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File: 101 KB, 591x472, 1211769821810.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2483605 No.2483605 [Reply] [Original]

because old one is autosaging.
east coast canada
lower than 5 delay
code square tier

>> No.2483626


Doesn't work that way, bro.

>> No.2483643
File: 99 KB, 512x512, 1220973338440.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sage -> saging
sag -> sagging

>> No.2483663


>> No.2483671


[ ] Sage = SAYJE XD
[x] Sage = さげ(Sa - Geh)

>> No.2483672
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2483672 hosting

rubbish tier

>> No.2483747

gg. rehostan

>> No.2483757


>> No.2483799


>> No.2483809

I'd host, if I didn't think I've already played you...

>> No.2483814

I just came to this thread

>> No.2483819

More than just him waiting.

>> No.2483825

Didn't want to play you anyway

>> No.2483827

Liable to quit if I've getting steamrolled. Not in the mood for that right now.

>> No.2483833

Nevermind, I'd probably steamroll you and then you would ragequit so what would be the point

>> No.2483862
File: 127 KB, 675x684, flan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

West Coast Scrub with no improvement since last time

>> No.2483888

Reconnect, my controller came out

>> No.2483904

gg can't take much more beating :(

>> No.2483927
File: 411 KB, 500x840, 1239794242682.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
east coast <= delay 4

>> No.2483936

GGs I guess we're both rubbish tier
lol i hold for the time out on that last neko match

>> No.2483939


I didn't know there was a time limit for single matches... that was a first

>> No.2483966
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>> No.2483979 [DELETED] 

oh shit 9

>> No.2483994


NYAAA tier

>> No.2483997 [DELETED] 
File: 361 KB, 889x1280, reiroda (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shouldn't this thread be in /v/?

>> No.2484001 [DELETED] 
File: 381 KB, 890x1280, reiroda (5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I keep forgetting to sage these dumb threads. x_x

>> No.2484020

On the contrary, I'm one of the few scrubs who doesn't ragequit when getting rolled. Right now, I'm looking for any excuse to stop playing for the night.

Doesn't seem to be working, though...

>> No.2484027

GGs E-Man. Wish I could've gotten off Satsuki's crazyass 6k corner combo off one of those j.[C]'s.

>> No.2484028
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GGs, sorry for the poor performance.

>> No.2484039

I keep on waiting for an SRW thread-- I suck at melty blood :(

>> No.2484070

Go make one.

>> No.2484082

GGs Nero


>> No.2484091

lol SWR. SWR = IAMP with AIDS

>> No.2484086 [DELETED] 
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>> No.2484095 [DELETED] 
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no u. lol. ^^

>> No.2484114

Welcome to /jp/. I hope you enjoy your stay here. Just get the fuck out of this thread.

>> No.2484134

GGs sry about my delay

>> No.2484139 [DELETED] 
File: 335 KB, 875x1280, reiroda (11).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you being so mean? I'm only trying to improve the board by getting these offtopic posts into their correct forums.

>> No.2484148

GGs I wonder how many days of practice it's going to take to make my Nanaya as good as yours. Oh, and FUCK YEAR, DOUBLE METEORS!!

I know you were setting up something, but fuck me when you landed the bastardized 4.5k j[C] string. I was very impressed, but at the same time, very RAGED!!

>> No.2484170
File: 59 KB, 1024x768, 1234851454340.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2484170 EC

If you see me not responding at some point during the game, just a wait a few moments and I will be back.

>> No.2484168

Reported. Go back to posting your shitty idol, in your idol threads.

>> No.2484183 [DELETED] 




>> No.2484190

Hope you learned something.


>> No.2484192
File: 459 KB, 875x1280, reiroda (16).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idols are pretty much what this board was made for.

>> No.2484200

I love weekend /jp/.
Its the only time of the day where I can spam my report button.

Enjoy being reported after my report timer refresh.

>> No.2484324


Rehosting. Couldn't move after selecting random for some reason.

>> No.2484433


>> No.2484463

Look up some combos. You can't really play the game without them.

>> No.2484471

I agree, you should at least be able to play without being surprised by your own attacks, like "oh that was an uppercut? should have jumped!".

