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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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24267879 No.24267879 [Reply] [Original]

This general is for discussing Japanese Mobile Games that don't have their own dedicated general elsewhere. Occasionally some Chinese and Korean games will be discussed too.

>List of frequently discussed games and guides for them:

Read this pastebin about how to get around region locks for both Android and iOS:
Previous thread:>>24174148

>> No.24268112

New SE kusoge soon.

I only do dailies and minimum effort for each event in Pokemon Masters.

>> No.24268832

about RSRS, for f2ps, is it like other gacha where i amass a decent roster first before saving for a spark? i'm seeing a lot of welfare SS so i'm wondering if i can save for a spark right away, and just use the welfares for now.

>> No.24268913

Service closure in 1.5 years max.

>> No.24269157

>i'm seeing a lot of welfare SS so i'm wondering if i can save for a spark right away, and just use the welfares for now.
That's what I'm doing, this game has tons of farmable characters and from what I understand, making sure your stats are grinded up is more important than rolling for the latest SS hotness.
I've read in a JP guide that you want to save your gems for limited gachas like seasonals and awards; not much of a point doing normal summons when the off banner pool gets updated frequently and you'll likely grab a bunch of them there on your way to spark a limited seasonal SS.
The main thing I'm wondering about right now is if I should spend my platinum tickets as soon as I get enough to do a 10x or if I should wait for that pool to update later on so if any JPfriends could weigh in on ticket summons, that'd be great. I think my rolling philosophy in this game will likely be to use platinum tickets to roll whenever, and save all my gems for limiteds.

>> No.24269178

so much for jan ken pon gacha

>> No.24269212

Is this seriously what I think it is?

>> No.24269272

>i'm guessing the welfare characters listed there are for the jp version of the game, hopefully someone can confirm soon if it's still the same in global, since a lot of characters i like are on there
I'm not too far in global but so far I can confirm that SS Rouge drops where the JP guide says in global, and SS Albert and SS Ellen are both in the eggshell exchange. Looks like global is looking more or less like JP so far. Who are you looking for in particular?

>> No.24269565
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SE trying to make jan ken pon into eSports.

>> No.24269615
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I'm almost too stunned to laugh. Almost.

>> No.24270336

Someone from /ffg/ directed me here and in curious about RS. Are any of the unlimited SaGa characters in their like ventus or what? Also is rocboquet's blue haired form rollable?

>> No.24270440

>Also is rocboquet's blue haired form rollable?
This who you're looking for? Scroll down for four other blue-haired Rocbouquets too. She's not out on global yet but it's rumored that the Seven Heroes event will be one of the first events after launch and she has an SS style added to the game yet (she also gets seasonal styles later on).

>> No.24270483

*added to the game then
Brain fart. Point is, she should be in the game soonish. I just started and I'm almost halfway to having enough gems for a pity, so you should be able to get enough to guarantee her if you start soon.

>> No.24270913

Yes, shes the one. I heard it had a soft launch so would it be better to start instead of waiting for it to come to burgerland?

>> No.24271019

i've only played RS3 and both frontiers so i want all the characters i can recognize, but i particularly like katarina, blue, and gustave. ellen, rouge and lute would be good too
meta-wise my current team is full of slash characters and chapter 3 normal is already killing me so i need to diversify. i'm farming for the SS rouge drop while levelling my characters at the moment, but i don't know if my stamina should be going somewhere else right now

>> No.24271027

>I think my rolling philosophy in this game will likely be to use platinum tickets to roll whenever, and save all my gems for limiteds.
Not a bad idea, although the regular gacha tickets aren't exactly super-common unless you sell a lot of pieces to buy tickets with white crytals. And that depends on if you want to get every single A/S style LB'd to 50, which I think needs something like 450-500 pieces. As for the Spiral Tower or whatever GL calls it, the pool almost never gets updated but the tickets don't disappear when the event's not up so you can use those immediately or save them. I think it copies the A/S pool from the general gacha, but the SS are static for ages, or something like that.

Just start up on the softlaunch right now so you can get a few more login bonuses and be 6-7 days ahead of everyone else.

>> No.24271158

AP refill is 20/hour and if you play long-enough you'll be drowning in AP pots. There are also temporary ones for half and full anniversary that you get a lot of (not just AP pots, but expedition tickets) that you won't really need to worry about it. For now, do what you can, build up multiple people of multiple damage types, get far-enough into the story so you can pick up all the weapon types (Guns aren't out yet, not until I want to say Emilia gets released), and I wouldn't say you have to get enough armor for absolutely-everyone, but making sure you have probably 2-3 of each weapon and armor type levelled is what you want to aim for.

>> No.24271213

I'd recommend starting as soon as you can, yeah. Getting a head start on clearing the story to unlock the best expeditions is more important than rerolling for the launch SS styles (all or almost all are eventually farmable anyway), as is getting a head start on grinding up stats.
Once I hit a wall in the story, I plan on doing the same thing you're doing and hitting the Rouge mines. If you're looking for something else to grind, the Garuda Wing event is up now and is very easy. The shop is small enough that you can clear it fairly quickly, and you can get S Guella Ha who helps with farming aurum if you didn't roll SS Cat.
Thanks for the info. I have 80 of these platinum tickets so I think I'll burn some now and see what I can get.

>> No.24271876
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Imagine writing a canon background story for the LN which can only be read in a kusoge.

>> No.24272134

This Yami boss in RS looks like my first wall. Almost had him on the 3rd try but then he double Ultrasonic Wave'd and confused my whole party. Confusion is really rough in this game.

>> No.24272379
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News from the latest stream.
>The letters in "SMILE" represent one part of anniversary campaigns:
>"S" = "song", which refers to "Walk with your smile".
>"M" = "magazine". A special 5th anniversary magazine will be issued each season, starting with summer on August 28. It'll contain interviews from Akira and others, fan survey results, a special feature ("The Path From Yumenosaki to ES"), etc.
>"I" = "illustration". We got StarPro last month and CosPro this stream. RhyLink is next, then NewDim.
>"L" = "link". They'll be "linking" Ensembleverse to real life. THere's a concept cafe based off "Café Cinnamon" in-game. No other information was revealed.
>"E" = "every month". The monthly radio, Ensemble Studio, will continue to reveal news each month. (They tried.)
>BukuStars merch:
>A book compliation of the comics will go on sale on August 28.
>New line stamps.
>Preorders of new merch (mini towels + can badges) will start tomorrow and will be released on August 28.
>Interviews with the VAs will be released tomorrow?

Game news:
>Both games will get login bonuses from June 28 to July 9. In total, you'll get 140 dia, 10 big tickets, 25 medium gems and 5 large gems of each color.
>CosPro's anniversary gacha will start on June 28. Like last time, the idols are split into groups.
>EnStB will get an upgrade for work and the amount of fans you get from it will increase.
>Both games will get a new currency, ES coins, that can be exchanged for voice lines, outfits, and cards from past campaigns. It'll be put into place on June 30, 3 PM JST.
>Secret color outfits will get room outfits. It's unlockable from the idol road when you get 3 copies of that card. Will be added in on June 29, 3 PM JST.
>EnStM will get Kiseki added in-game on July 7 (same date the anime started airing). 8 people can be put in the MV (finally).
>More news will be announced next month, and that there'll be campaigns for summer vacation.
>More dia packs, the same as StarPro's.
>The MV outfits for the anniversary suits will be added in the dia shop in late June. What the fuck is this, HappyEle?

The winners of the MV costume election are:
>fine: Magnolia
>Trickstar: Halloween
>Ryuseitai: Halloween
>Eden: Wonder Game
>Valkyrie: Steampunk Museum
>2wink: Setsubun
>UNDEAD: Blood Banquet
>Ra*bits: Tanabata
>Akatsuki: Camellia Train (RIP dresses)
>Knights: Requiem
>Switch: Pleiades
>MaM: Shinsengumi

