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File: 156 KB, 827x827, EdEaqz4UcAIr6Eu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24904288 No.24904288 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>24844940

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EN: http://en.kancollewiki.net
JP: http://wikiwiki.jp/kancolle/

Recent Updates: http://kancolle.wikia.com/wiki/Recent_Updates

KanColle STAFF Twitter: https://twitter.com/KanColle_STAFF
C2 STAFF Twitter: https://twitter.com/C2_STAFF

Anon's guide to KanColle: http://pastebin.com/ec862KsG

Air superiority calculator/fleet builder:

Combat Mechanics:
JP: http://wikiwiki.jp/kancolle/?%C0%EF%C6%AE%A4%CB%A4%C4%A4%A4%A4%C6
EN: http://kancolle.wikia.com/wiki/Combat

Fit gun for BBs: http://wikiwiki.jp/kancolle/?%CC%BF%C3%E6%A4%C8%B2%F3%C8%F2%A4%CB%A4%C4%A4%A4%A4%C6#h7905b57

Equipment upgrade values: http://i.imgur.com/1JfCOmJ.png
Destroyer gun bonus: https://i.imgur.com/K7PxY6z.png
LBAS values: https://i.imgur.com/pd843oW.png

Useful Akashi upgrades table: http://akashi-list.me/

Drop and construction statistics:

Quest tracking tool (needs updating): https://www.kahr-noss.com/OoyodoQuestTracker.html

KanColle Viewer (JP): https://github.com/Grabacr07/KanColleViewer
KanColle Viewer (EN): https://github.com/Madmanmayson/KanColleViewer
KanColle Viewer (KR): https://github.com/CirnoV/KanColleViewer
Electronic Observer (JP): https://github.com/andanteyk/ElectronicObserver
Electronic Observer (EN): https://github.com/gre4bee/ElectronicObserver
Electronic Observer (CN): https://github.com/RadarNyan/ElectronicObserver-ML

-Swimsuit mode seasonals will return next week.
-Friend Fleets have been implemented in the last phases of E-1, E-4, and E-7. More Friend Fleets will be implemented at a later time.
-The Tsuyu/Summer 2020 Event, "Stop the Invasion! Island Defense Reinforcement Operation" is underway. It is a large-scale event with 7 maps, 4 in the main operation and 3 in the EO. The event is scheduled to end around a month after the EO's implementation.
-10 new shipgirls have been implemented, 5 in the MO and 5 in the EO. In the MO, Fubuki-class destroyer Usugumo (E-1 reward), submarine tender Jingei (E-2 drop), submarine I-47 (E-3 reward), DE Daiyongou (Yottsu - E-4 Drop), and Matsu-class destroyer Matsu (E-4 reward) have been implemented. In the E-5 and E-6, DE Yashiro, Destroyer Ariake, CL-50 USS Helena, BB-57 USS South Dakota have been implemented. After overcoming the Battle of Santa Cruz in E-7, The Fighting Lady CV-8 USS Hornet will be rewarded.
-The new equipment is the Late Mode 53cm Sub Bow Torpedo Mount (8 Tubes) and the Late Model Sub Radar & Passive Radiolocator, and the 6inch Triple Gun Mount Mk. 16 and 6inch Triple Gun Mount Mk. 16 mod.2. Sub radar & radiolocators can now be equipped in the punch hole.
-The May ranking rewards have been distributed. The new equipments is the 16inch Triple Gun Mount Mk.6 Mod.2 from BB-57 USS South Dakota.
-As of the Feb 28 maintenance, due to the ongoing DDoS attacks, measures have been taken that requires players from certain countries to use a Japanese IP address to connect to the Login servers. After getting to the start screen it's possible to disconnect from the VPN and continue playing without it. If you still encounter connection issues try clearing your cache and changing your time zone to JST. These countermeasures are temporary as of right now. EN EO now bypasses the block. Another possible workaround is using https://github.com/Tibowl/KCCacheProxy
-The following ships will receive another remodel at some point in the future:
-->Kai-II: Mogami, Mikuma, Yahagi, Kaga (if 1944 remodel), multiple Type A DDs
-->Kai-II side remodel: The rest of the Kongou-class; Shigure (could be Kai-III)

>> No.24904298

Drop already, Sara No. 4!

>> No.24904321
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>> No.24904340


>> No.24904351
File: 851 KB, 900x540, shigure.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder if I should finally marry Shigure after all these years.

How bad of a time am I in for in E7?

And what do I do with a dupe Helena?

>> No.24904361

Spare guns. They're not bad.

>> No.24904368

No, don't. She'll choke as soon as you do.

>> No.24904370
File: 510 KB, 801x482, Screenshot_2020-07-22_22-43-55.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yuudachi saving the day as always. On to the pancake hell.

>> No.24904403


>> No.24904419


>> No.24904717

I almost wish you could have equipment presets. I imagine that would be hellish to code.

>> No.24904740
File: 2.48 MB, 1489x2104, __hamakaze_kantai_collection_drawn_by_jun_project__a75d963903ee8a1fd80ea5e74f57acd2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally a new thread, post some Hamakaze to celebrate.

>> No.24904756
File: 1.79 MB, 2800x4200, Dumb slut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24904766
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>> No.24904801

I respectfully disagree with this >>24903975 anon.
While I do respect imperfectionists for their innovative minds and perhaps true perfection is but humanity's delusion, for me it's "creative limitation," through FM + PSG at least. "Perfection achieved through limitaions" is what I would like to call.
Here is one example: This is the prototype version of one of the best well-known 16-bit tracks. Instead of feel like dying, I would open my eyes and keep moving because "there will surely be more like this one."

>> No.24904803

Has anyone here built any of the Tamiya model kits? Would you recommend them if so?

>> No.24904810
File: 2.03 MB, 1799x3000, 625A5EFE-C6D6-4E63-ACC8-BEE89B5698FE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure thing

>> No.24904924
File: 359 KB, 708x1000, EcGxmX6UEAEske1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24904975

I'd ruin her cunny.

>> No.24905028
File: 183 KB, 1000x1499, BB6E3A74-D0E1-431C-8CD7-8F86037EA9A2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pan Paka Pan!

>> No.24905033

Imagine impregnating a DD.

>> No.24905051
File: 781 KB, 1075x1500, 1589139683454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24905087

Who’s gonna be the new DD trio with Shigure?

>> No.24905099

No one likes Shigure.

>> No.24905126
File: 1.25 MB, 2000x1214, 1584674745803.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Asagumo and Yamagumo.

>> No.24905165

Hamakaze and Suzutsuki

>> No.24905315 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.61 MB, 1920x1080, 1595460563900.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24905374
File: 735 KB, 1000x1349, EdC-m2GUcAYlnJn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24905434

I'll let you know if I ever get off my ass and start working on the stack of them I have sitting on the table

>> No.24905464

Michi and Blackfin

>> No.24905514
File: 2.11 MB, 800x480, 2020-07 e4 kill.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3 attempts, 1 success

>> No.24905533
File: 3.54 MB, 2508x3541, __ashigara_kantai_collection_drawn_by_odawara_hakone__23f6b5819973f22a35d34ae705e666d3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based Victory Wolf

>> No.24905603

post fleet please

>> No.24905631
File: 263 KB, 1450x2048, 8432A3ED-22F6-4356-BE67-7343F6E6B17A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She has nice feet

>> No.24905661
File: 1.22 MB, 3808x6624, Zuikakuverse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does every bootleg chinkboat game give Zuikaku big tits? Why can't they appreciate the beauty of a modest chest?

>> No.24905716
File: 1.05 MB, 1354x1171, 20200722_14330985.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing special.

>> No.24905735

I can't believe you cleared E-7 before E-4.

>> No.24905744
File: 133 KB, 700x1000, 0A18BD14-405D-4503-AB72-B122978BBE41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Big tits are just better.

>> No.24905756

Kancolle Zui truly is best Zui. All the others look so over designed. Blue Oath's is nice too.

>> No.24905793

I like the bottom right one. It feels like a slighly smoother verison of what Akira does.

>> No.24905809

On my 7th attempt now, hopefully RNG throws me a bone soon.

>> No.24905864
File: 93 KB, 837x353, DeHavilland_Vampire_HMS_Ocean_Dec1945_NAN1_47.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eric "Winkle" Brown Sea Vampire when?

>> No.24905902

Blue Oath is just AL Zui with a slightly different hairstyle.
>When the chinks run out of things to steal from, they start stealing from each other.

>> No.24905920

>Kadokawa won't let us play as abyssals
>chinks take matters into their own hands

>> No.24905923
File: 365 KB, 1200x720, 20200430_22253181b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even better, I got the pancake without clearing E7 at all, so now I get to farm it on baby difficulty without missing out on the new equipment. It's like the best of both worlds.

>> No.24905934

At least she doesn't have broken hips

>> No.24905951
File: 27 KB, 128x113, 5D4ECFEC-CFA1-4485-A462-73D59EBA8817.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What’s wrong with Jervis?

>> No.24905953

How is it that you have patience for ranking but not for Hard?

>> No.24905968
File: 704 KB, 737x575, screenshot 2020-07-23 at 9.28.10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just one

>> No.24905972
File: 610 KB, 108x95, 594170402763309175.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's gone

>> No.24905978

>patience for ranking
Top 500 takes almost no effort if you're on a nice server.

>> No.24905980

Ranking is tedious but Hard is annoying.

>> No.24905984
File: 259 KB, 557x700, __jintsuu_kantai_collection_drawn_by_kodachi_kuroyuri_shoukougun__e1683ef91d4d01f2068bbaedec7aa645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone knows that 2D girls are far more flexible than 3DPD.

>> No.24905993

I like AL’s Zuikaku’s Race Queen skin.

>> No.24906015

I decide to switch take out OASW for E-4 LD and the first sub node chuuha's three boats right away. God damn.

>> No.24906020

Maybe he's a seasonal ranker and got lucky

>> No.24906029

Ranking is really easy if you only do it once every 3 months

>> No.24906053
File: 75 KB, 125x111, 9DBD271E-672B-4EDE-A98B-7A1D207CE680.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She approaches...

>> No.24906071

do it in memedium, e-4 rewards are a absolute joke, it makes me laugh that some people is spending 50k of bauxite for a fucking furniture.

>> No.24906073

Idk, sortieing almost nonstop every day for a single month feels like instant burnout for me.

>> No.24906164
File: 311 KB, 2845x1993, ET4pC_KUEAI5u3U.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24906171

great I lost power today and now I can't get the game to load.

>> No.24906186
File: 501 KB, 658x830, 43455331_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24906202

>every day
I just do EOs and some of the ranking quests, then a couple of runs in 7-1 for a week and it's usually enough.

>> No.24906204
File: 633 KB, 1000x1193, CBB5389C-1E7F-41E5-9F7E-64ED4699D518.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24906218

Whats going on? What viewer?

>> No.24906254
File: 462 KB, 1551x868, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just using the cache proxy thing. it gets to here but then gets stuck.

>> No.24906267

Ah, I've never used that, so I can't be of help there. Maybe someone else here has had issues with that.

>> No.24906284

Use EO.

>> No.24906286
File: 205 KB, 1246x746, 1595347840639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24906299

Use VPN in first login.

>> No.24906317

How many runs now?

>> No.24906331
File: 77 KB, 337x402, 1450133779405.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do the event in memedium dude.
Except for E-6, the murata worth it

>> No.24906353
File: 715 KB, 2563x3691, Ea-xWevVcAA5S_d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24906354

Where did we all agree to attempt E-4 LD tonight or something? Did I miss that memo?

>> No.24906360

I'm about to give up on E-4. I still have to consider E-6 and E-7 and E-8. The furniture isn't worth it.

>> No.24906371

I'm one run short of LD. Not looking forward to it.

>> No.24906403
File: 81 KB, 1024x725, 1595459985695.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are people using ShinshuuMaru in E4?

>> No.24906404


>> No.24906422

Is she being used as an ersatz SPF mule? She does come with 4 slots

>> No.24906424


>> No.24906458

Nah, I'm just about to start Hornet chipping.

>> No.24906482

I just started yesterday. Rationing DDs always takes such a long time.

>> No.24906542
File: 787 KB, 1265x966, EdYJ4LNUYAIDUkY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24906568
File: 119 KB, 800x600, 51141103_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hornet chipping
Read that as Hornet chirping for a second.

>> No.24906609
File: 214 KB, 1448x2048, __shinshuu_maru_kantai_collection_drawn_by_c_da__22ca94c90eb6d6eb9ae481e7e4b68149.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because she's cute and thicc.

>> No.24906631

I want to fuck her thighs.

>> No.24906659

Anyone else having problems buying more slots?

>> No.24906678

Your version is outdated. The recent version has Asashio and user-friendly ui.

>> No.24906692
File: 218 KB, 2191x1296, DrE0LJwUwAAnbF4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24906697
File: 106 KB, 750x966, EdkvEXkUEAAGhR3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24906719

/jp/ magic please free me from E-4 tonight.

>> No.24906726
File: 73 KB, 339x400, saracchi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drop already, you!

>> No.24906738

After I'm done with her

>> No.24906748

Give me thirty minutes before you start trying. Let me build up some pain onto the pile for luck.

>> No.24906804
File: 65 KB, 750x658, __akagi_and_shijou_takane_kantai_collection_and_2_more_drawn_by_michimaru_michi__530a492c70493b30d156e4636019ec87.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24906807

Does this mean Akagi also likes anal?

>> No.24906852

She's not Iori and neither is Takane.

>> No.24906859

She's from the moon and if 2hu taught me anything it's that moon bitches are degenerates. Iori may be the anal idol, but that doesn't mean Takane isn't that type of degenerate.

>> No.24906866

Ignore this.

I'm fucking stupid. I just had to disable adblockers.

>> No.24906870
File: 28 KB, 288x288, 1565348083396.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24906872


>> No.24906877

I guess that would makes sense, most adblockers also stop popups.

>> No.24906910

>moon bitches are degenerates
Shut up Tewi, you can't slander Reisen like that.

>> No.24906914

Prove it.

>> No.24906927

Fuck head on. It's as worse as Red T.

>> No.24906938
File: 457 KB, 781x819, 79478976_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this a big Wo or a little admiral?

>> No.24906943

Just a 5'11 Admiral, don't mind the little boy.

>> No.24907157
File: 468 KB, 1061x1500, 10562499.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24907162

>if you're on a nice server
Free server moves soon, right?

>> No.24907214

agreed, I really love the "less is more" feel that true chiptune arrangements have, even if they lack the complexity/fullness of orchestrated (or even MIDI) sounds. I think its a shame when people slap some rectangle waves or bitcrushed snares into a song and call it 8bit or whatever. Having to craft coherent sounds out of basic waveforms with FM always seemed so cool to me. FM arrange boss node music when? https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=lV-D81ZbI4c

>> No.24907230

Uncultured swines.

>> No.24907254
File: 233 KB, 868x524, E2P1summer2020.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this ok for E2P1? Please tell me if I acidentally use any ship needed for the later stages.

>> No.24907263

It's overkill, P1 can be done with a transport fleet

>> No.24907268

This guy is a fantastic FM arranger, but he does all sorts of stuff.

>> No.24907272
File: 2.06 MB, 1195x1800, 85C34C25-EE1A-4A3D-B44A-C5D6B6C006F1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Graf AND Kashima
Was Fall 2015 the best event in terms of new girls?

>> No.24907274

I'm giving up on E-4. Fuck the furniture.

>> No.24907284

But what about the gun? How will your Matsu ever reach her full potential without the gun?

>> No.24907288

It was the peak and all downhill after.

>> No.24907295

SoDak really does have a design that you have to let sink in. I've been farming E-2 with her and Hornet in tow and now she doesn't seem out of the ordinary after some sorties.

>> No.24907306

It was shit, the only good thing to come out of it was Hagi and Nattsun.

>> No.24907308

Agreed, they could never top that lineup.

>> No.24907317 [DELETED] 

all me

>> No.24907323

perfect, you can do but parts with this fleet

>> No.24907329

you're probably going to want to use a fast fleet so you can skip the sub node

>> No.24907337

Fletchers and duckies have better guns anyway.

>> No.24907343

Matsu can reach her full potential sitting quietly in the dorm.

>> No.24907347
File: 1.16 MB, 1329x950, IMG_20200723_111946.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24907361

She wouldn't be the only one missing her best equipment, I'm not concerned.

>> No.24907362


>> No.24907369


>> No.24907381

Gross old hag.

>> No.24907414
File: 192 KB, 1072x1516, EcF36OYU0AIFPsR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24907459
File: 233 KB, 868x524, E2P1summer2020-1.1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good to hear. I'll consider using transport if I really have to farm the whale.

>> No.24907494

You can still use Suijou if you want to farm for Jingei, it's easier.

>> No.24907502

You might need more FBB's for E-7's fuckery, consider saving some
I only used one, Richelieu, in E-2

>> No.24907515

>You might need more FBB's for E-7's fuckery, consider saving some
Seconding this. I'm on E-7 now and I wish I had saved another FBB somewhere.

>> No.24907520

Are four bongos not enough?

