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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 125 KB, 640x480, csneo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24696023 No.24696023 [Reply] [Original]

Counter-Strike NEO Edition

Previous thread: >>24538231

This thread is for the discussion of untranslated Japanese visual novels.

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished? You know the drill.

>> No.24696287
File: 1.26 MB, 1280x720, sakuta_05 d 12-40-05.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rolled in.

>> No.24696393
File: 1.56 MB, 1440x810, LOVE・デスティネーション_《プロローグ》LOVE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought this was a porn game for adults, but apparently they think their audience is illiterate.

>> No.24696473

They are prpbably just looking out for the teenager audience. Assuming that everyone waits until their eighteenth birthday to check out smut is rather naive.

>> No.24697314

Looking out for an audience that can't legally purchase your produce is a great business decision. If only they'd look out more for their pirate audience as well.

>> No.24697347
File: 248 KB, 800x600, akihabara on thursdays.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God damn it.

>> No.24697419

Is Kazuki Fumi right about eroge not dying?

>> No.24697449

yes, he will save it.

>> No.24697706

If a couple of underages buy it, that prpbably covers the cost of adding furigana. And they do probably buy it, it's only become easier to bypass age checks these days.

>> No.24697824

Does it make up the lost sales from adults though? I remember plenty of japs complaining about not being able to disable the furigana back when the trial released.
It doesn't even make sense to do that unless they're targeting literal 10 year olds, the kind of teenager that would be interested in eroge should be able to read that shit pretty easily, considering most eroge already add furigana for complicated words, doing it for every single word seems stupid.

>> No.24697900

Just read it from parser bro, no furi there.
Stupid japs can't use parser rofl.

>> No.24698092

I'm not going to watch an hour half long video without Japanese subtitles. I have a hard enough time already even listening to things in English without subtitles.

>> No.24698144

Get rekt fucking eop

>> No.24698145

Nips actually complain about furigana? I don't even notice it is there most of the time.

>> No.24698289

I can ignore it in something like manga but with the small text boxes in that game it becomes pretty annoying to read, and it also messes up the spacing when the furigana is longer than the word.

>> No.24698754

>an audience that can't legally purchase your product is a great business decision
Since when has that ever stopped anyone? Did you never buy any 18+ media when you were a teenager? Apply your logic to shit like R-rated movies or music with a Parental Advisory label and you'll see how silly it is.

>> No.24698786

Neither of those things are illegal to sell to a minor. Most stores set their own rules that they won't sell them to minors, but it's not illegal.

>> No.24698841

>Counter-Strike NEO Edition

Stop doing this. I'm the guy who normally makes the thread and I've had a three day ban on all boards until few minutes ago, but that doesn't meant you can just waltz in with your /vg/ cancer.

>> No.24698851
File: 167 KB, 1196x672, 1572349198887.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder if he knows what they're doing to his games in the translations. Or does that not matter as long as it sells?

>> No.24698897

Doubt he cares one bit about the EOP version. You shouldn't either, except to lol at EOPs.

>> No.24698906

Fine, let's change it to cigarettes then. Maybe you don't have any experience with this, but let me assure you -- there's no difficulty at all in people under 18 buying them. I've seen people bring this shit up multiple times about eroge, as if the 18+ stuff actually matters, and it's always struck me as incredibly naive.

>> No.24698942

This is something I've asked about in Japan. Seemed like it's not common for minors to be able to just get stuff like that.

And these days I see signs about 年齢確認実施中 at most stores.

>> No.24698949
File: 65 KB, 1023x596, nekopara.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then what's stopping him from giving up on the clearly inferior Japanese audience and focusing on the much more profitable English and Chinese audience?

>> No.24698974

Knowing eroge is a Japanese industry.

>> No.24698989

What's wrong with broski, fucking retard-snowflake?

>> No.24698992

Is that the truth or something they're telling you to save face?

>> No.24699017


>> No.24699029

I'm still watching it, but the first half hour of the video is about how much better things are selling because of Steam and all ages version for overseas markets. It seems like it would make much more money if they just made games for those audiences.

>> No.24699039

Perhaps the fact that there are 18+ VNs that include furigana like this >>24696393 should give you a hint in the right direction.

>> No.24699059

Those audiences are fickle. Not every generic moe game can be Nekopara.

>> No.24699068

>selling because of Steam and all ages version
god I hope this doesn't mean all ages becomes the norm.

>> No.24699082

H is the cancer killing VNs.

>> No.24699121 [SPOILER] 
File: 60 KB, 1008x563, 1594465258543.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished Muramasa chapter 4. It's amazing how many reveals are crammed into what essentially boils down to one giant action sequence. Highpoints for me were Ginseigou's cheeky personality and pic related.

>> No.24699133

Honestly, it's pretty hard where I live. Either you know someone old enough to buy it for you, or you know a very special place. If you wanna order a physical copy of an 18+ product, the one delivering checks your ID and looks if you are old enough (and the actual recipient).

As for digital.. well. I have no idea. I know that psn bucks are in theory rated 18+, but I really don't know how much that matters in reality.

>> No.24699177
File: 559 KB, 854x480, 1564196765214.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe not, but he doesn't seem to be suggesting they have to. 9 didn't get Nekopara numbers, but he seems to be happy with what it did get, thanks to Steam.

>> No.24699304


>> No.24699439

All-ages and moeshit. What a deadly combination.

