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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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24733479 No.24733479 [Reply] [Original]

This is a place to enjoy and discuss good works by Kinoko Nasu / TYPE-MOON.

>Type-Moon Visual Novel Collection (Original Japanese)

>Kara no Kyoukai the Garden of sinners
Kara no Kyoukai novel (Japanese)
English translations by cokesakto
Kara no Kyoukai Anime Movies
Kara no Kyoukai Manga

>Tsukihime (Moon Princess)
Tsukihime PLUS-DISC
Tsukihime Kagetsu Tohya
Tsukihime Manga

>Melty Blood
MELTY BLOOD PC Collection (updated 2018-05-30)
MBAACC - Community Edition
Melty Blood Manga
Melty Blood - Back Alley Alliance Nightmare Manga

Fate stay night [Réalta Nua]
Fate hollow ataraxia
Fate Zero
Lord El-Melloi II's Case Files

>Mahou Tsukai no Yoru (Witch On The Holy Night)
VN: https://mega.nz/#F!YVkkhAjQ!Ggu2BS3MDfaofporByJsFw
English Patch: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1nUY3G5Z8tgBnfvELhbLiYhmLolDI2TwC/
French Patch: https://github.com/IDerr/mahoyo-french

Other works
>Angel Voice (A doujin anthology that contains the short novel "Notes." written by Nasu, and the Manga "clowick canaan-vail" drawn by Takeuchi.)
>Fate Apocrypha
>Fate Extra
>Fate Prototype: Fragments of Sky Silver
>Fire Girl
>Mahou Tsukai no Hako: Starlit Marmalade manga
>Tsuki no Sango (Moon's Coral)
>Tsuki no Sango (Moon's Coral) Manga

Other links
>Beast's Lair
>Encyclopedia of Type Moon
>Fate complete material II Character material
>Fate Franchise Loseless Soundtracks
>Type-Moon Comic Ace
>TMdict: (a light-weight, multi-lingual TYPE-MOON glossary)
>Tsuki-kan (comprehensive record of real-world statements, interviews, Q&As, feature articles, etc)
>Tsukihime Archives
>Tsukihime doujins from 2008
>TYPE-MOON 10th Anniversary Phantasm translation
>Type-Moon Mega folders
>TM Mega Pastebin

>> No.24733488

Previous: >>24446349

>> No.24734872

When will TM burn to the fucking ground?

>> No.24735029

shit op

>> No.24735044

Thanks, now my day is ruined.
The immeasurable disappointment was always there.

>> No.24735081


>> No.24735099

At least one guy is based.

>> No.24735216

I'm actually quite pleased to see that /fgog/ universally hates Scat.

>> No.24735428

Oh right FGO anniversary is near. The Famitsu special issue which contains a Q&A with Nasu and Takeuchi will be out at the end of this month.

>> No.24735585

u wat m8?

>> No.24735605

Well it varies on time of day.
It was a quick check, overall I'm okay with them.

>> No.24735616

Who doesn't? Nobody cares about that hag outside of shitholes like reddit and /alter/

>> No.24736172

when's the coof going to come to an end so I can see Sakura's tig biddies on a huge screen again?

>> No.24736292
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was this retconned to Saber agreeing to become a counter guardian instead of a HS?

>> No.24736373
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what is it that shirou is hiding?

>> No.24736612

I unironically think that for Nasu to produce Tsukihime Rework, FGO must burn to the fucking ground. But for that to happen all those thirsty weebs fuckers wasting their wallets on that shitty kuso mobage should stop. America should drop a nuke on these japs. It's too late, rebuild. Visual Novels are delayed gratification, wait for god's reward.

>> No.24738874

They're simply making too much fuckin money bro. Its slowing down now but its obvious where TYPE-MOONs priorities are.

>> No.24739658

I don't know what this is, but why does this character look like aoko but with red eyes.

>> No.24740228

Nasu is almost 300 years old now. The Tsukihime remake is just more Tsukihime when you could have one last new thing from him before he croaks.

>> No.24740286

I wish I had your blissful ignorance.
Basically, it is much easier to take most of something you've already done and tweak a few things than it is to actually give a damn.
If only the people consuming product didn't actually care, unlike the artist who wishes they were actually doing something worthwhile.

>> No.24740500

even if FGO ends things will never as they were, it added too much utterly retarded lore to the universe and taught TM that going max sellout every single time is the best solution to everything.

>> No.24740513

I know it's FGO related and thus shit, but I don't know any details beyond that.

>> No.24741075

Koyama seems really pleased to work on fgo though, it's the only thing he draws, even when not work related.

>> No.24745360
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>You cannot save something as great as the world
Bullshit, Nasu. In all three routes the world was saved by destroying the Grail, especially in HF's Normal End where Shirou projects Excalibur to destroy it. The author clearly doesn't know what he's talking about.

>> No.24745631

He is not talking in a literal way though. He is talking about a single person on their own making the world better just with ideals alone.

>> No.24746277

that's literally fgo protag though

>> No.24746832

explain further

>> No.24748081

I don't think I'd even enjoy a new Nasu work at this point.
Could he actually write an entertaining protagonist like Shiki (either of them) or Aoko at this point?
His skills have atrophied. His worldview has grown self-satisfied and mundane.

>> No.24749141

Aoko wasn't really the protagonist. I think even Alice had more scenes from her point of views.

>> No.24749184

No Aoko definitely had the most first person scenes, but there's barely any in the VN. Maybe like 3 or 4. I would consider Aoko and Soujuurou to both share the protagonist role. I'm sure there's a term for that.

>> No.24750266


>> No.24750331

>Extra remake

>> No.24750467

Looks like Studio BB put up a youtube channel, and plan to upload a little video celebrating Extra's 10th anniversary. Damn, time flies.

Anyway, hope that means they're going to put out some news on their game development soon.


>> No.24750649

There's a countdown to Extra 10th Anniversary on their official website as well

>> No.24750846

If they announce Extra Remake now, Type Moon will be marked for history as the joke of jokes representant of what this shitty japanese industry state currently is.

>> No.24750922

the tweet by StudioBB says the countdown is for that 10th anniversary commemorative video and doesn't mention anything about releasing something new, though. But yeah Extra Remake is in the list of "things that must be done when Nasu Kinoko is still alive" as stated by the mushroom himself so it might be announced someday.

>> No.24750924
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>> No.24751030

>F/SN anniversary
>celebration tweet and there are a lot of projects at specific mark like 10th or 15th anniversary (exhibition, new merchs, collab, special program,...). this year they had a show on AbemaTV to celebrate its anni

>FGO anniversary
>official hashtag and other small stuff on twitter, messages from staff, live event FGO Fes that comes with new announcements, promotion projects at public places like train/train station/store/cafe/...

>EXTRA anniversary
>celebration video from studioBB and it may get more stuff because it's the ten years mark

>Tsukihime and Mahoyo anniversary
>not even a single tweet from Type-Moon official twitter

>> No.24751282

They were all technically protags.
Aoko is the main protag of the series without question though, there are few shots of Sou and Alice alone in promo material or in game, while Aoko has plenty.

>> No.24754201

The studio is literally named Studio BB, they are definitely making an Extra remake or Extella 3 or something other Extra-related

>> No.24754781

They're trying to avoid talking about Tsuki as much as he can and I'm convinced Nasu legitamately forgot Mahoyo existed.

>> No.24755614

Why is /tmg/ constantly seething about FGO?

>> No.24755771

Give us a better idea then?
Or are you going to crawl back to /vg/ like the good little worm you are?
Whenever something new happens in TM, we talk about it.
That is the general in a nutshell, but what is happening is all so predictable now.

>> No.24755797

How can Greek Pantheon be real when BAbylonia establishes that all life comes from Tiamat?

>> No.24755901

The Greek gods are alien robots

>> No.24755967

But what about Indian Gods, Chinese Gods, American Gods?

Each of them contain some origin story on the Origin of Life and every Lostbelt confirms each of them/

How does all that contradiction reconcile when we literally encounter the Sea from which life comes from in Babylonia?

>> No.24756419

Isn't it a Mesopotamia texture thing? Like there are general stuffs that played the role of shaping the planet's environment before textures came to be and then became involved with some textures down the line. Such as Tiamat is the primordial sea during the earth's genesis, then later she became the basis for Mesopotamia's creation myth so she got extra attributes from said texture, such as earth mother worship granted her Potnia Theron despite her being a sea goddess. Ea was one of the very early gods who was building and stabilizing the planet's surface before many gods started building their own country (perhaps country here = texture?). Before the Greece texture exist there were native deities in the area, then comes the 12 spaceships from another universe. The local people gave them names, worship them as gods, and together with other native deities they formed the whole myth. The Xians of Chinese myth were originally terminals of the planet with purpose of managing the planet's surface, then they became part of the Chinese pantheon's texture.

>> No.24756540

>comments about Tsukihime by JP fans
But seriously though, i wouldn't be surprised if there's a Extra Remake announcement at the end of the commemorative video

>> No.24756559
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>"Pokemon but with historical and mythological characters?" that sounds really cool, anon
>how do I get into this Fate franchise?
Well? What do you tell them?

>> No.24756934

Tell them to read up on Rin's anus.

>> No.24759082

Because when Tiamat did that she wasn't "Tiamat" yet like >>24756419 said.

>> No.24759690
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/fgog/ poster but also long-term TM fan here
With the Extra remake heavily hinted at, do you guys finally realize FGO isn't at fault for Tsukihime remake not coming out?
Nasu thinks his past works are edgy and cringy because he's not a teenager anymore. He likes Extraverse and sci-fi now, so he wrote Extella, Last Encore and now Extra Remake. All of these while FGO was going on. He also wrote the FGOxCCC collab and made it the biggest FGO event ever.
Don't hate FGO. Hate Nasu.

P.S: expect Tsuki remake to be rewritten into the ground when it does come out. He LIKES Extra and rewrote it into a mess called Last Encore. Imagine what he'll do with something he DOESN'T like.

>> No.24759761

I always tell people the same thing:
If you want to really get into it then read the original visual novel "Fate Stay/Night" and then read the fandisk "Hollow Ataraxia"then its all carte blanche. But most people don't listen and start with Zero or the UBW anime, I don't understand it honestlly.

>> No.24759864

smart Kiaraposter

>> No.24759936
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>Don't hate FGO. Hate Nasu.
Hate FGO and Hate Nasu
Both are responsable for T-M going to shit, FGO money gave T-M for being lazy and even if its true that Nasu now likes more SciFi stuff, part of that is because he got lazy because he doesn't have to try anymore, the reason being that FGO players will eat anything.
if FGO didn't exist I bet Studios BB wouldn't exit and neither this supposedly Extra remake.
The problem at least in my eyes is not that he likes Sci-Fi now, he always had some sort of interest in that, (.Notes and Tsuki no Sango) I feel that he simply doesn't have to try anymore so he is not trying to improve.

