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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 265 KB, 666x942, mahoyo-aa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24446349 No.24446349 [Reply] [Original]

This is a place to enjoy and discuss good works by Kinoko Nasu / TYPE-MOON.

>Type-Moon Visual Novel Collection (Original Japanese)

>Kara no Kyoukai the Garden of sinners
Kara no Kyoukai novel (Japanese)
English translations by cokesakto
Kara no Kyoukai Anime Movies
Kara no Kyoukai Manga

>Tsukihime (Moon Princess)
Tsukihime PLUS-DISC
Tsukihime Kagetsu Tohya
Tsukihime Manga

>Melty Blood
MELTY BLOOD PC Collection (updated 2018-05-30)
MBAACC - Community Edition
Melty Blood Manga
Melty Blood - Back Alley Alliance Nightmare Manga

Fate stay night [Réalta Nua]
Fate hollow ataraxia
Fate Zero
Lord El-Melloi II's Case Files

>Mahou Tsukai no Yoru (Witch On The Holy Night)
VN: https://mega.nz/#F!YVkkhAjQ!Ggu2BS3MDfaofporByJsFw
English Patch: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1nUY3G5Z8tgBnfvELhbLiYhmLolDI2TwC/
French Patch: https://github.com/IDerr/mahoyo-french

Other works
>Angel Voice (A doujin anthology that contains the short novel "Notes." written by Nasu, and the Manga "clowick canaan-vail" drawn by Takeuchi.)
>Fate Apocrypha
>Fate Extra
>Fate Prototype: Fragments of Sky Silver
>Fire Girl
>Mahou Tsukai no Hako: Starlit Marmalade manga
>Tsuki no Sango (Moon's Coral)
>Tsuki no Sango (Moon's Coral) Manga

Other links
>Beast's Lair
>Encyclopedia of Type Moon
>Fate complete material II Character material
>Fate Franchise Loseless Soundtracks
>Type-Moon Comic Ace
>TMdict: (a light-weight, multi-lingual TYPE-MOON glossary)
>Tsuki-kan (comprehensive record of real-world statements, interviews, Q&As, feature articles, etc)
>Tsukihime Archives
>Tsukihime doujins from 2008
>TYPE-MOON 10th Anniversary Phantasm translation
>Type-Moon Mega folders
>TM Mega Pastebin

Previous: >>24218906

>> No.24448046

meh op

>> No.24451308

I think not.
After all, the meh op's are the ones which lack good taste.

>> No.24454826

I think this OP is actually far above average for these threads.

>> No.24455211
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>> No.24455295

Reference to the last bonus chapter.

>> No.24462461

So is the Eng -> Fr translation any good?

>> No.24465148

i hope they animate the atlas case eventually

>> No.24466143
File: 3.11 MB, 2104x3022, IMG_9166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An ideal scenario would be a two cours (from 24 or 26 episodes) anime that covers both Atlas and Grand Roll, since Grand Roll is 3 vols and longer than other cases. Being a two-cour series would let the staff have a lot of screentime to work with so they don't need to cut/shorten original parts from the LN (like in Rail Zeppelin they didn't include Waver's explanation on Mystic Eyes and only kept his conclusion, or Caules teaching Gray about how ME can see the past or the future) and could even add some new scene/tidbits for the anime (the first half of Rail Zeppelin and the mention of Olga being abandoned by her father)

>> No.24466322

chuck literally all that shit in one pastebin

>> No.24466924

I simply use the OP I'm given, if somebody else would like to reconfigure it, please do so and make the next thread with it.

>> No.24466935

Don't listen to this faggot.

>> No.24474743

no but they have a discord server full of fags raiding everything so you'll get yes as an answer.
Not that it matters since every TM tl you've read has been bad

>> No.24475359

Yeah, don't listen with your eyes and ears, listen to this guy instead. Whatever you've read has been trash, your enjoyment is false and what you feel is fake.

>> No.24475509

>your enjoyment is false and what you feel is fake
That's not what he said. He said every TM tl was bad. I don't know how true that claim is since I don't care to check myself, but considering that at least a couple of the translated VNs are ESL translations, the sentiment is probably accurate. Basically, you've probably already read a shitty TM tl before if you're in this thread and are an EOP so why does it matter if you get another one?

>> No.24475641

>He said every TM tl was bad.
No, he didn't, its right there: "every TM tl you've read is bad"
I'm taking the piss out of you retard. You're speaking like you're some figure of authority. And on that note,
>Basically, you've probably already read a shitty TM tl before if you're in this thread and are an EOP so why does it matter if you get another one?
this thread would definitely improve if people stopped acting as if they knew Japanese. You're an EOP too mate. You wouldn't be here otherwise, calling me EOP is hypocrisy. Also for obvious reasons this is clearly Samefag. You didn't even try to hide the fact.

>> No.24475688

>No, he didn't, its right there: "every TM tl you've read is bad"
Autism alert. That claim means "every TM tl is bad" because obviously he has no way of knowing which TM tl you've read and which ones you haven't.

>You're an EOP too mate. You wouldn't be here otherwise
Nice EOP cope mate. Learning Japanese doesn't forbid you from posting on 4chinz. Go do your anki reps. And no I'm not the same person as the original poster, but it doesn't really matter.

>> No.24475779

Go read 1984. The autist here is definitely you.
>Nice EOP cope mate. Learning Japanese doesn't forbid you from posting on 4chinz. Go do your anki reps. And no I'm not the same person as the original poster, but it doesn't really matter.
Please stop acting Japanese. Nobody believes you. No Japanese-speaking individual would actually recommend anki.

>> No.24475857

>acting Japanese
I never claimed to be Japanese.

>No Japanese-speaking individual would actually recommend anki
It's a tool for memorization, but I was actually just mocking you with that line. I guess that went over your head.

>> No.24475904

Congrats, you've managed to encompass this thread in a single reply.
>a tool for memorization

>> No.24481789

This looks pretty good https://forums.nrvnqsr.com/showthread.php/8756-Fate-Misty-Lament?p=3071039

>> No.24485549

Wow, another Fate fanfic.
Sure isn't enough of them.

>> No.24485595

I can't believe there's an actual EOP retard who thinks nobody uses anki

>> No.24485996
File: 1.16 MB, 899x1300, IMG_9222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24486955

I'm going to suggest avoiding any translation/learning Japanese discussion from now on.
It always causes petty drama.

>> No.24489575

Some translation discussion is unavoidable though.

>> No.24490399

Have they still not made any announcements for Studio BB's games?

>> No.24490563

The one they'll release in Summer is a scifi roguelike, that's all we know so far.

>> No.24497317
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>> No.24497487
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Akiha makes me smile.

>> No.24498722
File: 387 KB, 804x604, FateFD_dhpo7hHW0r.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what was bazett problem ?