>> No.24699463

+ eops

>> No.24699761

>all these moege companies literally printing money from steam bucks while my niche fetish company is barely scraping by
It's not fair bros...

>> No.24699895

He's asking for Japanese subtitles though, not English subtitles. He wants to read it in Japanese.

>> No.24699935

This thread is for someone who knows jap already, not for some fucking newfag who can't even listen to a fucking stream

>> No.24699974

Would it really? People buy VNs because they are made for the Japanese audience and the people outside of it like it for that aspect. If you start catering to the Chinese, it could just have an averse reaction resulting in said audience not liking it because it misses some key element when it starts catering to them.

>> No.24700098
File: 695 KB, 514x900, tsukino_mito_and_honma_himawari_nijisanji.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, recently I've been interested in buying VN with Female Yanderes. Anyone has recommendations.

>> No.24700125

Chinese outnumber everyone so it doesn't matter if they alienate some people.

>> No.24700167

I know Japanese, I just have hearing difficulties.

>> No.24700372

I think eroge is dying mainly because the market shifts to mainly gacha stuff.
The kind of people who back then would spend money for eroge, spend it for their "waifu" in the gacha games of their choices instead.
In which could worth the same as buying multiple eroge releases a month, maybe even a week.

>> No.24700447

Why care about market dying if you've got hundreds of good vns?

>> No.24700842

fifty at best

>> No.24701017

Your problem with too high requirements

>> No.24701073

To be fair I didn't really play much in the past 3 years too
Though I'm glad at least ωstar gets to release the final title in the series before the industry keeps dying even further

>> No.24701105

I heard last title is pretty shit.

>> No.24701137

Only Moyokafags complain about it, it's good and warps up the series nicely.

>> No.24701206

Can't say anything yet, i'm struggling with biman 3, it seems kinda boring to me.

>> No.24701599

Hello I just watched yosuga no sora, it was pretty shit but the incest arc was amazing, I was wondering are there any really good incest eroge or good eroge with incest routes?
Preferably where the main route is the incest route or the best girl is the little sister.

Thank you.

>> No.24701634

biman 4

>> No.24701642


>> No.24701658

he said good

>> No.24701666

And I said Oretsuba.

>> No.24701675

Played it and loved it.
I'll check it out, thank you

>> No.24701687


>> No.24701689

Appetite has some yandere vns but it's all shovelware because it's appetite.

>> No.24701703

Imoutos are for anal sex.

>> No.24701719

gun knight girls

>> No.24701746

and i said biman 4 you fucking faggot, best incest vn i ever read

>> No.24701770

わかりません wwww

>> No.24702107

it's time to become a statistic tranny

>> No.24702289

I know that's not Japan because there's no boxes of individually packaged fruits in that pic.

>> No.24702317

That's Barcelona, pendejo.

>> No.24703185

I think that Saihate no Ima is a goldmine of wisdom and value. But like a real goldmine, you have to dig through a lot of rock to get the gold, and it's not always a pleasant process. For me, though, the gold was worth it in the end. Tanaka Romeo is a god, confirmed.

>> No.24703565

I think that Saihate no Ima is essentially a worse Infinite Jest with weeb art.

>> No.24703652

I just want writers to make entertaining and engaging work, and themes are just like raw materials for that purpose. I don't fucking care about gaining wisdom from VNs. I read books for that.

>> No.24703701

>entertaining and engaging work
So, like Saihate no Ima?

>> No.24703715

Nice joke

>> No.24703814

Speaking of jokes, it's legitimately one of the funniest games I've ever played. Romeo's sense of humor keeps loftier ideas feeling fun and human.

>> No.24703915

At least post the whole review. https://twitter.com/Mr_Quof/status/1279580386876588038

>> No.24703917

I haven't played it yet.

>> No.24703994

>It talks about the internet exposes us to the malice of all of humanity. How simply being a good person isn't enough to avoid criticism and personal attacks. How science is eroding idealism. How the fundamental ways in which we interact with people are impacting our lives
Very deep and insightful

>> No.24703998
File: 304 KB, 1600x1200, 112747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Loli feet.

>> No.24704047
File: 125 KB, 1284x724, augment_7sjXAvWf7f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does she have anal scene and if so what is the title of the game?

>> No.24704108

>It feels almost insane that someone wrote it in 2005, because it captures modern 2020 life in the Information Age perfectly.
What's the plot of ima even like? Is it like lain?

>> No.24704134

It wishes it was like lain in that regard.

>> No.24704198

I wouldn't call her a loli but being being a JC does maker pretty good for an onee-san.
I remember a scene where you stick a suppository up her ass but I can't remember if it leads to actually anal sex.

>> No.24704220

>does she have anal scene
VNDB says yes.
>and if so what is the title of the game?
How does someone not know of Tanuki Soft in this day and age?

>> No.24704411

I don't play loli nukige.

>> No.24704580

fucking semen demon

>> No.24706419

Unironically picked up.

>> No.24706518

Do you ever wonder if eroge writers or eroge readers have more sex on average?

>> No.24706563

Yeah, I spend a lot of time thinking about the sex lives of hypothetical strangers.

>> No.24706697

佐本二厘 sounds much older than she used to.

>> No.24707213

Is it even possible to get the patch for jisatsu 101 somewhere in our day and age?

>> No.24707582

what games is this?