>> No.24760341

they can't let go and move on.

>> No.24760356

either read the original VN and go from there, or just don't bother.

>> No.24760448

If he really thought that he wouldn't be letting people air his shame on TV 15 years after the fact.. He's just a lazy nigger spurred on by Takeuchi's greed. It was already confirmed that Tsukihime was going to be a total rewrite, but no one has to worry about that because it will never be released.

>> No.24760708

Last Encore was a combination of him subverting the original for a twist, and the fact that Nasu is bad at writing for anything he can't go into long winded info dumps on.

>> No.24761035

Nasu is blamed for being the tempted
FGO is blamed for being the temptation

>> No.24761365

Is there a reason for the change in Gil between fate route and UBW? did shinji retiring really cause him to prioritise the grail over saber? I thought his portrayal/goals in UBW and HF were more interesting than his hard-on for saber in fate route.

>> No.24761449

Interacting with Shinji and Kotomine dying makes him want to take control and start his little experiment.

>> No.24761460
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Why you fags keep coming back if you already know how this general works?
Or are you a newfag that can't go look for the answer yourself?
We have long and long history on the archives that go back to even before extra and you can study there how things progressed and take your own conclusions.
Also, I recommend studying the opinions of different japanese authors in interviews and notes (the author of Rance has very intersting things to say) and most of what japanese people say on 2chan and twitter. /tmg/ is only a small piece of all the counter movement of the modern Type Moon.

>> No.24761467

he has similar goals in Fate and UBW, he just goes into more detail about it in UBW and takes the lead with Kirei's death, but drops his Saber obsession for seemingly no reason. his concern for human life in HF seems contradictory compared to the other two routes, tho.

>> No.24761606

In HF it's just a question of standards as he explains.

>> No.24761726

>Also, I recommend studying the opinions of different japanese authors in interviews and notes (the author of Rance has very intersting things to say) and most of what japanese people say on 2chan and twitter.
Could you share some links if you don't mind?

>> No.24761849

I think a writer like Nasu will always be conflicted about his work. He always had to write for a market. He wouldn't have included those ero scenes voluntarily. Or the forced happy end of FSN? No surprise that he has difficulties in relation to his own works, since he was never free in writing them.

>> No.24762050

>(the author of Rance has very intersting things to say
Wait the author of Rance commented on modern TM. Could you share what she(it's a she right?) said I'm very curious

>> No.24762440

My friend is a massive Fatefag (I am too now) and he told me to start with the Zero, then Stay Night, UBW, then Heaven's Feel, then everything else in order. I kinda wish I knew enough to not listen to him, but it wasn't a terrible start.

>> No.24762465

once Ufotable does the Fate route then starting with the anime can actually be a possible suggestion. not ideal, but passable.

>> No.24762535

Just go to yout preferred archiver (I don't know the ones on 2ch) and search for the threads with the dates posterior to the release of Fate/Extra, using the english release dates as reference might give better results.
I can't make a list of them because I am litterally posting on my small free intervals from work.
The author didn't specifically talk about TM, it was his analysis on the shift of the VN market to Gacha market, it is a doodle he did on Rance 10 I think, probably as extra material.
I don't think it is translated so you will need some moonrune power to access it.

>> No.24762570
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I would to start with everything at the same time, because you will have to return to the media because one work references the other quite constantly.
Japanese notions sre strong recommended for the reading of materials and Nasu blog posts.
Nasuverse is a very time consuming media.
But if you liked what is being shown untill now, it will be worth it.

>> No.24763263

Now that I think about it, seeing as most of you went through about everything it seems, I actually directly consumed really little of the whole Nasuverse; Notes, Tsuki, KT, FSN, Ataraxia, Mahoyo, Kaleid, Deen, Ufo1&2 and Case Files about covers it. I read the translated bit of CCC while playing it back then but it doesn't really count. Didn't even watch the Heaven's Feel movies.
Do I even qualify as a TMfag?

>> No.24763987

>extra remake
Do people actually want this? Will this actually sell? The fuck

>> No.24764109
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If you liked everything you read and is willing to keep going to see what is next, I guess yeah.
Unless you liked Astolfo, then you're just a fag.
Nasu wants it.
Guess thats only what matters, aside from FGO which was what Takeuchi wanted.

>> No.24764128

>I actually directly consumed really little of the whole Nasuverse; Notes, Tsuki, KT, FSN, Ataraxia, Mahoyo, Kaleid, Deen, Ufo1&2 and Case Files
How is that "really little?" You covered every major work except for FGO.

>> No.24765112

FGO, KnK, all the Fragments whatever, Tsuki no Sango, Fate/Extra, CCC, Extella, Extella 2, Strange/Fake, Apo, Melty, Last Encore, only watched the Case File anime, DDD and all the side materials which I wouldn't touch with a ten foot pole. Dunno, feels like it's a lot.

>> No.24765264

Oh my bad, I didn't see that you haven't seen/read KnK (clearly a major work). Most of the extra Type Moon stuff/side material I wouldn't consider particularly important although some of it is definitely pretty good like Case Files.

>> No.24765584

Extra could actually be good if both it and CCC get rewritten entirely by someone who isn't Nasu

>> No.24765809

>extra could be good if it's plot was entirely rewritten and the shitty gameplay was also totally overhauled

>> No.24765877

just remove all the gameplay honestly would probably make the plot better too

>> No.24766026
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>Extra had Nasu with 2 assistant writers
>CCC had Nasu with 3 assistant writers
Considering that FGO had even more of an army of assistant writers and is shit, I think being written entirely by Nasu alone is the way to go.

>> No.24766114

Nasu is a washed up hack who hasn't had any good ideas in well over a decade. Mahoyo was good because it was based off of what he had already written way back in the old days.

>> No.24766139

dude what if we gave an urban fanatasy writer an alien supercomputer that can do everything

>> No.24766182
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I played extra ages ago and I was entertained for what it was. Yea combat was glorified rock paper scissors but it was interesting being a master working with your servant as support and discovering the other servants weaknesses and having that translate into gameplay. I haven't played CCC because ime an English only pleb but from what I've seen it seems alot more echi and not as serious as OG extra so I don't know what to think about it. Ime interested as a fan of OG extra but considering I hated last encore and the umbral star games and they are the most recent extra works I don't have my hopes high.

>> No.24766211

I hate Extra, FGO, Nasu and TM in general now.

>> No.24766225


>> No.24767021

Kazuya Niino tried too hard with that lol

Btw about this Extra Remake topic, i feel like if it's actually getting developed then the main TM will be the one work on with, not StudioBB since we already know StudioBB's current plan and how Niino stated that they would develop/create games in a different axis from the main Type-Moon studio. Obviously Niino will be involved in Extra Remake though, but it doesn't necessarily mean that the remake has to be developed by StudioBB

>> No.24767647

Makes sense, but I can also see them outsorcing production to another developer, being honest it would be weird for T-M to announce a new project when TsukiRemake is still in limbo. Unless they want to sell smoke.

>> No.24767757

>being honest it would be weird for T-M to announce a new project when TsukiRemake is still in limbo.
>FGO, Extella, Extella Link

>> No.24767778

pardon me, I was trying to say remake project.

>> No.24768700

story is fine, it's the gameplay that needs work.

>> No.24768735

CCC is the best entry in the Extraverse, followed by the original. watch it all the way to the end.

>> No.24768812

assuming Extra gets remade, what should the gameplay be like?

>> No.24770924

What do nasufags think of Dies irae? I started the novel two times, but somehow ended up stalling.

>> No.24770975

It's just as bad as FSN

>> No.24771013

Reading the review in the last thread or so made me once again wonder if Nasu being ashamed is why anything TM controls hasn't received a Western release. Like he believes that as long as everything is contained to Japan it's fine, but if FSN were translated into English the big boy writers club would kick his door down and slam a dunce cap on his head.

>> No.24771524

We have already been told by people working in mangagamer and the likes that it's because of Takeuchi asking too much money and being kind of oversuspicious of western publishers.

>> No.24772846

That's still on my to read list. I plan to get finally get into Masada's stuff later this year.

>> No.24772890

>and being kind of oversuspicious of western publishers
I mean, he's not wrong.

>> No.24773756

Do AoG beings have circuits?

>> No.24774280

The Lahmu have circuits, Circe has circuits, Solomon has circuits, weapons from the Xia dynasty required circuits so yes? Medea also has circuits but she doesn't need it cuz HSDW.

>> No.24775585
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Akiha makes me smile.

>> No.24777231

Shinza Banzou universe has an interesting premisse and drinks on the same hindu-buddhist premisses that Nasu also drank.
It has more action and less infodump.
I frankly love infodumps, so I still prefer Nasuverse first.
But Shinza Banshou is great.

>> No.24777268

Nasu is not wrong, the mainstream western public is a pain in the ass. I would rather that Japanese never gave licenses to nothing they do unless they don't care about it (which says a lot about what was localized).
Even without evidence, this would be the most probable reason.
fucking Jewkeuchi

>> No.24777295

>and being kind of oversuspicious of western publishers.
He should.
Never believe in the western.
Since Nintendo early years censoring things that nobody asked for.

>> No.24778198
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Please, never forget her

>> No.24779449

It's literally just powerlevel faggotry. The entire universe is just about muh powerlevels. Even when you finally get the last ending in dies irae the Author just comes up with an alternate universe for the next entry where someone has even higher powerlevels

>> No.24779591

you should read, DI is pretty good

>> No.24780279

I've read all 3 VN entries but you won't get me to touch their fucking webnovel for the rest of my life

>> No.24781416

Avesta? Yeah, now that's actual powerlevel stupidity.

>> No.24785027
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best friends

>> No.24786140

Messages from Nasu and Takeuchi to celebrate the 25th anniversary of Sakamoto Maaya's career
>武内 崇(TYPE-MOON)


>> No.24786997


>> No.24787371

Nasu seems to like Shikisai (and obviously Sakamoto Maaya) a lot. He also brought it up and mentioned how that song impacted him in an interview before.
>Nasu: For a game that you’ve been playing for one or two years, you need a grand finale that can deliver an explosion of feelings that can overpower all the time you’ve invested in it. If chapter 1 was an 80 in terms of entertainment, then you have to get a 100 when you land the ending. The longer the road that takes you there, the bigger that ratio becomes. Unless you can deliver in your final episode a hype that’s equal to the sum total of your players’ experiences, it would be rude to the players who have stuck with you this whole time.
>But to be honest, when I had Maaya Sakamoto sing Shikisai, I really did have this sure feeling that, as long as we had this song, we could win anything. (laughs)

>Kajita: From then on, whenever I listen to Shikisai, I feel like I’ll always remember all my experiences with FGO.