>> No.24498745

She's Irish.

>> No.24500080

the gyudon fried her brain

>> No.24502158

Serious question here. If you were to (hypothetically) impregnate Aoko, would she be able (hypothetically) to use the Fifth inside her own body in order to accelerate the gestation [e.g. in the same sense that she pulls her adult body from the future in mahoyo] allowing her (hypothetically) to give birth much more rapidly, and more often, than an ordinary woman? Asking for a friend

>> No.24503666

I'm sure Aoko would remove the hypothetical possibility of you asking this hypothetical question before you could even think of such a hypothesis.
By removing you from having ever existed, that would be the simplest way.

>> No.24503735

Also, by anime logic we can say that with the 5th she is immortal (if she so chooses), and does not need to have normal bodily functions, like expelling waste or menstruation.
Or even eating, simply converting magical energy into metabolism should be simple enough.
She could choose whether to still have ova or not instead of inevitably running out.
That being said, she would choose not.
So she cannot have children starting around this time or over the next decade or so.

Also as a final reply >>24502158
Aoko is not for such deplorable questions, pervert.

>> No.24505881
File: 128 KB, 750x789, 1592834360583.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did someone try to download these?

>> No.24506250

Just looked up that weibo account and found out that they also scanned HF2 material, HF1 commentary book, the Emiya Gohan booklet from BD, KnK Mirai Fukurin commemorative book and a bunch of other stuff. If only making a baidu account is easier so i can create one as well...
IIRC someone on BL has baidu account since they did reup Case Files mats scan from panbaidu to mega. Maybe they could download & reup those books if they're interested.

>> No.24506606

Yeah, I tried to look into how to download from pan baidu but it's kind of hard.

>> No.24508187
File: 302 KB, 1883x2047, 1585764308391.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FSN and FHA belong to a most powerful artistic vision that is rich on themes, metaphors, and analogies.

>Rising to the occasion. Overcoming challenges with hard work and dedication. Winning despite being an underdog with all odds stacked against you.
>good setting and symbolism, great character motivations and believable dialogue.
>good characterization, straight to the point magic system, plots are all in place, grounded plot foundation not too long or too convoluted
>naive and optimistic but smart protagonist who actually matures during the course of the story
>cute female protagonist who also has great character development
>lovable minor antagonists who also feel like real characters
>adventure that starts small and ends up becoming extremely big and dangerous
>life lessons for everyone
>sad/serious moments mixed with humor and good feelings
>great ending that ends on a positive note and gives every character a proper goodbye
>a cohesive whole, with underlying themes laid through diverse subplots culminating in a bittersweet whole
>Everything Shirou, Archer, Kotomine, Shinji, and Zouken, etc. do can be thought over, the viewer can ponder the morality of their motivations all day
>Shinji finally understands why he cannot defeat Shirou (Shirou's motivation is pure) and is humbled.
>tfw reread FSN and FHA every year and have never gotten tired of it

>> No.24508278

I have a baidu account. It'll take time to reupload.

>> No.24508337

Thank you! The digital version Case Files first material is available so there's no need to reupload it.

>> No.24509665


>> No.24510010

Thanks a lot man.

>> No.24510016
File: 303 KB, 1547x2048, Ebr7l-CWoAEtv9W.jpg orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dark vampire

>> No.24510337

She cnnot have children because Aoko is a coochie eater.

>> No.24510511

Thanks a bunch for all of this anon. If you don't mind, could you reupload these scans as well?
HF1 & 2 artbook and animation material: https://pan.baidu.com/s/10ZQbPwdU8IHoDamk21OOVw (password 8wz7)

And the Emiya Gohan booklet and F/SN staff message book from this? https://pan.baidu.com/s/1wH9dBgnxtEH_gf9_mhowfw (password 4u3k)

>> No.24513100

What parts of Fate/Hollow Ataraxia were written by Nasu? vndb says "main story segments" - what does that mean?

>> No.24514706
File: 185 KB, 1547x2048, EbxtOU5UMAAGZVD (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24514776
File: 200 KB, 1200x841, IMG_20200630_081722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>tfw reread FSN and FHA every year and have never gotten tired of it


>> No.24514920

Your comment is so fucking based it gives me goosebumps. People like you would make me approve of a liking system is 4chan.

>> No.24515049

Wait, maybe I'm an retard, but how do I download them?

>> No.24516940

I'm not sure what exactly should be downloaded so I'm downloading everything.
The speed is shit today though.

>> No.24519129

I don't know how much you've downloaded but for the second link, just 25.FSN staff message book.zip and 22.卫宫饭BD小册子合集 are fine. Still, thank you for doing this and hopefully the speed would be faster.

>> No.24519686

You will need a baidu account to download from it

>> No.24522821

Uploaded >>24509665

>> No.24523071

Thank you very much for doing the hard work! There are a lot of cool things in those scans.

>> No.24526544

Nice of them for including full-body arts from various merch and all illustrations during the movies promotion in those HF artbooks

>> No.24527938


So are the purity crowd at fault for Nasu's change?

>> No.24529967
File: 72 KB, 801x601, Tohsaka living room.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know this is a weird ass thing to focus on but does anyone know who's in the portrait in Rin's house?

>> No.24530886


>> No.24532668
File: 18 KB, 638x523, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just died on my first blind run of Tsukihime. Is it considered cheating to press yes here? My japanese isnt great, but I guess pressing 'yes' here is going to tell me where I went wrong, right?

I want to keep my playthrough pure and spoiler free. 助けて、ウィーブ達。

>> No.24532717

Ciel-sensei skits are a part of what makes Tsukihime what it is.

>> No.24532753

Ah, if its content then I don't mind. Cheers friend.

>> No.24533017

>anon worried that looking at ciel-sensei is cheating
That's adorable

>> No.24534846
File: 1.74 MB, 3183x4500, 7UmDEF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm forever grateful kind anon

>> No.24535709

why is Evangelion in one of the download links?

>> No.24536038

Considering this version of the OP is months old, somebody could've made a mistake with adding the wrong stuff to a link.

>> No.24536209
File: 1.67 MB, 1740x2466, IMG_9249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you kind anon

>> No.24536611

is Garden of Avalon a good read?

>> No.24536999

You'd think in /jp/ of all boards people would be more used to having people browsing who can consume Japanese media in Japanese. I mean, we even have threads in here exclusively for untranslated VNs. Go figure. I guess some people are just new.

>> No.24537193

Many people on /tmg/ are on /jp/ just for /tmg/.
Aka, they are refugees in a general on a board they don't care about because /vg/ is awful.

>> No.24537488

If you pretend japanese is a mythical language that is impossible to learn it makes one feel less bad about never even trying. Kinda like getting a GF

>> No.24540852

Because Nasu said that Evangelion was what made him write Mahoyo in the first place. It's a joke.

