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24675026 No.24675026 [Reply] [Original]

/blog/ - BL + Otome Games #221



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>> No.24675889
File: 655 KB, 596x420, princes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's settle this. Who's /blog/'s fav prince?

>> No.24676201


>> No.24676598
File: 389 KB, 848x480, d6kr7nv-2a12e7dd-168d-406e-b70d-92535bbffcb1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honorable mentions: Ranmaru and Kira.

>> No.24677085
File: 753 KB, 1536x2048, Dr9HwHhUUAEDPWR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it's Otoya! He's genki done right.

>> No.24678088

You could've waited till page 10.

Confession, I've only played the Music games and am not really interested in any of them.

>> No.24678180

I second this

>> No.24678219

I hope Otomate doesn't pussy out on this one and actually make him as the heroine's half-brother. They could pull some dumb twist that the MC isn't actually Yoshitsune, but it was Shungen (the childhood friend who grew up with her) because his father historically doesn't have a son named Shungen.

They probably wanted you to buy the game if you want to know more about Kiriya that's why he only had 1 chapter, which still sucks because Kiriya could've been an interesting addition among the main cast. Same with Kira too

I think it's given that Tsuchiura would come to assist her. Yunoki seems likely too because he seems the most knowledgeable when it comes to travels. I can see Hihara coming as well considering he's the first to volunteer to help her find Len. So pretty much all the people who came with her in the airport will probably come with her to Vienna. As much as possible, I'd want her to go by herself because this is supposed to be a personal moment between her and Len so they should be the ones to sort things out without any interference. But as you say, it's not likely because Hino doesn't have experience of traveling herself. Though they could still do it by leaving the two alone after they assisted her into finding Len.

>> No.24678230

Fucking terashit ruined red for me, so it's hime cut

>> No.24680665

Natsuki/Satsuki. I can still remember when I watched his episode in anime years back and he made laugh my ass off at the switch

>> No.24683149

I could never get into it. Too campy and garish for me.

>> No.24684988

That's precisely why I like it. It's light-hearted and most of the boys are wholesome (at least in the anime). Also helps that they look their age and not like middle schoolers.

>> No.24685129

Half siblings are basically nbr prove me wrong. I need the highest possible risk of the child turning out to be a hapsburg chin monstrosity in order to be aroused by incest.

>> No.24685177


>> No.24685301
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Otomate posted key words list with some of them related to their upcoming release.

>> No.24685921
File: 529 KB, 1445x1077, black fox lives matter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2 threads
Anyway, is there anyplace that has aka aka manga scans past vol. 3?

>> No.24686199

Not true! You'll simply get the handful of hot guys in the same swim shorts, necklace, and optional top for summer (different swimsuits? That's for girls!), a suit or something for the holidays (because who doesn't love a well dressed man?) , and maybe something different when absolutely no one is paying attention.

Plus the attention is basically split. Most official sources will use the male character as the default, but most fanworks will use the female character instead so the companies feel they don't have to do anything. At this point I'm sick of seeing the female character in fan works; it just is a redressed version of the fact that no one is actually willing to make the male character someone you look forward to seeing outside of blatant thirst images. It also gives the illusion that the female character actually has a personality when her only advantage is that she's marginally cuter and she gets outfits that aren't "bland unaltered shirt and pants"

>> No.24686212

I want deep sea science fiction. With merman as one of LI.

>> No.24686566

Also, the guys will have no nipples

>> No.24687389

ancient Rome with pretty girl dinosaur army sounds fun desu

>> No.24687409

>guys will have no nipples
Sad. What a good future that would be if nicely drawn nipples could be seen occasionally.

>> No.24687767

Terashit hmself and his turbo soiboy voice kills every character he plays.

>> No.24687991

All idol stuff is like that to me, I can't see the appeal at all.

>> No.24688120
File: 208 KB, 538x628, Kadoc_Portrait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is rather have a pretty girl as the protag then the genric looking shit Gudao is

If they wanted a literally me Male MC for fgo they could have chosen kadoc. He has a much better desgin and an actual personality

>> No.24688152

I don't understand, but the longer I stare at this picture, the more everyone looks off.

>> No.24688955

It just occurred to me that I don't think I remember seeing a non anthology adaptation of an otome game outside of Hakuoki, dance with devils (though the little I saw of the latter didn't really seem to be a straightforward adaptation) and the mystic messenger webtoon. that's a bit surprising actually

>> No.24689297

A series that's more than one volume? Because anons have been talking about the Corda manga for awhile. And the Haruka 6 manga adapts what's basically Darius' route in the manga.

>> No.24689366

Ah so that's what they were talking about last thread. I only know La'Corda in passing so it must have slipped my mind.

I'm surprised there aren't more adaptations of otomate made games though, considering they tend to at least get (usually mediocre) anime adaptations

>> No.24689377
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I guess Hakuouki put enough emphasis on its plot that was a able to do it, I see people talking about how Utapri was milked as hell because of the anime adaptations, but in it's time so did Hakuoki.
Gudao is literally Rin (male) designwise, he's a good boy do not bully him.
Also Kadoc is the heroine of CitLB

>> No.24689388

Kadoc has such strong bullying energy. They seem to only keep h

>> No.24689416

Cont. Him alive just so that he can suffer more in some form

>> No.24689481

The cat

>> No.24689482

Gudao lacks a lot of the things that make Rin stand out- her pigtails, her mini skirt and thigh high socks, her red shirt,etc.

With Chaldea's plain black and white uniform and his unremarkable hair, he ends up looking exceptionally boring even if he share's Rin's hair and eyes. I will say that he actually looks good in the Babylonia mystic code, so primarily black clothes with a slightly poppy colour seems to at least suit him like Rin

>> No.24689552
File: 102 KB, 624x600, 1444786432398.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bad end
Please Otomate I have never asked anything from you mostly because my expectations for their games are very low

>> No.24689756

>Didn't link this thread in the previous thread like the other OP

OP is a HOMO!

For me, it's the singing toaster

>> No.24690011

Give me monster boys please

>> No.24690506

Ren is underrated.

>> No.24690551

Anime Ren is top tier, he's easily the most mature and sensible of the cast and gets the most development. VN Ren on the other hand is full retard. Then again, most of the boys' anime counterparts are infinitely better.

>> No.24690589 [SPOILER] 
File: 829 KB, 1023x576, 1594422201543.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished Shirasu's true route in Tokyo 24-ku (still have the alternate one to go). He's perfect and I love him, 10/10 has my vote. The way his and MC's relationship goes from antagonistic to mutual smug 'joke' flirting which gets more and more sincere as time goes on is so fucking good. Also the fact that he actually has fluffy hair. I'm honestly depressed after finishing it.

>> No.24690631

He is.

He's not full retard in all games. It's just in the 1st. Most UtaPri followers dislike him because they base their arguments on that one. However, those fags haven't played the whole franchise. Ren is top-tier in All Star After Secret and in many others.

>> No.24690661

He's full retard in Debut too.

>> No.24690677

Honest question, does anyone actually like HEAVENS?

>> No.24690733

Unfortunately since they're getting routes in Dolce Vita. Everyone loves generic bad boys with no redeeming features for whatever reason.

>> No.24690746

I think Heavens is pretty decent. They have great seiyuu, good songs and nice designs.
I see too much hate from QN fans towards them on Dumblr, idk why (maybe because Legend Star didn't let them shine as 3rd season?).

>> No.24690890

>Also Kadoc is the heroine of CitLB
Romani went from 2nd heroine in Part 1 to main heroine in part 2 because we cucked the final Boss from his lovely wife Solomon

>> No.24690955

I like them. People seem to have a hard time swallowing the Eiichipill tho.
They are a good musical addition to the cast. Daisuke Ono's voice has blessed the anime.

This. Quartet Night fans happen to be the most unsufferable fans of Uta fandom. They always find the way to shit on STARISH and HEAVENS because 'Muh senpai have more experience and should have won the Triple S contest'. They always find the way to be a pain in the neck.

>> No.24691182

I'm sad Ill never get a Butler/Knight/Sorcerer adventure in a dungeon.

