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File: 37 KB, 640x480, Wallachia End Cut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2496810 No.2496810 [Reply] [Original]

Purpose? Purpose! Hihihi!! Ah! Now isn’t that the question! Purpose indeed, in and of itself, its very existence justifies me as antithesis. Of my many contrivances as a mundane, I had engineered the pinnacle of insight, a detestable machine of revelation and regret born of the sciences of Atlas. The future lay before me as a series of predetermined calculations; the threads, lines of fate contained within them life, death, the future of everything that is. Infuriating, is it not? Such a grave disservice to life that cognition be granted only to realize the futility of existence. Free will, that which we so desperately crave is made a sick mockery of by our mosaic destiny, carved on our bodies and souls as fractured glass, reflecting the sadistic will of the scriptwriter casting us all.

Now then, for my methodry in combating this omnipotent foe. Being of human body and mind, I used whatever applicable knowledge I had accumulated throughout my affair with the sciences and alchemy, but to no avail - only rediscovering the basic theory of error margin, decay and the collective results of auxiliary factors. The closest my hands of flesh could reach was far more fundamental. What I sought was the 'x' factor, that which cannot be defined with any degree of accuracy, that what as far as humans could understand, was not governed by anything. That factor is what we call 'chance'. I approached it as a branch of mathematical probability, the grey area of an exact science, the art that numeracy could not hope to articulate. And so, I pursued this element in my attempt to subvert fate, desperate to defeat the compulsion of the threads that bound me as any being. I know now the inevitably I lamented is called 'The Sixth', and appreciate the dreadful irony of my encounter with the Dead Apostle Princess, and the herald of fate that would strike me in my sacrilege as many times as I rose - a cursed, Crimson Moon.

>> No.2496828
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However, outwardly looking, I could not see my own distasteful lines, pulsing in ecstasy at my talent, as an actor playing his role without his script; spiraling towards an inevitable tragedy of which he was both ignorant of and yet could anticipate. This talent included the culmination of my pursuit of the unpredictable, though tied to the fated being of humanity, was as impure as the attempts of fellow Dead Apostles, reliant even beyond the blood of the mundanes, but further, more akin to the Unnumbered Serpent, my existence was dependant on the human mind. I had entrusted myself to an emotion borne by all that live: a feeling both fleeting and lasting, both avoided and sought after, denied and embraced, oppressive and liberating, cultivated and vanquished, requisite and unnecessary, rational and irrational, primitive and complex, TRIVIAL AND PARAMOUNT, UNIVERSAL AND SUBJECTIVE, ACKNOWLEDGED AND NON-EXISTANT, PERMANENT AND YET UNCERTAIN!! AH! THAT WONDEROUS SENSATION CAN ONLY BE FEAR!!

>> No.2496826


>> No.2496837



>> No.2496840
File: 49 KB, 476x359, roapic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Roa is better than you. He goes on even after the Sixth. For ETERNITY!

>> No.2496849
File: 24 KB, 302x400, TATARI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...Indeed, its dubious governance mirrored that of the fate I had sought to surmount, and yet without physical manifestation, I could not influence such an incorporeal element. Thus, the fruits of my labor produced what many call a 'Reality Marble', my conscience made definite, making real the fears of many in an event you know as 'Night on the Blood Liar'. With this alone however, my quest for the random could not have progressed, my own life remaining bound and determinable. I proceeded to transcend this with an, unfortunately, fateful pact with Altrouge Brunestud to birth the TATARI which I would become. My curse had sought to bypass fate based on my belief in the unpredictability of fear, severing the threads of fate which bound me by embracing an ephemeral existence, that of rumor, tale, assumption and story, proliferating the fear which I could manifest. Again and again, I came to be, unable to map my own occurrence, I thought I had evaded fate through defying my own science of prediction.

>> No.2496851

lol epic

>> No.2496858
File: 40 KB, 492x512, KIKIKIKI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alas, I came to realize these clockwork rumors were too seeded by fate, and as beast, man is but dominated by suggestion - I found my destination to be predetermined. I had been the fool of the Crimson Moon which witnessed my demise by the True Ancestor Princess, and worse still, a wielder of Fate's Eyes. And as one who had purposed to destroy purpose, my purpose was to be thus destroyed by purpose, and here I still exist before you, unpurposed. How beautifully uninteresting can a never-ending tragedy be, I wonder? KIIIIII KIKI, KIKIKIKIKIKIKIKIKI!!

>> No.2496882


Dude, that's great and all, but I'm pretty sure it's too late at night for anyone to care too much.

Also, Roa IS superior to you by virtue of having raped Kohaku.

>> No.2496909

mind = blown


>> No.2496940

Can't rape the willing.

>> No.2496936


>> No.2496949

Altrouge made a mistake in giving Oberon those powers. Then again, what does she care?

>> No.2496958

Will someone give me the tl;dr verison.

>> No.2497014
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>> No.2497082

Villainy is not about personal benefit, of wealth or resource. Villainy is about process and result. Villainy, is about anticipation and ensuing climax.

VILLAINY, is like the production of a fine wine.

Heroes are not the end of the villain. Heroes must win, for a while, to advance the process. Heroes, must experience the illusion of momentum before the revelation.

HEROES, require ripening akin to grapes before a harvest.

Despair is not a simple occurrence reached at random. Despair is the sum result of all preparation, the final product of the brilliance of a malevolent mind. Despair, is the true purpose of villainy, the result which requires every nerve and fiber's attendance.

DESPAIR, is like the first sip of a fine wine which you have produced.

As you sip the wine, you feel elated, as you remember CRUSHING them with their own FAULTS, the looks of HORROR and SHOCK upon their faces in the moment of the REALIZATION of their own INFERIORITY, like MASKS upon the stage, SHATTERED, RUINED, DESTROYED!


>> No.2497206
File: 57 KB, 640x480, mbacwarachia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2497361

Roa in the new melty is most likly there because of Warachia, (or white len but meh), and anyway this isnt about power levels its about purpose and his speach on purpose is quite lulz.

>> No.2497698
File: 20 KB, 284x267, Night of Wallachia moon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Wallachia's disgust for fate revealed a hidden trust in mankind, a belief in man's potential that he could even overcome his own fate with the will he was capable of. However, he was always bound by fate in the form of death, and Atlas Academy had shown him that predictions had anchored man down to a trifling actuality that lived and died all in accordance to a pre-determined fate. Wallachia's belief in mankind ultimately shaped his own manifestation as the TATARI, which resulted in a symbolic entity that represented culture. A being of information evolving with the progression of man, he is contrasted with the ‘gene pool’ that is Nrvnqsr Chaos, as a living ‘meme pool’. However, upon realizing the failure of his plans, and observing an inexorable predictability in mankind, Wallachia lost all faith in man, and began to see life as scripted; his 'Night of Wallachia' a meer stage for his performance as lead actor, appreciating and yet maddened by the irony of acting as director."

>> No.2497698,1 [INTERNAL] 

So much for a character undeveloped.

>> No.2497939
File: 247 KB, 1000x737, warakiananaya.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2497939,1 [INTERNAL] 

I was wondering if this had been posted.
