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2476635 No.2476635 [Reply] [Original]

So what would make Fate/Unlimited Codes a better game?

>> No.2476636

Why is Lancer blushing?

>> No.2476639

Playable Taiga.

>> No.2476640

I don't know, I haven't played it

>> No.2476646

Nerf all the characters except Assassin and Bazett.

>> No.2476649

Include Avenger and all of the 4th war servants.

>> No.2476647

Getting rid of the 5-minute combos.

>> No.2476653

make it on PC so we can play it over hamachi

>> No.2476655
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Casual outfits for everyone.

>> No.2476657


Cuchullain is shy.

>> No.2476663

Scale the AI better.

They go from dumb as a rock to being able to combo you from 100%-0% over the coarse of arcade mode.

>> No.2476669

Include Kuzuki Souichirou

Bazette vs. Kuzuki = Win

>> No.2476690

Berserker Zero

>> No.2476737

also, True Assassin

>> No.2476755

Loosen the execution, make the combos less 'canned', and reduce the reliance on the ridiculous combos.

>> No.2476758

LANCELOT and True Assassin
Also a less broken Caster on later stages.

>> No.2476791

Include an unrelated Magus such as Aoko, Touko, or Roa.

>> No.2476799

Adding characters may be easy but the problem is how would they fare in having a Story Mode.

>> No.2476801

Add Shiki Tohno to the roster.

>> No.2476813
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Zero Lancer, bitch.

>> No.2476843

gameplay is fine as it is. Difficulty curve needs tweaking, but I'm an advocate of "you learn while being raped", so I don't mind.
Now, characters? Give me the whole Fate/Zero cast, Hollow Ataraxia costumes and I'll have my ideal game.

>> No.2477032

Fix all the PRINGLES crap.

Which 90% of them can be fixed by decreasing launching power of air launchers on a mid-air opponent.

>> No.2477386

Either nerf the combo system or increase proration.

>> No.2478306

- Add Fate/Zero cast (you could have no storyline, I wouldn't mind)
- fix combos
- remove Leysritt
- Add True Assassin and Kuzuki, and maybe Karen and Avenger
- F/HA costumes/ Gil's pimpcoat

>> No.2478334
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>remove Leysritt

your a bastard

>> No.2478368
File: 391 KB, 731x580, カレイドルビー01aステッキ_ラメ(中).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This mysterious girl, whoever she may be.

>> No.2478377

oh I've heard of her, she's kaleido ruby. no one knows her real identity though

>> No.2478407

I have good news for you

>> No.2478903

playable ilya motherfuckers

>> No.2479154

Include all the characters from FSN, Zero, and HA.

Also, have two versions of Shirou - UBW version and HF version. HF version will be stronger, etc., but can't use UBW. However, can use Unlimited Nine Lives or whatever it's called, and when his health gets low swords start sticking out of him.

>> No.2479161

2D HD sprites like Blazblue.

>> No.2479174

>HF Shirou

It's called Archer.

>> No.2479181

>Shirou UBW
Congratulations, you completely destroyed Archer's unique ability.

Also, Shiro can already use Nine Lives as an ultimate attack.

>> No.2479187

It can't; Tiger Colosseum is the best Fate game.

>> No.2479198


>> No.2479235

This. first 8th are EASY MODO. 9th is Normal. 10th is unforgiving. Unless you use Nanaya- er, I mean, Alter Saber.
This too. Although, It could be solved by, like anon said, removing the 5 min combos.

And, of course, the inclusion of all Fate Zero characters. Suit Saber vs Rider the great? Amazing.

>> No.2479246

I've always thought archer should have an alternative shirou costume and that would be ubw shirou.

HF shirou would be badassin that he still uses swords doesnt have UBW and could nine lives by removing the cloth. And maybe projecting weapons back and forth would do dmg to him.

>> No.2479253

I heard that it's Rin, but that can't be true. Rin doesn't have cat ears or a tail.

>> No.2479264

How long until PSP release now?