>> No.24272406

- RomaSaga Release
- Christmas Year 1 part 1 (XMas Monica/XMas Julian)
- Christmas Year 1 part 2 (XMas Ginny/XMas Albert)
- New Years (NY Hector/NY Katarina/NY Polka)
- Noel (SS Noel)
- Rocbouquet (SS Roc/SS Miriam)
- Gerard giveaway (SS old art Gerard)
- Valentines Year 1 (SS White Rose/SS Roc)
- Dantarg (SS Dantarg)
- Special 1 (SS Final Emperor/SS Jamil)
- White Day Year 1 (SS WD Final Emperor/SS WD Asellus)
- Special 2 (SS Cordelia/SS Koumei)
- Bokorn (SS Bokorn, SS Miriam)
- School Festival (SS Undine/SS Volcano)
- Special 3 (SS Vampire Girl/SS Leonid)
- Kujinshi (SS Annie, SS Kujinshi)
- Golden Week Romancing Festival (SS Selma/SS Hawk)
- Special 4 (SS Harid/SS Claudia)
- Wagnas (SS Wagnas/SS Tatiana)
- Half Anniversary 1: (SS Award Amelia/SS Award Harid)
- Half Anniversary 2: (SS Award Asellus/SS Award T260G)
- Half Anniversary 3: (SS Award Professor/SS Award Yousei)
- Summer Year 1 Part 1: (SS Summer Liz/SS Summer Azami)
- Special 5 (SS New Cat/SS Coppelia)
- Scarlet Grace Debut (SS Urpina/SS Talia)
- Summer Year Part 2: (SS Summer Selma/SS Summer Jamil)
- Special 6 (SS Lightning Silver/SS Black)
- Battle of Buckethill (SS Gustave/SS Labelle)
- Romancing Award 2019 P1 (SS Award Mikhail/SS Award Monica/SS Award Final Empress)
- Romancing Award 2019 P2 (SS Black Devil Neidhart/SS Cold Silver/SS Old art Claudia)
- Romancing Award 2019 P3 (SS Backpack Ellen/SS Award Thomas/SS Debut Sara)
- Halloween Year 1 (SS Nurse Vampire Girl/SS Human Bernie)
- Battle of Fate Event (SS new Blue/SS new Rouge)
- Special 7 (SS Emilia/SS new Alkaiser)
- New Tower banner (SS old art Charl/SS old art Jubei)
- Onsen event (SS Onsen Ginny/SS Onsen Aisha)
- Romancing Saga 3 HD Banner (Nora/Catalina)
- 1st Anniversary Night banner (SS Last Empress/SS Jin/SS Pixie)
- 1st Anniversary Part 1 (SS Void Ellen/SS Swings Sara/SS Stunlock Undine)
- Polka Solo banner (SS Phoenix Polka)
- 1st Anniversary Part 3 (SS Mage Liz/SS Barthelemy/SS Cover Julian)
- Christmas Year 2 (SS XMas Labelle/SS XMas Cordelia/SS XMas Wil)
- New Years Year 2 (SS NY Sea Lord Princess/SS NY Subier)
- Special 8 (SS Laura/SS Judy)
- Romancing SaGa Commemoration banner (SS new Gray/SS new Miriam/SS new Barbara)
- Valentines Year 2 (SS Valentines Coppelia/SS Valentines Pixie)
- Special 9 (SS Khun/SS Meirin)
- Ultra DX 1 (SS Death/SS Light Albert/SS Strife)
- Spring Festival Part 1 (SS Byun'ei/SS Lightning Harid/SS Award Madeleine)
- Spring Festival Part 2 (SS Hannibal/SS Award Sophia/SS Award Last Emperor)
- Spring Festival Part 3 (SS Award White Rose/SS Award Reihime/SS Award Mesartim)
- Ultra DX 2 (SS Gustaf/SS Big Hamma Ginny/SS Primiera)
- School Festival Year 2 (SS Glasses Cordelia/SS Kendo Sword Sif/SS Rockstar Hector)
- Ultra DX 3 (SS Mirza/SS Diana/SS Neidhart)
- 30th Festival banner (SS 30th Asellus/SS 30th Roc/SS 30th Talia/SS 30th T260-G)
- Ultra DX 4 (SS Silver Emperor/SS Butcher/SS Smol Selma)
- Ultra DX 5 (SS "Steel Army" Gustave XIII/SS Fulbright the 23rd/SS Fatima)
- Romancing Festival 1.5 Anniversary (SS Holy King/SS Ferdinand/SS Monica award 2)
- Romancing Festival 1.5 Anniversary part 2 (SS Katarina/SS Paulus/SS Leonid Award)

This is the release order.

>> No.24272492 [SPOILER] 
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A new unit named "Double Face" will be revealed on July 16. Many people speculate that this will be Madara and Kohaku. There's even a glitch in the game where Kohaku talks about being in a unit with him. (Pic related)
>Kohaku states that he met Madara before, at his home. They apparently have "the same goal" and are "temporarily joining forces". It could be fake, but two tweets of the bug in two different places were posted at similar times.

Pretty much. However, apparently for the songs that require getting a certain goal with 累計 mean you can accumulate those things in multiple runs of the same day. And HappyEle never bothered to explain this anywhere. Fun.

>> No.24272636

ahahahahaha square enix fucked up romashit
>scummy paid gems
>no autorepeat
>monthly p2w packs
>reroll culture you need to roll to win
>advertisements that is a doom flag

>> No.24272737

Let us see.... Hmmm...
>scummy paid gems
Oh no, F2P's have to make up for ~6000 more jewels in Award festivals for the 45000 when you only get like 4400-4500 coins for paid gems in discount banners. The horror.
Also, if you try to lie... No, there hasn't been any confirmed guaranteed Award character banner with paid jewels. If anything, Paid Jewels aren't even a easy shortcut.
>no autorepeat
You aren't even at the part it matters.
Shut the fuck up.
>monthly p2w packs
Oh no, $10 for 620 jewels.
The P2W players will beat us in no ti-
Oh wait, stamina potions are purchasable in White Fragment Shop and EXP crystal shop.
>reroll culture you need to roll to win
Oh my god I'm dying
If you think rerolls are necessary you are literally retarded.
>advertisements that is a doom flag
They don't even say "you should watch an advertisement now". How is this even a doom flag to begin with?

Go back to that /r/gachagaming place, retard.

>> No.24272761

You just described Another Eden as well.

>> No.24272789

stfu cuck shill
suck on SENA dick until they shut it down like SOA LMAO
another who?
bitch, talk with me on REAL gachas
no wonder /vg/ laughed you clowns out

>> No.24272826

Imagine being this BTFO'd that you don't have a defense.

Go seethe in /vg/, retard.

>> No.24272846

Go back to the crack you crawled out of bugman

>> No.24272902

this guy is a paid shill falseflagger making the game look good with how retarded his posts are

>> No.24272981

If only this was true. There are literal brainlets that are as stupid as this guy nowadays thanks to normies invading this market.

If you're literally crying about stuff in gacha elements not aligning like the planets just for you, you are completely new to either gacha or just hopelessly clueless at this rate.

>> No.24273156

If i never heard of Romancing Saga before can i still enjoy the mobage?

>> No.24273186


Heck, JP makes good revenue even if most of the players haven't even played one game in the series.

>> No.24273259

Had another brain fart. Pity is 45k so I'm nowhere near halfway yet, I got the two 15s mixed up (15k gems, 15 multis for pity).
Yup. I've only played the OG SaGa games on the gameboy so I don't recognize anyone, but it's fun and scratching my gacha RPG itch for now. It's definitely encouraging me to check out the rest of the series on my PC while I grind on my phone.

>> No.24273273

are there a guide for Romancing Saga?

>> No.24273302

Sure, give this a try
This mini guide has some decent specific information that the game isn't up front about:

>> No.24273375

thanks anon
I always loved pixel sprite games

>> No.24273431

You're welcome, hope you have fun!

>> No.24273466

The check is in the mail.

>> No.24273558

Oh Vey Goyim, you can't spill our secrets now...

>> No.24273719

>paid gems
Im honestly curious.
What fucking mobage doesnt have paid gachas?

Last one I remember was PAD.

>> No.24273728

Even some games I've played that don't use paid gems for anything still have them as a separate thing.

>> No.24273763

So i should save my gems and just try to get good with what the game give for now?
I just started the Garuda event since it seem to reward characters.

>> No.24273938

Tales of the Rays Global didn't have paid gacha unlike Japan.
And look how that turned out. Besides lack of advertising, the new Global system mirrogem system ended up with making paid gems equal to free gems while ridding easy ways to get mirrage arts of characters you like ended up being one of the biggest reason nobody bothered to move from JP to GBL.

>> No.24274535

Yep, you'll want to save your gems because if you get 45,000 you can spark on something nice like a seasonal or award gacha. Garuda event is good, it's easy and gets you some S styles for free plus some pieces. The lizard guy comes with a passive that increases the gold you get by +7% if he's in the party. That doesn't sound like much, but the only alternative I know of is SS Cat for +10% gold and this game has some very significant gold sinks so you'll want to be regularly farming it forever.
But even more of a priority is the main story. Clear as much of the story as you can, as fast as you can. If you hit a stage you can't beat, go grind up a team that can the enemy's weakness and then take them down and keep going. The expeditions are one of the most crucial avenues of character growth, and the later ones give bigger boosts and they're all locked behind story progression. There's four expeditions available for now and I just unlocked the 3rd one. That seems like a good spot to rest because the last one you need to clear up episode 4's boss on Hard mode and Hard mode is, well, hard.
Another decent stamina sink besides Garuda is the Water Dragon boss in the story, since there's a very low chance you can get SS Rouge for free just by beating him.

>> No.24274720
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>> No.24274815

>release banner
>nerf after banner
>release new banner
>nerf after banner again

>> No.24275645

>farm rouge stage for 3 hours straight
>no rouge
>but my slash team grew so strong it easily killed the slash-resistant ch3-1 boss now
damn either i'm a massive lucklet or the drop rate for rouge is really low
good luck to everyone trying for him

>> No.24275915

It must be very low, maybe 0.75% like the fox mines in Azur Lane. I saw one guy said he farmed that stage for almost the entire CBT and didn't get a single Rouge drop.
This 3rd stage gold dungeon is killing me, can't clear it so I have to do the 2nd one again. My only mages are that freebie astronomer and A Undine, who keeps getting targeted despite being in the lowered aggro position of Imperial Cross. These bloody slime mobs have one shot attacks that even murder my tank, 200+ to 300+ damage. Congrats on your swole slash team, I hear it's good to raise up a slash team for the Seven Heroes event we'll be getting.

>> No.24276141

>got alkaiser and SS blue in one ten-roll during RS's beta
>haven't got shit all now that it's permanent
I fucking KNEW those beta rolls were rigged.

