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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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24662533 No.24662533 [Reply] [Original]

A thread for discussion and recommendation of Japanese TV and movies.

FAQ: https://pastebin.com/BARFCHgF

Previous Thread: >>24175956

Please put the sauce in the filename if posting pictures/gifs/webms.

>> No.24662666
File: 26 KB, 624x352, 90sjap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop watching manga adaptations

>> No.24662682

Thank you Mr. Kitano

>> No.24663031
File: 122 KB, 1281x761, eizouasuka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eizouken was cool, Kitano san.

>> No.24664878

>or you could just use the script which removes the warning message to pay for the subscription and keep watching without making any accounts for free as much as you want
Where is it?

>> No.24665357

Any way to stop the streams from lagging every now and then?

>> No.24668332

Does this general do group watches of movies or shows?

>> No.24673282
File: 166 KB, 1080x1080, m18484562813_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could any of you kind folks help an anon find a copy of of "Kaette kita yopparai/Three Resurrected Drunkards"?
I've been digging The Folk Crusaders music lately and the premise of the film sounds interesting. However, I've tried my usual places and as many links from your pastebins as possible and found nothing but dead links, sadly.
Can anyone help a brother out?

>> No.24673569

i don't think so, but if there's some people interested it could be set up

>> No.24674206

Hero! Thanks ever so much, anon!

>> No.24674256

me and some people watch a japanese movie every sunday. Random shit from any year and genre.

>> No.24674413

The Netflix Ju On Origin series seems pretty trashy.

>> No.24674875
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You can't stop me, Kitano-san

>> No.24675095

Kids Return was pretty great

>> No.24675734
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>> No.24676559

Thanks a bunch, mate.

>> No.24676570

Thank you, gonna watch it this weekend.

>> No.24678139

well if you want new viewers i'll gratefully join you guys
i haven't seen all his movies, i think it's ten, but i liked that one the best at first viewing.

>> No.24678336
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>i haven't seen all his movies
Why? Do yourself a favor and watch them all, by release order if possible so you can enjoy the little references here and there (especially in his autobiography trilogy) and Office Kitano's talents' reappearances throughout his movies.

>> No.24678668
File: 637 KB, 1280x690, Murder at Shijinso.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

her new drama when?

>> No.24680154

movie kaneki > anime kaneki

>> No.24680409

>tfw learning chinese through NHK daily programming

>> No.24680499

Which is the best Terrace House season? I just started boys & girls in the city but I hear the first one is the best, it just sucks it isn't on netflix

>> No.24682495

This sunday at 8:30pm EST is Shimane Prison Riot. bestkeytube on cytube

>> No.24684286

dont be a netflix fag then

>> No.24686889

That was 2 years ago, man. They stopped offering trial accounts after redditors started abusing the script, and they were probably only doing it in the first place to get their name out there.

It was great while it lasted though. Decent quality, lots of channels, with a week or two of on-demand.

Right now the best option I've found is free IPTV, which is pretty jank, often laggy, and finding channel guides is a pain in the dick. I just don't bother, it's easier just to download the shows you want.

>> No.24690826
File: 230 KB, 960x1440, p8458319_v_v8_aa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you guys think of Takashi Miike? I've seen Jūsannin no Shikaku and Mugen no Jūnin and enjoyed them both, but I was wondering if his other works are worth checking out

>> No.24690950
File: 825 KB, 1023x683, tvtokyo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would any Anon(s) living in Japan be willing to take on the task of recording full 24 hour programming from any and all channels each previous day and then upload it/them for us the next? This would help out greatly when learning Japanese.

>> No.24690975

One of my favorite directors. I highly recommend his 90s and early 00s works. 13 Assassins and Blade of the Immortal, while great, aren't what Miike is all about, they're very different from his origins. Honestly, his modern movies aren't as good as his older stuff.

>> No.24691496

of the internationally popular weird japanese movie guys (sono shion, whoever did 告白 and 渇き), i think his are the most entertaining. he staples a lot of weird bits together and takes unnecessary/fetish detours, but the readable and sympathetic characters hold it together for me. i wonder how much some of those v-cinema producers would have to rein in his vision; i was always under the assumption that the particularly bizarre ones like dead or alive he essentially did want he wanted.

>> No.24691639

I think I've seen at least 20 of his movies. For me, he makes entertaining movies.

>> No.24691910


i've probably seen like 40 at this point, and a quarter of them I didn't even realize were his till later.

recent gems I've seen are Detective Story, Zebraman 2, DoA 2, and Ai to Makoto. the former is one of my faves from him.

however, can we ease off the "Americans' idea of the Japanese canon" type direectors? gets a bit boring to see the same five names over and over

>> No.24692089

Started rewatching Hanzawa Naoki in preparation for season 2.
This shit is just as entertaining as I remember.

>> No.24692366

>"Americans' idea of the Japanese canon" type direectors
Come again?

>> No.24692470

I already did last December, preparing myself for the SP and then ending up saving the SP for when season 2’s time approaches. Little did I know a global pandemic would happen and fucks up its scheduled broadcasting. Thank God I didn’t watch the SP yet, gonna watch it in 2 weeks though if season 2 is airing by the end of July.

>> No.24692569
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>however, can we ease off the "Americans' idea of the Japanese canon" type direectors? gets a bit boring to see the same five names over and over
ITT? We mostly talk about mainstream movies with cute girls here.

>> No.24692703

His early works are hard to find, especially for someone like me with a 4th world internet connection and can’t download torrents

>> No.24694013


what do you think? kitano, sono, miike, etc. stop being naive


every thread there's a newfag asking for Miike recs

>> No.24694174

Well, these are the names of popular directors who make great movies and like you said every thread some newfags come and ask about them, so talking about them is inevitable. Equally, we also talk about movies that aren't popular among "Americans" like >>24692569 so there's definitely a balance here.

>> No.24702596

Thanks for the recommend. Where can you get english subs?

>> No.24702981

Looks like only a hardsubbed English version exists on Kissasian. No English softsub file.

