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2491537 No.2491537 [Reply] [Original]

How many of you suck at Touhou but you're a fan anyway? To clarify, If you're not capable of 1ccing normal then you suck.

>> No.2491538


>> No.2491539

I was able to beat Imperishable Night on easy with slow mode on and was proud of myself.

>> No.2491541

I beat you at PoFV and SWR, OP.
Real men play like me, unlike tourneyfaggots and ronery kiddies.

>> No.2491542

IN easy is like super easy compared to the other easy's

>> No.2491544

I'm better at manic bullet chaos than complex patterns.

>> No.2491545

that depends, does 1ccing normal in Imperishable night count?

>> No.2491546

IN's easy mode is a joke but normal is about the same difficulty as the others. Even with 7 starting lives. (Fuck you Marisa)

>> No.2491547
File: 63 KB, 640x504, pcb_sakuyaA_1cc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cried tears of joy after I succeed in 1ccing PCB.
Never attempted another 1cc after this. I might try for it though when UFO is released though.

>> No.2491552

I've played 6-11 and PCB is the hardest to 1cc. The second hardest would be EoSD

>> No.2491555 [DELETED] 

I suck at STG's in general. (Concerning Touhou:) I barely managed to 1cc SA Lunatic twice.

There is a big gap between IN Normal and Hard, not so much between Easy and Normal.

>> No.2491556

I've never played on anything less than Hard, and I've only played ESoD and PCB.
I've only ever reached Patchouli once, and I can barely beat those musician sisters. Oh and this is using every continue.

>> No.2491557

I suck at STGs in general. (Concerning Touhou:) I barely managed to 1cc SA Lunatic twice.

There is a big gap between IN Normal and Hard, not so much between Easy and Normal.

>> No.2491558

>not so much between Easy and Normal.

No.. the gap between easy and normal is huge. Easy is a cake walk. Even a complete newbie won't have much trouble 1ccing it. But if they were to play easy for the other games, they'd get their ass handed to them.

>> No.2491560

I've never played a shooting Touhou. I'm afraid of the perfectionist trap and I have a bad history with those games.
But I am a top tier Touhou fighter and crush the story modes in them.

>> No.2491563

You sure about that? I just barely make it through to PCB with 1 live left.
I also set maximun starting life from the menu. Also I bomb my way through youmu and yuyuko spell cards. I don't think I can do that in SA.

>> No.2491568

I don't get why you faggots actually try to learn to graze with ''hard'', single player games, it is beyond my comprehension. If you can't play, and someone else can't play...why don't you learn to graze together.
If you're able to master all of PoFV or PoDD, you're elite before a kid that only plays just solefaggotry in PCB, as the first tries to 1cc a toehoe game.
Prove me wrong.

>> No.2491571

PCB has harder danmaku patterns. All of SA's patterns are pretty easy compared to PCB. Yuyuko is 10 times harder than Utsuho could ever be.

>> No.2491574

They're different matters, that's a given.

>> No.2491576

>and I can barely beat those musician sisters
Same here. Also the globs of red bullets flying at you before that. It's like everything gets easier after that stage (stage 6, however, is a different beast entirely)

>> No.2491577

Opinions, faggot. The biggest thing about the perceived difficulty of a Touhou game is how much you've practiced, though you might also just suck at a certain type of card.

>> No.2491580

how do you beat final sign queen of midnight

>> No.2491582

I hate that shit. I usually end up just bombing my way past them, until I get to that one fairy that just will not die.

As a matter of interest, which character do you use?

>> No.2491587

Marisa A. Used to use Reimu A but she's too slow.

>> No.2491590

Hardest to easiest to 1cc on normal (my opinion)

1. PCB
2. ESoD
3. IN
4. SA
5. MoF

The star piece mechanic makes gaining a lot of lives really easy if you can beat every spell card.

>> No.2491595

What's up, guys?
Too INEXPERIENCED in real topics?

>> No.2491599

>The star piece mechanic makes gaining a lot of lives really easy if you can bomb through every spellcard you can't beat.

>> No.2491603

>To clarify, If you're not capable of 1ccing normal then you suck.

I can barely 1cc the games on normal. I haven't played StB or the PC-98 games yet.

>> No.2491604

when you switch over to lunatic EoSD and SA are both harder than PCB is. Actually. PCB is harder on lunatic than EoSD till you get to stage 6 ... Remi is a fucking nightmare on lunatic and well ... Yuyu isn't really that hard.