>> No.24276179

I don't remember any in-game advertisement in global. Is that a thing in JP or did I end up in another timeline?

>> No.24276891

>for almost the entire CBT and didn't get a single Rouge drop
damn, guess i should farm other stages in the meantime like garuda and the forge dailies then
imperial cross doesn't seem too effective to me either, i guess this is that RNG people have been complaining about. and thanks for letting me know about the seven heroes event, i should take a look at upcoming stuff to prepare for them
so far it really does feel like starting a week earlier gives a massive advantage over rerollers when the preregistration rewards come in, easiest expedition is 2 hours and that's a lot of stats people will be missing out on if they wait, not even counting the other expedition areas and stats from quests. only applies to minmaxer rerollers though, not waifufag rerollers, but does saga even have a lot of those

>> No.24276913

You mean that isn't a colle game?

>> No.24277059

>forge dailies
Is that what those glowstone dungeons are? Haven't tried them yet because I didn't know what those materials are used for.

>> No.24277108

yeah, they drop mats for the forge
i wasn't doing them because my equips are all rank A-B and they seem too shitty to waste resources on, but i should probably stock up on raw mats

>> No.24277208 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.24277221 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.24277241 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.24277253 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.24279157

You need to watch an ad for the optional 10 extra daily gems in JP.

>> No.24279351
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Ah welp, guess I'll kill my Oscurol compu after all and save more for 6th anni & Summer Ciela instead. Painful decision but there's nothing I can do with mere 6k gems ;_;

>> No.24279406
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>2k gems in, no Mireille
Guess it's reset day after all.

Got Oscurol, at least.

>> No.24279798
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I can't believe that this gacha ended up being that bad when it's so easy for them to powercreep over it with the anniversary characters like they usually do. At least I won't feel bad about skipping this.

That sucks, good luck with the reset rolls.

>> No.24280100

It feels like Famitsu underrated characters again like what happened to Kuroka.

>> No.24280200

>2 rolls
>two fourstar dupes in second one
Sounds about right. I need to stop trying my luck like this, it wasn't successful in a long time and the 1~2 rolls really stack up over time.

Mireille's revive support skill alone sounds like golden material.

>> No.24280266

Not dying in the first place is more golden to me desu

>> No.24281230
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Well that was a fun grind I guess.

>> No.24281268

I don't really like this card.Like,what were they trying to to with the cleavage area?Were they making a boob window?Intricate embroidery?Not saying you can't have both,but this is just bad.

>> No.24281340

Speaking of,what do you think of gachas that are only relevant in the event they were released and immediately fall into onscurity right after?

>> No.24281410
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>Decided to do one 10-roll after pic related
>Got Oscurol instead of these three
I will take this despite I was hoping for either Cure or Mireille.

>> No.24281826

After downloading Last Origin jp and trying to play... I'm simply unable to make because every nickname I try has already been taken like... Seriously who in this fucking age doesn't make an account system based on a hash ID instead of a "string" username? WTF are those devs smoking?

>> No.24281838

Should I ask magicami here or on DMM thread?

>> No.24281846

I quit because no Nezuko. How is the powercreep in Shironeko? Back then character seems getting stronger with each memorial release

>> No.24281861

>I will take this
What kind of logic is this?

>> No.24281871

Is Hero Cantare good?

>> No.24281882

Is she Cure or Kiara? Back then /mbgg/ her name was Kiara

>> No.24281986

>How is the powercreep in Shironeko?
There are some good ones like Valentine and Horizon series or just okay like current bride gacha although they are planning to buff the characters. Oscurol is fun for map clearing compared to Tina at least although I wish she keeps her fire element like her lancer/mage version since I don't have any fire runesaber.

Chiara is Chiara. Cure is a new character.

>> No.24282009

I guess that's why she is cuter

>> No.24282282

Tfw no more tower in Star Ocean starting next week because of Sphere 211

>> No.24282458

Who is the cutest shironeko?
Back then Tina and Ciela are the most popular followed with Eleanor from 2 years ago.

>> No.24282672

That's just anon's way of declaration of victory.

>> No.24282674
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Define cutest.

>> No.24282722
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Its better than 2016. In return, there are way more underwhelming characters.

>>>Grimm Note repage is finally kill

Where is PTD;s staying power coming from?

>> No.24282860

Star Ocean service closure soon?

SE is using a dartboard to determine which one of underperforming kusoges which they are going to kill.

>> No.24283861
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For me it's been Mireille, but Tina is also quite high tier.
Ciela was never as high, but I did like her butt card art.

I think one of the wikis or something was keeping a "cutest character ranking," forget which one that was.

>> No.24283871

I'm not that Oscurol compu anon.

>> No.24284045

>release banner
>release powercreep
>release powercreep of the powercreep
>release powercreep of the powercreep of the...

>> No.24284187

I was specfically trying to reference the post above in exos heroes. They literally did that. First 2 launch banners hardcore gimped right after they end respectively.

>> No.24284278
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Canon Another Eden couple. Aldo and Shanie dating and making love when?

>> No.24284354

Holy shit, you got him! Congrats! I'm still working my way through the story, currently at the Tu Kwai fight. I hear if you get him to drop again you'll get 40 of his puzzle pieces for uncapping him. Might be able to sell those for that currency that you can trade for universal pieces too.
Spiral Tower/Corridor tonight, get hype. Mostly I'm excited for finally being able to finish the start dash missions and get a guaranteed SS. Done like 20 or 25 pulls with tickets but no SS yet other than welfares.

>> No.24284372

I know, but it's just that most mobage either have constant nerfs or ridiculous powercreep.

>> No.24284388
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you mean canon harem member

>> No.24284497

It's the recommended place to grind stats unless there's a campaign for double growth elsewhere.

>> No.24284542

Good thing mine doesn't.

>> No.24284545

Any of you guys managed to install KOF Allstars on an android emulator? I tried using Bluestacks, but the thing never managed to install.

>> No.24284624

Yeah? Good to know, thanks.

>> No.24284753

Needs Myunfa.

>> No.24285030

Is Another Eden ever gonna get a big chungus to fight to make having a strong party worth it? I have all the zone characters, and Myunfa/AS Nagi especially just completely btfo of everything with no challenge at all. Thinking of quitting just from lack of challenge. And yeah I know I did it to myself by autistically min/maxing, but nothing even lasts longer than turn or two. It seems like the power creep is out of control and looks to only accelerate from here.

>> No.24285189

If Another Eden ever makes things hard enough to need the power creep characters the game dies because the gacha rates are terrible.

>> No.24285716

>Ash Arms
>Stellar Saga
Im liking these scifi aesthetics the newer games have

>> No.24285832
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>Another 500 gems after >>24279406
>Dupe Oscurol from stamp card guarantee, plus Cure and Mireille on the same roll
Nice, didn't have to start stamp card 2.

Now to leave the rest of these freshly reset islands alone until I need them.

>> No.24286102

Cure doesn't needs buff aside her shitty normal attack damage imo.

>> No.24286188

Maybe try using a different emulator.I switched to nox due to bluestacks's obnoxious campaigns and it seems to run faster at least.

>> No.24286222

Wow, you have a mobage? Didn't know that industry bigshots posted here.

>> No.24286420

>he doesn't know mobile game devs search in places talking about mobile games specifically to find things players don't like so they can add it in to their kusoge

>> No.24286522

You do know you have choices to not play metagaming gacha's here.
This is /jp/, not some /vg/ forced meta general where you are expected to have all the seven mythical PvP double-ascended awakened god-legend-omega-tier ULSSSSSXR Sheng Long to stand a chance.

>> No.24286707
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is this worth spending on? do i unlock all 5?
damn, grats anon, how long did it take you?

>> No.24286872

Did you reply to the wrong post anon?

>> No.24286983

So I should wait a few days before starting Romancing Saga to reroll? That sucks.
Don't tell me I don't need to reroll that's been wrong in every single gacha game so far

>> No.24286990

Just saying that just because most mobages do constant nerfs or ridiculous powercreep doesn't mean you have to play them.

>> No.24287001

If you want to reroll now its super painful.
Wheres its like 20~ rolls when the game launches

>> No.24287049

20? That's pretty generous

>> No.24287050

I opened all 5 of them immediately. Not like 1500 gems will affect you a lot. Even then, it refunds you some iirc.
Reroll at launch if you're so desperate.
>"that's been wrong in every single gacha game"
Well, there's no limited characters out right now so rerolling is still meaningless regardless.

>> No.24287145

Why do you think only limited characters are valuable? Is it so great to wait 6 months to get a good regular off banner instead of just getting it at launch?

>> No.24287201

Well, here's the thing: Seasonal and Award categories both exist.
If I'm right, we'll get New Years after Christmas with New Years Polka (A really good character to have if you save up for Anniversary Polka).
You get the coin system also in Seasonal/Award category banners that lets you grab a character.

There's no reason to roll hard on the default banner also because you don't even have the good characters in it yet (Romancing Saga 1 Celebration Miriam, Battle of Buckethill Gustave, Battle of Fate Blue, Battle of Fate Rouge, Shin Al-Kaiser, etc.). Why spend gems for characters you will easily grind later when they will just bury you in tickets and event materials?

>> No.24287343

Here's the thing that's different than a lot of gacha out there: almost all the SS characters in the launch pool (everyone except Azami I think, someone correct me if I'm wrong) can be farmed. None of them are gonna make or break an account, and you'll get them through normal play anyway.

