by the rule that however non-sexualized something is in nature the hotter it will be when you sexualize it.

>> No.2507181

Zetai ryoiki doesn't necessarily have origins in seifuku fetish, but it does provide us with endless examples of it....

>> No.2508952

Why the hell is there such a long and detailed page on Wikipedia about a shit fashion that's long gone out of favour anyway?

>> No.2509404

When you sit in Shibuya half-drunk and looking up girls skirts, you entirely understand why they're doing this.

Though japanese girls have an aversion to pants. They wear skirts and shorts even in the winter because they think that they're sexy. And want to look sexy. And like attention from guys.

I've talked to plenty. They all say the same damn thing.
But it's not like this isn't understandable.

>> No.2509408

This is still a tiny minonrity. I haven't seen a single school girl wearing these here in Kyoto. When you consider how long the sailor and gakuran uniforms have lasted, in addition to how popular they are, I think they'll die hard.

>> No.2509416

That and most girls like their uniforms.
They're cute.

>> No.2509434

So in Japan I'm one of the hottest things going?

>> No.2509436

Neh, Standards are too high. And there isn't enough alcohol in the country.

>> No.2509451

I suppose. I could never get drunk enough to fuck a salaryman.

>> No.2509469

Just like they all still use sailor outfits.

>> No.2510464

Sailor outfits and Nehru-style jackets are outdated. More and more school are replacing them with polos, button-downs, and jackets.

Also, I live in Kanagawa-ken (in Hayama City). The "slacks only" thing only affects students entering middle school. As for high school, the girls still use skirts, but as the new students roll into high school, yeah, it will be slacks only.

Also, note that its only the Kanagawa-ken schoolboard that's implementing the switchover; only schools under the direct jurisdiction of the prefectural school system are subject to the phaseout. Municipal school systems within the prefecture still use skirts, but are expected to change over to slacks a little later than the Kanagawa schools.

>> No.2510486

Japanese girls are fucking stupid and shallow. They prefer fashion over safety, practicality, and professionalism.

I have said this before. The best way to transition into compulsory slacks isn't just to summarily DFE skirts altogether, but to introduce them into younger schools and get the young students used to wearing them, that way skirts would eventually be gradually dummied out without the shock and awe of anyone wearing them already.

>> No.2510520

Stupid feminism defeminizing women. All females ought to wear dresses.

>> No.2510540

What's wrong with women having a progressive, de-sexed role in modern society?

>> No.2510561

Nothing progressive about a society where the men and women are all MEN.

Pants are clothes for men.

>> No.2510563

Skirts aren't appropriate for the hustle and bustle of the modern working woman.

>> No.2510567

Nothing wrong with crossdressing. Kilts are fine for men and that's a skirt.

>> No.2510581

Men should wear frilly dresses. Unless they look like bodybuilders and are hairy.

>> No.2510590

Maybe they should stop trying to be like men.

Kilts were worn in the 16th century. Go back to the 16th century.

>> No.2510605
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Next, they'll stick us all into jump suits and shave our heads in order to encourage andorgyny.

Fucking New World Order BS.

>> No.2510621

>have fun getting laid in your imaginary world, weeaboo

you think you offend me by saying me weeaboo? what an idiot

>> No.2510623


>> No.2510662

Girls will still be very feminine in slacks....

By the way she fixes her hair.
By the lipgloss she's wearing.
By the pins and clips in her hair.
By the pendant around her neck.
By the cute stickers on her notebook.
By the way she walks.
By the way she talks.
By her innocent little giggle.
By the polish on her nails.
By the charm bracelet dangling from her wrist.
By the way she crosses her legs.

Yeah, you fuckers are shallow and superficial. Changing skirts to slacks is strictly a health and safety reason. It won't change the femininity of a young girl at all.

>> No.2510780

You live in Kyoto? What do you do? Is it nice living there?
