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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2470195 No.2470195 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.2470211

and here I am, a young man who can't even do one pushup

>> No.2470212

your fake gif frustrates me

>> No.2470224

Don't worry, bro. I can't do more than 5 either, since my shoulders are too fucking weak for that shit.

>> No.2470232

Come on guys. Lift some weights.

>> No.2470237

I can do six, fuck yeah.

>> No.2470238

Thanks, bros, you made me feel better about barely doing 10.

>> No.2470239



I can do one hundred pushups, by the way.

>> No.2470243

Just did thirty.
Amusingly, I've gotten weaker since I started weight lifting, because the relatively limited exercises I do omit the places determining of pushups, and when I'm done, I'm too tired to do pushups.
I really should exercise in a better way.

>> No.2470248

Not sure if it helps the shoulders, since you're using your arms to do that.

>> No.2470254

Push ups are no substitute for a long session of pumping iron.

>> No.2470260

We need someone from /fit/ in here asap.

>> No.2470262

I used to do 60 before bed, pretty easy bros.

>> No.2470272 [DELETED] 
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40, fuck you

>> No.2470270

>used to

>> No.2470276


Like Frank Yang or harsh.

>> No.2470277

Yes, but not all weight lifting is a substitute for pushups, sadly.

>> No.2470285


Clearly you know nothing of lifting to begin with.

>> No.2470286

my soft doughy body isn't built for pushups

>> No.2470290 [DELETED] 
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40, fuck you

>> No.2470294

Thank god you're /jp/'s all around expert who knows everything.
Please, enlighten us mortals with your vast knowledge of all matters.

>> No.2470301

True, but lifting weights is more important in my opinion. Any random nigger can do a large number of pushups. Pushups are basically done because they're quick, easy, and can be done anywhere without any sort of equipment.

>> No.2470307

I'm not going to do anything that will make me look less girly.

>> No.2470308

push ups are what poorfags do when they cant afford to weightlift

>> No.2470310

I used to work out and I was pretty fit. I could get to 100 and more.

These days I struggle to make it past 10. I blame Japan and women for this.

>> No.2470314
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40,fuck you

>> No.2470316

The annoying thing with pushups is that because a physical condition, my lungs give out before my muscles.
I can hardly breathe in that position.

>> No.2470323

like fap?

>> No.2470336

this is what retards actually believe

>> No.2470339

You're not the only one. I can still lift weights, though, and they're more effective than pushups. I don't really have anything to complain about.

>> No.2470342

In fact, I'm going to do pushups right now. I'll report back on how far I make it before giving up like the dishevelled lazy bastard I am.

>> No.2470351

Not really, he's right. Have you even pumped iron before?

>> No.2470356
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>> No.2470360

Manly, bro.

>> No.2470367

I have, but discounting push ups as inferior is retarded

>> No.2470378

They are inferior. Push ups aren't useless or anything, but if you're looking for upper body strength weight lifting is the way to go. Once someone gets past the fat-sack-of-shit-that-cant-do-5-pushups stage, pushups build little to no muscle. With weights, you can keep moving up.

>> No.2470386


I suppose if he's going to be pushing things away from himself slowly he would need the practice from pushups, but other than that there's no replacement for some free-weight work.

>> No.2470401

Yes. Fapping boosts testosterone levels and makes people manly, right?

>> No.2470413

My god.
This is a wake up call. I could barely do 10 pushups and it left me tasting death. This is pathetic.
I've trusted too much on the fact that I don't get fat. Instead I've grown weak, beyond what real life could demand from me.

That's it. From today on, some light exercise is in order, if only to keep my body working in average levels.

So, thanks, I guess.

>> No.2470422

This. Pushups are good if you're new to lifting weights or working out in general. Once you can do around 50 or so, you're not going to gain much from it. That's when to start pumping some iron.

>> No.2470424

just buy a goddamn barbell and google starting strength

it'll take you 2-3 weeks max to be fitter than your average faggot if you eat properly along with the lifting

>> No.2470425

Forget push ups, they're easy once you try. However I can't seem to do situps. I just can't lift myself up since my fat gets in the way. Shit sucks

>> No.2470429

It also gives you acne.

>> No.2470443

barbells cost $100-150

would rather spend that on something that's meant to sit in the corner and not be used

>> No.2470448

I can do 20...