>> No.24705876

are variety shows back to normal yet?

>> No.24706086

“New Normal”, yes, most of them.

>> No.24707580

Is there any variety show that actually get translated and are comfy watch?

Seems like learning Japanese is the only way to go for it besides the annual gaki no tsukai.

Anime gets pretty much all translated in less than 24hr. Anything similar for variety show?

>> No.24709519

please recommend me a japanese movie from the 90s worth watching. kids return is on my list, but i don't want to be an illegal pirate

thank you

>> No.24709667

What are some good Suiyoubi no Downtown episodes? I've only watched the Monster Idol ones and some newer ones I picked randomly which weren't funny as the Monster Idol ones.

>> No.24710204

idk, I just check it weekly to see if there are interesting setsus but most of the time I just skip entire segments

>> No.24710231

>Anime gets pretty much all translated in less than 24hr. Anything similar for variety show?
no, there is demand for anime ---> see crunchyroll

>> No.24711555

Only idol variety. So you gotta be into that first.

>> No.24711654

As long as it gets subbed then I’m A-okay with it. Can you recommend me some, please?

>> No.24711804

I'm mostly into Sakamichi as far as big groups concerned, so I can only rec that.

For starters, Hinatazaka de Aimashou(that started as Hiragana oshi) is for the most part considered the best one these days. Nogizaka Skits that started airing last month has been pretty good too for a non regular show.
You can find them subbed really easily just googling the names.

>> No.24711821

Thank you, anon. Gonna give them a watch right away.

>> No.24712183
File: 1.47 MB, 1146x480, Signal 100.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good movie, bros. I was entertained.

>> No.24712884

Hanzawa Naoki season 2 press-conference

>> No.24713128

Okay I watched one random episode from each show, they were unexpected, like nothing I've ever watched before.

Hinatazaka de Aimashou was great--the girls were very cute and funny. It's actually a combination I've never experienced before and I'm not sure if it's because I can understand what they're saying but I enjoyed it more than some of the variety shows I've been following.

Nogizaka Skits was a disaster for me, it was too cringe-worthy for my taste. It doesn't help that the girls are ugly and try way too hard. I found another show with them and Bananaman, I like these two comedians and to finally understand them made me happy but then again the girls ruin the fun. I'm dropping the shows with these girls indefinitely.

I stumbled upon a similar show called Keyakitte, Kakenai?: on the same streaming site as Hinatazaka de Aimashou. It felt different from the others and I loved it. The hosts are hilarious and the girls were very pretty and their behavior was natural even when they overreact unlike Nogizaka Skits and their extremely fun-ruining overreacting.

I assume these shows are subbed regularly, right? I wanna know before I get hooked up.
Also do I need to watch the old episodes? 63 episodes is way too much for me now.

>> No.24713444

yeah just drop those nogibusus!

>> No.24713773

Yeah, they are subbed like in a week at most.

You are supposed to watch from the beginning if you want see the group history and understand all the references they make to old stuff. You can skip episodes you find boring thought.

>> No.24714505
File: 241 KB, 660x451, DopijIh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this good? I've been reading the manga. There was also an older version of this iirc.

>> No.24714703

Thanks for the tip again. I saw "rjgman56" and thought maybe the subber has a softsub download. Nope. Atleast he had a direct download link though, streaming sucks with my ISP.

>> No.24714882

Oh boy, it’s starting next week

>> No.24715602 [DELETED] 
File: 164 KB, 360x508, 私たちはどうかしている.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

delayed to august 12.........

>> No.24715676
File: 96 KB, 638x452, 私たちはどうかしている.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

delayed to august 12.....

>> No.24722083

What are good dramas or movies starring Aso Kumiko? I like her rich expressions in her performances. Already watched Nakuna Harachan, Jikou Keisatsu and Kiseki no Hito. These shows are good. Currently watching Napoleon no Mura. It's ok but I am not into these formulaic type dorama anymore, at least for the time being.

>> No.24724313

First Love was a pretty good one from his recent output

>> No.24724685

Watch the original

>> No.24724723

Dele, though she's only a support character there. It's still a good drama though

>> No.24726202

The only dramas I'm looking forward to this year

>> No.24730807


>> No.24731111
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I know that anons here watched "To the Ends of the Earth". Anyone else besides me got the feeling that in the end, things didn't ended daijoubu? And that the protagonista was going crazy? Wasn't she in denial about the death of her boyfriend and that's why she imagined the goat there, a vector for his safety? Remember, there's a scene when one of her colleges goes to fetch her in her room and mentions that he heard she singing, something not shown and that she doesn't remember, so wasn't that call from her boyfriend also imagine?.

>> No.24735374
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saw my first Kitano. should I lurk more or can I post about it?

>> No.24735446

Which movie?

>> No.24735462

hana-bi. I quite liked it.

>> No.24735622
File: 2.80 MB, 854x480, JK wa Yuki Onna EP01 720p HDTV x264 AAC DoA.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24735886

Should have started with Violent Cop.

>> No.24735948


>> No.24736164

You’ll appreciate Kitano’s movies more if you watched them by release order. That applies to every director imho.

>> No.24736762

She didn't admit to singing because she was hesitant to open up to anybody on the trip, including her coworkers. That was her character development later on. It's a very simple coming of age-ish story, Kiyoshi said he wanted to do a really basic single character focused film and this was it. It also feels like a Uzbekistan tourist advert but their tourism bureau was probably putting up some of the production money.

>> No.24737333

just watched Video Girl AI live action

>> No.24737433

How was it? I enjoyed the anime.

>> No.24737596

Not him, but I've seen both. The first one was okay and the second one was just edgy stuff. I"s is the superior adaptation from the same author.

>> No.24739805

Post more.

>> No.24740056

>She didn't admit to singing because she was hesitant to open up to anybody on the trip, including her coworkers. That was her character development later on.
I know, but still, the way some scenes were directed made me think that maybe something was going on.
That theater scene made me think of "Mulholland Drive".

