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File: 8 KB, 449x336, ひぐらしのなく頃に解.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2484809 No.2484809 [Reply] [Original]

Lurking here for awhile and my curiosity piqued by the discussion of Umineko no Naku Koro ni, I'm now considering giving Higurashi no Naku Koro ni a try. I've located a torrent, but I'm unsure if anyone will show up to seed it.

In any case, I thought I would ask: does the narrative prove to be sufficiently engaging so as to distract one from the, erm, "distinct" visual style? I had essentially written off the game and the related anime/merchandise based on what I had seen of the art (which admittedly doesn't scream "tense and surreal murder suspense drama!"). I don't warm immediately to the idea of a 1980s rural Japan overrun with saucer-eyed girls in short-skirted uniforms, but will the presentation help me overlook such things?

>> No.2484812
File: 541 KB, 802x640, sussmanashi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get this instead.

>> No.2484815


Coolest story of the weekend.

>> No.2484816

It's not fully translated. There's also a PS2 CG patch in the works. I'd wait.

>> No.2484817


>> No.2484828

I'm planning on playing it in Japanese, so I figured it would be faster and easier just to play the PC version.

That's reassuring!

>> No.2484835

If you're going to play it in Japanese, why don't you play the voiced, better art, better music, PS2 version? I'm playing it now, it's awesome. I can't imagine playing the shitty PC version.

>> No.2484836

Then go for the PS2 version if you want it to be easier on your eyes, silly.

>> No.2484839
File: 33 KB, 851x471, fascinating2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>better art ... PS2 version

>> No.2484841

Not this shit again.

Sorry I don't enjoy looking at biscuits.

>> No.2484842

>implying that the original art is better somehow

>> No.2484846
File: 67 KB, 395x599, 395px-Runny_hunny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Sorry I don't enjoy looking at biscuits.

Too delicious for you?

>> No.2484845
File: 51 KB, 430x285, 1237899366764.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't troll me, bro.

>> No.2484844

>implying it isn't

>> No.2484847

The artwork in the PS2 version is trashy generic shit, bro.

>> No.2484848

You say that same thing every time this topic is brought up, brother.

>> No.2484849

Generic > outright shit

>> No.2484850

Well, what would I need for the PS2 version? I don't have my PS2 with me, and it's not modded; emulation would be the other option that comes to mind, but my laptop doesn't have the horsepower necessary to run a PS2 emulator. The idea of higher quality music is certainly appealing but I'm hesitant about voice acting, and am not sure if better quality CG is necessarily a big enough draw, since my hang-ups with the art (from what I've seen, at least) stem more from design than quality of execution.

>> No.2484851



Generic still looks better than shit. I'm just sayin'...

>> No.2484854

This is actually the first time I've said it, broseph.

>> No.2484855

I have no experience with PS2 emulators, but I'm sure it'd be easier than trying to emulate a 3d vidya.

>> No.2484857

Well that would be true regarding things that are outright shit, now wouldn't it?

>> No.2484858

But you're going to say it again now the next time we have this thread, aren't you, broheim?

>> No.2484859

>I don't have my PS2 with me
Wait until you do, then.
>and it's not modded
SwapMagic, buy it.

>> No.2484862

Better yet, install FMCB on your memory card instead of bothering with SwapMagic every time.

>> No.2484865

Naw, that would get old, broski.

>> No.2484867

Fair enough, aniki.

>> No.2484875

What exactly will FMCB do for me? Does it allow one only to boot burned discs, or will it override region protection as well? I'm not well-versed in the homebrew scene -- I can manage things when they are bound to the PC, but once you start talking about transferring things between PC and console and all that, I start to get the shakes.

>> No.2484878


>What exactly will FMCB do for me?

It will walk your dog. It will file your taxes.

>> No.2484879

FMCB is basically like custom firmware for PSP; but for your PS2. That's the best description I could give you, with my limited knowledge anyways.

There's some neat programs for it but I really only use it for ESR. Yes, it lets you override region protection and lets you play burned games.

The problem is installing FMCB requires SwapMagic or a cheating device or being REAL crafty.

>> No.2484893

It sounds like the best program ever.

From what you tell me, it sounds that SwapMagic would be less of a hassle and probably cheaper.

>> No.2484904

But FMCB is free and just installs onto your memory card. No hassle past the initial installation asides from patching your ISOs.

But if you have no problem with SwapMagic, then who am I to stop you? Go for it. I had no problem with it for the month I used it.

>> No.2484919

The CG/voice/music patch was nice, although I wish there was option to keep the original art.
Yes, I like them.

>> No.2484929

Rena isn't Rena without her huge ham hands

>> No.2484934 [DELETED] 

In case you want it, here you go: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=RXI0I925

Replaces CGs and music from PS2 version and adds voices. Only usable with the demo version(that contains all of Onikakushi), though. But since that's the only Arc translated, it should be fine.

>> No.2484938
File: 175 KB, 646x505, 1232555048136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In case you want it, here you go: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=RXI0I925

Replaces CGs and music from PS2 version and adds voices. Only usable with the demo version(that contains all of Onikakushi), though. But since that's the only Arc translated, it should be fine.

>> No.2484944

I know the program is free, but I assume one needs some sort of mediating USB adapter in order to connect the memory card to the PC to transfer and install the program and all that, right? That and the idea of having to patch ISOs etc. dissuades me from that option. If I had more time/energy/investment in playing games on my PS2 it might very well be worth it, but at the moment I don't think it makes the best sense (currently don't have a TV on hand, busy with academics etc.).

>> No.2484950

To get it on my memory card all I used was one 2GB USB stick though I hear there's also a way to install it through a CD-R.

>> No.2484968

I...I don't own a memory stick....

Thanks, I'll bookmark them. I'm currently downloading the whole thing (rather play the original than a translation); can the patch be used on the Japanese version of the demo without converting the text?

>> No.2484982

>I...I don't own a memory stick...
Whaaaat. You should get one of those if not for modding your PS2, then just for the convenience of it.

>> No.2484980 [DELETED] 

I haven't tried it, but believe that it's not possible. I'll confirm this in a second.

>> No.2484992 [DELETED] 

Yep, doesn't work.

>> No.2484998

Just checked, doesn't work without translation.

>> No.2484999

I'm a bad person, I know. I've managed to dodge the bullet so far by other means -- practically speaking, the only need I would have for a memory card is to transfer text files for printing and what have you, but the ol' "send-attachment-to-one's-own-email-account" has allowed me to get by so far. Someday I'll have to buckle, though.

>> No.2485027

Aww, that's a shame. But thank you for checking! Out of curiosity, how long does it take to play/read through the various scenarios? Or just the first one, since that's apparently the only one that's been translated so far?

>> No.2485061

you are a rather wordy guy, aren't you?
