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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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24861639 No.24861639 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.24861653
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>> No.24862396
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>> No.24864250

>no vtuber tag
its shit

>> No.24864331

kys teen

>> No.24864487

people like you make me think free speech was a bad idea

>> No.24864569

How do I make a new post?

>> No.24864716

try now

>> No.24865049

We're still in the grace period where /jp/ immediately denies anything to do with them as garbage despite the fact that even the people /jp/ looks up to have accepted it with open arms. Please wait warmly.

>> No.24865150 [DELETED] 

Vtuber is better than idolnigger, but Vtuber is still like one: a nigger

>> No.24865526

Please kill yourself.

>> No.24866240

>/jp/ OOPS ! It's all 2u

>> No.24866523

Never thought of it that way but it's kind of true. A lot of notable illustarors, seiyuu, utaite, mangaka,
people that make mmd/mad, even people from the 2hu doujin music scene are either fans of vtubers or directly involved with working with them. It seems to be the current zeitgeist of otaku culture.

>> No.24867009

It doesn't matter. One of my favorite writers is hopelessly hooked on shitty gatcha games. I'm not going to start treating these as worth my time just because I like what the guy writes.

>> No.24871580 [DELETED] 
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>> No.24871704

I wonder who would have been Aniki's favorite vtuber...

>> No.24871826

Anikiroze, they'd be doing colab taiko concerts

>> No.24872250

sanae a slut

>> No.24890361

sanny a slug

>> No.24890552

anyone who probably sponsored him

>> No.24891496

the fat alice art is hot

>> No.24891511

All idolfags are guests of /jp/, not /jp/ culture.

>> No.24892190

They're parasites of /jp/.

>> No.24896742

>the people /jp/ looks up to

What did he mean by this

>> No.24897631

For example. ZUN likes VTubers and even made a guest facecam appearance in the livestream of one who was a Touhou fan.

>> No.24897920

Like >>24866523 said, buncha seiyuu's are vtubers, utaites are vtubers, mangaka's are vtubers, illustrators are vtubers, there's even a manzai duo and Sachiko Kobayashi who became vtubers and notable ones at that. Even Beatmario's a vtuber now, and his rig was drawn by Itou Life himself whose also a vtuber. It's unarguably as otaku culture as it gets, regardless of how shit the threads are on /jp/ doesn't change that fact.
Basically, it's early Kancolle.

>> No.24898154

Other way around. A vtuber, I think two, showed up on Touhou Station's livestream which has ZUN, along with it being for the online-Chokaigi I believe? He didn't show up on their livestreams though. Well, as far as I know, for all I know he's constantly in their chats talking with them or something.

>> No.24899358

it's literal fat board

>> No.24899873

Only the idols. Vtubers are fine I guess

>> No.24900202

Have you even seen one of the vtuber generals? They're filled with such absolute cancer, you'd have to be retarded if you think their shit has a place on /jp/.

>> No.24901519

They’re honest to god better than the trash known as idol shit. Vtubers might be a twitch chat at best but at least it’s something more than just the same regurgitated stuff I’ve seen for the past few years here.

>> No.24904195
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Houshou Marine and Shirakami Fubuki (both from Hololive) met ZUN and Beat Mario. Marine in particular is a huge Touhou fan who drew doujinshi before she became a VTuber.

Afterwards Marine collab'd with Cool & Create on an album (both singing and drawing the cover art), with some of the other Hololivers as guests.

Then Beat Mario himself became a VTuber with a girl avatar.

>> No.24904393

Looking at the tracklist for that album and IOSYS worked on multiple tracks. Think I have seen one of them donate to Noel before too and they were also involved with one of the Nijisanji albums.

On another music related note, nanahira became a vtuber recently too I think?

>> No.24904569

theyre not the worst so eh? its just the general here is wayyyy too fast

>> No.24904646

Why are there so many fat 2hus.

>> No.24904650

Generals are... in general, pretty bad. Especially since a "VTuber general" covers a ton of unrelated topics in a field where new material comes out daily.