>> No.24741332

Come hang out with us in /sakamichi

I don't Hinatazaka, but word is they're good at variety. Nogi's at the top of the idol world and there's tons of content. Don't know which eps you watched, so I can't say if you just picked a bad one or not. Nogi's known for having the prettiest girls. They're good girls too.

You might think, "but aren't they all good girls?" No. Keyakizaka is a dumpster fire right now with scandal sluts. Proceed with caution.

>> No.24742361

...and today I learned that there's a live-action I"s series, huh.

>> No.24743097

Where can I watch it?

>> No.24744870

yeah I saw your earlier post about it. I'll try that for sure. still trimming down the fat on my movie list.

>> No.24744875

>the way some scenes were directed made me think that maybe something was going on.
have you seen his other movies? he employs symbolism and static to slow panning shots frequently; even with limited production/settings the films typically have a big and queer atmospheric feel. 旅の終わり gets the benefit of huge landscapes and an orchestra. being a single character driven story, the discomforting traveling she does to the surreal song moment i think is just meant to reflect her feelings. i'd say it's a much more positive work than most Lynch.
this is an aside but thinking of the big landscapes of 旅の終わり called to mind this beach scene early in Cure. nothing really special probably, just same directors, the feeling of big, the light brown terrain, etc. (this is the scene, but it's bad quality)

>> No.24746553

>Nogi's known for having the prettiest girls. They're good girls too.
look main problem is they're all OLD. OOOLLLD. there's like one or two 3rd/4th gen that stick out a bit and that's it.
keyakizaka's root issue is that they keep putting a man in the center every time (forgive me if that's changed i haven't kept up in 2 years)
i was watching niji no conquistador's current variety show cause someone was uploading it. they talk about their boobs casually so it's a good show for supreme gentlemen such as myself

>> No.24747812

mc is a dick though I was entertained enough to sit through all of it.

>> No.24747968
File: 353 KB, 571x545, unknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kodoku No Gurume is the best.
A Goro a day keeps the doctor away.

>> No.24749413
File: 1.52 MB, 1280x720, mpc-hc64_2020-07-14_03-03-15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well this guy's not going to be in the new series.

>> No.24750764

Any recommendations for action-y or atleast gritty japanese movies?

>> No.24750907
File: 96 KB, 780x1123, C19ED9E9-DDE6-4A0D-849B-093D66C29412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oshii Mamoru’s The Red Spectacles. It’s the first part of the Kerberos Saga, I highly recommend the rest of the series which also includes the critically-acclaimed anime movie Jin-Roh.

>> No.24751048

my partner misses shows from japan, i've got iptv which is pretty rad but i my japanese isnt strong enough to understand whats happening, anyone know of any usenet indexers for japanese media? i know avistaz for torrenting but i hadn't logged in for a while and it was deactivated.

>> No.24753233

>That applies to every director imho.
I disagree. For example, if a directors newest movie is his magnum opus and combines everything he made before. People who watched all his movies might find it repetitive and unoriginal, but a new watcher might get blown away. Of course it depends if you watch for entertainment or movie analysis, I'm speaking purely on entertainment value here since I personally don't care about analyzing and comparing things.

>> No.24759928 [DELETED] 


>> No.24760057

>Yeah, they are subbed like in a week at most.
>You are supposed to watch from the beginning if you want see the group history and understand all the references they make to old stuff
I just realized that after watching early episodes of Hinatazaka de Aimashou. There's this show called Hiragana Oshi, apparently it's the predecessor of Hinatazaka de Aimashou, however after watching the first episode I also found out that the Hinatazaka de Aimashou girls were originally part of Keyakitte Kakenai? so I'm not sure what to do now. I'm already watching Keyakitte Kakenai? but the Hinatazaka de Aimashou girls aren't there for some reason.
>I don't Hinatazaka, but word is they're good at variety
Yeah it's a very entertaining show, I'm enjoying their quirkiness more than I thought I would.
>Nogi's at the top of the idol world and there's tons of content
Err..I'm not sure what to think of this so-called idol world if these bitches are at its top.
>Don't know which eps you watched, so I can't say if you just picked a bad one or not.
I discovered another show called NogiBingo! It's more like a game show, unlike the regular shows. I went over some random episodes from different seasons but they still didn't click with me. Some of the girls are even worse than the others because I realized that I watched them on some dramas and movies and they were absolute shitters so I was unconsciously influenced by the experience. I'm specifically talking about two weird-looking girls, their obvious fake attitude is dreadful.
> "but aren't they all good girls?"
>with scandal sluts
I don't understand, what does that mean?

>> No.24760200

take your idolshit somewhere else

>> No.24764486 [DELETED] 


>> No.24764820
File: 480 KB, 1920x1038, woodjob2014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just watched the "Wood Job" from 2014. Does anybody know what are those little statues/rocks called? I guess they are some Shinto thing.

>> No.24765450

yeah, I saw ariyoshi making fun of him, what did he do this time?

>> No.24765653

He was in charge of collecting money from a bunch of kouhai for (Yoiko) Hamaguchi's wedding party but ultimately Hamaguchi ended up covering the costs himself and yet, when confronted by his kouhai about returning the money, Kinoshita got mad and threw a water bottle at them.
After this came to light a bunch of other pawahara stuff came up such as him forcing Kuro-chan to dogeza after Kuro-chan was involved in a 'tease Kinoshita' style dokkiri.
The real cherry on top however is the apology video he made on youtube which currently has 360,000 dislikes:
He's a full time youtuber now despite his videos continuing to get a shit ton of dislikes.
He was fired from his talent agency and his only tv appearance since the scandal (on Wide na show) only attracted further anger.

>> No.24765746

Aren’t these old news? Why is it surfacing again?

>> No.24765815

It's not. But he's definitely been the butt of plenty of jokes on pretty much every late night variety show for the past few months.

>> No.24770485

Netflix make some gems from time to time.

>> No.24770947

>his only tv appearance since the scandal (on Wide na show) only attracted further anger.
I don't remember he said something bad there.