>> No.24907526

Oh fuck my niggas.
>complexity/fullness of orchestrated
You don't really need that when you got this though

>> No.24907528

Don't worry, these are Bisko #2 and Roma #2. I have Bisko #3 and Roma #3 if I need more.

>> No.24907542

>Are four bongos not enough?
They sorta are, but the more playroom you have at the end the better honestly.

>> No.24907555

There's nothing more disheartening than getting fucking Kako out of an S rank.

>> No.24907557

Oh shit I cleared E-4 on the final run I was going to attempt. I didn't even look at the battle because I already gave up. This must be what it means to defeat the desire sensor. I even got 4chan as a drop.

>> No.24907570

Oh then whatever
My >>24907502 comp also used a dupes of base Unryuu, Hiryuu Kai ni, Mogami, Mikuma, Kasumi, and Kamo

>> No.24907606 [DELETED] 

Where’s all the new art of the new girls? They barely have any even after almost two weeks after their release.

>> No.24907614 [DELETED] 


>> No.24907615 [DELETED] 

All artists were waiting on Friend Fleets and are taking it easy since event doesn't end for another 2 and a half weeks. They don't usually draw them until they have them.

>> No.24907624 [DELETED] 

I'm keeping all of it in my vault.

>> No.24907626 [DELETED] 

What about secondaries?

>> No.24907628 [DELETED] 

Or until they get desperate farming and start drawing them to make them drop.

>> No.24907629 [DELETED] 

Secondaries don't draw shit.

>> No.24907654 [DELETED] 

Funny thing about a game that has a large fan base that has many fan artists is that they play the game and are not commissioned by the devs to pump out art like certain other grifting, attention whoring artists. The art will start trickling in come September. KC events take a lot of time to get through, unlike it's competitors, who seem to be failing and getting less and less art, commissioned or not.

>> No.24907662
File: 446 KB, 1600x1000, EditdTvUMAEip_T.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24907665 [DELETED] 

Don't forget our usual artbomb tag.

>> No.24907680


>> No.24907681 [DELETED] 

That makes sense then.

>> No.24907684 [DELETED] 

The one everyday thing on twitter?

>> No.24907693
File: 422 KB, 1955x1397, Shoukakuverse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24907695 [DELETED] 

yep. That creates around 20-30 arts/shipgirls regardless of the quality. It's fun since you can participate even if you have shitty artskills. Not every franchise can do that.

>> No.24907702

Shoukaku was better pre Kai Ni.

>> No.24907704 [DELETED] 

There's more than that actually. There are also latecomers that didn't hit the one hour mark and didn't tag too.

>> No.24907718
File: 446 KB, 719x424, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus christ just let me farm Sara in peace, I don't need these retreats.

>> No.24907733

I like how mao aisle literally didn't try and just copy pasted.
At least Helena is having fun, being stoned and all.

>> No.24907734
File: 453 KB, 1309x1000, 60032615_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

KC's is shit. How are you supposed to know her name means Crane if you don't slap cranes on her?

>> No.24907744

High IQ take

>> No.24907745 [DELETED] 

Report and ignore XD

>> No.24907746

The only thing that is similar is the white hair

>> No.24907761

What the hell is going on with the bottom right?

>> No.24907766

Hair style and body shape. It's plagiarism, through and through. There's no hiding it.

>> No.24907768 [DELETED] 

Why does he keep posting off topic post?

>> No.24907775

Someone took the "Abyssals are the only good thing about KC there should be a game where you collect them instead" shitposts literally.

>> No.24907777 [DELETED] 

Because he's paid to.

>> No.24907779

I swapped in a second tank nuker, which now means that my primary tank nuker will 100% do their job now.

>> No.24907785 [DELETED] 

Report it if you care so much

>> No.24907788

I don't even like mao lane and that's a push. There's much better ones for copy and paste, and within their own game too.

>> No.24907790 [DELETED] 

He work for free.

>> No.24907803 [DELETED] 

for people like you

>> No.24907807

That’s a good idea to be fair.

>> No.24907810

Nope, try again. Chinks plagiarized KC and it's obvious.

>> No.24907811

Fuck off.

>> No.24907829 [DELETED] 

Already did and you morons give him too much attention now.

>> No.24907831 [DELETED] 

Stop replying you dumbfucks.

>> No.24907839
File: 2.43 MB, 1366x2000, __abyssal_crane_hime_kantai_collection_drawn_by_weasel_close_to_the_edge__cc7f8ccfaf027a504bcb8ceaaf06e862.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They even copied the lycosis radiata

>> No.24907841

I see, you're just being ironic to make this place look even more retarded than it already is.

>> No.24907860 [DELETED] 

>Posting chinkshits with Kanmusu
>Hey why the other games blahblah

It's his recent baiting so stop being retarded anymore please

>> No.24907861

well I managed to log in but I got the cat after my expeditions came back. I'm trying to log in again but now it's stuck on the floating nagato screen.

>> No.24907871 [DELETED] 

Learn english please.

>> No.24907875 [DELETED] 

do something janny

>> No.24907877 [DELETED] 

I like how mods can ban someone in seconds when they start spamming jr gravure models in the gravure thread but when a shitposter who comes in with the exact same shit he's been posting for years comes in, he gets free reign for hours or even days with out his posts getting touched or even getting the people who report him banned.

>> No.24907887 [DELETED] 

janny IS the shitposter

>> No.24907890

See: >>24906404

>> No.24907893 [DELETED] 

fyi none of you are helping
Report it if you care so much

>> No.24907898 [DELETED] 

fyi you are not helping
Report it if you care so much

>> No.24907914

Cursed image

>> No.24907932

Take it easy.

>> No.24907940 [DELETED] 

I see Graffag is off his meds.

>> No.24907944 [DELETED] 

>Report it if you care so much
Is this a new notepad sentence?

>> No.24907948

Every event, when I see that Hibbers has a bonus, I think this time will be different. But then the misses keep coming and coming, and I realize it's not different at all.

>> No.24907960

Top right is literally Reimu slut mode

>> No.24907969

So, Reimu?

>> No.24907976


>> No.24908002
File: 633 KB, 1062x1500, 1581480127004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24908032
File: 319 KB, 1579x1269, Question mark.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24908043 [DELETED] 

Wow janny literally isnt doing anything

Or is he really a shitposter?

>> No.24908070 [DELETED] 

I've been saying this for over a year now. It's not the local janny, but jannies don't like to step on other jannies. The shitposter is the janny from the AL threads.

>> No.24908082
File: 38 KB, 254x65, uselessRussiaScrap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what fuck it. This useless pile of scrap doesn't deserce that nickname.

>> No.24908095

It's not very specific when Hiburi exists anyways

>> No.24908098

Send her to the gulag.

>> No.24908104

That Bep though.

>> No.24908109

That's what you get for trusting communism.

>> No.24908123

>Ever getting a historical bonus

>> No.24908138
File: 147 KB, 911x698, IMG_20200723_124824.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24908140


>> No.24908141

Yup. Hibbers is reserved for good Hibikis, like Ganaha and Tachibana, not for heinous fake Hibikis that throw the tank in the wrong direction. I will correct this misconception for future iterations.

>> No.24908174

You wouldn’t dare, she’s the best DD.

>> No.24908190

That's Akiduki.

>> No.24908194
File: 539 KB, 920x1300, 1592929848416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24908208

Yahagi should have an 8cm gun in her extra slot so she can do nighttime DA

You can conserve Mutsuki and Kisaragi for later transports if you want. Verniy has a decent chance of killing Supply on her own. Triple synergy is preferable, so if you want a ground attack DD in your 2nd fleet for insurance, confirm your E6-1 and E7-1 teams and see if you can spare one of either Arare, Arashio, or Ooshio, none of whom should have event bonuses in any later maps. Or, you can use Asashio.

Gangut will have to be fast for best routing

>> No.24908231
File: 1.32 MB, 1200x720, 2020-07-22 18-17-44 92.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw laughing dragons express-deliver the new furniture window for you

>> No.24908243

What's your spread for tankDD?

>> No.24908252
File: 417 KB, 1508x2048, EdNMv8TVAAIPqbD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Two more runs until I can debuff E-4 boss. So this map is basically just sortie until you win, right?

>> No.24908257
File: 368 KB, 849x1200, 1588528766914.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What would you do if you found out some of the girls have boyfriends out side of the base?

>> No.24908260
File: 8 KB, 445x184, WOULDI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24908261
File: 211 KB, 805x945, laughing dragons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>needing Friend Fleet to do your job for you

>> No.24908267

Scrap, no dating until the war is over.

>> No.24908273

no, you sortie until you lose

>> No.24908293

>He's so unlikable he has to mock others for having friends

>> No.24908299

E2: Bep, Arare
E4: Kasumi
E6: Asashio, Michishio
E7: Ooshio, Arashio

>> No.24908307

If I'm so unlikeable how come I have a harem 52 ships strong? Checkmate, friendfags.

>> No.24908309

What, you mean like that boy Max from the German base? I'll allow it.

>> No.24908315

The laughing dragons kept jobbing for me. Useless meat and potatoes.

>> No.24908349
File: 2.96 MB, 2127x3330, 71616532_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not a shitpost if it's true.

>> No.24908355

Kill yourself abyssshitter.

>> No.24908364

Is her cunny white too or is she like a typical jap and have a purple pussy?

>> No.24908370

Masturbate to them fucking?

>> No.24908372

I've seen enough AVs to know nips don't have purple pussies.

>> No.24908374

I didn't realize Mizuryu Kei plays this game.

>> No.24908377
File: 202 KB, 1000x1399, IMG_20200723_131313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24908386

I've seen enough JAV to know they have purple pussies. Shit's off putting.

>> No.24908394

You might wanna check your monitor, I have yet to encounter what you describe after a decade of looking through JAVs.

>> No.24908395

Node X is what pisses me off the most. There's literally no counter to it unless your fleet actually remembers how to evade Re and BB Hime.

>> No.24908397
File: 461 KB, 2000x3000, 70768976_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24908403
File: 191 KB, 1200x1600, 1548147450097.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24908419

You might want to check yours. I seen 20 years worth of JAVs and the majority have purple pussies.

>> No.24908448


>> No.24908456
File: 1019 KB, 1199x687, bep_more_like_bepst.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There it is

>> No.24908460
File: 1.35 MB, 1200x720, 20200722_21181640.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking how.

>> No.24908467

>not one shotting her

>> No.24908473

The second shot was a miss. Have to start somewhere when on a new path.

>> No.24908524

Didn’t you see that Haruna doujin from him?

>> No.24908557
File: 288 KB, 1275x1812, 1590775416393.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find Taihou to be extremely desirable. I want to make her teen pregnant.

>> No.24908577

She needs bigger tits.

>> No.24908580

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but Taihou is in her early twenties.

>> No.24908583
File: 748 KB, 3277x4096, 1575245382841.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good enough.

>> No.24908603
File: 911 KB, 1037x1500, 9821111.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24908605
File: 1.72 MB, 2507x2901, IMG_20200720_170654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24908611 [DELETED] 

Chink Taihou is better, though at least this one has the better voice and normal outfit.

>> No.24908619 [DELETED] 
File: 12 KB, 418x117, 1588668195140.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too bad she's forgotten. Kek.

>> No.24908621

not again this shit

>> No.24908655 [DELETED] 

AL Taihou’s still getting a lot of new art while KC Taihou is barely getting any nowadays, you just wait until the former overtakes the latter.

>> No.24908689
File: 75 KB, 128x113, 573462141986668544.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take your meds.

>> No.24908692 [DELETED] 
File: 107 KB, 900x1200, 1564696271657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, her art already started dropping in frequency. She'll stagnate and plateau like the other forgotten chink ships.

>> No.24908704 [DELETED] 

>3 years
Now what

>> No.24908713
File: 147 KB, 525x700, 8281987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24908728 [DELETED] 

muh gimme more time

>> No.24908729 [DELETED] 

She only gets art when she gets a new skin, if that's not a desperate lifeline, I don't know what is.

>> No.24908737

ok I managed to log in. now what's the best fleet for e-1 boss phase? the 2de one? can akebono kill the boss with da or am I supposed to give her a cut in?

>> No.24908747 [DELETED] 

At least she gets new skins.

>> No.24908763

I gave DA to bono but it was ushio w/ the torp cut in that won me Usuguumo. If you don't want to use both then you'll need torp to finish the boss off.

>> No.24908777 [DELETED] 
File: 44 KB, 1113x201, 1580705109689.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you guys want to see something truly pathetic? Art for a character who was apart of their game since their launch vs a character who was just introduced last year. This is how chinks treat their girls.

>> No.24908796 [DELETED] 

I can't believe they are below 60k even now

>> No.24908819 [DELETED] 

>6 times straight on head on


>> No.24908820

I don't have usio but I decided to lock kasumi since I'm giving up after e-3. is her cut in good enough with base luck?

>> No.24908823 [DELETED] 

>We are catching up KC guys!
>3 years gone
>W-we are

>> No.24908848

Ready the firing squad

>> No.24908850 [DELETED] 
File: 12 KB, 385x67, 1581864810084.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should see how they treat their Sara. She's been around since their launch as well. She also gets regular skins. The main reason why their Taihou gets new art is because their devs spend that gacha bucks on art commissions, it's not fan art like ours.

>> No.24908853 [DELETED] 

Yeah, 300K more to go.

>> No.24908871 [DELETED] 

Actually 305k

>> No.24908875

I mean, Kasumi has better stats and also has a bonus so sure.

>> No.24908890
File: 170 KB, 716x720, kancolle-20200723-134851-003-resize.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24908915 [DELETED] 


>> No.24909027

Flatman has done a good job finding bugs in the code, I wonder if he could find the cause to moving lbas planes crashing the game.

>> No.24909032 [DELETED] 

Now do Ayanami.

>> No.24909085 [DELETED] 
File: 499 KB, 1112x1884, 500 hours in ms paint.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't talk shit if you can't handle getting shat on.
Literally the only one who surpassed the original. Admit it, when a new flavor of the month gets released by the chinks, the rest of your girls get ignored.

>> No.24909107

Honestly it's doable programming wise, although it would take a lot of testing. The real main problem is the lack space on the screen. Back during the flash days everything was so crammed while now it feels like everything is just the right dimensions and size. But to add something like that they'd need to add more menus, so they'd need to do another increase to 1080p while keeping most of the UI relatively where it is now rather than upscaling it so that there is enough space. GUI design is actually its own annoying beast.

>> No.24909123 [DELETED] 

At least that “FOTM” actually gets attention.

>> No.24909136 [DELETED] 

>Just 1


>> No.24909165 [DELETED] 

>chink Shimakaze can't even beat Shimakaze-kun

>> No.24909182 [DELETED] 
File: 1.30 MB, 990x1260, 1585492309118.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poor abo just can't get a break. He really should consider suicide.

>> No.24909217 [DELETED] 

That forbidden feast should get taken out since those pics are double tagged.

>> No.24909245 [DELETED] 

They spent all that time designing her and they didn't even release her in the core game! They stuck her in the spin off that didn't even sell well and no one played, even when it went on sale.

>> No.24909260
File: 188 KB, 1143x1500, allergy bongo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24909271

I wish she had smaller boobs.

>> No.24909301 [DELETED] 

Like how AK is getting more attention and choking AL? Pretty nice attention span your fan base has there. KEK

>> No.24909344
File: 1.35 MB, 800x480, 2020-07 e4 preboss.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All you can do is send out supports and airstrikes and wait until you get the run where everything goes right.

>> No.24909347 [DELETED] 

What's safe to lock to E-5?

>> No.24909350

my eyes

>> No.24909361

I got sent back at node X five times in a row during last dance. Fuck that node.

>> No.24909364 [DELETED] 


>> No.24909386 [DELETED] 

>kc houston will get a seasonal before al houston gets a skin

>> No.24909449 [DELETED] 

>AL Graf/Bismarck/Prinz got a seasonal before KC Graf/Bismarck/Prinz got one

>> No.24909458
File: 60 KB, 600x700, 1533436200195.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what are the chances to get Arizona in a future event?

>> No.24909471 [DELETED] 

Literally only secondaries care about them anyways, as demonstrated by the graffag.

>> No.24909491

>Re destroyed in the early attacks
i call bullshit

>> No.24909508 [DELETED] 

And who cares?

>> No.24909550 [DELETED] 
File: 3 KB, 267x74, firefox_C8gpxVaLJZ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AL Ayanami is literally a complete copy of our Shimakaze. How about Shimakaze vs Ayanami+Shimakaze?

>> No.24909588 [DELETED] 
File: 529 KB, 218x255, 1533812012932.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut up already

>> No.24909610 [DELETED] 

>complete copy

Now now, lets not exaggerate. She is only 95% Shimakaze with 5% of Tenryuu mixed in.

>> No.24909621 [DELETED] 

And it still has less arts? Fucking shame.

>> No.24909626 [DELETED] 
File: 186 KB, 347x282, ElectronicObserver_I7jxLqSXk3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oops, let me change my word. MY Shimakaze, not yours.