>> No.2484561 wc

>> No.2484733

GGs. I have no advice for your Kouma, since I was pretty defenseless unless I managed to guess what you were going to do.

>> No.2484739

You play pretty good keep away with Satsuki's normals. If you learn to capitalize on damage and move in with IAD when you see openings you could be difficult to beat. Learn that 4-way, otherwise Satsuki is kinda terrible.

>> No.2484742

That's not mentioned on meltybread. Can you give me a basic explanation?

>> No.2484755

says you're hostan but getting errors?

>> No.2484861

It's the core part of Satsuki's game. Basically, after an airthrow she can superjump and hit one of 4 spots just as the opponent is waking up from the airthrow (okizeme) depending on her timing and location.
Air backdash will result in a jC (front high)
Late (whiffed jC) 2C will result in front 2C (front low)
Sandoori jC will result in a reverse jC (back high)
Early (whiffed jC) 2C will result in a back 2C (back low)

Video 1 of 6 for examples of the setup.

By repeating this since her combo ends in airthrow, she can do consecutive combos if your execution is good and your opponent guesses/blocks wrong.

>> No.2485263


Rehostan for a few games.

>> No.2485314



>> No.2485365


sorry, please rehost, I need to fuck with my connection a bit. (horrid lag)

>> No.2485471


GGs, but it's 4:30AM and I should probably try sleeping at some point.

(I apparently need to rethink how I do combos with Mech-Hisui... I thought I had those sort of okay? Oh well)

>> No.2485472
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GGs haha, scrubbish fun.

>> No.2485515 ffa

>> No.2486536


>> No.2487126

bump for hosts.

>> No.2487156


>> No.2487160
File: 462 KB, 640x480, footlasers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2487160 EC

>> No.2487188 [DELETED] ec

>> No.2487220 [DELETED] 

still hosting

>> No.2487323

GGs. I'll be back in 10 minutes if you can wait.

>> No.2487324

GGs, seemed pretty evenly matched. (though it was at 5 delay)

>> No.2487337

>>2487160 Spectated

That was one good Sacchin I saw there. You didn't even misinput sacchinarm once from what I've seen. Howewer, you'd need to improve your general gameplay, defense, shilding and stuff. Otherwise I don't understand how could you lose so many rounds. Also, there were two times you could have used your AD at the end of the heat but instead went jC. Don't underestimate Sacchin AD. Also, lulzy double EX Sacchinarm combo out of max is lulzy.

As for Arc, that obviously isn't your main. Otherwise I don't understand how could you win so many rounds. Lol'd at the double AD, too. Well GG'd.

>> No.2487362

Arc/Aoko here.
I just haven't really played in months.

>> No.2487379
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>> No.2487394

Rehost, please.

Thanks, but I'm still shit tier IMO. I can't combo any of the nonstandard characters right, except Ren maybe 50% of the time, and I don't know her mixups either. I just have decent execution.

>> No.2487405
File: 14 KB, 213x277, melonsmirk0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I can't combo any of the nonstandard characters right, except Ren maybe 50% of the time
>I just have decent execution

>> No.2487418 EU.

>> No.2487419
File: 118 KB, 500x350, 3498761.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2487419 east

>> No.2487426


Sorry about that, connection is being shared. Let's play another time.

>> No.2487442
File: 72 KB, 480x350, 2245756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still hosting
forgot to plug in stick first time

>> No.2487501
File: 227 KB, 1200x1003, 1240182156567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For once I actually agree with your melonsmirk0.jpg

>> No.2487522 ec

>> No.2487526


>> No.2487545

so you manage to hit some shitty combo video game, save the replay then quit. sounds like some scrub shit

>> No.2487563

I didn't quit, and the only reason I went to save replay was because we both hit down for 'once again' at the same time. Rehost if you still wanna play.

>> No.2487688

maybe you should learn netplay etiquette then

>> No.2487709

Not the same guy, but wazzat? You have tourneyfags masquerading as "shit tier" around here. I don't think netiquettes needs to be brought into consideration.

>> No.2487723

GGs Red Kouma!

>> No.2487822

Okay, back and rehosting.