>> No.2470449

then enjoy dying from a heart condition, fatty

>> No.2470458

90 here

though i work in the building industry (highschool dropout, yeahyeah fuck you) and do lots of physically demanding shit so it's probably unfair to compare myself to you guys

>> No.2470462

I'm thinner than her. I don't need to do exercises.
Not that I could because I'm so fucking sleepy all the time.

>> No.2470463

don't bust your back

that shit'll ruin you for life if you hurt your back.

>> No.2470468

Did 31 before my form got so bad I decided to stop. That's not bad, I haven't done push-ups in a long while.

>> No.2470475

I'm not him, but I believe you can avoid dying without being muscular. The pounding thing in your chest is what matters, and something like running long distances helps more than bodybuilding. And my BMI is 20, totally not fat.

>> No.2470476

Hey, I have a friend who does the same and can't get past 25, it all depends on the kind of stuff you're used to doing.
You could do worse.

>> No.2470478

>implying that exercises are only important for weight loss
Oh you.

>> No.2470485

that's why you do cardio along with the lifting, hurrhurr

>> No.2470494

Big muscles are for show and insecure fags. Be a champ and go for high strength to mass ratio. You see those skinny ass Mexicans outside hardware stores that do manual labor? Holy crap they're like ants.

>> No.2470496

OK! lets see how many I can do.

>> No.2470498

BMI is a shitty indicator, you probably just divided your weight by your height and thought that would tell you how much fat you have.
It doesn't.

>> No.2470503

I did 22,

could have done 30.

>> No.2470505

So many people here that want to be manly men. Just saying hi.

>> No.2470513



I guess all that furious masturbating paid off.

>> No.2470519

since when did having muscle definition make you a manly man?

look at some of the fags in the olympics

>> No.2470521


>> No.2470523

Mirror doesn't lie, I can almost see the bones of my sword.

>> No.2470524

Not all weight training is for muscle definition, though.

>> No.2470526

Fuck you! i'm going to beat the highscore!

>> No.2470527

Getting buff is for homosexuals and pro-wrestlers.

>> No.2470528
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because not wanting to be some fat lazy self-declared NEET is a bad thing

>> No.2470529

You train every morning while some slut does your breakfast, you cheater.

>> No.2470535

I'm skinny as hell.
and pale and i'm starting to look like a ghoul.

>> No.2470537


this is me :O

>> No.2470538

or people who want to look good

>> No.2470540

Is there a torrent out yet?

>> No.2470541

I'm thin too. Perhaps too thin.
I think it would be for the sake of building some healthy muscle mass, and not burning fat.
A well toned body is efficient and no need to become one of those muscular assholes.

Plus, the chances to easily outrun anyone in the event of a zombie attack. And rounding up your stats. Some extra CON could do wonders.

>> No.2470543


>> No.2470544

>I'm so fucking sleepy all the time.
Exercise would probably help with that.

>> No.2470548

But I'm still a virgin, I really am! And it's not a real girl.

>> No.2470549

Buff people do not look good.

>> No.2470552

This thread is a riot.

>> No.2470555

I look after my body because it's fun to imagine it like an RPG.

+2STR +3AGI +1VIT every week, bitches.

Need to work on my INT and DEX.

>> No.2470556

4 months of eating estradiol, maybe?

>> No.2470558

Listen to an audiobook meanwhile?
I need a boost of my VIT stat, shit is practically negative right now.

>> No.2470561

It would be nice if exercise actually had any noticeable effects, like in RPGs.

>> No.2470565

i'm not sure how to put those stats together, to raise agl as the highest point you'd have to do gymnastics or something of the like.
running would increase vit but that is the lowest point for you? and str.. you practice some form of limber martial arts like tae kwon do?

>> No.2470570

Is that a guy? I can't really tell, I was sure it was female at first but then the comment popped up.

>> No.2470576

I found out that coke has a noticeable effect on my INT.
My brain simply doesn't work if I don't take in enough sugar.
Give me a few days without coke and I turn into a dumbass.

>> No.2470577

I do Yoga to increase agi (please don't tell anyone).

Wing Chun for str. Cycling for vit.

>> No.2470585

I started exercising regularly many times, but would get lazy and stop after a week or two every time. Exp bar would be nice.

>> No.2470587

haha fag

wing chun, cycling AND yoga

fag fag fag

>> No.2470590

It does. I notice it because I can do more reps, handle more weight, and jog longer/faster. Also, muscle mass increase--though I'm really skinny, so that's obvious in my case.