>> No.24773163

He didn't, but no one online seemed convinced with his apology, or happy that he was back on air at all.

>> No.24776039


>> No.24777063

Thoughts on Giri/Haji?

>> No.24779248

>links on FAQ don't even have seven samurai

>> No.24779596

>thinks this thread is for normies
I've suggested before but that "movie" part in the thread title is misleading. We constantly get normiefags, moreso in the past months, asking about basic film school japanese "kinos" when it's clear this general was never for that. Not to mention how easy it is to discuss those things elsewhere due to how normie friendly it is. This thread is for hardcore weebs to discuss mostly mediocre, some good, japanese movies and tv, variety included, that only japanese people would know about and/or are currently popular over there. Most of this stuff, mainly modern ones, aren't even translated in english and never will be. >>24662533
I hope OP will update the pastebin using what I'm trying to say as a basis. It wouldn't hurt to be a bit abrasive, it's the only way to get through to these people. It's clear they aren't going to stop showing up and saying, "uh, why no kurosawa??"
Also, add a sentence directing people to the idol generals if that's the only variety they're interested. It's obvious where to discuss these things but only if you actually browse /jp/ which these people don't.

>> No.24780492

this thread is slow enough as is there's no reason to make a bunch of weird niche rules just because you don't like the content other people like. not everyone likes to frequent twenty different places for one topic. in any case you're grossly exaggerating the frequency of those kind of posts i have no interest in idols and never even notice that being a problem

>> No.24781287

Feels a lot like a British production, even the Japanese parts. Rubbed me the wrong way a bit as it somehow still managed to feel annoyingly orientalist even though they are trying to show the darker side of Japan. Just my impression from the first episode.

>> No.24781305
File: 133 KB, 300x425, 2zK1W_4f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There will be a Gakky show in August.
this thread is mostly for tv soaps, movies, variety shows, etc that an average Japanese would watch

>> No.24781750

Autism: The Post.

I’ve been waiting for this one, glad it’s starting soon. And hopefully it’s better than her last drama. Muro Tsuyoshi is starring in it too so there’s a potential although I just can’t see Gakki aa a mother, especially as Nagano Mei’s mother.

>> No.24781827

Damn, I just wanted a place to watch the funny samurai movie
Sorry I did not know

>> No.24782202

didn't like the fag
nor the scott
nor the ending
but it was entertaining

>> No.24782349
File: 2.71 MB, 1280x720, [MagicStar] Furo Girl EP01 [WEBDL] [720p]-[14.55.828-15.41.908].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this shizuka drama is quite interesnting

>> No.24782432

>although I just can’t see Gakki aa a mother, especially as Nagano Mei’s mother
according to the synopsis, she's already dead. I guess she'll appear in flashbacks.
>Sorry I did not know
It's okay. Some people sometimes mention watching old movies here.

>> No.24785761

>furo girl
>ramen girl
>train girl
Is there a genre name for this in Japan?

>> No.24788825

normie fags who want to consume the most non-japanese of japanese film. literal cowboy westerns but with katanas

>> No.24789410
File: 54 KB, 512x378, LotSB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If any kind anon could point me towards a download for either of the Stardust Brothers movies, that would be most kind.
I'll most probably pick up the blu-ray/album set of the '85 movie if I enjoy it but I'm currently travelling, so physical media is out for the moment.

>> No.24789735
File: 2.35 MB, 1024x576, Little.Nights.Little.Love.2019.720p.BluRay.x264-WiKi.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this one of the best movies from last year? I enjoyed it so much.

>> No.24789768

>'kind' twice
I have no reasonable excuse for that sentence.

>> No.24792366

>Damn, I just wanted a place to watch the funny samurai movie
Ignore that autistic fuck, you can post anything here as long as it’s a Japanese movie or TV.

>> No.24792465

Reminds me of weebs who tout murakami haruki even though he's like the most western japanese author ever.

>> No.24795334
File: 108 KB, 640x480, MV5BZGZhMjljYjUtOTg3ZC00ZmRiLTgzMTQtNjFlZDU5MTYzYzg3XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMjU5ODY3Mg@@._V1_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24795808
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>> No.24798191

if you do acquire the album soundtrack, please upload and share. as far as i know that's not circulating yet.

>> No.24800919

I heard this was being made into an anime.

>> No.24802272

It's Japan in the year 2030. Everywhere you go you hear music made by Blacks from around the world; even rural areas aren't safe. Imagine watching those Japanese women twerking, presenting their cheeks to the nearest foreign bull, while their mothers rejoice at the beauty of progress, and their fathers contemplate suicide for the tenth time this week. Japan will be flooded with millions of migrants: Berbers, Arabs, Africans, Filipinos, and even the odd Swede. Swarming around the locals, they set up their shitty peddling areas, crowding out native businesses, erasing the refined and elegant Japanese scripture with an asymmetrical, distorted mess of different languages in shops, on signs, and even in manga.

As the Japanese are reduced to a marginal interest group in their own country, even their laws will not be safe from immigrant protests. First, they will be lobbied, bullied, and shamed into accepting their new feminist laws. Women will get preferential treatment in all areas of employment, until there are no more suitable men that out-earn them, and the men will be reduced to shit-tier service sector labour, and involuntary, depression induced NEETdom. Next, they will start writing their legislation in multiple languages; to show the inclusive nature of the state, and to welcome the new Japanese to their tolerant new home. This is just the beginning though, eventually, once the Japanese population becomes the minority, the language of legislation will be converted to the most inclusive, universal, and progressive language of all: English. By this point there will be nothing unique left of the Japanese. They will be lonely and depressed, they won't have kids, and the remaining children will either be atomized, isolated men, or globalized, booty bouncing, diversity loving thots, desperate to improve their status by dating the biggest, strongest, urban beast they could find.

This is the future of Japan, and it’s beautiful.

>> No.24802349

Sion Sono would turn this scenario into a kino.

>> No.24802564

rub hands in glee

>> No.24803481
File: 414 KB, 2048x1524, 2343423423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember to watch her show.

