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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2476865 No.2476865 [Reply] [Original]

>The government will pay thousands of dollars to fly Mrs. Yamaoka; her husband, who is a Brazilian citizen of Japanese descent; and their family back to Brazil. But in exchange, Mrs. Yamaoka and her husband must agree never to seek to work in Japan again.


>> No.2476871

/jp/ doesn't care about Japan.

>> No.2476874

so nobody likes latinos?

>> No.2476877

We already had two threads about this stale news today. Both of which got deleted.

>> No.2476879
File: 67 KB, 398x450, wtf is this mario.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2476881

4chan consists entirely of nerds and nerds in denial.

>> No.2476875

talk for yourself you fucking nerd.

>> No.2476883

All the fags that want to move to Japland are getting butthurt over this

>> No.2476884

>doesn't care about Japan

Nerds DO care about Japan. Where the fuck have you been?

>> No.2476887

Just the mexicans

>> No.2476888

I will pay anonymous thousand of dollars to stop posting the same shit.

>> No.2476892


>> No.2476893

So you're saying the touhou/vn-loving Japan-hating NEETs aren't NERDS?!

>> No.2476894

Japan paying money to worsen its industrial capacity, GJ. Compounded with the fact that Japanese people are making less and less babies.

>> No.2476898

Less so than the Japanophile anime-watching manga-reading NEET wee/a/boos that worship Japan.

They're both bad though. Now fuck off.

>> No.2476900
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How many times will this be posted here?

>> No.2476901

Japan's plan to fight racism and inequalities:

Don't have other ethnicities in Japan other than Japanese.

>> No.2476908

Stop whining faggots. I haven't been on /jp/ for two days, how the hell would I know it had been posted here before?

Some of us have a life you dickhead.

>> No.2476913

This is ancient. Weeks old.

>> No.2476916
File: 14 KB, 423x297, 1235153260247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your insecurity is showing.

Also, underage b& faggot detected.

>> No.2476919

wow, what a nerd

>> No.2476922

Go have your life somewhere else, har har.

>> No.2476928

>Some of us have a life you dickhead.
Then don't post here.
Just lurk whenever you get the time.

>> No.2476929

The people here just try to act like they don't care about Japan so they can't be called weeaboos. These are the same guys who invented that term because they were getting angry at new people finding Japan as an interesting country, as you can see on this board all the time.

>> No.2476941

Speak for yourself, dickhead.

>> No.2476942

This must be the easiest board to troll in.

>> No.2476960

It's like trolling in the ocean of trolls, sureis/b/aroundhere hurrrr

>> No.2476965

ever visited /po/?

>> No.2476974


You know, I'd be willing to bet that the foreign workers are outperforming the local ones.

>> No.2476970

Old as shit.

>> No.2476985

Silly nips, you, of all people, should know that you shouldn't listen to Brazilians when they ask for money.

>> No.2476987


>> No.2477001

Japanese workers are in general on the top concerning hours per year with good efficiency ratio.

>> No.2477008
File: 64 KB, 500x257, trollingtrollzoom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: Trolls troll trolls.

>> No.2477011

what a load of crap. Japan is far behind norway. and probably the us and rest of scandinavia too.

>> No.2477015

Who took these... statistics?

At any rate, those silly nips should mingle with the brazilians. Their gene pool is quite poor, they could use an extra boost.

>> No.2477017

reported for being irrelevant.

post some fucking touhou

>> No.2477018

Now I am waiting for Sax to show up and enlighten us about how overpopulation is Japan's biggest problem.

>> No.2477019


>> No.2477027

it took far too long for this to be posted

>> No.2477022
File: 32 KB, 571x1036, brazil.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2477030

Scandinavia will be taken over by sand-niggers pretty soon, though. They could learn a few things from the way Japan protect their genes and culture.

>> No.2477043

Good riddance.

>> No.2477052

I really have to wonder about the sanity of anybody WANTING to be in Japan.

The few japanese I have talked to have told me they will never return to Japan. Ever.

>> No.2477090

Nooo, fuck no.

>> No.2477108

Brazilians residing in Japan are actually japanese descendants so there isn't much variation here.

>> No.2477114

Crap, those fucked-up brazillians destroying my country's reputation even more
Yes, brazillian weeaboo here

>> No.2477129

japanese and good efficiency ? lmao

weeaboo kid, that has no idea about non-anime japan.

>> No.2477159

I don't come to /jp/ often anymore so I'm probably missing something, but I don't understand why people are so upset at this thread.

This seems like the absolute last thing Japan should be doing. Evey armchair commentator on Japan I've heard recently has talked about the looming population crisis and Japan's need to start adopting more foreign immigrants to catch up for the lagging native work force. It's like they want to lose their prestige as an industrial power house of east asia and become second fiddle to China.

>> No.2477171


I'm the Brazilian from before
Your statement is not completely correct, because here most nipo-descendants are actually very succesful and work here on nipo-industries.
The ones that go to work on non-specialized jobs on Japan (assemble calculators, carry boxes, shit like that) are actualy people that marry a nipo-descendant just to work there, because otherwise they have to be graduated at something.

>> No.2477195


You are missing nothing, there is nothing to miss here
Their economy is falling apart so fast, it's like in few months all japanese people will run to other countries

In other words, the government is commiting an economical seppuku

>> No.2477204

They don't care about prestige or being the foremost industrial powerhouse. They only care about being and remaining Japanese.
Some places like Europe should learn a lesson or two about it. Immigrants may boost the economy but is it worth losing one's culture and ethnic purity ?

>> No.2477260


Sounds like a modern day Last samurai movie pitch
