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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 163 KB, 836x1195, reimuvscirno.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2471060 No.2471060 [Reply] [Original]

The problem I have with Tohonifun's Reimu in particular is the absolute bullshit powerlevel Reimu has. It's like the entire former part is made just so that you'll hate Reimu. (Mocking Cirno until she cries before beating her headlong into a rocky outcropping. Then spending the rest of the manga just glaring at people until they exhaust themselves.)

I'm not sure whether I find that worse than the fact that Reimu subsequently manages to fire enough homing amulets that somehow gained shot-blocking powers to outpace Sakuya WHILE she's using time manipulation and Patchouli's hosing the general area with spells at a rate of 3 spellcards in 1 page. She may as well have just flown straight up in the air, and thrown the freaking Sun on the SDM given the impossiblity factor of that stunt, but I guess that would've cut into her glaring time.

As for my own views of regular Reimu, I don't count Reimu as one of my favorite characters. In fact, I generally don't like main female characters, because they tend to have very generic personalities. I kind of like regular Reimu for her sort of mordant manner of treating endless threats upon her life, although Marisa's much higher on my list. Reimu's certainly better than the generic pleasant-to-everyone wants-to-be-a-bride-when-she-grows-up female lead that seems to be some kind of hidden Japanese anime mandate, at least.

>> No.2471064

I don't like Tohonifun's doujin either. They look too western to me.

>> No.2471067

I like Reimu as she is. She's not exactly the nicest person, but there's not too many times she comes out as an outright jerk either.

>> No.2471082


No one knows what playing in Chado mind when he draw those doujin mon. At least he deserved a point for being a decent storyteller.

>> No.2471086


>> No.2471089
File: 35 KB, 454x610, lolcaptainamerica.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree that his doujins are rather hard to swallow. Reimu is not all THAT powerful, which this doujin protrays badly. She is medium level, but has a lot of skill and guts(extra lives).

And yes, too much BS thrown around the place.

<--- Are you quite sure?

>> No.2471096

Captain Ameritits?

>> No.2471099

Lots of confusing squiggly lines that end up blurring the page.
Incredibly cheesy dialogue that often makes no sense.
Shitty, and i mean FUCKING DIARRHEA fanon personalities.
Atrociously mutated powerlevels.

But, goddamn, them eyes get me every time

>> No.2471100


At least the last paragraph is a pasta.

>> No.2471101
File: 322 KB, 1024x1593, WHatthefuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2471108

Let's do an investigation.

>> No.2471110
File: 150 KB, 800x1112, 09.04.20a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those... those lips...

>> No.2471113


Let's not.

>> No.2471115

Pretty sure all of it is. I remember reading this some time ago, at least the first two paragraphs.

>> No.2471122

I think I saw this same discussion yestersay.

>> No.2471130


>> No.2471129


dont worry, the age of sanae is upon us.

on a sorta related note, Im disgusted at the fact aya never got a spot as a playable character on any non-spinoff touhou game, (the photo taking one doesnt count for me)

isnt it sad AYA.

>> No.2471156

What do you know, it is copypasta.
First archived iteration: March 12th 2008

>> No.2471164

Seconded. I really don't mind his works, but the whole Reimu-being-god-level thing gets to me.

>> No.2471169

Ugh, I remember that topic. I hated it because of how stupid the OP's post was.

>> No.2471178

At least it's humorous. It was better than most of the absolute shit that appears on /jp/ nowadays.

>> No.2471188
File: 422 KB, 640x1920, sexjokes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Excuse me, did it ever occur to you that I don't have a sense of humor?

>> No.2471194

I think that the original post was actually from Pooshlmer. I remember seeing something like it there, particularly the
>Mocking Cirno until she cries before beating her headlong into a rocky outcropping. Then spending the rest of the manga just glaring at people until they exhaust themselves.

>> No.2471212

Why were you on pooshlmer anyway?

>> No.2471224


>> No.2471226
File: 59 KB, 600x600, frozenfrog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need to chill out man.

>> No.2471236

Raging is fun.

>> No.2471354
File: 18 KB, 174x231, 1239558759869.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

goddamn. what was the name of that doujin.

>> No.2471362

Shitty Touhou Doujin 508

>> No.2471383


>> No.2471790
File: 90 KB, 700x1003, 1237416116580.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Yuka vs. Yukari.

>> No.2473055


I could only stand to read 1 chapter per day from this guy. His pages are just painful to read.

>> No.2473067


I agree, his work is just too messy

>> No.2473077

Yeah but still they're fucking awesome

>> No.2473105

Chado's doujinshi in a nutshell:

1) Inane dialogue.
2) Shonen fighting nonsense.
3) Just generally bad fanon probably created by a secondary Touhou fan.

>> No.2473130

his porn was great.

>> No.2473145

Tohonifun is Touhou's Type Moon Complex: ridiculous matches with senseless results, lol powerlevels and OOC behaviour everywhere.

No thanks.

>> No.2473148

post his porn

>> No.2473159

give me a sec, i have the translated version somewhere.

>> No.2473175
File: 106 KB, 700x823, ccc2576f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Crazy Clover Club used to be awesome. Their doujinshi used to be nothing but silly and lighthearted jokes. Pic related as to when they were good.

Now? Nothing but Chado/Tohonifun nonsense. Sorta like Type-Moon itself.

>> No.2473181

>Tohonifun is Touhou's Type Moon Complex
That's actually...surprisingly accurate.