>> No.24707587

Queef is pretty based

>> No.24707825


>> No.24707912


>> No.24708545
File: 74 KB, 673x1024, IMG_20200709_090141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do they even check ID's in Japan? A couple years back I was 17 when I went to Akihabara and bought hundreds of dollars worth of doujinshi and never got ID'd, I chalked it up to being a foreigner but when I went the following year at 18, I got ID'd once out of about 30 purchases, I don't think the staff really give many fucks.

>> No.24708553

Last time I tried it didn't work for whatever reason, and I haven't tried since. But thanks, no idea what was wrong, but it sure as hell works now!

>> No.24708597
File: 2.33 MB, 1439x809, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24709319

Yeah, I have it on my external HDD.

>> No.24709528

Back when I was underage I did get ID'd. I figured its cause I'm Japanese american. I pretended to not understand Japanese and they pulled a fucking laminated card explaining in english. I figured out that mandarake didn't ID me and give a fuck so I just went there instead of animate.

Funny that they don't ID you for alcohol but do for hentai

>> No.24710223

Never heard about that one, anon? Care to explain a bit?

>> No.24711303

And episodic.
Fucking hate episodic release.

>> No.24711853

Lol, you got dabbed on.

The closest what happened to me was when I was getting my phone contract and the girl started explaining some limits it'll have for people under 20. So I just told her I'm 27.

>> No.24712580
File: 123 KB, 806x628, ss+(2014-09-18+at+01.13.17).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be a little less snarky, if you liked one, you'd probably like the other. I found the book to be fairly similar to the game in a lot of ways, and what I enjoyed about the game was also present in the book.
I wouldn't say I liked either as a whole, but that were mainly for different reasons. I disliked the book more because of constantly annoying quirks with how the narration was written.
The game more bothered me with the overall content of the third part (I've never been a fan of that sort of genre), how the second part of the game ended up just being annoying, and then lots of small issues I had with how some of the concepts presented in blog entries were interpreted and used. That last one I mostly blame on specific professors I had in college and the sort of pseudo autism that prevents me from enjoying things like scifi, so it doesn't really count.
That said, Sayaka's first route was great. I'm not a fan of Romeo's stuff in general, but I thoroughly enjoyed that part of the game.

>> No.24712619
File: 159 KB, 806x628, ss+(2014-09-15+at+10.40.08).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, after going through my old screenshots, the art was pretty fucking terrible.

>> No.24712742

Looks like a phenomenal work, one that seems impossible for a human to have written

>> No.24712804

Anon. You and I both know you can't read.

>> No.24712929

Is this "i-if i can't read then no one can! jops doesn't exist reeeeeee everyone just mtling reeeeeee i don't believe lieeees you caaant aaaaaaa noooooooo"
get lost fucking eop

>> No.24712956

Any eroge with a dom loli that you fuck?

>> No.24713184


>> No.24713784

If someone asks for an eroge in regards to ero, at least recommend a nukige.
Though that anon could just use freakin' vndb. This isn't rare.

>> No.24713865

Haven't actually read it myself. Its an early Kazuki Fumi game, heard its pretty good if you can stand the anti war(in a war setting) MC.

>> No.24713964


>> No.24714742

Natsukuru has better ero than any loli nukige though

>> No.24714938

I can't find it.

>> No.24715457

It's Sakura no Uta.
The name is in the image title.
Even if it wasn't, reverse searching the image should be easy.
Learn to do that.

>> No.24715794

I'm not reading those, but that'd be sad. Natsukuru's ero isn't particularily great.
Regardless, even if it would be, there's too much other stuff.

>> No.24716039

Can you guys help me out.

From what I know, incest is legal in japan however from what I've seen in stories in eroge, anime and manga is that it seems to be illegal. I remember seeing stories where the couple in japan had to move to another country to get married.

Why is this?
Is incest actually against the law in japan or is just the world in the media against it?

>> No.24716332

Thanks, I tried looking the filename up and it didn't occur to me that that it could be sakura no uta.

>> No.24716477

First cousin marriage is legal in japan but frowned upon. It's common in manga and vns because they are made by fetishising otaku who don't care how wider society views them. Yosuga no Sora, which depicts brother/sister incest and aired on tv, was allowed to do so explicitly because it was perceived as showing that such a relationship was a negative one, undesirable, and shouldn't be emulated. Yet lots of filthy disgusting weebs and otaku praise it as a love story and credit it for creating their incest fetish. Because they do not represent wider japanese society.

>> No.24716593

The world needs more masterpieces like Yosuga no Sora.

>> No.24716958

Wait so is all incest legal?

>> No.24716985

No. First cousin is the closest relation that is legal.

>> No.24717020

>First cousin marriage is legal in japan but frowned upon
I thought they were just indifferent to it.

>> No.24717105

and you are even worse for giving out false information

>> No.24717152

I explicitly said marriage, not incest.

>> No.24717230
File: 228 KB, 1366x768, 水葬銀貨のイストリア_2018-09-02_14-21-35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Laws against incest are fucking disgusting in a so-called free society, future generations will look back on us in the same way we look back on countries that executed people for being homosexual

>> No.24717247

yes, in your original answer, but in the 2nd one the implication is that all forms of incest are illegal

>> No.24717274

But laws against incest are in place because of older generations.

>> No.24717292

*except for first cousin relations of course

>> No.24717424

No, there's definitely a stigma. Not as much as direct relations of course but first cousins who marry tend to not advertise that fact too much.
I didn't specify since I was continuing my post, but you're right that it may have seemed that way. My apologies for any misunderstanding.