>> No.24287370
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Maybe im being extremely picky here but i have time to spend in a kusoge so why not, Im looking for a game that has these characteristics:
>f2p friendly or at least not FGO levels of greediness.
>Cast is all girls.
>NO YURI in any way, shape or form.
>Uncesored or at least something to uncesor it yourself
Any recomendation that could meet this criteria?

>> No.24287422
File: 78 KB, 192x224, denozo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all girls
>no yuri
well, there goes like 99% of suggestions

>> No.24287433

I don't usually care about metagaming either, I was just stating that it is a trend for mobile games.
Didn't world flipper get fucked because they nerfed a unit right after releasing it?

>> No.24287437

Jungle Expedition (2 per day): SS Albert, SS Katarina
Battle Festival (Friday-Sunday): SS Blue, SS Cat, SS Charl
Robin Cup (Once a week): SS Alkaiser, SS Gustave, SS Ellen
Story: SS Rouge (1-2-12 Normal), SS Lute (8-2-1 VH), SS Fat Robin (1-1-1 VH), SS Terry (4-1-5 VH), SS Salamander (2-1-3 VH), SS Ward (10-2-4 VH), SS Bai Meiniang (11-2-1 VH), SS Zhi Ling (12-2-3 VH).

yeah, basically.

>> No.24287448

And it's back in trending after a Princess Connect Re;Dive collab.
People act like armchair developers when the biggest rule here is that "anything just fucking happens whenever it wants, so might as well just stop caring and have fun".

>> No.24287541

So are you looking for something like a colle game like Azur Lane or Girls Frontline where everyone with the exception of your self-insert is female or do you want an entire cast of girls with no self-insert character? If it's the latter it's going to be near impossible to find one without yuri.

>> No.24287565

Even AL has yuri if you count the anime.

>> No.24287590

AL already has yuri by default in the form of boats like Portland. I don't play GF but I assume there's something similar there too.

>> No.24287654
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>> No.24287659

Yeah, yeah something more like AL/GF than the second, I played AL en server but management was a disgrace so dropped the game after 1 year and Im too far behind to start an JP account.

portland at least was bearable at least, I dont mind that.

>> No.24287678

JP Romsaga anons, anything in the shops I should be caring about?

>> No.24288074
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Oscurol DPS is a bit higher than Nihel but she needs to be on max HP for maximum damage.

>> No.24288225

Flower Knight Girl?

>> No.24288306

>damn, grats anon, how long did it take you?
I started around early rank 40 so about 15 rank ups worth of continuous quests.

>> No.24288470

I guess i got even more lucky because i started around rank 30 and got him in around 10 try.
Now to figure how to beat Tu Kwai, i only managed to put her to mid life so far.

>> No.24288484

which one is that?

Ill try it thanks

Any more recomendations? I really want to satisfy my collectionism autism

>> No.24288517

grats both, i'm a confirmed lucklet then, hope i get him soon
princess connect re:dive

>> No.24288522
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Princess Connect

>> No.24288589

There isn't any playable male character yet but there is some of them at least in story segments.
There is also some retarded yurifags shipping some of the characters like Peco and the cat.
If he ignore all that then yes it's a game for him.
Just don't tell him about Muimi

>> No.24288627

Good luck with Tu Kwai, just beat her with A Cat, A Therese, SS Hector, SS Gerard and SS Sophia. The blunt aoe she does sucks, but having a tank with slash res that you can heal with Sophia makes it easier to survive until you can OD Combo her to death.

>> No.24288638

Peco and Carl is more anime than the actual game.
Both are pretty heavy (you) sexual

>> No.24288683

I know thats why i call the yurifags retarted.
All the girls are for (you) beside maybe one and she is into a dude not a girl.

>> No.24288956

Im@s I guess

>> No.24289397
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Walled at 5-1-8 in RomaSaga, guess it's off to the Rouge and/or Garuda mines for me. The enemies that are killing me are weak to ice/lightning, and my only options for that are A Undine and A Valdor respectively. Guess I'll train them up with my healer SS Sophia and some tank that can resist pierce and blunt. 5th would probably be an attacker or jammer that doesn't do slash, as the monsters slightly resist that.
Been winging it so far with Hector/Gerard/Sophia/A Cat/Therese, is there anyone here I should be focusing on? It's a pretty mediocre box, I know; this is from spending the platinum tickets from the start dash missions.

>> No.24289792

the art in this mobage to me is a 9/10
but the gameplay is a mediocre 2/10

>> No.24289980

can't really help you here but
>5th would probably be an attacker or jammer that doesn't do slash, as the monsters slightly resist that.
ginny from the garuda shop does the jammer part

>> No.24290235

Thanks, forgot about those shop characters. For now I'm training up SS Monika for tanking, Valdor/Undine for hitting weakness and Therese/Liza because I noticed they both have an attack that does critical damage to frogs, and apparently rattlesnakes count as frogs in this game.

>> No.24291075

Mages in Saga feel like hot garbage.
Am I missing something or is it just Scarlet

>> No.24291271

If you get SS Blue, he demolishes everything
Other mages have been meh for me so far

>> No.24291477

I really wish I had a decent mage, all I have is A Undine. I'm stuck doing the level 2 gold daily because those enemies are weak to magic and resist physical. I think I'll save my gems for a good limited mage.

>> No.24291537

>level up a squad specifically for this 5-1-8 stage
>tank resists the enemy damage types, dps hit their weaknesses
>get everyone to their current level cap, unlock all their skills, level up and equip the best gear I have to all of them
>get absolutely bodied, do far worse than the random mish-mash party I was cruising through the rest of the story with
I didn't even get Rouge to drop during those 3 hours of grinding, this sucks eggs big time.

>> No.24291611
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I think the issue is the only spell she knows is an expensive as fuck fire spell that does less damage than my greatswords ungaing with smash.
Maybe I need to snag a low cost spell from another style for her but I dont have any other styles so bench status I guess

>> No.24291655

sounds terrible, i was expecting the game to revolve around players taking that kind of approach, what was the problem with the new team?

>> No.24291933

I misspoke in my anger, one member wasn't at cap yet but that's because SS styles level much more slowly. I don't think 2 or 3 more stat points would have made her survive much better though.
>what was the problem with the new team?
Pretty much the same problems I was having with the original team, just exacerbated further. The enemies do way too much damage; they each have an attack that can hit for hundreds of damage along with pretty heavy aoes in the first wave and stunning moves in the second and third. They also have way too much hp to be manageable for mobs; my Undine hitting weakness did do hundreds of aoe damage per spell which was encouraging to see, but she would need to cast her most expensive spell 2 or 3 times to clear the first wave of mobs and my tank (and by extension, my party) cannot survive that long. Debuffs and status don't tend to stick well on them (I thought paralysis could buy me a few turns of breathing room, it has yet to proc despite their stat block saying they have 0% resistance to it). I tried slotting a second healer on the team (Sophia) but the enemies are faster than both of my casters so the tank gets overwhelmed before he/she can be healed from the last round's asspounding. Of course, that's when the RNG decides the enemy will attack the tank. A lot of times they ignore my taunt skills/passives and the aggro of my formation and just smack down squishier characters in the back.

It's got me pretty frustrated, because I'm not sure what I can do to make my team(s) dramatically stronger besides waiting days/weeks for expedition stats to stack up. I thought maybe gear is the way, but if I were to uncap my armor and get it from level 5 to level 10, I don't feel confident that it would reduce hundreds of damage to more manageable double digits.
The Spiral Corridor just came out half an hour ago so I'll give that a try, but I don't think I'll be able to progress in the main story's Normal mode for a while. Maybe I need to farm puzzle pieces and get everyone to something like level 40 or 50.

>> No.24291944

>"Aldo has a harem!"
>It includes his sister Fienne

Wat? Look I get it that Japs and weebs fetishise incest. But come on, please!

>> No.24292104

that sucks, the biggest complaints i've been seeing about the game months ago was the amount of grinding and RNG, and it seems your experience matches up. i read somewhere that there's stuff to decrease BP use so maybe that can help your undine clear faster, but i don't know how to unlock that function yet.
it's possible that the game just needs you to grind more for the fight, but i was hoping to hear that some strategy with the appropriate set of grinded up characters would've made the fight easier, not harder, compared to an overleveled mixed team. it's also weird that quests don't come with a recommended team CP, or maybe i just missed it?
good luck on your future attempts on the fight anon, i hope RNG is kinder to you. doing spiral corridor myself at the moment, the rewards look nice

>> No.24292125

Just tried flower knights, i cant believe they let you reroll for any 6 star character.

>> No.24292145

>i read somewhere that there's stuff to decrease BP use so maybe that can help your undine clear faster, but i don't know how to unlock that function yet.
There's the rub: episode 5, the one I'm currently stuck on? Clearing it is what unlocks the ability to awaken skills ie reduce their BP cost.
Thanks for the encouragement, best of luck to you too! Spiral Corridor does indeed seem pretty great. I'm autoing through with my main party now and I'm on floor 14, smooth sailing so far. I'm looking forward to this being a great source of monthly pulls.

>> No.24292194

Wew, looks like I had to take it off auto on floor 15. Spoke too soon.

>> No.24292265

Exos Heroes's art looks like Kim Hyungtae's art but busted

>> No.24292274

It's not any but the pool they let you reroll for is quite big. Since they give you an infinite amount I feel like it would have been better if they just let you straight up ticket one instead of having to waste time rolling for the one you want.