Mmmm, lol powerlevels and lots of fighting.

>> No.2473184
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>> No.2473195
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>> No.2473196
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>> No.2473200
File: 194 KB, 750x1063, 020.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and then chen was scared for life

>> No.2473334

You know what, copypasta aside and all most people seem to completely miss the point of Koumakyou.

The guy isn't drawing a invincible Reimu as way of arguing Reimu's in game power level, frankly it's retarded to debate Touhou power levels, they depend on whatever the story is at the time and everyone seems able to do things beyond their stated specialities when the plot asks for it.

The story isn't about how Reimu kicks everyone's ass because Chado fucking loves Reimu, hell when you break down how the story plays out (yeah, I know terrible dialogue even if part of me wonders if it's just bad translation) Reimu is actually made out to be a ordinary girl forced into a role she doesn't really care for. All her perceived strength isn't her own, she's just Gensokyo's system of order to police a chaotic world. Marisa is the actual hero of the doujin who serves as a example of someone who fought their way up to the top and that Reimu is actually rather pitiable for having her fate decided for her rather then building her own fate like others.

Granted, Chado likes big almost DBZ style battles and while I love his expressions the action side of his work is always sketchy and hard to make out. The guy is far from perfect, but I'm getting a little tired of people reading his work and dismissing it because of some stupid power level crap disagreeing with their own personal ideas. Chado isn't about 'X beats X and here is the proof', he never has been. It's more like 'what if it works this way', I mean really, who can take his stories so seriously, he makes Ran older and stronger then Yukari and then writes at length about Yukari taking the idea of human potential to try and out do her for her affection. He's clearly just doing whatever the hell he wants and I'm cool with that.

>> No.2473343
File: 98 KB, 741x592, 1218861495999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


some extra hurr durr hurr for this troll thread.

>> No.2473356

Tolerance of ideas in the ZUNverse is unacceptable.

>> No.2473395
File: 532 KB, 1135x1468, gentlegensokyo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't really keep up with Chado's stuff, but I can see why people would have fun reading it.

Good lord, I don't understand how the fuck Wi-Z GARAGE is basically swimming in the ejaculate fluids of /jp/, while Chado gets beat on for silly dialogue, outrageous situations, and OOC personalities. Okay, shit doesn't make sense in Chado's doujinshi. But then again, a LOT of doujinshi doesn't make sense, not to mention ZUN's stuff sometimes gets mixed within itself. Just take it easy guys, it's just some doujinshi and a guy having fun doing some crazy shit with the Touhous.

Besides, the actual interpretation of a character in doujinshi is rarely the real reason for hating it. It's more or less how well they present their ideas to the reader. Admittedly, Chado doesn't do it too well for me, but I don't see why he deserves basically getting shit on.

>> No.2473411

I liked Tohonifun's Reimu in Koumakyou. It showed how an ordinary person would deal with the shit of being attacked all the time or fixing the fuck ups of Gensokyo simply because she was born into it. I'm sure you would break down and see youkai as problems to be fixed if you had to beat them down day after day after day.

>> No.2473414

That's the point, Tohonfuni's reimu is absolute God hax. It's central to theme.

She's been an outright jerk in every single game without exception.

>> No.2473433
File: 858 KB, 1103x1600, summer_of_the_residents_of_a_touhou_town_40.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer my devoted and inwardly-loving Reimu.

>> No.2473447
File: 282 KB, 600x600, 40565142c3441a094dad0bf6b44f13de.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depends on how much you weigh the game dialogues over ZUN's other stuff, and just how seriously you take the dialogues and descriptions.

>> No.2473493


To be fair, Tohnifun usually makes some sense within his own universe... well, kind of. Sometimes you've got to read what was said again and think about the words to get what is trying to be said either because the guy just can't write or the people who translated his work aren't doing a good job or doing it too directly, I can't imagine every phrase and way of saying something in Japanese would work in English.

But generally you can understand where he is coming from once you get what is being said and it really is a completely different interpretation most the time. That aside I love some of his ideas, Yukari as a youkai's youkai has a nice ring to it for example. Reimu as a natural law of Gensokyo plays out rather interestingly too and the story is told to show the daily life of such a existence, problems and all.

Basically, Chado is the same as other doujin artists who go out of their way to explain Mokou's past and her powers. Similar to those who just see potential in the characters and make whatever story they see fit, be it yet another Marisa/Alice doujin or something like FLIPFLOPS re-writes (don't see as much bitching at those and they have a really hax Reimu too).

So yeah, Chado does his thing. I'd understand hate if it was more around his style/dialogue but most people seem to hate him because their favourite character isn't as strong as they would like.

>> No.2473517


Oh lol, FLIPFLOPS Reimu. I like some of his stuff, but damn it's just as cheesy as Chado in it's own way. Two Scarlet Sacraments Under the Starry Sky has a really smug Reimu, don't get me wrong I like their work but sometimes it makes me laugh at the wrong times, like Reimu beating Meiling with martial arts.

>> No.2473624

Ah, yeah, I remember there was some power level rage over Reimu in Two Sacraments too.

"Lol, I figured out Sakuya's time stop after seeing it once. Then I predicted precisely when she was going to time stop again, and instantly created a duplicate of myself and dodged out of her sight right before she stopped time. Then when she stabbed the fake me and came out of time stop, I put a knife to her throat."