>> No.24719198
File: 205 KB, 1280x720, Ariesbto_CG29_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24720102

I just got done reading several very long games back to back. Can anyone recommend some good smaller games to take a breather with?

>> No.24720652

Thanks for the write up.
I'd actually just finished reading Infinite Jest a few hours before I saw your post comparing it to Saihate and I enjoyed it enough to want to check out something similar.

>> No.24721210

France Shoujo

>> No.24721357

Any vns as good as subahibi?

>> No.24721420


>> No.24721440

Tsui no Sora

>> No.24721464

Like what?

>> No.24721469

9 nine series, whole series combined is under 40 hours.

>> No.24721522

sakura no uta, saihate no ima, cross channel, asairo to name a few.

>> No.24721641

> saihate no ima
cartel meme
> cross channe
another cartel meme
> sakura no uta
30 hours of SoL before good part gonna start
> asairo
ok i can try this one

>> No.24721675

Moogy loves Asairo. You need to update your cartel lore if you're going to act like a turbofaggot.

>> No.24721748

The difference is that asairo is actually good.

>> No.24721752

I mean subahibi is also a cartel meme.

>> No.24721795

i don't hate something just because cartel likes it
but big amount of cartel approved titles is shit actually
yet, not all of them

>> No.24721889

Imagine if you had just said "it's shit" instead of evoking the cartel boogeyman.

>> No.24722004
File: 698 KB, 735x971, 1593133110939.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24722555

kill yourself

>> No.24723060

something wrong, snowflake?

>> No.24723167

i unironically find it pretty charming, gives a nostalgic vibe too for some reason

>> No.24723265

it's not like you can read either of them eop

>> No.24723342

"moooom i can't read jap so no one can!!!!"

>> No.24723599

This, I am currently finishing the second game and am enjoying it quite a lot, pacing is nice imo.

>> No.24723873

i wish
should have learned after reading itsusora
shumon himself is a cartel meme

>> No.24723913

why don't you guys just read things you like

>> No.24723975

I liked this one

>> No.24724063

my jop friends gonna hate me for this

>> No.24724141

you were literally on the last thread talking about machine translations and asking others for their own translation regarding a scene before you got banned for 3 days

>> No.24724216

> talking about machine translations
> it's not like you can read either of them eop

>> No.24724255
File: 364 KB, 1236x692, 1546385693626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

End yourself

>> No.24724484

I get disappointed when I see a really tall female sprite and then the character is shown together with the MC in a CG and she's shorter than than him.

>> No.24725882 [DELETED] 
File: 5 KB, 220x229, 21321.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24726122

is this a portrait of yourself?

>> No.24726389

I finished second episode of 9-nine today, and enjoyed it quite a bit. How is the third one?

>> No.24726520

Even better.
Series gets better game by game

>> No.24726545 [DELETED] 
File: 54 KB, 192x132, 1579220907371.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

translation when?

>> No.24727075


>> No.24730310

Too many trans people in these threads nowadays. E.g. >>24723342

>> No.24730341 [DELETED] 

this 2b100

>> No.24732552 [DELETED] 

did ya got offended, my lil elite jop fwiend? :)
jop humiliated in his own thread rofl

>> No.24733458

wtf i love mizuno nanami now


>> No.24734430

WTF I'm a fan now.

>> No.24735744

how to use deepL and texractor on windows 7.

>> No.24735762

You can't, you have to use a workaround and install them in your head by learning Japanese.

>> No.24735776

jokes aside I'm being serious. The DeepL extension for textractor does not work on Windows 7.

>> No.24735813

Is there a way to play Hanachirasu on Win7? Game freezes after saving or loading.

>> No.24735818

just install win10, deepl is the best translator, worth it 100%

>> No.24735843

Tried fucking off, subhumans?

>> No.24735847

Bros cant interpret line from sakuuta with deepl , please help me
and translation is
>A mysterious little girl came out of nowhere and made her look older than her child, so I started yelling at her!


>> No.24735855

you think you're above us just because you know fucking japanese? lol stfu incel

>> No.24735882

literally go learn kanji for a week and you can read that.

>> No.24735899

I would if I could. My desktop PC is broken, and I don't currently have the funds to fix it. All I have is this old ass windows 7 laptop. I feel like if I install another windows on this it will explode.

>> No.24735902

Why learn kanji , i have 10 years of anime experience under my belt , so I can just listen to voices except unvoiced lines

>> No.24735930

Any hope those untranslated VN will be translated?

>> No.24735934

Why do I get different result when I copy past your sentence into DeepL. I get

"A mysterious young man came out of nowhere and acted like an older man at his age, so I started yelling at him. (sentence end) adds emphasis"

>> No.24735953

It's nitroplus games being extremely shitty
I just had to load to a new game and skip to where i last left off, thankfully its not that long.

>> No.24736047

Alright, thanks.

>> No.24736072

Just tried and got result like yours idk

>> No.24736145

try using a trick an anon found - S key to save and L to load. and dont load from main menu, always start new game and load from there

>> No.24736159

or actually you can load from main, just dont use the load button and use the keyboard shortcuts instead

>> No.24736213
File: 480 KB, 760x576, 1314268606615.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It seems to be working, thank you.

>> No.24736270

The fuck is this lol
Read english version just fine
Eops > jops yet again?

>> No.24736516

Should I play reaimo?

>> No.24736543

Okay for real, fuck off.

>> No.24736915

This is thread for people who read untranslated vns, not for people who know jap.
Stop being so retarded.

