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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 72 KB, 700x460, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2485897 No.2485897 [Reply] [Original]

Previous Thread on Autosage: >>2480377

Crack: http://www.sendspace.com/file/i7xqqo

>> No.2486031


>> No.2486038

could you upload the crack to rapidshare or megaupload please?

>> No.2486048

are we still waiting on the game?

>> No.2486055



>> No.2486057

We're waiting for it to be mirrored.

>> No.2486062


Still being uploaded I guess

>> No.2486064


>> No.2486068


Here you have http://www.megaupload.com/?d=V9BKH9HT

>> No.2486070


>> No.2486073

So, he's uploading it to rs with a 10x dl limit.


>> No.2486081


I can download it with my premium account and reupload it

>> No.2486093

a minute too late, but thank you very much anyway

>> No.2486101

I don't see why he can't transfer them to a free account.

>> No.2486102

Why the hell didn't he just torrent the damned thing? Even if he has shit upstream, he could just turn on initial seeding and it would be done in no time.

>> No.2486111

Because it would take forever when split between a ton of people anyway?

>> No.2486122

Only a last 200MB part remains. It failed once, but I upload it from two different computers and connections now, ONE will succeed.
It should be done at 2 hours at most.

>> No.2486124

So where are the first couple of parts?

>> No.2486127

Thanks a lot.
Can you post the already uploaded parts so we can mirror it?

>> No.2486136

Mediafire is acting up right now. Any other hosting favorites?

>> No.2486146

So here is what happens:
This can only be downloaded 10 times.An Anon with decent upload should re-upload it. Don't rush downloading this part.

Parts 3&4:
You should start with these
There should be no download limit.

Currently uploading part 2. It's a rar file split with hjsplit.

>> No.2486155

>The server 655.rapidshare.com is momentarily not available. We are aware of this and are working to get this resolved.
Haha. The internet hates you.

>> No.2486156


>> No.2486176

Thanks bro

>> No.2486182

With initial seeding on, he would only have to upload the whole thing once to different people, then the whole swarm would finish it among itself.

Much faster than waiting for it to be uploaded to rapidshare and then download at not so great speeds.

>> No.2486185

Shit sucks man ;_;

>> No.2486187

1.fuck you
2. this works

>> No.2486193

>The server 208.rapidshare.com is momentarily not available. We are aware of this and are working to get this resolved.
>The server 655.rapidshare.com is momentarily not available. We are aware of this and are working to get this resolved.
>The server 719.rapidshare.com is momentarily not available. We are aware of this and are working to get this resolved.
Oh, for the love of God.

>> No.2486196

No. Uploading to any one person would take forever with how torrents are designed. It's best to distribute it to several people and then create a torrent.

>> No.2486198

3.eventually lol

>> No.2486221

What are the chances for all 3 servers to be "unavailable"?

>> No.2486223

>2. this works
1. Leave files uploading to upload service #1
2. Go to bed
3. Wake up and realize it fucked up
4. Start uploading all over again to upload service #2
5. Watch it fuck up like in >>2486146 and wait until it gets fixed
6. No one has any files yet and no one can help uploading

Don't get me wrong, for small stuff like CDs and doujinshi, nothing beats stuff like Mediafire. For large stuff, though, people should just torrent it already: with a well behaved swarm and initial/super seeding, the initial seeder only has to upload the stuff once like he was uploading to a file sharing site, only people start downloading right from the start and can help uploading as well. In a torrent, when the initial seeder finishes uploading, a bunch of people will have the file finished already.

But thanks for doing this, MolesterJim. I don't mean to be an ass, just pointing out that torrents are a lot more efficient for stuff like this.

>> No.2486230

>No. Uploading to any one person would take foreve
Looks like you don't know how super-seeding/initial seeding works!


>> No.2486235

Well, I'm off to get breakfast. If rapidshare comes back online and the 10 thing hasn't expired by the time I get back, I'll reupload the files onto ifile and try to reupload it to mediafire.

>> No.2486271


Carry on, then.

>> No.2486312

Dudes keep cool. BROFIST ON SUNDAY alright?

>> No.2486317

I don't know. When's Sunday?

>> No.2486318

downloading part 1 now, uploading asap

>> No.2486320

LOL this is fucked, I am d/l some other shit off rapidshare atm, but the other 3 servers are fucked??? :/ at least its on rapidshit, even if it is fucked right now. Fucking uni and its torrent block.

>> No.2486329

nevermind LOL its alive again

>> No.2486331

Seems to be working okay now.

>> No.2486421

Is anybody getting more than 30kb/s?

>> No.2486447

90KB/s here.