>> No.24292345

I beat 15 and 16 was a big fuck you so I noped out.

>> No.24292590

It's basically a crawl at the start because you do end up walking into places that just slap you silly. Only thing you can really do in this game is just soldier on and get more HP/equips/stats/attribute/etc. to try to get an advantage.

>> No.24292731

15 is where the mobs giving me trouble in episode 5 start appearing so yeah, things are gonna get quite hard right about now. Gonna see if I can do 16 tomorrow since that'll get me a 10 pull.
Yeah, I'm buckling down now. Was frustrating to sit down and design a team I thought would work only to see it crumple, but it's not the end of the road; just the beginning.

>> No.24292899

Holy shit, expedition tickets are the best way to power up right now by far. I got around 60 or so after I could proceed in the start dash missions with the Spiral Corridor being added; threw my aforementioned Valdor/Undine team in my best expedition and spammed all my tickets. Everyone has way more hp and does way more damage now, I cleared 5-1-8 on my first try after these improvements. It was still fairly tough, but quite winnable now. I must have just skipped several days' worth of expedition timers. If you want to progress fast, this seems like the very best way right now.

>> No.24292929

Did you grind for A-rank weapons for everyone or is it doable with just level 5/10 B-ranks?

>> No.24292993

I have an A rank rapier on Liza, but the rest of the weapons are B rank. All are level 5. For now, stats gained from expeditions are the biggest boost in power I've seen. Now that A Undine is buffed up, I could beat the third gold daily stage easily too where before I couldn't. Her Diamond Dust hit for 4 digit damage on the boss during OD, was pretty sweet.
Definitely don't need good gear for now, just raw stats on your guys.

>> No.24293001

New real event in Blue Oath when? These mini-events they keep pushing out aren't really satisfying at all.
And maybe I'm just getting frustrated but the encounter design really feels tedious and deadset forcing you into specific set ups and strategies instead of giving you much flexibility at all. I mean I guess that's to be expected of a KC:A clone, given that the game it spawned from had cancer mechanics like routing but still.
A bit of an old example, but like 6-4 for instance felt like you were forced to bring multiple CVs otherwise Unknown H would rip through your fleet disabling everyone in one shot with attacks, that not even a full DD squad could avoid, unless you bombarded her a couple of times to thin out her shields and lower her HP so the instant attacks dealt manageable levels of damage since even a support defense like Queen Bong or Samuel B. would get wrecked. But on the flipside, you had to try and avoid the patrolling nodes long enough to actually launch those squadrons, which is difficult because of how bad the controls are, and CVs themselves aren't super useful in those nodes due to their low action economy and how few enemies they strike at once.

>> No.24293076

Not him but A rank weapons are piss easy to get from hards. They also drop S's which I havent seen drop.

That being said at base A's have like +1 damage over Bs, I think the only real difference is A's can be uncapped higher than Bs.

>> No.24293082

Nice, I have both S Undyne and A Undyne, so mine can have both Squeeze and Diamond Dust for single and multi-target coverage. I'm gonna throw her into the six hour training course and grind her up along with the others.

>> No.24293111

Lucky, I hope I can roll her S style soon. Good luck! I hear her healing spell Water of Life is what she usually wants to take from her A style, does S not have an aoe?

>> No.24293135

S does have an AoE but it's the E-rank damage one, I forget the name. Water of Life seems more useful for boss fights but for mob clearing I'd way rather have the stronger AoE.

>> No.24293225

Ah, I see. Makes sense.

>> No.24293501
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based corridor tickets giving me one of my favorites! FUCK floor 17

>> No.24294395

Man Katarina does like double the damage of even the other SS Greatsword people in my party

>> No.24294653

>Only got shit in a kusoge after 3 10-rolls
>Decided to waste another 250 gems in kusoneko
>Got Cure
Fucking RNG as usual.

>> No.24294721

OG Oscroll buffs are pretty nice.

Unrelated to that, anyone here actually play danmemo? Tried it like a year ago but it didn't work too well with emulators so I didn't bother continuing. JP Anniversary tomorrow so I was wondering if it's worth trying out as F2P

>> No.24295179

Cure is kinda clunky to play Her damage isn't that bad but her S1 needs her to be near enemies while her S2 needs her to far from enemies for maximum damage.

The problem is you need dupes for maximum stats although there are rare LB items and they actually give decent of gems. JP and GL is having same event/updates so you can just play GL although I think the useless characters touching feature is still not added back on GL.

>> No.24295526
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NieR rerun starts tomorrow, Yonah and the King will be added.

>BukuStars merch:
>A book compliation of the comics will go on sale on August 28.
>New line stamps.
Fuck yeah! I'm also tempted to buy the artbooks but they taxed me 50€ on my last granblue books and enstars artbooks are 4kg

>> No.24298905

Congrats! Sounds like he'll serve you well. Light magic's great against these undead bastards. Speaking of them, I just beat floor 17 and it was pretty tough, but doable for my squad. Seems like I'll hit a wall in the Spiral Corridor soon though.
My tickets from it didn't get me an SS but I spent the ton of tickets the last start dash board got me and nabbed 2 of them, some Wil guy who looks like a decent source of fire damage and of all the SS's I could get, I actually got a Monika dupe. Probably the worst result I could get 'cause you can grab her pieces from the beginner missions but hey, I'm using her as my tank so I guess it's okay. Anyone know how many gold puzzle pieces you need to take an SS all the way to 50?
Gonna use my guaranteed SS ticket now, fingers crossed for Azami.

>> No.24298980

I would say around 200 pieces since it took me 110 pieces to get a character to 40.

>> No.24298982
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>guaranteed SS is a Wil dupe
Come on, there's 24 different SS styles in the pool and I keep getting copies of the 2 that I already have. The silver lining is that another SS popped up in the same pull, Thomas. I've been raising his A style in the expeditions because it has a lot of stuns including a passive that gives him a chance to stun at the start of each round. His SS style here has a stun, a paralyze, and perhaps the most interesting thing, a passive that lowers enemy stun resistance.
Speaking of stun resistance, is that the icon on the enemy's resistance screen that looks like a blue splash or impact? The other icons seem fairly obvious for the most part, but I can't figure that one out.

>> No.24299095

Answered my own question, it is stun resistance. I thought the floating stars around the head was confusion, but it's paralysis. There's a lot of info in the Help menus you can access from the Menu button on the Home screen, I really need to read all of this sometime. The status resistance icons on the enemy resistances page are, in order from left to right:
>darkness (blind)
>removal from battle (this is scary, it says there's no way to recover from this during battle)

>> No.24299210

i actually enjoy exos heroes. Iris is one of the few main heroine i dont hate.

>> No.24300861

Do shards have any use other than raising level cap and selling them?

>> No.24301043

Any method to link Magicami to DMM version since they look the same?

>> No.24301124

Nope, doesn't seem like it. Which is fine imo. I like that you can sell them for that currency that lets you buy generic ones, it's probably the most well done shard system I've seen in a gacha game.

>> No.24301182

The best part is that welfare shards given in events sell for the same price as the others.

>> No.24301221
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Hey that's pretty good. All the more incentive for me to clear out the Garuda Wing shop, which doesn't seem to have an end date from what I saw.

>> No.24301338

Garuda Wing lasts forever.

>> No.24301500
File: 1.07 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20200618-155254_SaGa_RS[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Over one hurdle and an even taller wall rises immediately. This miniboss stage in episode 5 is devilishly designed. The Witch's Daughters are the boss, with one of them showing up early in the second wave here, and they're weak to slashing. But they deal blunt damage, as do the Croaker frogs in the first two waves (who can do tons of damage, including an aoe that can't be avoided by changing formation). And as far as I can tell, all slashing characters get murdered by blunt. Even using a blunt resisting tank here, I was quickly overwhelmed. Back to the drawing board and the Rouge/Garuda mines.
Nice, that's great for new players whenever they decide to pick this game up.

>> No.24301598

Remember that humans are weak against slash, so you can just nuke the caster down with enough slash damage. Rogue also works because humans are weak against dark magic.

>> No.24301642
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I won pretty easely with this team.

>> No.24301651

I got A Rouge, think I'll be raising him up while I wait for SS to finally drop. Managed to actually get past that, maybe I just got terrible RNG the first few times.

>> No.24302004

The biggest thing is to get 4th expedition unlocked as soon as possible.

>> No.24302407

Yeah, it's been a mad dash. Three more battles left in episode 5 for me, then I can work on tackling Hard mode stages.

>> No.24303308
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>Get back to Shironeko after a while since Mireille a cute
>Farm some gems
>Get her in 6 singles together with Korin and two projects.
I guess I'll keep going for that Cure girl. Is she new?

>> No.24303531
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Thought she was another Kiara at first, since I was too distracted by new Mireille to look too close.

>> No.24304435

>Corridor tickets gave me one SS
>the non-welfare Gerard
>now have two SS and one S Gerards already
jesus christ
At least I got Blue from my start dash ticket

>> No.24305019

Looking good, the more styles you have for a character the better as each style technically has a stat cap (altema has the numbers for each one). With Gerard as a solid slasher and Blue as a solid mage, you're good for physical or magic resistant content.

>> No.24305701

Guess Floor 21 is as far as I can make it in the Spiral Corridor for now. How goes the climb, gents?