>> No.24737336

Maybe it's time to finally change the OP to make it clear that "untranslated" has nothing to do with the existence of a translation, and instead means reading in the original language.

>for people who read untranslated vns
Yeah, and if you're reading a machine TRANSLATION, you're reading a translated vn.
Take it to >>>/jp/hgg or /vg/.

>> No.24737361

>This is thread for people who read untranslated vns, not for people who know jap.
It's a thread for people who read vns in japanese, not in google translate gibberish. There's another general on this fucking board for that kind of shit, go there.

>> No.24737590

You morons invited the internet celebrity garbage from /vg/ as well. Only actual morons would not realize what kind of human trash that brings with it. Unironically made your own bed and now this thread is full of MTL morons.

>> No.24737657

Speak for yourself, I never wanted that.

>> No.24737806

How did we invite them when we only talked in this thread

>> No.24738413

Fuck off, you ugly swine, you're not gonna fucking change history.

It's likely just one guy, probably from some Discord. Too stupid to learn Japanese. Really ugly specimen. Makes me sick to just think about.

>> No.24738430

Using machine translation actually cultivates a superior form of reading where you constantly have to use your imagination while thinking about multiple possibilites of meaning and developing a high contextual awareness, questioning every word and seeing every sentence as multiple possible sentences, composing your own story simultaneously to fill in the gaps and calculating uncertainties while contemplating the nature of ambiguity. Readers of Japanese just passively access memorised and thus already stagnant data, while MTL readers actively engage with the text on a much more fundamental level, being intellectually more in tune with the writer's intention and the truth of the text.

>> No.24738829

By talking and replying to the stupid twitter/discord posts? You should report the fuck out of this shit instead.

>> No.24739293

Stop that, retard might think you're serious.

>> No.24739403

Too obvious Clephas pasta.

>> No.24739471

I read about 20 times faster than most of the rest of you - with the exception of a few bibliophiles. What is a true chore, taking up tens of hours for you, might very well only be a short eight to ten hours for me. Reading that fast - whether in English or Japanese - gives me a greatly different perspective than a lot of the others here.
My stamina for reading in general and reading VNs in particular is far higher than the rest of you. Fundamentally, the idea of breaking a VN up over the course of weeks or months is alien to me, since even the longest ones will only take me about thirty hours (even in a busy week, I can usually manage to squeeze that in during breaks and meals).
Because VNs aren't drawn out for me, I don't suffer through the slice of life and daily scenes like some of you do. I can sit back and enjoy what I'm reading without feeling any stress whatsoever from the reading itself, as long as the VN isn't too bad. In addition, even scenes too difficult to read for the average VN-player are relatively simple for me to read, so i don't get significantly stressed out by that factor either.
One of the reasons people tend to get tired of VNs is a lack of stimulation due to low reading speed. I read fast enough that a good VN's stimulation will be close to constant, whereas a slow reader will sometimes come to feel 'in-between' scenes that are meant to be short and informative as painful and long.
The act of reading in itself can bring me something close to sexual pleasure if what I'm reading is interesting. The reason I like chuunige is because to me, the stimulation from a good chuunige is actually better than sex. There is always something going on and that something is usually meant to shake up the emotions or engage the intellect. Since, for me, reading something like this really does give me so much pleasure, I can honestly say that concerns about length don't bother me at all, lol.

>> No.24739484 [DELETED] 

> probably from some Discord
Hello everyone... haha. Just your local DISCORD ADMIN walking through.. yep. You read it right. I am admin of actually 2 servers! And mod in a bunch... so many I can’t keep track anymore :joy: anyways... just came to say hi. And warn you gentlemen to hide your egirls!!!! They love guys like me. Kidding!! Lol. Don’t get MALD bro lol. Hahaha.. anyways. I see you guys have some admins and mods already..? Lol. I’m sure they are doing a GREAT job... obviously not as great as I could?.. I mean, I know I just joined but please consider.. I’ve got a clean track record.. everyone loves me. I am a gamer too. And no, don’t worry, I am NOT a simp. I’ve banned people for saying that... anyways, got some Member list purging to do,,,, catch you guys later :laughing:

>> No.24739553

this place is becoming such a shit hole.

>> No.24739643

and the industry is slowly dying, literally no hope

>> No.24739699

It just needs some moderation. It's clearly one person who keeps shitting the place up.

>> No.24739839

What’s the appeal of Yandere female characters.

>> No.24739867

So you can get off to crazy without having to suffer the real world consequences of dealing with insane women.

>> No.24739892
File: 10 KB, 760x92, 1588022499206.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guess how many new posts were waiting for me in this thread when I woke up today?

>> No.24739919

I mean they aren’t even good yandere VN.

>> No.24739927

Y-yes b-bro!
We need to stay STRONG!
After all, we are ELITE

>> No.24739951

Oh yeah, that I'm not an expert on. I would be curious if someone knew some more titles though.

>> No.24740350

Are you looking for a game where the main focus is all the heroines being yandare/ all the heroines are yandare, or just perhaps a game where just one heroine is a yandare? The former tend to be pretty bad

>> No.24740705

Is there any required reading list for sakura no uta, like for subahibi?

>> No.24740835

You need to know about the life and works of Miyazawa Kenji and the history of Western art, at a bare minimum.

>> No.24740877

You don't really need any required reading for Subahibi

>> No.24740902

Fuck that, I'm just going to dive right in.