>> No.2470591

/jp/ Cycling Crew.

>> No.2470601

You're giving them too much credit, ponpo-kun.

>> No.2470603

yoga huh, i don't know if i'd count that as agl tho, sure it'd make you more limber but would you really be able to preform agile movements and reactions?
Wing chun is like aiki in philosophy right? using the least amount of force to deal as much damage as possible, but far more offensive in nature compared to akido or judo.

>> No.2470605

Yes yes, whatever nigger.

I can understand yoga being faggy, but cycling and WC?

enlighten me

>> No.2470612

I go for daily (and sometimes twice daily) walks, and I still get tired just as quickly.

>> No.2470619

You know, it's by continuing while you are tired that you get better.
If you just stop to catch your breath, it's no good.

>> No.2470620


uh, well i suppose we could consider both bruce lee and wong fei hung fags then huh.

>> No.2470622
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I figure I'm in pretty good shape. I can do 65 or so rather comfortably. It's all the yoga.

>> No.2470628

That's because you're impatient and lazy.

You won't see improvements over night. It'll take weeks before you notice that you're not breathing so heavily or your legs aren't aching as much after walking the same distance you did a while ago.

walking is shit by the way, do something more demanding

>> No.2470636

Too bad it all goes to waste when you get old and look like shit. Then you just wait for death to release you from your nasty, flabby body.

>> No.2470646 [DELETED] 


read with mind open

>> No.2470643

you won't get a chance to be old with an attitude like that

humans live for a fucking long time, enjoy yourself while you're young

>> No.2470652

>humans live for a fucking long time
75 years is a quite short time.

>> No.2470655

no, it's not

think about spending 75 years staring at a blank wall

does it still seem short to you?

>> No.2470657

I weigh 135Lbs, i bench 160Lbs. Fuck your pushups you weakfags.

>> No.2470659

Ah, the extending your life through boredom trick.

>> No.2470668

Are you fucking stupid?
Go back to /b/

>> No.2470707

>> No.2470710



>> No.2470817

This isn't really related to the thread, but I want to share this.

I just took off all of my clothes and opened the door to the jehovah's witnesses that regularly try to convert the neighbourhood. I stood there with my hands on my hips in all my glory and began talking in Japanese.

Before they walked away, I began thrusting my hips towards the female and winking.

>> No.2470825

what the fuck

>> No.2470840

cool story, bro

>> No.2470842


You should have talked in a magnificent booming voice instead. "Fear not, it is not a sin to gaze upon this image of perfection. BWAHAHA"
Ok, I'll stop.

>> No.2470853


You are awesome.

>> No.2470860

and you just hijacked the thread, which is a good thing btw

>> No.2470864

I lol'd

>> No.2470880
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>> No.2470883

You're lucky you didn't get tazed.

>> No.2470915

I'd convert you nevertheless.

>> No.2470920
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If I could, I would answer all solicitors with full Aquila armor.

>> No.2470930


That's actually pretty awesome.

>> No.2470935


>> No.2470936

That was really pathetic(if true).

>> No.2470939

...is one of the most AWESOME things I've ever heard in my life.

>> No.2470965
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You sir, are a hero.

>> No.2470967

This is now a good thread.

>> No.2470982
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>> No.2471020

Now I am sure that /jp/ is worse than /b/.

Faggots falling for a obvious lie: Checked

>OMG you are so cool, you walked naked, merry me ^_^:Checked

>> No.2471058

Well, not that it matters as I can't really prove it to you, but i'm not lying.

I wasn't really expecting to spark so much of a reaction either. What the cock.

>> No.2471128

I knew he was lying bro. It still made me laugh.

Also bumping to spite you.

>> No.2471136

If true, incredibly humiliating depending on your personality. Can't really say against antagonizing them since I hate the cunts more than anything.

Years before I became a full-blown hikki+NEET, I had finally got a chance to sleep on a sunday morning decently after a working nearly 18h a day that week, those cunts start headbanging the door bell like some retarded children who had too much sugar and waking the whole house up, me included. The end result was half-awake grunting person running to the door and punching the one by the door bell's front teeth while grabbing a nearby pole used for scaring off the dogs in the neighborhood to give chase for the one who fled in fear to call the cops.

Needless to say the police arrived, little did they knew that they were long friends of my family, although the compound fractures in both arms done to both, leg on one and teeth to the other still made me pay for their medical expenses to avoid court problems. Whole ordeal cost me well over 500€ converting to today's coin putting me in the red for the entire month and ruining that week's effort at gaining extra income to pay expenses.