>> No.24691247

Are there really no otome dungeon crawlers?

>> No.24691330

MC looks so cute with hair down.

>> No.24691357

There is dot kareshi, but it's more like a parody of the RPGs

>> No.24691399

Not a lot of otome with any kind of gameplay.
Though Bell Chimes for Gold has a simple version of that.

>> No.24691626
File: 297 KB, 640x914, 64884377-7A6D-48E0-BD36-4B738EE6C6E4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Geten no Hana got a manga adoption as well.

>> No.24691695

Even if they wanted readers to buy the game, he did deserve more recognition in the manga. It hurts that there even were KnC 3 specials included although they weren't fun enough and not part of main story either. More Kiriya's specials would have been better.

It's going to be weird to see all guys going with her, but I kinda foresee Yunoki paying for everybody's tickets lol
It'd be fun if Fuyumi travelled with her. She wouldn't interfere and would make a Len/Kaho moment extremely possible. Yet again, I don't know how writers will manage this part of the relationship. I just want it to be fluffy and romantic.

Damn, we still need to wait until August to find out.

>> No.24692102

Yeah, I agree. I would love to see Kiriya in Daigakusei Hen but I doubt he'd appear. Feels like it's gonna focus more on the main cast

I think Tsuchiura definitely is a given, perhaps Hihara too. It'd be nice if Fuyumi came but she's just probably going to appear every now and then, just like in the main series. Same, I also just want to see her reminding Len that it was him who encouraged her to improve and to catch up to him, basically everything he told her from the previous installation.
Fuck me. I thought we're getting a new chapter this month. The wait is going to be even more painful

>> No.24692222

These events are always a disappointment since half of the games take a year or two to get released. They announced the one in the OP two years ago, for ffs. It's still not out.

>> No.24692710

stop making new threads before page 10
everyone who started using this early thread before archive is retarded

>> No.24692775

Nobody wants to start a discussion in a thread that's going to get buried in a few hours, you're the retard here

>> No.24692886

Kure and other sensei took a summer break and are going back in the magazine on August 7th. Yeah,it sucks. 4 months waiting for ch. 16. It has to be chef's kiss, otherwise a whole fandom is going to be mad.

>> No.24693093

I only saw the other one first but this one had more posts. It was just unfortunate timing, didn't even know there was two threads until later.

>> No.24693198

Well, I've got good news and bad news. The good news is that I do know of one with actual first person dungeon crawling segments. The bad news is that it's an EVN with very questionable art.

>> No.24693418


>> No.24693498

weird that they didn't use the original artist, afraid of the potential homolust?

>> No.24694126

Despite everyone hating his 1st route it was probably one of the best in that game. Ren was a mess who gave up on his future but he at least didn't want to bring Haruka down with him. Hence him acting cold at first and at the end refusing to accept her feelings until after graduation. I can respect that. Just that route though, he was a faggot in Masato's route.

>> No.24694312

Otome game where the MC can canonically change her gender in game when

>> No.24694360
File: 229 KB, 728x1143, r023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I think most if not all Neoromance titles have manga adaptations

Also Arcana Famiglia, Tokyo Yamanote Boys, Heart no Kuni no Alice, Kenka Bancho Otome

>> No.24694447

How is that an Otome game and what's the point? Pandering to everyone only leaves everyone unsatisfied.

>> No.24694727
File: 122 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Uta no Prince Sama Legend Star - 01 [720p][00_16_44].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to step on Eiichi!

>> No.24694761

Fucking all love interest with a huge futa cock(female)

>> No.24694959

That sounds awful.

>> No.24695091

What does that offer that the already overdone "girl must crossdress as guy" doesn't? Besides >>24694761

>> No.24696072

Damn, that chapter better be good enough to make up those 4 months of waiting. Thanks, anon!

>> No.24699459

You are lucky that the boys are good and even luckier if the plot is decent.

>> No.24700768
File: 128 KB, 900x400, EcnHTkjUcAAOAM1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aromarie still isn't over milking this franchise, huh. Understandable because it's their best selling game. Maybe they have something bigger planned for next year because it'd be the 10th anniversary

>> No.24701772

Real Rode

>> No.24702305

Imagine if someone released otome/bl hybrid where you choose protag's sex at the beginning.

>> No.24702512

I've never played the game but one of the MCs in Fantastic Fortune is some kind of sex changing alien (they can pick their gender on puberty but hasn't decided yet) who you can date if you choose another MC.

>> No.24703615

Thank you for mentioning that, made me look it up. I guess between that and boyfriend dungeon if I get desperate at the lack of rf5/smt5 or any hint of eo news this year something will scratch the dungeon crawling itch with a touch of otome.

>> No.24704148
File: 374 KB, 1600x900, royal alchemist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found a game that does that on steam a few days ago.

>> No.24706191

Isn't that western "otome"

>> No.24707136

Plenty of shitty omni-pandering evn's like that. It sucks.

And seriously where did all you weirdo's come from, gender bending and futa goes completely against the spirit of both otome and BL.

>> No.24707141

Yeah. It even has an option to be genderless so it's clearly made by SJWs.

>> No.24707293

Unless you've got some far future or fantasy setting where gender roles are different (omegaverse shit for example), male/male and male/female pairings have different dynamics so anything with a pick a gender option always leads to the romance feeling generic and impersonal. OK maybe if it's a romance mechanic in an actual game but a garbage idea for a VN.

>> No.24707322

Just double your game's script size and voice acting cost by writing twice as many routes that half your audience will never see

>> No.24707509

There's that psp game where you play as twins but that's more like an otome/galge hybrid than bl/otome

>> No.24707577

I've learned about this recently while reading review for omega vampire. Blew my mind. Did Japanese company seriously made game based on some western fanfic cringe?

>> No.24707789

My futa cock (female) in anon's ass

>> No.24707945

>And seriously where did all you weirdo's come from
what website do you think this is?

>> No.24707965

>Wants a trans inclusive LGBT game but in nipponese

Just play Houkago Summoners

>> No.24707992

I mean this thread, there didn't used to be so much overlap.
go back to /d/

>> No.24708051

Omegaverse is actually pretty big in BL manga

>> No.24708168

Yes unfortunately we gave them omegaverse and because they don't have the context of the whole messy history they're more shameless about using it. There are numerous BL and het manga themed after it and it's even a common thing in yuri fanwork, probably more so than the west.

>> No.24708302

Can you guys stop being gay for just one second?

>> No.24708315

If you enlarge your clit it can become a dick

>> No.24708450

There's nothing wrong with sucking the dick of otome protagonist (female)

>> No.24708478

Wow. I wonder if they like it because it's like seme-uke dynamic on steroids?

>> No.24708541

fuck hypmic


>> No.24708912

I think that about all idol anime/games except from UtaPri.

>> No.24709095
File: 924 KB, 500x281, unnamed.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Campy and garish is how idols should be desu

>> No.24709285
File: 1.56 MB, 355x200, 1571821988417.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Correct. Utapri S2 was an absolute riot.

>> No.24709447

Otoya is too pure to dance like that

>> No.24709507

Do you mean Seishun Hajimemashita?

>> No.24709612

the random korean is cringy tho

>> No.24709666


>> No.24710136

>Has better songs but worse character designs

>> No.24711024

Yeah, that's the one. It's disappointingly heterosexual though.

>> No.24711583

Clear's good end route in re:connect is so cute. It's the first one I finished, I wasn't prepared to actually enjoy it. Did the writing quality improve from the main game, or am I just getting stockholm syndrome for it?

>> No.24712396
File: 438 KB, 684x684, 1408939207574.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a shorter story, basically an epilogue to what already happened. So there's less room to fuck it up.

But yeah, it was pretty cute. Was a little disappointed in Noiz's because it was a stupid water trick.

>> No.24714082

The character designs are better though.

