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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2476160 No.2476160 [Reply] [Original]

/jp/ life is so bizarre (virginity into 20s even if you arent a neet and that kind of thing) that its almost like an adventure if you think about it.

Oh well, back to work.

>> No.2476168

>/jp/ life

You clearly know nothing of /jp/ life.

>> No.2476170

I know what you mean when you talk about the bizarrity of it all. Its like I'm living in a dreamworld, I never thought I'd end up as a virgin.

>> No.2476171

>Run Away

>> No.2476175

>/jp/ life

Hehe, rape.

>> No.2476179

Life is an adventure, faggot.

>> No.2476181

Not OP, but this 'meme' is getting old now. Not everyone on /jp/ is a fat hikki loser living in a basement. I think the 'meme' was made by people insecure about being an aforementioned hikki loser, so they try to group everyone else in with them.

>> No.2476193

I'm not fat, but I do only go to college for 2 hours per week, spend all my money on figures and I'm in my bedroom constantly.

You can go back to your rap music, sports and sluts now.

>> No.2476195

true, I may be a virgin but im not a loser.

>> No.2476199

>Not everyone on /jp/
Just everyone who doesn't need to be banned.

>> No.2476213
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>> No.2476216

I'm a virgin winner.

>> No.2476218

lol, 2ch's hikki board:

"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh what a paiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn"

"Bump this thread if you don't want to die."

"What games are you guys playing? (part 14)"

"How to make a fake vagina part 1"

"I enjoy eating more than anything else"

"Let's argue with the otaku board"

"[Thread for] hikkis who are contemplating suicide"
(This is one of the larger threads, at 948 replies)

"[Thread for] hikkis who never bathe"

"It's dawn.. just talking to myself..."

"My penis feels gooood"

"[Thread for] hikkis who spend all their time on niconico"

"[Thread for] hikkis who venture to the convenience store"


>> No.2476226

2ch is always shit and always will be shit.

>> No.2476227

Ditto to that bro. I go to a great university, do a degree I love, want to be a graduate student as well.

I'm just a virgin because I'm socially retarded. Doesnt mean shit about whether I'm a loser or not, a lot of REAL hardcore normalfags actually respect me.

>> No.2476235


>> No.2476237

lack social skills much?
protip: you can still learn them if you set your mind to it but if you can't be assed then enjoy your hand and quit whining about it already

>> No.2476243

My best friend was a girl, I could be a non-virgin if I hadn't been so shy on that night I was sleeping in the same bed with her. I'm not sure what I would do if I could go back in time.

>> No.2476256
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People are not worth the effort it takes to learn social skills anyway.

I would rather spend my time on aesthetic enjoyment than human detritus.

>> No.2476273

Then we are in agreement.

>> No.2476277

Well I agree with you there.

>> No.2476284

its a world full of people thats the reality of the situation
learn to deal with them
instead of living in your dream world

>> No.2476293

Nah, I'm good.

>> No.2476300

"u kud do it if you wernt a fag"
"But I do not wish to do it and it is unnecessary."
"i dunt care do it neway!!!!!!"


>> No.2476313

I don't have to deal with people, all I need is to do my job to live a nice life.
The necessity of social interaction is a myth.

>> No.2476314


Fail at social interaction == fail at life
LOL losers

>> No.2476322


>> No.2476333

>Fail at social interaction == fail at life
Are you fucking stupid?

>> No.2476334

<-- /b/

>> No.2476341

DeNile - it's not just a large body of water

You have to deal with people all the time. Learn to deal.

You're a unique and beautiful snowflake...just like the other 6.7 billion of us, so get over yourself, wake the fuck up and deal with reality

>> No.2476350


Everyone who has had any success at life has social skills. Period.

Prove me wrong.

>> No.2476362



>> No.2476364
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>> No.2476365

>success at life
Well, the problem with this is that there is no such thing.

>> No.2476366

Other people are disgusting. I have no idea why anyone would ever want to associate with them.

>> No.2476369

Beat me to it.

>> No.2476370

It's like I'm really in elementary school!

Reported for underage.

>> No.2476373

>Prove me wrong.

>> No.2476374

Dealing with people isn't just one single skill. Being able to get a job nad buy food isn't the same as being able to get laid.

>> No.2476375


>> No.2476376

I stopped caring about whether people like you think I'm a loser when I left high school. You forgot to add "neener-neener" on the end there, by the way.

>DeNile - it's not just a large body of water

Self-help books are silly. Stop quoting them.