>> No.24909632 [DELETED] 

Wow all this abo shits make me puke

>> No.24909636 [DELETED] 

>AL Takao/Atago got a seasonal before KC Takao/Atago got one

>> No.24909646 [DELETED] 

That's better.

>> No.24909672


今日は木曜日、色々あって今年は本日が「海の日」です!今週C2機関は、旧羽田空港跡地に誕生&稼働開始直後の本来ツアー予定だったZepp最大規模施設「Zepp Haneda(TOKYO)」に全力出撃、【C2機関 1MYB】のライブPV撮影を敢行しました!

>> No.24909694


>> No.24909700 [DELETED] 


>> No.24909720 [DELETED] 

Hey abo your shilling just makes your chinkshit more miserable

>> No.24909724 [DELETED] 

These comparison posts just made me check maolane's Atago vs kancolle's Atago.
>atago (kantai collection) 5.9k
>atago (azur lane) 2.9k
>atago (midsummer march) (azur lane) 511
>atago (stunning speedster) (azur lane) 378
>atago (school daydream) (azur lane) 187

Baby faced blonde with big tits wins day, everyday.

>> No.24909731 [DELETED] 

>caring about normalfag magnets

>> No.24909733

So more Shigure being a worthless crybaby then.

>> No.24909749

>more animated Hamakaze
Freaking finally

>> No.24909757

But re zero S2 is airing now

>> No.24909850 [DELETED] 

She needs more seasonals and a K2.

>> No.24909891 [DELETED] 


You would end up with Burqakaze given Yoshinori's recent trend of covering up hia girls in remodels.

>> No.24909902 [DELETED] 
File: 534 KB, 850x1200, 1564102658718.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How progressive.

>> No.24909904 [DELETED] 

I wish she had bigger boobs.

>> No.24909921 [DELETED] 

Her AL counterpart is right up your ally then.

>> No.24909924 [DELETED] 

People still like Krauts.

>> No.24909933 [DELETED] 

Yeah secondaries.

>> No.24909944 [DELETED] 

Yeah so?

>> No.24909951 [DELETED] 

Their opinions don't matter at all.

>> No.24909971 [DELETED] 

It'd still be nice.

>> No.24909985 [DELETED] 

Nah. It be better if they got deleted from the game.

>> No.24909995 [DELETED] 

You hate them that much?

>> No.24909997 [DELETED] 

It is telling that the only good kraut in this game is the nip CVE one.

>> No.24909999 [DELETED] 

Oh wow, two remodels, that's a hefty sample size.

>> No.24910003 [DELETED] 

Just you.

>> No.24910005 [DELETED] 

Stop all this abo related shitposts

>> No.24910019 [DELETED] 


>> No.24910039 [DELETED] 


Secondary-kun, please.

>> No.24910055 [DELETED] 

He only cares about the g*rmens.

>> No.24910064 [DELETED] 

Oh, excuuuuuuuuuse me. Three.
Did you really fucking expect Mutsu to have a different outfit than Nagato? Are you a fucking retard?

>> No.24910090 [DELETED] 

Getting closer.

>> No.24910096
File: 131 KB, 1033x1228, EH5BZEgX0AAWllJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Or, you can use Asashio.
Sorry, I meant Asashimo, not Asashio.

>> No.24910105 [DELETED] 

Oh, sorry. You are retarded. Didn't mean to disturb you.

>> No.24910112 [DELETED] 


>> No.24910159 [DELETED] 

Not to mention she's a fucking potato too.

>> No.24910166 [DELETED] 

Graffag, take your meds.

>> No.24910173 [DELETED] 

What do you mean? Four of Yoshinori's girls have a K2. Out of those four, the only one who didn't get covered up was Saratoga who already was plenty covered up with her long dress.

>> No.24910202
File: 88 KB, 400x640, IMG_20200723_152402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24910205 [DELETED] 

And...? Where are you getting confused?

>> No.24910232

If only you knew how bad things are.

>> No.24910234
File: 210 KB, 850x1321, 5syB4cahL14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24910271

Does E4 need route support?

>> No.24910294

Being a potato doesn't count as animated.

>> No.24910309

For part 3, yes. For part 2, maybe.

>> No.24910317
File: 1.10 MB, 1198x719, air.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aircraft Battlecruiser Yamato is a good CAV with 28 planes.

Before anyone asks about E2 phase 1, the missing ships are Sakawa in main and Fumizuki in escort. Isokaze (2 guns 1 20cm conc) and Asashimo (2 guns 1 tank, 729+761 DA at night) got all the killing blows. OASW on Yahagi and Hatsushimo with a nightplane and WG respectively. Stacking the main fleet with double attacks for scratch damage hits over 200 works well, and don't forget your FCF.

>> No.24910332

Kill me.jpg

>> No.24910355

Now if only they would've used actual abyssals instead of crappy ripoffs...

>> No.24910358

Why are we still here? Just to suffer?

>> No.24910445
File: 692 KB, 892x911, __admiral_seaport_hime_and_abyssal_admiral_kantai_collection_drawn_by_setz__e5a1167324c4b840d801266d3a7cd4e2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that a bad thing? It's not like the devs are doing anything good with them.

>> No.24910493

Abyssals could be doing something more interesting but that also applies to shipgirls since Tanaka fucked up so the game will never have a proper plot.
Although it was supposedly going to be similar to the anime which was utter trash so maybe it's not that bad

>> No.24910508

Well it would be something at least.

>> No.24910523
File: 1.35 MB, 2109x3000, b33.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what happens when you keep scrapping a single shipgirl

>> No.24910528

Keep scrapping Nakas, Nagano-chan is precious.

>> No.24910538

Bacius is great.

>> No.24910551


>> No.24910778
File: 41 KB, 396x662, 1565792895160.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the best place to level LBAS?

>> No.24910801


>> No.24910835

E3, the sub node east of the starting point.

>> No.24910885

I LOVE sara!

>> No.24911110

Fubuki is cute.

>> No.24911121
File: 300 KB, 1200x1674, 1569322408330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fubuki more Fuckbuki

>> No.24911152

Kiso or Ashigara for E-4 final? Who hits the hardest?

>> No.24911226

Tanaka couldn't finish the plot in time and it apparently worked to KanColle's benefit.

>> No.24911236
File: 229 KB, 710x255, 20200723_14352720.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess getting a second land scout during Setsubun was kind of pointless.

>> No.24911248

Why not both?

>> No.24911308

Well shit, this air node suddenly spiked up in difficulty.

>> No.24911342
File: 104 KB, 1280x720, poipoi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24911433

damn Fuckbucket looks like THIS?

>> No.24911451


>> No.24911576
File: 25 KB, 128x128, bukiuno.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24911898
File: 1.25 MB, 1200x720, KanColle-200723-01584491.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you fucking kidding me, the one time I forget to send out supports and I get the kill.

>> No.24911922
File: 1003 KB, 1050x1440, __yuudachi_kantai_collection_drawn_by_dan_kumadan__d77bdd9e883be29c1c0dd07061939bbe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For those that cleared E6 甲, what was your lbasset up. Currently I'm doing 3bases all to boss with 3bomber and LBAS recon. Should I go 4 bombers instead ?

>> No.24911973
File: 495 KB, 960x1440, iQETAn_OW9Y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For hot teen sex.

>> No.24912288


>> No.24913081


Mikura fag cleared

>> No.24913182
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1recon 3bombers to save on cost
Gonna give you a brotip
>level your planes at E3
>F5 before the drop screen if you failed to kill the boss
This way you get to keep your plane skilled proficiency. Planes level actually make a huge difference for LD

>> No.24913223 [DELETED] 

Atago came out years before the other one did though

>> No.24913464
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Which ship is the hit magnet if I dong a five ship fleet, the third one?

>> No.24913495

3rd, 4th and 5th if I remember correctly.

>> No.24913511
File: 361 KB, 900x900, __hiei_and_atlanta_kantai_collection_drawn_by_kirisawa_juuzou__2b46665c3932d8893c9b4594a70622f8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh hey November 13th is a Friday this year

>> No.24913825
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>> No.24914173
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What a lewd quacker

>> No.24914183


>> No.24914369
File: 1.51 MB, 2123x852, GodForgiveMeForIhaveFappedToThis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This fucking artist is too godly. I really wish he drew more kancolle lewds.

>> No.24914518

Thanks. Now I have that song in my head.

>> No.24914623

>Planes level actually make a huge difference for LD
No they don't, mine choked even at max ranks.

>> No.24914691

They do. Just get max overrits and see the number get bigger.

>> No.24914769

If you bring multiple girls who can AACI, does that fuck things up, or does it just give you more rolls to actually do it?

>> No.24914878

Both actually. Each AACI has an API value; in general if I remember correctly, the lower the value, the more powerful they are however higher API values have higher probability of activation. So multiple AACI enabled ships have more rolls but different API values mean different kind of activation.

>> No.24914882

Literally never happened, ended up clearing on a choked LBAS run.

>> No.24914925

Okay so that's why my Fletcher is overriding my Atlanta then I assume. Thanks friend.

>> No.24915023

Oh fuck, I got it backwards. Sorry friendo.
>If a ship fulfills multiple AACI requirements, the lowest API number will be triggered.
>Only a single roll is done to determine if AACI triggers.
>This means that an AACI with lower priority but higher trigger chance can activate when a higher priority AACI fails the roll.

Check the important notes section. Fletcher has lower API number, that explains why Fletcher gets prioritized.

>> No.24915059

Oh fuck I fail reading comprehension.
>if multiple ships manage to activate AACI, the highest API number will be triggered.
>This means you need to be careful that the powerful AACI in your fleet are not being overridden by worse AACI.

But still pay attention to this:
>There is an overlap of AACI that can be triggered depending on if you have access to the GFCS versions of the 5" guns.
>Fletcher 5"GFCS: 34 > 35 > 5 > 8
>Fletcher 5": 37 > 36 > 5 > 8
>Atlanta 5"GFCS: 38? > 39 > 5 > 8
>Atlanta 5": 41 > 40 > 5 > 8

>> No.24915066
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>> No.24915121

Thanks. I had read both the wiki's and it still wasn't super clear, so thanks for more or less explaining it. This is my first event with AACI, so I haven't had the chance to really get the feel for ins and outs of it.

>> No.24915169

To be fair, I am too much of a brainlet so I just bring only 1 AACI specialists for each event map. To me, they are quite a premium that I don't want to spend a shiplock on.

>> No.24915239

I actually wasn't really bringing Fletcher for her AACI, she can just kinda do it with the equipment that's good for her. I just noticed the girl I had brought for AACI wasn't really doing much and got to digging. And next event I'll have to fully do with shiplocks, even if I could've beaten E-4 on memdium E-5 would've still forced me to easy.

>> No.24915347
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>> No.24915597
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>Abyss Front cranes are made to appeal to the twin threesome fetish

>> No.24915701
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>> No.24915714
File: 137 KB, 555x612, __seaport_hime_kantai_collection_and_etc_drawn_by_mizusaki_tengoku__9ca909e2c291d6e284e4ec3f5da59ed9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24915892
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Where do I find branching rules for E5? I got offrouted and I don't even know why.

>> No.24915908
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>> No.24915928
File: 140 KB, 999x1181, __northern_ocean_hime_seaport_hime_and_seaport_water_oni_kantai_collection_drawn_by_darkmaya__b17160afa8b42cebab4a9fcb7906a98e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24915950
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Or was it the route I was supposed to take?

>> No.24915998

Remove 1DD to skip the air raid.

>> No.24916063
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>> No.24916198

The wiki has some basic routing. Wikia doens't.

>> No.24916201
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>> No.24916220
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>> No.24916435
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>> No.24916438
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>> No.24916525

My fucking god do I need to bring 3 fucking OASWs for E5?

>> No.24916550
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Girl Admiral Best Admiral

>> No.24916644
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What movie are you two watching together?

>> No.24916659


>> No.24916665
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Finally gonna start the real E7
Is leveling Dakota in my escort fleet a genius idea while clearing the second phase?

>> No.24916701

Farming on E-5 Easy for Helena before completing the map.

Currently using the Single Fleet with Jintsuu to farm at Node Y.

Does completing the transport phase/boss lock you out of Node Y, or will the single fleet still be able to farm at it after beating the map?

>> No.24916720

Why aren't you married to your childhood friend?

>> No.24916764

You don't NEED to unless you're doing X2, but you might as well since it's your first fleet that's going to be doing most of the fighting anyway.

>> No.24916778

You are supposed to farm it post cleared

>> No.24916823
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>> No.24916857
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>> No.24916883
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God damn it Tanaka, give this artist a shipgirl to design.

>> No.24916895

I'm doing the first boss. Should I be using combined instead?

>> No.24916969



>> No.24916971

working with c2 is the bane of fanartists. You need to delete your lewd pics and stop selling doujins.

>> No.24916980

Yes you should, unless you can't afford the tags for some reason.

>> No.24916990
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>> No.24917016

I want to lick her pantyhose.

>> No.24917053

>delete your lewd pics
To be frank, I don't think Tomoe's draw an explicit R-18 work, sure they are suggestive but it's not that bad.
>stop selling doujins
Source on this? I don't think C2 will be that restrictive on their artist.

>> No.24917075

I meant stop selling KanColle doujins.

>> No.24917111

Can he draw rigging?

>> No.24917123

How come they're so strict? Other games aren't like that.

>> No.24917152

KDKW wants total control. You see it from Kemofure.

>> No.24917156
File: 582 KB, 1441x2048, __hatsuzuki_kantai_collection_drawn_by_rokuwata_tomoe__099a2c383679cb33d742171f8ce18671.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

better question is if he can design it

>> No.24917160
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This seems like it could be worse than E6
FF when?

>> No.24917178

That's an asshole move from them, no wonder Kemono Friends died.

>> No.24917229

>Other games aren't like that

>> No.24917240
File: 436 KB, 1443x1000, ER2fQ9PUYAAJNpv?format=jpg&name=large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I meant stop selling KanColle doujins.
Again, would be nice to have some source on this, it could be just artist's etiquette on their part.

Pic related, a plane girl that he designed for a game; does not count? On the other hand, Yadokari has problems drawing rigs too but he learned eventually.

>> No.24917245


>> No.24917254

You know when he said other game it means which game.

>> No.24917271

>KDKW wants total control.
If I remember correctly, C2 has copyrights over the character but Kadokawa has rights over the franchise so if the artist's wanted to sell doujin based on the characters, it's C2.

>> No.24917321

Didn't Kemofure die in order to keep KanColle alive? I read about it on /a/ before.

>> No.24917330

Those series do exist, but I don't see how that proves anything

>> No.24917348

They let their artists still do lewds/doujins.

>> No.24917354


>> No.24917364

Look up the artists.

>> No.24917417

you made the claim, prove it to me

>> No.24917452
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Rokuwata Tomoe is a missed opportunity, the guy is very neat in his original designs and he has always been careful with the riggings in his fanarts.

>> No.24917466

They allow official artist to sell doujin of their franchises.
Here from Helena (FGO) artist.
but he said in his skeb profile that you can't request his character or any fgo. They still draw some lines here.

I mean this went back to when Tanaka was still under KDKW control.

You aren't supposed to take that shitpost seriously.

A士 can't sell his tanyang doujin anymore.

>> No.24917469
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>> No.24917488

at the end, I think it just depends on whether Tanaka likes them or not.

>> No.24917527

Tanaka circle jerks.

>> No.24917551


>> No.24917552

>You aren't supposed to take that shitpost seriously.
But it's true?

>> No.24917597

>when Tanaka was still under KDKW control
He isn't anymore? I thought people on DMM from 'the good old time' are stuck togheter contractwise or some shit. Only the newer stuff that had revised platfrom cooperation contracts had more freedom.

>> No.24917625
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>> No.24917628

is this the episode where we pretend that kadokawa DMM and C2 are the same thing?

>> No.24917641
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How does Abyssal pussy feel?

>> No.24917650
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>> No.24917654

Vagina dentata

>> No.24917676

Comfortably cold and soft.

>> No.24917687

Yeah nepotism at its peak. If Tanaka was to take meritocracy seriously, the programmer team would've been fired at the end of the second year.
And yet no official artist has freedom, even the newer one like A士.

>> No.24917690

What's the difference then?

>> No.24917734

>A士 can't sell his tanyang doujin anymore.
>pixiv link
I am sorry, that did not really tell me anything. I am assuming you are implying because A士 is not selling her Tang Yang doujin means that C2 forbid her to do it?

>> No.24917758

You guys lied, E5H is annoying.

>> No.24917779

there was an interview with him and Zeco that had a picture of both of them, both are standard island Chink guys.

>> No.24917787

Never listen to faggots here telling you "shit is easy".
Unless you consider winning lotteries to be "easy".

>> No.24917820

I mean, the boss dies to nothing, but having to use paper ships is tricky.

>> No.24917842

Someone put E5 on par with E3.

>> No.24917886

Yes, is annoying but not hard.

>> No.24917899
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It is literally Jintsuu+mutsukis
How hard could it be?

>> No.24917911

All maps are annoying. Some maps are just more annoying than others.

>> No.24917971

Why do I play this game again?
Am I really a masochist and never knew?