>> No.24541537

A pretty decent amount /tmg/ regulars are Japanese readers. We get Mahoyo discussion every now and then where multiple people chime in and it's more than just something you can find in a wiki. Hell the OP references a part in Mahoyo that at least one person understood.

>> No.24550237

>A pretty decent amount /tmg/ regulars are Japanese readers.
absolutely not lmao

>> No.24550814

Only a few are, and they are the /jp/ denizens.

>> No.24550853

I'd give it a completely scientific estimate of 5-10%. That's pretty good.

>> No.24556203

Why is there a split between the worlds of Fate and Tsukihime? Going off of the VNs for both, nothing in Tsukihime contradicts anything in Fate, and nothing in Fate contradicts anything from Tsukihime.
Where does Mahoyo/Kara No Kyokai fit in? Touko is mentioned in HF true and is apparently the same. So why the split?

>> No.24556489

Don't think about it.
It is all according to keikaku.

>> No.24557770

>Why is there a split between the worlds of Fate and Tsukihime? Going off of the VNs for both, nothing in Tsukihime contradicts anything in Fate, and nothing in Fate contradicts anything from Tsukihime.
Nobody knows besides the Mushroom man himself. You can ask him in that FGO survey i guess but he will probably just ignore it.

>Where does Mahoyo/Kara No Kyokai fit in? Touko is mentioned in HF true and is apparently the same. So why the split?
Mahoyo is likely the same timeline as Tsukihime or it has the same foundation with Tsukihime at least, depends on how you take the comma in this sentence
Kara no Kyoukai and Mahoyo are two different timelines
And yes while KnK is a different timeline from F/SN, the events of KnK happened there as well given by Case Files (and Touko also appeared in this series too)

>> No.24561869

We are only left theorising right now, but given the info in Case Files Material a good assumption is that Crimson Moon was permakilled in Fate unlike in Tsukihime. The moment the split happened was said to be the day Zelretch and Crimson Moon fought.

Case Files Touko references both Mahoyo and Kara no Kyoukai, so we can assume that in Fate a version of both happened in some fashion.

>> No.24563509
File: 93 KB, 896x627, caa966c46361dc13e644ef94b0ec857b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dammit, Nasu, give us more information about Alice and her ploy kickshaws.

Speaking of Alice, did they ever explain what's the difference between a witch and a magus? Or is she just called a witch due to the magecraft she practices?

>> No.24565103
File: 435 KB, 581x850, Unlimited Bones Work.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love how fucking RAW this is

>> No.24565244

Where is this from

>> No.24565880

The meister witches are a special kind of magus yeah. Probably related to the Yumina department in the Clock Tower.

>> No.24566697

Might be a longshot, but does anyone have sprites/textures from Fate/Extella? Looking specifically for the ones from plain Extella, not Link.

>> No.24566796

That makes sense. Man, I wish they'd give us more information about the other departments, especially yumina.

>> No.24567516
File: 947 KB, 1360x768, Captura de Tela (3).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there is also the french translation of mahoyo. At least that is how I am reading it. I think the argument is still somewhat valid, I'm just pointing that it doesn't mean that there is a good quantity of jp speakers in tmg.
I don't want to estimate because I can't say know how many lurkers are there and how many samefags, etc. But it probably is less than a quarter of the active anons

>> No.24570183

Can Alice teach other magus how to use her Ploys and abilites as a witch? IIRC it's a family-only thing right?

>> No.24570907

I've read Stay Night and Hollow Ataraxia and it feels like I don't know anything about Fate...

>> No.24571076

You don't need to know the rest since it's shit

>> No.24572730

Well, I think that it was mentioned that May Riddell Archelot helped Alice with her Ploys, so there is probably a mix of both. May's Ploys seem very different to Alice too (given that May is all about modernity like Aoko).

>> No.24577290


How is that even remotely possible?

That's a way better start than anything if you ask me lol.

>> No.24578200

Can you guys recommend me any essays/analysis on the themes of Rakkyo? Either English or Japanese is fine.

>> No.24579625
File: 419 KB, 640x480, tsukihime_6U6rVIRnwi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

playing tsukihime after getting into melty blood
on day 5 right now
arcueid is best girl
kohaku is a good girl too
inui is best boy

>> No.24579751

Honestly hot as fuck.

>> No.24579785


>> No.24580569

The series has been milked to a point where any disscusion I have about Fate just leads to shit from FGO or something. I don't really care anyways and I'll be starting Tsukihime soon.

>> No.24581051

Why are there no pics of Nasu?

>> No.24581240
File: 122 KB, 599x1006, 1575045536922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the back of his head

>> No.24581528

No wtf don't ruin my "Nasu is a woman" fantasy.

>> No.24582783
File: 290 KB, 418x435, Nasu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24582869

Why is the black bar in the wrong spot? Also he looks like he has the 'tism which is probably fitting.

>> No.24586204

You know, the first Nasuverse thing I ever got into was the Tsukihime Manga. Then I fell into endless Fate hell. Good thing I haven't tried the gacha or I'd be a poor man.

>> No.24590185

If you're a smart man you'd actually drop the Gacha during the prologue when you realize how shit it is. If you're an average man you'd go on the internet and ask when it gets better at which point the answer you'll get will be "like 4-5 story chapters from now".

>> No.24590818

sexy man

>> No.24591281

is that actually him

>> No.24592465

Just finished Tsukihime, are Plus-disk/Kagetsu Tooya/Melty Blood worth playing too?

>> No.24592578


>> No.24592591

Okay thanks

>> No.24592727

Just make sure you play ReACT instead of the original MB. IIRC, ReACT has the original story mode, but the gameplay is far more polished.

>> No.24595436

I remember that review was very critized in Japan because it felt it was taking a jab at Kasai Kiyoshi more than at Nasu.

>> No.24599942

I recently started Kagetsu Tooya, but stalled after day 22. Great individual scenes at points, but almost zero overall tension. Obviously connected to the story structure. It just started feeling like a random series of self-contained episodes, even if it's not.

>> No.24600045
File: 2.11 MB, 1200x1097, IMG_9320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24600075

These two hate each other. Terrible fanfic

>> No.24600157
File: 855 KB, 673x780, hzHiJxV.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People like to go on about Takeuchi same faces (for good reasons mind yo) but holy shit Koyama has serious issues too.
Lancer's master is literally Aoko with purple hair and Araki is just Shizuki with disheveled hair.

>> No.24600427

Yukika and Kojirou got along pretty well in Hollow Ataraxia tho

>> No.24601948

Am I the only one who thinks Rin sounds different in Ataraxia?

>> No.24602695

Am I the only one who was expecting an American release date at the aniplex expo panel?

>> No.24602732

For HF3 since I forgot to say it.

