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File: 115 KB, 823x856, double fascinating.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2475101 No.2475101 [Reply] [Original]

Yo, brostein. I was wondering if you could provide me with a list of all the Touhous and their personality traits. It's to help me with the fanfic writing, 'cause I know how much you dudes look stories written by fans.

>> No.2475107


>> No.2475106

Not even trying anymore.

>> No.2475110

>you dudes love stories written by fans
Sorry about that

>> No.2475116

bwah there postin things i dont like must be a troller

>> No.2475118

I wish Reimu would lovingly stare at my penis like that

>> No.2475124

I want to sage but its just too much work. i'll just click submit.

>> No.2475128

Get out, how can you write shitty touhou fanfic if you don't even know about it?

>> No.2475138

>know about it
You mean how every single fan has their own idea of what the Touhous are like?

>> No.2475144

Are you fucking stupid?

>> No.2475145

She would probably smile at how small it is.

>> No.2475152

See: moefags

>> No.2475165

What about them> I don't care about idiots

>> No.2475170

Reimu: a jerk
Marisa: a thieving jerk
Alice: a loner jerk
Sakuya: LOYALTY and a jerk
Remi: Shits with her pinky up

>> No.2475181

They turn Alice into a stuttering lonely idiot.

She's not lonely.

She's just a loner. She wants to be alone.

>> No.2475854

What's the matter? Too VAGUE to make a list?

>> No.2476060

No, she isn't a loner either. She's just not meeting with others much because she has more interesting things to do.

And , actually, her "fanon" personality is exactly the same as the canon one, with the exception of her having hots for Marisa. Oh god, how awful, fans pairing their characters off. Travesty. This has never happened in a self-respecting fanfic. Ever.

>> No.2476088

How about you try playing the fucking games first instead of making up fan crap.


>> No.2476136

Played them. Not enough info.

>> No.2476141
File: 8 KB, 285x320, 1215715821650.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>double fascinating.jpg
>fanfic writing

oh u

>> No.2476144 [DELETED] 

Read the translated bios and read what's translated of Perfect Memento in Strict Sense and Bohemian Archive in Japanese Red.

>> No.2476146

So fan-made stuff is better right?

>> No.2476151

Read the translated bios and read what has been translated of Perfect Memento in Strict Sense and Bohemian Archive in Japanese Red.

>> No.2476154

fan consensus is better, yes, since they are the ones who are going to read my fanfic.

>> No.2476159

You anti-brosemitic or somethin?

>> No.2476162


Troll thread aside, canon material isn't limited to the games. If someone wanted more information they could read the official works as well, though really those are just as light hearted as the rest so they end up very whimsical.

Fans need to stop taking Touhou so seriously. ZUN sure as hell doesn't.

>> No.2476182

>ZUN sure as hell doesn't.

ZUN is actually concerned that the majority of the Touhou fandom doesn't give a damn about the games.

Hell, he actually wanted to stop the fan anime at some point because he believes that new people will think that touhou started as an anime and not a game.

Fuck Touhou "fans" lol

>> No.2476200

You're not very informed.

>> No.2476202

Are you also one of those touhou "fans" ?

>> No.2476219

Multiple controversies have surrounded the announcement of the anime. Most notably, ZUN himself voiced his displeasure and slight concern on his blog, citing concerns that doujin anime may be misinterpreted as official goods. He was also concerned that the rapid expansion of the Touhou franchise will lead to a slew of Touhou fans who haven’t played the actual games at all.

To make matters worse (for ZUN, that is), high-profile seiyuu have been hired to voice the main characters.

>> No.2476224

Are you stupid?

>> No.2476233

No, I play the games, faggot. ZUN was only concerned about the anime because of the seiyuus. He doesn't want people to confused fan material with official material.

>> No.2476248
File: 469 KB, 853x480, 1240122853567.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Next time read the article.

>> No.2476251


What part of
>He was also concerned that the rapid expansion of the Touhou franchise will lead to a slew of Touhou fans who haven’t played the actual games at all.

do you not fucking understand?

>> No.2476285

ZUN didn't try to to stop the fan anime. Just wanted them to make it clear it was official.

>> No.2476292

The point is he's not AGAINST any of it. He in fact supports it, however >>2476285

>> No.2476296


That's a different subject entirely, of course he's concerned about how newcomers will view his game series. He wants to keep control over it. Seeing as the man did everything on his own I don't blame him.

However, my original point was that ZUN doesn't take Touhou's setting and characters themselves that seriously. It's his light hearted danmaku setting made because he wanted a curtain fire shooter to his preferences, fans take his creation to another level by trying to make it deep and arguing at length over the details of the setting. Who is stronger? What are they really like? How did they come to be? These are often debated but when you look at what ZUN puts out and the depth he gives, it's clear he isn't that concerned about the finer details and prefers to have fun with it.

>> No.2476306
File: 171 KB, 658x769, 1234549819357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2476318

What part of

>ZUN himself voiced his displeasure and slight concern on his blog

do you not fucking understand?

>> No.2476342

My response was never about the line, but about the posters tone suggesting that ZUN is upset at people creating fan work of his games. Which he isn't. He only wants it to be clear what is fan work and what isn't, like the line you keep quoting states. Hurr fucking durr, faggot.

>> No.2476352


Go on, keep trying to justify being a "Touhou fan" without actually playing the Touhou games.

>> No.2476359

I already stated I play the game, but I guess you can't read on top of being retarded.

>> No.2476367


There's nothing wrong with taking things too seriously. The concept of taking something silly and making it serious for the purpose of amusement goes back to the hackerdom of the 70s and 80s. A classic example is the "war" between vi and emacs, which people took seriously for the purpose of having a laugh. It wasn't even trolling; everyone knew it was a joke. Hence "ha ha only serious."

There's nothing wrong with taking Touhou too seriously.

Power level discussions are always shit though.

>> No.2476372

Go on, keep trying to justify being a "Touhou fan" without actually playing the Touhou games.

>> No.2476378


>Remi: Shits with her pinky up

I lol'ed

>> No.2476379
File: 14 KB, 423x297, 1237512608196.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2476398

That stopped being a valid answer quite some time ago.
Anyone who actually replies with it and thinks he's trolling is a complete idiot or newfriend.

>> No.2476401

>Go on, keep trying to justify being a "Touhou fan" without actually playing the Touhou games.

This actually is the pretty annoying thing about the so-called Touhou "fandom".

I've actually read a doujin in where an author goes "I haven't actually played the games themselves, but I thought that Marisa x Alice x Patch was soooooooooooo cuuuuute that I just had to draw them together XD XD XD". Fucking Shit.

>> No.2476412

I don't see what's wrong with not playing the games. They're too hard. I'm still trying to beat PCB. But the girls are so moe

>> No.2476425

so muee

>> No.2476441

Touhou fags must be old geezers since they can't even 1cc Easy Modo.

My 9-year old cousin can easily beat Easy or Normal in any Touhou game. I can 1cc Lunatic myself on a good day.

>> No.2476459

Expert gamer can 1cc Lunatic.

>> No.2476466

Cool story bro.