>> No.24918054

Or you got baited by the characters and theme and were too far in when you realise the 'gameplay' is total garbage.

>> No.24918075

exactly. I'd give him more 2-3 events to disprove that.
btw his doujins in melonbooks and DLsite disappeared.

>> No.24918123

>eight top-tier bombers a 0FP fleet
>one light ship sunk
ginga my ass

>> No.24918178
File: 20 KB, 287x430, Type_1_Land-based_Attack_Aircraft_(Nonaka_Squadron)_170_Character.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ginga is shit, the only elite bomber is Nonaka.

>> No.24918181

I liked the part where ASW LBAS planes fucking hit the E-3 boss 1 in 10 times at best.

>> No.24918202
File: 161 KB, 1600x900, __graf_zeppelin_kantai_collection_drawn_by_shinmai_kyata__2013378f8c78a8485e08cb9c63c5f594.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24918249

Aw, that sucks.

>> No.24918261

My land based ASW planes are Cool and Reliable©, is the standard bombers that can't aim for shit.

>> No.24918264

Am I supposed to send LBAS to P in E5 or did I get dabbed on by accident?

>> No.24918289


>> No.24918304

But they kill the escort subs pretty much instantly, then never hit the hime as if she doesn't count.

>> No.24918346

Generally the first base nukes the escorts and the second one damages the flagship.

>> No.24918431

Landbased torpedo bombers that were actually historically worth shit when? Torpbeau, or SM.79 Sparviero would be neat.

>> No.24918432
File: 1.60 MB, 1200x720, 2020-7-24T0.1.58.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I'm out. Godspeed and good luck, everyone.

>> No.24918453

Name one shipgirl that isn't a slut

>> No.24918465

My wife.

>> No.24918507


>> No.24918512

Suzuya, she is a whore instead of a slut.

>> No.24918526

How much fuel did you start with?

>> No.24918555

Hard cap.

>> No.24918581

I assume the big drain is E7, right?

>> No.24918594

Post E5V fleets please.

>> No.24918607

Put submarines in a kidobutai.

>> No.24918622


>> No.24918663

Subs don't protect me from closing torps.

>> No.24918669

Is that for routing?

>> No.24918678
File: 22 KB, 771x361, Yes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems so, E4 consumption (pre-FF) versus E7 consumption. I probably lucked out on E6 so my consumption is not a reasonable estimate.

>> No.24918687

You have bombers for that.
It just werks.

>> No.24918723

120k fuel and 100 sorties?
Could be worse, I guess, but still.

>> No.24918796

Yeah, could be worse, but still. Bottlenecks are likely to be E7P2 + LD, all the fucking unlocks/debuff after P2, and E7P3 LD. Pre-LD it's very doable with the new start point, especially with the Hiryuu FFs.

>> No.24918836
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>> No.24918855

I just realized I didn't save many OASW DDs for E-5. Most of my unused OASW DDs have bonuses for E-6 and E-7.

>> No.24918860
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>> No.24918873
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>> No.24918881

CarDiv2's role this time is staying in port so they don't block the FF.

>> No.24918925


>> No.24919016

thanks, but too much requeriments, kuso mode is waiting for me.

>> No.24919017

What did Akio Watanabe do wrong that a fucking whale is more popular than Matsu?

>> No.24919029


>> No.24919047


>> No.24919069

Because Matsus are trash that people were waiting for only ironically?
I wish he were the one to draw Helena instead.

>> No.24919079

None of the new shipgirls seem to be very popular. They all have less than 100 art on Danbooru.

>> No.24919091

I spent 120k fuel on E4 and couldn't get her down on LD. Gave up and went to memedium.

>> No.24919108
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>> No.24919114

She’s not.

>> No.24919125

bros i'm scared of the event i don't want to start it

>> No.24919167

do it for the murata and hornet. Also, you can do some maps in medium.

>> No.24919169

His Matsu art sucks compared to his other stuff, I don’t think he really cared about her.

>> No.24919218

>I have 30 DDs not at their maximal remodel
How do I stop falling behind?

>> No.24919250
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We have abyssal Naka and abyssal Jintsuu. When are we getting abyssal Sendai?

>> No.24919265

If I hadn't paced myself I would probably have lost it. Some unlocks took the better part of a day to clear, although that might also be down to optimisation.

>> No.24919274

use them when doing daily or weekly quests (world 2, sub kill, world 3 weekly, world 4 weekly etc)
grind levels in 5-3 transport node

>> No.24919301

Play nonstop every day.

>> No.24919353
File: 668 KB, 1280x1807, doujin_0006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who knows, but expect it to be the theme for Bacious next doujin when we do.

>> No.24919389

It's not about the unlocks, it's about the lack of ships I'll have once I arrive to E-7.

>> No.24919466
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>> No.24919509

But everyone says E6 is a nightmare and has no friend fleets.

>> No.24919609

Useless breeding cow!

>> No.24919650
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>> No.24919664


>> No.24919671

Are you having fun yet?

>> No.24919673
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>> No.24919684

LOS check. Bring more radar

>> No.24919700

Need more LoS

>> No.24919805

Where are your radars, dude?

>> No.24919819

What's the trick for going I->M with 6 ships in E5H?

>> No.24919829

Go E-H.

>> No.24919871

Oh, it's not worth it then.
Thanks anyway.

>> No.24919937

Going into E7 later is P2 as bad as it looks?

>> No.24920012

Using dong still ruins support, right?

>> No.24920111
File: 866 KB, 1200x720, download - 2020-07-24T023058.956.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's easy, they said.

>> No.24920171
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>> No.24920172

haha Mutsukis

>> No.24920185

wish I had Minazuki

>> No.24920227

It's fine, in her place you can sortie Matsukaze who is even weaker.

>> No.24920230

Just win, lol.

>> No.24920246

That also happened to me. Are you perhaps sortieing kidou instead of suijou?

>> No.24920251

Once the boss raped Jintsuu and I still won.
But mostly it's preboss taiha.

>> No.24920259

Obviously not, otherwise the icon would be a carrier

>> No.24920282

A C-class cruiser when? Only having nip knock-offs is boring.

>> No.24920302

wish I had Matsukaze

>> No.24920317

Jintsuu and the glorified cheerleaders. Sorted it out by replacing my radars and plon.

>> No.24920328

>glorified cheerleaders

>> No.24920344

I mean the 5 DDs that look at her mop the floor with the other Jintsuu.

>> No.24920350

Does anyone have a fleet guide for E-5? The wikia is empty and wiki says you need less than combined fleet worth of ships when that seems to not be the case.

>> No.24920367
File: 850 KB, 1200x720, 2020-07-23 20-42-24 17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello Taitei-chan.

>> No.24920369

Ah, okay.
I wish we got a cheerleader shipgirl.
Wiki is right.

>> No.24920371

Huh, who could've guessed. Never looked at this icon up close before.

>> No.24920374

Forget the Mutsukis. No amount of bonus damage is going to make up for their 24 health causing them to explode at every node.

>> No.24920406
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>> No.24920410

You are absolutely correct, but I've started this map with the special ed girls and we'll finish it together.

>> No.24920419

I use the Himebutta guide.

>> No.24920525
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>> No.24920539

>Wiki is right.
What does that mean in relation to >>24919650 and >>24920246 ? You can sortie either combo or single fleets to E-5?

>> No.24920555

It means watch your LoS.

>> No.24920560

What a slob.

>> No.24920571
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>> No.24920574

Why would that anon mention Kidou and Suijou?

>> No.24920587


>> No.24920744

autism i guess

>> No.24920751

You can sortie combined fleets if you have locks to spare (and for the gimmick).

>> No.24920761

Should i lock Suzuya or Kumano to E-5 or just speedboost Nisshin?

>> No.24920782

What gimmick?

>> No.24920790
File: 640 KB, 1354x1128, 20200724_02575295.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here, you can borrow my fleet

-Replace Kumano with Mikuma, Mogami, or Zara if you need to save the good CAVs for E6 and E7
-Replace Ooi with some spare CA (Furutakas, Aoba, or Haguro?) if you need to save her for E6 and E7
-Replace Kagerou with Hamakaze if you didn't lock her into E2 like I did

You'll need to replace someone with a slow CVL, CL, or DD for gimmick W. I used Kashima.

>> No.24920810

Nissin is already fast by default

>> No.24920815
File: 829 KB, 887x528, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The bully has become the bullied.

>> No.24920859

Holy boner

>> No.24920872

And then she wakes up, forever stuck in a loli body

>> No.24920903

Unlocking the route to boss.

>> No.24920909

If you had to pick between Minazuki or Matsukaze, which one would prefer?

>> No.24920914

Thanks, but what gimmick?
Is replacing Ooi by Kakko okay?
Is this a combi fleet or just your whole ships used? Cause the wiki doesn't mention combi fleet at all.

>> No.24920927

Matsukaze has a cute hat. And she can play together with Matsu in expeditions.

>> No.24920928
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>> No.24920930

But you don't need combined fleet to unlock boss route.

>> No.24920956
File: 308 KB, 677x1128, 20200724_03145613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't use Mikazuki here because I already locked her in E1, by the way.

>> No.24920960 [SPOILER] 
File: 692 KB, 900x635, 1595528604086.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the reality

>> No.24921014

You don't?

>> No.24921042
File: 2.69 MB, 1719x2500, 41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best boat for this feel?

>> No.24921072

So Kawakaze is safe for E5? So far I've been avoiding using any DD that has a bonus on E6 or E7.

>> No.24921085

Okay i'm completely lost now.
The wiki says 2 CVLs and 3 then 4 DDs and then 1 CL 5 DD.

>> No.24921096

Dude, it's fairly clear.

>> No.24921102

I want to say I could help because I cheezed the unlock, but I didn't do it on hard, so my input means nothing.

>> No.24921114
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>> No.24921138
File: 1.69 MB, 3600x3600, 69704180.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all the fat should always be stored in tits and nowhere else!

>> No.24921139
File: 734 KB, 892x528, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If there's something that soothes my heart it's this.

>> No.24921166

AS at air raids is automatic now, and I'm not losing resources from getting bombed every time I sortie, it's great.

>> No.24921168
File: 133 KB, 910x579, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the combined fleet I used for the boss.

>Thanks, but what gimmick?
These ones

>> No.24921192

But those are reqs, not gimmicks.

>> No.24921311

Imagine having trouble with a kiddy map like E5. Jist wait til you get to E6.

>> No.24921348

E6 lets you use actual warships.

>> No.24921432
File: 369 KB, 894x610, 1569473234642.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

E-4 is starting to get under my skin. I need your moral support, guys. ;_;

Also, fuck Node X.

>> No.24921453
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>> No.24921477
File: 1.17 MB, 1200x720, download - 2020-07-24T040429.801.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sacchin can add Evil Jintsuu to her scalp collection!
>Select all images with boats

>> No.24921495

Looks almost like a long hoppo, cute.

>> No.24921502


>> No.24921519

Murata isn't worth it. Unless he was on a carrier based ginga or some shit.

>> No.24921534

I want to cum inside Nagato and listen to her call me a jerk.

>> No.24921541

>being able to run three carriers Akagi+Cranes all with Murata
>not worth it

>> No.24921565

Call me when we get stats like the abyssals have.

>> No.24921576
File: 90 KB, 1161x159, hello darkness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, I'd rather quit playing. It's too early to give up yet. My passing rate for X has become abysmal as everyone bullies my glass canon build for Kasumi.

>> No.24921578
File: 90 KB, 595x600, __re_class_battleship_kantai_collection_drawn_by_yohei_pizzadev__4df98a0c0ee51b7468972083dc15dabc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just drop to kuso

>> No.24921598

Like mortality?

>> No.24921634

Take all damecons and pray, I guess. Hoping for /jp/ magic counts.

>> No.24921635

They always respawn, their bs just works differently.

>> No.24921639

I too want my battleships and destroyers to have over 900 HP.

>> No.24921640
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>> No.24921647

Sure, that would have been the best thing to happen. All those memedalbros losing their shit after a stray nuke to their K2 Sara, Kranes, Akagi or Ises fully loaded with unrecoverable gear would be godly.

>> No.24921658

Start feeding your ships with more protein, it worked for the abyssals.

>> No.24921675

Yeah, they're super mortal after you jump through fifty hoops and sink them ten times

>> No.24921676


>> No.24921680
File: 946 KB, 886x529, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time to unzip my support expedition I see.

>> No.24921682

Do E-4 in kuso mode, then the rest in hard, don't be a retard for a furniture.

>> No.24921695

Is there a limit to how many CAs i'm allowed to take for P1 or i must fit in 2 extra CLs for routing?

>> No.24921719

Ready for harapan.

>> No.24921734
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>> No.24921739

Forget the buckts, it's a DD orgy at the docks tonight

>> No.24921748

But if he does kuso then he can only do E5 on medium.

>> No.24921757

Naka-chan getting outclassed by another idol again.

>> No.24921761
File: 375 KB, 575x768, __hamakaze_kantai_collection_drawn_by_mashiro_shimaro__8e88d404a521128ac1cacaf3e6dc67df.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Japanese Wikipedia article on Hamakaze chronicles her career from beginning to end
>English article only covers her part in Operation Ten-Go

>> No.24921783

Imagine caring about some destroyer #xyz.

>> No.24921803

The CLs are not necessary. You can replace them with CAs if you're not trying to save those for later.

>> No.24921816

Good, thanks.

>> No.24921824
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>> No.24921858

I want to get her teen pregnant.

>> No.24921879

You think her experimental boiler can handle it?

>> No.24921884

I'd rather not know the history of the base bicycle

>> No.24921891

I doubt her cunny can handle my dick.

>> No.24922105
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>> No.24922118 [DELETED] 
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>> No.24922151

E5 is going to eat a ton of buckets isn't it.

>> No.24922177

It was second least on buckets and resources for me.

>> No.24922186

What? Do you take a bath with clothes on?

>> No.24922192
File: 121 KB, 1442x863, 1578860894385.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She looks cute but sounds angry. What's she saying?

>> No.24922202
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>> No.24922217
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That's one hurdle gone.

>> No.24922225
File: 64 KB, 359x301, YES WE CAN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where were you when Iowa left the right?

>> No.24922232

and so on

>> No.24922238


>> No.24922294

The route is pretty annoying. I expect to get sent back a lot without using support.
Also does anyone know the LOS requirement for routing to Y?

>> No.24922316

Both wiki and wikia changed her name to Destroyer Forest Hime. Is that right or was Coppice right?

>> No.24922320
File: 884 KB, 1140x1300, 10564331.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hey…You can’t do anything… on your own.
>With such power… and such a heart… what can you do!

>> No.24922331

Around 33 cn2.
I just donged the whole map and called it a day.

>> No.24922332


>> No.24922347

>gets deleted despite being sfw
>doesn't get touched even though it depicts areola
>obvious offtopic shitpost

Good job, janny.

>> No.24922350


>> No.24922368

>off topic

>> No.24922372

Don't know myself.

>> No.24922375

I actually didn't get turned around much. Dong and good luck got me though rapidly.

>> No.24922381

She can't be carrier mama without a guy to make her carrier mama.

>> No.24922392

Take your off topic shit some where else.

>> No.24922453
File: 1.26 MB, 5100x3600, 1594588181224.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shimakaze: age 20.

>> No.24922497

So this is what happens when you feed a jap girl nothing but hamboigas for years

>> No.24922498

Good idea or stupid idea?

>> No.24922503
File: 895 KB, 1300x1400, __yahagi_agano_noshiro_and_sakawa_kantai_collection_drawn_by_uyama_hajime__709ea4e49b57e697a351fc6cf655b859.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24922548
File: 131 KB, 675x336, e16344e5fa511b4df629e7f4c6bd4942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic

>> No.24922584

yeah, very stupid

>> No.24922621

too fat and post pregnant

>> No.24922655

>4 (four) Tenzan Tomonagas
for what purpose
AA Resistance?

>> No.24922683

Yes, the point is to avoid getting raped by Tsu.
Whether that actually works, I don't know yet.

>> No.24922723

Yona's voicelines are actually making me lose my patience.

>> No.24922736 [SPOILER] 
File: 149 KB, 1024x1366, 1595535973144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I... I can't fly... I can't fly anymore... Do you understand?... Hey

>> No.24922745

I like her voice but her delivery is too slow.

>> No.24922746

What the fuck is that.

>> No.24922763

Please don't hurt me, I'll handle all my redbull.

>> No.24922767

A tranny.

>> No.24922779

Fuck this, dong isn't doing shit for me in E5. I'll try switching to suijou.

>> No.24922789

Which phase?

>> No.24922804
File: 617 KB, 1488x2088, __anchorage_water_oni_kantai_collection_drawn_by_capriccio__4072055f293f823dc2db89be8d76a140.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kigurumi of bleach hime.

>> No.24922826

No I know that, but what is that thing wearing the cosplay

>> No.24922847
File: 230 KB, 773x517, 39020998_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24922865

Phase 1.

>> No.24922888

Send half the LBAS to one of the preboss nodes.

>> No.24922897


>> No.24922935

Use line ahead you pussy.