>> No.24603287

Realta Nua voices were done in 2006. FHA was voiced in 2014. It makes sense for her to sound different, everyone kind of does.

>> No.24603585

it's a problem with many artists.

my issue with Takeuchi extends to more than just his homogeneous faces, but in how often he uses the exact same angle/poses, and even copies details like hair and expressions between completely different pieces of art.

Takeuchi isn't just sameface, he's samebody, samehair, and samepose.

>> No.24603937

They were the same world until Nasu randomly retconned it so he could make up new bullshit lore for FGO. Carnival Phantasm wouldn't have been a thing otherwise. Originally, Kara no Kyoukai was known as the one that didn't fit in with Tsukihime and F/SN.

>> No.24604054

i disagree with his assessment. the reaction to Sakura and HF was more nuanced than purityfags being purityfags, and more to do with Sakura's character itself and the worse-than-usual pace of HF.

please recall that Kohaku was received almost universally well, and was the 2nd most popular Tsuki character behind Arc at one point.

>> No.24604110
File: 207 KB, 586x399, 1436113295742.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Before I got deep into the lore shit I thought the timeline was:
Mahoyo > Kara No Kyoukai(?) > Tsukihime > (Melty/Kagetsu Tohya) > F/Z > F/SN and HA
I don't really see why he needed to overcomplicate things, I can understand timeline splits for the routes

>> No.24604112

Yeah, it was also about shounenfags being shounenfags. The issue was that the readers of F/SN were far more casual than the Tsukihime ones due to Type Moon becoming a mainstream company rather than a doujin circle, and Fate and UBW being written for the lowest common denominator as a result. When HF returned to Nasu's roots, they went apeshit because it unironically was too deep for them.

>> No.24604164

Kohaku may not have been Ciel-tier or anything, but she trailed behind Arcueid, Akiha and Hisui initially.

>> No.24604181

yeah, the more mainstream appeal of Fate certainly changed things. i don't think old Nasufags had any problems with Sakura's status as a used goods.

that being said, i also think Nasu didn't really do himself any favors by stressing it so much in the writing. it feels like he absolutely wrote Sakura to be a more "pity me, please" type of character than Kohaku, for example. the text goes on and on about how impure she is, how she's not right for her senpai, how she's dirty, etc. etc. etc.

Kohaku by comparison never really asked for anyone to be sorry for her, and i think people in general gravitate towards those kinds of character more than ones that want to be pitied.

>> No.24604203
File: 1.06 MB, 1024x768, worms.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the first poll had far less people participating in it, but the fourth poll had a pretty large number and Kohaku was right behind Arc.

>> No.24604264

There's also the blatant bias against her in the narration of HF. The end of Rin vs Dark Sakura in particular reads as if Nasu wrote an initial draft, went "NO NOT MY WAIFU RIN", then rewrote it to whiteknight her and blame Sakura for everything despite how it blatantly contradicts the events leading up to it.

>> No.24604274

yeah, HF really just tugs you in all sorts of weird directions when it comes to Sakura. don't get me wrong, i still like the route, but jesus christ Nasu

>> No.24604318

What do you mean? I mean I agree that the narration is sometimes critical of Sakura, but there's nothing wrong with that. The scene you're referring to is critical of Rin as well, so I'm not really sure what you're getting at.

>> No.24604374

>nee-san, please run away with senpai while i sacrifice my life to save the two of you
>fuck off, you monster. i'm going to kill you and bring shirou along with me
>i never wanted any of this to happen! why do you have to be so cruel?!
>lol who cares you weak piece of shit, now die
>if that's how you're going to be, fine!
>oh oops guess i cant kill you after all, lol

>> No.24604491

How to do people read things like this? Obviously Rin was just LARPing as a tough, cold magus as always but failed when it really counted. Sakura's character is one that always blames herself for everything. That doesn't mean that you personally should actually share that view. Both sisters fucked up in multiple ways throughout their lives. That scene is them finally reconciling their terrible past and countless mistakes and moving forward.

>> No.24604630

The problem is that for some reason, everyone around Sakura keeps affirming her guilt issues and telling her to atone instead of telling her she's not at fault and helping her grow past them.

>> No.24604648

But she is partially at fault

>> No.24604668

For having grail shards implanted into her without her knowledge at the age of 6?

>> No.24604713

For giving into Angra Mainyu and allowing it to corrupt her.

>> No.24604728

Kohaku only started to grow in popularity when she was turned into a neta character in KT and MB.

>> No.24604756

Not doing so would just have led to it possessing her and killing even more people, though. Becoming Dark Sakura was literally the best thing possible to do.

>> No.24604767

I don't think it has anything with waifuing RIn, I think it was Nasu trying to be a bit pretentious with the moral grayness angle and coming a bit too harsh due to it. Even now he says that probably he should have been a bit more straightforward with the ending parts. Nasu himself thinks that Sakura deserves her happy ending.

>> No.24604810

Because the future explained in Tsukihime and the one explained in Fate differ. And that thing started with HF actually.

Their tones are also different so he decided to make Tsukihime a world where humanity is weaker and Fate one where they are stronger.

>> No.24604829

It's kind of funny because Sakura (and HF as a route) then got more popular when the fanbase grew out of the eroge crowds.

>> No.24605087

Wants to keep servants and not servant stuff, separate, I guess. You can't summon servants in Tsuki worlds anymore.

>> No.24605098

Koyama has two different female faces.
Here for whatever reason he seems to only be using one.
The reason why that abomination looks like Aoko is to make money off her image while wearing a slutty bodysuit or whatever shit he comes up with each year for a figure.
Also her actual face in all material bar this has a different, uglier face than Aoko.
All that being said, Musashi in all honesty is far closer to Aoko.

>> No.24605151

>dude, just don"t get corrupted by the incarnation of evil

>> No.24605209

Take some responsibility for once in your life.

>> No.24605312

Was there anything important info in that online anime expo?

>> No.24605438

It's not about responsibility, it's about being realistic

>> No.24605595
File: 130 KB, 500x1319, Jan00-01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

EoD should be out in August.
4 fucking years.

>> No.24606515

the fuck is this

>> No.24606568

Sabe. It's Saber without the right eye.

>> No.24606721

no I meant what's EoD

>> No.24607268
File: 456 KB, 1024x819, np-JZ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fate/Empire of Dirt.
It is a meme fangame that has been in development hell for years.
I like it because of Punished Saber, and lewds.
Explaining any further would be time consuming.

For further context go to the development page. https://twitter.com/maple_LuwenWS

>> No.24607656

Looks fgo character heavy why do you people care about this

>> No.24607691

Covid-19 is still a big problem in US so obviously nah

>> No.24607739

I've followed it for too long.
I hate most of it, but I still want the little bit that I like.

>> No.24607794

A part of me was hoping that the Aniplex.exe panel might announce a localization for the VN.