>> No.24306969

stuck at 21 for now, enemies hit my strongest team way too hard. also stuck in normal and hard mode story. already cleared the garuda shop so i'm back in the rouge mines for now, levelling weaker characters for other weapon types/elements.
there's a 3-day maintenance in a few days to prepare for the official global launch plus some new events. can't help but sigh over the loss of expedition hours heh

>> No.24307127

Same, was stuck on 15 yesterday and got walled hard by 21.

Also god damn skill upgrades take an absurd amount of mats.

>> No.24307154

Anyone land on the jackpot for the daily gems in RomSaga yet?

>> No.24307236

Today I landed on the green sliver and got 50 gems and the orange sliver and got 100. Not sure how much the highest one gives, maybe 200 or 300?

>> No.24307289
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Good timing to answer that question

>> No.24307378

Niiice. A free pull, makes sense.

>> No.24308391

Using more than 10 energy in Show By Rock event is still not worth it.

>> No.24308785

I am late in saying this but:
the "paid gems = red flag" opinion has been unironically a Facebook/Reddit trend to call out games for paid gems as of late spammed by a bunch of fiery-eyed upstarts.
Misinfo about how the SS is only exclusive for paid gems have been spreading or even misinfo about the banner itself on how some people spin it as "you get 11 SS's!" have been spreading hard.
But them's the breaks when people in the room do not want you or your things hanging around. They go full mean girls on you.

>> No.24308924

Its just such a weird thing to bitch about off the top of my head games Ive played
>Another Eden
>Madoka game
>Probably tons of other kusoge Ive played for a few weeks then dropped
Honestly the only games I recall without them were PAD and Soccer Sluts and the latter had essentially buy a legendary so its no different.
Mobages are all parasitic of each other and do the same thing, ever since one game did them all of them do it now.

I mean the whole paid games for scam gachas isnt really a whale thing, thats a system that exists for low spenders. Whales dont give a fuck about paid/free gems since they sink thousands of dollars into regular gachas.

I guess I just cant wrap my head around that complaint since what fucking game are these people playing that doesnt have them?

>> No.24309181

It's a dick move but I looked into most of what they play through their accounts
The ones I've found common were: Destiny Child, SDS Grand Cross, Epic Seven, Hero Cantare and Exos Heroes.

>> No.24309239
File: 3.16 MB, 2220x1080, 1585960549916.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Epic Shit has TONS of paid packs of trash and SSR characters though.
I dunno like I fully get shitting on other games you dont play, fuck we do that here.

Its just paid gems is such a bizarre thing to single out I still dont get it.

>> No.24309316

Again, for /vg/ and /mbgg/, "gacha war" is for shits and giggles
Nobody really takes the bait of people trying to start a war for their amusement because NYPA,
Other places.... "But them's the breaks when people in the room do not want you or your things hanging around. They go full mean girls on you."
Those type of guys take gacha war like its an actual war, one to shine their medals from popular games like it means something. I wouldn't be surprised if they would sucker punch you just because you didn't agree with their gacha tastes. This industry do be filled with people with bad vibes like that nowadays man. Even /vg/ be tame compared to people I have seen in Discord, Facebook or Reddit.

>> No.24309374
File: 2.10 MB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_20200619-100528.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Collab rerun has started, I'm only missing shota Nier now but he's a paid job and those really aren't worth it in sinoalice.

>> No.24309599

Those are all Korean games while the paid currency system is found more in Japanese games. The Japanese games use it for the guaranteed SSR gachas, discounted daily rolls, and pick tickets while the Koreans typically sell packs that allow you to skip the grind for a PvP advantage instead.

>> No.24309619

Tfw this Danmachi anniversary event isn't voiced because Corona-chan.

>> No.24309724
File: 2.45 MB, 1080x2266, Screenshot_20200619-013149~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you in a random guild. I'm wondering if I should just join a random active one to try colosseum

>> No.24309732

Marrying this demon.
Fuck I don't want to rank grind again. At least they're using up circle and hex runes instead of just stars this time

>> No.24309948

Any Blue Oath anons here? Are Molotov and Franklin limited or will they be added to the permanent pool?

>> No.24310583
File: 113 KB, 640x583, img2042010_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meme tier list is meme tier list.

>> No.24310706
File: 358 KB, 1280x720, Ea2CZ7dUEAAunKT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There will be a Compass news stream on the 27th, despite Corona-chan's best efforts to keep everyone down.
Up to 1000BM will be given out as a viewer reward.

>> No.24310755

Yeah I am in a Japanese guild, there's a ton of random dead ones too. You should definitely join one because it nets a lot of gems from weekly guild achievements to checking in to colosseum daily bonus.

>> No.24311855

Do the servers matter for romance? Are there guilds and shit i don't want to guild with seashits

>> No.24314646

Yeah, you can see there's a guild button on the Home screen but it's not accessible yet. I've heard so far it's only use is basically a chatroom (like guilds in Azur Lane if you've tried that) but I recently heard JP is talking about giving them a purpose sometime in the future.

>> No.24316978

12 days to Global release.

>> No.24317085

I hope it isnt censored to hell

>> No.24317253

Is anyone rank grinding in shironeko. Did they add better options that phantom beast 19?

>> No.24317685
File: 52 KB, 320x316, 180755573@2x.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As an old player I don't know if I should enjoy watching everyone fail and burn and listen to bad advice or if it's gonna be painful. The games I play don't usually get localized.

>> No.24318033

do you have any good advice anon for a new player?
I just wanna reroll until I get A2

>> No.24318208

That one seems to be still the fastest.

>> No.24320246

>Monika still hasn't unlocked her last skill after a ton of hard mode clearing + some rouge mines
What the fuck girl. Her second skill is probably her best one because of that sweet para chance but I'd like to have all of them unlocked at least
Same with Blue, he refuses to learn his last spell for some reason

>> No.24320324

Unlocking skills does seem to take quite a lot. The worst part is, I think the character actually needs to keep performing actions to spark that chance of learning something new, so the lower level styles I bring along to my Rouge mines runs need me to set it to normal auto instead of full power so they'll actually get a turn before my stronger, faster characters one round the boss. Holy run on sentence Batman.

>> No.24320691

Does anyone else have absolutely horrendous load times in Tenka Hyakken?
I'm using a fairly high-end phone from last year that loads pretty much everything else near instantly so I'm not sure if I should try to reinstall or if this is just normal.

>> No.24320817
File: 89 KB, 339x360, slimes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can't deal with these things in 4-1-4 hard, the ice spell oneshots even my ice-resist character, looks like unlocking the last expedition will take me a while
it does seem inconsistent from my experience, had an A character learn all her skills in a few fights in the rouge mines, while another A in the same team took ages

>> No.24320863

That Cyclonic something or other move? Yeah, it's a crazy strong skill on such an otherwise weak monster. Victory is pretty much RNG whenever they show up. Actually, it seems like a lot of mobs are packing a pocket nuke in this game.
Good luck on that final hurdle Anon, I'm halfway through episode 3 on Hard so I should hopefully be joining you sometime tomorrow.

>> No.24320976

RomaSaga has the strangest daily reset of any mobage I've ever tried. Most global versions reset at either 3, 4, or 5 am for me but this one is 10pm.

>> No.24321035

>Corridor didnt reset

>> No.24321135

Read the news bro, it's a monthly thing. Should be showing the correct time now according to the notice.

>> No.24321150

Ahh in game it was saying it was going to reset today.
Shame I was excited to get a free 10 roll from the tickets

>> No.24321234

They're permanent.

>> No.24321645

>it seems like a lot of mobs are packing a pocket nuke in this game.
this is why I've started rolling with characters with crowd control skills, being able to paralyze or put a mob to sleep each wave really reduces the odds of getting fucked over by a volley of 300 damage nukes. They're inconsistent, though.

>> No.24321656

is there a point to rerolling in romancing Saga or no?

>> No.24321697

Is there known droprates for S rank weapons? I've been grinding1-2-5 for the greatsword but this shit hasn't dropped in 40 runs.

>> No.24321714

I assume they're the same drop rate as A-rank drops in normal mode, and then I guess VH stages will have common S-rank drops with very rare SS-rank drops. Doubt it's worth the stamina to farm for S-rank stuff right now.

>> No.24321953

Yeah, paralysis is a godsend when it actually lands. Often I'll be fighting a pair of tough mobs and if SS Monika can land her paralyze move on one of them, it instantly goes from tough to easy mode. I'm raising up Thomas through expeditions, his A style has a passive where he has a chance to put a stun on enemies at the start of every round and I got his SS style off my SS ticket, which has a passive that lowers enemy stun resistance.
Nah, not really. Almost the entire launch pool can be acquired through drops or item exchanges. Your time is better spent rushing story mode to unlock the expeditions, they're the most important avenue of character progression.
If it's known, I imagine it'd be on altema somewhere. The loading screen tips say B gear is easier to get from Normal stages and A gear is easier to get from Hard stages, so I assume if you want S gear, Very Hard will have the best drop rates.

>> No.24322170

>SS Mikhail gets to level 30 and unlocks Fired Up IV
I am become death, destroyer of anything weak to piercing damage.

>his A style has a passive where he has a chance to put a stun on enemies at the start of every round and I got his SS style off my SS ticket, which has a passive that lowers enemy stun resistance.
Wait, is there a way to get the benefits of one style's passives on a different one?