>> No.24740924

You do if you actually want to understand anything about it. To put it very simply, SCA-Ji is far more intelligent than anyone reading this thread, including myself. There are a great deal of very high level concepts in SubaHibi and any aspiring reader is going to need to accept that he probably doesn’t understand it all. From there, you reach the point of actually researching and interpreting all this shit, which could take years, honestly. And then you also have to consider that the vast majority of people just don’t have the level of reading comprehension or education necessary to really start to approach interpreting and understanding SubaHibi on anything but a surface level.

>> No.24741004

I liked the part where the girl gets fucked by a dog.

>> No.24741105

Well, what does understanding something mean? Yes, I could read more about Wittgenstein, or actually read Wittgenstein, trace all the literary references and read Cyrano de Bergerac. Is that really necessary to understand the substance of the novel? Not really. It does a pretty good job in presenting all the concepts. The rest is more a question of how you think about it rather than what you already know. It depends more on how you actively engage with its content than acquiring some level of preexisting knowledge.

>> No.24741193

> history of Western art
I heard vn itself contains decent amount of art related infodumps, it's not enough?

>> No.24741316

I read Amegure, is that enough?

>> No.24741396

Jesus fuck, I'm just gonna stop making this thread even when I'm not banned. Fuck you, you ugly, fat, third-world EOP subhumans.

Instead I'm gonna play my games in peace.

>> No.24741556
File: 15 KB, 256x300, 77998.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why so much anger?

>> No.24741687
File: 12 KB, 225x225, 1593544914448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Jesus fuck, I'm just gonna stop making this thread even when I'm not banned.
based shizo logic

>> No.24741695

This is a Moogy quote.

>> No.24742353

I just assume any post in this thread longer than a single sentence is kopipe.

>> No.24744025


>> No.24744083

a lot more so than before.

>> No.24745267

It’s a shame since these threads used to be pretty good back in the day, but I guess most of the good posters just moved to discord or twitter

>> No.24745300

>discord or twitter
>good posters

>> No.24745416

The whole board is going to shit because of /v/ invaders from the Vtuber threads.

>> No.24745793

Not that guy but if you look at this thread and still think this is somehow superior, I don't know what to tell you...

>> No.24745828

I didn't say that but both services are cesspools.

>> No.24745849

Why are you still here if those places are better?

>> No.24745857

Back in the day, /jp/ moderation was severe af. One off-topic post meant 24h ban minimum.

>> No.24746041

I'm in both. I've been here for years now though. Hard habit to break I guess? And there are occasionally good posts about things I wouldn't have discovered otherwise.

On the whole, hard to disagree, but at least you can curate them to posters you like.
And no, I don't mean this "cartel" you people always talk about.

>> No.24746169

Discord is botnet garbage and also complete cancer. I will never concede on that one. To be fair, Japanese twitter is relatively OK (but not very interesting), but if that's your thing I won't criticize too much. English twitter is irredeemable though.

>> No.24747168
File: 465 KB, 598x728, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based NekoNeko pandering to gaijin audience.

>> No.24747241

Nothing gets me off harder than being called "elder brother"

>> No.24747347

I'm hard already.

>> No.24747396

Engrish VA incoming.

>> No.24747404
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>> No.24748242

Those posters are still here, but they don't post very often because this is /jp/. Meanwhile the /vg/ and /v/ rejects treat this place like their boards and constantly spam their retarded opinions.

>> No.24751159

It might actually be pretty cute to hear a seiyuu horribly mangle 'elder brother' in English.

>> No.24751220

and who decided what opinion is retarded?
you? lol
maybe you're the retarded one here

discord is a good place, anon
much better than this thread lol
don't be close minded loser please

>most of the good posters just moved to discord or twitter
like moogy, quof and sacred...

>> No.24751358

Friendly advice. You are giving away your newfag. Really hard.

>> No.24751512

wow look, someone implies he's fucking superior just because he spent more time in the thread, oh lol

>> No.24751535

Honestly I never liked reading VN reviews posted here and I would always hide them. I like to read my VNs in a fresh mindset without any preconceptions.

>> No.24751545

Do you read vndb/egs summaries or tags or just go in 100% blind based on artwork?

>> No.24751560

Not him, but I almost always go into games blind based mostly on who worked on it and partially on the art. Otherwise, the beginnings usually end up feeling completely pointless.

>> No.24751584

Not even the description?

>> No.24751604

Even them. Same goes for movies and books.

>> No.24751621

Sounds nice in theory, but you'd probably end up wasting your time reading/watching a lot of absolute shit. Which is fine for a 2 hour movie but not for a 50 hour VN.

>> No.24751639

I also download trials first and those are usually a good indicator of whether I'll enjoy something before I make a huge commitment. I have no problem with dropping a game within a couple hours if I don't like it.

>> No.24751660

>partially on the art
It's actually kind of impressive how much sample CGs manage to spoil sometimes. I read descriptions/light reviews, but I try to stay away from peeking at the art.

>> No.24751708

I just open nyaa, sort by most seeded, align my cursor with the magnet button, close my eyes, and mash click and scroll down, and I read what I read.

>> No.24751732
File: 178 KB, 1300x689, chrome_2020-07-13_22-34-02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a true man of culture

>> No.24751821

It was a friendly hint that nobody is caring about you, and it's obvious that it's one idiot who does this shit here. Your posts get hidden. If there'd be a mod here you'd not be here anymore.

I figured you'd eventually understand. It's been some time now, and nothing changed, so I spelled it out for you. Just once. Because even dumb people not being able to learn on their own deserve one chance. Take it or fuck off. It's better for you and everyone involved.