>> No.24607880

mahoyo happens later in knk iirc

>> No.24607941

don't the events of HA prove that kirei was right about avenger?

>> No.24608209

Just finished tsukihime. ended up true ending arcueid first try (except a couple deaths)
I really liked the writing. the art, music, and translation left a little to be desired but it wasn't so bad. I liked the stuff about mortality. There are questions I ask myself often that tsukihime at least tried to answer

>> No.24608552

it got more popular because it was adapted into a streamlined movie that skips over a lot of the issues of writing present in HF. it also skips over a lot of good stuff, too, but that's another argument altogether.

that being said, Sakura was never an unpopular character; maybe a polarizing one, but never unpopular. look at all the character polls over the years, and she did pretty decently in all of them.

>> No.24611168

That started far before the movies where a thing. Even Nasu and Takeuchi talked about it like 6 years ago. People started to appreciate her and the route more, people started to really want the route to be animated and that's why it was greenlit. As you said she grew in the popularity polls since FHA and never stopped doing so.

>> No.24611433

Ive tried reading the FSN VN about 4 times now and always end up bored around when you get stabbed by berserker. I'm not new to the medium or anything its just where Ive gotten stuck/bored each time and I'm not sure exactly why Ive not found it engaging. I watched the shows ages ago so I know the story and even like the setting conceptually and the characters were interesting as well. If I was having that issue with the first Fate game will it be worth me trying to read some of the other VNs from TM?

>> No.24611518

Also on a completely unrelated note what was the deal with the first dream in Kohaku's route? The one where the two killers had a friendly chat. I get that the later dreams were him seeing Akiha drinking people's blood, but she only drank their blood while that first dream heavily implied entrails were involved and she only got her bloodlust from "plundering" SHIKI while this was both before we see her fry SHIKI (who's heavily implied to be the person the POV killer is having a the conversation with). Was that one an actual literal dream, a view of the experiences of some character other than Akiha or SHIKI like the other dreams or did Shiki just go out and kill some people for real that one time and it was never mentioned again? I feel like I'm an idiot because it's probably something really obvious that I missed.

>> No.24611969

Errr, how do I play Ataraxia without missing scenes? There's one save slot and no in-game loading function. I think I've already missed a school scene because I clicked on a Taiga event instead. For the next choice I saved, chose the walk alone at night, then "intersection" which lead to nothing, then I closed the game which then automatically overwrote the previous savegame?

>> No.24611990

I don't think you can actually miss any scenes due to how the game works, but I don't know.

>> No.24612025

It's on a loop of a few days, going back and viewing the scenes you missed the next loop round and unlocking more scenes is a core part of the game.

>> No.24612154

Fate route can be a bit infodumpy and slow at the start yeah. But once you get past that it should be fine.

>> No.24613372

What would've happened if Saber got her wish?

>> No.24614264

It's intended to be ambiguous like that. I'm pretty sure Shiki did actually go out and kill a bitch that time and then had a friendly heart to heart with SHIKI. It wasn't just a crazy dream.

>> No.24614287

That whole scene is very reminiscent of Kara no Kyoukai actually.

>> No.24615064

Can't say I'm a fan of this system so far. I've reached two bad endings just by checking out the non-"!"-events, after which it resets to October 8th. And it makes for a weird flow of the story when the scenes are basically interchangeable in their order. They don't built much upon each other, since they have to work in random order, which makes the flow of the story pretty fragmented.

>> No.24615123

Welcome to fandiscs.

>> No.24615315

That's how it's supposed to be. Outside of the Bazett stuff, I.e the meat of the story it's mostly SoL scenes that are by nature designed to be disconnected.

>> No.24615668

Yeah, but this isn't "just a fandisc". There was a lot of effort put into this, but I don't understand why Nasu would choose this system which hurts the presentation of the story.

Not the same. If the plot of FSN makes Rin move into the Kiritsugu estate, the following SoL food scenes with her make sense and naturally fit into the story. Here you have a chat with Saber at the harbor, then a pointless conversation with Kaede at school, then a scene with Ilya suddenly at Einzbern castle?? It doesn't make freaking sense. It's the difference between having context and having no context.

>> No.24615683

Please stop having autism. The point is to enjoy some SoL with your favorite F/SN characters while there's a backdrop of plot. It's not complicated.

>> No.24616059

Wtf I love Takeuchi now?

>> No.24616566

>posting a literal discord tranny's twitter
At least take a screenshot.

>> No.24617138
File: 5 KB, 354x100, XPJqGqT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dunno about always offensed twitter/discord drama queens or 4chan's irrational hate for trans, and I really don't give a fuck anon.

>> No.24617331
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holy mother of BASED

>> No.24619640
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>> No.24619674
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meant for

>> No.24622850


No freaking way although I couldn't imagine this dude without glasses lol.

>> No.24623856
File: 951 KB, 1093x1414, 82805332_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another year has passed.
Happy Birthday, Aoko.

>> No.24624770

he's mostly an unbearable faggot because he's an unrepentant FGO shill that makes constant excuses for TM's laziness.

just a shitty fanboy

>> No.24626135

Does anyone have that Sakura mochi "if only you knew how bad things really are" (or something similar to this line) pic?

>> No.24630940

Ataraxia has definitely the worst choice system I've seen in eroge. I will try to write a letter to Nasu about this.

>> No.24631223

Honestly, I welcomed it after playing KT. What a nightmare that was, since it actually does have skippable scenes.

>> No.24631262

You have not seen KT or other fandiscs.

>> No.24632496
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Too quiet.

>> No.24633675
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>> No.24633837

Did the Mahoyo french>english tl team released any info about the release date of the past?
Last thing I remember is that they showed a trailer or something like that.

>> No.24636002

and yet its still the best nasu VN

>> No.24636105

Mahoyo > Ata >>>>>>> Tsuki/FateSN

>> No.24640241
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>> No.24640296


>> No.24640323

This is a Mahoyo general buddy.

>> No.24641481

no kt is but only for the side stories

>> No.24642396
File: 12 KB, 660x161, hmmm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's kinda sad they're still doing this....

>> No.24642409

what are your hopes for the future of type moon?

>> No.24642459

Still waiting for a story with someone in the Holy Church as MC.

>> No.24642472

Maybe one day will get something meaningful that's not Fate and maybe it won't be terrible.

>> No.24642873
File: 378 KB, 2500x1712, 1527757174023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If we get satisfying original stories about young people brushing up against a world of mystery -- even a couple times a decade -- I'll be satisfied.

You can make it about older people too. What I really want is a few more casts of characters to live in my head rent free
With all the others

>> No.24643471

For it to crumble away.

>> No.24644266

What are some of the most important or interesting themes in Tsukihime?