>> No.24714231

Spoilers for Tokyo 24-ku
The Shirasu alternate (? I think, it also had a credits sequence but the other one felt like the canon route, not that it matters unless they make a fandisc I suppose) route is wild.
>Sonogi discovers the true enemy: boomers
>Shirasu 'seduces' him on to his side over the course of a single elevator ride
>also literally seduces him and they fuck
>they form a new party and take over Japan to rid it of the boomer scourge for good
>oh yeah and there's a Tademaru yandere rape bad end in there too

This writer's other stuff has had world domination endings before and I feel like this is this game's equivalent lol

>> No.24714511

more like being in heat is an easy excuse for having the characters fuck in the 1st chapter

>> No.24715142

Like not having a good excuse has stopped most bl

>> No.24716397

Also self-lubricating assholes finally have an in-universe explanation. Thankfully there doesn't seem to be many works focusing on mpreg part of abo shit.

>> No.24717490

Does anyone here like mpreg? I kind of like some funny scenarios or moment of conception, but seeing actual bump or anything to do with giving birth is a turn off.

>> No.24717770

By your previous description I suspected Tademaru was of that kind.

>> No.24720316

Yeah I don't like the idea of pregnant men at all. I'm not really into anything related to pregnancy in the first place but if I have to see it I'd rather it be women.

>> No.24720820

Not in bl or omegaverse

>> No.24720940

Thanks for the fiction genre that has 0 need for realism anywhere.

>> No.24722203
File: 192 KB, 500x387, 1486563480143.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most of the mpreg stuff I've read in nihongo was related to yandereshit.
They're into it because of the horror factor not because they think it's wholesome or anything like that.

>> No.24723735
File: 265 KB, 400x400, cc3f8fc8a8f74ad65763d00f828202b6_400x400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God I hate bl pandering bullshit with him and Syo

>> No.24724046

so women impregnating men?

>> No.24724503

fortunately even in omegaverse mpreg is a minority. i don't really care for it, but I wouldn't willingly read/play something with it.

>> No.24724563

You're right. It's a lot better without the crappy (albeit hilarious) plot elements. That and I think I'm playing a better translation for this one. What do you mean by a stupid water trick though? I thought it was short, but endearing.
Can't say I'm a fan.

>> No.24724922

I loved them for the hilarious absurdity of their role as the villains. They were allowed to be over the top and it paid off for an amazing stage. We even got a duel off between Shining and Raging. How great was that surprise bomb?
Yes. Fruitful cream pies are always hot.

>> No.24725518

Also gay dads cute time. This is something I’d like to see in a VN, even if it has to be kept brief or on a fandisc.

>> No.24725958

Wait I'm retarded and didn't realize that the choice mattered

>> No.24727635
File: 57 KB, 1056x315, bl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was a Q&A going on in the Fujocon Discord with a translator from JAST BLUE and it's confirmed that other projects have been delayed cause they want to release the english version of slow damage close to the japanese release. I already suspected as much, but it's officially confirmed now.

>> No.24727855


>> No.24728034

Wonder why it took them so long to confirm it. Good news for EOPs regardless.

>> No.24728345

Is sweetpool also omegaverse?

>> No.24728590

It is. It was one of the first ones.

>> No.24728874

Surprisingly I've only read like one title where the woman impregnated the man. I meant western m/m that work more like incubation. I only read it when I'm in the mood, and thankfully it hadn't taken over like omegaverse.

Isn't it by coincidence? It is older.

Before I knew the origins of omegaverse, I thought it originated from werewolf romances since that's where I knew the omega/alpha/beta terms and the whole thing about special hormones.

>> No.24728901

Well, all my desire to read sweet pool just vanished

>> No.24729013

>Isn't it by coincidence?
This is what I'm trying to figure out. When and how omniverse became part of Japanese bl.

Go for it anyway, it's short and art is good.

>> No.24731605

>He has a much better desgin and an actual personality
That's the problem though, they want a mute self insert so people can project in.

>> No.24731693

It's older than the concept of omegaverse in Japan at least, and it also doesn't have the six genders + hierarchical society bullshit. The concept of mpreg is mostly used for body horror rather than anything romantic, and is only fully executed on once, in one of Tetsuo's endings, and it's clearly not meant to be a Good Thing. All other situations are straight up gore and torture.

So no, it's not related to the madness gripping the BL and Yuri genres. It's got some unfortunate similarities but that's it.

Read it anyway- it's not at all related to that horse shit.

>> No.24731943

I wonder what starting point was. I found interesting article on pixivision about omegaverse.
>I thought no country was as developed as Japan when it comes to BL, but it seems like we were lagging behind with Omegaverse.

>> No.24732872

Something about this is unsettling to me and I can't put my finger on it.

>> No.24732920

It's a genre for brain-damaged idiots who can't admit they'd rather be reading a smutty josei series instead.

>> No.24732962

So it is actually coming out this year? I'll be reading it in Japanese anyway but the details about it are so vague it doesn't feel like it will get a release in December.

>> No.24732984

No announcement of a date change yet, but I would not be surprised to see it jump back to Q1 2021. Mostly due to your point that so little has been revealed yet and it's only (supposedly) about 5 months away. Even VNs from lesser-known companies have more fanfare and teasers leading up to the release at this point.

>> No.24733055


>> No.24733146

>collar x malice mc is talking to a guy
>the game says that the guy who is not even there grabs her hand
It's not even the first time it happened

>> No.24733227

Aksys should really get some better quality check, if they're doing it at all.

>> No.24733309

I doubt they are cause they often seem to make the same grammar mistakes i.e causative vs passive or double negatives.

>> No.24733966

why not both dot jaypeg

Do you really believe there are that many people reading in denial of what they want? The sole purpose of the internet is porn and getting served up your exact fetish and tastes.

>> No.24734067

If porn was the primary purpose then sure, I could classify it as a particularly stupid offshoot of mpreg. But these works will amplify the contrived class and personal drama up to 11 and only have a few pages of weepy sex featuring lightsaber dicks. There are 0 appealing aspects to it.

I tried to understand it, even if the male pregnancy thing alone kept me from liking it. But I can't see it as anything other than smutty josei for people who, for whatever reason, refuse to read the real deal.

>> No.24734270

I despise ABO but I have a feeder fetish, let people enjoy their favorite gross things while I enjoy my favorite gross things, and we live in harmony.

>> No.24734650

The best part about omegaverse is men acting like pathetic sluts that cannot live without a dick in their ass

>> No.24734838

You mean the part in which there's an omega in mating season and his fucking collar to make his pheromones decrease breaks like a made-in-China item for a ridiculous reason and a horde of thirsty alphas offer him their dicks so they can regret it later and fall in love eventually?

>> No.24734919
File: 235 KB, 800x600, bestboy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does /blog/ think of Gin no Kanmuri Ao no Namida? I love how porn-y it is for an otome game desu, is there any similar vns out there?

this is absolutely correct.

>> No.24736545


>> No.24737357

CGs look good, but main theme ruins it for me. I don't want to play as a married woman ever.

>> No.24741381

Utapri taught me that it was possible for your average /a/ poster to get into an Otome gaemu.

>> No.24741871

It's campy and fun and was a real novelty so it was a perfect starting point. A alien-eyed woman with her harem of rainbow boys doing wacky idol shit with surprisingly catchy music and oh shit Wakamoto's here too.

>> No.24744650

ugly ears

>> No.24746319
File: 66 KB, 500x498, 61XJKNC65BL._AC_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>otome RPG

20 years ago Idea Factory released 砂のエンブレイス

>> No.24746547

I just like the moment they realize they fucked up, especially if they're a stuck up jerk or tsundere type. The gap between their personality and their mindbroken version desperate for dicks is amazing

>> No.24750988

Omegaverse started in Supernatural fandom (yep, werewolves) about 10 years ago... I think it was about 5 years ago I remember seeing it in Japanese fandom and seems to be only picking up steam since then.
sweet pool is almost certainly a coincidence, both from the timing and that it's way more body horror and less gender roles.

>> No.24751520

Any suggestions for a newfag? Preferably no Yaoi.

>> No.24751618

Read the links in the OP you humongous faggot

>> No.24751879

stuff like omegaverse was always fairly common in BL, going back to Sex Pistols at least if not the old shoujo scifi.