>> No.24751913

I pick games based on art, summary, company, writers, and voice actors like any other normal person I guess? However, sometimes I'll play a game based on the art alone and ignore everything else. Sometimes just because the writer is a familiar name and I liked his/her previous works. It's not so much as me wanting to go into reading something with no information about it beforehand, but about not wanting the preconceived notion that something is good or bad.

>> No.24752002

I select very carefully, on all bases, what I want to read. And then, within all this backlog (about 700 tagged works), choose what I feel like at the spur of the moment. That feeling kind of depends of what I've read previously, but there's no doubt a random component, plus the new works that are released and that catch my eyes more easily.

>> No.24752131
File: 360 KB, 774x1052, chara_illust4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's so perfect bros.

>> No.24752468

I've only read like 2-3 games with her in it with the last game being over 2 years ago, but I still remember her voice so clearly...

>> No.24752626

Well she probably used the exact same voice in those 3 games so it makes sense you'd remember, I like her but she has like no range.

>> No.24753872

You have no power here.
You shall fear strength.

>> No.24754138
File: 1.42 MB, 1279x721, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

H-How did they know?

>> No.24756350

Anyone here been able to get この青空に約束を from the GIGA Royal Sweet Collection to run? I've tried both AlphaRomDie and the cracker, neither works (nothing happens when I try to run the game). Other games in from the collection run fine with the cracker.

>> No.24756728

Buy it.

>> No.24757649
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>> No.24758003

some nexas games take 20 years to start when cracked with it, i would recommend finding an old version and cracking it with a crack from the x64 exe pack, since even if the new version does start it might just crash on the first scene as it did for me

>> No.24758043


I like her eroge trial let's plays


>> No.24758200

I wonder what Mizuno does with all these h-audio, just masturbate all day or are actually entertaining to listen on their own?

>> No.24758293
File: 180 KB, 1280x720, 1567112217297.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


loads them onto her husband's phone so he's ready to fuck once back from work

>> No.24758339

Do many other seiyuu do this?

>> No.24758356
File: 809 KB, 2507x1672, EbYcg4oVAAAu_g7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>her husband's
But she's married to eroge.

>> No.24758424

Ayumi Sarah played the trial for Amakano 2 on Azarashi Soft's channel, and Tamiyasu Tomoe did Grisaia's Makina route in her vtuber channel.
I can't think of any other recent examples so I don't believe it's very common.

>> No.24758637


I recall seeing a post of someone claiming she got married to flesh and blood in 2019.

>> No.24758720


pirating a console version seems way easier than all that shit

vita release can be easily pirated and played if you have one

>> No.24758761

She married me.

>> No.24758925

Really? How long are we talking here? Because I waited a few minutes to no avail, and also nothing showed up in task manager.

Yeah, I might just do that if I can't get this version to work.

>> No.24758950


lmao where is this from? her twitter?

>> No.24759102
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>> No.24759155
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Now this is based.

>> No.24759193
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holy shit dare i say Mizuno Nanami is our girl?

>> No.24759333

You can't hook console versions.

>> No.24760758

I downloaded some H-audio a few years ago and came buckets but then I didn't download any more, I wonder why. I guess it's tiring to download new stuff every time. But if I were a sarariiman coming home overworked I would probably rather listen to H-audio while jerking off than bother with nukige

>> No.24761462

Did you try to open it a few times? Were there any error messages?

>> No.24761568


>I guess it's tiring to download new stuff every time

some are enormous too. a 1h30m ASMR pacopaco is like 4gb these days. my dlsite slut folder is like 400gb already

>> No.24762037

yeah, I'd be fine with inferior sound quality on my porn sound files but it's just lossless files everywhere

>> No.24762240
File: 309 KB, 764x713, 1519960333664.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>ok with getting your dick sucked in compressed mp3

>> No.24762407

I don't think eroge have uncompressed audio, either

>> No.24762488


that's a problem too

>> No.24762719

>compressed mp3
Hell no, ogg or go home.

>> No.24763309

The latter please.

>> No.24764031

Nice. I should probably into games more blind. I don't read any reviews/summaries or anything like that but usually I know something vague beforehand like "this is about robots" or whatever.

>> No.24764657
File: 580 KB, 1225x1707, Ignis.(Jingai.Makyo).full.611336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone here has a working crack for Jingai Makyou?

Preferably the Windows 10 version from 2017.

>> No.24764676

First share the Win 10 version.

>> No.24764922


>> No.24765051
File: 1.16 MB, 1023x1033, explorer_2020-07-15_02-57-54.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im playing muramasa and yall cant stop me, deepl is on my side

>> No.24765150

I am still reading Harem Kingdom, fuck bros, I didn't have this much fun with eroge in years, the game is fast paced, the comedy and gags are great, the girls are cute and the H scenes are hot.

This is my first Smee game, can't wait to finish this and play some of their older stuff like Making lovers

>> No.24765430


harem kingdom sucks. just drop it and play making lovers

>> No.24765442 [DELETED] 

What will you do when noone replies to your bait? I know you're a repulsive American swine in real life, so you need to bother people at least here, but what will you do when everyone learns to ignore you?

>> No.24765497 [DELETED] 

>when everyone learns to ignore you
Why couldn't you make an effort to make that day today?

>> No.24765544

I did.

>> No.24765557

Any idea about Kanojo step by them?