>> No.24904694
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agreed. we already have too many generals, Then again you get rid of the hololive one, you have a massive explosion of people all over the board

but this isnt the complaint thread this is for the board

>> No.24907030
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That threads so god awful and fast because, and I shit you not, /pol/ from TheQuartering, SEA from the indonesian branch they opened, ironic weebs from Azur Lane, twitter memetards from Scatman+anime girl engrish+anime girl saying fuck, god knows what types of people from translated clips of streams ad infinitum and /v/ from them playing games and some of the previously stated retards making threads there, and they all started coming to the vtuber thread in the span of barely two weeks and caused a split, creating a general that now holds the record for the one of the fastest threads if not the fastest in the entire site's history. And this is a thread that happened on jay fucking pee.

I couldn't even make this up if I tried.

>> No.24907066
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you arent even wrong. i would enjoy the stuff more if it didnt explode thanks to a virus and it grabbing the attention of people all over the internet. I feel neutral on the matter no matter what. I just ask them to fucking respect the board culture and to stop doing their retarded "Bros..." and all that other crap

>> No.24907147

>Then again you get rid of the hololive one, you have a massive explosion of people all over the board
All over the board? Not a chance in hell. Best they'd go is the virtual youtuber general but if the hololive one's getting banned in this hypothetical scenario I don't see why that one wouldn't get banned too. Worst they'd go to idolthreads, and that's a very light "worst" because every single poster from every one of those threads should be rangebanned from /jp/ anyways.

>> No.24907159

i still dont get why there here. why do idols have to be lumped with us? they dont even bother to assimilate. Theyre fucking parasites

>> No.24907202

/jp/ is /trash/ before /trash/.

>> No.24907366

it shouldnt be

>> No.24907383


>> No.24907460

It always was. The whole purpose of the board was to dump otaku miscellany from /a/ "somewhere else". But the vtuber threads are just too active. It's clear they deserve their own board, yet everyone in charge is content to dump them here, like trying to fit a landfill into a wastepaper basket.

>> No.24907462
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Why not move them to the actual /trash/ since that board is THE place for undesirable generals?

>> No.24907469

if anything idolshit needs a board not them. you ever see how many fucking idolfags 4chan has?

>> No.24907508

As far as I'm concerned vtubers are idols. Make an idol board and the two groups can kill each other with their spam threads.

>> No.24907569

I'm all for this. The only difference between idols and vtubers is that vtubers hide(?) behind an avatar.

>> No.24907634

when you put it like that, you arent wrong

only difference is that some of the vtubers actually do put up with some retarded non-japanese speaking person if they spam the chat. Thats the stuff that i dislike about them

>> No.24907666

A general thread being complete trash has very little bearing on the actual topic itself. If all Touhou threads became shit overnight (har har) it wouldn't have anything whatsoever to do with whether it's a /jp/ topic or not.

Back in 2009 they would occasionally come out of their threads and participate in "community threads" but soon after that /jp/ declared war on idols and they stopped coming out.

>> No.24907677
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because theyre filthy pigs

>> No.24910867

vt*ber generals are nothing more than recruitment threads for their gay d*scord circlejerks.

>> No.24911052

>"Wow, your favorite touhou artists now all draw kancolle instead"
>"Guess you better like boats"
You can't make me

>> No.24912779
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You can report posts for being "extremely low quality", so I don't see why threads that attract extremely low quality posters should be okay.

>> No.24914484

>It's clear they deserve their own board,
If hiromoot was going to make boards for 300-400 people then we'd have idol boards, a spinoff of /vp/ for competitive players which is still a shocking idea to me because that games about as non-competitive as it gets, a smash board, a board for whatever animes the AOTS, /asp2/, another board for /ck/ just for their abominations ala /s4s/, /bant/ that's actually /bant/ instead of the combination of /b/ and /a/ it was last I checked, god knows how much else because I don't know everything about every board. All of this not including needing to buy more server space which if you've been on /jp/ long enough you know that there's been times where the board would go down for hours if not over half a day at times, if you somehow needed proof he just doesn't care about server space in the first place just from hearing his name.

>> No.24915020

Since they started getting more popular with westerns /jp/ went from an average of 5000 posts a day in December up to sometimes around 20000 a day now.

>> No.24917249

This post made me realize I hate ''otaku culture''.

>> No.24924446

Congrats welcome to otaku culture in general: it’s a dog eat dog world

>> No.24940641

Then what do you like?

>> No.24940901

>/bant/ that's actually /bant/ instead of the combination of /b/ and /a/
/b/ /a/ nt