>> No.24803573

Wouldn’t watch it even if you paid me, especially this season.

>> No.24804650

yes I would gladly watch the shows of nishino nanase

>> No.24804847

I'm not watching anything with Sakurai

>> No.24804921

Tanaka Kei is suddenly so popular. He was just a minor character in shows back then.

>> No.24806147

was trending on twitter japan

>> No.24806393

Anything in Japancuts worth buying? So far I bought all the shorts plus on gaku

>> No.24807233
File: 303 KB, 750x1050, 4565674654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Manga adaptation.

>> No.24807396

Big thanks, my friend!
>if you do acquire the album soundtrack, please upload and share
Sure thing; will be a while yet if so, but I'd be sure to post it here.

>> No.24809344

naachan was super cute
i'll slog through the rest of this borefest just for her

>> No.24809444

softsubbed from Viu

>> No.24810027

20 something actresses POWER RANKING (in terms of acting, not looks)

1. Mugi Kadowaki
2. Mayu Matsuoka
3. Fumi Nikaido
4. Ayaka Miyoshi
5. Honoka Matsumoto (she's finally starting to get some big roles, could go up if they're good)
6. Suzu Hirose
7. Kasumi Arimura

Kumi Takiuchi and Haru Kuroki didn't make the cut because they just turn 30 but they'd be pretty high up. Probably forgot some

>> No.24810129 [DELETED] 

Based NaachanCHADS

>> No.24810150
File: 2.62 MB, 1040x585, 1492337327884.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based NaachanCHADS

>> No.24810560
File: 63 KB, 640x426, Tokyo_Refugees-0003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what would you have done in his situation?

>> No.24811226

What's going on with Ryuichi Hiroki? Dude was making 3 movies a year but hasn't done anything since 2018. I liked his stuff

>> No.24813876

>tfw only one who's seen this movie

>> No.24815193
File: 242 KB, 640x905, Kasane-P1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related are both very good. There's also Shida Mirai and Ashida Mana.
Filming a new drama.

>> No.24815228

>Tsuchiya Tao

>> No.24815357

She has an annoying voice but she acts well for me.

>> No.24818374

Idk, I just wish the discounted tickets weren't just a bundle of each different section. I'd rather mix and choose a couple from them all desu.

>> No.24818445

>Haruma Miura found dead
What the fuck, I thought his new project was only announced

>> No.24818477
File: 49 KB, 500x594, FDD9E629-1CBB-4298-9AD9-5DFFB813DE06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24818491

And it was suicide.

>> No.24818528

That’s a shock, what pushed him to end it all?

>> No.24818629
File: 54 KB, 568x680, 1595054395415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

R.I.P Haruma Miura

>> No.24818630


>> No.24818744

>Filming a new drama.
Damn it I don't watch dramas go back to movies

>> No.24818763

I like Tsuchiya Tao but I can't help but feel she's just a lesser Suzu Hirose. She usually has the same kind of roles in movies, cheery upbeat girl. Except that Suzu also makes movies with Kore Eda or Sang Il Lee on top of it.

>> No.24818834
File: 35 KB, 678x452, EdMNi5aVcAI0Kqn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Years of sodomy, drug abuse and becoming an okama that one time.
Don't @ me.

>> No.24818843

>don't @ me
Crawl back to the shithole you came from

>> No.24818845
File: 142 KB, 1440x810, 1595056518432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

R.i.p haruma miura

>> No.24818912

Twitter? Everyone uses it.

>> No.24818913

eh what happened?

>> No.24818922

Not everyone types like a retard though. So fuck off to your shithole

>> No.24818924

that's what you get for kissing gakky

>> No.24818947

All these years... it was truly Boku no Ita Jikan

>> No.24818953

I'm sorry if I hurt you by calling your deceased gay crush a diddling victim and a drughead but you need to get a grip.

>> No.24818962

t. retard
4chin has never welcomed retards and tourists so fuck off back to your shithole

>> No.24819044

You guys need to watch Little Nights Little Love then
Haruma Miura was really good there.

>> No.24819101

If spouting buzzwords mindlessly like the underage who desperately try to fit in all that it takes to be "welcomed" in "4chin" then I'll take a page from your book:
Dilate, schizo.

>> No.24819115



>> No.24819150

No sympathy from me.

>> No.24819407

Suicide, hanged himself at home.

>> No.24819457

I want to (I love Mikako Tabe as well) but no subs yet.

Maybe I need to learn japanese, I can't rely on Eric Paroissien everytime

>> No.24819476

Oh shit I just watched the Confidence Man movie, he was playing the bad guy in that. Was pretty handsome not gonna lie

>> No.24819567

That's the first thing that came to my mind after looking at his past. He probably hated gays, even laughed them, then one day he realized he is gay himself. The revelation ate at his soul. If you don't believe me, look at Jonghyun Kim's death. Shitbag doctors tried to "treat" his homosexuality, but it only destroyed his soul until he an hero.


If you still don't believe me; Alan Turing. They tried to "cure" him as well.

>> No.24819590

Suzu Hirose is average at best, I don't know why she keeps getting those roles
t. retarded tourist
Make a post on your favorite shithole to complain

>> No.24819598

It will probably get subbed now that people's attention is on him. It's his last serious drama role.

>> No.24819800

>I don't know why she keeps getting those roles
Yeah, such a mystery, innit? Maybe acting skills don’t matter when you have popularity in Japan, or something?
Your first time experiencing Japanese showbiz, perchance?

>> No.24819886

The role that made her popular was Our Little Sister. There are worst ways to get known

>> No.24820462
File: 52 KB, 640x365, 150720_img01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24820616


>> No.24820712

What does it say? It sounds like he was criticizing someone. Maybe it was an assassination made to look like a suicide.

>> No.24820761
File: 211 KB, 900x1273, R35jxf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This movie is nothing special.

