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2473940 No.2473940 [Reply] [Original]

Key are god among VN makers.


>> No.2473951

I agree.

>> No.2473952

Yes they are.

/thread ?

>> No.2473955

Depends. If Air is as bad as Kanon (or at least the two routes of Kanon I managed to plod through before almost dying of boredom) then no. They're just a company with two very good games.

>> No.2473956

Certainly, Key is good.

Inb4 Type-Moon/Nitro+/Ryuukishi07 fanboys come in.

>> No.2473960
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They're all great. Who cares which one is better than the other.

>> No.2473972

But he works for Key now, and he loved Little Busters and Air.

>> No.2473978
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>Key are god among VN makers.

>> No.2473985

No, certainly not. Sure they make entertaining games but their forced happy endings suck,

>> No.2473987

No he doesn't.

>> No.2474000

Key is pretty good. When I want some slice of life, romance, or BAWWW, I'll play a Key VN.

>> No.2474004

I liked Little Busters and Clannad, didn't really care for the other two.

>> No.2474007

I agree

>> No.2474016

Air is definitely nowhere near as bad as Kanon

One thing to keep in mind with Kanon, though, is that there's only one good route.

If you've found it already, too bad, your tastes suck. If not, oh well - no real loss, because while it's by far the best part of Kanon, it's still not as good as AIR.

Anyway, I think Key is perfectly respectable, but GIGA is probably better, with Chocolat, Kono Aozora, Parfait, Baldr Force, Dual Savior and Baldr Sky under their belt.

>> No.2474021

Yes he does.
He is working on Rewrite for Key, wrote about Little Busters on his blog and said in an interview that he considered Air as a god tier VN.

>> No.2474029

in b4 am I cute uguu~

>> No.2474030

>Air is definitely nowhere near as bad as Kanon
Ah, thanks. I wasn't sure whether to try it or not.
>One thing to keep in mind with Kanon, though, is that there's only one good route.
Like I said, only finished two routes (Nayuki/Shiori's) and I usually keep the best/main til last (Ayu, right?). Might just skip to her route.

>> No.2474039
File: 115 KB, 646x505, kanoso11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am cute, uguu.

And don't you forget it.

>> No.2474041

I don't like judging the games by company but more by scenario writer.

So sure Jun Maeda is good, but people like Romeo Tanaka, Loose Boy and Takahiro is a lot better.

>> No.2474044

>and I usually keep the best/main til last (Ayu, right?)
Nope. You want one of the two Maeda routes, but specifically you want the one Maeda actually liked writing. Mai.

>> No.2474045

ITT newfags who have only played KEY VN's

>> No.2474054

Dependes on your tastes, objectively they write good stories with interesting plot, they are a good company.

Personally, though, I hate them, I just can't stand forced drama and slice of life and I especially hope the one who wrote Tomoyo After will suffer in deepest layer of hell.

>> No.2474055

Well, yes, but the whole point is that a scenario writer is still perfectly good and can still produce perfectly good stuff even if they aren't the best. Romeo Tanaka has a game coming out in 2009/2010 and so does Takahiro, but Looseboy? Nope. And even if he does, that's only three games - won't last very long to clear through all that no matter how good any of it is. So it's good to settle back on the not-quite-god-tier-but-still-good scenario writers anyway.

>> No.2474064

>I just can't stand forced drama and slice of life and I especially hope the one who wrote Tomoyo After will suffer in deepest layer of hell.

That's the only Key game that I liked...

>> No.2474067

>Implications that KEY have made anything worthwhile other than Planetarian and Little Busters

Oh you guys. Always with the funny jokes.

>> No.2474068

>I especially hope the one who wrote Tomoyo After will suffer in deepest layer of hell.
Isn't he working on Rewrite? (partly, anyway)

>> No.2474070

Since it's a Key thread...
I'm thinking about playing Clannad but only for one or two characters' routes, is it worth it? Or is the main appeal of the game Nagisa' route, which doesn't interest me in the slightest?

>> No.2474071

>Implications that non-EX Little Busters is worthwhile
That's not funny at all.

>> No.2474077

The main appeal of the game is the entire game, so yeah, don't bother.

>> No.2474078

It's the only Key game written solely by Maeda, so no he isn't writing for Rewrite.

>> No.2474079

But isn't Maeda supposed to be, like, good? What was he thinking?

>> No.2474083

Tomoyo After wasn't solely written by Maeda.. this 樫田レオ fellow also worked on it (which was the person I was thinking about). You're still right, though; he's not working on Rewrite.