>6.7 billion of us

Now that is just depressing. Needs more natural disasters.

>wake the fuck up and deal with reality

I am awake. Misanthropes are far more tuned into reality than those with a group identity.

>> No.2476384

The man has social skills ... he wasn't a good programmer by a long shot, but he learned how to organize and manage those that were. Thus endeth the lesson. Next.

>> No.2476385

Got a quote I thought you guys might enjoy from a book I read yesterday:

>"The Princess, in the mean time, insinuated herself into many families; for their are few doors, through which liberality, joined with good humour, cannot find its way. The daughters of many houses were airy and cheerful, but Nekayah had been too long accustomed to the conversation of Imlac and her brother to be much pleased with childish levity and prattle which had no meaning. She found their thoughts narrow, their wishes low and their merriment often artificial. Their pleasures, poor as they were, could not be preserved pure, but were embittered with petty competitions and worthless emulation. They were always jealous of the beauty of each other; of a quality to which solicitude can add nothing, and from which detraction can take nothing away. Many were in love with triflers like and fancied they were in love when in truth they were only idle. There affection was seldom fixed on sense and virtue, and therefore seldom ended but in vexation. Their grief however. like their joy, was transient; every thing floated in their mind unconnected with the past or future, so that one desire easily gave way to another, as a second stone cast into the water effaces and confounds the circles of the first."

Basically. Women are boring for the most part. No utilitarian usage can be had for them, and since sex is outside the realm of what we can achievement for the present we are better off treating them with utter indifference.

>> No.2476387
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>> No.2476391



Bosses only care about results, not about your social skills, if you can do whatever they ask you in half the time and with added effort, you win.

it also depends of the job, programming is about codes, not people, Im pretty sure comic or book writers just close themselves all the day, deliver their work on the weekend and repeat.

>> No.2476392

Are you fucking dumb?

>> No.2476395

teenage angst much?

there are definite societal standards of failure and success
the fact that you choose to ignore them doesn't makke them go away

>> No.2476396

Misanthropy is a bit misguided, though. It's not like every human being is unworthy, is it? I mean, if you were to remove all of the unworthy humans, you'd still have a few hundred left, right?

Of course, that may just be my philanthropic streak acting up.

>> No.2476399
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>> No.2476409

no, dear. programming is about being part of a team of developers, because you aren't writing 50K lines of code and all the mondules for it by the end of the quarter when the delivery date is

life is a team sport

>> No.2476413

These standards rely almost completely on money. Not social skills, not the amount of times you've been laid, but money. You don't need to be a non-virgin to make lots of money.

>> No.2476414

Sex is overrated. Love, trust, and friendship is where its at.

Now back to cuddling my pillow and crying myself to sleep alone.

>> No.2476426


says the obviously ignorant anon

>> No.2476430

A team of virgins can't work together? We're not talking socially retarded to the point where we won't even talk to anyone, like you seem to assume.

>> No.2476433

>societal standards
What, like the whole thing about how cleanliness is the mark of a savage?

Or are you talking about a different one? Maybe the one which says you're a god if you were born into the position of royalty?

No? That's not it, either? Then the one which says anyone who has dark skin is an inferior being?

Still not right? Well, I could go at this for days, so...

>> No.2476434

Read your post I quoted and tell me it doesn't sound ignorant. Either you're trolling or a complete retard.

>> No.2476442


I agree with you actually, life is a team sport, and it works MUCH better when you collaborate with other people, like I usually do.

I think what I meant is that social skill is NOT that important, a good member of a team can just hear orders for 5 minutes and do his job alone for the rest of the day, then exchange ideas the next day about what he did and find out what needs to be done now, so even if you have some problems with social skills, you can still do well if you have other talents.

but at the end of the day, you really need to have used some social skills at some point, I agree.

>> No.2476444
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>Bill Gates
>wasn't a good programmer by a long shot

>> No.2476455
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ITT: Socially inept basement dwelling virgins argue with other socially inept basement dwelling virgins.

>> No.2476456

I have worked in environments with teams of devs for the last 10 years.

I'd say better than 75% were married or in LTR.

The hikki type virgins never last long. They can't handle the social aspects, so they go off and fail at consulting because they don't realize all consulting is sales, and sales is very much a social game.

>> No.2476457

I have +50 Charisma, everyone likes me at the university and I'm a top student. yet I'm a virgin, it's not relevant in any way.

>> No.2476467

It's actually right, he's just a businessman.

