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2487431 No.2487431 [Reply] [Original]

So I've read "The Game" by Neil Strauss and I'm going to read the Mystery Method. I am going to get a girlfriend. I am going to have sex this summer. And I am going to be happy.

>> No.2487432

Fuck I just lost it.

>> No.2487439

Sup' Sax. How's the current proxy?

>> No.2487445


Enjoy being a shallow player.

>> No.2487450

So what if I am shallow? I just want to dip it. I want to finger somebody, I want to have the pleasure of seeing someone moaning as I pound her with my 15 CM of cock.

>> No.2487452

Enjoy realizing that sex won't make you happy, falling into depression, and coming back to /jp/ to cry about how ronery you are.

>> No.2487457

Oh man with ALL of your 15 centimeters? Shit, bro, you are going to break her with your 6 incher.

But yeah, you go, you crazy 16-year-old.

>> No.2487460

Sex WILL make me happy. My life is good, I only miss sex. Otherwise I am happy. And sex releases pheromones which is good for healing depression.

You want sex too, but you're too pessimistic and feeble to get it.

>> No.2487463

I envy people who can change their life by reading some piece of obscure literature.

>> No.2487464

15 CM is the average. Most women think that's the perfect size.

>> No.2487468

It's not worth it. Trust me.

>> No.2487476

>Smash thread

Hidden thread

>> No.2487484

Why is trying a little change to see somebody lying naked under you not worth it? I'd love to cuddle and fuck.

>> No.2487479


Humans crave sex at an unconscious level. Tell yourself you do not need it all you want, but having good sex is healthy for the mind and the body.

I want you to be truly happy, /jp/, like I am

>> No.2487490

Because you have trouble realising that you'd have to change a lot, that's some effort, all that to insert your penis into a warm hole and wiggle around for half an hour.
That's pointless.

>> No.2487495


>warm hole

Nevermind the disgusting cunt cheese.

>> No.2487498

Yes we do. That's what fapping is for.

>> No.2487502

Changing your whole person and/or taking advantage of other people is not worth it just to have sex. Do you want to be a shallow player? Does that make you happy? I'd rather be a sophisticated loner any day instead of that.

>> No.2487503

/jp/ - sex experts

>> No.2487504

Living a lonely virgin life is pointless. Sex isn't.

>> No.2487509

But I don't want kids

>> No.2487512

Sex - The meaning of life.
By Anonymous.

>> No.2487516

>but having good sex is healthy for the mind and the body.

Pregnancy scares are real good for making anything else you're worrying about seem unimportant.

>> No.2487535


then wear a condom and make sure the girl is on birth control. people who throw the pregnancy card out are just making excuses.

>> No.2487554


You dont have to change, dude. Why cant you just find a girl who will accept you for you?

Or is it that you don't want to man up to society's standards of presentation? I'm not fat, I'm relatively handsome, and despite being short as fuck (women prefer tall guys) and a weeaboo nerd stoner japanophile (all four are off-putting for most girls) I've still gotten my success and found common ground with someone to the point that we were having sex on the second date.

You DO have someone out there for you. You may just not be ready for her/him yet. Resigning yourself to virginity is the same as a priest's road to heaven...USELESS

>> No.2487569

Finding a girl that would suit me would be like swimming through a pool of shit hoping to find gold. I'd rather not, but thanks for your concern.

>> No.2487590

Finding a girl that would tolerate you might be even harder.

>> No.2487617


more than anything, it isnt your ota-stink that will drive the bitches away, it's your stinky-perspective

>> No.2487631

People are annoying to be around. They are shallow and stupid. Watching them act like they do give me headaches. I myself am average looking. I have an average height, average looks, an average dick and I'm not fat.
My personality is popular, because it's funny, but that's all just a mask I use for convenience.
I'm asocial because i choose to, and not because I'm some social retard.

There might be some girl out there who might like a cynical, apathetic guy, but I'm sure that I most likely wont like her.
And no I'm not doing it out of abstinence either. I'm pretty much asexual.

>> No.2487645

I read that book. it's the same shit conmen use to scam people out of their bank accounts. goddamn women are dumb for falling for it.

>> No.2487654 [DELETED] 

Yet priest are among the most learned and knowledgeable people.
I sure as hell wouldn't want to lead a priest's life.
Wait, in fact, I don't care.

>> No.2487661

Yet priests are among the most learned and knowledgeable people.
I sure as hell wouldn't want to lead a priest's life.
Wait, in fact, I don't care.

>> No.2487664

It's not like I'm stuck up or anything. I'm a pretty easy-going guy, I've just given up hope in the human race.

>> No.2487672

how is approaching someone you like the looks of to spend some quality time the same as scam?

>> No.2487674
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I love seeing relationship threads on /jp/.

It's akin to watching elementary school children discuss quantum physics as if they know what they're talking about.

>> No.2487680

Everything is pointless, and nothing will remain of it when you die. Even if you want to try and leave some "meaningful" legacy, in but a short time not even the same matter will exist any more, but it will all have decayed into photons, and will stay that way until the end of time. Or forever, if the universe is open.

That said, what you define as having a point is entirely up to you. If it's putting on a fake persona, and invest time and money into having a small chance of obtaining a girlfriend and then more time and money to maintain a chance of having sex perhaps even weekly if you're lucky, is what you think is meaningful, then go for it.
I think I'll spend my time watching anime, teaching myself physics and mathematics, and fapping to H-games 3 times a day whilst you have to spend it all listening to someone's self absorbed drivel and pretending that you care.

>> No.2487689


Get out.

>> No.2487696

>Yet priests are among the most learned and knowledgeable people.
Erm, maybe up until mid-Renaissance, when they were pretty much the only people who could get an education. Nowadays? Not so much. Plus the whole believing in an invisible sky wizard thing is kind of dumb.

>> No.2487700


>Nowadays? Not so much.

You obviously don't know shit about priests.

>> No.2487711

Overly-religious faggot detected.

>> No.2487716

>I'm pretty much asexual


>> No.2487720

>I've still gotten my success and found common ground with someone to the point that we were having sex on the second date.
It's not hard to have sex with a slut.

>> No.2487721

I hate weekends.

>> No.2487730

It's because you're not reporting hard enough in order to get Sax his 15th(?) ban.

>> No.2487732

To be fair, the clergy has to continuously find more and more ambiguous ways to support their religion, which has become less explaining how the world works and more on offering guidance. Considering how most of their "job" deals directly with people, they have to be somewhat wise if they want to stay respected.

That said, there are a lot of people whose faith is truly frightening. Not just crazy, it's like something out of a Lovecraft novel how bizarrely alien their mind works.