>> No.24644511

full moons are pretty

>> No.24644656
File: 775 KB, 900x1332, 1567653537482.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ciel's thighs
powerd Ciel
Ciel with or without glasses
Arc being an idiot
the sweet smell of curry

>> No.24644667
File: 702 KB, 640x954, for humans.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are a few instances in the game where Shiki expresses a deep appreciation for life and its brevity, contrasting his signature abilities and suggesting an existentialist tone overall.

Romance is popularly placed at the top of the 'life experience hierarchy', so you could say it's appropriate that the bulk of the game is spent pursuing it when the protagonist isn't either evading death, inflicting it, or otherwise enjoying small moments of the everyday.

That's about as deep as it gets.

>> No.24644773


This one really got me... I can see how inspiration tsukihime is and was.

I think this is near the ending where Arc asks Shiki what’s the meaning of being in the school?

>> No.24646200

The difference is that Takeuchi still don't know how to draw correctly

>> No.24646550

Tsukihime is mainly about wabi-sabi, it's the beauty of broken things.

>> No.24646861

I hope Nasu dies

>> No.24647363

>Paying for fucking fanfiction
I'll commend them because they seem to be actually putting effort on their fafic, but again, imagine paying for fucking fanfiction.

>> No.24649245

The chances of him dying can hardly be overestimated

>> No.24649575

>It didn't matter how much or how little ability a newbie picked up in such a search actually possessed. They needed, first and foremost, to set up the absolute maximum ruckus in the surroundings, give him excessive advertisement and production and preferential treatment, and make the world realize (or be deceived into thinking) that he was a "star (talent)." In direct opposition to the attitude, "He's got talent, so he'll make waves even if we leave him alone," they tried to make people think "even a black crow is white." This "sales push," which almost leaves the actual writer behind, is the true meaning of these "curious movements" surrounding Nasu Kinoko's debut. (For example, "Printing the debut work of a new, unknown author in a deluxe limited edition, before the printing of the normal edition" and "Having Kasai Kiyoshi, a critic known as a giant of the mystery world, pen an exceptionally long commentary covering both volumes".)
He got this much attention early on? I had an image that he and Takeuchi peddled copies at conventions and that was it.

So he was actually a preppy, untalented young author who was used as a prop? Am I getting that right? I'm sure Nasu has deprecated himself in interviews (or somewhere) about the quality of KnK since then -- do you think he's actually gotten better?

I'm kind of interested in that commentary though.

>> No.24651926

Why is Nasu such a puritan? That whole going to the pool with Rin episode leads to... nothing?

Theory: Nasu = Issei

>> No.24654428
File: 4 KB, 250x115, UBZcJjBgh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bros, I think I'm fucking retarded or something. I'm trying to read F/SN for the first time ever but I'm at a loss on how to apply the patches.

The torrent I got this from has the three routes separated into three different games and also has the faterealtanua_savedata folder with all the patches in it. However when I try to start any of the three routes it's still all in Japanese. Help

>> No.24654513

Overlooking View is also the worst written KnK chapter by far. It feels more like an experiment than nothing else.

>> No.24654780

There might be a language drop-down menu on the top of the window. The modern patches do that, and Japanese may be the default option.

>> No.24654848

nvm I got it confused with HA

>> No.24657496

He grew up on otome manga because of his sisters or some shit.
He essentially got brainwashed by his environment as a kid like we all do, we wanted F/SN to be an otome game and hates writing sex scenes but is somehow perfectly fine with sex jokes (CCC). Worst part is the usual shitposting about X creator actually being a cute girl doesn't work because the retard leaked the back of his head when he started getting popular

>> No.24659244
File: 483 KB, 1105x1196, EcZ8b43UwAAtDzN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Life isn't real.

>> No.24659245

The conclusion of Tsukihime is 10/10. After you're done reading about all the crazy shit with vampires, Shiki, the Tohnos, etc. you find out that Shiki is just a simple, pure hearted motherfucker that is happy to be alive even though he'll certainly die very young. Honestly, inspiring.

>> No.24661090

Aoko is discount Rin

>> No.24661296

They aren't much alike personality-wise. I guess you could argue some of foundation is similar (family of mages, sisters, etc.) but it's a lot different between the two. Also Aoko has a way better chest than Rin.

>> No.24661316
File: 212 KB, 1240x1460, EXGL_0nVcAAH3NI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Triggering people who don't know that Fate heroines are entry level trash for TM standards is a delight of mine.
Clearly it has already gotten to your fragile ego.
This will only get worse for you if you carry on.

>> No.24661339

In the archetype tree Rin is the 3rd direct descendant of Aoko.
4th if you include Misaya, which I don't agree with as she is probably a personality offshoot.
Of course they are all quite different, but they share certain core traits.

>> No.24661393

Third? Who is 1 and 2? Are you throwing Akiha in there or something?

>> No.24661398
File: 201 KB, 326x672, 1554526733639.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aoko is peak human without question.
I'll use an official example which isn't even the best example to prove my point.
Some fanart I prefer a bit more than Koyama.

>> No.24661410

Azaka and Akiha.

>> No.24661420

Aoko isn't even the best Aozaki.

>> No.24661427

Don't start this, I beg of you.

>> No.24661436

Way too much of a stretch. I can allow Akiha.

>> No.24661485
File: 726 KB, 2000x1414, 41403358_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It isn't hard to figure out the angle.

>> No.24661490

>in order of best to worst

>> No.24661540
File: 758 KB, 1280x905, 48199304_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chronological order is closer to the actual answer.
Aoko is #1.

>> No.24661567

Aoko > Rin > Akiha > Azaka

>> No.24661624
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>> No.24661642
File: 1.71 MB, 582x672, aoko has something for you.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24661671

think (You) send this same thing to me yesterday.

>> No.24661682

Ah, you indeed were the same poster.
Thought it had to be the case.
You can still change your ways.

>> No.24661710

not if mahoyo never gets translated.

>> No.24661755

>making judgements on something you never read

>> No.24661809

That explains everything then.
You can still prefer Aoko without being able to read Mahoyo.
Like myself.

>> No.24661820


>> No.24662446

At least I was honest.
I could feign knowledge like half of the claimants here do.
Besides, I have read everything I need to make a solid judgement for now.

>> No.24662866

When will this nightmare end?
Killing TM might be the best thing that could happen now.

>> No.24662887

I want to breed Aoko so fucking bad.

>> No.24662956

I want Aoko to be a quantum chance of existing.
Breeding is asking too much.

>> No.24663507
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>> No.24669093
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happy birthday

>> No.24670346

Ataraxia: How do I see if I've collected all scenes after finishing the game?

>> No.24670657

If you're at 100%, then you have.

>> No.24670774

Ok, lol, I have 95%. Is there a way to get the scenes after completion? The 4 day loop doesn't display any new events.

>> No.24670972

Pretty sure you can. Completion might be hanafuda related, I can't remember.

