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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2484864 No.2484864 [Reply] [Original]

>I have checked that the latter half of day 8 is fully translated this time

No it's not. I just went through day 8 and it's just like it was before this patch.

>*Day 8: Complete (for real this time)

Stop lying.

>> No.2484883

It's been 24 hours and the tranlsator has only done another 10%?

This guys is slacking!

>> No.2484892


Oh, no you don't. Don't you twist my words. My beef isn't with his work it's with those two statements right there.

>> No.2484908

Why don't you post there?

>> No.2484912

Because he's lying. Day 8 is translated. I just checked.

>> No.2484921


Nuh-uh. I even started a new game to see if it wasn't a problem with the save file and I got the same result. Overlapping runes.

>> No.2484943

Did you just say Nuh-uh? Wow.

>> No.2484947


Yes, Yes I did.

>> No.2484949

I'm having serious doubts about the quality of the translation considering how fast it's going.

>> No.2484965

MOON. is a _very_ easy title to translate (simple use of language), compared to some things (It's on the same level as Kanon etc.). The translator is certainly doing a much better job, quality-wise, than both the Kanon and Clannad translation projects, and appears to be spending most of his time on the thing.

>> No.2484969


I'm fine with a translation as long as it seems like it fits. Whenever I hear people say that the Kanon translation is way off... I'm like "okay." and that's the end of it.

For all I know this could all be made up. Kudos to the "translator" if that's true. I'm really enjoying it.

>> No.2484986

OP's lying - every single bit of Day 8 is translated. I just checked. The scripts have been entirely translated, and the supplied patch works correctly against a fresh moon_eng/moon_eng.lst.

>> No.2484994


You're lying.

>> No.2485009

Ikumi is such a slut, Yui is better and more innocent, even after begin raped so many time!

>> No.2485018


>Ikumi is such a slut

It's because of the lack of a father figure in her life.

>> No.2485024

Haha. Oh you.

>> No.2485020
File: 198 KB, 1280x960, moon_day8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Screenshots from day 8 events.

>> No.2485019

moon. is getting translated?! WHAT THE FUCK I'M SO SLOW

>> No.2485035


I'm not falling for your black magic.

>> No.2485039

So is this game even
any good?

>> No.2485043


Well, I'm liking it.

>> No.2485044

It's entertaining, and better than at least 50% of the stuff translated. If the story doesn't interest you, don't bother.

>> No.2485050

Why is the art in this better than kanon?

>> No.2485055

only if you like eroges with female protagonist that are such a slut that show their genitalia, likes to masturbate in some random guy desk, suck the cock of another strange in the library and the list goes on... so yeah it is good!

>> No.2485060

What's-her-face adapted a new shading style which looks like shit in Kanon.

... I think.

>> No.2485059


The coloring, the shading, a certain je ne se qois...

I don't know.

>> No.2485066
File: 60 KB, 646x505, moon24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because generally Kanon has worse colouring. Well, not _worse_ specifically, but a colouring style less appropriate for Itaru's artwork. MOON. opts to use a fairly 'solid' style of colouring, whereas Kanon makes excessive use of blur and dodge filters.

Some of the bad CGs in MOON. do look particularly bad, though.

Oh, and this game also has more CGs than any other Key/Tactics game except Little Busters

>> No.2485073

She also RAPES someone, which is sufficiently badass to counter all that.

Besides, even if people don't like sluts as heroines, there's usually no complaints about PLAYING one.

>> No.2485084

ok, i'm sold
will remember to d/l
when finished transl

>> No.2485093

Anyone have an HCG pack?

>> No.2485096

No, but seriously, why would you want one? Itaru H scenes are Itaru H scenes, no matter what game they are in.

>> No.2485106


Even in LB! EX?

>> No.2485117

Even in LB! EX. The H scenes in that were nothing to write home about, and there were only a few decent-looking HCGs in the entire set (given that the game had more H scenes than every other Tactics/Key title except Dousei)

>> No.2485121


Na-Ga's H scenes were definitely better than Itaru's, though. That's for sure.

>> No.2485137
File: 80 KB, 640x480, ikumidoeseverythingatschool3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like the patch I downloaded got corrupted or something because I downloaded it again and patched the game and now I'm no longer getting overlapping runes on the latter half of day 8.

Also, Ikumi does everything at school.

>> No.2485151 [DELETED] 

>>only if you like eroges with female protagonist that are such a slut that show their genitalia, likes to masturbate in some random guy desk, suck the cock of another strange in the library and the list goes on... so yeah it is good!

I love this post. You're so moe, Anon.

>> No.2485174
File: 107 KB, 473x750, 171241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The problem with LB! EX's H scenes is that they didn't focus enough on Riki. Riki is the most attractive character in the game.

On a side note, Riki almost never wears man-clothes in fanart.

>> No.2485194

LB!EX shouldn't have bothered with H scenes for the other characters - just about 30 H scenes with Kudryavka would have been fine.

>> No.2485209

Fuck you and give me more Saya and Sasami h-scenes.

>> No.2485211
File: 110 KB, 600x847, 866317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>just about 30 H scenes with Kudryavka would have been fine.

And at least one of them should be in a very uncomfortable place.

>> No.2485219
File: 136 KB, 800x600, FGSS06A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




Only problem I had with her's was the translucent penis.

>> No.2485227

Not a problem at all, is it?

>> No.2485235
File: 88 KB, 389x900, 895333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


By no means.

>> No.2485246


What's up with those delicious hips?

>> No.2485255


I want Riki to bear my children.

>> No.2485256


Someone figure out how to get a man pregnant, please.

>> No.2485275
File: 73 KB, 500x394, 39615329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2485340

Seconding HCG. Or at least just the posting of them in /h/ or something.

>> No.2485344


Anonymous are such a slut that show their genitalia, likes to masturbate in some random place, suck the cock of another strange anywhere and the list goes on...

>> No.2485370
File: 75 KB, 450x430, 1240503484704.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