>> No.2491606

I suck and am a fan.

I'm trying hard not to suck, but I need more practice.

>> No.2491610

StB is good practice. the PC-98 games are roughly in the middle difficulty wise.

>> No.2491612

Sakuya A is my favorite.

An extra bomb, wide spread when unfocused, homes when focused, focus speed faster than Reimu's

>> No.2491616

I like to use Sakuya B.

>> No.2491617

(hardest to easiest)

MoF(I'm bound to lose a couple lives just on the last card, plus Aya's a bitch)

>> No.2491620


>> No.2491626 [DELETED] 


>> No.2491627

Kanako is a joke of a final boss until her final spell card then she becomes one of the hardest. Fuck that card.

>> No.2491635 [DELETED] 

What? That fuckin bullshit attack where she makes your stream a wide stream of fuckin daggers while dodging through big white bullets is near impossible.

>> No.2491640

... I must be doing something wrong. I've 1cc'd EoSD (and IN, but then again, who hasn't) on normal, but I haven't been able to beat SA or MoF. Should I just be restarting if I die before stage 4?

Also, I perform consistently poorly on Yuyuko's second and third spellcards - any tips would be welcome.

>> No.2491641

Is it wrong that I think Reimu B is better than A in SA? The ability to let go off the keys to instantly collect everything on screen makes keeping full power a lot easier and you don't have to risk your neck to collect star pieces.

>> No.2491654

I always thought Yukari was overrated too. Granted, you don't have to learn to stream with Yukari and she does a ton of damage, but she has such hard cards on Satori that it evens out.

>> No.2491658

Another opinion on difficulty. Hard/Lunatic boundary player here (Hard is easy to me but Lunatic requires effort, usually too much effort for me to get assed to beat it. )

SA > EoSD > PCB > IN > MoF. MoF is easiest to me because I know all the stages by heart (and you get like 80 bombs. ) PCB gives you a lot of lives to work with plus an excellent newbie-friendly mode in SakuyaA, so it's easier than EoSD. SA is ridiculous but I haven't properly attempted a Lunatic 1cc yet, this may change.

>> No.2491659

I suck, yeah.

And yet I continue trying and failing to 1cc normal because it's still fun somehow.

>> No.2491667

You don't need Suika's ability in higher difficulties. Your graze meter will nearly always be above 1.00, so you automatically collect everything on screen.

Yukari is the best for her high damage output, concentrated fire, long lasting bomb and special ability.

Suika's shots too often get distracted by fairies and minions and all widespread shots can kill you if you fight Parsee (clone speca) and Orin (exploding spirits).

On top of that, you can clear some of Orins barrages with full-power Yukari before they even reach you.

>> No.2491671


>> No.2491676
File: 281 KB, 800x820, 123580000647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here, cheer up, guys.

>> No.2491677

MoF Hard is the easiest Hard mode there is. You get so many bombs you can almost bomb every spellcard. Haven't got the Lunatic 1cc yet, as it requires some memorization, but it looks like the same bomb-spamming strategy will work.

>> No.2491679

It works well before stage 4, because there you will probably start bombing during the stage, too.

>> No.2491682

I cannot 1cc normal on most of them, but I can come real close on PCB and EoSD. I 1cc'd PoFV, but I have been told that doesn't count.

>> No.2491688

MoF and SA just have a lot of streaming. The older games have so many sections where you just tap left or right every few seconds, and when he did have aimed fire it was usually infrequent enough turning around isn’t a problem on the easier difficulties. Learn how to stream well and you’ve pretty much nailed these two on Normal.

>> No.2491690

I suck at Touhou and am good at rRootage so yeah

>> No.2491693

You still needn't memorize anything, just hold out on Virtue and hope Kanako's opener doesn't kill you at the last second (unless you doublebomb it or are using a high damage character). Everything else is pretty much the same.

MarisaC can capture VoWG before it gets to the bullshit phrase, so she's kind of worth using too.

>> No.2491697

Not really a fan (yet), but I've started playing EoSD and I can't even finish Easy mode with continues yet. There's a lot of practice waiting for me...

>> No.2491703

MoF is a completely different beast if you play it aiming for a respectable score. Still way too much bombing going on, though. And game long chains. And unavoidable breaks. And survival card faith drops.

Fucks sake, ZUN.

>> No.2491710

Mention Halo again. Go on, faggot.

>> No.2491711

Terminology noob here.
So what does streaming mean?
Is it like there tons of bullet coming at you but you can see a path where you can weave through them? Meaning moving infront instead of left/right.