>> No.24671011

It sounds like you need to either enable the H and go read them or disable the H scenes and go read the non-H versions.

>> No.24671111

>It sounds like you need to either enable the H and go read
>or disable the H scenes and go read the non-H versions
If I do that Eclipse only shows "Himuro the Love Detective", which I had read already, nothing else.

>> No.24671141

There's a couple of church scenes with Caren that are different with H off. Did you read those?

>> No.24671445

Yeah, same result. I might have to recheck those mini games (Tohsaka shrine?). And I think I failed at Taiga's quiz.

>> No.24672561

Old and busted. Sinker is new hotness and more tragic.

>> No.24675804
File: 494 KB, 800x1132, illust_66462292_20200709_065204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Metropolitan Macarias is watching you.

>> No.24676115

Is Tohsaka bisexual?

>> No.24676292

where's Prisma Illya?

>> No.24678841


Me but before doing that smelling her ass jeans and alice butt.

>> No.24679390

Because KnK was animated by ufotable and became popular, so Nasu demoted Tsukihime to second class canon due to his rule Tohno and Ryougi can't get the hax eyes on the same setting. Since Fate is popular, KnK was linked to it instead while Mahoyo was linked to Tsukihime.

>> No.24679395

>Mahoyo is likely the same timeline as Tsukihime or it has the same foundation with Tsukihime at least, depends on how you take the comma in this sentence
They are, it's where Clocktower 2015 takes place according to Nasu.

KnK + Fate.
Mahoyo + Tsukihime.

He always separated KnK and Tsukihime (crossovers aside) and Mahoyo and KnK.

>> No.24679732
File: 1.90 MB, 1500x2133, Fate_Type Redline - Vol.2 Ch.5.2 - 9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn Fujimiya is badass

>> No.24680666

Like i said, it depends on how Nasu wants us to take the comma in that sentence i quoted. It only says Clocktower 2015 takes place in both Tsukihime and Mahoyo world, doesn't necessarily mean Tsuki and Mahoyo are the same timeline. But while it has never been outright confirmed, there's nothing that stop the events of Tsukihime and Mahoyo from happening in the same world/timeline.

>> No.24680669

I'm really liking Type Redline so far, it's still a bit early to talk about it but I really like the direction it's taking.

>> No.24680703

It has been confirmed since 2001 that KnK and Tsukihime are two different worlds due to some inconsistencies, long before ufotable decided to pick it up.
>It's the first post on the spoiler boards!
>I'm asking this here since it's a bit of a spoiler.
>The complete edition of Kara no Kyōkai coming out at the Winter Comiket is going to have errors corrected, but does that include changes to the setting as well?
>(For example, in Tsukihime the succession of the Fujou main family is done through the passing down of techniques, while in Kyōkai it is determined by blood.)

>I'll answer that!
>Regarding the Fujou, the setting isn't quite the same.
>Though Rakkyo and Tsukihime have a lot of points in common, there are a few tiny differences in the details.
>One of those is the Fujou. In reality they're actually ESP users like the Asagami, Ryougi, and Nanaya. But in Rakkyo they are a magi lineage.
>Other than that... oh, right, there's Aoko's age. If Rakkyo and Tsukihime were the same world then Aoko would only be a little bit older than Tohno Shiki. The Aoko in Rakkyo has not yet gained the title of "Miss Blue", and is still training in Misaki Town.
>It's probably best to think of it as subtly shifted parallel worlds.

>> No.24680796
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>> No.24680917

vote de_dust

>> No.24681091


>> No.24681711

Given what Touko references in Case Files, we can assume that some version of Mahoyo happened even in Fate.

>> No.24682746

The same applies to Kara no Kyoukai too. Like those are all different timelines but the event/story of KnK and Mahoyo happened in Fate as well.

>> No.24682797

>Shizuki and Alice die in every timelines and universes

>> No.24683001

It is unavoidable because Nasu knows best.

>> No.24683649

Now that I think about, admiting they take place in the same universe and Nasu had kind of a rough idea of his interconnected stories, it might explain why Aoko has this kind of melancholic depression mood about her in Tsuki/MB; she's isnt over the death of the death of her two best friends (though I actually doubt Nasu really thought that far, especially at that time of his career).

>> No.24684128

I wonder what the specifics of "falling in love with a witch always results in tragedy" actually are. It sounds like some kind of curse.

>> No.24684342

what's it like being in the Throne of Heroes?

>> No.24684560
File: 197 KB, 641x480, 1527802599943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Aoko in Rakkyo has not yet gained the title of "Miss Blue", and is still training in Misaki Town.
How old is Aoko supposed to be in Tsuki? When does it take place? For reference KnK obviously is 1995-98. For some reason I assumed Mahoyo takes place in the (or a) Tsuki timeline, but doesn't Alice's manor occupy the space where the Tohno estate should already be?

>Aoko has this kind of melancholic depression mood about her in Tsuki/MB
At face value, having played Melty, you could say the opposite is true, but that occasion where she harshly scolded Shiki for cutting the tree does suggest she's suffered a personal loss.

>> No.24684810

If's actually a plot point it's going to be something stupid like a techno-god that wanted to fuck a special female magus who wanted not the robot dick so he cursed her kind.

>> No.24685179

>When does it take place?
Based on these Q&A, i think we can assume that Tsukihime happened in 2003
>Q: About Tsukihime, which has the same background world setting as Fate/stay night , which story happened first chronologically? And how many years apart are they?
>A: The end of Tsukihime is the beginning of Fate/stay night.

>Q. Is Fate in the same world as Kara no Kyoukai and Tsukihime? If that's the case how are they related by time?
>A. They're in the same world. I can't say exactly when they occur but Fate and Tsukihime are almost contemporaries while Kara no Kyoukai is a bit older.

>doesn't Alice's manor occupy the space where the Tohno estate should already be?
>Nasu: That's correct. We don't want players to feel the setting is unpolished no matter how far back it's set. The goal is to have the player should feel "I want to live in this city," to paint a memorable and beautiful street scene. Actually the setting is Tsukihime's Misaki Town, Tsukihime fans should be able to recognize locations such as the grilled beef restaurant Dai Teito. The Kuonji household has the same location as Tohno household from Tsukihime.
I'm not sure if this means the Tohno manor and the Kuonji manor are in the same town, in the same area/land or in the exact same spot

>> No.24685499

Why do Counter Guardians exist if Alaya can just throw REAL HEROIC SERVANTS at its problems

>> No.24685601

Because sometimes you need janitors to clean.

>> No.24685615

'cause Nasu had to find a way to put his OCs in.

>> No.24685631

CGs are more murder happy than your average heroic spirit.

>> No.24687124

why does Okita Alter have negro skin?
as far as I'm aware, she didn't spend her life abusing her magic circuits like Shirou and Kerry.