>> No.2476468

I see humans in general as pointless and destructive creatures, but not all to the same degree.

>> No.2476471 [DELETED] 

I would write about my father but on the internet? No way.
Anyway, his mother comitted suicide when he was 13, he worked his ass off, went to the best schools in the country and became a millionnaire.
All while being like me.
Well, not really, because he wasn't fucking lazy and actually got shit done, but still, he hates people.

>> No.2476470

Don't feel bad just because you're one of us!

>> No.2476472

Learn to read.
>We're not talking socially retarded to the point where we won't even talk to anyone, like you seem to assume

Also, I didn't know your parent's house classified as "an environment with teams of devs".

>> No.2476473
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>> No.2476477


There's no way you have a cha. score of 110-111.

Oh, this isn't /tg/ is it?

>> No.2476484

Don't have to be a fucking snowflake to come to the goddamn conclusion I don't like people.
It's not like that's a revolutionary thing, hermits have existed since before idiots like you started trying to sound smart on the internet.

>> No.2476487

You don't like destructiveness? That's a shame. I was thinking we'd be able to get along...

>> No.2476488

It is sometimes

>> No.2476490
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>> No.2476494

Isn't it?

>> No.2476495

>hermits have existed since before idiots like you started trying to sound smart on the internet


>> No.2476498

There's a big difference between the social skills needed to work in a team in a professional environment and those needed for non-work situations. Of course the two are often correlated, but there are people adept at one but not the other.

>> No.2476502

I don't feel like reading everything without knowing if the writer is any good, mind citing the source?

>> No.2476509

I don't care so much either way about destruction. I just think that people suck and I would be much happier living in my tub and jerking off in their Agora than socialising with them.

>> No.2476512

Samuel Johnson. And its really not that hard to understand bro....

>> No.2476519

Kill Humans
Save the world

>> No.2476522
File: 6 KB, 429x98, tonite.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 23 years old virgin and loser.

>> No.2476523

>I can't see if a writer is good by reading his stuff, so I'll google his name and see what wikipedia and google think about him.

>> No.2476530

Pointless and destructive creatures who have, between them, created centuries upon centuries worth of knowledge, culture, and beauty. I can understand your disillusionment, but try and remember that it is objectivity that makes a man wise, not blind cynicism.

>> No.2476531

That's from Rasselas, which isn't even his best work. Read The Rambler.

>> No.2476534

Well, I can agree to that.

Still, I think it would be much more entertaining to make some use of them. People like us... We've often been compared to cats, haven't we? So, like a cat, I'd like to take pleasure in playing a little fatal game with the insects.

>> No.2476537

>assuming I haven't read The Rambler for no apparent reason whatsoever

uh huh... carry on, I was just using it to illustrate a point about how useless most female companionship is.

>> No.2476540

more like he posted a wall of text and I don't feel like reading it if it's just pointless crap

>> No.2476541

Only 19-20 centuries were worth, others were shit.
Everything will go just like that movie Idiocracy (?).

>> No.2476546

Tl;dr Syndrome has struck again.

>> No.2476547

Knowledge was attained through the work of the intelligent. Culture and beauty can be created by all men.

Anyone who cannot contribute something should not have to suffer such a pointless existence. In my mercy, I will allow them to serve as my toys until such time as they reach their final peace.

>> No.2476549
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>Assuming a single paragraph of a book about 120 pages in length is a wall of text.

>> No.2476550

On a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam. As beautiful as you (subjective) might find some human creations, none of it actually means anything and it'll all be gone soon enough.

I'm not a narcissist.

>> No.2476556

Wouldnt objectivity invariably lead to cynicism in a person with an initially decent demeanour?

>> No.2476562

>I'm not a narcissist.
I never said you were.

>> No.2476563

The only way you'll be a worthy human is by majoring a science and producing doomsday machines.

>> No.2476572

>none of it actually means anything
Incorrect. Everything around you means exactly what you assign it to mean. If you cannot grasp such a basic fact, why do you bother living?

>> No.2476573

If you're not a cynic then you're a true believer. Which is worse?

>> No.2476575

it is when it's posted in an imageboard

>> No.2476580

>exactly what you assign it to mean

Subjective meaning.

>> No.2476590

Both are wrong. The first denies emotion and the second denies logic.

Emotion and and intelligence are all we have, and they evolved together--separately, they are useless.

>> No.2476591
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alicia is so awesome, I would bake her bread if you know what I mean

>> No.2476595

The objective and subjective are companions, not enemies.