>> No.24753396
File: 63 KB, 484x490, 1518793779421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The gap between their personality and their mindbroken version desperate for dicks is amazing
absolutely cultured

>> No.24755240


>> No.24755500
File: 597 KB, 1024x537, fuck whitey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty sure Mebiusline had a couple lines like this in it too now I think about it. I was never sure when reading it whether Senge's hateboner for the white piggu was supposed to make him more sympathetic or not but apparently it was lmao. A reread of Mebiusline after this now the writer's political views are more obvious might be interesting actually.

>> No.24755953

I want to be Senge's whito piggu slave

>> No.24756760

What's it about? My ocr translator gives me random crap.

>> No.24757033

The text? Narration talking about how the west preaches tolerance but holds a fundamental disdain towards people of colour, standing on the international stage lets you feel white people's deep rooted racism and that to the west 'we' (Japan) will always just be monkeys.

The game? Major spoilers but I doubt any EOPs will play it so, conspiracy led by nutjob right wing party leader inspired by the Mishima coup attempt back in the 70s as well as the modern alt right movement in the west teams up with a JSDF guy and uses a darkweb site (the titular 24ku) to encourage those abandoned by society (ie. netouyo NEETs, ethnic minorities) to commit terrorism and assassinations to create the sort of cycle of violence we have with mass killings in the west, for the purpose of 'waking up' Japan to the need for a strong military and to take back it's pride or some shit. I think. I haven't finished it yet but that seems to be the whole deal.

>> No.24757068

Just to note my spoilers are only for the true route, the rest of the game is MC doing politician shit/being a therapist for his boyfriends and the truth is only hinted at.

>> No.24758246

How is Taishou Mebiusline? I like the art and designs, but military/soldiers theme is a turn off for me. Is there a lot of focus on it?

>> No.24758578
File: 1.25 MB, 1601x750, 1458553339436.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First thing first do you know nihongo or are you a disgusting dekinai?

>> No.24758609
File: 57 KB, 400x458, 1445281052990.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not being a ruskie and reading all your dark deep fantasies while doing a squat

>> No.24758784

I don't, but it's fully in Russian, so I can play it.

>> No.24759021

Funny you guys bring up Russia as actually it wasn't a JSDF guy it was some mysterious forum admin who was probably multiple Russian spies trying to boost isolationist sentiment in Japan to dissuade American power in the far east.
OK this is one step too far for me. I want to get off this ride.

>> No.24759185

That sentiment doesn't need any artificial boosting, it's in full bloom naturally. Garbage game.

>> No.24759879 [SPOILER] 
File: 88 KB, 1080x1080, 1594748697049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Obey Me lesson 25

I'm in love with an idiot and can no longer contain myself why not distract my demon from being scared by making out with him in inappropriate places?

>> No.24761013

Yeah it's soured me on it considerably. Honestly this ending made me angrier than Hashihime's. I would rather fuck a retard. I guess the writer probably saw the story in the news and thought it would make an interesting conspiracy plot but they don't really understand the context behind those russiagate type scandals, and how it was mostly hardly important shit spread around by liberals unable to cope with their sudden lack of influence. One of the routes even has this long passage about how society wants simple explanations for complicated, multifaceted things that might be hard to take, with zero awareness that that's what they're doing with the stupid russiagate explanation. In reality a worse mass murder than the attack in the VN happened in Japan last year with no Russian trolls required.

It's good up to Tademaru's route though. Nothing against Tademaru himself who is much cuter than I expected, but there's hardly any romantic scenes in it anyway just hurr durr alt right is a russian plot reee don't fuck with Japan we will crush all those who defile our country (but in a woke and not nationalist way). Every time I watched these 2D boys try and discuss the alt right in earnest my brain cell count halved.

I wish I was totally ignorant about politics because as a conspiracy story itself there's not really anything especially wrong with it. Should have just made it another made up country, they already made up a bunch. Even 'mysterious hacker known as four chan out to cause chaos for the hell of it' type bullshit would have been better.

Honestly it's a shame. The boys were all pretty cute, some of the routes were nuts but not in a way that was actively offensive, I got pretty invested in the criticism of Japanese society and MC was a chad but that true route is just some of the worst garbage I have seen in visual novel. Rosa Nakajo should go back to writing about magic swords and ayakashi.

>> No.24761034


>> No.24763221

Russia is full of ugly and fat men. Based writer

>> No.24763509

There's a lot of focus on the military/soldier aesthetics.

>> No.24764020

Anyone have a resource for Drama cds/Radio cds? I want to hear the stuff my husbando's seiyuu is in but I like to hear it before importing it to make sure I'm not paying 40 dollars for a minute or two of him saying how excited he was to work on the project.

>> No.24764169

The official sites will usually have samples, as long as the CD isn't too old or the CD is still in production and samples aren't ready. You could toss some titles out I guess, and see if any anons can help. I think most people go to soundcloud for ripped CDs nowadays.

>> No.24764414

There's one russian source but you need to make a VK account and it doesn't have everything

>> No.24764568

I've had an account for a few years there yeah; it had 1 of the ones I was looking for but otherwise nothing.
I've started going through soundcloud but it's mostly OST rips from the franchises they're from; but I'll do that then. If anyone can throw me sauce I'd appreciate it, otherwise I'll just buy them.
>Kekkai Sensen radio cd Vol. 1
>Akaseka [茜さすセカイでキミと詠う] drama cd
>Joker Game drama cd (any of them)

>> No.24764865
File: 26 KB, 256x362, 42619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyway, finished Tokyo 24ku. Picked it up because it had the same writer as Taishou Mebiusline of course, which is a game I adore. I don't like this one so much but it was kinda interesting.

My anger about the stupid pulled from the headlines alt right Russian intelligence op thing has faded. I can deal with it. I take back the 'worst garbage I have seen in a visual novel' thing. It is not that bad, just seemed like a copout when it could have been more interesting if they did not do that. It mostly exists to give a gotcha to the coup planner that really he's the one selling his country out to foreign interests, who's the patriot now huh. I also liked how they gave a little background for the spy at the end.

The (electoral) politics in this are pretty bizarre to me as a western reader. It has this idealistic vision of two party liberal democracy alternating between liberals and conservatives as the perfect system (Japan is not presented as this, being dominated by one party here as it is in real life), but doesn't really seem to understand what the culture is actually like living in one or how it works (or maybe just doesn't care because it's cute which I have a feeling is probably the real reason), so it seems kind of silly. You have stuff like everyone being friends across parties and shit. In the true end Sonogi sends Tademaru across to the liberal opposition (somewhat against Tademaru's will) so he can boost it and make Japan into a real democracy.

Oh yeah also this was a romance game.

Ranking of boys would be Shirasu>>>Asuma>Tademaru>Taiga, but they are all likeable and cute and would do nothing wrong and if they do it's absolutely Sonogi's fault (OK maybe Tademaru would do some things wrong but he basically can't disobey Sonogi so he's ultimately harmless). Everyone gets two ero scenes, one vanilla and one less so, each in a different ending. There is one rape scene, thanks to Tademaru of course but it's a bad end. I can't really think of any protagonists in BL too similar to Sonogi. He acts kind of different with each boy I think, he's pretty alpha/commanding to Taiga and Tademaru (to the point of having a full on dom/sub end with Taiga lol), more caring/normal I guess with Asuma and smug and flirty to Shirasu. He generally doesn't care that much about doing gay shit which is nice.

Art was shiny and holicworks-y. Some CGs looked a little awkward, but then some of them were really really good. Taiga gets CG favouritism for some reason, I guess they really needed those scenes of him sucking on Sonogi's toes and Sonogi spitting in his mouth.

I'd recommend it. I don't think it's got the same obvious appeal as Mebius for sure but dumb shit at the end aside I liked it.

>> No.24765097

Most CDs will be there, but then you have the folks who either release one track of the whole thing or outright clip down some of the audio, and you won't get the full thing unless you trade

>> No.24765121

Supernatural is the Everything and Werewolves, but mostly God show. Teen Wolf is the werewolf show.
Which reminds me, did that show ever get Omegaverse stuff?