Up to this day no more of them have visited the entire neighborhood out of fear I might lash out if any of their message spreaders make contact. I still feel I should have finished them off there and buried them in the forest, would have made humanity a favor, and I still don't know how to react when a friend told me both of the witnesses from that day left their "faith" after leaving the hospital and moved away down south.

What a shitty thing you made me remember.

>> No.2471144
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>Replying to an obviously made up story
>worse than /b/
Have you seen /b/ in, ooh, I don't know, the last 4 years or so?

>> No.2471166

>I still don't know how to react when a friend told me both of the witnesses from that day left their "faith" after leaving the hospital and moved away down south.

React as I would.


>> No.2471190

I can do 60-70 without even being out of breath afterwords, and be up for another 60 5 minutes later.


>> No.2471217

90 on a streak, up for another 50-60 after 5 minutes.

This shit actually works.

>> No.2471299

Sounds fun. I usually say I'm a Muslim or something and they get pretty scared.

>> No.2471314

Im kinda overweight and I can still manage over 40 pushups, just start up with as many as you can do daily and it will get a lot easier

>> No.2471329

Thought this thread was about the OP, instead I find you all being faggots. Fuck.

>> No.2471375

>126 posts and 8 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.
Kinda slow there, buddy.

>> No.2471440

I can barely manage 10, and I'm not even sure if I'm doing it right.

Am I supposed to get my head almost to the floor?

>> No.2471478

I'm 6'4", majority of that in my legs, and I have very low upper body strength. 160 lbs.

I can't even manage one pushup before my legs give way and I drop to my knees.

>> No.2471516

Back straight, chest should hover above the floor almost touching it

>> No.2471523

aw fuck, been doing it wrong all this time

>> No.2471799

There should be atleast 2 inches of distance, not "almost touching".
Arms should be at 90 degree angles on the downward bits, with the back straight, if that helps any.

>> No.2471895

true story from an ex fatanon

I started a routine of doing nightly push ups. At first, I couldn't even do a single push up, but for 3 nights, I strove to perfect at least one push up. After I was able to manage 1 perfect push up, I did this for a few nights following. After that became effortless, I increased it to five, then ten, and so on and so fourth untill I was doing fifty nightly.

I'm now in excellent shape and have Pecs. Even if you are unable to get a girlfriend, people will still give you attention if you have well sculpted pecs. I've been stopped by random high school girls who asked to touch them, and then they go "ooh it's really solid heehee" and I can't even get a fucking date.

Serious reccomendation.

>> No.2471909


Being fit works better if you're trying to attract gay males, not straight females. I strongly suggest you change your target.

>> No.2471945

Makes sense, but I'm a narcissist, so it's not like I care.

>> No.2471995

Not big on pushups, but I run a lot. I'm running a 5k road race next week, in fact. Unless there's too much pollen in the air, in which case I'll be running about 200 yards before collapsing because I can't fucking breathe.

I hate spring.

>> No.2472093

itt fatties talk about not being fat

>> No.2472234

I wish it were socially acceptable for me to ask busty women if it's ok for me to touch their breasts.

>> No.2472240

I did about 10 until my arms started to feel weak.

>> No.2472257

I wish it were socially acceptable for me to ask lolis if it's ok for me to touch their breasts.

>> No.2472265


You could try being polite about it, without being creepy or stalkerish. Impossible task for most /jp/sies, I know.

>> No.2472271

I wish it were socially acceptable for me to ask men if it's ok for me to touch their breasts.

>> No.2472292

I can run about 20km on a good day, still can't do ten pushups, though.

>> No.2472299

There's no way to be polite about it unless the woman is your significant other.

>> No.2472317

op your stupid gif only has 3 frames

but i still fapped to it, when the fuck does this come out?

>> No.2472407

It's actually 4 frames with the 2nd one being used twice.

And afaik the first episode will be aired on the 24th.

>> No.2472433


What, it's actually airing as a show? I thought it would just be released on DVD. You know, kind of like those exercise tapes your mother has, only it features an anime girl instead of Suzanne Somers or Richard Simmons.

>> No.2472462

April 24th Japan time. It's noon April 23 over there now.
So basically in 12 hours.
I'm good at math.

>> No.2472521

Yeah, what he said

>> No.2472689 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
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Have one with 45 frames.