>Nasu: Back when she was composing the song, I explained to Sakamoto the story and what exactly Mash is talking about. And just like that, the song was finished. If it were a tennis rally, it’s like a perfect return to the serve we threw at her. As long as we could land the perfect serve, our victory is more or less assured.
Btw this reminds me that i heard people saying Jerusalem chapter became Camelot because Nasu decided to rewrite after going to Maaya's concert and being inspired by it. Hilarious if true.

>> No.24787520

I think I hate Nasu as a person

>> No.24789485

Her route, someday.

>> No.24791069

Hopefully never, given the current state of TM. It's sad, but Sacchin must stay pure.

>> No.24801878

it's going to come out, and you are going to read it and like it, dammit!

>> No.24802983
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Sacchin deserves a better fate, having a route in the Remake could solve this

>> No.24803241

I just hate Nasu in general

>> No.24803836

How can someone so good at creating amazing characters and settings be so bad at actually taking care of these things?

>> No.24806615

On the contrary - by the only meaningful metric (profit) he is, objectively, very good at taking care of these things. Far better than almost anyone else in the industry.

>> No.24806630

That's only because of Takeuchi though. Without him Nasu would probably be homeless.

>> No.24809129
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Is the anon that uploaded scans from panbaidu here? They just posted a collection of material book scans, though as far as i remember every book in this list had been scanned and uploaded before except Himuten material and First Order material (though personally i don't care about FGO that much). If you have time to spare and could reupload this then thank you very much anon.
https://pan.baidu.com/s/1QUFgydVbflW0lUgPAh_2hw (password: o2kv)

>> No.24809177

>Hanafuda material

>> No.24809203

Hanafuda is fun if you disable the bullshit noble phantasms.

>> No.24809220

Trying hard to use Shinji's NP is fun too.

>> No.24809302
File: 428 KB, 1280x928, IMG_9448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It contains character sprite/illustrations and hot spring CGs from the game. Hanafuda and Capsule Servant materials were scanned by Paitouch on BL IIRC

>> No.24809556

Himuten and First Order would be appreciated yeah.

>> No.24809696

How is that the only meaningful metric?

>> No.24809782

The scan of Character Material was done in 2008 and is pretty old now so a newer, better scan will be nice too

>> No.24810107

which type moon entry is good, despite what the rest of /tmg/ may say?

>> No.24810226

just start with Fate/Stay Night

>> No.24810253

done a while ago. and I'm not so much looking for recommendations but opinions.

>> No.24810275

I'm not even sure if I deviate from the /tmg/ hivemind in any significant way. Well I probably dislike F/Z more than most people here but I don't think there's something I like that isn't /tmg/-approved.

>> No.24810607

A newfag opinion
I think the existence F/GO is ok. I think it is good no-brain required game. Most of the story is garbage ngl but overall graphics and gameplay are good enough.
You have it in background and just passively play it thanks to turn based gameplay.

If you want some story, I think Last Encore wasn't as bad as standalone entry. I haven't yet touched any of the Extraverse except that and I think it was good. The problem with it I think is that people compare it to the OG Extra therefore a heavy bias

>> No.24811236

quality of type-moon is goes prerry much entirely alongside their release order
I though Extra was boring as shit and didn't even like CCC but that was like the last "good" thing they released

>> No.24811300

Surely you meant she deserves a better Tsukihime, no?

>> No.24812369

Anyone got a fix for the unpatched tsukihime bin file being corrupted?

>> No.24813331

It is Aoko, in FGO extremely powerful servants are semi summoned into Magi, possessing them.
It lowers their power but the summoning is stable.
Rin has 4 versions of herself, and Sakura has 6.

>> No.24813356
File: 128 KB, 319x362, 1432488987805.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It is Aoko
What the actual fuck. I knew they did this shit with Rin and Sakura (although I didn't know they had 4 and 6 versions respectively), but I didn't know they raped Aoko too. God fucking damn it

>> No.24813725

That guy is somewhat trolling.
It is Scathach, Cu's sensei.
Of course they raped Aoko's image by making her this way.

>> No.24813733

So yeah, just a visual clone, nothing more than that.

>> No.24813740

I honestly thought he meant they made Aoko a pseudo-servant or whatever it's called.

>> No.24813759

He was messing with you.
There is no confirmed presence of Aoko in FGO.

>> No.24813771

you guys forget that TT is a hack?

>> No.24813781

>trusting people on the internet

>> No.24813821

And besides, I'll still argue that visually Musashi is closer anyway.
Though the fundamental goal of these designs is to take a well regarded character and their design, make some tweaks and then add slutty outfits for the coomers.
Gods, I hate mobageniggers.

>> No.24813823

He's trolling, Koyama's just being lazy with his design..

>> No.24814050

Musashi at least has a different hair style and outfit, so it's less striking at a first glance, but Scat has the same face, same hair with the side bangs , eyes and has the same kind of skin thight outfit.

>> No.24814352

Koyama has two face styles.
Aoko and Scat don't have the same face, and the vents are different enough.
The redeeming point is Scat is a straight downgrade, all the design tweaks are worse.
Unfortunately, most people won't even inquire about this because one is shilled and the other is forgotten.
Of course, that is not necessarily a bad thing, as it keeps artistic purity maintained, but at the cost of less popularity and material.

>> No.24815860

I just really hate that this situation had to happen, and I have having to make these comparisons and arguments.

>> No.24816224


>> No.24816270

werked for me in a VM with some random old version of daemon tools. That bin file is really weird though. Most tools don't seem to be able to extract it.

>> No.24816630

ah thanks
guess i will just try some old daemon tools

>> No.24817282

So I just started reading Tsukiheme for the first time, but it says that I've pretty much completed it already? Like, I have all the cg's unlocked, it counts every seen as having been seen before, and I have the eclipse unlocked. Is there away to fi/change this? Also,can I read the routes in any order or does it have to be a certain way?

>> No.24817534

>all the cg's unlocked
Pretty obviously wrong. Just back up the folder and then delete files until you have no saved data.

>> No.24817582

So I swear I remember seeing some recent interview where Nasu said he planned to have Tsukihime remake fully announced during around 2018 and it was supposed to be synced up with a whole bunch of other Fate announcements like something for FGO but the remake got delayed then the plans got scrapped. I can't actually find any primary sources actually mentioning this though. Was it all just made up by some anon? Did I just make it up?

>> No.24817676

Is Melty Blood bigger than Tsukihime? Has Under Night been more successful than Fate at bringing people into Tsukihime at this point?

>> No.24817896

>So I swear I remember seeing some recent interview where Nasu said he planned to have Tsukihime remake fully announced during around 2018 and it was supposed to be synced up with a whole bunch of other Fate announcements like something for FGO but the remake got delayed then the plans got scrapped.
This one? No mention of TM planning to release Tsukihime R in 2018 though.
>Nasu: Actually, back in 2013, I was writing the scenarios for the Unlimited Blade Works anime, Tsukihime R, and FGO in sync. If everything went as scheduled, Gilgamesh bringing Humanity’s Evils during the anime…

>4Gamer: Ah.

>Nasu: …with FGO’s climax, and a certain plotline within Tsukihime R would ideally have happened all at the same time. Alas, reality is a harsh mistress… (awkward laugh)
This was out in March 2017 so it's not recent at all, Nasu also mentioned FGO x Tsukihime collab and SSR Arcueid in this interview by the way

>> No.24817964

It's funny how Nasu always seemed to want Gilgamesh to have a grand role but then writes him like a meme character no one takes seriously.

>> No.24818245
File: 255 KB, 431x406, 1592648831613.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tsukihime and Mahoyo anniversary
>>not even a single tweet from Type-Moon official twitter


Tsukihime and Mahoyo applies to do this because they fucking said it and showed it.

Tsukihime Remake+ update?= ????


>> No.24818348

>e have already been told by people working in mangagamer and the likes that it's

This I knew about a butt load of money

>it's because of Takeuchi asking too much money and being kind of oversuspicious of western publishers.

BUT THIS I didn't know and he's right lol thank god.

>> No.24818409
File: 611 KB, 1184x852, NASUUUUUUUUU.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nope fuck aniplex


and plus this being insanely true

>> No.24818541


Yeah that's the most bullshit thing ever, probably only does it cuz nasu keeps asking him.

> unlike the artist who wishes they were actually doing something worthwhile.

thank god koyama feels this way

>> No.24818553

Tsuki remake is something they don't plan to release soon and Mahoyo is something they don't plan to ever continue, so it makes sense as a PR move to acknowledge them as little as possible.

>> No.24818575
File: 571 KB, 2610x2057, UnderthesameskybutforArc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fact that someone else thought "Hm, I wonder what it would look like if this happened for other nasuverse characters."

Just proves I'm not the only one wishing TM gave love to their other works and characters.

>> No.24818606
File: 19 KB, 290x204, UFYF3286.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I guess... but holy shit I swear I remember someone made a quote about on here that waiting for mahoyo and tsuki remake is the real pain something like that.

>> No.24818806

Arc => Ciel => Akiha => Hisui => Kohaku

>> No.24818815

Perhaps I'm a massive brainlet but I just finished HF and I'm still not quite sure why reaching the root and the true magics are such a massive deal. I still don't quite understand what happens after you reach the root, do you get godlike insight and powers? The third magic was used to give Shirou a body again and the second magic is used in Tsubame Gaeshi and the Jewel Sword, how do those help directly in reaching the root?

>> No.24818826

What's so shit about the OPs?

>> No.24818974

And Aniplex, especially Aniplex.

>> No.24818983

It is all he can do right now.

>> No.24818996

it contains goshit.
content is fine, my judgment is purely on the image, most things are meh.
nearly every good op is one i make.

>> No.24819436

The Grail that everyone wants has a lot of magical energy in it that it uses to grant wishes. The Root has unlimited magical energy so you can grant yourself infinite amount of wishes. Basically you become god.

True Magics can be used to reach that Root which is why they are big deal. And overall they are pretty OP.

Not the Third Magic but something very close to it was used for Shirou. Tsubame Gaeshi is just him hitting really fast, it's not True Magic either.

Jewel Sword is a thing Zelretch created that uses Second Magic he'd already achieved, it's not for reaching the Root.

>> No.24819932

Reaching the root likely gives transcendence, so people disappear forever.
Stopping just before that point gives people True Magic.
What happened with Shirou, TG and JS are aspects, partials of their magics.
You don't use TM to reach the root, you get it by reaching it and forever have the key to that door that only you have.
They are stupidly busted.
Reaching the root is a big deal due to the decline of mystery and that the potential powers are beyond basically anything that the AoG had.
Mystery is overrated, root hax is better.

>> No.24820715

To be specific, of the 3 families only the Tohsaka care about the Root. Both the Einzbern and the Makiri wanted the Third Magic to save the world and get rid of all evil (like Zouken explains in his last scene).