>> No.24765771
File: 203 KB, 630x692, Ec7mM1mUEAISCoe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is he so ugly? Why is everyone ugly? I'd rather have sex with a woman than romance these guys

>> No.24765865

Oh yeah, shitloads. Supernatural invented omegaverse, Teen Wolf grabbed the torch and ran with it.
seeing this happen to this franchise physically pains me

>> No.24765942

Everything relatively popular gets omegaverse stuff so of course

Is that TMGS4? The guys are kinda ugly and mismatched, feels like a downgrade from TMGS3.

>> No.24766237

Is the guy in that pic supposed to be ugly? If so you're not really proving your case. I've seen way uglier designs/art style that nobody seems to point out.

>> No.24766494

t.ugly fucker
Look up tokimemo 4 designs again and if they look beautiful to you, refer to a doctor

>> No.24766566
File: 27 KB, 398x312, LZ4NvrXWgtb4Rni_VVLXL_101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never forget

>> No.24766590

At least he doesn't look like someone took a shit on his hair

>> No.24766594
File: 256 KB, 597x593, 096z9j91abc31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Again, I'm not seeing how this guy in particular is ugly.

>> No.24766632

Who takes blue shits??

>> No.24766643

His hair is shit. And compared to best tokimemo 3 boys, he and his friends look like hideous trolls

>> No.24766658

Someone who eats blue shit

>> No.24767458

>over 150k likes
Bow to your new otome king

>> No.24767532
File: 296 KB, 1294x1052, 1559519242825.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good though it deserves it. Easily the least shitty joseimuke we've had get popular.

>> No.24767620


Disease spreading genocidal cunts still act like they're too poor to close their parks

>> No.24767659

The character design is fine but the art is so stiff?? glossy shading, half-assed-anatomy, I feel like I'm looking at at a sprite from a game from 2005, except without the pixellation to cover the flaws.

>> No.24767698
File: 75 KB, 1100x800, IMG_20190917_061502.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Natsuki Hanae as Riddle
god, why do I hate that guy's voice so much after Apocrypha, Aldnoah and other mc roles. I had to play Automata in English after he kept killing my favourite boys. I know he's a nice person irl though, I just have an aversion to MCs.

>> No.24767807
File: 72 KB, 500x500, artworks-000214275065-7mr96.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>knowing him from bland MC roles and not porn
This is where you went wrong.

>> No.24767855

What's wrong with his mcs voice?

>> No.24767861
File: 29 KB, 256x300, 48432[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hating on Hanae
I really want to slap some taste into you.

>> No.24767927

Not the same anon but he screeches a bit too much during his MC roles, kind of annoying. I got a similar feel during early yuki kaji roles.

>> No.24768043

Bold of you to assume they're bandwagonning on the Western Russiagate stuff rather than correctly reporting Russia is discretely or not-so-discretely supporting online extremists in all countries, much like the Soviet Union (and pre-war Japan!) used to do or like the West is supporting liberals elsewhere.
Of course the whole concept of "fierce fascists/patriots are actually suckers for an enemy authoritarian regime that just wants to destabilize a liberal democracy" is quite common in Japanese media that dares to touch the subject.

>> No.24768365

Exactly this, mc roles kill his personality

>> No.24768529
File: 85 KB, 308x318, I'd hit it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can tell there's slight crack yet still feminine voice in the sample.

>> No.24768541
File: 107 KB, 644x720, 1430523392328.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hard pass.

>> No.24768625

You're probably right, I think some of the lines just reminded me so much of goofy russiagate stuff that it set off a reflex negative reaction.

I was surprised how actually political it got, I was kind of expecting the setting to just be window dressing to have rich guys do cool things and be a backdrop for non specific intrigue and conspiracy, not 'Japan is fucked because of it's one party system and it needs a real liberal party too or social inequality and discrimation will weaken it from the inside'.

>> No.24769350

I'm probably the only one who doesn't hate Inaho.
His Youtube channel is pretty fun.

And good for him, but it's too bad we won't hear any more of that since he got married.

>> No.24771301

>every character is involved in politics
>the mc is the leader of a party
>Taishou Mebiusline is by the same company and writer
>surprised by how political it got

>> No.24771489
File: 318 KB, 2535x1935, 1550571577457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao, also that animation upgrade from the opening sasuga the capitalist mouse.
Why Hanae is a good boy and his voice is nice.

>> No.24771854

Its already 300k

>> No.24773268

How long is Hakuoki Kyoto Winds? I'm thinking about starting it and doing the sequel right after that.

>> No.24773534 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.74 MB, 1280x1920, 1594820140411.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>V's bad ending in Mystic Messenger

What the fresh hell

>> No.24774357

Based, the new king is here. I wonder when the fuck the inevitable anime adaptation will be coming up. I hope Cloverworks picks it.

>> No.24774680

The common route is long as heck

>> No.24775904

I don't think I played that ending. Is he getting cucked?

>> No.24776216

His route sucked balls

>> No.24776524

I see, I've also asked a friend and she told me she played it a lot but didn't 100% the VN, so I guess I'll straight up marathon this one and the sequel because I'll have a lot of free time very soon.

>> No.24776985

It's been years since I've played his route but to my knowledge, yes

>> No.24780583 [SPOILER] 
File: 144 KB, 816x1161, 1594851445194.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just discovered someone uploaded online two Hashihime doujins, I put them on Sadpanda:

Definitely need some tagging, but I am not familiar with exhentai tagging system. They are both MinaTama. Second one is SFW.

>> No.24781089

I just hope that when it happens it's just a hanamaru type anime and not a straight up adaptation of the main story. Not like the main story is bad but I'd just want school life shenanigans because they wouldn't need to involve the MC on it

>> No.24781117

Considering (you) are just a mechanism to watch the boys, it would probably be a SOL type thing like Hanamaru.

The endless screeching of yumes would be funny to watch if they actually made a protagonist character though. It's tiresome to constantly shit on fujoshi; they're a pretty cynical bunch at this point. Yumes, though, are fertile ground for fucking with as TWST is proving.

>> No.24781131
File: 139 KB, 314x509, epwqoe3e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sis we won


>> No.24781164

Hasebe saving touken ranbu

>> No.24781221

>making a anime with gay subtext

Careful with that monkey paw anon

>> No.24781275

2 or 3 episodes for each dormitory (but following the main story though) would be neat. Then the rest just SOL interactions. I hope they keep their seiyuus.

Aniplex right now is swimming in money.

>> No.24781300

I mean, they can make the girls school for the lulz, like that one Leona mentioned. Well, the game itself doesn't even pander gay shit in all honesty.

>> No.24781576

>twtd getting an anime before kingdom hearts

are you sure?

>> No.24781591

Even kingdom hearts wont get one

>> No.24781598

TWEWY is getting one after all this time. KH might not be off the table if they are looking to plunder old franchises for money.

>> No.24781651

I feel like KH is a more complicated mess because you have the actual unfiltered original disney characters interacting with the world. In twst they'd only get referenced vaguely by their titles and the statues, as well as the mirror flashback dreams thing.
It's more easy to avoid licensing nightmares with twst than it is for KH.

>> No.24781784
File: 2.24 MB, 1920x1080, vlcsnap-2020-07-15-20h03m15s168.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the fuck is she called Watashi?

>> No.24781814

Why did you post this picture of me

>> No.24781844

It's a new level of self-insertion.
First ep was good enough though. And the OP is good.

>> No.24781858

It was like the game.
I can't stand official normie subs, though. Watashi says Zen and the sub says Victor.
The title says Love and Producer and the subs says Mr. Love.

>> No.24781891

TWEWY is not Disney

>> No.24781907

It's still an old SE franchise that they are suddenly deciding to bring back.

KH3 "ended" the series, supposedly, but there's nothing stopping SE from getting the original characters (Sora, Riku, and Kairi) their own show for an adventure/advertisement bait of some kind. I don't think anyone gave a shit about the Disney characters aside from the themed worlds anyway. And out of all of them, the series-original Hollow Bastion is the most fondly remembered.

>> No.24782059

Is not really that sudden, they've been hinting at TWEWY2 for years and keeping TWEWY relevant by porting it to mobile then Switch.