>> No.24322308

Thanks anon. I won't roll then.

>> No.24322350
File: 1.84 MB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20200619-164050_RS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even then, Spiral Corridor ends up going up to floor 80, meaning you end up eventually getting like 240 spiral corridor tickets each month for just climbing to 80 for a banner that has only the release pool and the spiral corridor characters.
I am going to use Reddit Spacing once for this:

There is absolute no reason to either reroll or spend jewels on the platinum banner on release. At all. Save jewels for Seasonal or Award limited banners instead.

>> No.24322351
File: 160 KB, 720x612, rouge ss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking FINALLY i think 50 of my ranks were acquired solely through grinding his stage
also got past the slimes, ss albert who i got from my start dash is an absurdly good tank. he's farmable, but i think anyone rerolling after official launch should aim for him
best of luck to you too anon
a good suggestion, if i wasn't gonna make it with albert i was going to try ginny, since the slimes are immune to everything but getting stoned

>> No.24322407

>Wait, is there a way to get the benefits of one style's passives on a different one?
Sadly no, realized that might be misleading after I posted. I was trying to illustrate that no matter the rarity of the Thomas you get, the guy seems build around CC so he seems worth investing in.
Congrats on both of those accomplishments! Day 3 in the rouge mines and no dice, maybe tomorrow.
I'm looking forward to getting SS Albert with eggshells one day, I hear his Parry makes him one of the best tanks at launch. Thanks for the luck!

>> No.24322902

>Slimes in 4-1-4 hard either hit for 30 or 300

>> No.24322977
File: 929 KB, 557x985, 1561764422106.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The dreams of unlocking the final expedition before 3 day maint might be blueballed by rape deer who all have like a million HP.

>> No.24323350

Mine got better after the big update I'm using a galaxy s8

>> No.24323460

>1-1-1 on VH has a Fat Robin drop
>presumably the same drop rate as Rouge but with 3x the stamina cost per attempt

>> No.24324294
File: 1.49 MB, 2895x4096, IMG_20190605_172940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fell asleep but here ya go:
>tutorial roll is easily rerollable and they said it will feature one guaranteed SS with character job
>after that you can roll on the collab gacha for A2, in JP that banner lasted 2 weeks
>4500 jewels are needed for a spark
>collabs have different spark medal pools, so gotta watch out for that
>at the end of the month there's a guaranteed SS banner with free jewels
>global will have permanent gachas for a long time so the only ones worth rolling on will be collabs, guaranteed SS and for gameplay fags limited specialization weapons
>easy way to get gems at the start is through missions and achievements
>save A weapons and limit break them one by one, every 5 enhancements you get 30 or 50 gems

>> No.24325356
File: 1.91 MB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_20200619-212741.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The see-through models are always funny, dem glutes

>> No.24325397

Ah ok thank you very much anon

>> No.24325579

also got walled by this and finally managed to clear it, only to meet more deer in the next round, and also in the following round after that
hoping to unlock 4th expedition before maintenance too

>> No.24325607
File: 1000 KB, 556x986, 1567232948576.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good luck.
Faggot spams an aoe earth move.
And his normal attack even on someone who resists slash does like 150 damage.

>> No.24325803

i forgot since i retreat if i can't clear, but can you spend gems to revive your characters if you fail the quest? seems very much worth it if it's for unlocking the expedition

>> No.24325824

Nope gotta win the hard way

>> No.24325865

damn, guess everyone's gotta suffer equally, that's a good thing in some way. thanks for the info

>> No.24326118

Another Eden stream happening now.

>> No.24327635

New PV.

>> No.24329341

Thanks for this.

>> No.24330981
File: 205 KB, 484x1150, rouge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Rouge finally dropped
>Deleted the witch and unlocked skill enhancements
>chipping my way through hard mode for the 4th expedition
Today's a good day lads, I'm gonna be sad when I can't play for three days.

>> No.24331389

Congrats! Looks like I'm the only one here still trying to get him. Gonna take a break from that and try to push forward in episode 3 Hard, I'm not looking forward to Yami spamming aoe confuse again.
Skill unlocks are so fickle. The first one seems to appear pretty quickly, but the others take forever and it's strange how you can unlock the 3rd skill before the 2nd.

>> No.24331725

Since it's two days since last thread I guess I can now talk about 2hu Lost Word here right? Considering the lack of content I doubt making a new thread will gather anyone

>> No.24331791

The server clock uses a European time zone.

>> No.24331810

Actual European or Greenwich

>> No.24331846

If the login bonus time is 4am like it is for JP that'd mean it's GMT+2.

>> No.24331919

Or maybe GMT+1. Daylight Savings fucks up timezones since not everywhere in the world does "Spring Ahead, Fall Back".

>> No.24331946

Speaking of which I think EU parliament voted to dismiss summer time usage in 202X

>> No.24332183

Getting stuff in the gacha is nice and all, but is the game fun? I played for about 3 weeks back when JP launched, even ignoring all the network problems it was pretty boring. Has the gameplay changed at all these past couple of years, or have they added enough new stuff to make it worth it?

>> No.24332471

Man, I really need to sit down, go over my RS roster and make dedicated teams for each daily and the forest of mystery. I've just been winging it with this mostly welfare team of SS Monika, A Therese, A Liza, A Valdor and A Undine. Put all my expedition tickets into them to get past a wave of mobs in episode 5 and they got so strong I just coasted with them for a while, but now I'm regretting not diversifying as skeletons are walling in episode 3 Hard and I can't get beat stage 6 of the exp/gold dailies.
The nice thing about this game is that outside of the secret books for awakening skills, all the upgrade mats seem grindable either directly or indirectly through an exchange, meaning there's very little risk of wasting resources.

>> No.24333179
File: 324 KB, 720x728, ch4 hard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone here cleared this on hard already? what comp/formation did you use?
tried using a blunt team which seemed to work out damage mitigation-wise, but tu kwai has too much hp and spams the aoe every turn, surviving that while dealing enough damage is rough. my characters aren't getting much stats out of the 3rd expedition anymore, so i'm thinking it's a comp problem rather than a stats problem

>> No.24333522

I haven't gotten there yet but if it's like his normal mode version you probably want to bring 2-3 heavy slash damage dealers, grind down the mob waves slowly enough to enter his fight with full OD, and just slam his asshole apart turn 1. Otherwise the rock spam kills you.

>> No.24333996
File: 43 KB, 314x320, 180755577@2x.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd have dropped it if I wasn't a big fan of DoD/NieR and didn't like the artstyle and OST.

For me right now it's a priconne tier casual management game where I get to spark once a month. Though I quit it from time to time because the game doesn't have anything exclusive like games with 3D models and MVs. The gameplay is the same as at launch, once you have proper grids you use the osusume button and auto stages to get gems/read the story. The events are mostly "repeat hardest stage to get points and get more gems".

The gameplayfags stick to colosseum and raids. I personally don't like either because it's not about being a good solo player but about voice chatting with people on discord to coordinate (raids get soloable with time though). Colosseum is just mashing buttons and coordinating summons. The whole strategy depends on summons and which counters which, one player can do one summon per colosseum and that's why you need coordination. Most summons are also locked behind whaling, you can get them from the gacha but most are buy only (65€ a piece + you get 500 gems). At top tier colosseum wins depend on who whaled more and who has better strats. At mid-low tier colosseum it just depends whether your DPS even logged in. I do nothing and I stick around in division 2 top 1000.

It's just a game to scratch the gacha itch if you have an addiction.

>> No.24334110

Damn Gretel is FLAT

>> No.24334183

thanks, tried this and actually got a bit farther than the blunt team i was using, but tu kwai has too much hp for my slash team to burst her down. might look into some weapon options

>> No.24334209
File: 1.04 MB, 553x990, 1572557138690.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right here my man.
Slash the shit out of the ninjas then just blow him up turn 1 with a full overdrive combo and hope you can finish him off before he murders everyone.

>> No.24334247
File: 1.05 MB, 546x902, 1584815088123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you have blind you can probably cheese him but I just went full unga.
Managed to do it after getting two S weapons and upgrading them.

>> No.24334286


>> No.24334942


>> No.24335034


>> No.24335257

Is RS maintenance tonight or tomorrow night?

>> No.24335342

hmmm yes
the floor is made of floor

>> No.24335801

Just reached this wall.
>there's four deer behind the three deer
This is hell

>> No.24337420


>> No.24337866
File: 688 KB, 720x1151, ss katarina someday.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

managed to clear it with this comp, thanks for the tips anons! grabbed two S swords from VH story and evolved them twice to get more dps
i do have blue to inflict blind, but it seems to be the most useless status effect in the game. i've never seen a blinded enemy miss

>> No.24337922

Very nice! How's S Katarina? I just got her from the free daily summon and she looks like a great fit for the Impala hunting team I'm putting together. I'm at the second half of episode 4 hard, but I won't make it to the boss because of these damn deer in my way. I haven't really invested in gear at all, so that'll probably be my priority in the near future.

>> No.24337945

You can cheese the 1-2-6 VH dragon boss really hard with that comp.
Hes got no defense against para so you can Katarina Blunt Strike lock him down forever.

>> No.24337998

Not him, but I've seen paralysis fail many times against enemies with no resistance to it. Thanks for the tip though.

>> No.24338015

Yea its not 100% but when it lands its 4 turns of the enemy cant act.