>> No.2487833

Shitty Sacchin here, is there any reason to use 5B 2C 5C 623B 5B 623C 2C 5C j.throw instead of the (as far as I've tested) universal 5B 5C 236C 2C 5C j.throw? It does slightly more damage and I've tested it on all the characters that you have to use a different move before 623 to combo, and it's worked.

>> No.2487868


Arg connection is so unstable. Guess its a good time to take a break tho.

GGs, thx for the games

>> No.2487870
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>> No.2487873

Rune here gg's tired of the random Disconnecting

>> No.2487883
File: 62 KB, 96x159, Remilia_01132.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure why I am playing Melty Blood.
Hosting EC
Worst Melty Blood Player Ever.

>> No.2487904

Sorry, phone call.

>> No.2487919 rehosted

>> No.2487929

Never seen two people spam 2a when there on opposite sides of the field

>> No.2487948

Why does it keep timing out :(

>> No.2487950


>> No.2487965

Thunderstorm in my area is causing power surge.

>> No.2488027

GGs. Still haven't figured out how the hell I'm supposed to fight the Shikis or Nero.

>> No.2488047

not sucking would be a good step

>> No.2488056
File: 43 KB, 480x640, Remi_0964.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a wrap, ggs.

>> No.2488066

GGs Good matches all around

Your not the worst if you can capitalize on your opponents mistakes the way you did. Stick to Hisui, she's your forte.

>> No.2488074 [DELETED] 

Play me, let's see where you are failing.

>> No.2488092
File: 171 KB, 600x500, Remi_1407.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you believe me if I told you I had no idea what I was doing.

>> No.2488125

GGs, but I've got some shit to take care of. You probably could have abused Arc's overheads a lot more. While an absolutely terrible idea against most players, I was completely incapable of shifting my block for them (though I was getting close towards the end). Your Aoko could use some more orbs too. My WLen wasn't having enough difficulty getting in on her. T'was fun.

>> No.2488128



>> No.2488131

I was too busy trying to bait Last Arcs to worry about any of that :3

>> No.2488134

Nope. Invalids, yes. Unintended reverse beats, hell yes. But 3.5k corner combos on every whiffed attack, no way in Hell I'll believe that.

On another note, mashin ain't in your blood. Now taking into account you know your way around Remilia and her combos, and a few hours of practicing a few strings/combos (you only displayed 1 blockstring and combo all 11 matches, so I know you didn't study for too long), I can see you actually being this nice starting out. I mean, Magister started out good, but it took in a week or so to do so. But something about your ability to capitalize on small mistakes leads me to believe otherwise.

>> No.2488171



And E-man we need to do one of those Aoko vs. Aoko matches.

>> No.2488190


>> No.2488212
File: 1.23 MB, 640x480, aokoaozaki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give me a time and place for tonight. Right now, I should be headed to my mom's for her b-day.

...should be, anyway.

>> No.2488233 EU

>> No.2488272

Since when was using standing overheads a bad idea? While Arc 5[b] is rather slow for a ground overhead, it can be half-charged which gives you a lot more options than just having an overhead that takes a certain amount of time to come out.

>> No.2488319


>> No.2488412


>> No.2488434


GG's, I'd like to play against your kouma next time.

>> No.2488443
File: 7 KB, 333x355, reimu02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Pretty large powerlevel.

>> No.2488454

GG wanted to play W.Len against a warc

>> No.2488459
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I'll host again 10-10:30. Or later is fine too.

>> No.2488479

Have no fucking idea where that fps came from.
GGs I guess, you really should fix that wakeup I HAVE TO DO SOMETHING OMG CANT BLOCK.

>> No.2488481

Ugh, WArc/lolis makes my WLen cry... Lack of 2B 623A 5C really hurts...

>> No.2488499

GG's so far. Sorry for sucking with Akiha and whiffing AD's. It was good to learn something about Akiha's blockstrings and pressure play from the first person. Also I can't believe I got fucking 214b baited.
I hope you enjoyed my keyless Ciel build. It's sad I didn't even get to execute anything similiar to combo though.
Also the Wara play sucked so far. So, fix the delay and I will gladly rehost in a few minutes.

