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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 10 KB, 242x291, asian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2480122 No.2480122 [Reply] [Original]

Is anyone here actually Japanese?

I feel like that drunk who goes to an AA meeting expecting to meet people like himself, but he just finds a bunch of social wine drinkers.

>> No.2480124

only at heart <.<

>> No.2480125

We don't know. It's been so long since we left the solitary darkness of our rooms that we've forgotten.

>> No.2480128

Get the fuck out, you fucking disgusting hobo. Wine is a true man's drink.

>> No.2480127


>> No.2480132

nope, chink

I troll people by slipping in simplified chinese hanzi in the middle of kanji and making anon think he's shittier at kanji than he really is

>> No.2480134
File: 42 KB, 640x480, 1240078706548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did I lol?

>> No.2480136
File: 41 KB, 486x400, Cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No way man.

>> No.2480139

I got hanzi trolled by some faggot who wrote 放課後 in a way I didn't quite understand.

>> No.2480143

Of course not. BaKKA GAIJIN ^_^

>> No.2480144

yeah, I was the one who lol'd and then felt sorry and told you what they were

I wasn't actually the troll that time, it was the tripfag chink

>> No.2480146

Great. It's like we're only 5 people here.

>> No.2480148
File: 156 KB, 1280x1024, 1191441435252.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The Justice of America is the Judgment of the Almighty God, praise be to Barack Obama and the United States Armed Forces.

>> No.2480151

Japanese in heritage or birthplace? I can't imagine why any real Japanese people would come here when they can post on 2chan instead of this shitty place.

>> No.2480150

Really? Good. That makes it easier to declare my superiority and wipe the rest of you out.

>> No.2480156

I'm terrified of Japan. They'll rape me.

>> No.2480158

2channel and Futaba Channel are both worse than 4chan. Somehow.

>> No.2480159


>> No.2480160

They come here to start threads and sit back as weeaboos in /jp/ stroke their e-penises with several hundred replies.

>> No.2480161

Well, it's the same for /g/.

Maybe there aren't just the same 10 or so guys bitching about the same shit, but there's always 5 people who always post their setup in the COMMAND CENTER threads. Me included.

>> No.2480166
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>> No.2480172

It's so bad that I know people on /g/ by the names in their screenshots: Patrick Isac, Jordan, etc.

>> No.2480176

Half-breed by blood.

>> No.2480178

I don't post with a name.
I'm the guy with the dorm apartment and the girl who lives across the hall.

>> No.2480179

>by blood.
How else can you be half-breed?

>> No.2480184


>> No.2480185


By spirit and devotion to the Japanese culture and history of their nation. That is what I consider myself.

>> No.2480186

Ethnicity vs. Nationality

>> No.2480187
File: 351 KB, 801x1133, 1237362724874.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even if I said yes, would you believe me? On this board especially? Even if you really are Japanese and proved that with photos, you'd be branded as an attention whore, to go back to /b/, that you're a chink in disguise. These kinds of questions are meaningless here.

Welcome to /jp/.

>> No.2480199


>> No.2480200
File: 58 KB, 1280x327, gaiafags.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd believe it. Claiming to be Japanese isn't like claiming to be a celebrity, no one would boast about it but the most retarded of retards

>> No.2480219

Why moon speaker bother themself reading their stories descript by rune when they can find somewhere else.

>> No.2480230

what the fuck

>> No.2480233
File: 76 KB, 1213x535, gaia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You think that's bad?

>> No.2480236

Oh god what.

I heard some things about China and religion.

>> No.2480239


>> No.2480242


That's not even close to the worst part. Why didn't you post the one where she was excited after discovering that Jews in East Europe were descended from Tartars descended from Mongolians which means she's ASIAN or some shit?

>> No.2480243

like this?

>> No.2480244

Hey, I just might have a couple of asian blood cells in me too! Ooh, I feel superior already.

>> No.2480246

I did, that was the first one. I still think adopting a Chinese baby and converting to Buddhism is worse, though.