>> No.24782177

I fucking love idolshit.

>> No.24783338 [DELETED] 

New level of self insert autism

>> No.24784259

I haven't seen a male character made into a fandom onahole quite like Sandalphon.

>> No.24785198
File: 576 KB, 1289x588, tumblr_1e8c43107a46152c686eb44089238683_f08ae59c_2048.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

twst bullshit
>english discord makes a huge fuss about how THE ENTIRE GAME has been datamined
>everyone wants to see said datamines, but not even DMing people about it is allowed
>look up the so-called datamine in every site I could possibly encounter, every single CN and JP keyword because surely it must be a big fucking deal if the ENTIRE GAME got datamined but there's fucking nothing
>look around a bit more, turns out the "datamine" was tumblr post about an anon making speculation over pic related (which happens at the very beginning of the game)
>some retard literally complained that this totally datamined boss fight never seen in the game was a huge spoiler but now deleted their response in shame
>literally outing yourself over how you actually don't play the game and go out of the way to imply this is even remotely a datamine
why are joseimuke communities like this?

>> No.24785269

Stopped reading right there.

>> No.24785699

When touken ranbu was bigger I remember thinking this of Doudanuki considering how many mob rape doujins I saw of him.

>> No.24786456

Newfag to TWST here. Is there really no romance with (You) in this game? Not even one of the dudes is into you?

>> No.24786497
File: 474 KB, 956x1500, Ec5evkyUMAA8Auc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, pretty much none.
The most you'll get is some relatively baity lines from homescreen poke but you'd need to have a high level of delusion to interpret those as romantic.
The only character that seems to be into (you) counting story involvement, is Malleus. But even then not inherently so. He's interested in you but that's as far as it goes.

>> No.24786613

Not familiar with this general, who is this guy and why is he so hot ?

>> No.24786709

It's really just a cute boys doing cute things game with emphasis on plot and character interactions. The main story is probably the biggest appeal for the audience right now and what got so many people hooked.
(You) are kind of plot relevant and have cute interactions with some of the boys but it's all in a friendship way.

>> No.24786774

Is there no way to play Toki no Kizuna by this point?

>> No.24787712

by emulation maybe?

>> No.24787780

>(You) have cute interactions with some of the boys
I don't know much about the game, but it seems kind of unfair that only some fans get to enjoy more involved interactions with their favorite characters.

>> No.24787925

doing god's work anon

>> No.24787948

the closest thing I've seen is Ace teasingly asking if you want to sleep with him (or Deuce)
but it's just a joke of course

>> No.24787958

Actually I somehow forgot but Floyd seems like he could really be into you.

>> No.24788078

>communicating with western fans

>> No.24789891
File: 170 KB, 1200x880, EWioD8gUYAAU6WJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His home lines are so goddamn lewd I shouldn't be feeling this way over someone so brain damaged.
>that one where he wants to show you how flexible he is

>> No.24790474

That sounds hot-
Nevermind he is hideous.

>> No.24790615
File: 202 KB, 920x1200, EZbcB69VAAEImKK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please don't insult my special needs sonwife

>> No.24790842

To the eyes of the mouse fujopandering isn't gay subtext

>> No.24790877
File: 30 KB, 363x407, 1554561087024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yana Toboso (or Aniplex) wills it.

>> No.24790928

It comes from the Livejournal Days.

>> No.24791855

>bringing d*scord shit in here

Relocate >>>/cm/3447145

>> No.24792060
File: 89 KB, 705x435, 2017-07-02-011633.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shittiest fucking route ever made, like the plot is so bad that i feel the need to press skip for first time in this edo-taisho era dating simulator 2012
>but Ryouma has a god tier design
I hate it

>> No.24792643

>that one guy you really like but he is one of the least popular guys in the game and doesn't get much merch

Who is it?

>> No.24793147

They are the manliest/straightest dudes out there, even the girly guy (Epel) doesnt even pander gay shit. More like he might punch you if you treat him as a weakling because of his looks.

>> No.24793161

But isn't him into Riddle?

>> No.24793360
File: 473 KB, 853x480, [WhyNot] Uta no Prince-sama Maji Love 1000% - 10 [75865DE5].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best girl (male)

>> No.24793449
File: 216 KB, 1920x1080, b700549da007aa12a44ed57003abd686.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had objectively the worst route too since a ton of foreshadowing got crammed into it and then the reveal route being on the same disk left him overshadowed completely. Suffering.

>> No.24793466

I'm not sure if he doesn't get much Merc, but Impey is my absolute fave and it crushed me to find out that he's the least popular

>> No.24793485

Floyd pretty much treats everyone the same vaguely affection but will probably strangle you at the drop of a hat way so I'd say not particularly

>> No.24793489
File: 67 KB, 536x89, 3456789u0i.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking back through some of the scenes in tokyo 24ku and it reminded of how much of a pervert MC was.
Maybe not like Tengenjibashi levels but I don't think he ever shows reluctance about getting fucked once rape bad end excluded.
These are all compliments of course, Sonogi is based. Kind of annoying when he screams dumb shit like a girl in a mindbreak doujin like 気持ち良すぎて頭おかしくなるうううう though.

>> No.24793718

Isn't the gender of the MC not specified?

>> No.24793760

It's an all-boys school so the MC is likely a guy, but a lot of yumes prefer to think it's a reverse trap.

>> No.24793765

Yeah it's specifically left open to be (You). People argue over it though.

>> No.24793786

The mc is pretty much a male but I was talking that all guys are just school boys living their school life and dealing with their own issues, so naturally they don't care about romance or that kind of shit. Eventually when the mc goes back to his world, everything will go to normal.

>> No.24793986

It's the OnoD curse

>> No.24794041

Unfortunately not really, at least not as much as he seems to be into (you).

>> No.24794078

But who's more into (you), him or Malleus?

>> No.24794162

Malleus is more of an omnipresent individual than being attracted to (you). So (you) not being from his world, would call his attention.

>> No.24794237

Pretty much a dude but not just because of the school but also by the way the boys talk with MC, in a very "bro" way. I haven't finished reading Ghost Bride but some of the interactions this time are really pushing the "ambiguous" line to nips. I belong to the yumefujo masterace so I don't really mind fanworks with MC being one gender or the other, but it's truth is that there's way more male Yuu stuff compared to the first or second months of launch that was completely dominated by female Yuu.

>> No.24794248

It seems more like romantic attraction to me, at the very least a deep friendship thing if not wanting to go the romance route.

>> No.24794253

Probably Malleus. It's even a JP meme that the game becomes an otome when he shows up.

>> No.24794265

>interactions this time are really pushing the "ambiguous" line to nips.
How so?

>> No.24794304

They did an """"spinoff""" with the imperial faction side and they do him lest dirty there I heard.

>> No.24794327

Deuce spilling spaghetti over the female NPC showing that he's bad around women and another reference to it being an all boys school.
Then again it doesn't break the reverse trap interpretation the yumes like and in the same event MC isn't treated as an option for wooing the princess like the rest of the male cast are, so it's ultimately still ambiguous.
At this point it'll probably just continue doing what works best for the setting without considering MC while avoiding gendering them directly.

>> No.24794501

The MC should just be treated as a reflection of (You) rather than an actual character desu

>> No.24794553

I prefer that too. And seeing everyone design their own MCchankuns has been a fun part of the fanwork.

>> No.24794603
File: 1.72 MB, 765x968, 20.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this the only translated otome game on the ps4? Also is it any good?

>> No.24794857

Obviously it's an all boys school, even they freaked out when they saw Epel for the first time.

In my mind, I like to think there's an all girls school with the same lore.

>> No.24794971

Since we got an event with a female NPC as the focus and they had to balls to give Ace an ex-girlfriend I'm half hoping for some girl villains to get added. Even just as teachers in RSA or something.

>> No.24795460

It's good yeah.

>> No.24795582

That would be neat. At least I expect some girls in Pomefiore's episode. I find weird that having woman being the founder several dorms, doesn't even have women at least as teachers.

>> No.24796699

>>wanting w*men in a cute boys doing cute things setting
You dykes can't contain yourselves can't you?