>> No.24820858


>> No.24820914

Watching it tonight, mostly for Mayu. Hope it's at least decent

>> No.24822316

recommend Hanzawa Naoki

>> No.24822654

I'll wait for tomorrow's wide shows.

>> No.24823371

3 years too late to be part of the 27 club

>> No.24823456

Not everyone is into mediocre shit like you. I bet you're the type to jerk off to manga adaptations too

>> No.24823777

imma watch Bloody Monday. Looks interesting.

>> No.24823999

which beat takeshi kino from two decades ago did you most recently jerk off to?

>> No.24824108

Obviously his best one, A Scene at the Sea

>> No.24824671

He said Beat Takeshi not Kitano Takeshi

>> No.24824854

Beat Takeshi has never starred in any kino tho

>> No.24825103

Not enough uguu so kawaii actresses for ya?

>> No.24825141
File: 79 KB, 564x400, 479596.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A fellow Hanzawa Naoki watcher?

>> No.24825172

There's no way this lives up to the hype, right?

>> No.24825244

Probably but it will be good nonetheless.

>> No.24826948

Started watching Ultraman, It's pretty fun

>> No.24827122

There’s shit tons of Ultraman, which one are you talking about? The original?

>> No.24829318
File: 724 KB, 1280x720, 半沢直樹 スピンオフ企画 狙われた半沢直樹のパスワード SP 720p HDTV x264 AAC-DoA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn straight. Gonna watch the SP tonight to prepare myself for tomorrow.

>> No.24830576
File: 509 KB, 1280x720, vlcsnap-2020-06-22-03h02m21s016.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, I watched it last month. It was fun, not sure why some people (or one particular person) here hated it though.

>> No.24830744

>old episodes of Hero still not subbed
I'm too dumb to understand police procedurals in japanese... The 2014 season was great though

>> No.24831091

>only way to get into this is through avistaz or low quality old dvd rip ddls
>avistaz went invite only
I guess I'll just move to japan. Thought seriously I see some services do japanese movie things where they have japanese cinema up for a few weeks but take them down. Why not keep them up if its already english subbed officially for people to watch. I would gladly pay money for some of these.

>> No.24831117


>> No.24831154 [DELETED] 

If you actually have an invite I would appreciate it greatly.

>> No.24831200

follow the rules

>> No.24831202

Is it that painful to wait for avistaz open registration?

>> No.24831213

thanks man appreciate it. I won't waste this

>> No.24831308

But that show has been subbed for a long time already.

>> No.24831311

>low quality old dvd rip ddls
Nothing's wrong with those. Better than nothing.

>> No.24831918

I remember watching in one of the stream channels a few weeks ago a show that centers around crime solving committed by foreigners and reacted to by Japanese people. Anyone know what they're called?

>> No.24842727
File: 47 KB, 760x426, motto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24844011

You don't do a great job of selling it wit an extremely generic webm and the girl looking ugly as sin.

>> No.24844719

>only way to get into this is through avistaz
I have an account and barely use it for most of my watching. You don't need it.

>> No.24845781

I'm so dependant on it personally, the bigger movies I can find elsewhere but if I want to watch a lesser known movie from a director or actor I like I have no idea where else to go

>> No.24845793

what do you use instead?

>> No.24845863

For lesser known stuff it's definitely needed. But if you're looking for those stuff, you're probably already deep into the hobby. I just mean getting started it's not necessary at all.

Various other public sources, both legitimate and otherwise.

>> No.24845919

for the more known recent movies I just go public tracker like rarbg, they usually have that stuff

>> No.24846129

Is anyone gonna sub season 2? I didn’t know it was starting today

>> No.24846145

Goddamn that main character was unlikable. Ruined it for me

>> No.24846388

>Is anyone gonna sub season 2?
Yes. Don't ask me who.

>> No.24846393

Oh this is from the Hibana novelist dude.

>> No.24846499
File: 74 KB, 1280x720, hanzawa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he needs subs

>> No.24846768

It was fine. As far as SPs go it delivered. I think people who didn't like it were disappointed that the old cast didn't make a comeback.
I watch my dramas raw.

>> No.24846851

As long as someone is gonna sub it then it's all good. Although I'm not sure if you're trolling me or not but I'll believe your words.

Well sorry my overlords, my Japanese isn't good enough to watch them without subs.
Is ep1 available for downloading anywhere yet?

>> No.24847004

>Is ep1 available for downloading anywhere yet?
It's on Avistaz, but it will probably be out in Nyaa after a couple of hours.

>> No.24847208

Thanks. Hopefully the supposed subs won't take long to come out.

>> No.24847244

I was wondering if I should watch it since it was based on Matayoshi's novel and had Matsuoka Mayu

>> No.24847274

you can really see why idols are considered average looking when you put them next to real actresses.

>> No.24847368

Exactly what I was thinking, though I always thought Nishino looked kinda ugly back when she was still a Nogi.

>> No.24847383

The mogging is unreal, it makes me laugh just looking at that pic.

>> No.24847488

Seems like a dumb generalization, there's tons of unattractive "real actresses" and tons of supreme looking idols.

>> No.24847531

just let the man play his roleplaying game in peace

>> No.24847596

Couldn't get past 4 episodes. I don't normally mind overacting but on this show it was just too much for me.

Really liked Naoki's wife part though. Wish I could've get into it more and at least finish it.

>> No.24847687

That was the fun part though.

I'm watching the SP now in preparation, and it's always funny how poorly people understand IT shit when it comes to TV. Like this dude is telling a fucking stock company about brute force attacks.

>> No.24847692

Anon is talking about the special episode not season 1.

>> No.24847739

But there's an unattractive "real actress" standing to the right and even she looks more attractive than her, it's hilarious.

>> No.24847769

Pick two.

>> No.24847771
File: 75 KB, 576x576, 1529079493605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's why I hate dramas with idols. They are average in acting skills and looks compared to real actresses.