>> No.2480248


Oh. Durr. I have a short attention span and rarely click thumbnails unless it's a hot anime girl.

>> No.2480259

whata fuck man I just fell off my chair

>> No.2480266

No, I'm a fat American, just like everyone else.

>> No.2480276

No, I'm a underweight European, just like everyone else.

>> No.2480336

Yes, I'm a skinny moon speaker, just like everyone else.

>> No.2480410

thank god I'm not.
I'd rather not have the same characteristics as my family, friends and everybody I meet.

Black hair, dark eyes man.

>> No.2480438
File: 8 KB, 512x480, cool story bro mario.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2480444

Fucking hell. The guy in OP's pic has a face scarily like my own.

>> No.2480461

Plenty of japanese used to post in pre-split /a/. Faster than futaba with the spirit of 2ch they said.
I don't think they'd have a reason to move here, except for a few. And perhaps they prefer not to spark shitstorms and post in perfect english instead.

>> No.2480479
File: 40 KB, 482x630, me_irl.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am a proud member of the greatest race on earth.

>> No.2480480
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>> No.2480486

She has to be a troll.

>> No.2480527
File: 60 KB, 1195x532, more.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sadly, I don't think she is.
I notice she posts in EVERY SINGLE asian pride thread there is.

>> No.2480536


Fuck yeah! Which patriotic song do you like best, Scots Wha Hae or Flower of Scotland?

>> No.2480541
File: 47 KB, 1198x427, gaiafagtouhou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

since this is turning into a Gaia rage topic
I fell this fits /jp/ well..

>> No.2480547


>> No.2480558

Why are you on Gaia enough to notice?
Why are you on Gaia at all?
Pics are pretty funny, but nobody's going to believe you if you say you lurk Gaia all day just to look for stupid posts so you can screencap them and post them on 4chan.

>> No.2480562

there is a reason words like wapanese and, by extension, weeaboo became popular some time ago.
There really are people who want to be asian so much they're delusional.

>> No.2480570


>> No.2480577

Looks like half of the Touhou threads on /jp/

>> No.2480588

At least half of /jp/'s users are also gaia/whatever users, in my opinion. The board title draws them like flies on shit.

>> No.2480593

How the fuck is that an opinion statement, you sorry sack of shit?

>> No.2480605

Clearly he meant estimate, mister angry Gaian.

>> No.2480612

That's about as clear as your intelligence, my good baka.

>> No.2480627

I'm sorry you can't figure out what a typo was supposed to mean by the context, mister nerdrage.

>> No.2480631



Please tell me you're not serious.

If not, you'd better go back to Gaia.

>> No.2480639

>go back to Gaia
This is the first time I've found that funny.

>> No.2480655

Baka means bad story bro

>> No.2480659

It's only a typo if it was accidental. I am quite certain that the individual in question was not aware of the inaccuracy of his phrasing.


>> No.2480664


Good sir, I believe you have mistaken /a/ with /jp/. Shouldn't you be off comparing Naruto with Bleach and measuring their powerlevels?

>> No.2480678

Are you retarded? It was obviously a stab at the "gaiafag" insult. Then you took it seriously and now he's just trying to annoy you.

>> No.2480680

Too busy planning God's assassination, sorry.

>> No.2480688

Arc ain't the brightest tripfag to begin with.

>> No.2480697


>taken seriously

How do you take someone who uses the word 'baka' seriously? Could you please enlighten me, because I haven't a clue.

>> No.2480698

Very carefully.

>> No.2480708

>How do you take someone who uses the word 'baka' seriously?
You just did it yourself.

>> No.2480742
File: 19 KB, 300x300, lulz2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What the fuck?

>> No.2481344

It's like it's really 2005.

>> No.2481370

I think one of my great uncles was secertly a Japanese Collaborationist during the war, does that count?(we don't really talk about him...)

Also Sino-Malay livin' in Canada here