>> No.24796826
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It's the only place I can get some fast news and TLs gomen. I can't be picky where all potentially spoilery things can be considering even nips are anal about that stuff as well.

>> No.24796896

I found him kind of boring. Only in comparison to the other boys though, Taishou Alice has no shit boys. He had less chemistry with Yurika than the others I guess.

>> No.24797138

Stfu self hating fag

>> No.24797172 [DELETED] 

Ah so the twst mc is a non binary non gender conformimg person

We won transsisters

>> No.24797352

I really liked how snarky and aloof he was in other routes but he felt lacking in his own so yeah I agree. He got stuck with some of the more disturbing bits of Alice's past too so that brought down the mood.

>> No.24797534

Yeah he's great as a side character.

>> No.24797744

Lads, what was the opinion on Bustafellows?

It's hime-cut and anyone who doesn't agree is wrong.

>> No.24798253

Bought it but only had time to play like the first hour.
But I liked it, thee guys are ok, MC is great, plot is interesting and the English is really good.

>> No.24798355

Your place is two blocks from here >>>/lgbt/

>> No.24799532

This. No one needs whores in a game about boys, unless the only one is MC.

>> No.24800085

Do you think Twisted Wonderland has the potential to get an anime adaption?

>> No.24800314

I couldn't finish the first game. It was boring as fuck, the boys are the usual cliche bunch: the lock you in my cage for a reason, the cold, the retard, the moeblob, the main boy.
The main character was nothing special either, yes she can fight but in other aspects, she's still the usual bland main lead.
>he locked me in his house, tried to poison me and almost strangled me to death, but he's a good person because I feel it
>i promised not to run away on my own again but I'm still going to do it
>massmurderering randos have feelings
>he may be a terrorist who killed villagers but it means he was a lonely misunderstood soul
The villains were shitty disney movie tier. It's shit

>> No.24800620

Almost every week gets a fucking trend tag in jap twitter, I can see the announcement by the end of the year

>> No.24800664

Watching the anime was a better experience to me than playing the game.
All the boys are shit and Lupin was chosen best boy by nips just because he was the less shitty. I'm never going to play it again.

>> No.24804323

i could be remembering wrong because this was years ago but i vaguely remember some talk on 2ch about how rosa's supposedly from a jsdf family or some shit. look into it if you want.

>> No.24804454

japs talking about white racism is embarrassing. didn't japanese police brutally beat the living shit out of a kurdish dude a while ago for no reason?

>> No.24804545

maybe if corona-chan didn't fuck everything up

>> No.24804893

Would make sense, there's quite a bit about the JSDF in the game. I can't say it's an especially positive depiction though lol since it's portrayed as being full of homophobes and fascists itching for a military coup, and the ministry of defense is super shady and covers everything up. I guess the soldier who killed himself because of the homophobic bullying is meant to be a good guy.
I take back most of my criticisms up there by the way it was a dumb kneejerk reaction. The game is very good, I would recommend it to everyone unless you're some EOP who wants to read it with MTL for the porn in which don't you dare (there's hardly any porn in it anyway, less than Mebius). Also my ranking of boys was incorrect, I have no idea why I put Taiga last, he desrves to be second or third at the least.
The more I think about it the more I like it.

>> No.24804905

Did you manage to catch who the colorist is in the credits? I know the main artist is Fuuga Yuyu, but the coloring reminds me of Tome.

>> No.24805375

Had a look and there's like 5 different colourists listed I think. Maybe Holicworks games with Tome used the same ones or maybe they just have a house style, I don't know.

>> No.24805487

It has but I hope it's not soon. Add some fucking voices in personal stories first before an anime.

>> No.24805778

You seem to have mistaken this general for something else

>> No.24805938

>Mtls it
Nothing personal aniki heh

>> No.24806117
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First info from Otomate New Title Party:
>Charade Maniacs gets Nintendo Switch port and Stage Play
>More info about Tokeijikake no Apocalypse (pic related)

>> No.24806133
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Tokeijikake no Apocalypse cast + chara designs 1

>> No.24806145
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>> No.24806157
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>> No.24806168
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>> No.24806183
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>> No.24806196
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>> No.24806207

No need to post it all, it's literally a Youtube video we can watch ourselves.

>> No.24806286

This one looks best

>> No.24806312

>told from the perspective of the 2 main character
Huh, sounds interesting. But the art style is pretty lame.

>> No.24806372

>Charade Maniacs port
Glad I haven‘t bought the Vita version even though I was interested.

>> No.24806376

Yeah, the characters are decent in general, but faces kind of simplistic and lacking to me.

>> No.24806381

Too many moles

>> No.24806402

imagine how more of them beneath the clothes

>> No.24806406

Can you not go for him? He has my favorite design.

>> No.24806410

Looks like Okamoto has fully recovered.

>> No.24806471

It's a shit game anyway.

>> No.24806506

He deserves it the fucking cowardly cuck

>> No.24806555

Why? It has pretty good reviews so I was under the impression that it's at least okay.

>> No.24806636

Literally killing otome fandoms, time to brush up on my Japanese and shift to jp forums. Fuck you cunts you don't even like otome

>> No.24806741
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sorry anon it's 令和 now, even jp games are woke these days

>> No.24806829

>Otomate New Title Party
More like fucking Otomate Old Title Party, they announced like only one new title?

>> No.24806837

Are you triggered over people calling some otome games shit? Otomefags have always been the biggest critics of their own hobby here.

>> No.24806898

>shift to jp forums
I too like to shitpost about Koreans.

>> No.24806958

I assumed that anon was talking about the western otome fans who want japan to shoehorn in trannies and yuri routes.

>> No.24806981

Dumb plot, heroine and twists.

>> No.24807056

The wording makes it sound like it's directed at the thread but I guess that makes sense.

>> No.24807345

>Tokyo 24-ku
Ok, I looked up cg set. Art is good, but why mc is bottom only again? I guess no matter how mature themes are, some things never change. And I also dislike how feminine and young he is drawn in some sex cgs.

>> No.24808175

jp forums are ded unless you want to discuss all the phone games you hate but spend thousands of yen on every month

>> No.24808542
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This one looks nice

>> No.24808652

>popular man for women
you can say that again

>> No.24808771

Top left is a cutie

>> No.24809493

To be honest Sonogi was such a chad I didn't care about either of those things when playing.

>> No.24809770

I want to fuck the left guys

>> No.24810298

Why is there always a boring best friend route? It's like they need to add an obligatory vanilla option. At least mix it up. Bottom left is a cutie.

>> No.24810628

When everyone is super special, the simple option stands out and can provide interesting dynamic.

>> No.24811273

Ladies love a childhood incel who has been pining for them for a million years then gets mad when they choose someone else

>> No.24811680

Of course. They might not admit it but secretly everyone likes netori, especially when you do it to a yandere.

>> No.24811942

In Tokyo Onmyoji the best friend murders and fucks mc's corpse at a shrine.

>> No.24812106

Wasn't he being partially posessed/mind controlled supernatually?
Since after that he's such a cuck MC literally has to tie him up and jump on his dick to fuck him.

>> No.24812347

This is what you get for reading posts on Twitter/Discord.

>> No.24813379

They basically want Tumblr developing games kek

>> No.24813636

Picked up

>> No.24813998

I need yandere

>> No.24814003

Even 4chan managed to make a VN. All Tumblr can do is bitch about "problematic" elements while re-drawing perfectly fine characters as fat minorities.

>> No.24814022

Didn't tumblr-types make dream daddy? Or did it not count because of the hidden anti-gay ending or whatever?

>> No.24814199

Dream daddy was the game grumps I think. Up to you whether or not that's tumblr-type, but it wasn't tumblr itself. The art in Boyfriend to Death makes me think it might be a tumblr creation though.

>> No.24814268

>hidden anti-gay ending
What it was about? I remember only seeing praise for this game.

>> No.24814561

Boyfriend to Death is from Tumblr. I think everyone involved got their accounts deleted in the big porn purge and are now doing guro on Twittter.
Yandere Heaven Black? Sweet Pool? Jououbachi? Like half of Rejet's properties?