>> No.2491712

I can get the first extend before reaching Minoriko, but it requires stricter memorization than the chain based Cave games. The first stage is almost entirely aimed and static shots, so there's very little dodging skill involved. Presumably I could optimize the routes for all the other stages too (although not reliably follow them), but it's really not fun at all.

>> No.2491713


>> No.2491715

I can 1cc normal in most games, but I still think I suck.

>> No.2491726

I think I can stream reasonably well; maybe I should explain my problem in each game in greater detail?

Let me preface this by saying that I try not to bomb and I always make an effort to capture spell cards. Can't say I'm the best at deathbombing, but I pull it off ~1/3 of the time.

MOF: Stages 1-3 are no problem; I can capture every card consistently though I might lose a life on Monster Cucumber.

Stage 4: The stage itself isn't too bad. I might lose a life by accident. The problem is Aya. My capture rate on illusionary dominance is less than 1/4 of my total attempts and I haven't been able to get Mountain God Procession at all.

Stage 5: I've rarely lost any lives on the stage. Gray Thaumaturgy has a tendency to kill me though; I usually try to dodge it from the center and find myself manuevering into bullets. Is there a trick to it?

>> No.2491731

The trick is to play as Reimu and do PCB-style micrododging. I hate that kind of pattern.

>> No.2491741

continued from >>2491726

On Sanae, Guest Stars and Supplication of Divine Winds give me trouble. I take it these will require memorization?

Stage 6: I've only been able to capture Kanako's first card, though the second one doesn't look too bad. I haven't spent any time on this stage because 3 lives is rather low for learning it and I don't have it unlocked in practice.

I might lose a life to Parsee on a bad day, but otherwise, my problems are with Satori. By the time I reach her, I'll usually have 3 lives or so, which is usually chopped down to one or zero by by Double Black Death Butterfly and Boundary of Particle and Wave. Then, when I get to Orin, I find that I don't have enough lives to beat her after continuing. Still, I enjoy SA for its challenge and excellent music.

>> No.2491742

I think I do fairly well- I can 1cc Normal EoSD with some consistency, enough to unlock Extra for all character modes, and MarisaA in hard. I'm still working on trying to capture all the spellcards (Thank you practice mode). Only four remain to be done between Normal and Hard- Scarlet Shoot, Scarlet Meister, Scarlet Gensokyo, and Metal Sign 「Metal Fatigue」. The first three are simply an issue of time, but that last one for Patchy keeps waxing me early in the pattern so I never get to see it develop.

>> No.2491744

When fire is aimed directly at your touhou you only need to tap slightly to have it all sail past you. You basically tap slowly in one direction moving across the screen. When you get about 3/4 across you're going to have to think about turning around, and the easiest way is to make a sharp movement in your current streaming direction to create a gap, then head back the other way (you'll need to do some dodging here eitherway).

With Yukarin in SA you can also use her border special ability in some places, though aimed fire usually comes with other shots at different angles, different speeds, or overlapping patterns - so not always.

>> No.2491748

Fuck I don't think I ever did that in PCB.
Nowonder it was so hard for me to 1cc it.
Also any video/youtube for it so I can see how it work in action.

>> No.2491768

Go look for any video of someone fighting Kanako and watch what he does on the second non-spell card pattern (assuming he doesn't bomb).

>> No.2491778

Finishing IN in normal is quite ea
sy。 I was able to do it fucking u
p big time a few times。With 7 live
s of course。 

>> No.2491780

It's not touhou, but the stages in this game are very stream heavy. Best reference is after the mid-boss at: 2:40

The player goes diagonal upwards then down when streaming rather than just across and back. Which is harder but better.

>> No.2491782

The spell card at 1:00?

>> No.2491791


And yet, I still like Youmu.

>> No.2491829


Watch the non-spell attack at 1:42 in this video. It's an example of basic streaming. The bullets are being fired ceaselessly at this guy, so he's moving slowly to dodge them and when he gets close to the corner of the screen, he moves more quickly and creates a gap. Simple.

>> No.2491834

I might be bad at Yuyuko, but I can call myself an expert on Youmu. Which cards give you trouble?

>> No.2491845

Suprise I 1cc pcb without even knowing about it.

Youmo bullshit non spell card opening. The one where she spray yellow/green bullet before sending a wave of fast red/blue bullets.

>> No.2491847

What is the difference in difficulty between normal amount of lives and extra set lives?