>> No.24847845

Can't believe they transferred Kondo to a 3rd world country

>> No.24847896

Holy fucking mogging

Nogizaka was a mistake

>> No.24847907

No, it's not really. It plain doesn't make sense what you're saying.
Anyways I don't even know who you're referring to since I don't know the people in the picture. Middle right is by far the most attractive, and I assume that's the idol since the other girls look like they're in their 30s. I think it's just your fetish for older people giving you a preference here, not someone being an idol or actress.

>> No.24847948

Some dramas with idols can be kino

Who Killed Daigoro Tokuyama?

>> No.24847970


>> No.24848028

Put spoilers in a spoiler tag next time, I have yet to watch it.

>> No.24848383

naachan looking really poor next to real celebs

>> No.24848410

Not him but thanks for the recs

>> No.24848715

I know right. I don't know about the rest of you homos, but if I'm picking one person from that pic to bang, it's the girl in her 20s.

>> No.24848739
File: 189 KB, 1121x631, EZVJtTwU0AAHjkt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, talk about visuals.

>> No.24848775

We used to call her an Osakan Monkey when she was still in Nogizaka46.

>> No.24848794


>> No.24849222
File: 7 KB, 581x208, chrome_2020-07-19_20-30-14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh oh.

>> No.24849285

Is he joking? I hope he is.

>> No.24850479

She's ugly

>> No.24850494
File: 2.20 MB, 1440x708, AS.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shut the fuck up

>> No.24850521

Go back to /kpg/ tourist

>> No.24850534
File: 2.95 MB, 424x762, nkgf08.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eat a dick

>> No.24851841

What is this?

>> No.24851847

>it's always funny how poorly people understand IT shit when it comes to TV
aren't japanese known for being behind technologically?

>> No.24852532
File: 1.47 MB, 1920x1080, 市川猿之助.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was so intense. I can't express how much I'm satisfied with them picking another kabuki actor as the main villain. Just like Kagawa Teruyuki in season 1, Ichikawa Ennosuke's over-the-top acting is absolutely perfect.

And it's too bad they scrapped Kondo, Takito did a great job portraying that character.

>> No.24854511
File: 157 KB, 2000x1500, EdTKJB_UMAA2We2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great first episode.
The Silence of the Lambs style door-switcheroo they pulled with Isayama was a good early twist that makes things interesting in terms of factions and stuff.
Shame about Kondou. It was mentioned he was in Singapore, but I'm guessing Takitou's schedule was just too packed. Apparently he's in the current Taiga drama.

>> No.24854694

Are the subs out already?

>> No.24856024

What is it with uploaders and being complete spergs over nothing? You're telling me the only reason this guy uploads shit is because people click a meaningless button next to his post and make a number go up?

They fixed the issue within a couple of hours anyway.

There's being behind, and then there's a securities company completely failing at the most basic level of security. The whole episode was pretty preposterous anyway, it ended on the kind of asspull only someone who knows nothing about computing would write.

Anyway, time to watch the actual show instead.

>> No.24856727

They look for IT employees in third world countries. So you tell me

>> No.24857367

The Long Excuse is a very good movie. Portrays a very complex situation and character beautifully

>> No.24865349

His voice really bugs me for some reason, it sounds like he's putting it on but then you hear him in an interview and he really does sound like that. Did he smoke 20 packs a day or something?

I thought it was pretty eh, but I guess you can't go too off the wall with an opening episode.

>> No.24865901 [SPOILER] 
File: 64 KB, 601x920, 1595274160425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't open if you haven't seen episode one yet.

>> No.24867139

But his voice is the cherry on top, it complements his attitude extremely well. I kept replaying some parts because they were so hilarious and he executed them so perfectly all thanks to his voice.
He started his kabuki career when he was 5, it shouldn’t come as a surprise if the way he talks is kinda influenced by it.

We shouldn’t judge Hanzawa Naoki this early, we learned in the first season that it gets better as it progresses.

>> No.24867598
File: 49 KB, 290x551, ayfighn002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree, his acting was powerful. I too couldn't help but replay some of his scenes.
He and Kagawa are cousins, which explains the similarity in their acting.

>> No.24869202
File: 152 KB, 705x1000, Bleach (2018).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But Kitano-san, I only watch manga adaptations, chanbara and tokusatsu. Surely a compromise can be reached?

>> No.24869351

Kek I knew this scene would turn into a meme

>> No.24870136
File: 748 KB, 744x563, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japanese dramas are saved

>> No.24870148

me on the right

>> No.24870478
File: 36 KB, 626x350, 15587698796.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All these people here watching, enjoying and discussing Hanzawa Naoki 2
>I'm here just waiting for someone to throw me a bone and sub it
The life of EOPs is suffering

>> No.24870604

Use your suffering as fuel on your journey out of EOPland

>> No.24870626

Not enough Hana in this episode. The new qt is fine though.

>> No.24870716

>I'm here just waiting for someone to throw me a bone and sub it
Do such dramas even get subbed these days? It seems to me that only dramas with young actors and idols get picked, Hanzawa Naoki is the complete opposite of what subbers like.

>> No.24873799

Enough with all this drama shit, subtitles for One Night were just uploaded. The 7th best film of 2019 according to Kinema Junpo

>> No.24875581

any good movies with idols?

>> No.24875763
File: 172 KB, 961x539, 15F5B7A1-9714-4AAC-B9D6-ADC7A143A3C3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yokohama Ryusei caught the big ‘rona and he’s hospitalized as of today.

>> No.24875769

It's ogre. There will be no subs for Hanazawa. Even Chinese sites are getting pulled down

>> No.24875779

I bet he kissed Minami

>> No.24876239

What does that have to do with Hanzawa Naoki subs?

>> No.24876363
File: 2.63 MB, 1024x576, Kyou kara Ore wa!! SP 1080i HDTV x264 JPTVTS.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is a KKOW SP episode. It had some funny parts.
Don't tell me that Minami's drama is delayed again...

>> No.24877658
File: 51 KB, 612x839, .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sent this film (Summer Vacation 1999) to a friend a few days ago so I have a link sitting around, for anyone who hasn't heard of it it's great.