>> No.24814566

Lots of Discordtr*nnies lately. Is it because of the eop invasion?

>> No.24814589

I looked it up, it was a cult ending thing that was completely hidden in the game and not supposed to release. I remember people complained about how their pure and chaste gay game had an evil white guy on it that worked in a cult and blablabla, typical stuff.
Basically, tumblr babies couldn't into horror.

>> No.24814674

that's hilarious, thanks

>> No.24815473

I hope the pandemic killed the "going to work/school while sick and collapsing" cliche

>> No.24815641

more more more I need more

>> No.24815967

In Japan? Good joke.

>> No.24817108

Being bisexual is normal. No one is 100 percent straight or gay and monosexuals are in fact deviants or were raped as kids

>> No.24817307

Back to twitter bislut

>> No.24817316

Cope monofag

>> No.24817557

>Otome thread killed by plebbitniggers asking for trannies, gays and bishit in otome

Holy shit! This is one of the worst threads blog has ever had it's good it has reached the bump limit.

>> No.24817603

No way, previous thread was cancer

>> No.24817620

Did you forget the one that was actually more actively asking for traps and yuri routes or something?

>> No.24817622

It's literally just one bislut and the thread is at bump limit anyway. Ignore it.

>> No.24817634

Who was, besides the faggot who complains about otome fans all the time

>> No.24817794

Last for bichads winning

>> No.24817838

No one was asking for more traps and yuri routes. Someone wanted to turn a discussion into reddit trash and people responded with the equivalent of who cares because traps and yuri have been around in otome since the beginning.
Some of you are so polluted by reddit and twitter that you can't tell the difference between people wanting forced SJW content and people simply having fetishes.

>> No.24817935
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Reminder to play Housamo if you're a straight gay bi trans furry

>> No.24818032

are there p**ple who actually find sasazuka attractive

>> No.24818398

There was literally someone asking for sjw content in otome above, though.

>> No.24818616


>> No.24818670

Here >>24702305

>> No.24818734

There is nothing SJW about suggesting a game where you can choose your MC's gender. This happens all the time already for RPGs.

>> No.24818779

Not for otome, the concept itself is destroyed and turned into josei.
If people are looking something like that, why don't they ask for Magnolia being made into a game instead of trying to change the traditional otome.

>> No.24818783

I kinda see the point that anon's trying to make though. Otome is basically strictly straight, that's it's entire point. If you don't like it go play something else. BL is BL, Otome is otome.
RPGs do it but their point isn't inherently to date characters, and when it has those characteristics (persona, FE) you have people demanding for more or that it's "not exactly what they wanted". Like how manleth gay options aren't even really gay and how persona MCs will never date guys.

>> No.24818791

>people complaining about their precious general going to shit and arguing about what is okay to discuss, rather than discussing games
Well, at least one thing hasn't changed in here in all the years this thread has existed.

>> No.24818810

Dragon Age but anime

>> No.24818813

I agree that the idea of it is bad but it's not "sjw" it's just a bad idea born out the idea of pandering to both audiences of this general.

>> No.24818829

>discuss a game
>people complain that you're discussing that game too much
It's a neverending cycle

>> No.24818879

Magnolia? You mean the guy whose gender is decided based on who he falls for? It'd make a good game idea.

I'd only work if Nitro plus made a hybrid like that. However, I don't ever want to play an otome in which the boys are so slutty that they would kiss mc regardless is she has a V or dick. I would make me wonder what kind of STD they may have.

>> No.24818893


>> No.24818945

Who named this poor soul?

>> No.24818970

I actually think all the names are pretty terrible.

>> No.24818998

Excuse me, how the fuck is this sjw? It was just a hypothetical idea because I've never seen commercial game like this and Japan likes to play it safe because this kind of product can alienate both otome and bl fans.Was Fate Extella sjw too if you could choose between male and female but it only had straight option for male Hakuno and only yuri for female one?

>> No.24819010

Yeah, they are all pretty bad. Quat just takes the cake for me. It's quite the unfortunate combination of sounds.

>> No.24819035

I like the idea of a Seishun Hajimemashita type game where you have twin protags with their own love interests but that's about it. I doubt the size of the audience interested in something that overlaps is very big anyway.

>> No.24819062

The art in this is really bad. Looks like an old game.

>> No.24819119

I wouldn't go so far but it is a bit generic, found it weird that so many people were praising it

>> No.24819131

It's just the eyes. They look awkward as fuck for every character.

>> No.24819138

It's pretty disappointing after how good the art in CharadeManiacs was.

>> No.24819142

I'm kind of numb to retarded sounding 'western' names in otome at this point.
I think Black Wolves Saga's Mejojo (pronounced Meyoyo of course) must have been what pushed me over the edge. That's the name you're going with for your edgy sadistic yandere villain? OK sure whatever I don't care anymore.

>> No.24819166

>even 4chan
Kinda. They had to stay off 4chan to even get anything accomplished

>> No.24819192

Jabroni's moles look painted on.

>> No.24819218

Well, CharadeManiacs had Teita, can't beat that art easily.
I wonder if she's working on a new game right now.

>> No.24819355

The next FE

>> No.24819404

Wait, what? I know she did some art for the mobile game, you sure you're talking about a full game?
Tried some googling around, but I didn't even find rumours about a new game. You have a source?

>> No.24819538

That's a joke since she did some art for FEH.

>> No.24819805

Sorry anon, it's a joke since Chinatsu did FE3H and Teita has worked on FEH

>> No.24819830

Now I'm sad. Come on guys, jokes are supposed to be funny, not make me sad.

>> No.24819892

Solas is a classic otome LI except for being bald

>> No.24820458
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>Sugita got replaced
All the best boys got kicked out or had their VA replaced what a load of shit.

>> No.24820793

I expected Ishida gone but Sugita and Fukujun were a surprise.

>> No.24820964

I didn't give a fuck about the twins anyway so I'm whatever about fukujun. The only thing going for their route in the originals was the double degeneracy factor of 3P and straight shota which isn't even there now and they were annoying as fuck otherwise.

Though to be honest the Ace NTRing Julius and bisexual Vivaldi Blood 3P routes were better anyway. Actually having offscreen lesbian sex in his route is the only thing I'll give Blood credit for because otherwise he's worst boy and his voice sucks.

Otomate are probably too cowardly to put that kind of shit in the new one though, too bad.

>> No.24821016

This basically happened in that Yin-Yang eroge, MC gets genderbent in the beginning and you can stay a girl getting dicked by the guys or turn back into a guy and dick the girls (there might have been a yuri option too, I forgot.)

>> No.24821088

The twins were never my favorites but between the amount of cast changes, Peter still not returning and Alice's description having her down as "just a normal girl" it's just another warning sign. The most appealing thing about the Alice series was the lore and room for speculation anyway and I have no faith in Otomate caring about that.

>> No.24821344

'Just a normal girl' was in Alice's description before actually. They started using it from I think Dia onwards going by the archived site.
I think it's the same writer as the original games (or the writer in charge of the first 4, I heard the last 3 were by a totally different team) doing the scenario plan? I can't remember all the QR drama but something about the name Satuski Kou originally referring to one person and then being used as a generic pen name for any freelancers or something. But they're not actually writing it anyway it's someone else.

Alice series lore speculation was fun though. I kind of liked how they didn't really explain anything directly in Joker and kind of just left it up to the reader to figure out what the fuck was going on there.

The lore for QR Continent games also had some potential but I doubt Otomate would consider reviving it. It's the easier series to make more of though since you can just set it in a new country each game with an entirely different cast.

>> No.24821683

Shit you're right. I just looked at Heart's after seeing the complaints on twitter but checking Diamond's now it's basically kept word by word for Spade. Well I'm slightly more optimistic now, thanks.
I'd love more Continent series too but never expected Otomate to do anything with it and figured they would've announced it already if it were planned. It's not like it had a reputation anything close to the Alice games.

>> No.24822130

What the hell are these angloweeb cho chang tier names?

>> No.24822268

unka? more like unko.

>> No.24823113 [DELETED] 


>> No.24823139