>> No.2476603

You don't need emotions to do SCIENCE!!

>> No.2476610

But science is without inherent value.

>> No.2476615

Science is the only good thing humanity has ever produced.

>> No.2476619

>The first denies emotion

How exactly? I'm a cynic and I wouldn't deny the existence of emotions.


I don't even know what you mean by that.

>> No.2476622

That's just how you *feel*.

See my point?

>> No.2476626

What about the efforts of Newton, the great Masters, Plato, Aristotle, and a countless host of others?
Perhaps that was bad phrasing on my part. I did not think you would carry objectivity to such a cosmic scale. Rather, I simply meant that to dismiss without considering is folly.
And as far as our insignificance goes, who can say? Neither of us is in a position to tell what the future will bring and we have yet to discover the most intricate secrets of the universe. The idea that all is for naught might be true, but it's rather defunct as a world view.

>> No.2476638

You do realize you're all insecure faggots for arguing about this on 4chan, right?

>> No.2476643

Add 18th there, but Einstein, Gauss, Maxwell, Bohr, Schrodinger, Heisenberg, Laplace, etc were greater than all of them. Especially Gauss.

>> No.2476644

>ts almost like an adventure if you think about it.

>we have yet to discover the most intricate secrets of the universe.

oh my, I guess it really is an adventure.

>> No.2476645

>to dismiss without considering is folly

Cynicism is not guilty of that.

>> No.2476651

>ur fagets

Great post, would read again, A++++.

>> No.2476652

>How exactly? I'm a cynic and I wouldn't deny the existence of emotions.
Either you know what I mean or you are unworthy of my time.

>I don't even know what you mean by that.
The subjective cannot exist without the objective. The objective cannot have meaning without the subjective. In order for any mind to function at any level, both must be present.

>> No.2476666

Maybe, but the brand you subscribe to is.
Otherwise, how could you make a blanket statement like, say, all of humanity is inherently worthless and destructive.

>> No.2476674


pigmaei gigantum humeris impositi plusqam ipsi gigantes vident.

Don't understand it? Look it up retard. Newton said it, perhaps it will clue you in.

>> No.2476677

>Either you know what I mean or you are unworthy of my time.
>unworthy of my time

How about you elaborate on what you meant instead of acting like an elitist high school kid?

>> No.2476678

>How about you elaborate on what you meant instead of acting like an elitist high school kid?
There's no pleasure in conversation if my partner can't keep up.

>> No.2476682

I love how you don't realize even how it ends with the factor hikki.

>> No.2476693

You're probably one of those idiots that think Newton formulated the theory of gravitation when an apple fell in his head.
That metaphor means shit and is intended to give credit to some men who lived thousands of years ago.

>> No.2476701

The metaphor is meant to mean one thing, that as far as the history of science goes, it is right and proper to ascribe more credit to the likes of Newton, Copernicus and so on than less well known figures but that claiming that one century is inherently better than another on the basis of percieved intellectual superiority is laughably retarded.

Enjoy scoring cheap points at the advantage of dead societies to the advantage of our own you cowardly fuck. You're the kind of person that claims the intellectual achievements of the past century are evidence that laissez faire attitudes to morality and social ills are all well and good.

>> No.2476704

Your idiocy is astounding.

>> No.2476707

>>2476704 t

I bet he's a embittered physics student.

>> No.2476708

I believe I said "in general" and not "all". Besides, that was based on my experience with them and wasn't meant to be a blanket statement. Feel free to find me an exception though.

That's what I thought. You can go back to listening to the Residents now, aspie.

>> No.2476710


>You're the kind of person that claims the intellectual achievements of the past century are evidence that laissez faire attitudes to morality and social ills are all well and good.

Don't we call these people libertarian faggots and randroids?

>> No.2476711

I thought this would devolve into another tedious thread about impure ladies. Instead, it's actually managed to be worse than that.

>> No.2476713

You do realized quantum mechanics had to be formulated from zero since Newtonian mechanics mean shit at those magnitudes, right?

>> No.2476718

Most people who take physics arent like that, its only the ones who go to shit colleges who cultivate this nihilistic attitude towards everything that isnt physics, after all they've got to find something to cling onto. In this case its the subject they take.

Keep in mind these are people who think by virtue of simply having a bsc you'll earn 6 figure salaries on entry. They're so delusional it isnt even funny.

>> No.2476721

So anyway, women sure are sluts.