>> No.24922949

Calm down, Isokaze.

>> No.24922989
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>> No.24922990

Just kill me already.

>> No.24923015

TTKs can't die unless they've killed every last abyssal first

>> No.24923020
File: 59 KB, 900x700, IMG_20160922_073728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stand still

>> No.24923042

Fuck off, ttk will blow himself up along with every shipgirl in his hq whenever he wants!

>> No.24923043

It got me through E6 yasen node, it'll get you through route. Do it, believe in Seiba.

>> No.24923062

You can do that, but then your soul will be eternally bound to Tanakas will

>> No.24923067

Sorry, Saberkaze, but I switched to dong and the map got much easier since Mikazuki remembered how to dodge torps.

>> No.24923074

Why don't they just nuke the ocean?

>> No.24923078

why does she look like a whore from evangelion

>> No.24923106

This but with the admiral as Scorpion and Tanaka as Quanchi.

>> No.24923113

nukes can't melt navy steel

>> No.24923121

Can't unsee.

>> No.24923133

but what about jet fuel

>> No.24923137
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>> No.24923150

High quality story telling

>> No.24923152
File: 192 KB, 216x473, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much Taitei is too much Taitei?

>> No.24923156

Who's your favorite TTK anyway?

>> No.24923172

Don't make me post Frodo Yura.

>> No.24923175
File: 33 KB, 900x600, CMDNaUPUcAARxPX.jpg orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No such thing.

>> No.24923196


>> No.24923207

Why do I need RADAR to find sub nodes?
This is gay as fuck, fat man.

>> No.24923229 [DELETED] 
File: 1.01 MB, 1700x2400, 016-min.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24923236


>> No.24923241

>Why do I need RADAR to find sub nodes?
To know where they're surfaced to charge their batteries?

>> No.24923274

is it his way to tell us that sonar sucked back then?

>> No.24923275

Fuck off /his/faggot

>> No.24923283

I wouldn't say so, more just sonar isn't useful when the cunt is on the surface.

>> No.24923339
File: 1.57 MB, 1200x720, 20200723_15053798.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




>> No.24923374


>> No.24923385

Radar can't detect submarines stupid fuck

>> No.24923419 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.38 MB, 1500x1169, 1595538713021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Open for good luck.

>> No.24923431

It's off topic and you know it you stupid /his/faggot

>> No.24923444

Cursed good luck?

>> No.24923462

E5 is costing me 3-5 buckets per run. Bringing a bunch of Mutsukis was a mistake.

>> No.24923499

>It's offtopic

>> No.24923509
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>> No.24923525

He's shitposting. He's trying to gaslight and confuse the janny into deleting more ontopic posts. Look at >>24923229 >>24922118 >>24921761. All on topic while >>24923419 is off topic.

>> No.24923529

Because what bearing does that information give to the game. None.

>> No.24923543


>> No.24923562

Abyss Jintsuu is perfect.

>> No.24923589
File: 23 KB, 409x437, Brainlet19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What does info about WW2 have to do with a game about WW2

>> No.24923611

Guess that /his/faggotry would be annoying for someone who is a fan of games filled with nothing but paper ships.

>> No.24923615

Well tell me. How does that useless and probably wrong information help you at all clearing the event or benefit building a fleet?

>> No.24923623

Graffag, take your meds and fuck off.

>> No.24923653

Most of my combined fleet runs cost that much, i thought that was normal.

>> No.24923671
File: 1.41 MB, 1753x2500, img003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24923754

Most mid-war allied surface radars (both ship and plane mounted) were capable of detecting surfaced submarines at mid to long range and snorkels on short range.

>> No.24923780

Please use the proper board instead of being off topic here

>> No.24923843

There is no need to get this butthurt over the fact that there is a good reason why radar makes it possible to detect sub nodes in game.

>> No.24923916
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>> No.24923996

nightmare fuel

>> No.24924014

Could actually have been funny if the heads were at least scaled and have their skincolor changed a bit to fit the bodies.

>> No.24924141
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>> No.24924162
File: 437 KB, 1115x1266, 83080877_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24924169

K2 when?

>> No.24924188

After Aoba K2 but before FDR.

>> No.24924192

Ichiso is doing K2 for her.

>> No.24924196
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>> No.24924199
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>> No.24924238

I just wish her in game art wasn't so shit. She looks like that one gravure model.

>> No.24924247


>> No.24924249
File: 282 KB, 1280x959, 1280px-Commissioning_of_USS_Franklin_D._Roosevelt_(CVB-42)_at_the_Brooklyn_Navy_Yard_on_27_October_1945.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24924287

Anyone got a good fleet for easy S rank farming E-2 P2? I keep either getting sent back at pre boss node or only A ranking the boss.

>> No.24924320
File: 683 KB, 1120x738, 72054065_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24924345

you could copy Zekamashi https://zekamashi.net/202006-event/e2t-yamato/

>> No.24924367

>post war ship
Never will make it in.

>> No.24924376
File: 231 KB, 900x506, 51902508_p7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24924391

She was at least launched while the war was still going on.

>> No.24924401

>Launched:29 April 1945
Born during WW2
Also Fletcher's Mk.II is post-war along with her equipment

>> No.24924466
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>> No.24924546
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>> No.24924583

How difficult is E5?

>> No.24924592

>Enterprise will have tights
Be still my beating heart

>> No.24924636

It shouldn't be hard but my girls have been choking all day.

>> No.24924706

What's going on here?

>> No.24924716
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>> No.24924718
File: 1.13 MB, 1024x1280, 61074103_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Fusou!

>> No.24924736
File: 136 KB, 848x1199, 1595545470763.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about Yamashiro?

>> No.24924767
File: 84 KB, 850x997, wo132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what are some good slurs for abyssals that the shipgirls would come up with

>> No.24924801
File: 498 KB, 600x909, 61633834_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's alright too.

>> No.24924829

For beatings.

>> No.24924898
File: 119 KB, 1296x442, 1576418637157.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am E7 part2 now
I have highlighted the one that is super important, rest are pretty much free but you should still try to keep them to their respective historical bonus fleet

>> No.24924917

Go play Priconne. I recommend it for people who want to play a regular gal game.

>> No.24924923

>E-7A with that setup
Did I miss something when I beat the first boss?

>> No.24924930

Nevermind I realized that I'm stupid as fuck at that's not per boss, but the tags.

>> No.24924932

It is tag1(single fleet), tag2(suijou), tag3(kidou) m8

>> No.24924944

Yeah, I realized that after I posted. I'm losing my mind decrypting machine translation, sorry.

>> No.24924946
File: 292 KB, 850x638, kot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24924948

Do I really have to waste two CVLs just for E5 unlocks?

>> No.24924980

A cat is fine too, ttk.

>> No.24924983

You have enough CVL even with a no dupe policy

>> No.24925000

You need them fast though. That cuts things down a bit.
You also forgot Zuihou in used in E-4 if you nodupe and you need 1 for E-2.

>> No.24925007

I'd fuck her.

>> No.24925008

Nah the one for E7 is specifically slow
You need a slow fleet to reach certain node for unlock gimmick

>> No.24925021

Am I fucked if I don't have Mikazuki?

>> No.24925022

>E-5 routes me I-L-M with 12.5 los
>none of the guides mention anything about this particular node set

>> No.24925036
File: 2.10 MB, 2000x2400, __isokaze_kantai_collection_drawn_by_kiritto__8ac69948b6d6194c2b2e2f6bca14cf6c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Underrated as fuck

>> No.24925053

Did you chose H or G?

>> No.24925057

I'm doing E2 and have not used a cvl (I've used a cv)

>> No.24925060
File: 47 KB, 600x450, 71838801_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love boat Seibah!

>> No.24925076
File: 114 KB, 749x1181, 55181219_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We doing namesakes now?

>> No.24925080

Yeah, i noticed it gives that route detail after you completed the req.

>> No.24925087
File: 617 KB, 990x1250, __isokaze_kantai_collection_drawn_by_wa_genryusui__4a3d4c63b65f7c2ce27a4790e868db11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saberkaze > Mashukaze

>> No.24925088

Oh huh, I never realized my waifu ship is the same voice as saber.

>> No.24925091

Does anyone have a non-retarded E-5 guide? I just can't trust Zekamashi when he recommends Kamoi in E-4.

>> No.24925105

Anon, the voice meme was pretty much her earliest trait.

>> No.24925114

Its not Isokaze, just same VA as her. I just clocked onto they both share the same VA a few days ago.

>> No.24925146

>the same VA a few days ago.
And he's telling you people noticed and memed that right from the moment her voice lines were first heard 6 years ago. You're just retarded.

>> No.24925167

Not that other anon but i watched the DEEN anime almost 10 years ago and haven't interacted with the franchise (except doujins) since. I barely even remember what she sounds like.

>> No.24925170

I told you new players are a cancer

>> No.24925246
File: 323 KB, 656x960, dbniib9-079384b8-fc36-4979-a54a-e8559e8e3246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24925247
File: 1.10 MB, 1200x720, whale get.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Now to farm for the new onaholes.

>> No.24925259

I'm going to beat her with a bat.

>> No.24925291

Safe to use Kawakaze and Hamakaze in E5?

>> No.24925296
File: 838 KB, 860x1214, 91BAE0B6-82C1-4AE4-AE1F-DD659A5D8289.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s always safe to use Hamakaze.

>> No.24925303

See >>24924829

>> No.24925319
File: 2.27 MB, 2000x2500, 7C4E7F2D-2A9D-4BAA-BCA0-2F80EB919FB3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My meat that is!

>> No.24925337
File: 418 KB, 1200x1000, EZB5wkLU8AAZb7Z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24925346

If you didn't use Hamakaze in E2 go ahead

>> No.24925422
File: 98 KB, 480x640, 68776381_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Useless DD, only good for her titties.

>> No.24925427

Well they both have bonuses in E7, and that whole map confuses me with 3 locks.

>> No.24925435
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>> No.24925468

She's a good punching bag.

>> No.24925472
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>> No.24925516
File: 140 KB, 822x1140, __hamakaze_ushio_and_urakaze_kantai_collection_drawn_by_sama_samasa__9b2a0a4bc249c8a1f3966fbb75cb586e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And that's a good thing.

>> No.24925576
File: 143 KB, 827x1169, __kamikaze_kantai_collection_drawn_by_mayura2002__ca64f893cf447bd88d3ed0dfd9151d92.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Say something nice about Kamikaze.

>> No.24925586

My cute 17 year old wife.

>> No.24925598

fuckable grandma.
i want to drink her piss.

>> No.24925614

too old

>> No.24925623

inb4 retard comes back and doesn't realize she's a saber too

>> No.24925809
File: 112 KB, 800x1051, __kamikaze_myoukou_and_takao_kantai_collection_drawn_by_asakawa_outeq__5cd725bd8d1112c1d48c2f39f6c2ee17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24925834

Well that piece of shit fiction doesn't make sense. Since Japan would have been defeated at many battles for it to get to okinawa.

>> No.24925987

Cute Ainu Bay

>> No.24925991
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>> No.24926031

Who would even drink her piss

>> No.24926042
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>> No.24926045

Atomic Ass

>> No.24926119
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Would you drink some 5head tea?

>> No.24926141
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Nah, not flat enough.

>> No.24926289
File: 201 KB, 1024x758, E7599D7B-209A-48A4-ABFA-E36D502D5708.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CBT with Katori!

>> No.24926328

Katori doesn't seem qualified to perform cognitive behavioral therapy.

>> No.24926348 [DELETED] 

>the posts shitting on abo and his chink shit from last night suddenly got deleted
>the blatant off topic posts did not

>> No.24926410

/his/fags own the janny. What are you going to do

>> No.24926423



>> No.24926429

janny has a low self esteem, and it does for free.

>> No.24926528

Not talking about /his/ stuff you retard.

>> No.24926544

/his/fags live rent free in his mind. Please understand.

>> No.24926813

Can you explain to me what you think meta whining will accomplish?

>> No.24926837 [DELETED] 

nice try abo

>> No.24926961

Whatever you say abo.

>> No.24927029
File: 1.25 MB, 1200x720, 20200723_19254937.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck you're not Sara. I've gotten every rare drop from this node at least once now.

>> No.24927032

I can't start E-5 because it's hard to make locks for main fleet and fillers.

>> No.24927038

She’s better than Sara.

>> No.24927042

I've gotten 2 so far.

>> No.24927058

I don't need more ducks, I have every single one from their own events. I even kept a dupe Akiduki long ago but she hasn't seen much action since Fletchers got added, only the married Aki.

>> No.24927134
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>> No.24927143
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>> No.24927163

She should know not to wear ring while operating heavy equipment. Do you not have proper PPE/saftey briefings at your base?

>> No.24927200

I don't see any equipment.

>> No.24927208
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>> No.24927213
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>> No.24927214

Okay that's it. I'm going to bed, I'm losing my fucking mind. I swear to god I saw rigging.

>> No.24927267
File: 232 KB, 868x524, E2P1summer2020-1.2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OK, bros. I heard that you can lock the shark here at E2. Is that true?

>> No.24927271


>> No.24927274

All we know is that Hornet thinks the Admiral is more likely to marry Big E instead of her.

>> No.24927334

She mentions Sara in the same line. Does this mean Enterprise acts similar to Sara?

>> No.24927339
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What are they saying "no" to?

>> No.24927345

Don't use Arare. Bep is already overkill.

>> No.24927347

Sara because she has the highest housewife power.

>> No.24927363

Is there anywhere you want to use her again? I just follow this spread >>24908299

>> No.24927407
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>> No.24927408
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>> No.24927412

A shit.

>> No.24927416

Hosho is a grandma fossil type of character.

>> No.24927423

If you're into getting cucked, sure.

>> No.24927432

You'll need tank carriers for later.

>> No.24927563
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>> No.24927614
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>> No.24927719
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>> No.24927754
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ok, since I will lock Hatsushimo here anyway.

>> No.24928197
File: 100 KB, 384x352, DD9FAC7A-3C6C-4D1B-902E-164E5C8B3082.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What’s Mutsu looking at?

>> No.24928233

USS Indianapolis when?

>> No.24928264

With a siscon Portland?

>> No.24928682

We're in the same thread, so link it if you wish to be understood.

>> No.24928743

do you put your weaker units at the top or bottom of your dong?

>> No.24928826
File: 164 KB, 480x480, Line Ahead.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not a pussy so I don't use dong outside Surigao where it was used for historical references.

>> No.24928847
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>> No.24928888

For hard pomf=3

>> No.24928904

Dumb potato thinks she's a strike witch.

>> No.24928937

what formation do I use against e1 boss? can 2 etorofus kill the gold sub in line ahead with only 2 equips?

>> No.24928948


>> No.24928958

Why a siscon?

>> No.24928975

Why not?

>> No.24929067
File: 114 KB, 716x1225, VictoryLap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay so I can confirm E6甲 is indeed a victory lap. 1st LD run and cleared. Nobody did amazing damage as well just continually whittling her down.

Poi even did a TCI which resulted in 3 dmg.

>> No.24929105
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>> No.24929138
File: 178 KB, 1223x780, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck I can't even get to the boss. I keep offrouting with this setup. how much los do you need?

>> No.24929152

>using nisshin this early

>> No.24929171

>Okay so I can confirm E6甲 is indeed a victory lap.
Fuck off.

>> No.24929279

I'm so sleepy I just want to unlock E-5 P1

>> No.24929337

Fuck red T.

>> No.24929345
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>> No.24929369
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Best Kraut, I’m glad they ended on a high note.

>> No.24929410

A shit.

>> No.24929445

Stop with the fucking red Ts I want to unlock the damn boss already.

>> No.24929466
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>> No.24929470

This and fuck hankousen too.

>> No.24929475

Does E5 have a Murata bonus?

>> No.24929485
File: 582 KB, 900x1440, D948022C-9792-445C-B50D-4B4433D637CE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, she’s great.

>> No.24929502

So you got tired of spamming Hamashit after all these years and you're now resorting to spam another shit character?

>> No.24929533

I just want to beat e1 for now. is 3 radars enough? is sado with 2 equips and matsuwa with only sonar enough to kill the gold sub in line ahead or should I give all the radar to one?

>> No.24929541
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I got through with this

>> No.24929576

It's really funny when I chipped E-4 boss 7 straight times with this

>> No.24929580
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>> No.24929600

Sendai for E5 or E6?

>> No.24929601
File: 1.23 MB, 1237x1638, B6081B12-4B74-4F1D-85BF-1F971ADB3DE2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still like Hamakaze.

>> No.24929645

Helena is finally a Burger I can marry since she's semi flat.

>> No.24929652

E5. It's an easy as shit map and you'll be fine without her, but it's not like you'll need Sendai in E6 when Nagara has a better bonus

>> No.24929698

thanks, how about Mogami or Mikuma in E5? which is better for that map?

>> No.24929703

God, what a garbage event.

>> No.24929710

You're garbage, this event was great. I bet you haven't even cleared E-1.

>> No.24929725

go to shitpost somewhere else abo

>> No.24929762

Burn Mogami in E5. You can save Mikuma for E6 where she has a bonus

>> No.24929777

I meant in terms of the new girls introduced.