>> No.2474084

That's a close minded way to go into any visual novel. You never know if a route is good or not until you've played it. Nagisa's route+After Story is the best part of Clannad but the other routes are also good.

>> No.2474085

It was good, interesting scenario, good text etc.

>> No.2474087

Oh that's right I forgot about him, but Maeda still stands as the main scenario writer.

>> No.2474088

AIR is actually pretty damn good. CLANNAD was too, but /jp/ seems to either be tsundere towards it or just hate it (I'm not sure). Little Busters (both EX and non) was a lot of fun. The only fun part of Kanon was Mai's route, the rest can suck it. Planetarian was really good as well. I think there was another key game, but I don't seem to recall what it was, so it very likely sucks shit.

>> No.2474090

Meh, maybe. I couldn't get past the first choice as it just felt all wrong. It had none of the Clannad feel, they even changed the art and voices, it was like putting those characters in a different universe.

>> No.2474091
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Mai's route made up for the rest of Kanon, though.

>> No.2474093

Er, you mean, they changed the voices in Clannad, right?

Because no voiced version of Clannad was made before Tomoyo After.

>> No.2474096

>I think there was another key game, but I don't seem to recall what it was, so it very likely sucks shit.
Tomoyo After. Or ONE but that was made before they were called Key.

>> No.2474099

so do the psychotic deformed pictures people do of them.

>> No.2474102

MOON. and ONE are generally considered Key games, even though they're pre-Key, there's so much staffing overlap they might as well be.

Dousei is generally NOT considered a Key game, despite being Itaru's debut. It's a pity, because that would pretty much end any 'Key's-worst-game' discussions.

>> No.2474105

I was lumping Tomoyo After with CLANNAD as it more or less goes with it anyways. I'm not sure I remember ONE well enough to even comment on it anymore.

>> No.2474106
File: 46 KB, 640x480, kanoso8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a CG from Kanoso, actually. What a great game...

>> No.2474111

Yes, but people have done their own. Still much better than Kanon ever was.

>> No.2474125

Play Clannad, even if you've seen the anime. It's different in VN form, with more scenes, etc.

>> No.2474131

little busters isn't translated and air is only a little bit anyways

>> No.2474133

Its actually one of the better VNs out there right now (at least as far as its genre goes). You really should give at least one route a go.

>> No.2474137

no shit. really? thanks for the news shlowmo

>> No.2474141

I liked ONE and MOON.

>> No.2474142

I started playing earlier tonight and shit is pretty good so far.

>> No.2474146

key games all suck. enjoy your moeblobs.

>> No.2474147


Tomoyo's, Kotomi's, and most of the side characters' route. While Nagisa route + After Story takes the cake, the other routes are definitely worthwhile.

>> No.2474149

I started Tomoyo's route, did I make the right choice? Also is Kyou's route really that terrible?

>> No.2474152

kyou route will ruin her character if you like her. avoid it.

>> No.2474155

Kyou's route is pretty good, especially the ending. Kyoufags are just butthurt there isn't enough of Kyou in it.

>> No.2474156

Nagisa's route isn't bad. The twins kind of share a route, its not really bad ... just leaves Kyou's route kind of short.

>> No.2474157

We're aware you have shit taste. You don't have to remind us in every thread.

>> No.2474158

kyou route is more like ryou route

shit is pretty lame.

>> No.2474162


Kyou route is shit mostly. Tomoya becomes generic harem faggot #200284724. Kyou sucks shit in her own route. Ryou growing up is the only good thing in this pile of emo shit of a route.

>> No.2474166

Well, duh, the whole point to Kyou's route is that it shits on Kyou's character.

So, yes, I guess the route itself is fine, but Kyou should have had another route.

>> No.2474167

I would have suggested playing the Tomoyo route first, so yeah.

>> No.2474170

It's not really a good idea to avoid any of the routes in Clannad, for obvious reasons.

>> No.2474172

I guess you're all just butthurt that Ryou took too much screentime from Kyou because the route wasn't that bad.

>> No.2474177


Try doing Kyou route then Tomoyo route for maximum rage for Kyou. First she's an indecisive faggot in her route, then she becomes a jealous bitch in Tomoyo's.

>> No.2474180

No, really, the route itself was pretty bad.

>> No.2474182


I like Ryou in this route and Kappei's. The hate comes from Emo-Kyou.