>> No.24821396

pretty sure they haven't liked her either since Skadi became a thing but even then, it's only because of memes and fan comics.

>> No.24821411

Skadi made everything even worse.
And it keeps getting worse.

>> No.24821483

I always thought that she looks closer to Koyama Touko than Aoko.

>> No.24821538

i figured out how to get the untranslated tsukihime working (with music as well) if anyone is interested i can upload the folder to mega

>> No.24821948

You're correct, since they share the same face.
Aoko's face is different.

>> No.24823180

Why does saber have red eyes

>> No.24824699

>thank god koyama feels this way
did he comment on that?

>> No.24826525


>> No.24826781


>> No.24828262

In HF true epilogue, Why are revived shirous circuits messed up if the circuits come from the soul? Do we know if his memories are also messed up since they also come from the soul?

>> No.24828282

no but he used to tweet every single year on Mahoyo's anniversary about how he's sorry for everyone that's waiting for a sequel, and talking about how Nasu's workload is much higher than his. Implying he literally can't work on mahoyo 2 because there's no fucking script.

also this year he didn't tweet anything because he was playing the olympus lostbelt instead

>> No.24828301

>if the circuits come from the soul
Where'd you get this? I thought it was just genetics (aka purely the body in nausverse).

>> No.24828337
File: 98 KB, 1440x1080, 1583980553979.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rin mentioned it in the Epilogue, I think somebody else does before as well

>> No.24828403

Maybe I'm retarded but I really don't remember this line at all and from what I remember from KnK (the epilogue specifically) it seems kinda contradictory. Anyone have this in Japanese?

>> No.24828484
File: 145 KB, 996x416, 1567516228846.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this is it

>> No.24828677

I guess because the body was prepared for Touko and not him. The problem is not that the circuits are messed but the magical energy not flowing well. Rin says that getting a checkup by the original maker should make it work fine.

>> No.24828732

Huh well I guess magic circuits are confirmed soul-related then. I thought the mind (脳) was separate from the soul though. Now I'm just confused. Thanks Nasu.

>> No.24828743

When just starting out, what's the best way to approach new enemies for the first time? I'm in the second week with Caster so a few mistakes and I'm basically dead.

>> No.24828800

Memories where always in the soul, that's mentioned both by Illya and Zouken more than once. If it wasn't like that everytime Zouken changes bodies he would forget who he is. The soul was always meant to be the blueprint of who someone is.

>> No.24828824
File: 63 KB, 422x600, __ryougi_shiki_aozaki_touko_kokutou_mikiya_araya_souren_cornelius_alba_and_1_more_kara_no_kyoukai__7344b1c10f7ee7009a9136f5eab946d5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thinkin' about that time Shiki broke an elevator.

>> No.24828826

Oh no I'm not objecting to the memories part. I thought in nasuverse how it went was that a person was body + mind + soul. Memories are the soul but like your mind in general was a different thing.

>> No.24828860 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.77 MB, 1440x1080, 1595107203382.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is it that the soul and the body both contain the record of the magical circuits (like the genes of the body which causes zoukens rotting problem) so since the puppet body has magic circuits already the soul doesnt overwrite these?

I'd say save after every choice with a new enemy that you don't know the abilities of since you can be caught off guard

>> No.24828862

Yeah but mind seems to be more about the rationality, passions and overall cognitive ability of a person. Then I guess the mind records those memories or experiences into the blueprints in the soul.

>> No.24828922

Fate/Extella is alright and the last fight is unironically pretty hype

>> No.24828957

Too much Nerowank ruined Extella for me, Link was ok though.

>> No.24828983

Alright, I guess I must update my understanding. So magic circuits are related to the soul of the person but clearly we know that two strong magi fucking = child with lots of circuits. That implies there's a genetic component to this as well unless souls are congenital as well?

>> No.24829381
File: 1.29 MB, 1440x1080, 1575053339878.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That implies there's a genetic component to this as well unless souls are congenital as well?
I think its both, theres a genetic component, since magic circuits are inherited but the soul is congenital and implants onto the fertilised egg or whatever. we know that the genes are stored in the soul and the bodies genes are based on the soul

>> No.24829496

Yeah, the soul has the blueprints and those are carried into the body.

>> No.24829512

Is Medea bi or did she just fuck Saber that one time to assert dominance?

>> No.24829618

Serious Medea has sadistic tendencies after all she endured. She found Saber to be too pure and wanted to corrupt her like she was corrupted.
OOC joke Medea has a Sabercon.

>> No.24830544 [DELETED] 

7th Anguis: Lloyd Banings

>> No.24833483

Thanks a lot kind anon.

>> No.24834381

Still the best FSN opening.

>> No.24834535
File: 651 KB, 900x1272, 9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Has Under Night been more successful than Fate at bringing people into Tsukihime at this point?
I don't think Under Night has brought any significant amount of people into Tsukihime. I mean, the people that would recognize Sion and make connection were already into TM. I haven't checked in years, but did it ever get as popular as Merubura?

>> No.24837975

Is there going to be a Lord El-Melloi novel sequel that takes place after Fate/stay night?

>> No.24838557

It's kind of popular now yeah. It grew a decent fanbase with the years in the FGC.

>> No.24840013

>Is there going to be a Lord El-Melloi novel sequel that takes place after Fate/stay night?
Yes and it's scheduled to be released this winter. Rin is confirmed to be there.

>> No.24842577

I wonder which route Sanda will go with, or he will just left it ambiguous

>> No.24843015

Wait, where did it say that Rin would be part of the sequel?

>> No.24843716

Probably ambiguous. Even in the timeline they have in the Case Files Material it says "2004 AD: The follow-up 5th Grail War begins. Rumors that the Third Magic was recreated. Seriously!?"

>> No.24844504

>Rin is confirmed to be there.
Proofs? I haven't heard any new details about the novels.

>> No.24844858
File: 282 KB, 1800x1097, IMG_9468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of the line in this pic is
>Ihihihihihihihi, that's the new nuclear bomb in the El-Melloi classroom, Lady Forklift to the Red Devil
Red Devil is Rin's nickname, also how her entry is named in Case Files material: https://www.tmdict.com/en/a.red-devil

>> No.24844919

God damn I didn't realize those lines were part of the same sentence by you're right.

>> No.24845710

don't Waver and Rin dismantle the grail properly in the first two routes?

>> No.24846017

>don't Waver and Rin dismantle the grail properly
>in the first two routes?
CM3 using 大聖杯の復興 (reconstruction/revival of the Greater Grail) kind of implies that the Great Grail wasn't working anymore by that point. It was "closed" by Illya in HF and the Einzbern also shut it down in Fate/UBW according to the Q&A in UBW BD2.

>> No.24846075

This tweet has all sentences from the teaser pic if you're interested

>> No.24846276


Oh snap.

>> No.24846772
File: 17 KB, 480x360, 1595147460116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24847275

This is a new thing right? Or has it been mentioned before?

>> No.24847419

FGO also gets its own hashflag every year since 2017, and hashflag is damn expensive

>> No.24847548

Yeah I'm pretty sure it's new. I wonder what it could mean.

>> No.24847877

It was always about being a guardian, even when Archer is talking about guardians they blur the line between guardians and proper heroic spirits and the translation makes it even more vague. But I guess you can only turn into a true anonymous counter guardian if you are not famous.

>> No.24849749

Ok, I'm so fucking hype for this sequel right now

>> No.24851939

My tm enjoyment reached its zenith at carnival phantasm desu.

>> No.24852212

season 2 when?

>> No.24852926

It was Melty for me.

>> No.24854534

Chapter 12 of Mahoyo

>> No.24854650


>> No.24854954
File: 53 KB, 1500x500, 1500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


holy fuck that still holds up to do this date

Jesus Christ I wonder what fans must have felt when this came out seeing with your very eyes those moments in the HF route.

>> No.24857596
File: 531 KB, 916x788, 1586036004821.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be archer
>spend half the grail war with amnesia
>realize my identity
>give that little shit emiya shirou advice on how to be a top tier mage
>sacrifice myself to give him and your master time to escape
>they stop to rest in a nearby shack while they still have time
>they start having sex
>what the fuck
>emiya shirou cries the whole time
>mfw i have to witness the entire thing from the grave

>> No.24858300

>spend half the grail war with amnesia
but that's wrong tho

>> No.24859387
File: 37 KB, 231x289, 21bcb041a4065be76fc529a30d991a89.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd like to sue TM for false advertising.
There was clearly cleavage with the dress.

>> No.24860783

>spend half the grail war with amnesia
Anon did you really believe that shitty excuse

>> No.24862058
File: 2.43 MB, 2414x3434, IMG_9488.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The scan of Character Material was done in 2008 and is pretty old now so a newer, better scan will be nice too
Absolutely yes, this new scan has larger size and also better quality overall. The first one is already old, after all.

Big thanks to you anon.

>> No.24862096
File: 159 KB, 794x603, aoko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are the Mahou Tsukai translations almost done? I heard the soundtrack for the first time recently and it's honestly the best of any TM VN for me.

>> No.24862521

Does anyone know where I can get the Japanese, untranslated files for Tsukihime? They're not available on Sukebei and any links to them on threads archived on Warosu have long since been deleted.

>> No.24862604

Do mean like extracting the game script and stuff? Since it's an nscripter game, I would imagine it should be possible to use onscripter or some other tool to get it.

>> No.24862633

I mean the game itself. Every version I can find comes preinstalled with the Mirror Moon patch.

>> No.24862671

It's literally in the OP mate

>> No.24862744

The one in the OP is English translated. The Japanese script is overwritten with an English one.

>> No.24862775

Look harder. There's a link at the very top. It has a bin+cue file of the original disk.

>> No.24862893

You have no idea how long I've been looking while this has been under my nose the whole time. Thank you.

>> No.24864715

It's done already.

>> No.24864809

>top tier mage
>knows literally one (1) spell

>> No.24864838

Can't wait for screenshots showing shitty translations

>> No.24865232

first you'd have to have bought something related to the false advertisement

>> No.24865241

did it just finish recently?

>> No.24865401

Completely? Like you can go read it fully right now with no issues? Woah insane.

>> No.24866116

It's in the op
>French Patch: https://github.com/IDerr/mahoyo-french

>> No.24866135

Pretty sure the original guy was asking about the English one.

>> No.24866238
File: 43 KB, 427x389, shizurip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know, I was trolling because he didn't specify, but it fell flat. I'm sorry.

>> No.24866730
File: 218 KB, 1080x1270, FB_IMG_1592198021140.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How could ufo possibly f up HF 3.

>> No.24866788

By making it all digital effects/shiny lights and putting ugly CG everywhere

>> No.24866792

they won't get all the bad endings

>> No.24867937
File: 512 KB, 372x600, VRDZLWC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How was Heaven's Feel so fucking good

>> No.24868103
File: 116 KB, 848x1200, 1558986688757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't forget me.