>> No.2472714
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>> No.2472745

How does that even work?

>> No.2472758

Kegel and arm workout, works and feels great.

>> No.2472798

Those weights weren't very heavy at all.

>> No.2473328

I managed to do 10 half arsed push-ups (~105°) and 20 sit-ups. I can't do a proper male push-up, but can do the female variant no problem.

>> No.2475210

itt weak/fat fucks talk about things they know nothing about

>> No.2476612

How long is it from release to upload?

>> No.2476668

I can't even do a single push-up. That is to say, I can push myself up, I just can't get down again.

>> No.2476676

What the fuck?

>> No.2476705

Same here and no, I'm not fat.

>> No.2476706

This thread is some sort of clusterfuck of /b/, /jp/ and /fit/

Its just so horrible.

>> No.2476714

Is it out tomorrow?

>> No.2476727

It's already the 24th in Japan.

>> No.2476731


He lives in a null gravity environment?

>> No.2476763

Somehow my arms just block halfway down.

>> No.2477498


Ignore the thread then.

Cant be the same all the time...

>> No.2478359

Link to this shit?

>> No.2478381

It's not out.

>> No.2478389
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>> No.2478898


>> No.2478961

Chances of getting a part of this where if you beat the workout you get to see hinako receive hot dickings?

>> No.2479001

This will provide my fapping material for ages to come considering that one of my biggest turn ons is seeing a woman in good shape working out and getting sweaty.
Also, be proud, /fit/. It would seem Hinako is an advocate of squats.

>> No.2479018

I can do 10 clap pushups,
don't know if thats good or bad.

>> No.2479041
File: 113 KB, 800x800, you're gonna get sweaty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>getting sweaty
I know just the lady for you.

>> No.2479062


Well, I certainly applaud anyone wanting to do a hundred pushups, but take it from this old gym rat, I've spent my entire adult life in the gym, and a program like this one can do more harm than good.

If you only train one part of your body (and that's all a single exercise like pushups is going to do for you), you're setting yourself up for injuries down the road. I've seen it a hundred times.

It's like putting a powerful engine in a stock Toyota Tercel. What will you accomplish? You'll blow out the drive train, the clutch, the transmission, etc., because those factory parts aren't designed to handle the power of an engine much more powerful than the factory installed engine.

Push-ups basically only train the chest muscles and to some extent, the triceps. What you really want to do is train your entire body, all the major muscle groups (chest, back, abdomen, legs, shoulders and arms) at the same time, over the course of a workout. And don't forget your cardiovascular work!

>> No.2479068

I'm proud of you guys wanting to do this. Three cheers! Falling in love with exercise, eating right, etc., is one of the greatest things you can do for yourself. And you WILL fall in love with it if you can just force yourself to stick with it a year or two and experience the amazing progress you'll make.

But do it right, okay?

My advice, find a good gym, with qualified trainers who will design your programs for you (especially in the beginning, until you get the hang of it yourself) and guide you in your quest for physical fitness. Thirty to 45 minutes a day, three days a week, is all you'll ever need to do (I refuse to believe anyone is so busy that he or she cannot make time for that, especially considering how important it is).

And don't worry about being embarrassed or not being in shape the first time you walk into the gym. You have to start somewhere and almost every one of us were there ourselves at one time. So no one will say anything to you and very, very quickly you will progress way beyond that stage anyway.

Now get out there and do it!

>> No.2479069

Did 50 pushups. Feels good to do that again. Maybe I can do some stretching, my body is quite flexible from all that taekwondo training.

>> No.2479094

I'v been just hitting a heavy bag for the past month or two, can live with that?

>> No.2479098

Shit, I break a sweat eating a Big Mac.

>> No.2479121

Spent the whole day with a chest ache. All for 10 miserable pushups.
So I said fuck it, might as well start something up and force this meat to serve me.
Did some light weights, some cardio, and more of the goddamn pushups. And something interesting happened. It got easier. Sure, it was painful even though I decided to take it easy for now, but I felt leveling up.
Going to do the same routine tomorrow until I can take it without wincing at the third set. That's my goal for now.

sage for obvious reasons. And like hell am I going to start posting in /fit/...

>> No.2479122

20 push ups and I hurt my hand in the process.

>> No.2479723

I did 10 yesterday and my arms were sore all day today
I just did 10, took a break, did another 10, and then pushed myself to do 20 in a row.

Damn, I'm out of shape.