>> No.24929787


>> No.24929798

It's the Graffag this time.

>> No.24929836

>high note
>With that gimmick and stats.
I have been finding Aquila more useful for Euro events.

>> No.24929846

shit I forgot to enter my admiral level. I have enough with a 3rd fletcher radar but how do I set up my asw then?

>> No.24929863

It’s not him.

>> No.24929933

Take your meds, Graffag.

>> No.24930124
File: 960 KB, 1700x802, A376F96F-A206-4FD2-89C6-67B531B3464C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I meant design wise.

>> No.24930152
File: 173 KB, 1024x850, EdqNv_HUMAAp9V8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which uniform would you have your DD wife cosplay in?

>> No.24930166
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Just band aids.

>> No.24930211
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GeT gUd

>> No.24930241

>support didn't show up

Great game mechanics

>> No.24930258

>support shows up
>taiha anyway

>> No.24930267


>> No.24930330
File: 1.11 MB, 1200x720, 20200724_12351291.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My fav punching bag.

>> No.24930364

You can just put more planes on Nissin

>> No.24930451

Are you a pervert?

>> No.24930523


>> No.24930590
File: 77 KB, 1133x159, f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the fuck did this fleet send me to P to T instead of R? What am I missing here?

>> No.24930626

Nevermind I figured it out

>> No.24930644

predict how many years it will take until they can bypass all tags after clearing the whole event? At least give people a freedom of farming.

>> No.24930675

How do you find the mental fortitude to sparkle for 1 hour expeditions?

>> No.24930687

Sparkling is a meme.

>> No.24930719

Not when buckets are locked behind great success.

>> No.24930760

she feels my finger

>> No.24930762

At least with A2 you only need to send 4 sparkled ships if the flagship is at least level 128. For exped B1 (35 minute bucket expedition) you don't have that luxury.

>> No.24930833

Most are great though. Except the DEs.

>> No.24930850
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Where's a good place to use training cruisers?

>> No.24930869
File: 140 KB, 480x540, B0D1040E-3D89-4F3C-B7D1-CE5EC33E97EA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the bedroom

>> No.24930871

my bed

>> No.24930880

I would rather use a DD.

>> No.24930896

I used Katori to fill out a half baked CTF for the E5 unlocking yes.

>> No.24930913
File: 123 KB, 800x1130, 4F5693F0-F246-4DF3-8914-721F30A15FE8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit taste then.

>> No.24930962

>name ship is steeped in old hag energies and probably has vagina spiders
>her sister has every dick rot known to man and couple complete new ones that evolved in her body

No thanks.

>> No.24931037
File: 464 KB, 560x900, 4A0844C8-4A67-4D9B-8F46-D0C1E85B3FED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kashima is not a slut!

>> No.24931297

Sounds like you're talking about the Kamikazes

>> No.24931317

>old hag energies and probably has vagina spiders
You talk as if they are bad things.

>> No.24931848

STF or CTF for E2HP?

>> No.24931994


>> No.24932030
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What if I like to live dangerously?

>> No.24932058
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>> No.24932086

look at pre-boss

>> No.24932108

You can go with STF Just fine but you can bully them with CTF? Is this what you want to convey?

>> No.24932184
File: 561 KB, 1131x1600, __ashigara_haguro_nachi_and_myoukou_kantai_collection_drawn_by_bob_biyonbiyon__be7785fdc4e60aa92f2d77df81996d50.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hags are the best

>> No.24932275

Nagato and Teitoku.

>> No.24932333

You're right.
She's an absolute THOT.

>> No.24932341
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>> No.24932588

Why do LoS requirements exist?

>> No.24932909

To make you carry radars and seaplane scouts, why else?

>> No.24933098
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This ain't cool.

>> No.24933244
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>> No.24933830
File: 1.00 MB, 1204x1705, EddzXqtUcAAEl9Q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Onehole using an onahole?

>> No.24934132

Bros, is FF coming for E7 2nd gauge?
I don't want to slog through this shit.

>> No.24934488
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>> No.24934900
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I'm on LD for it right now and I hate it.

>> No.24934944
File: 2.29 MB, 2626x1422, __intrepid_kantai_collection_drawn_by_kichiwo_misaki__9e98d68b974c1e66599fd00cdd7556b8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine having Intrepid as your next door neighbour.

>> No.24934984

What would even be the benefit of that?

>> No.24935113
File: 160 KB, 820x2444, __intrepid_kantai_collection_drawn_by_wa_genryusui__d0a8174bf1b6d41a760ebc00997e3e4e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She'll let you borrow some sugar.

>> No.24935169
File: 390 KB, 495x477, Screenshot-2020-07-24_21.28.57.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For once I have been lucky with drops.
Now if I could find Helena as well...

>> No.24935189

But I can get my own sugar.

>> No.24935205
File: 651 KB, 1100x1543, __admiral_and_intrepid_kantai_collection_drawn_by_kusaka_souji__e918aefb04271c1d4e53ba03c6a794db.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We'll then she'll borrow yours

>> No.24935324

How are you doing so far?
Not having Kazagumo, Makigumo, Yuugomo luckmodded is tough for me.

>> No.24935342
File: 118 KB, 434x524, E3summer2020.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any change before I commit these girls to E3? Souryuu and Shoukaku are dupes.

>> No.24935405

Isuzu is an E-7 bonus ship,
However since it is a CV boss map Atlanta is probably a better choice for E-7 CL, so Isuzu should be fine in E-3

>> No.24935518

Agreed. I think for E7 STF will need 4slots CL like Pastas, Helena, or Ooyodo and CTF will need Atlanta, Yuura and Gotland.

>> No.24935541

STF phase is easy
Save your best boats for CTF

>> No.24935583

I'm running Kazagumo and Makigumo along with Yukikaze. Kazagumo I just have TCI since she's been nailing it so far so I'm letting her continue but Makigumo I have with a mixed setup.

Ooyodo is great because she can DA with 2 WG and still mule one of your 4 radars.

>> No.24935603

Same like what I am doing, I am thinking of bringing in naganami instead of the warcrime but she has a slightly lower bonus

>> No.24935712
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>> No.24935863

For very hard mochie.

>> No.24936062
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I'm ready to start E6, what do I need to know?

>> No.24936109

Just a victory lap after E4 bro

>> No.24936142
File: 1.07 MB, 1075x1518, Sara English.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24936177
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>> No.24936279

>about to start E6
Welcome to hell.
Now, the real battle begins.

>> No.24936298

What red planes have the best shotdown deterrence?

>> No.24936354


Suisei Egusa and Iwai

>> No.24936392

Holy based
I knew I was doing something wrong when my 634squadron kept getting wiped

>> No.24936434

They added shootdown protection to jets?

>> No.24936446

My cute wife Fuu'un sings so well!

>> No.24936584
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>> No.24936687

1-5 to sparkle DEs, yes/no?

>> No.24936717
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>> No.24936795
File: 479 KB, 800x949, 60008146_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sara is a miracle of the universe.

>> No.24936827

But people told my abyssals can't get pregnant!
Now I have to sortie the fleet before she can give birth to some hellspawn

>> No.24936900
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>> No.24936907
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>> No.24937018
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>> No.24937071

Like a year ago or so. They are really good.

>> No.24937220
File: 289 KB, 639x900, __shiranui_kantai_collection_drawn_by_don_29219__054d056d3a46bcf15f6481ea1582b359.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nui Nui

>> No.24937281

Where do you use BEP?

>> No.24937284

Scrap Shitgure.

>> No.24937366
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>> No.24937395
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>> No.24937422
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>> No.24937561
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>> No.24937961
File: 59 KB, 353x369, This is your brain on potatoes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>E5 is another fucking transport operation
Getting really tired of your bullshit, fatman

>> No.24937969

E5 is such a disgustingly shit map

>> No.24938128
File: 220 KB, 1080x648, 2020-07-24 17-44-58 83.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>drops from the first S-rank on the boss node
Guess today is my luck day

>> No.24938188
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>> No.24938427


>> No.24938781
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>> No.24938816

E7-2 boss is fucking shit

>> No.24938884

I am waiting for FF

>> No.24938885
File: 289 KB, 516x728, EdtBnXAVoAEgc1q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24938888

Just making sure, but I have to lock two fast CVLs to E-5, right? There's no getting around this?

>> No.24938915
File: 1.91 MB, 2400x3470, 002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need to impregnate Atlanta now.

>> No.24938923

They don't need to be fast, you can use turbines and lock the really shit ones for the short period they'll be used.
Of course, that implies holepunching shit CVLs.

>> No.24938926

It would be more tolerable if you didn't have to revisit her so many fucking times while doing gimmicks.

>> No.24938933

I'm giving it one more go and then I'm going to resource gather the next few days hoping for a FF announcement.

>> No.24938935

That's a lie, quads-kun, you can use subs.

>> No.24938956

Is she gonna be OK?

>> No.24938963

I don't even know how to unlock her at this point.

>> No.24939007

How many days left at least?

>> No.24939038

I have maybe one holepunch to spare so that's not happening.

Oh shit didn't even notice.
From what I can gather, I need to send a CTF to both V and W. For the former node I can use 2SS to and slow CVLs while I can't do the same for the latter node.

No ending date announced yet so at least two weeks.

>> No.24939046

2 more weeks minimum

>> No.24939088

>tfw I've using Saratoga night version the whole time and thinking she's the armor version and wonder why she doesn't attack in chuuha

>> No.24939183

Where does the subs take you?

>> No.24939304

in DONG we trust

>> No.24939386

This event is not particularly hard but feel more like a super slugfest. Whoever designed this needs to be fired ten times.

>> No.24939412

It's 2 events put together in a rush because of covid, they had no choice. It's a miracle they even managed to record all lines in time.

>> No.24939613
File: 116 KB, 600x800, 50134174_p7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24939643
File: 1.17 MB, 1890x1530, 62436518_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pick a duck.

>> No.24939650

>It's a miracle they even managed to record all lines in time.
New content gets made months in advance if mobage asset datamining taught me anything.

>> No.24939651

The one with the smallest breasts.

>> No.24939652


>> No.24939670

So when will everyone start getting Mad Fit Buffs from french guns to justified the retarded upgrade costs?

>> No.24939708

Sex with Shiggy.

>> No.24939803


>> No.24939827


>> No.24939844

A boat with a higher 'must impregnate' potential than Cowryuu!

>> No.24939867

Drunken sex with Nachi

>> No.24939903

I don't want to start E5

>> No.24939913

I don't want to start the event

>> No.24939945

I don't want to start the game

>> No.24939961

I don't want to start E7-2. Why did I lock my Nagato in E4.

>> No.24939962

It's not that bad if you have a high level Jintsuu

>> No.24940015

subs+kidobutai=node w and v

>> No.24940026

All the ships I want to use on this map have a high level, but E4 killed my motivation to finish this event.

>> No.24940051

Just use your Murata equipped Cranes+Egg+Enkou

>> No.24940070

How will failing with that make a difference?

>> No.24940075

Ding exists for a reason you know?

>> No.24940093

Kuso and super kuso exist for lazy people like you. Just don't post your clear here.

>> No.24940163

Yeah, it's to give that formation to the abyssals.

I never said i don't want to do the event in hard because i'm lazy, i need some of motivation.

>> No.24940190

>tfw only still on E-2

>> No.24940210

Instead of office we should have people post how many medals they have.

>> No.24940223

The end point of this autism is that you are scum if you don't have an ID 1 Ooi and Shinden Kai

>> No.24940272

The reason we post office is because abo "can't" do that. People already post their hard-only clears here.

>> No.24940293

>People already post their hard-only clears here.
You're forgetting the newfags that have cropped up recently.

>> No.24940342

The most of that I ever see is someone not filling out the center square of their bingo card.

>> No.24940458

That's just autism.

>> No.24940462

We know for a fact that they don't record all voice lines long in advance. They've mentioned that they finished all recording like a week or 2 before an event is supposed to start on twitter before.

>> No.24940515

This isn't a mobage and they literally tell us on Twitter they record the VA lines.
VA recording seems to be one of the last things they do.

>> No.24940574

That explains why couple girls in this event sound like they're recorded over phone.

>> No.24940604

I don't think you realize how much of a logistical nightmare just SCHEDULING voice recording for this industry can be on normal cases. Shutdowns just made it even harder.

>> No.24940628

>this event
They almost always finish recording close to event start date, this isn't new.

>> No.24940779

A lot of other studios are managing to pull it off without these results.

>> No.24940788


>> No.24940827

Rei from priconne was unvoiced for a story segment for awhile.

>> No.24940829

You see the mistake you're making is you haven't given up hope. I gave up hope and I started getting though nodes very easily.

>> No.24940882

Did you miss all the delayed anime?

>> No.24940932

I can't think of a single game studio whose schedule hasn't disrupted by the pandemic. Maybe Gaijoob but they're so opaque about development that things seem normal for them.

>> No.24941011

FGO has delayed their anniversary and is pulling reruns out the ass.

>> No.24941053

FGO always does reruns, bro.

>> No.24941361

I mean regarding voice acting quality, this would be the entire project instead of the quality of the voice acting getting hit by this.

>> No.24941461

Isn't E5 supposed to be easy. I'm getting sent back constantly here what the fuck.

>> No.24941471

Oh I don't know about the quality of the lines then, I don't listen to them until I have the gir(s)l in question.

>> No.24941511

You're doing something wrong. E5 is pretty easy in that you 90% of the time reach and beat the boss, it's just expensive in buckets.

>> No.24941516


>> No.24941549

It's only the afternoon and I need to go back to bed.

>> No.24941727

I got sent back at the air raid node 4 times in a row. AACI triggered each time too.

>> No.24941896

Dong your fleet properly.
I was dumb and used line ahead, bad idea.

>> No.24941919

The English wiki's are going to update their guides on the last day, aren't they?

>> No.24941935

The good wiki has stuff for all maps minus E7, anon.

>> No.24941956

I'm on E-7, and I've been solid stuck for days now.

>> No.24941964

After the event

>> No.24941966

There's three weeks to the event's end and you're at the last map.

>> No.24942014

I have 5 days left to do the event and farm, unless I want to suffer with doing it via mobile.

>> No.24942027

What are you stuck on?

>> No.24942111

I did plenty of eventing on phone, but I understand you.
Just ask here or look for moon sources.

>> No.24942151

Does Gotland have special AACI?

>> No.24942175

Finally, this fucking boss is down after 50k resources

>> No.24942181

Yes but it's bad.

>> No.24942196

basically how to get to the final 3rd of the map.

>> No.24942218


>> No.24942235


What, is this not accurate?

>> No.24942281

Oh fuck me the one fucking thing I didn't try was cock blocking me.

I only use the fleet information from there to glean what I need to be using. Machine translation has fucked me over in the past.

>> No.24942352

If you go to Twitter and look up #艦これ w/ E7 (or whichever map) people post their fleets and routing. It's good that the nodes are ENG alphabet so machine translation isn't as necessary.

>> No.24942363

Its just mainly trying to figure out gimmics. I pissed around with just about everything to get the 4th starting point open, and as I just found out, it's the one thing I didn't try.

>> No.24942411

Tell me, what map are you on right now?

>> No.24942428


>> No.24942434


>> No.24942441

I'm not leaving E-2 until I harpoon the whale.

>> No.24942442

Starting E5

>> No.24942447

Impregnate Shigure.

>> No.24942449


>> No.24942481

Forest Hime is cute. She reminds me of my cat.

>> No.24942487

I'm taking a break to recollect resources and sanity before E7 LD.

>> No.24942501

So I'm better off using duck AACI on her?

>> No.24942536

>having kids with a coward

You are basically setting them up for sucking at life by doing that, they will never have guts to take control of their lives and take advantage of opportunities life gives them.

>> No.24942546

Just go to Zekamashi or Kiton next time.

>> No.24942564

Kiton is like nip DU, just copy paste setups.

>> No.24942580

Just started E7-2.

>> No.24942582

Kiton is a pleb, just watch Zekamashi and RTA streamer

>> No.24942601

If all you need to know is the nodes for the gimmick, he's good enough.

>> No.24942613

Almost done with E-5
Maybe I'm gonna make it, it would be the first event I'd beat even if it's just on easy modo

>> No.24942625

>doing Kuso mode
Out with you

>> No.24942643 [DELETED] 


>> No.24942724

E-5. I feel like i might not make it if the annoying chore maps don't tone down the annoying chore shit.

>> No.24942742

Left looks like she fucks black dogs

>> No.24942753

No wonder she is with Kaga then.

>> No.24942758

Better to finish on kuso then not at all

>> No.24942805

E5. I already cleared it, though. I'm just stuck in Helena hell right now (I already got Ariake while clearing).

>> No.24942846

how's the farming?

>> No.24942853

i'm still planning send help

>> No.24942865

Not him but it's quite okay, it costs no resources but beware the buckets.

>> No.24942867

E2 farming for 4th Sara since I'm done. I've gotten Yahagi, Sakawa, Suzutsuki, and Hatsusuki all twice and still no white base.

>> No.24942881

Oh and Sakusen twice as well.