>> No.2486449

I hate MU and RS ;_;

>> No.2486457

220 KB/s, almost done with part 4. Will make a torrent when he uploads part 3.

>> No.2486470

Gah. I missed part 1.

>> No.2486474

Is the link not working?

I'm downloading from it just fine.

>> No.2486479

Part 01 is limited to the first 10 downloaders. I just missed it.

>> No.2486484

Ah, thanks Exople.

>> No.2486490



>> No.2486638

Just woke up, looks like i was little late for the party. But anyway, here is the MF mirror for crack, just for the sake of having it: http://www.mediafire.com/?zmonoett1yj

>> No.2486643

So just waiting on Part 2 then?

>> No.2486658


>> No.2486662


Bros, it's done.

>> No.2486672


>> No.2486674

Worth buying?

>> No.2486677
File: 21 KB, 301x400, user1680_1163474829.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2486679

Thank you guys, this just made day.

>> No.2486692

We'll see if the crack works...

>> No.2486694

Is there any way to upload to MediaFire using some sort of command line script or text browser?

>> No.2486718

........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
..........''...\.......... _.·´

Thanks Bros. Time to pull an all-nighter.

>> No.2486719

Thanks Bro.

>> No.2486720

You should be able to just do batch uploading using the regular site. Are you looking for something different?

>> No.2486723

it is really good

>> No.2486724

Mediafire is buggy today. Verification problems.

>> No.2486726

How does this VN compare with Da Capo and Edelweiss?

Only read the last one myself. Requesting opinion from whoever's read all of them.

>> No.2486734

I can't use a regular browser. I mean, I could, but that would imply downloading the stuff to my computer and upload it with my shit bandwidth.

>> No.2486736

Might be a while since the majority of /jp/ is probably downloadan now.

>> No.2486764

Just need to run the cracked .exe from inside the directory right?

>> No.2486772

Crack works.

>> No.2486773

OHOHOH this is wonderful indeed. Thank you.

>> No.2486777


Screenshot please

>> No.2486789
File: 5 KB, 405x82, CRACK WORKS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2486798
File: 80 KB, 816x636, suika.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2486799

Well played.

>> No.2486805

And /jp/ does it again!
Now for the scoreboard:
/jp/ - 5
Mang@gamer - 2

>> No.2486816

>Mang@gamer - 2
What are the 2 you speak of?

>> No.2486818
File: 45 KB, 799x624, translation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2486820

Crappy font choice as always.

>> No.2486821

So where's the game?

>> No.2486825

So can we get a torrent?

>> No.2486826


Doesn't sound like an epic win comparing to...

/jp/ - ??? (huh?)
PeachPrincess - 0

>> No.2486829
File: 58 KB, 817x638, suika1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh shit /jp/ what do I do? I don't want to get a bad end on the first choice.

>> No.2486831

Why is that a surprise? They didn't translate the title. It's still Suika.

>> No.2486838


Remember the name of the 2 games that /jp/ hasn't got from MG? I forgot them.

>> No.2486840

>epic win
Get the fuck out of /jp/.

>> No.2486842

Shera, My Witch was one.

>> No.2486843

/jp/ - 1 (Princess Waltz)
Peach Princess - 0

>> No.2486844

Shera, my Witch
My sex slave is a classmate

>> No.2486846

To be fair, the paying customers were asked if they wanted stuff like honorifics, and they overwhelmingly said they wanted some stuff not to be translated.

>> No.2486850

Peach Princess - Family Project
/jp/ - ???

>> No.2486852


My sexmate is a classslave or something or other is the other one.

>> No.2486857


Hardcore as always

>> No.2486862

FFFFFF just got what I presume is a pseudo bad end.

>> No.2486868

Torrent bros?

>> No.2486869


Err... Hello? Suika doesn't have a happy ending for chapter 1 or 2.

>> No.2486872

Not a torrent, but it works fine.

>> No.2486873

easymodo goes like 700 kb/s. I dont see why you'd need a torrent.

>> No.2486875

/jp/ gets shit done it wants to.

Use the DDL: http://eeh.maji.easymodo.net/files/Suika/

>> No.2486877

Is chapter one only supposed to be one choice long?

>> No.2486883

Crack seems to be clean to :) always scan every executable I dl just to be safe :)


>> No.2486886

I never learned how to operate zip files that end with numbers after the file extension. Every time I try to extract it I irreversibly fuck it up´.

>> No.2486889

why the fuck i downloaded it 3 times and i always the unexpected end of archive... when i open it.

>> No.2486891

No. Do not use words you do not understand.

>> No.2486893


You need teh 2nd part: http://rapidshare.com/files/225623984/suika.zip.002

>> No.2486894

Did you combine it with hjsplit?

>> No.2486895

Try using 7zip?