>> No.24765675

nigger just ask /h/, >>>/h/5864580 some girl uploaded herself farting today and is selling it for 1300 yen

>> No.24765798

In my experience pretty much all of the SMEE titles I've played, from Loverable to Making Lovers, had similar levels of quality and the same feel in general. If you liked one of them you'll most likely enjoy all of them.

>> No.24765887

Got it, thanks

>> No.24766936

fucking cuck who cannot stand harems ayyyy rofl what a simp go die

>> No.24767261

And it goes together with the promotion of adult goods for that game, starring the seyuu themselves. They got an actual radio show, half hour weekly, for that promotion, where they talk about how good and well done are the onaholes, giving every little detail about them. They even made a handshake event with the onaholes (the clients put their finger in the ona while the seyuu is holding it).

>> No.24767290

That's the problem with Harem Kingdom. One of the most fun games by smee but harem deniers cannot keep quiet about it.

>> No.24767313

is the future of eroge selling onaholes for eachheroine with the game so you can experience fucking them during the hscenes?

>> No.24767472

It's the present for many years already. Even further, some games come with the interface to connect the onahole to the computer.

>> No.24767493


regardless of the eroge product placement, i'd buy an onahole of >>24759102 >>24758356

>> No.24767503
File: 388 KB, 1920x1080, 【04A-幼馴染みの決意】.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Harem Kingdom's great, but in many ways it's a direct response to people's complaints about Making*Lovers (i.e. compensating for lack of cast interaction in M*L with almost the whole game being cast interaction in HK). So whether you'll like it more or less depends on what you enjoyed out of HK.
Custom Maid has a $200 onahole that you can hook up to the computer that will imitate whatever the girl on screen is doing.

>> No.24767560

>$200 onahole that you can hook up to the computer that will imitate whatever the girl on screen is doing.

Where can I buy this?

>> No.24767573
File: 2.98 MB, 1820x1148, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think it works with any other games except custom maid, though.


>> No.24767596


not CM3D, but if you buy a fleshlight launch you can use scriptplayer to sync it to auto-fap to any video that has a funscript. see >>913927

>> No.24767643


>> No.24767702

Well I now know what i'm going to be wasting my money on next.

>> No.24770408
File: 48 KB, 256x360, 24839.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm looking for members to translate this to English with me. I need a programmer who can use existing tools and modify them to work with uRGP, preferably someone who's familiar with hacking other VNs. Other people who want to come onboard as translators are welcome

>> No.24770619

It's asking for access......

>> No.24771513

This is really not the thread to ask for that, people here are (mostly) content reading in japanese and do not care if things get translated. Try /djt/.

>> No.24771562

sorry you failed incel detector

>> No.24772338

Have you considered learning Japanese first?

>> No.24773640

Is this supposed to be funny?

>> No.24773850


>> No.24773978

hito tobashi renai

>> No.24774009

Yoru no Hitsuji is so much better at making iyashikei than anyone else that it's not even funny.

>> No.24774463
File: 1.24 MB, 1920x1080, 神咒神威神楽 (93).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, he's making fun of all the other chuunis in the series

>> No.24774658

Teaser for a new project by Escu:de so it looks. Seems mecha musume?


>> No.24775113 [DELETED] 

Does Masada have daddy issues or something?

>> No.24775294

Does Masada have daddy issues or something? Like all his father characters he writes are 外道.

>> No.24775532

Satanael's a pretty good dad
Gouzou as well

>> No.24776319 [DELETED] 

Time to join the untranslated thread. Hi I'm from Reddit! My first japanese game was Yume Miru Kusuri!

>> No.24777492

give access you,giga nigga

>> No.24781279

Why the fuck are you attempting to fan-TL a game that has an official translation announced? That's a terrible idea.

>> No.24781401

why do you people continuously reply to obvious bait

>> No.24784146

It's the guy replying to himself.

>> No.24784318

Don’t they only make lolige? I’ll pass on that

>> No.24785843

And no, they alternate lolige and something else between releases.

>> No.24788420 [DELETED] 

why this thread is so fucking slow and dead lol
also everyone is so angry idk
what's wrong with y'all?

>> No.24788547 [DELETED] 

If anything this thread is decent when it is slow and dead because the internet celebrity and MTL retards aren't here.

>> No.24789502 [DELETED] 

Ignore that idiot and bait. Hide the post(s). It's not going to stop otherwise.

>> No.24789672

What are some good PC98 games that still hold up?

>> No.24790252 [DELETED] 

owned lol

>> No.24791347

All elf games

>> No.24791415

I've played a ton of eroge but Elf games are a weird blind spot for me. I've somehow never played a single one, despite their incredible reputation. Any game in particular you'd recommend?
I'd even be interested in non-PC98 recommendations in this case.

>> No.24791499

Shuusaku, Isaku, Kisaku, Doukyuusei 1
Kakyuusei 1 & 2, (first ntr-ge actually), and the best game of them all:


>> No.24791686

That was pretty interesting. Mostly in the sense of how much effort they put into these games back then, yet how amateur and cheap the writing and storytelling was.

Outside of a history lesson I'd not recommend that though. Or, well, if you like that general style these old games have.

>> No.24791808

Do you have to read the prequel first? And is that one any good?

>> No.24791823

The first one is really bad in comparison but it introduces you to the premise.

>> No.24792526

>has malware in order to prevent piracy
There's another eroge/company who did the same shit but it would dox you and put your details on a website to shame you iirc. Unless that was a fever dream by me or some shit.