>> No.2479307

The addition of Berserker Lancelot would make it fuckwin. They could give him the ability to randomly pull weapons that he used in the 4th war as one of his special attacks. That could then require players to have to know how to use a series of different styles with him. It could change if he's fighting Gil, and he could only pull out weapons he used against him. His grail super could be pulling out Arondight, and it could change in animation for Saber, and for Gil he could use a fighter jet on him.

>> No.2479320
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Don't be silly. Besides, Tohsaka never smiles, and with her attitude, she'd never agree to wear something like that.

I don't remember. I believe it's like two or three more months, and that glasses rider will be included as an alternative skin for Medusa.

>> No.2479335

I love how all the Lancers are fabulous.

>> No.2479341

If Tohsaka never smiles, who is that in your picture? Is it Ciel with dyed hair?

>> No.2479351


>> No.2479353
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She does when she's in pajama mode.

>> No.2479355

I guess that would make sense since Arcueid is standing right next to her! I should have paid better attention before asking such an obvious question.

>> No.2479388

She looks smaller, if you get what I'm saying.

>> No.2479401
File: 74 KB, 410x567, 2068fc0b0cb877aa461d8b81ac33077b6aa2efb3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I say. What are you gents up to?

>> No.2479428

Two Arcueids? What is this madness?

>> No.2480477


With Rin being F/SN's version of Ciel, this makes complete sense.

>> No.2480493


>Rin being F/SN's version of Ciel

I wish i could punch you through the internet...

>> No.2480515
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>> No.2480522


Oh you gone and crossed the line now bitch

>> No.2480535

In my opinion, the game needs to be completely remade. Preferably by completely different people. The whole battle system is shit, it's like every generic fighter made in the last 10 years.
The devs did nothing else but took a generic fightan engine and filled it with F/SN characters.

First, take out the stupid combos. This is the only thing that gives the illusion of depth for the game, in reality it's shallow as hell.

Give everyone a ton more special moves. That way you actually have to think of what move to use next, instead of spamming a few combos over and over.

Arcade mode is fine, but make a special tag mode the game's main niche. Servants would fight side by side with their masters who are supporting them. Something like in Fatal Fake.

To keep the game's speed at "realistic" (as in, at F/SN's ridiculous powerlevel) you could keep the combos as single moves.
When you press a simple circle button, or a circle-circle double attack, instead of a single hit the servants would do a lightning-fast combo in the same time frame doing the same damage as a single attack.
This way you could keep the game impressive to watch, without 100-0 combos.

>> No.2480544


>> No.2480545

This game would be so fucking boring, it would be pointless.

>> No.2480549

its her raep face... dontchaknow?

>> No.2480553

Did you miss the part about the shitton more special attacks to choose from to replace the combo spamming?

>> No.2480578

> readyforthejackhammer.png

I lol'd hard

>> No.2480580

Why not put a 'If you press this faster when you hear a bell sound, you win' button?

That's not a fighter, that's more of a reaction game now.

>> No.2480599

Soul Calibur, for example, barely has combos, has tons of special moves and is an awesome game.
If you can only imagine the depth of fighting games as infinite combos then you need to broaden your horizons.

>> No.2480606

Soul Calibur is even more complicated than a combo fighter, and reuires much greater timing.
What you described is not Soul Calibur.

>> No.2480616



>> No.2480634

>Arcade mode is fine, but make a special tag mode the game's main niche
A tag mode would be nice but... the main niche? Nah
>When you press a simple circle button, or a circle-circle double attack, instead of a single hit the servants would do a lightning-fast combo in the same time frame doing the same damage as a single attack.
This has never been implemented in popular fightan games- Why? Beacuse it's fucking confusing. Keep it simple: 'Easy to learn, Hard to master'
The classic mode is the most effective: each button is an arm or leg OR a weak or strong attack, but never a combo.

You have combos that are smashing the same button if you want, (Noob saibot style) but I find that shallow too-

>> No.2480646

It would only be a simple animation change, so the game looks lightning fast without having to spam buttons.

>> No.2480663

Real men play Street Fighter 4, faggots.

>> No.2480671

Real men stay away from any fighting game that involves spamming of projectiles.