>> No.2486900

As long as you use a decent archive program (7zip), you should be able to just extract the first file, which will automatically extract the rest from the other files

>> No.2486904

Oh so you're saying i cant extract it with winrar?

>> No.2486905

You should feel lucky that you don't have to figure out how to extract .__a, .__b, .__c,... files

... like me

>> No.2486908

Much obliged, /jp/, as always.

>> No.2486909


Since I'm well aware that I'm an idiot I looked it up in the dictionary and it turns out I used it properly. I meant it as not being able to "unfuck" it after fucking it up and that's exactly what it means.


I did not know of such things. Now I know. Thank you.

>> No.2486926

Mediafire uploader here, will work on MF link real soon.

>> No.2486928

I know how to use the other methods, but why dosent WinRar work!? You where using hljsplit to do it right?

>> No.2486934


Winrar is not universal

>> No.2486936

What's all this hjsplit shit? Extracting one of the files with WinRAR always works for me.

>> No.2486939

Thanks to the archives, this is kind of rendered useless, but a promise is a promise:

Suika.001: http://ifile.it/psqk94n
Suika.002: http://ifile.it/9proem4
Suika.003: http://ifile.it/cvg4o8l
Suika.004: http://ifile.it/f4i2yz1
Suika.Crack: http://ifile.it/rp8ahu2

Make sure the first 3 files are the same size and the last file is 96.7 MB. WinRar doesn't work so use 7zip.

>> No.2486942

No. You do not understand. Unless you are a complete retard and heavily alter the archive files themselves, there is nothing to be reversed.

>> No.2486954

How many parts are there suppose to be to downloading the game?

>> No.2486957


>Unless you are a complete retard

Have you not been paying attention to anything that I've been saying? It might as well be irreversible for me because imnotgoodwithcomputer, as well as being a complete retard.

Thank you for trying to educate me, though.

>> No.2486959

blah. Winrar should work with split files. Anyways yeah it work and everything.

>> No.2486966

5. 4 game files. 1 crack.

>> No.2486967

...Why the hell would you mess around with the archive files on your own?

>> No.2486968

I don't think you understand what the word "irreversible" means. Get a dictionary.

Hint: it has nothing to do with reverse engineering or anything related to software, it's a standard English word.

Back to middle school with you.

>> No.2486972

Winrar is shit anyway. You get what you deserve for using it.

>> No.2486985

>Hint: it has nothing to do with reverse engineering or anything related to software, it's a standard English word.
So it has to do with not being able to undo a change?

Interesting! That's exactly what I used it to mean!

>> No.2486988

Anyone have a Japanese Walkhtrough for the game? Yeah I know no English ones is out :P but should be easy enought using an JP one.

>> No.2486992

Looking at the translation notes, I see no problems with what they did, often just keeping Japanese instead of forcing a western view.

>#02 1st year - Japan’s middle schools and high schools are split into 3 years each, unlike 2 and 4 respectively in the US. Therefore, a 1st year high school student in Japan would be the same age as a sophomore at a high school in the US.

>> No.2486995



>> No.2487000
File: 32 KB, 500x456, 1198451448055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2487001


Are you kidding me?

>> No.2487004

Already? Play it like a man. Stop hiding behind your walkthroughs!

>> No.2487006

>cant figure out how to find a walkthrough
Get out

>> No.2487016

"Irreversibly messing up" means messing something up to to the point of not being able to fix it. It's perfectly standard usage and its "unable to undo" meaning doesn't contradict it in any way. What's your point?

>> No.2487019

I'll use emoticons if I want =)

>> No.2487020

My point is that zip files are not altered when you unzip their contents.

>> No.2487036

Alright, I concede "invariably" would have been a better word. Still not sure why that warranted getting all mad at >>2486886.

>> No.2487038

No, you won't. No, you fucking won't. Get the fuck out.

>> No.2487045

I did mention it needed HJSPLIT, didn't I?
Anyway, I should finally start reading this myself.

>> No.2487046

I wonder when these type of games will have a save game feature. DURRRRR

>> No.2487049

You misinterpret abrasive helpfulness as anger. It takes something much different from that to anger me. Usually false accusations.

>> No.2487056 [DELETED] 
File: 84 KB, 1280x720, snapshot20090424223733.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2487060

Emo = Emotional
Emote = Emotional

Proven wrong.

Also, reported.

>> No.2487062

>I'll use emoticons if I want =)

Get out.

>> No.2487067


>> No.2487072


Please keep your selfhate from the internet

>> No.2487074


That's easy mode

>> No.2487080

Get the fuck out

>> No.2487085

Oh shit, we forgot to release this as BROFIST.

>> No.2487114


>> No.2487144

Is the torrent working fine?