>> No.2488535

I'll try rebooting everything then, if you still feel like continuing, not like I have anything better to do anyway.

>> No.2488570

Turning everything off, too. Rehosted.

Come to get my ass kicked.

>> No.2488580

why is that I always forget to quote myself in this thread?

>> No.2488661

ggs fui

>> No.2488673


>> No.2488937

...and that would be it for tonight. Thanks for the GG's and again, sorry for sucking. You kind of renewed my meltan blood.
Too bad I didn't remember whatever the hell did I used to play with VSion, if anything ever.

>> No.2488957

There really is a failsafe way to get better and that's to quit trying to mash attacks/grab in every possible situation. Id est, start blocking.
When you wake up from a grounded state you just don't mash attacks because it's damn stupid and unsafe and will only get you comboed. Same goes for poking when you think the other one is done with their blockstring.

>> No.2489291 EU

>> No.2489617
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Yo E-MAN, let me know when you're around.

>> No.2489672


>> No.2489717

Let's go!

>> No.2489740


GG's, sorry something came up.

>> No.2489789


>> No.2489798 EC

>> No.2489904

Delay 1? Very nice. GGs zerogravity

>> No.2489905

Yeah starts fucking lagging when I do a momiji look motherfucker.

>> No.2489908

Reconnect, CPU. My control popped out

>> No.2489909

I don't think you can do a momiji loop reliably anyways, never seen you do it, ever.

>> No.2489946

I'm not going to say I can throw the execution perfectly but it pisses me off more when it lags, and starts a fucking time warp when I'm starting the loop. The other time is just timing issues/miss inputs.

>> No.2490187


Hah, I'm pretty sure I the last 2 games were completely desync'd. But GG's E-MAN, lots of epic moments there. Especially when the warc arc drives cancelled each other hahah. Let's play again later.

>> No.2490199


Didn't like those desyncs at the end, so had to cut it short. LOL, you get it, "cut it", as in Nanaya's AD! Ahh, I kill myself sometimes.

Anyway, we need more Aoko work! I need to learn that tedious air juggle and you need to avoid eating beams. Man, what I wouldn't give to learn to IAD attack like you.

A wide array of characters we both can run. I didn't even get to see your WLen in action, nor your un-desynced Kouma. Guess if I wasn't fuckin around with Arc, I probably couldn't trained my Tataris.

Til next time.

>> No.2490213


Indeed, though I need work with a lot of my characters... I don't know what it is, but the more I practice Aoko the more I forget others. lol
But yes, we still need to get our Aokos like the one in that video, so we need to keep practicing!

>> No.2490327


>> No.2490363
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>> No.2490722

GGs aaa wat.

>> No.2490734

ggs cpu lv 3 and stop mashing on wakeup

>> No.2490739
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>> No.2490782
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>> No.2490788

First to 5. My eyes aren't focusing right now.

>> No.2490803


Any other night, I would stay and play, but my eyes are through. Thanks for the matches.

>> No.2490804

Hosting again if any one is awake

>> No.2490810
File: 159 KB, 480x640, 3380920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if youre going to be a huge scrub you could at least not fucking change characters every match


>> No.2490811

bump for host

>> No.2490815 [DELETED] 

Rehosting. mini-boss tier.

>> No.2491618


>> No.2491947 EU.

>> No.2492942


>> No.2493136 EC back for a new day.

>> No.2493972
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>> No.2494009

In Meltanland, shit tear is tourneyfag and tourneyfag is shit tier

>> No.2494106
File: 60 KB, 767x678, 55613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice terrible 5 delay spiking akiha exfart


>> No.2494112

GGs I guess. Was kind a stunned by those two first games. Wtf me winning someone? And a Nero to boot. Must've been the delay and bad fps at work or something.

>> No.2494201
File: 24 KB, 98x126, melonsmirkan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gets pissed because he lost two games with not even a round victory to an absolute shit-beginner-tier so decides to troll by calling him names, and does it like a 12-year old would

>> No.2494361


>> No.2494381

nice ragequit fui. why are you so bad

>> No.2494401
File: 221 KB, 1067x1500, 1209510656291.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bump for hosts.