>> No.24868529

*does nothing*

>> No.24869036

Huh. Didn't know this place had a reputation. I go into a thread being critical of FGO and some FGOfags are telling people to go back to /tmg/.

>> No.24869183

It's accurate though

>> No.24869195

Nah, this place is too dead for it to make up even 1% of FGO haters.

>> No.24869472

It's basically a catchcry at this point.
Anybody from the /vg/ generals uses it for anybody who shows dissent.

>> No.24869505

It's kinda fun being the boogeyman I guess

>> No.24870350
File: 147 KB, 400x400, 3827786abeebcee928a3a87cda4ae14a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah, bro, we love FGO here!

>> No.24870540

>all the best moments of HF don"t feature Sakura
>UFO insists on excluding all moments that don't feature Sakura
The last movie is going to absolutely mangle the story.

>> No.24870947
File: 226 KB, 459x746, WHAT REAL MEN WANT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24871117
File: 1.39 MB, 2876x4099, IMG_8174.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dress of Heaven Illya
>Sakura's eyes have pupils now
obviously they're going with the True End

>> No.24873916

Does anyone have the Tsukihime/Kagetsu Tohya sprites

>> No.24874046

About 19 hours to nothing.

>> No.24874827

I think they're all here.

>> No.24877028
File: 306 KB, 800x600, ZlZv6j9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's kind of a miopic way to look at it though. HF without Sakura and the conflict it brings into the table wouldn't be HF though. The entire point of that route is broken people who derive meaning from something and how that shapes them or breaks them even more.

>> No.24878604

extraverse was a fucking mistake.

>> No.24879360
File: 223 KB, 2048x478, IMG_9499.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It has been 10 years

>> No.24879383

10 years since the beginning of the downfall of Type-Moon's artistic integrity

>> No.24879508
File: 230 KB, 800x1200, arcueid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she better have a long skirt in the remake
although the promo material shows the contrary

>> No.24880018

extra was so shit that when I played CCC 4 years later I actually didn't remember if Liz was in Extra or not

>> No.24881149

A lot of people complain about FGO, but I think Extra was always the weirder entry to the series.

>> No.24881469

This, short skirt Arc it just weird, the long skirt goes better with Arc personality and it gives her a a distinct style.

>> No.24881574

there's nothing wrong with doing weird entries into a franchise. The problem is with how fucking much Nasu is focused on doing nothing but fucking extraverse. Especially after both Extra and CCC had definite endings. I don't know what's wrong with this guy, he clearly didn't have the Velber saga planned from the start considering there's 0 setup for it in Extra and CCC and he had to set extella in an alternate universe that he explains in his fucking blog, and for some reason he had the idea that last encore was something that really needed to exist. When he "bad end" it splits of from doesn't even exist in the fucking game because he couldn't be bothered writing it

>> No.24881905

Finally got around to reading Requiem, it was nice.

>> No.24882737

>whitewashing Sakura
Eh? If anything, the movies whitewash Rin

>> No.24883025

Extra having more shit is fine, but the path he chose is fucking dumb. Who needs some random fucking outside Reaper ripoff. You can tell a billion stories in the Moon Cell without needing other aliens to happen.

>> No.24883134

I actually think that the Earth setting in Extra is kind of interesting. There is a lot of good stuff explained in Extra Material.

>> No.24883309

well good thing it got completely abandoned in favor of the mooncell and will never be touched again, huh?

>> No.24884921

strange fake anime when?

>> No.24885381
File: 65 KB, 215x157, TM endgame.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24885490

it's going to be a remake of CCC with the rest of the Sakura 5, and better gameplay.

>> No.24886261

I love Sakura. I love HF.

>> No.24886480

If Narita could get his shit together, it would make a great bimonthly one hour series.

>> No.24887124
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>9 days old thread
Hey, fags. Miss /fgog/ yet?

>> No.24887466

At this point I dont even want the tsukihime remake anymore?

>> No.24887566

What is weird is that development on Extella began soon after CCC was finished.

>> No.24887790 [SPOILER] 
File: 358 KB, 608x464, 1595383854071.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want to see her again desu

>> No.24887823

Premiere in less than an hour. Probably nothing.

>> No.24888134
File: 40 KB, 650x318, Screenshot_25.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how right is he?

>> No.24888184

Iirc he likes Fate GO, so he can't never be right.

>> No.24888193
File: 96 KB, 1200x675, DdlJ3cwUwAAo0ha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me too, anon. Me too

>> No.24888218

Sakura pandering is the best thing the HF movies have done. Also, I'm looking forward to the spectacle that is Rider vs Saber Alter.

>> No.24888246


10 minutes bros, what could the announcement be?

>> No.24888257

I hope is not a Remake, if it is I'm going to be pretty sad because I know its going to come out before the Tsukihime one.

>> No.24888266

The fucking live chat is so bizarre. /tmg/ is full of cynical old fucks while that live chat is full of excited GOtards lmfao

>> No.24888311


>> No.24888312

>hakunon servant!!
god I fucking hate people

>> No.24888348

Vast majority probably never played extra either

>> No.24888399


>> No.24888415

I always believed in you Nasu

>> No.24888428

Check one item off Nasu's bucket list. Could it be the Tsukihime remake will actually come out this year?

>> No.24888429
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>> No.24888448

>private video

>> No.24888450

can't wait for retroactive nu-lore

>> No.24888457

So is it just an Extra remake with better combat, or did it look like it'll also include CCC stuff?

>> No.24888478

there's 0 ccc content in that video
there will be another stream in 8 hours instead of now because muh epic ARG

>> No.24888491

>31 hours

>> No.24888494

>Fate/Extra gets a remake before Tsukihime

Top kek

>> No.24888498
File: 157 KB, 768x768, 67502145_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, an Extra remake announced when they've been going on about a Tsukihime remake for years and we still have mostly smoke for that...heck they even showed gameplay of this shit.(It looks kinda meh in gameplay terms, not interesting, but the some of the models look nice, sad that they wasted them on Extra)

>> No.24888525

>31 hours
Pretty sure that's 8 hours.

>> No.24888533


>> No.24888538

Hakunon is canon.

>> No.24888549

Can't wait for hakuno to get deadface-mode and everything is now about Velber

>> No.24888573

Arcueid will probably be in her remake design, if she's still in it.

>> No.24888587
File: 617 KB, 824x906, 1585618216449.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's gonna come out first, CCC or Tsukihime remake?

>> No.24888589
File: 171 KB, 800x1200, arcueid 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24888594


>> No.24888639

CCC gonna come out as a DLC with a price higher than the game and a H patch.
Oh and the game will be on Epic instead of Steam.
Those are my predictions.

>> No.24888644

What if CCC is also part of this game?

>> No.24888654

Also possible. Although it will make the game longer to release at least.

>> No.24888656

He mentioned Mahoyo once when talking about Clocktower 2015.

>> No.24888661
File: 127 KB, 500x328, bb_stands_for_bad_bitch.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If CCC also gets remade along with a western release, it will finally kill the "read CCC" meme.

>> No.24888688

It will also finally kill the "CCC is good" meme that people keep believing for some fucking reason

>> No.24888693

I'm one of the few /tmg/ fans who enjoyed Extra and CCC and I'm enjoying FGO too, but I hope it ends in part 2 because I see coming the derail he's doing in Extraverse with Extella and Last Encore and shit "It's AU and I don't bother write it, just read my notes in my blog!" because it doesn't have further set up.

>> No.24888726

CCC is pure shit and way worse than the pile of shit that was Extra

>> No.24888727

The site is in both English and Japanese so I guess we're getting a translation.

>> No.24888749

I guess CCC had even worse gameplay than extella but extella was so bad I dropped everything TM related for 7 months.

>> No.24888780

could be, but I don't think so considering both games are long enough

>> No.24888892
File: 49 KB, 584x445, 1581318240522.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's an absolute retard, through and through. Just a fanboy that eats up everything that TM puts out and thinks it's gold.

>> No.24888917

At least we're gonna get to see Berserker Arcueid and Shiki again in Extra

>> No.24888920

People like this don't help the creators, if you love someone's work you have to be critical about it, because they should aim to get better and better.

>> No.24888926

I love Fate as much as everyone but I really don't know how people can still defend Takeuchi's atrocities after Melty Blood

>> No.24888956

>At least we're gonna get to see Berserker Arcueid and Shiki again in Extra
What makes you think that? Maybe Shiki, but I doubt Arc would come back.

>> No.24888981

but she's part of the story, Shiki is definitely the one the'll cut out

>> No.24889024

Why the fuck does Nasu love extra so much?

>> No.24889032
File: 1.83 MB, 1393x1393, agfrv2344.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In all due respect to the idea of criticizing and the current repulse of this thread to Takeuchi monstrosity, not giving a fuck is based.
The problem is not that Takeuchi is doing his thing without giving a fuck.
It is because fucking gay Nasu doesn't do that with Takeuchi.
Nasu learned everything with Takeuchi, except not giving a fuck.

>> No.24889060

So this will be the first time we see Arc's remake design in an official work right?
And don't forget the Aozaki sisters.

>> No.24889064

>but she's part of the story,
She's part of one route, and it's a fairly minor role all things considered. They can easily just homogenize the Rin/Rani route Berserker with the one from Rin's route and do a bit of rewriting.

If she does come back, I guess that's fine, but it's such a minor role that I would hardly care.

>> No.24889069

>remake of arguably the worst TM game aside from FGO
i sleep

>> No.24889118

That is where things could be interesting.

>> No.24889157
File: 137 KB, 403x403, 1562066786571.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tsukikeks so starved for content they're celebrating the possibility of seeing a design in a new Fate remake
You guys are literally the saddest fanbase

>> No.24889185
File: 1.65 MB, 582x672, 1564665104661.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


okay fgo fag posting a slutty rin version

>> No.24889260

Thanks for the picture, I will be posting it in the FGO threads.

>> No.24889284

I suppose this is the kind of low quality content that /tmg/ finds amusing.

>> No.24889436
File: 282 KB, 968x1200, 530A840A-DD0D-409D-A97F-B7DDDF60F909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gotta admit I fucking love the shit he draws for the heavens feel films

>> No.24889479

That Kotomine ain't right.

