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2445769 No.2445769 [Reply] [Original]

Tell me about your sisters.

>> No.2445775

She's transparent and apparently no one other than me can communicate with her.

>> No.2445787

I only hear from her when she needs money or she's out of the dorm and needs a place to crash.

>> No.2445789

They aren't anything near as cute as I'd like.

>> No.2445795

She's 4 years younger than me and likes animu as well. I try to keep her from turning into a narutard and I've been semi-successful.

She's still a virgin.

>> No.2445803

>She's still a virgin.

Yeah, okay.

>> No.2445811

>She's still a virgin.

you're doing it wrong

>> No.2445812

>She's still a virgin.
And you (think you) know this because...

>> No.2445814

>She's still a virgin.
She must be like 8.

>> No.2445817

She is a girl.

>> No.2445823

He does regular checks, obviously.

>> No.2445826

Me and my sister don't talk anymore since that night we got really drunk.

>> No.2445829

I guess I'll be the first to say it

source on OP?

>> No.2445833

Did you initiate her event?

>> No.2445849

She likes Twilight.

>> No.2445850

Leave your sisters alone you creeps.

>> No.2445853

you frustrated?

>> No.2445856

Not that I don't see the appeal, but what exactly is the importance of a girl's virginity? What makes it so appealing?

Let's philosophize.

>> No.2445864

because if you've lost your virginity you're a slut

>> No.2445866

Me and my two sisters get along very well outside of the occasional argument. Still play video games or watch movies/anime together like we used to.

>> No.2445870

Pretty much this.

>> No.2445876

sauce on op

>> No.2445889

if a woman lost her virginity before marriage is a slut.

>> No.2445928

ITT People who live in caves

>> No.2445958

My sister is okay.

Nothing special. I get on with her well enough, but we hardly see or speak to each other most days. Because I spend so much time in my room and she spends her time going out as much as possible.

>> No.2445967

For me personally its because girls who are virgins tend to be less likely to have negative opinions of a guy who is also a virgin.

>> No.2445997

A girl being virgin means she is more selective.

>> No.2446000

gb2 the party, Mary.

>> No.2446003

>girls who are virgins tend to be less likely to have negative opinions of a guy who is also a virgin.
Not quite. From what I've heard, virgins tend to overblow the whole virginity deal out of proportion, while many non-virgins find the idea of devirginizing a guy cute/hot/exciting.

>> No.2446005

Because I believe that sex is a thing reserved for after marriage, and that one should not strive to have a piece of meat jammed into one's orifices.
And I don't even believe in the existence of imaginary sky friends.

>> No.2446008

Shut and and keep sucking the dick.

>> No.2446011

Leave the men alone, attention whore.

>> No.2446017

Many = 0.5% of the unvirgin girls.
Those are sluts, however.

>> No.2446024

your slut index is very low, anon.
I think you still believe that virgin women exist.

>> No.2446026

As I've told /jp/ before, she is a 9 year old girl, reserved and shy around others, except her own family, to whom she is very cheeky and arrogant. I fear that she will have trouble growing up from bullies, but I'm happy she won't be a typical teenage slut.


I believe the same.

>> No.2446021

>virgins tend to overblow the whole virginity deal out of proportion

I disagree, its a sign of abnormality to be a virgin if you are 20 or older. You will not stand much chance with a girl who has had lots of lovers if she ever found out. I've heard some pretty terrifying anecdotes of guys being cut off at the pass because they told the girl they were about to sleep with that they were a virgin.

>while many non-virgins find the idea of devirginizing a guy cute/hot/exciting.

Not really. I think this is more guys enjoying it for girls.

>> No.2446032

How can someone say he/she loves you when he/she performed the same ritual of love with somebody else?
You are just being number 2 (or 3, 4...). And probably won't be the last either.

>> No.2446039

Wait. I said those 0.5% were sluts, not they were ALL the sluts there are.
Lrn2 logic.

>> No.2446046

Another one?

>> No.2446061

No, seriously. Well, this is judging from overhearing High School locker room conversations (I'm in /jp/, it's not like I have any friends in college or any social skills to begin with), so I don't know if it's any different after you get older, but it's always the 0 experience virgin girls who go "Oh Emm Gee, he's a total virgin, he can't possibly know how to treat me right."

It's funny, because among girls, the ones with less experience tend to be the ones that won't shut up about sex-related stuff, it's like they're insecure and want to prove they're not prude.

Personally, I don't care if I lose my virginity to another virgin or not, the idea of learning together is sort of cute.

>> No.2446076


>I've heard some pretty terrifying anecdotes of guys being cut off at the pass because they told the girl they were about to sleep with that they were a virgin.

Then you tell the whore to GTFO as you thought she was better than human trash just trying to scratch an itch.