>> No.24338128

This was the song that plays against the Witch, right? I only got to hear about ten seconds of it when I fought her on normal and I'm not up to her in hard yet. It's a fucking amazing song though

>> No.24338209

she's got a self-sustain passive which is really good since heals are so limited, plus a paralysis skill AND str down skill/passive combo. the para doesn't proc too much unfortunately. still a really good jammer for a slash team
i'll keep this in mind, thanks
the only reliable paralysis i've used so far is A rouge's, which i inherited on my SS rouge, so i don't know if the proc chance is affected

>> No.24339998
File: 737 KB, 640x940, RSre_Katharina_Artwork2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im going to reroll for this cutie once the game comes out

>> No.24341991

She's cutie. But isnt she farmeable?

>> No.24343147

What's the appeal of this SaGa game?

>> No.24343294

It's Final Fantasy Record Keeper but with SaGa characters.

>> No.24343337

I don't get it either, all the characters look ugly too

>> No.24345004

If you played the originals you will know the characters and maybe you want to get them. Otherwise, if the art or the sprites are not for you, then the only remain thing is that you can be as f2p as you want and never pull even.

>> No.24345358

spoken like a true zoomer coomer that consume moetrash on daily basis

>> No.24345625

>But isnt she farmeable?
oh she is?
I didnt know that

>> No.24347249

>Gold door from 1st day of free single memeroll
>Dupe Mariel
I still prefer getting any new character which I don't have despite getting dupes isn't that bad anymore.

>> No.24348012

>cat battles in Another Eden
Did nips get their brains eroded by gacha this much they made combat system based entirely on rng and thought it's good?

>> No.24348234

its just relaxed mobage grinding without the "YOU GOTTA PULL OUR NEW ULTRA ULXSSR CHARACTER WOAH PVP DAMAGE NUMBERS BROS" shit.
honestly, for all the gachas i have played for years, this one really doesnt make me want to grab the noose whenever i lose at something so thats a start
so it ends up as a game that wouldn't survive in /vg/ to begin with,

>> No.24348250

She's in the general pool so she'll likely spook you one day if you get using your platinum tickets (summon tickets for the general pool) but it's worth noting she has a rate up at launch so she'd be fairly easy to reroll for with the launch rewards they'll be handing out in 3 days.
That being said, if you don't feel you need to have her immediately when you start the game you can get her puzzle pieces from the eggshell exchange then turn in those pieces for Katerina herself. You get eggshells from the Forest of Mystery, I think it unlocks after you clear episode 3 or 4 of the story. The only downside is you'd have a bit of a wait, as playing that stage requires a special ticket that you get 2 of per day from daily missions, and the eggshell exchange only carries 30 SS Katerina pieces per weekly refresh and you need a whopping 250 pieces to buy her.
Now that I'm looking at this, it's probably better to reroll for her rather than waiting 2+ months to farm her up; especially with that rate up at launch it shouldn't take you long.
>the only reliable paralysis i've used so far is A rouge's, which i inherited on my SS rouge, so i don't know if the proc chance is affected
Ah, I get it. I'm talking about Monika's Shock Rush, which almost never lands its paralysis. I just compared the two and Monika's skill has a "medium" chance while A Rouge's has a "high" chance. Sounds like high must be pretty, well, high.

>> No.24348257
File: 2.06 MB, 3335x3762, PTD3rdAnniversary.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>PTD actually reached 3 years.
I can't say that I ever expected this. I thought it would be done after 1 year.

>> No.24348355

>relaxed grinding
What do you mean, a game you spam while watching anime or something else?

This still baffles me because it released at the same time as sinoalice, is a better game with more features but makes a lot less money.

>> No.24348405

Not him but yeah, it's one of those games where you'll hit a wall with a stage/boss your team can't handle but instead of pulling for the latest hotness, you just go to an easier stage that drops something you want and auto grind there until your stats hit a point that lets you overcome your current hurdle. I guess it's kind of like a proper JRPG in that respect.

>> No.24348624

>rank 65
>still in the Rouge mines
Remembering that it took me over six months before St. Louis dropped in AL, I'm starting to think this is a massive waste of time and stamina and I'll just wait to pull him from the gacha months from now. I'm gonna go farm for better gear to kill these fucking invincible deer.

>> No.24349664

but also one that doesn't ring you up like a desperate ex who broke it off with you constantly trying to get you to play because "this is a meta banner and you can hop on back anytime! please!" then slap you in the face with "wow, you dont even have these god tier PvP? get the fuck out of my sight you loser"
at this point, its the only thing i care about since fuck pvp focused gachas in general and their piece of shit horse betting scams. fitting /vg/ worships them

>> No.24350424

It isn't that grindy compared to Mining, Fishing and Lord of Mana at least.

>> No.24350425

how many gachikoi left to keep this alive?

>> No.24350456

>2x Rattlers then 2x Yaksha in the Staff stone daily level 4
The fuck is this shit, every other level 4 stone quest is easily autoable for me but this one very nearly ruined my shit if not for a lucky paralyze.

>> No.24351317

For Romancing Saga, I have tons of things I can use to upgrade my weapons but practically nothing for armor enhancement. Is there a good stage to grind that drops armor enhancing mats?

>> No.24352263

2-1-2 Hard drops A and S-level armor and equipment upgrade mats + purple powder for skill upgrades, might be worth a shot since everything you'll get will be useful eventually.
S-rank weapons are fucking nuts, I got a Eckesachs, awakened it once and Gerard's basic attack damage went from 400 to 700. I've gotta farm these for my whole party now.

>> No.24352528

Thanks! As soon as I can get through Hard mode I'll be farming S gear in Very Hard; don't like my chances with it on Hard mode as I haven't seen a single S drop yet.

>> No.24352573

>Trying to grind VH for Robin
Ahhh its even worse than Rogue was

>> No.24352846

>15 stamina a go
>but you have to grind the stage anyway for white plates for skill upgrades
It's a little less shit than Rouge because at least you get useful stuff. Still not worth doing until you either need the plates or have excess stamina to burn.

>> No.24352928

The excess stamina's more or less where Im at.
I got high enough in VH's to get the mats to upgrade a skill and since I unlocked the 4th expedition theres no pressing goal right now.
Other than pushing VH for trying to find some S armor I guess.

>> No.24353000
File: 373 KB, 2048x1442, Ea-4icRVcAAOaSE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Akira's saying that he was asked to write a "June bride" story, so he made "marriage" a topic in Rinne's and Yuta's idol stories—which substitutes for that event. Then he just placed those two in whatever situation he wanted them to be. In this case: a night club.

The mere fact that he switched to third person here makes this line translate like:
>akiwa is vewy sowwyyy fow nyot weawizing t-that you guys wanted a junye bwide stowy!!
What a fucking bastard.

>> No.24353663

Which formations in RS are good for avoiding aoes that hit rows like the Impala's Whirlwind or Yami's Lightning Pierce? Am I actually going to end up using Free For All?

>> No.24353795

Theres a vertical aoe move you see every so often which free for all would get wrecked by.

I think most people are running around with the < because its a really simple formation.

>> No.24354113

Thank you! I switched to Speculation and got lucky with paralyze for the first time ever, finally got past those damn deer! Might be able to get the last expedition before maintenance after all.

>> No.24354338

And walled by the mushrooms 2 stages later. They do the opposite type of damage from the deer, but have a deer mixed in with them. These encounters are diabolically designed.

>> No.24355048

I think there's only 55 minutes until Romancing Saga goes down for maintenance, so if you want to do your dailies, now's your only shot for today. I'd at least grab the free daily summon if you can. Who knows, you might get lucky!

>> No.24355134
File: 164 KB, 720x312, puzzle exchange.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's still 15 hours i think
i'm doing some shopping, getting ss katarina and s undine pieces in the egg and fragment shops respectively. bought all the stamina potions i can find too

>> No.24355730

never mind, you were right, it's under maintenance now. i'm a timezone brainlet
time for a break then

>> No.24355742

See you lads in three days, take care

>> No.24357138

I think doing wedding quests might be faster exp than coop while this pink text thing is going on. I remember either getting 25 or 75k doing phantom beast 19 with a full party, doing a solo wedding quest is like 30k exp, just need a quick clear map.

>> No.24358306
File: 136 KB, 545x640, 79D7FA44-AD81-4163-96D4-96E187FB0244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doji alt pretty cute tho

>> No.24358720

Damn my gems haven't recovered.

>> No.24359195

I think that's only for 1st clear.

>> No.24359319


True limited coming to CUE!, seems to be both summer and bride limited 4*.

In another note, finally started RomaSaga JP while I'm waiting global (I know this is a bad move but at least I can learn some tips for global when its the official launch). Rouge SS at 1-2-12 is farmeable in normal or do I have to do H/VH?

>> No.24359445

based on global, rouge the character drops on normal, and his puzzle pieces for further upgrading him drop on hard
took me probably over a hundred runs to get him, but if you have his A version he's really good. he doesn't seem worth it without the A in my opinion

>> No.24359529

Is this the first time CUE had an actual limited? I just started when CUE got shilled in a past thread.

>> No.24359840

I got the A version and I like his design so I wanna try and get him in both JP and GLB. The game got my interest and I'm definitely playing this.

I was the anon that talked about CUE- and no, this is the 2nd (and 3rd?) limited banner. The first was on february with valentine banner.

>> No.24359943