>> No.24889510

>cocaine Kirei

>> No.24889569
File: 17 KB, 82x98, Screenshot from 2020-07-21 23-34-44.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hate this

>> No.24889593
File: 204 KB, 1920x1080, deaddog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to quit this Type Moon bullshit already, feels like an abusive marriage that you can't get out of
I really underestimated the effect of sunk cost fallacy
I wasted too much time with Tsuki, Melty, other TM stuff and Fate in general to go back
I want to go back in time and prevent myself for ever getting into this mess

>> No.24889592

>Ufotable perfected the artstyle with KnK
>Keeps degrading instead of getting better

>> No.24889630

>rhino (flat)

>> No.24889714
File: 113 KB, 726x662, 1511834927547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I want to go back in time and prevent myself for ever getting into this mess

>> No.24889913
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After all this years, I finally relate to archer on a spiritual level

>> No.24889950
File: 30 KB, 274x330, Uzuki Nakaru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fate/Extra remake
What the fuck did I just witness. Pic related is going to get a game and remake before Tsukihime

>> No.24890258

We don't get a choice on the quality or quantity of the content that we find enjoyable.

>> No.24890379
File: 81 KB, 1280x720, 1569583831676.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're fucking done anons
I just wanna sleep and not wake up I think TM is over and has been for years, I dont know why I can never fully accept it

>> No.24890400

Ironic that you're using an reaction image from a franchise that is also just milking the shit out of it's most popular entry

>> No.24890415

I don't really give a shit about Sci;Adv I think S;G and C;C are pretty good but C;H was dogshit
It was just a fitting image

>> No.24890418

>奈須: “奈須きのこが生きているうちにやらなくちゃいけないリスト”のひとつに、『EXTRA』シリーズのリメイクがあり、前向きに検討しています。

>Since the collaboration with FGO was very exciting, i would like you to remake Fate/EXTRA with the current technology.
>Nasu: The Remake of EXTRA is in the "list of things that must be done when Nasu Kinoko is still alive", we're considering it positively.
This interview was recored in July 2019 so one year ago, and now they actually announced it as well as revealed a trailer - something they've never done with Tsukihime R.

>> No.24890472

wooooooooow you're telling me Nasu cares about extraverse?

I honestly couldn't tell man.

>> No.24890541

They even showed gameplay.
With Tsukihime we only have characters designs and promo art, not a single CG, not a single in game screenshot nothing.

>> No.24890582

Well now that I think about it...is there even a website for the Tsukihime remake?

>> No.24890609

Somehow even more pathetic than expected.
Scat truly is the worst.

>> No.24890616

There hasn't been any S;G content since Elite though?

>> No.24890642
File: 102 KB, 241x238, 1592289134318.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Karoshi is an absolute faggot and has been one of the biggest FGO apologists for years.
Also Extra's setting might sound somewhat cool superficially but it's actual total bullshit the more you look into it and it got way worse as the sequels went on.

>> No.24890692

Compared to how much T-M milks Fate/Fate GO what they do with S;G is nothing.
S;G came out in 2009 in 11 years they've released 5 games in the series that aren't Steins;Gate sequels or spin offs. 6 in we count O;N and the next upcoming game (A;N) its not even a S;G game.
You can like or dislike the Sci ADV series but it at least has produced more variety of content compared to T-M recently.

>> No.24890706

Karoshi isn't a FGO apologist, he is a TM apologist.
He considers any criticism of Nasu/Takeuchi and TM as a whole, past, present or future to be null and void.
Just a blatant fanboy who will take anything TM gives him with a smile.

>> No.24890717

being an FGO apologist is almost synonymous with being a TM apologist in this day and age

>> No.24890744

It is, but it isn't just FGO.
Though it mostly is.

>> No.24890751

Is it really that bad?
I don't follow the guys so idk, but I feel that he attracts the kind of fan that just consumes T-M shit without thinking about it.

>> No.24890781

>but I feel that he attracts the kind of fan that just consumes T-M shit without thinking about it.
Spot on.
Braindead weebs.

>> No.24890794

you guys are being melodramatic. if you think it's shit, just point and laugh, then move on.

>> No.24890811

>then move on.
To what?

>> No.24890845
File: 291 KB, 1920x1080, mpv-shot0005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24890846

something worth spending your time on.
don't tell me Type Moon was the only thing of value in your life.

>> No.24890901

I'm only speaking in regards to TM.
Obviously I have plenty of other shit to do.

>> No.24891057
File: 1.49 MB, 1920x1080, IM CUMMING.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm really curious when they started developing this especially with unreal engine.

No way since

>November 2019

>July 2020

Here comes this quality

>> No.24891103
File: 230 KB, 1920x1080, mpv-shot0006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's sad how your screenshot looks a lot much better than the UBW in the UBW TV.

anime should look better than a game , not the other way around

>> No.24891111
File: 843 KB, 1366x768, tfw aoko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24891124

>is there even a website for the Tsukihime remake?
even Girls' Work has its own website, but it's deader than Tsukihime R anyway

>> No.24891143


Reeeeeeally!? I mean this is Nameless ubw and that one is EMIYA ubw.... but I guess if you feel that way.

>> No.24891161

>this is Nameless ubw and that one is EMIYA ubw
as if that's relevant in regards to what i said about how it looks better visually

>> No.24891251

vidya surpassed anime a while ago

>> No.24891360

>wanking even harder
TM pls stop.

>> No.24891869

B-but guys! In the Museum they tucked away a single CG of nuArc in the corner. They TOTALLY care about it
The faces look pretty weird as shit.

>> No.24892640

At this rate I'm just interested to see what will release first: Tsuki R or Anonymous;Code

>> No.24892876

Even if it doesn't get remake, the CCC translation is legit almost done.

>> No.24893727

They've been making progress recently iirc, I hope it gets released soon so that the CCC meme can die.

>> No.24893916
File: 232 KB, 350x752, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's better than OG PSP Rin, no contest

>> No.24894139

It helps that they have a really good programmer that actually knows how to parse shit unlike 90% of translation patch programmers out there

>> No.24894494

Virtual youtuber...

>> No.24894618

The future is now old man

>> No.24894777

I love shirou...

>> No.24895002

Low effort as fuck as usual, TM really hate spending money don't they. At least Rider is an actual Youtuber

>> No.24895065

>C;H was dogshit
Cope, C;H is the best Sci;Adv.

>> No.24895252

It just kills me that in 1 day we've gotten more info about this remake compared to the info we've gotten regarding the Tsukihime remake...Is like they're trying to make a remake and not sell us smoke.

>> No.24895419


>> No.24895653
File: 69 KB, 766x444, IMG_9520.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

inb4 Twice's route

>> No.24895789

Finally, finally, we're here!
Fate/EXTRA Record has been announced!

Record is a supercharged version of the graphic system aspect of the game. It is only based on the original game.
The PSP version of EXTRA is an RPG, a game with a narrative structure that works because it's a game.
The PSP version of EXTRA is an RPG and game, so the role of Record is to "present a superior visual presentation".
The anime version of EXTRA was constructed as something different from the game version, a "what if" that would not be the same.

Going back in time X years ago, the EXTRA remake was planned at the same time as the anime EXTRA.
Ideally, it would have been announced at the same time... but it took a lot of time to discuss it with all the parties involved and TYPE-MOON has been busier than expected with FGO, and other things have happened to bring us to the present.

But because of all that, we were able to announce this game on the occasion of EXTRA's 10th anniversary.
We've left the game system and reboot in the hands of studio BB.
I will be in charge of supervising the text, which will be added in detail to the remake.

I already have a redesign in my hand that retains the design of 10 years ago, but is redesigned in the year 2020 style.
The cuts to the Master Servants, things that work in the game, new systems, etc.
The information is coming thick and fast.

We're already overwhelmed by this, but the real work is just beginning.
"Fate/EXTRA Record" will be reborn by BB staff and Kazuya Niino.
I'm really looking forward to it myself!

But still, the dark video of the raw specials development screen was awesome!
A huge amount of black unmentionables were very much in the air.

>> No.24895793
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>> No.24895833
File: 195 KB, 490x541, IMG_9521.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty sure that's fake though. There's no mention of costume during the stream.

>> No.24895892

- Fate/EXTRA Record will be a Remake. Currently it’s not even in the Alpha Phase literally bits & Parts
- It is one of the two major projects being done at StudioBB
- The Mystery Project will be revealed after the launch of Fate EXTRA Record
- Since it’s a remake it’ll be a while before release.
- Choosing Tamamo is confirmed to be playing the game on HARD MODE
- Plans on potentially voicing Hakuno & Hakunon
- Potentially to be a fully voiced this means MOB/NPCs too but it’s TBA.
- You can cycle through Day/Night by looking through windows.
- Fully recreated the high school. Taiga in the school uniform was shown on the stream.

>> No.24895998

That would be actually cool. I also hope they use the entire Twice final talk in Extra Material instead of the vanilla version. It adds a lot to him and Hakuno as characters.

>> No.24896326

Fuck Nasu and Fuck Fake/ExtraShit

>> No.24896524

KnK was Ufotable's peak in general. Movie 5 in particular has god-tier directing.

>> No.24896712

So the Case Files sequel is truly the only thing I have to look forward to in modern Type-Moon. I guess I should read Strange Fake one of these days as well.

>> No.24897059

>Potentially to be a fully voiced this means MOB/NPCs too but it’s TBA
Wow really? Type Moon is rolling in GObucks and they can't even commit to fully voicing a game which is something they've already done before in previous entries (ex: Realta Nua)?

>> No.24897086

gotta penny pinch as much as possible. is anyone surprised?

>> No.24897107

>not even in alpha state
>already has presented more to the public during its unveiling than Tsukihime's Remake has since it was announced more than 10 years ago

>> No.24897252

>The work principle for Record is adding new scenes but not altering the old scenes in any way
so i guess they won't remove Arc or Aoko/Touko. they also mentioned Run Ru on the stream while showing new designs, that her face will stay the same but her clothes will be changed

>> No.24897296

* MC will be voiced, both for male and female, and you can also turn voices off
* They can't say for sure that it'll be on steam but they want to reach a wide audience so they're aiming for it
* want to remake CCC as well, but nothing's decided yet. It's a pretty lewd game, so they'd have to think a lot about how to handle it (lmfao)
* Charlemagne is very popular, and there were a lot of messages asking to include him in Record, but there's no real connection there so it'd be difficult to do
* The battle system has been changed drastically. Originally it was RPS but we wanted to actually see servants fight each other
* They are also considering making the mob masters fully voiced, but nothing's decided yet, and it might not happen

About the school
>You can now explore the entire building and yard outside
>You can talk to NPCs to starts quests and gather intel
>You can find a lot of hidden things so be sure to explore as you advance the story

>> No.24897324

>want to remake CCC as well, but nothing's decided yet. It's a pretty lewd game, so they'd have to think a lot about how to handle it
jesus christ

>> No.24897335

Game looks great. Can’t wait.

>> No.24897369

It's an actual videogame he made (also it's the first one), and he always wanted to make videogames. VNs were a compromise due to ressources.

>> No.24897398

So if the gameplay actually isn't dogshit anymore would Extra be a decent game? I don't know much about the story.