>> No.2494448

yo wtf 8 delay

>> No.2494466
File: 3 KB, 197x73, ciel_uC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>European Union
What did you expect?

Rehosting >>2494401

>> No.2494477 [DELETED] 

didn't want to play against you anyway

>> No.2494481

Didn't want to play you anyway

>> No.2494490

Is someone using my name? Weird. I haven't played melty today. I guess that would explain why you beat that person.

>> No.2494498

I guess I'll play a few, though.


>> No.2494563


Hey, you've been practicing your neko, haven't you? Well so have I, as you can see...

Hah, and I can't believe that last arc you got, by shielding my heat. GG's as always.

>> No.2494566
File: 415 KB, 556x1000, konatalaughingatyou.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha! Ha!

>> No.2494577

>Hey, you've been practicing your neko, haven't you?
Actually, no. Just increased my mashing speed by 50% for that round. Now I need food.

>> No.2494758

cielfag doesnt even know how to play his "real" character nevermind a neko

>> No.2494769


There you go then, you found something in common.

>> No.2494799
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>> No.2495049

bump for host

>> No.2495332



>> No.2495397

It's like I'm really playing Street Fighter!

only without the hadoukens...

>> No.2495454 [DELETED] 

Hosting. Impossible to beat when not sandbagging tier.

>> No.2495566
File: 19 KB, 392x359, sacchin_isn't_it+sad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


tiny grasshopper tier.

>> No.2495601 EC for RANDOM SELECT ONLY

>> No.2495686


GG's, some really intense ones there.

>> No.2495771


>> No.2495817


Next time, post IP

>> No.2495828


ip= god tier

>> No.2495837

Can't Host.

>> No.2496373

Anyone hosting at this time?

>> No.2496401

west coast onry

>> No.2496523

bump for host

>> No.2496536

...Yeah, okay.

>> No.2496599

East Coast host

>> No.2496622

west coast

>> No.2496660


>> No.2496672



>> No.2496676

ggs aoko

>> No.2496692

ggs I forgot how to shot web

west coast

>> No.2496719

was that a desync, satsuki?

>> No.2496743

bump for hosts

>> No.2496746

Hosting for a little bit.

>> No.2496747

Please fix your computer and/or internet, Warakia. It's worse than Fui's.

>> No.2496761

please fix ur face, bump for hosts

>> No.2496798


GG's, I'd play more but I just played 15 matches against another Nero and I've had my dose. haha

>> No.2496803


me and him live in the same state so it figures.

>> No.2496805


damn i would have switched.

The key to beating him with aoko is not to play her.

If you want to win with warc you throw rings in the air all day.

Then punish with EX teleport whenever he summons anything.


>> No.2496872

Wow, you sure showed him!

>> No.2496996

ggs, I need to learn more than one combo.

>> No.2497012 [DELETED] 

GGs, t'was fun. Your Aoko desperately needs better combos. You're completely neglecting it and her second air dash in your combos and cross-ups. The timing is somewhat strict on her BnB, but it's utterly essential to her game since her air combo works off of an orb counterhit (which you should be nailing plenty of). I don't think 236C is a good use of meter for her, better off saving it for heats/orbs/Arc Drives imo. Also, after her 6ABC you can do 623A Arc Drive for a low hit combo or 214A for an overhead, giving you a little more mix-up potential (the overhead can be countered on reaction as with most such overheads). Your WArc didn't look too bad either, dunno why you don't try developing her some more.

>> No.2497016

GGs, t'was fun. Your Aoko desperately needs better combos. You're completely neglecting her third jump and second air dash in your combos and cross-ups. The timing is somewhat strict on her BnB, but it's utterly essential to her game since her air combo works off of an orb counterhit (which you should be nailing plenty of). I don't think 236C is a good use of meter for her, better off saving it for heats/orbs/Arc Drives imo. Also, after her 6ABC you can do 623A Arc Drive for a low hit combo or 214A for an overhead, giving you a little more mix-up potential (the overhead can be countered on reaction as with most such overheads). Your WArc didn't look too bad either, dunno why you don't try developing her some more.