>> No.2487157


It slowed down a bit for me, but yeah.

>> No.2487166

You've been give a pretty decent HTTP link that goes 700+ kb/s a second and you want to use a slow ass torrent, why?

>> No.2487167

>kb/s a second

>> No.2487174

I was asking if the rar with the crack included in the torrent works.

>> No.2487178


>> No.2487184

I completed the torrent in exactly 19 minutes, and will seed from now on

>> No.2487206

finished in 20 mins
uploading at 500kbs

>> No.2487218

btw I have the same problems with this game like I had with Da Capo, it's not working for win2k (RestoreLastError)
I know that you have to change something with a hexeditor, so in what as it again? Thx in advance

>> No.2487236


........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
..........''...\.......... _.·´

>> No.2487285

search for RestoreLastError, replace with SetLastError, put some 00(null bytes) where the previos text was('or' characters)

>> No.2487294

Thanks for the copy /b tip.

>> No.2487313
File: 287 KB, 1500x844, 1208868817122.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes this was it. THX again

>> No.2487331

Hey, I didn't know that song was Suika's OP. I love it.

>> No.2487339

Fucking scums of the earth!

Reporting this to moot.

>> No.2487371

Did that and uploaded the exe in case more people want it.



>> No.2487443

Oh shit, Princess Waltz got cracked!? Does that mean Da Capo and Edelwiss got cracked too!?

In that case, /r/ the torrent to crack games please.

Sorry if I sound newbish. Haven't visited /jp/ in a while.

>> No.2487449

Stop lying. You're really a time traveler.

>> No.2487451


>Haven't visited /jp/ in a while.

As in like... never?

>> No.2487455

This game hurts my head.

>> No.2487461

Torrent where?

>> No.2487462

Your posts hurt my head.
I dunno, bro. Try again tomorrow.

>> No.2487465



>> No.2487519

Pretty much. So, can you give a bro a break and help him out with a torrent/link to the crack games, man?

>> No.2487552

Use google, i could provide some MU links if you want too.

>> No.2487555

By observing your posts I've determined you can actually READ, why not use that skill on this thread and all your answers will be answered.

>> No.2487568

fags it's holy BROFIST day, don't get upset. btw links were given, just reread the thread

>> No.2487587

I did but they're were the Japanese versions. Stop being hard asses and help a bro out.

>> No.2487596

I think he wants Princess Waltz, Edelwiss and Da Capo.

I don't have the links handy, but just google around. Or search the /jp/ archive, put easymodo archive in Google.

>> No.2487602

What do I get in return?

>> No.2487604

You're a dumbass if you can't find it in the thread. You don't deserve help.

>> No.2487605

I download VNs but never play them.

>> No.2487610

Bro dick

>> No.2487611

If you're lucky, he might go away.

If you're unlucky, he may stay forever.

As it is, he'll go away eventually. Probably.

Your choice.

>> No.2487629


not listing.....

>> No.2487656

Get the torrent, it's fast enough now.

>> No.2487668

Just finished chapter one, one quick question, who was that Chinatsu woman?

>> No.2487684

It's me, I'm Chinatsu.

>> No.2487803

how do i combine the 4 pieces

>> No.2487811

Use hjsplit

>> No.2487832


>> No.2487836
File: 71 KB, 816x638, Clipboard01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2487891

All right, got them after this useful post. Unlike you other ass hats who just scorned me for getting a little help. Geez, I expected /jp/ to be the last place to ever be like /b/.

>> No.2487901

Shitty trolling, huh?

That's exactly why we didn't help you.

Now get the fuck out and don't come back.

>> No.2487913

You have some kind of proof I was trolling or are YOU trolling, mr. visual novel tough guy?!

>> No.2487951

Trolling or not, you need to GTFO

>> No.2487954


>> No.2487968

Bitch got told.

>> No.2487997

Okay, seriously. Is it normal that the game constantly changes place and time? It feels like changing the person too. I'm 10 minutes in the game and changed the time atleast 3 times and finished chapter 1(lol?)

What the hell is going on?

>> No.2487998

Stop fighting over stupid things, today is a good day. You can find most games with just a bit of searching or lurking. Google, TokyoTosho, /rs/, the archive, all have answers to your questions, and not only that, but these questions have been asked way too many times, do some research, lurk for a day, and you'll find your own answers.

>> No.2488116

how do I get the text box back? ;_;

>> No.2488175

It does that constantly, but it gets easy enough to tell who's speaking. If not the character ends up introducing themself or somesuch. They're all flashbacks or dreams that I've seen so far, but I'm only up to chapter 2 though.

>> No.2488232

Thread autosaging making a new one


>> No.2489376

is the game uncensored