>> No.24897421

it's pretty mediocre even if you forgive the awful gameplay of the PSP version.

so much so that i'd be surprised if they faithfully adapted it considering how bad the script is.

>> No.24897425

Pretty sure Kotomine is traced over. And Takeuchi stopped coloring his own art in 2001 (the first thing TM did after Tsukihime was hiring someone to color his art after all), so you can't credit just Takeuchi here

>> No.24897464

he also doesn't do backgrounds or anything like that, he does line art for characters and that's where his work ends

>> No.24897486

You'd think he'd want to move onto a new series by now though. His obsession with wanting to make video games is extra weird because Nasu's strength is clearly being a writer. Unsurprisingly, the medium's that focus the most on writing are Type-Moon's best works (i.e. novels and VNs).

>> No.24897545

The outsourcing backgrounds/coloring to assistants is normal. The blatant tracing/reusing of the same pose over and over again is of course pretty shameless.

>> No.24897554

- The development concepts of Fate/EXTRA Record were “Fate/EXTRA once again” (the desire to make a game that can connect to the next one), “high quality,” “for people just meeting Fate and EXTRA for the first time” (make it so that players new to the series can enjoy it, too), and “to get people familiar with Studio BB.”
- The reason Niinou left Square Enix was to remake Fate/EXTRA and to make another grand title. But in order to make that title, Type-Moon Studio BB first needs to gain recognition through Fate/EXTRA Record so that you will be able to look forward to its titles seven years from now.
- Development started a half-year ago.
- Novel parts return. You can talk to most characters.
- Saber will take the lead and go ahead of you in dungeons.
- The battle system has been completely redone. The reason the original had a rock-paper-scissors system was because they wanted to have Servants battle it out in the case of a tie. Now, the battle system is a deck build-style system in which commands flow in randomly each turn, and you have to determine which is the best to use for that turn while avoiding damage. For each battle you win, you will get a new command.
- New monsters will appear.
- All scenes featured in the original game will return.

>> No.24897575

Well, he has been practicing writing since highschool at least, right? It's not surprising he is much better at it than at other things. Still, it's a shame Nasu seems unwilling to write new novels or new VNs. He was pretty good at it.

>> No.24897602

>Now, the battle system is a deck build-style system in which commands flow in randomly each turn, and you have to determine which is the best to use for that turn while avoiding damage. For each battle you win, you will get a new command.
Is this like the battle system in Kingdom Hearts chain of memories? This sounds fucking awful.

>> No.24897604

well, he's been involved in writing for video games for 20 years now and the only good game that TM has been associated with, i.e. the only game that actually has solid gameplay, is still Melty after all these years.

>> No.24897624

Fair enough

>> No.24897674

hopefully the Extra remake will be a step in the right direction for actually good gameplay for once

>> No.24897749

>Choosing Tamamo is confirmed to be playing the game on HARD MODE
>The battle system has been completely redone
>battle system is a deck build-style system in which commands flow in randomly each turn
For fucks sake this sounds already scary, as if grinding with Tamamo, getting Matrix E and getting all of her achievements wasn't bad enough
Tons of Grinding + taking lots of damage ≠ hard RPG

>> No.24898000

Wishful thinking, but I hope it flops

>> No.24898265

Flopping or not flopping means nothing for the Extraverse, since Nasu will never stop insisting on making more shit for it

>> No.24898300


We finally did it! Finally!
Fate/EXTRA Record was announced!

Record is a super upgrade on graphics and gameplay. All kept in strict conformance with the original.
The PSP version of /EXTRA was a story structured the way it was because it was a RPG.
That's why I gave Record the role of being a visually improved /EXTRA and composed the anime adaptation as something different, an what-if that could never be same as its source.

A good x years back, /EXTRA's remake was first planned alongside the /EXTRA anime.
Ideally, they'd both be released at the same time, but... well, a lot happened, including it taking a lot of time to talk about it with all the related parties and FGO eating up more of Type-Moon's time than anyone could've imagined, so well, you've seen the results.

But thanks to these circumstances, we managed to announce Record just in time for this joyous /EXTRA 10th anniversary.
Studio BB is completely in charge of creating the gameplay and making any changes to the continuity they find necessary. My only involvement in the remake is supervising the very few new strings of text they're adding to the original script.

I'm constantly getting news about the new gameplay, what's happening in the game, the design sheets of the Master and Servants redesigned into a more 2020 style, etc (although I still hold the designs from 10 years ago very dear to me).

I'm already extremely emotional about this, but the best is yet to come.
I'm looking forward to the the new Fate/EXTRA Record, revived by Kazuya Niinou and the BB Staff, as much as you are!

But damn, I wasn't expecting to see those development screens on the livestream. Felt like watching an YouTube parody!
The crowd of background Namelesses was peak comedy hahahahahahahaha

>> No.24898374

i hope Nasu dies

>> No.24898394
File: 1.30 MB, 1504x1080, 6FFC72A9-FED7-4167-88BE-BEAE5204F6BF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished reading this arc in prillya and it was pretty great. I was probably more invested in Shirou and Miyu’s relationship over Shirou and Sakura’s in heaven’s feel and it’s probably because Miyu was a more prominent character before this arc? Illya in heaven’s feel still shits all over this tho but it was enjoyable and I was emotionally invested so that’s gotta mean something. idk I should reread FSN soon

>> No.24898414

A shame I dropped this manga because it was updating at Berserk's pace
I still jerk off to prillya sht tho

>> No.24898457

>someone else that actually likes this arc
Wow so I'm not alone.

A lot of people seem to hate 3rei for being so long, but I think it's more just because it's been updating extremely slow.

>> No.24898469

>the design sheets of the Master and Servants redesigned into a more 2020 style, etc (although I still hold the designs from 10 years ago very dear to me).
Arc confirmed for getting yet another redesign

>> No.24898530

The real question is will nu-nu-Arc be worse or better than nu-Arc

>> No.24898537

True. The remake designs are already outdated and not hip to 2020 anymore. Tsukihime remake remake when? Come on, Nasu. You gotta keep your designs updated.

>> No.24898603

>A lot of people seem to hate 3rei for being so long, but I think it's more just because it's been updating extremely slow.
Same shit as Berserk, its a fucking nightmare once you finish reading it and have to wait for new chapters which take more than three months
I reread everything post-conviction without the meme hiatuses and I ended up enjoying it quite a lot
If Prillya eventually finishes, maybe people will start to like 3rei a bit more

>> No.24898689

It seems near the end to me at least. Maybe 1 or 2 more volumes to go. I think 3rei is only like 10 volumes which really isn't much.

>> No.24898860

No it Paper Mario you heathen.

>> No.24898863

Watch them cut her out

>> No.24898902

Arc didn't even get a cameo in the shitfest that was Extra LE, what makes you think you'll get to see her again?

>> No.24898913

Never played it. Could you link an example of said gameplay?

>> No.24899070

They already said they would keep all scenes from the original game, eventhough there would still be new cutscenes.
>All scenes featured in the original game will return.
>The work principle for Record is adding new scenes but not altering the old scenes in any way

>> No.24899318

Mark my words.
Arcueid will be replaced with Hinako.

>> No.24899549

That would be ideal. Arc and the rest of Tsukihime are better off forgotten.

>> No.24899576

They'll replace her with musashi and replace Shiki with Scathach

>> No.24899627

Think they'll add a 4th Servant?

>> No.24899781

No. And if they do, it's going to be Charlemagne.

>> No.24900294

Kinda fucking cringe how a studio formed by industry veterans that is financed by one of the biggest money generating mobile games of all time are just straight up ripping off slay the spire combat 1:1

>> No.24900534
File: 503 KB, 663x794, 1551835358562.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm hyped

>> No.24900543

At least it's not Rock-Paper-Scissors

>> No.24900684

Big mheee for the extra remake.
The graphic quality is shit mates.

>> No.24900879

that's because they plan to release it on smartphones too.

>> No.24900890

Nobody cares about muhgrapx aside from burgers
go back to you AAA shit filled with SJW
Extra Record is a bigger problem than just visuals.

>> No.24901178
File: 69 KB, 625x468, 74d6b517d8c28d8ac92319dbfb448c4a6524818c592f0c678384cf8cbe1ebd02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Extra Record is a bigger problem than just visuals.

>> No.24901255

Mahoyo has the best graphics out of any Type Moon game anyway.

>> No.24901420

Sounds like Slay the Spire.

>> No.24901439

I'm going to assume they'll improve as things go on, considering all those placeholder models shown on stream.

>> No.24901741

It looks like a Persona game. It's fine for what it is.

>> No.24901820
File: 2.51 MB, 1246x1246, dkd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally same game, you get to add a card to your deck after battle too

>> No.24901823
File: 66 KB, 901x1080, aISRTGW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't believe they announced Mahoyo 2 for Extra 10th year anniversary

>> No.24901843

Oh okay looks reasonable. I'm not a fan of this genre so I probably would still be annoyed by the gameplay, but it doesn't seem retarded.

>> No.24902512

I'm pretty sure Sony gets 90% of GO's money, and even so not everything is gonna go towards this new Studio BB.

Either way the deck building system seems neat, if it weren't for the shuffling I'd say it reminds me of MMBN.

>> No.24902578

I'm surprised he doesn't just make an SRPG since he said SRW was a big influence on him. But then BMW already did it even if it was a fan work.

>> No.24902601

Getting 10% of the GO money would be a shitload of money and probably more than the revenue of most VN companies.

>> No.24902605
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That wasn't what came to mind for me

>> No.24902674

That would actually be fun though, so obviously not

>> No.24902732

>You can now explore the entire building and yard outside
>You can talk to NPCs to starts quests and gather intel
You could do that in the first game. Hell you literally HAD TO do the second one in order to find out the enemy servant's identity.

The story is ok but it's definitely much better in a first playthrough. The game takes place over 7 weeks and the objective of each week is to find out the identity of the servant that Seraph has matched you up against since the Moon Cell is basically a tournament arc, with your actual battle being on the 7th day. You gather clues, do dungeon crawling (which is required in order to find out aspects about the enemy servant to ascertain their identity), and banter with said servant and their master so that you have a pretty good feel of them by the end of the week. It was made back when things like "servants should keep their identity a secret" and "berserkers are all raging beasts who can't speak" were still the norm.

CCC on the other hand is a much less repetitive game narrative wise (and thank god because it's like twice as long as the first game) and instead is one continuous story instead of effectively resetting each week.

>> No.24902758

For what kind of game it's supposed to be, it looks "fine"

>> No.24902783

Only good thing about Extraverse was Gilgamesh route.

>> No.24903053

Kana Ueda is much cuter when using her normal voice.

>> No.24903101


>> No.24903526

>FGO eating up more of Type-Moon's time than anyone could've imagined, so well, you've seen the results.