>> No.2476724

>That's what I thought. You can go back to listening to the Residents now, aspie.
Does saying that make you feel better?

Well, I was about to delete this, but I guess I'll post it. Going to watch Sengoku Basara and play Ys VI: The Ark of Napishtim now.

>> No.2476725

Truth. Out of the 2 girlfriends I've had, none of them weren't sluts. Obviously 100% of girls are whores as a result.

>> No.2476730


>> No.2476733

>quantum mechanics
Isn't that that thing we don't know anything about yet?

>> No.2476734

>Out of the 2 girlfriends I've had
Get out

>> No.2476739

>Isn't that that thing we don't know anything about yet?
You're so ignorant it hurts.

>> No.2476741

>126 posts and 12 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.
Hey guys, cut it out already.

>> No.2476742

What was demonstrated empirically did, but there had been theoretical understanding for some time concerning what we now call quantum mechanics.

And that only serves to reinforce my point, it was gradual and incremental, I dont know the specifics but from my recollection one person discovered the electron, then there was a lot of theoretical work concerning the existence of neutrons and so on.

>> No.2476745
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2 more than you?

>> No.2476749

You talk out of your ass, refuse to explain yourself and then insult me for asking. How did you expect me to react?

>> No.2476750

But quantum mecanics have proven useless as of yet.

>> No.2476753

No, you are a slut.

>> No.2476757

Woman spotted.

>> No.2476760

Well yeah, the whole atom model evolution involved lots of people and time. While most of them were based on the very simple conservation of energy to just make them guess there was an extra particle so that many years later it was actually proven to exists. eg. Neutrinos.
I don't believe >>2476701 is bullshit, but you have to agree those ages were of much advancement by lots of great minds who can't be seen as much as nowadays or maybe the past.

>> No.2476762

i cant believe some of the porn women do, how can anyone respect women after seeing some of the kinds of things they do?

>> No.2476767

Virgin only into your 20s? I'm 34 here bro, I'll be wearing white on my deathbed.

>> No.2476768

You seen to know shit about it, I suggest you get informed before stating bullshit like that.

>> No.2476769
File: 23 KB, 600x450, bawww.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2476770

>I believe I said "in general" and not "all". Besides, that was based on my experience with them and wasn't meant to be a blanket statement
You're certainly entitled to your own opinion, but don't make the mistake of assuming it is insight.

>Feel free to find me an exception though.
I think there was this example in Chinese philosophy about a baby and a well. My memory is a bit rusty, but the general gist of it is that an average man would save it from falling into the well if given the chance. The baby is incapable of rewarding or even remembering such an act, but he does it anyway. This hardly seems like a destructive act, no?

Anyway, it's unlikely we'll ever see eye to eye, so let's just agree to disagree. This thread has reached dangerous levels of irrelevance to the board anyways.

>> No.2476773

Isn't there a female baww.jpg?

>> No.2476774


I saw some vid where a woman got fucked up the ass and then made to suck the dude's dick and say it tasted nice and I felt really sorry for women after that, because deep down they all have really messed up fantasies as bad if not worse than that (as a feminine guy I have a lot of female friends who entrust me with that kind of information).

>> No.2476775

Unless there are important theories to be found about japanese idols, anime characters on pillows, and the characters of second-rate STGs I'm not really following the relevance.

>> No.2476780

Beats me. I don't have one.

>> No.2476785


>> No.2476787

>I saw some vid where a woman got fucked up the ass and then made to suck the dude's dick and say it tasted nice

Is that really considered 'tame' by female fantasy standards? I dont think so, its pretty sick.

>> No.2476795

You forgot Joseph Louis Lagrange

>> No.2476800

It is quite tame, I wont go into the details but there are some particularly outrageous fantasies I've heard from my female friends, nearly every single one is about being utterly dominated in some way or another. The more extreme ones are about really excessive degredation, the most mild of which is being told she's a piece of shit, things like that.

>> No.2476804

I'm not a woman, I'm just a guy who wants to be a little girl. "All women are sluts" is true only in porn movies, in real life maybe 10% of women are sluts, and men are equally slutty.

>> No.2476812


I'm kind of shocked ordinary women feel that way to be honest with you.

>> No.2476818

lrn2 Heisenberg picture, Hamiltonian mechanics, Poisson brackets, Hamilton–Jacobi equation, etc etc

>> No.2476819

Trolls trolling trolls.

This thread needs purging, oh how I wish I were a janitor...