>> No.24687314

Spawning Gilgamesh every time a guy puts zombies in an appartement complex seems like overkill.

>> No.24687357

maybe Alaya should learn to stop being such a cheap bastard.

>> No.24687920

It's just a design thing AFAIK since she's supposed to be the Archer to Okita's Shirou, don't think too hard about it.

>> No.24689098

>want to reread Mahoyo
>but it's summer

>> No.24689612

There is often a darker undertone to Aoko's dialogue in Melty.
The portraits reinforce this.
It is there in Eclipse too.

>> No.24690401

In the original lore Okita Alter was actually Majin saber, a fusion of Okita and Nobunaga that wanted to end the entire fate franchise.

>> No.24690614

Heroic spirits are all counter guardians. It's explained in an infodump in the fate route

>> No.24690863

Okay, I definitevly don't remember that while remembering the game explicity stating Saber is not an Heroic Spirits but a CG, which would have no point if they're all CG anyways.

>> No.24691707
File: 31 KB, 480x360, [emiya theme but far away].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was it the counter force? Like Ryougi in the apartment building?

I know what you mean, but I decided to hell with it and caught up with what was in English a couple weeks ago. I think there will be a chill in the air by the time the TL is complete.

Since it's summer, I would say read Higurashi if you haven't already.

>> No.24692162

Never read it actually yeah. Wanted to replay Ata since it's peak summer VN but eh, might as well read something new.

>> No.24692405

the autoimmune system of humanity that sends out counter guardians, heroic spirits, or empowers individuals (like Shiki) to go and stop whatever the threat is.

>> No.24693097

I remember someone asking Nasu about if the counter force (through chance happenings like in Paradox Spiral or empowerment) acted at the end of HF. And Nasu basically said that would be like opening a can of worms and it's better for you to think what you want.

>> No.24693119

Most of the stuff that happens in Paradox Spiral is due to the counter force. The burglar having the police warned, Touko coincidentally being in the same city, Mikiya being in driver license practices, Tomoe being a mistake in the loop, Shiki having the sword and a long list of "coincidences".

>> No.24707139

I just got the first three volumes of Emiya Gohan today.

>> No.24707979

Saber isn't a heroic spirit because she's not dead yet. In order to become an Heroic Spirit, one must make a pact with the counterforce while alive in exchange of a spectacular deed. It's just when one dies that they become a Heroic Spirit. Saber's contract with the counterforce requires her to get the holy grail, but because she doesn't have it yet, she gets summoned in the flesh. Also not all CG are heroic spirits e.g. Ryougi during the 5th KNK movie.

>> No.24709312
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It's kind of amazing how El-Melloi gave us more Clock Tower lore than pretty much rest of T-M combined. We really need more series like this.

>> No.24710562

>A work about the clock tower gave us more lore about the clock tower than others works not about the clock tower

>> No.24711952
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I mean it takes place in the Clock Tower... The same could be say for Clock Tower 2015 since despite being a oneshot story, it's actually the first time we know the name of all departments, what do Lord families do, how street/college/dormitories are divided based on each department,...
Anyway, hopefully the sequel will have more stuff about the Lords and maybe the other two MA branches as well since the text on the teaser pic implies the Wandering Sea might play a role. Besides Lord Valueleta, Lord Eulyphis and Lord Trambellio that made their first appearances there, Case Files has briefly mentioned the Archerlot in vol 4 and vol 9 and we have Riddell in Mahoyo so i expect her to show up at some point. Also other magus/magus family that were teased in CM3 too.

>> No.24712088

Sanda is the man in Type-Moon we need but don't deserve

>> No.24712430

Q.(Someone at the far end): The Mages call Heroic Spirits “Boundary of Recording Bands (Ghost Liners),” but is this the actual terminology? And what does it symbolize?

>Nasu: They are not minions created by the Mages themselves, but minions called forth from the history of humanity itself, so they use the term “Ghost Liners” with the nuance that they are “calling forth a phenomenon that was once recorded.” It’s a liner based on the perception that Servants are not living creatures but something more like scrolls and documents.

>Takeuchi: Oh, I see. It is true that Heroic Spirits is the common name and doesn’t sound like a Magecraft concept.

>Nasu: It’s a term that’s been around from the beginning of the beginning of Fate, even before I wrote the scenarios. But when Lord El-Melloi II’s Case Files was starting up, Mita asked me, “Is there an official term to address Heroic Spirits?” and I presented him with the term. To have it show up in the series world view after 15 years kinda ruins the mood.

>Takeuchi: Says the guy who’s been holding back a ton of settings for 20, even 30 years.

>> No.24712512 [DELETED] 

Yes, "Ghost Liner" is the actual term they use (cool english and all).

>> No.24713365
File: 84 KB, 1280x720, [Coalgirls]_Fate_Zero_OVA3_(1280x720_Blu-ray_FLAC)_[E0AD4E93].mkv_snapshot_01.10_[2017.09.01_09.28.38].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

F/SN: There are infinite timeless and Second Magic allows access to the unlimite Prana of every time

F/GO: Timelines get pruned to conserve Prana

Fucking really Nasu?

>> No.24713495

After each pruning timelines start to branch out everywhere all over again, so effectively there are infinite timelines between each pruning. But even disregarding that, the main trunk itself probably contains an infinite number of universes.

>> No.24714071

>no _____, your world philosophy is wrong because of these reasons:...
>no _____, your world philosophy is wrong because if its implemented the timeline it will get pruned!

>> No.24714808

>gods were gundmans

>> No.24715491
File: 35 KB, 746x368, ss (2020-07-08 at 11.21.30).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't believe no one posted this yet.

>> No.24723409

He's just a hack. It's also pretty obvious he'll delete pruning somehow at the end of FGO because he needs to bring back all the dead kids and Musashi, who was pruned.

>> No.24724769

how long until the translation is finished?

>> No.24727059

it's finished already

>> No.24727118

since when?

>> No.24727267

I didn't really get why Nasu saw Ataraxia as a failure?

>> No.24727369

Nasu seems to be the kind of person who reacts strongly to criticism.

>> No.24727451

At the very least, F/HA was blatantly telling the reader "Okay, you've had your fill of Fate characters, now move on from this franchise already".

>> No.24727585

If only Nasu listened to his own advice

>> No.24728337


>> No.24728632

a while

>> No.24728719

Will you translate it

>> No.24729561

I don't think it's so harsh as it is just being "I was self-critical and anxious about something I had just released but then everyone loved it."

>> No.24729625

He also says he spent the year after the release doing nothing or not even able remembering what he did.

>> No.24730590

I'd feel that way too if I skimped on the chance to incorporate scenes about tender loving Illya sex. Granted, it wouldn't fit into the Hollow setting, but like... put it in a Phantasm!