KEK W and be people thinking FGO is not the problem LMAO

>> No.24903885

and yet they're going for 2 1/2 months with 0 new content :)

>> No.24903900

Small indie company
Stop being entitled

>> No.24904008

Sony is just the publisher, right?
No way they get that much. At most it's 50%

>> No.24904030

It's likely even less, Sony approached type moon for the project not the other way around, the contract is probably heavily in their favor

>> No.24904663 [DELETED] 
File: 1.12 MB, 1920x1080, those hands will never hold you .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never wanted to breed anyone more than I want to with Arcueid. That perfect, curvy body. Those bountiful breasts. The child bearing hips of a literal goddess. It honestly fucking hurts knowing that I'll never mate with her, pass me genes through her, and have her birth a set of perfect offspring. I'd do fucking ANYTHING for the chance to get Arcueid pregnant. A N Y T H I N G. And the fact that I can't is quite honestly too much to fucking bear. Why would Kinoko Nasu create something so perfect? To fucking tantalize us? Fucking laugh in our faces?! Honestly guys, I just fucking can't anymore.

>> No.24904678

Bro you gotta go on. Do it for her.

>> No.24904720

I mean shit, if you're going to steal your combat from another game, at least they picked a game that's good.

>> No.24904738

With how much they report in profits from FGO alone, they must be getting a pretty sizeable chunk of it. Also keep in mind that I don't think DelightWorks is owned by T-M so it's not like money going to DW goes to T-M. Wouldn't Nasu's company's profits be primarily from royalties?

>> No.24904784
File: 237 KB, 541x406, 115777472_1165475570499604_4630144461209397045_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man I'm glad peeps are quick

>> No.24904931


>> No.24904956
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>> No.24905001
File: 1.13 MB, 1920x1080, those hands will never hold you .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I never wanted to breed anyone more than I want to with Arcueid. That perfect, curvy body. Those bountiful breasts. The child bearing hips of a literal goddess. It honestly fucking hurts knowing that I'll never mate with her, pass me genes through her, and have her birth a set of perfect offspring. I'd do fucking ANYTHING for the chance to get Arcueid pregnant. A N Y T H I N G. And the fact that I can't is quite honestly too much to fucking bear. Why would Kinoko Nasu create something so perfect? To fucking tantalize us? Fucking laugh in our faces?! Honestly guys, I just fucking can't anymore.

>> No.24905053

Anon calm down, she's just a french girl

>> No.24905201

Is it me or was is UBW really shit in the trailer? Like, that's the worst take I've heard so far I think.

>> No.24905381
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>> No.24905423

Visually it's great, but yeah Suwabe's somehow gotten worse in pronouncing it over the years.

>> No.24905777

Yeah the pronunciation was pretty bad, honestly I think the original Realta Nua version is the best.

>> No.24906393

This but with original Arc and not that trash

>> No.24906799

any day now...

>> No.24907620
File: 317 KB, 1743x2048, IMG_9532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking forward to see their Record new designs

>> No.24907636

>honestly I think the original Realta Nua version is the best
That one will always the best. Everything about it is perfect.

>> No.24907758
File: 888 KB, 802x604, art.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finally bothered to read this and I was fucking bawling at this scene, why isn't fate good anymore

>> No.24907787

F/HA's ending is 11/10

>> No.24907802

Newfags like you don't have a say on what is good.

>> No.24907865

If it came out after carnival phantasm it's SHIT

>> No.24907994

Mahoyo is shit and Extra is good?

>> No.24908020

Mahoyo is a novel from 1996

>> No.24908154

Mahoyo visual novel is released in 2012

>> No.24908650

Ataraxia was so fucking good, peak summer reading material.

>> No.24908775

Mahoyo still looks fine as fuck despite her age. Most anime artists these days prioritize quantity over quality. No attempts at shading. Disgusting. If only it had h-content but Nasu was too anal about H back in the days. Maybe if Mahoyo was released in 2020 or something Nasu would have allowed porn.

Dont kill yourself anon. Remember whenever you feel suicidal at not being able to touch those soft anime tiddies repeat back the phrase "Elon Musk neuralink" over and over again in your head. Technology progresses at an exponential rate. Soon.

>> No.24908914

>Mahoyo still looks fine as fuck despite her age.
This, Mahoyo's visual is still amazing by current standards. Though i'm not sure H-content would fit Mahoyo, like it feels unnecessary.
>Maybe if Mahoyo was released in 2020 or something Nasu would have allowed porn.
Lmao no. Literally just yesterday, they said CCC was too lewd that they're still wondering how to do a remake of it.

>> No.24909051

It's actually the perfect send off for the F/SN cast as a whole. A great goodbye. Shame it didn't stay that way, but, yeah.

>> No.24909089

If you ask me that's actually the biggest flaw of Nasu and TM as a whole -- the inability to move on. The constant recycling, revisiting, and remaking of content.

>> No.24909094

>h in mahoyo
you poeple disgust me

>> No.24909243
File: 486 KB, 1300x1400, 1446575833506.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lmao no. Literally just yesterday, they said CCC was too lewd that they're still wondering how to do a remake of it.
This is still surreal to me because the Prisma Illya anime exists, which is, frankly speaking, miles above anything TM has ever been involved with otherwise insofar as sexual content is concerned. I mean, sure, Tsukihime, KT, FSN, and HA had H-scenes, but they were, for the most part, not that erotic. The drawings were poor, the writing typically even worse, and they were mostly there to show that the protagonist and heroine had reached a new peak in their relationship. They served a purpose outside of fanservice. This is less true in KT and HA, but still.

Meanwhile in Prisma Illya you have two 10 year old girls rubbing their vaginas on one another and french kissing in very graphic detail, and it's really just fluff. There's no artistic purpose to it for the most part, except to get people off. And this is fairly recent. What does Nasu have to be embarrassed about at this point? What, exploring the depths of sexuality was OK in 2013, but not in 2020? Just because TM is a mainstream company now?

If they're having problems with CCC in 2020, just imagine how neutered Tsukihime's remake would be if it ever actually came out.

>> No.24909814

Come on Nasu, sex is a natural behavior in humans. There's literally nothing to be ashamed of. Don't tell me Nasu never hired a prostitute or escort with all that FGO money? Plus it gets the degens more attached to the characters which means bigger sales.

>> No.24910162
File: 203 KB, 1448x1568, aoko 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit. How does Mahou Tsukai just blow every other TM release out of the water in terms of OST. Like god fucking DAMN.

Can someone PLEASE tell me this will be released soon. I gotta fucking read this.

>> No.24910208

Yeah but one of the OST is royalty free and type moon didnt even compose. if my memory serves me right

>> No.24910228

>How does Mahou Tsukai just blow every other TM release out of the water in terms of OST.
different composer, keta is a hack

>> No.24910247

Who did write it then? One person or a group of different people?

>> No.24910258

https://vndb.org/s7808 wrote most of it, you can check the vndb page for the rest of the composers

some of the compositions are derived from classical compositions, there's some Liszt and Schubert in there iirc.

>> No.24910342
File: 93 KB, 1024x1487, q9qrq4ftkhw11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of my personnal favourite, though it often goes overlooked. It only plays during one scene, but a character defining one.
This one I also rarely see in people's lists : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O38FNl5cA4g

If you didn't get spoiled on anything yet I highly advise you to not google the famous Flat Snark fight scene, it's a one time experience https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=235PEqn_jgQ

>> No.24910501
File: 300 KB, 516x753, hideyuki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy. He'll probably be composing for the remake, if it ever comes out. So it'll be good. Check 2:45-4:08 of this track

>It’s a Fate/hollow ataraxia remix. I didn’t tamper with the melody of the original song that much, just added some arrangements. Since the source was wonderful from the beginning, the finished product turned out into a really good song. Near the end, some Tsukihime was inserted and I have a feeling that it might be related to the Tsukihime Remake

>> No.24910633

TM is just a fucking joke

It's been 16 years since F/SN and they still have to recycle characters from it for hype because all their new shit is trash
2/3 of the "alien god" apostles are just FSN characters
next lostbelt is going to be more arthurian shit again for more "look it's saber please clap"
When they had to bring in a new infodump character they brought in Sion and rewrote her entire character to be as inoffensive as possible
For the final lostbelt they're hyping up ORT which is over 20 year old lore. Same shit for Mashu getting black barrel.
Also Fuyuki singularity still isn't actually resolved because please clap 2 years from now
Meanwhile I'm supposed to believe that the alien tree actually killed like every fucking mage on the planet that wasn't in the wandering sea and only Chaldea can save the world. And wandering sea doesn't even give a shit. It's like old lore only matters when it can be used to make the reader clap because they remember the thing.

>> No.24910650

too bad his UBW ost was fucking trash

>> No.24910842

She's not french

>> No.24910873

>He'll probably be composing for the remake, if it ever comes out.
The main composer of Tsukihime and pretty much every TM works is Keita Haga so i'm sure he will be composing Tsukihime R music if it actually comes out. Hideyuki might work on it as well, maybe. Currently he's working on the OST of FGO Camelot movie IIRC.

>> No.24911078

No it wasn't, UBW OST was good (not counting the F/SN remixes)

>> No.24912134
File: 23 KB, 941x255, FUCKTYPE MOON.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lmao no. Literally just yesterday, they said CCC was too lewd that they're still wondering how to do a remake of it.

Oh plz spare me that fucking most bullshit excuse ever.

Out of all the shit they done.

They know they want to do it and they know people are still going to like it.

It'd be hella stupid and worrying if they go oh well we're a "mainstream company now" so yadada.


>> No.24912189


I bet you only listen to it once.

At first when I heard it, I wasn't feeling it but after listening it over and over I was like holy shit this feeling of EMIYA is different and fitting for this. They way how slow it's and the feeling of struggle within it for Shirou.

It's not EPIC but more like melancholy to me.

>> No.24912217


The fucking mahoyo ost are so good I'm literally blown away.


>If you didn't get spoiled on anything yet I highly advise you to not google the famous Flat Snark fight scene, it's a one time experience https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=235PEqn_jgQ [Embed]

That scene in the chapter was so good I thought I was playing melty blood in my head.

>> No.24923992

is it done yet?

>> No.24924279

Honestly FGO is the best thing to happen to type moon. IT would have died out years ago without it.

>> No.24924738

Nasu is a hack like Anno who only makes good works while he's depressed so I wish type moon was broke and penniless.

>> No.24925255

>IT would have died out years ago without it.
Would of been better that fate die with whatever dignity it had left than become the soulless abomination that is now.

>> No.24926707

Even if true, which it isn't, TM would be better dead than what it has become.
Your argument is the weakest possible defence.

>> No.24927456


Lmao base on what. I'm so tired of seeing this shit "TM would be dead without FGO".

If anything I prefer the nicheness.