Adaptation of one of Moto Hagio's manga (Thomas no Shinzo). Does its best to capture the spirit of shojo manga in 3D, among other things by casting every (male) role as a girl. It's certainly unique (and has a different ending to the manga)

https://we <dot> tl/t-udHkWQaNPw

Anon, what you're looking for is jptvts.us. Invite only, AFAIK the "recruitment" is one guy who offers invites at jpopsuki. Not inviting currently (I know, I'm waiting) but no reason to believe it won't open again in the future. AFAIK they have a good amount of different JP TV caps.

>> No.24877949

The nips are going full copyright jew. Even the notorious Chinese have fallen

>> No.24878085

It's not listed as subbed in fansub.d-addicts.com though for some reason... Thanks anon

>> No.24878148


>> No.24878685

I'll pick this up, thanks

>> No.24880278

Gambler's Odyssey was better

>> No.24880367

I don’t see how any of this will affect fansubbing. Raws and the Japanese subs are already available on the web, people are still subbing and releasing them without any issues.

>> No.24882538
File: 60 KB, 736x196, 1f11eadd666462a43558b05f84f8e57b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At this rate let's just watch it raw.

>> No.24883328

>how hard the term is
But it's not? Not that I care since I've already watched it.

>> No.24883371

Lol, the subbing scene for jdramas is dire. A lot of them are esl and allegedly doing it to help their "learning" of japanese.

>> No.24883450

That's what all the third worlders say when they see too many kanji. They take one look at 中央銀行 and run a mile.

>> No.24883459

This is a joke right? Even if they were “hard” which they weren’t, they can easily look them up if they have enough efficiency which I suppose every subber should have it.

>> No.24883535
File: 38 KB, 796x131, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol no. This is from one of the more prominent subbers in the english scene that is considered amongst the good ones.

If you're EOP and like Japanese media enough to be posting in these threads, you really should be studying and learning the language.

>> No.24883560

I read somewhere that the majority of fansubbers are from Southeast Asia and thought it was just a meme at the time but I guess it’s real after all. I should have known since some of the dramas I watched subbed were full of grammatical errors.

>> No.24883619

Dunno who that is but if he’s really good then this shouldn’t be a problem, he/she just sounds lazy to me.

>> No.24883709
File: 152 KB, 531x1050, seiko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Prominent" doesn't mean good, dude. Just means he puts out a lot of SHIT.

As an aside, I went looking for a picture of that Seiko that showed up in the episode, and wound up finding this tie-in. Shame about the engrish on the back, what a waste of a nice design otherwise.

>> No.24883728

It's not a meme, it's true. SEA is a big market for jdramas. They even get regular official English subbed jdramas on tv and online streaming.

>> No.24884314

You are talking something from 2 decades ago. Now we only have bunch of worst korean dramas with several pajeets shows in between.

>> No.24884350
File: 103 KB, 1200x708, EdeXsW5UEAArFDq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Shitty, cliche and recycled dramas get subbed every single season without fail
>Finally a good drama is made but somehow all the subbers are refusing to do it.
This is very disappointing. I just watched episode 1 and barely understood anything but it's better than waiting for something that will never happen. The anons who kept asking for subs should do the same instead of begging.

>> No.24884371

That's probably true, I wouldn't know. But I'm mostly speaking relative to what we have in North America. Here it's mostly just certain tv channels in california and hawaii getting them and very few going to online streaming. SEA at least has things like Sony GEM and VIU which is much better options relatively.

>> No.24884499

Imagine sperging out this hard after one day, dude. Give it a week or two, unless the show completely shits the bed and never gets over 30%, someone will sub it.

>> No.24884630

I'm not sperging out, just stating facts. This is my first time talking about Hanzawa Naoki and its subs, just my 2 cents. I wanted to encourage you and the other anon to watch it raw instead of wasting your times waiting. You can wait if you want.

>> No.24885835

SEA goblina

>> No.24886288


>> No.24887025 [SPOILER] 
File: 87 KB, 1676x943, 1595380467353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24887172


>> No.24887367

This whole scene was hilarious. She was basically touching herself in front of Isayama.

>> No.24892812

You got some weird-ass beauty standards

>> No.24893067

I can't see her without thinking of her cucking the main character in You are the apple of my eye. Good lord that movie was dumb

>> No.24893766

pajeet shows?

>> No.24898267
File: 13 KB, 220x320, Kemono-ni-Narenai-Watashitachi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone have subtitles for this series? The one I am currently have seems bad.

>> No.24900656
File: 148 KB, 900x1238, RZZjRf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit, this movie was something.

>> No.24902741

Yes, something is a word I would use to describe it.. I've watched the tv series but not the movie but I do plan to do that + reading the book.

>> No.24903960
File: 2.65 MB, 1920x1080, 古今東西 日本人知名度ランキング.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did any of /yourguysandgirls/ make it in the top 10?
For me it's Mr. Kitano.

>> No.24906307

My man Nobunaga made it. Although it's fucked up that he's not the only deceased person on that list.
I don't think I've ever heard of Takajima Saburou.

>> No.24907816

When is netflix stepping up to simulcast japanese dramas like they do with korean stuff?

>> No.24908116


>> No.24908637

The story made me feel so uncomfortable.

>> No.24911158

she's fine

>> No.24911596

any recommendations that will teach me a life lesson or about morals or being happy?

been feeling down lately and thinking about quitting my job

>> No.24912173

hammer session

>> No.24912514
File: 856 KB, 1280x720, ashi girl sp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24918217

Her love boils bathwater

Any recommendation for romance movies with disabled people? something like

I just wanna hug you
Josee the tiger and the fish
Pure White


>> No.24918317

The 8-Year Engagement

>> No.24918488

b-but that's more like weird disease instead of disabled.

>> No.24918730

No the disease lead to a coma which then leads to disability, I think it would fit.

>> No.24918800

Thanks for the recommendation but I already watched it.

>> No.24919005

Ah okay. Then watch Oasis the korean movie

>> No.24919468

thanks! putting that on the list