Because of the points penalty it seems like you get extra lives less often with increased starting lives, so I just wonder if it really makes any difference except for when using continues.

>> No.2491852

Actually, I'm talking about the sweet Youmu before Yuyuko.
Only able to beat Youmu using Sakuya A :-(

>> No.2491858

not the guy your talking to but im also a youmu expert

the yellow green can be misdirected by getting up behind her or in a corner, watch some videos to see exactly

for the red and blue stay real still and the red wont even hit you. move a smidge to the left or right when the blue is comin and you'll graze it all

>> No.2491869

I've just started playing touhou and so far I can only beat easy mode on PCB and EoSD using all my continues and starting with 5 lives.
...So yeah. I'm pretty bad.

>> No.2491886


Almost 1cced normal on IN.

Got to Kaguya's last bar of health, then the bitch hit me and it was my last life.

I give up for now.

>> No.2491892

That reminds me. I rarely use bombs, so lot of them go to waste.
When would it be smart to use one?

>> No.2491893

I can beat PCB on normal but I can't 1cc it.

Don't really play much anyways.

>> No.2491907


When you know for certain you're about to get hit.

>> No.2491908

right b4 you die

>> No.2491925

How can I reach the level of reflex to do that?
Usually I press bomb 0.4 second after I die.

>> No.2491944

I suck at it, but I'm still into the games. The fact they are hard for me is what makes them appealing. It's concentration training.

>> No.2491954

me too man

>> No.2491982

Me too!
I have the same thing except I don't press at all.

>> No.2491993

sometimes im concentrating on moving and shooting so much i dont even have my finger on the bomb button

>> No.2492023

I only play IAMP and SWR, both of wich i can finish without continues on Insain. (All be it only with (Youmu, Remi, Yuyuko and Komochi in SWR)

>> No.2492030

You don't.0.4 second is almost impossible to do on reflex. You bomb the second you see yourself in a situation you can't escape from. A lot of the time you will death bomb by accident.

>> No.2492043

Fuck. I can get so close to 1cc PCB. I know I can do it. I just keep making dumb mistakes early, dying while I still have full bombs. As long as I make it to Yuyuko with 4 lives, I know I can do it.

>> No.2492053

I've gotten to yuyuko on Normal with 8 lives and still game overed before reflowering was over.

>> No.2492057

Doesn't that mean you only use 1 life?
Why would you need more?

>> No.2492060

6 bombs will take care of it. And you'll get a border break or two from all the items you collect while bombing.

>> No.2492063

I think I've reached a plateau trying to move from normal to hard.

>> No.2492069

in terms of support characters:

>> No.2492081


That would assume that I've gotten to the point where I bomb before I die. I hate bombing because of what it does to your score, I try to never bomb unless I'm certain I'm going to die.

Unfortunately, most of the times I'm certain I'm going to die is about 2-3 seconds after I died. Or sometimes I die without even expecting it or seeing the death coming.

In those 8 lives I probably lost like 15 bombs.

>> No.2492086

Score is irrelevant if you're going for a 1cc run.

>> No.2492091

Don't any of you guys play on eezi mo-do?

>> No.2492093

1cc stands for one coin clear. it means to beat the game without continuing.

>> No.2492102

I did, but it was so boring, I moved on to normal even though I suck tremendously at it.
I usually lose a life at the third or 4th level in EOsD.
Mostly the 4th one. Those big bullets are annoying.

>> No.2492119


Who said I was going for a 1cc? I've 1cced most of them, I just replay them for score. And 1ccing is part of a score run, if you continue you might as well start over. I was just saying I've had a near-flawless run up until yuyuko before, only to blow it majorly and lose all lives in the attempt.

>> No.2492130

I don't play well under pressure. When I have a really good run for the first 3 stages then I'm scared of fucking up and often times do. Sometimes I have a bad run and make dumb mistakes early on then do really great at the end but the small mistakes early on cost me the 1cc.

>> No.2492141

>1cc stands for one coin clear. it means to beat the game without continuing.

Well i know i can if i use ultimates during boss fights, The problem is I'm a bit obsessed in achieving all spell cards, But heck, I'm a fan anyway, Not a big one, but a fan.

>> No.2492190

1cc means no continues AND default starting lives. Even if you never used the extra lives it's still not a true 1cc because they give a psychological advantage. MoF and SA solve the problem of people claiming false 1ccs by not allowing extra starting lives.

>> No.2492299

7 starting lives on IN wutwut