>> No.2446084
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My sister just got done kicking my ass at Mortal Kombat 3, again.

Right now, she's playing with her friend while I order a pizza. We might go out to a movie later, or just stay home and watch Wrath of Khan.

>> No.2446085

>some pretty terrifying anecdotes of guys being cut off at the pass because they told the girl they were about to sleep with that they were a virgin
Maybe your friends need to stop going for easy sluts. That's really shallow and pretty horrible.

>> No.2446092


Don't even get me started...

Well, it shows that she's probably not considered normal, which is instant plus.

I'll take it that you mean being a virgin means they are completely pure, for the sake of me rambling on.

A girl who is completely pure is damn likely to want something more than sex out of a relationship, which is good if you're after the same thing.

>>2446032 is right on the mark, too.

I'm not even sure, it's just that I find it much better to have regular sex with someone if you know that you're the only one who has been with her.

Plus, no STDs, tighter, and it being her first time would make you feel less insecure about your own ability, because she has nothing to compare it to.

All I can think of today.

>> No.2446096

Sounds like a threesome.

>> No.2446101

All women are sluts.

>> No.2446109

My sister hates you guys.

>> No.2446111

Those are probably the ones that are virgins due to religious reasons as opposed to rational reasons though.

>the ones with less experience tend to be the ones that won't shut up about sex-related stuff

lol with us its the opposite, if I'm with friends and they start on those topics I just sit there and pretend to occupy myself with something else until they've finished talking about it. I dont want to come across as talking about something I have no practical experience of after all. I'll offer advice as far as relationships go though, though only if explicitly asked.

>> No.2446118

he's waiting for the friend get the fuck out.

>> No.2446120

My sister is a year younger than me.
Weighs about 280 pounds.
She plays WoW all day.
She's married. Got some spineless dude who is all the envy of his e-friends for having a mmo-playing wife.
Imouto moe does nothing for me. Welcome to reality.

>> No.2446129

I gather this is a a self-esteem issue , for I having none, feel nothing towards this topic.

>> No.2446133


Unless you say you're a virgin they will never know.

>> No.2446133,1 [INTERNAL] 

mhmm, yes, I'd never explicitly state it to a girl. But I dont think you can lie forever you know? Say you were dating, when you are about to actually have sex its going to become an issue. Right? What do you from that point onwards? It's a conundrum you can debate about for ages.

>> No.2446133,2 [INTERNAL] 

To be fair, there are roughly three types.

- The sluts. They actually don't talk that much about sex, they don't want people to think they're easy whores (which they are). But most will gladly devirginize (at least somewhat cute) guys for bragging rights. Nothing says friendship forever like sleeping with the guy your friend is trying to get.
- The best friends of the sluts. Many are virgins or not very sexually active. Usually less attractive, will talk about sexual stuff all the time so people don't think It's not like they lie, they just "forget" to tell details. Heavily imply they totally did it with their boyfriend last night when they only kissed for a bit. They don't want people to think they're "the loser the cool kids hang out with," so they make up a lot of stuff and talk about sex a lot to cover it up. These are the ones that won't sleep with a virgin at all, mostly because they would have no clue of what to do and it'd show, a lot.
- The silent ones. We just stand there pretending we're not really listening.

Take it with a grain of salt, though, this is from the High School bullshit I remember. I don't really hang out with "normal" girls at college and there's no PE, so there aren't many conversations to overhear.

>> No.2446133,3 [INTERNAL] 

Doesn't it disgust you when you know previous men have shot their load in a particular women? I mean, think about it. If you eat her out, you'll be putting your tongue on a place other mens penises have touched, as well as their sperm. The same thoughts can be applied when you think about inserting your penis. It's like roleplaying and having sex with the guys she had before.

>> No.2446133,4 [INTERNAL] 

Yes, I'm pretty sure that line of reasoning is valid for people who never bathe throughout their entire life.

>> No.2446133,5 [INTERNAL] 

Menstrual periods. The vagina is already disgusting.

>> No.2446133,6 [INTERNAL] 


Kinda relevant.

>> No.2446133,7 [INTERNAL] 

Girls are considered to be losers if they havent had sex?

>> No.2446133,8 [INTERNAL] 

Oh no, keep your ED drama in /b/. YT vloggers really are the worst of the worst.

>> No.2446133,9 [INTERNAL] 

It's not as bad as it is for guys, I guess. No one will make fun of you for being a virgin, it's just that the girls who hang out with the popular sluts don't want to look like they're "second rate material." They feel ashamed their friends get all the guys and they don't.

>> No.2446133,10 [INTERNAL] 

Ok. One thing by the way, have you ever trolled by pretending to be a slut in the past?

>> No.2446133,11 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.2446133,12 [INTERNAL] 