>> No.2474185

also have fun if you plan on doing all the routes because there's like 10 of them + after story. enjoy your 100 hours

>> No.2474188

Key said something about taking at least 300 hours.

>> No.2474189

It doesn't "shit on Kyou's character", you just don't like Kyou's character.

I however did.

>> No.2474191

Opinions, faggots. I thought Kyou's route was one of the best too.

>> No.2474193

>300 hours

serious? i'm pretty sure it only took me 100 hours. or maybe i was wrong. or maybe i just read fast.

>> No.2474195


>> No.2474197

You're an idiot.

>> No.2474199


>> No.2474201

300 hours either refers to actual ingame time or how many hours it took them to compile the guide and check everything.

>> No.2474205



>> No.2474206

Did you even read the VN or did you just skip and look at the CGs?

>> No.2474208


I always though of Kyou fondly as the "Fun character that's not my favorite" until her route. Basically, Kyou is shit in this one, and since the route revolves around Kyou, it's also shit.

Also, this.

>> No.2474214

At least Kyou's route is better than Fuko's.

>> No.2474218

Lets see you guys having to decide between your romantic love and family love, and see how easily you solve it.

>> No.2474219

I return this question back to you.
Kyou was acting stupid for the whole route. She even went Sekai on Tomoya with the KISSING LESSONS.

>> No.2474220


The only reason why nobody ranks Fuko's route high because it resembles Ayu's story too much, other wise its a few ranks higher than Kyou. Even Komura's story probably ranks higher.

>> No.2474224

Bad news for you.

>> No.2474230


Let's see ...

1. Kyou was too afraid to express her feelings due to lacking balls.
2. She forced the situtaion between Ryou and Tomoyo.
3. If you try telling her you're not interested she gets angry and butthurt that you're not doing what she planned.
4. Too emo to make a decision even with Ryou telling her to do it.


She brought it unto herself.

>> No.2474235

>oh hay i can oversimplify things

>> No.2474237


Lol butthurt.

>> No.2474307

Helping someone =/= being a part of them.

>> No.2474491

After Story is best anyways.

>> No.2474696

Since some people don't seem to know all Key/Tactics games, a list:

Pre-Key Tactics games:
1997 Dousei (untranslated; generally not considered a Key game)
1997 Moon. (in translation at TLWiki)
1998 One ~Kagayaku Kisetsu e~ (fully translated)

Main Key games:
1999 Kanon (Leaked patch fully translates the game)
2000 Air (Slowly, crappily being translated at TLWiki; leaked patch makes Misuzu route playable)
2004 Clannad (Leaked patch fully translates the game)
2007 Little Busters! (In translation, progress can be seen on TLWiki; official beta patch translates a couple of days)
20XX Rewrite (Not yet released)

Other Key games:
2004 Planetarian ~Chiisana Hoshi no Yume~ (Fully translated by insani, short kinetic novel)
2005 Tomoyo After ~It's a Wonderful Life~ (translation status unknown, Clannad side story for PS2)
2008 Little Busters! Ecstasy (untranslated, Little Busters with additional content and porn)

Which is the other Maeda route? Makoto's?

Die. Fuuko's route was the best route in Clannad, and its ending is one of the best endings ever.

>> No.2474703
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Key is god among vn makers, yes I agree.

>> No.2475226

wow this thread is still going

>> No.2475623
File: 67 KB, 640x480, whatreally.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is if you bump it, yes.

>> No.2475650

And nobody noticed this.

>> No.2476076

I did, but it wasn't worth pointing out. I mean, go to the Rewrite website and click a link to any 'under construction' page, it will say 'now printing'. Key sucks at English.

>> No.2477485

Bump for Key anniversary.

>> No.2478039

So if I did said route first and haven't done any of the others should I just quit now?

>> No.2478047


Speaking of Rewrite. Is it going to be an eroge?

>> No.2478053
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>> No.2478067


>> No.2478071

Play Makoto's, and Maybe Nayuki.

>> No.2478076
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>> No.2478083
File: 28 KB, 576x891, excalibur.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even Inoue Itaru know about my legend!

>> No.2478098

What's that image supposed to mean?

>> No.2478099


What excuse is there for this terrible CG?

>> No.2478108

No. None of the routes are so bad that they aren't worth reading.

>> No.2478110

People who don't like Key are assholes.

>> No.2478112


Blind girl eating lunch

>> No.2478114

After 9 plates of food you'd start looking like that too.

>> No.2478116

>Japanese girl eating luch.