>> No.24942897

>farming for 4th Sara
Are you from Utah?

>> No.24942910

Is this a NSFW doujin?

>> No.24942912

Not but I may as well be with my 52 wives harem.

>> No.24942925

Currently at my 34th post-clear run, so I shouldn't complain much yet. The thing I will complain about is that I've been getting a lot of common trash on S ranks.

>> No.24942930


>> No.24943101

>tfw you don't want Helena at all buy get her through clearing

>> No.24943133

Good, she's shit.

>> No.24943148


>> No.24943153

I noticed.

>> No.24943176

I'll start tomorrow!

>> No.24943202

I'm planning on doing a reverse RTA.

>> No.24943255

>i won't take those over sized torpedoes ever again
This is some potential doujin bullying material.

>> No.24943263

3. Three fucking Pyaaaas.

>> No.24943272

You can start your own nuclear program now.

>> No.24943320

"Reverse" RTA meaning you'll start in ten days?

>> No.24943352

Maybe a week before the event ends

>> No.24943397

I doubt you can clear Hard in a week.

>> No.24943404


Correction: I just checked again and apparently Mikuma doesn't have a bonus anywhere so it doesn't matter lol

>> No.24943538

It's okay anon, i haven't even started e5, so it's fine, thanks.

>> No.24943626

You can do it in a few days.

>> No.24943654

If you don't need to sleep much, maybe.

>> No.24943806

Dong has been completely useless for me this event. Fuck E5

>> No.24943866

Can someone give me a run down on ships for tagging for e7. Just finished e6 and I burned my kumano there before I knew to save her for e7.

>> No.24943892

>last dance
>everything went well on run
>lbas totally wiffs without a single hit
>boss support does a whole 50 damage to the boss

>> No.24943903

Dong is only useful on E6's yasen node.

>> No.24943966

What should I use to beat Abyssal Jintsuu? Single or Kidou?

>> No.24944047

You're supposed to join her.

>> No.24944143


>> No.24944180


>> No.24944255


>> No.24944452

See >>24924898
Keep Nisshin for the kidou tag incase you don't want to use isekaini as a AS mule, no need use her for the phase1 since it is easy

>> No.24944478


>> No.24944485


>> No.24944488

Why aren't you baiting Sara with a Nagamon?

>> No.24944495

Because I tagged Nagamon at E-7.

>> No.24944509

Just use a Pyaa+pudding+nagamon summoning ritual fleet, even if you have to use dupes

>> No.24944567

Never forget that Nagato is a fucking liar.

>> No.24944643


>> No.24944649

Read the pool.

>> No.24944659

I did. I still don't get it.
Pool's closed.

>> No.24944743 [DELETED] 

Sex with kids feels weird the first time. The second time is when you start to really enjoy it.

>> No.24944746

E6 suck so much, spending nearly 30k resource trying to S node V and the end is nowhere in sight.

>> No.24944748 [DELETED] 


>> No.24944762

Wait till you hit E-7P2. It makes E-6 and E-4 looks turbo easy.

>> No.24944906

They're going to a very special tanning salon

>> No.24944912


>> No.24944923


>> No.24944927

Now I get it and I wish I didn't. ;___;

>> No.24944937


>> No.24944981 [DELETED] 


>> No.24944999


>> No.24945001

stop spamming trash you fucker.

>> No.24945009 [DELETED] 

Report it if you care so much, your post only encourages people to post more

>> No.24945011

Oboro is not trash!

>> No.24945020


>> No.24945024

What the fuck is wrong with Ryuun? His art style fucking sucks.

>> No.24945033

Hang on I've seen this episode
"Ryuun is great though"
"Fuck off"
"why do you hate ryuun?"
"Fuck off"

>> No.24945061

Doesn't change what I said. He's trash.

>> No.24945071

already did it and nothing happened.

>> No.24945113

How the hell are you supposed to S rank node Y with a fucking STF

>> No.24945129

You need A+.

>> No.24945136

Not on easy.

>> No.24945144

>having trouble in kuso mode

>> No.24945165


>> No.24945176

post ID 1 Ooi

>> No.24945181

You have no right to gate keep when you can't even clear kuso mode.

>> No.24945188

So you don't have ID 1 Ooi? SAD!

>> No.24945193

Neither do you. The only anon here with one was the comma guy.

>> No.24945201


>> No.24945204

No shit, I started 4 months ago.

>> No.24945211

Tei exists for shitters like you.

>> No.24945223

Cute! I'm going to molest you~

>> No.24945240

Take notes son, one day you too will be harassing people for not doing hard mode.

>> No.24945255

>Take notes son, one day you too will be harassing people for not doing hard mode.
No, probably not. Its probably going to be 2-3 years for me to do any event like this on hard.

>> No.24945257

I'm not even ripping on him for not doing hard. I'm ripping on him for having trouble with a node where the hardest part is killing a 111 armor Ne.

>> No.24945262

People can start clearing on hard within a year.

>> No.24945283

I don't think its feasible possible for me to have that many ships leveled with blueprints and AR's to do this many maps within a year.

>> No.24945287

Gonna start E5 now.
Wish me luck!

>> No.24945291

It is, nips do it all the time.

>> No.24945298

It's easy, you'll be done by bed time.

>> No.24945317

Do I put the bomber in the larger slot or the first slot? I can get AS in both setups.

>> No.24945324

godspeed anon.

>> No.24945357

Are you in danger of having your slots cleaned out?

>> No.24945371

3 weeks have passed since first encounter at LD boss and here I am, still fighting my way out of E4H. Not even FF could save this desperate soul.

>> No.24945373

With tsu around the answer is always yes. That does remind me that even in the bigger slot I had a torp bomber mostly cleared out.

>> No.24945405

Depends on AA intensity on the map. Even Intrepid's first slot can be obliterated in a Tsu-infested map.

>> No.24945440

Post your comp next thread, it's the success ritual here.

>> No.24945636

I wish you better luck than me anon.

>> No.24945679

She seems to have a higher drop rate out of all of them. Also, desire sensor

>> No.24945754

Is it ok to use Nelson in E6?

>> No.24945776

Yes bro
Nagamutsu for E7

>> No.24945902

piece of shit kusomi cut in on e-1 boss for 65 damage and it's not even final form yet. how do I punish her?

>> No.24945912

>using Kasumin in E-1 instead of E-4
What the fuck are you doing?

>> No.24945924

By treating her with the respect she deserves. That's why my Kasumin cleared E-4 for me.

>> No.24945933

e-4 on easymodo

>> No.24945944

get the fuck out

>> No.24945955

Imagine having trouble in E fucking 1.

>> No.24945963

>using kusomin in e-1
you're gonna enjoy e-4

>> No.24945970

For some reason, this E1 is harder than the past ones.
They even added FF for it.

>> No.24945978

Do skilled lookouts let you hit Na DD's easier, or is RNG just rawdogging me right now?

>> No.24945982

FF made E-1 as easy as a typical E-1 usually is. It's a joke.

>> No.24946010

You might be able to clear a 3-map event on hard by that time if it's a really easy one.

>> No.24946055

Just start E-4. Seems like I need to use my main Mogami and Mikuma here, right? Because it should be a tough fight here. I have dupes of both around lv 30-40.

>> No.24946074

You need to accept that your own failures come from your own shortcomings as an admiral

>> No.24946087

Wow. I'm impressed Takana allowed for the 4th starting point. The difficulty dropped as soon as I unlocked it.

>> No.24946106

Post more Ham

>> No.24946114

Should I use Zara in E5?

>> No.24946115

You should be able to get away with just using one if you want to save CAVs for the later maps. How is your fleet set up?

>> No.24946120


>> No.24946133

Oh that's true. I can use Teste here. Let me check if she's needed anywhere else.

>> No.24946134

If you want to save a CAV, yes. But CAVs are better, they can equip drums.

>> No.24946137

No, E5 is just an easy but long boring map

>> No.24946138

Are you using her as a powerful CA or as a Ersatz Seaplane Fighter Mule
>powerful CA
Use whatever you want, excluding CAs with bonus damage in later locks if you plan on using them there
>SPF mule
depends on if you think she will be useful later or not

>> No.24946155

It's not easy if you're hauling useless Mutsukis and hoping they remember how to dodge.

>> No.24946208

Using a CA will auto go to D.

>> No.24946276

I don't think you need both Ise and Hyuuga for E7, and I know you definitely don't need either in E6, so you can burn one of them in E4 if you need the fighter power

>> No.24946285

>janny hates oboro
She didn't do anything wrong!

>> No.24946312

I'm down to 268 buckets and 28k fuel. What do you think will happen first:
A. I get my Sara
B. I run out of buckets
C. I run out of fuel

>> No.24946324

>pay for powerful friend fleet
>shows up with a even weaker fleet than I'm used to getting

>> No.24946342

D. Pyaaa

>> No.24946348

No more. Please, I'll even marry one of you. Just stop.

>> No.24946379

OK, just checked seems like I just need Nisshin in E6 and E7 needs no AV. But literally lmao, zekamashi left out his Mogamin. Where could I use her?
From Zekamashi's record, C(AV)s who did mules duties are:
E4-Mikuma and Teste
E5-dupe Mikuma
E7CTF-Tone, Kumano, Suzuya, Ise(fast)

Maybe I can use main Mogami in E5?

>> No.24946392

Yes, you only need 1CAV for E5

>> No.24946425

Who comfy leveling SoDak here while waiting for E7-P2 Friend Fleet?

>> No.24946431

I'm just hoping not shit FF for E-7P3 comes

>> No.24946432

Real comfy leveling will never return until we get fall 2019 E-3 back

>> No.24946477

Why is boss support such a ripoff?

>> No.24946505

You should still save Nisshin for E7 since you only need a single seaplane for AS in E6

>> No.24946506

On the interesting note, wiki report 2(F)BB CVL 2CV(B) CA(V) // CL 2DD 2CLT CA can go C-E-H-S-V-X-Z3, the same route as zekamashi fleet, which use 2CV 2CVL CAV AV // CL 1CLT 1CA 2DD 1AO.
So maybe I can tweak this a bit by using Hyuuga or Yamashiro (she gets a bonus) here.
>Hyuuga/Yamashiro as an airpower mule
>Another CVL

Something like this?

>> No.24946518

Don't you enjoy it?

>> No.24946525

I love paying so much for them to show up and do a WHOLE 15 damage! I don't know how I could ever manage without them!

>> No.24946527

Boss support is literally the only thing that actually did shit this whole event for me.

>> No.24946548

can boss support kill the gold sub in line ahead?

>> No.24946559

Where will you use her in E7? The list for E7 seems full and CAVs there can function in her place.

>> No.24946570

It's always a trade-off.
>fleet does ok? support does shit
>fleet going to scratch? boss does ok to hype you up

>> No.24946574

This is E4 right?
Why would you want to use a BB here?
This 4 are good enough.

>> No.24946577

I'm seriously consider dropping difficulty because gambling on them actually doing something than being a drain on my resources and gambling on FF to be useful is draining my will.

>> No.24946592

Second phase
You can avoid using isekaini for AS mule if you have good SPF planes

>> No.24946627

heavy punching airpower mule. So I don't have to worry about airpower, enjoy more some additional damage and plus Hyuuga is tankier than a frail AV.
But it's the last stage already, do you need Isekaini anywhere else? or maybe there is any route advantage that I don't aware of. Let me check it.

>> No.24946640

You can only bring 2CV and 2BB
Sara Akagi SoDak Kongou are much stronger than Sara Akagi Sodak + Ise muling

>> No.24946682

>amazing run
>FF decides not to show up
>shit run on red T
>laughing dragons show up

>> No.24946692

Shouldn't you save chitochiyo for later maps?

>> No.24946722

The key ships for EO
E5 is Jintsuu + scrubs
E6 is Nelson + Hiei + Kirishima + IBS high luck DDs
For E7 you can just use Junyou
CVL aren't needed except for gimmicks

>> No.24946729

But gimmicks are part of the map so you need to account for them.

>> No.24946738

then again I can use 2CV 2BB and 2CAV (for muling) as they will be used for the final phases anyway. Actually I don't have MAX seaplane fighters so... maybe 2CAVs is the way to go for me?

>> No.24946765


>> No.24946786

It is up to you
I am just saying Nisshin is not needed in E6 so you can save her and leave your option open

>> No.24946804

Do you even need AV for E-7?

>> No.24946808

Thanks anon. Really, I love this fucking game where waiting for all the info is a part of playing. Such a nice game design from C2.

>> No.24946821

Stop bitching get clearing.

>> No.24946834

>bigger plane slot
>more AS
How are you guys not getting it?
E6 boss has zero air power so a single plane SPF on your mikuma will let you get AS+.
Now go look up E7 phase2 and phase3 boss AS requirement

>> No.24946862

Why not bring something else to E-7 then?

>> No.24946865

Fuck the meme medal, fuck the pancake, and most defiantly fuck you TBF. I'm dropping to casual. Fuck this hornet boss and fuck rolling the dice for "friend" fleets to come help you.

>> No.24946880

What are you talking about?
Who else has bigger SPF slot than Nisshin? Your Suzukuma?

>> No.24946881

Git gud.

>> No.24946899

Just use another CVL?

>> No.24946903

Can I take a slow fleet to E5-V?

>> No.24946906

Oh fuck off, you know this boss isn't anything but hoping the stars align and/or dragons to show up or just grinding your face at it until said stars do align.

>> No.24946915

You're just doing something wrong.

>> No.24946931

I can't even beat CV Hime.

>> No.24946939

Like I say, it is up to you if you want to sacrifice one of your BB(SoDak/Kongous) slot for a AS mule.

>> No.24946945

No, I'm not. I'm just getting fucked by hard raw RNG, and there isn't anything but luck to save me.

>> No.24946947

It’s been almost two weeks since the new girls launched and yet they barely have any fanart, what gives?

>> No.24946958

I am 100% sure you're doing something wrong and your response just tells me that you know this is true and refuse to adapt.

>> No.24946960

You're giving up a slot for Nishhin too, so what even is the difference?

>> No.24946969

You already asked that this thread, fuck off.

>> No.24946979


>> No.24946986

I didn’t get any good answers

>> No.24946993

Fuck off.

>> No.24946997

Because you always move goalpost

>> No.24947003

Oh hey his medicine time

>> No.24947011

Nisshin isn't counted as an aircraft carrier, the fuck are you talking about. She takes the CAV slot for AS muling.

>> No.24947021

The only thing I could do is holepunch, and that wouldn't help anything. The number of times I've had this cunt below 10 HP is driving mad and I'm just ready for this stupid drain to be over.

>> No.24947077

Maybe it is, It’s just one of those times where you look at some old fanart/doujin and then you look at the artist and you see they don’t do KanColle art anymore and you just kinda get sad/mad.

>> No.24947108

Where did you even pull that out from? Why is a question mark?

>> No.24947136


>> No.24947138

I told you it was easy.

>> No.24947152

That was fucking run 60 on LD. I've been getting so badly reemed the past three days.

>> No.24947160

>just 60

>> No.24947161

This is the requirement for phase2
There is a reason why the most popular composition is Saratoga Akagi SoDak Kongou + 2AS SPF Mule

>> No.24947166

See >>24907654 and https://imgur.com/a/1Mkzo5J

>> No.24947178

You say that, but I have 20k fuel left. This is my first event clear on hard.

>> No.24947189

Just relax and comfy clear up to E6 and wait for FF

>> No.24947195

Anon I just cleared E-7. I'm free.

>> No.24947196

Just wait, next thread you'll be shaming people for having trouble with such an easy map.

>> No.24947211

>next thread
Nah. I'm going to go crank it until I can't feel anything and hibernate for 5 days. I've been awake for three days strait trying to clear this.

>> No.24947217

Eh I thought most people just snipe the boss with Nagato touch?
Well grats

>> No.24947239

So I spend an hour grinding chevrons on LBAS and 931s, and sparkle every ship just to realise that I am already on LD and I should be doing debuff. T-thanks Tanaka.

>> No.24947280

Anymap with FF is fucking free memedal, I don't know why some retard still crying over it

>> No.24947290

Bro, I am still waiting for FF for E7-P2
Please understand

>> No.24947301

ok, I got 10FP difference here. I'd consider biting the bullet and rush upgrade my seaplane to offset that 10 pts difference.

>> No.24947310

Oh fuck off. If that was true, then I would have cleared Atlanta event on hard.

>> No.24947321

Like I say you can use whoever as long as you can get AS but it is better to keep your options. Personally E6 is a cakewalk map, I wouldn't use her there.

>> No.24947344

>he didn't clear Alanta event on hard
um... bro? I rushed leveling dupe Kinugasa, Atago, and Takao to clear it.
Dupe Mogami is fine for E6 then? I have her at lvl40ish.

>> No.24947345

V node is specifically slow fleet and 3DD, I think.

>> No.24947374

I cleared that event wihout FF and it's a cakewalk.

>> No.24947470

I got a dupe trashcan does she have any equipment worth farming?

>> No.24947476

Your good. Typical E6 fleet look like this.

>> No.24947477

I fucking hated it. I got turned back by Ne multiple times because Hiei and Kirishima got wrecked almost every time, and FF was garbage most of the time. I shouldn't have relied on Yukikaze FF when I could have brought her instead and use touch on Ne instead of the boss, and maybe I could have clear it with that strat. Hell,

>> No.24947489

Her guns give a bonus to Bep and Yuubari, and her torpedoes give a bonus to Bep
She also comes with another turbine and boiler at kai
Is that worth farming to you?

>> No.24947526

I thought the point of farming Tash is for the case you need more than one 4slot DD.

>> No.24947537

Great. I am just worried about her low level but good thing this game has rng.

>> No.24947623

Why are they using Fletcher there?

>> No.24947702

Bonus, high luck, can AACI when doing unlocking.

>> No.24947704

Bonus damage
Can ASW with +20ASW rocket
High luck

>> No.24947751

Starting E7

>> No.24947767

What did you guys use to clear E-5 P1?

>> No.24947780


>> No.24947792

Which route was the less cancerous and what was your strategy?

>> No.24947818

2 Surface battles
Strategy was for Jintsuu to kill everything.

>> No.24947836

So use dong in every node including sub nodes?

>> No.24947845

Line Aboob with OASW

>> No.24947854

She has crabs

>> No.24947870

How many OASW ships? Did you bring route support too? I'm originally planning to use Kidou but that would take A LOT of time to resparkle escorts and route support.

>> No.24947875

Starting E4TP. How's this? I got 76TP with this.

>> No.24947880

No, I only used route support for the unlock gimmick.

>> No.24947895

Don't you love it when your duck just refuses to AACI?

>> No.24947905

That seems fine. If you have 6 or more 931s and you still have Ise in reserve, go ahead and burn Hyuuga here.

You need 7-8 slots of carrier fighters plus your CAV to consistently hit air supremacy on the boss. Hyuuga taking on some of that frees up slots so more carriers can double up on 931s. She can also take out some fodder sometimes, and lets you save a CAV or AV for when you need them in E5-E7

>> No.24947908

Awesome, I might try this one. How many runs did it take you to finish it, and how many times did you return to base?

>> No.24947977

I want to rape Fletcher.

>> No.24947982

Dunno since I don't record my runs.
Took me two days since I was playing on and off and taking it comfy.

>> No.24948060

I've become so spoiled by the Fletcher/Atlanta high activation rate at this point that it feels like the ducks and even Maya hardly do their job anymore.

>> No.24948089

If you get screwed over w/single fleet, use suijou w/foreign CA's & Jintsuu escort flag to steamroll over everything en route to the boss, then dump 4 LBAS strikes on evil Jintsuu's head since you'll be suffering from penalties. No route or boss support needed, but bring one AACI DD for insurance against the air raid & every sortie takes about 10 minutes to complete.

>> No.24948106

Won't this option use up a lot of locks?

>> No.24948121

I used suijou but I basically used the fleet I used for V and W.

>> No.24948158

Well historical accuracy.

>> No.24948171

no problem with the locks unless you are a 100slot shitter
There are tons of available DD for fillers

>> No.24948176

Yeah, but if you can't handle locking a few extra CVLs and cruisers, you might want to just drop the difficulty for E6 and 7

>> No.24948190

I used Kidou to unlock Q, and the escorts had TERRIBLE accuracy against the enemy dong. It's a bad idea as the enemy torps could potentially taiha your ships. Single fleet, as I think, is more viable solution as you can dong it.

>> No.24948197

14 ships. I used RJ, Shinyou, foreign CA's & CL's w/low torp stats, Naka, the paper DD's with bonuses & Katori. And Jintsuu, of course.

>> No.24948212

So far, I've only used 9.

>> No.24948259

You only have 100slots? I don't have dupe except for Suzukuma both variant and Sara both variant.
I used
>Jintsuu,Sendai, Abruzzi
>RJ, Ryuuhou
>Aoba, Furutaka, Zara, Mogami
>Tanikaze, Hamakaze, Kawakaze, Mutsuki, Kisaragi. Amagiri

>> No.24948267

I just threw all the LBAS at Q during unlocking. In all fairness, I never encountered dong formation at Q. I did send 1 LBAS strike for insurance while chipping, since it usually sinks 1-2 targets.

>> No.24948268

Murata is a hardworking boy... when will USN send their elite pilots to help him?

>> No.24948275

I S ranked the boss 6 times in a row with no retreats using suijou, so, personally, I think it was extremely viable and a very good idea.

>> No.24948300

No, I just don't want to use up more ships than needed since I got burned before.
And I'll probably mess up E6 and E7.
I've used
RJ, Taiyo, Aoba
Jintsuu, Mikazuki, Minazuki, Satsuki, Kawakaze and Hamakaze.

>> No.24948316

You need a CAV to reach the boss node
Feel free to use 1 more CAV unless you plan to do it with 4DD

>> No.24948330

Actually I am planning on doing 4DD since it takes the short route and its only a TP phase.

>> No.24948386

Why not use Hiyou instead of RJ since you're using Taiyou?

>> No.24948399

Speed boosting two carriers is far too much for me.
And I already used Hiyou in E4.

>> No.24948407

Bring decent DDs. I regret taking Mutsukis.

>> No.24948464

Please post resource consumption logs for E6, I need to know what I have to farm after I get back to at least 200 buckets.

>> No.24948646

I've got no problem with Mutsukis, its always the other DDs the fuck up.

>> No.24948656

E6 is walk in the park m8
Real roadblock is E7-P2

>> No.24948672

This actually lifts my spirits a bit, thanks.

>> No.24948783

>28910 fuel, 19466 ammo, 27314 steel, 7440 baux, 220 buckets

Doesn't include LBAS cost

>> No.24948973

Shima is a flexible girl.

>> No.24949004

What do I do with Kamikazes, are they even worth the slots?

>> No.24949025

Quests that need them. I keep banging my head for scrapping Kamikaze as I need her for the Haguro quest.

>> No.24949120

>Abyss Jintsuu equips a searchlight
These monsters seem to figure out how to counter our night battle advantage eh? When will Tanaka decide to fill boss fleet with full night battle gear?

>> No.24949131

She had one back when she was introduced.

>> No.24949136

She did that since her debut.

>> No.24949209

Just wait for the enemy cruiser himes with a special radar attack that counters opening torp

>> No.24949248


>> No.24949262

It wasn't even that long ago that CV Hime Kai got 600 hp and now she's up to 880. Why the hell does she need so much health?

>> No.24949273

So that she can take more pregnancy.

>> No.24949675

The night light is nothing but self sabotage when it's equipped on the enemy boss who's so fragile that you don't even need cut-ins to kill her. It's like they just gave you a huge accuracy boost for free.

Or it would be, except her posse is so weak that they're all dead after the day battle.

>> No.24949770

Yorktown class can't sink easily. Need to update it to keep up with the lore.

>> No.24950065

I am giving up and waiting for FF
I am barely shaving 200HP off her each time

>> No.24950130

Doing E5 TP phase, and Murata + Tomonaga on LBAS are coming out more survivable & accurate than Gingas vs B & Z nodes. Ne also keeps targeting Jintsuu if she isn't the flagship.

>> No.24950536

My fucking god you cunt game just let me clear E6-1

>> No.24950903

Am I supposed to use dong in the night battle of E6 1st phase?

>> No.24951185

If you're not using support yes. I never had a single retreat from the night node with dong.

>> No.24951746

If you want to cheese the map just dong with a big searchlight on your tenryuu with damecon

>> No.24951760


Are these monochrome images some artists are releasing because of the Kurosawa mode in ghosts of tsushima?

>> No.24951839

Isn't it just because cameras back then could only do black and white?

>> No.24951897

kancolle does not take place during WW2, and Ghosts of Tsushima is a hot topic in Japan right now since Japan bought the entire physical stock of it in country.

>> No.24951916

Why does the Japanese love that game? I've also seen some Dark Souls memery.
>Dark Souls - Japanese company making a western game
>Ghosts of Tsushima - Western company making a Japanese game

>> No.24951921

Jeans2, 3 mutsukis, minegumo.
Dong everything until the boss.
Use support en route.

>> No.24952112

am i supposed to take all the TBFs from the quests? or the night operation personnel

>> No.24952162

Take the night operations crew since you can get TBFs elsewhere, like off of Gamby and Hornet

>> No.24952341

Because why not?
US loves Red Dead Redemption.
Ghosts of Tsushima is same style of game focused on their history. Why wouldn't they love it?

>> No.24952785

ok I got to final form of E-1 but I don't think I can kill her. is flagship torpedo cut in with a bonus ship the only option? what formation do I pick? I tried line ahead once but the sub trolled me.

>> No.24952878

I tried with double line.

>> No.24952976

Why do the Japanese love a game about Japan?
Surely a question for the ages.

>> No.24953035

I would check beforehand what routing requirements are. I think I got fucked because they wanted an actual CAV. Though I used one of those spare Polas I had lying around.

>> No.24953039

is the damage penalty better than dong?

>> No.24953054

Seeing the revival of a DMM game which ended it services not long ago as a stand-alone steam version through crowdfunding. I think I don't have to worry about the future of KanColle anymore.

>> No.24953074

Which one?

>> No.24953097

This one. You can even read a comprehensive translation with googlesensei.

>> No.24953100

Do people get to keep their old account?

>> No.24953111

>is the damage penalty better than dong?
Definitely. Are you using dong for boss?

>> No.24953199

Not in their plan since they plan to make the game a complete package (no transaction). But hey, you don't need to play catching up anymore. Think of it as a last send-off to the actual dead game. At least this time you can keep your data forever.

>> No.24953233

How would a KanColle one even work? Scheduled events every quarter or can you just power through all the events because they are all unlocked at the start?

>> No.24953250

I'd assume all events are open at the getgo.

>> No.24953290

>tfw no rush
>can take your time doing hard
Would be nice.

>> No.24953320

Even more bonus points if they lock out girls who weren't out yet and could downgrade equipment/kai's that didn't exist yet.

>> No.24953326

Maybe something like: reach a certain point of the game, event unlock, back to normal map, new event unlock, clear some more events, new map unlock, looping infinitely.

>> No.24953334

Would be hard to code though.

>> No.24953342

Not really, just set milestones.

>> No.24953348

It'd be neat though.

I'd say you'd work your way though Phase one, have to beat all those events and maps, then you can transition between phase 1 and 2.

>> No.24953389

Can you imagine having all events unlocked and just rushing Atlanta's even in kuso mode? No plane would ever touch you in events you do before hers.

>> No.24953415

They'd definitely have to bar newer ships from older events. Unless you had an overall option for how you wanted to do it.

>> No.24953449

Hence the crowdfunding to start anew as a standalone game. Vita doesn't count since it was a rush job that KDKW deepthroat'd C2 to make it (Not that I believe they can make a proper game).

Sadly, it won't happen any time soon though because this shit game is still alive and well in DMM ranking.

You can have campaign mode and free-for-all mode.

>> No.24953460

Because it's fun.

>> No.24953475

>hardcore retards doing events backward
Would be hilarious to watch.

>> No.24953478

>can take your time doing hard
Idlecolle had spoilt me. I would probably be not doing those events at all.

Steam workshop. People can start create their own events and his-fags can finally create agood ten-gou event. The problem is that people will just create farming maps so people can collect all the ships and equipment easily.

>> No.24953490

I'll play that assuming they have a speed boost, improved exp gain and letting us repeat events.
Not sure how to deal with cashshop items and damegami though, perhaps a special map you can farm those items for?

>> No.24953508

It would actually make some sense for certain maps to be available at the same time if they are on a different lock, since locking is supposed to represent operations taking place at the same time forcing you to split your forces between the maps

>> No.24953516

>Not sure how to deal with cashshop items and damegami though, perhaps a special map you can farm those items for?
I'd say on a trickle in basis, or something like that. Honestly I say the more customization they give you the better.

>> No.24953524

>The problem is that people will just create farming maps so people can collect all the ships and equipment easily.
Why do that when you can just save game edit or w/e. I mean I doubt they obfuscate it in their server backbones and why would they spend the time to do that for this.

>> No.24953533

>its time for my hardcore gamer move
>I can do 6 events at the same time with tags

>> No.24953536

No, I mean doing the final KanColle event first and slowly move back to 2013 events.

>> No.24953669

It should be something you can farm imo, no need to make it more kusogame.

>> No.24953698

They can just remove everything except for slots. I also believe you can just give everyone four docks and four construction slots from the get go.

>> No.24953714

I mean they could just let it be up to the player to decide. I honestly think that'd be the best way to go about it.

>> No.24953740

Slots, and a few other things.I'd probably make the cash shop items be EO choices over medals for clearing them each month. Let medals be farmed like two-three times each month.

>> No.24953918

Or maybe rework the ranking system into how many "points" you get to spend each months on store stuff and/or try your luck in getting one of the old ranking rewards (you'd always get something, just maybe not what you want, and only one of each)

>> No.24953978

Remove slot limit imo, and make docks and construction slots quest rewards. Although honestly I'll raise the max for docks and probably rework construction.

A campaign and free play mode would be nice.
Campaign requires you to work for all your stuff, while free play starts you off with one of each ship, multiples of each equip and lets you claim free extra items like rein slots and wedding rings. Then you can choose what you want to use or not.

>> No.24953991

Lackluster LBAS performance, lackluster opening strike, lackluster route support, and what do I get? Fucking green T. To salt the wound, the enemy precisely hits everybody that is critical while the girls have retarded targeting as usual.

>> No.24953999

Even without time consuming process like repair and expedition, I think this game could easily reach 40 hours playtime, maybe 80?

>> No.24954020

>80 hours
I play this every waking moment of the past 7 years.

>> No.24954023

>I think this game could easily reach 40 hours playtime, maybe 80
I have sat down on 13 hours LD before so yeah, that is easily achievable.

>> No.24954051

I want.

>> No.24954375


>> No.24954947

So what's Soda's niche?

>> No.24955000

ugly slut

>> No.24955009

She is so cute.
Not ashamed to have my heart caught by a potato at all.

>> No.24955026

Cheaper Iowa with 1 point better armor but worse FP and AA
I have a feeling she will be a ship you can use to enable Kirishima's night assault when that gets implemented

>> No.24955073

>reached E4 boss
>Zuihou K2B slot is too small to do anything

muscle brain but white.

>> No.24955189

Where do you farm Yashiro anyway? Least painful option?

>> No.24955198

wait for the next event.

>> No.24955271

For some reason I always thought you couldn't get dupes of new drops.

>> No.24955344

That just means next event will be even shittier.
Nvm, just noticed E6 V node has 2% drop rate rather than 1%, guess I'll go farm there once I've completed E7, internet is acting up at night so assuming daytime stays stable guess I'll spend awhile at E7H. Fortunate earlier too, managed to clear E6H both X node debuff and LD just now without internet going kaput, never used to wish for some kind of resumption or at least not outright kicking you out but letting you try to reconnect.
Funnily enough the phase 2 system is actually much more robust than P1, but still not good enough when your connection just drops.

>> No.24955362

I mean, Hirato is literally free-estate this event.

>> No.24955380

Same, until E6H clearing run dropped Helena, again.
I can only hope Yashiro drops that easy too.

>> No.24955404

If you're talking about servers I'm on Hashi. The previously and probably still ranking nightmare server.

>> No.24955433


>> No.24955434

I just got a second Helena from E5. Still waiting on Ariake.

>> No.24955486

Hirato is a ship you retard.

>> No.24955590

What should be the enemy composition be like for E4? Is it common for the boss, Ne, and the BB himes to still be standing? My 931 nukes are very rare and even Zuihou is only dishing out pathetic 73 damage to the ships. Meanwhile the enemy fleet is aimbot the carriers first, BB next and on their second shelling, pick out TCI ships. This is getting fucking irritating. To make things worse, I am dumping more than 10 buckets every run.

>> No.24955627

Oh, right. The DE.
I have trouble remembering DEs.

>> No.24956573


>> No.24956599


>> No.24956703


>> No.24956748


>> No.24956768


>> No.24956787

Inb4 janny deletes her again.

>> No.24956829


>> No.24957162 [DELETED] 


>> No.24957212


>> No.24957232

The west should make a game about the rape of Nanking. There can even be a minigame to see how many babies you can bayonet at once.

>> No.24957757 [DELETED] 


>> No.24957829

Never gonna happen because west media bends over to China money.

>> No.24957836

China wasn't the one doing the raping, retard.

>> No.24958000

So a fantasy game?
Well, those are popular in China after all...

>> No.24958212


>> No.24958829

I'm so sick of E-5 Ariake pls come already.

>> No.24959007

I still have her legs saved on my desktop for some reason.

>> No.24959372

Why's there still no routing info for E-5?

>> No.24959432

Yes, it was the Japanese.
And do you think China will allow the existence of a game where you play as the Japanese in that, and in so doing glorify the act?
Only way it would happen would be if you played as a Chinese Ramirez and heroically did everything to prevent it from happening.

>> No.24959536

Wikia is missing E-5 and E-7 information for some reason. Check elsewhere.

>> No.24959700

Ariake pls i'm so tired of e5
