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24218486 No.24218486 [Reply] [Original]

/blog/ - BL + Otome Games #217



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Previous thread >>23996913

>> No.24220063

Has anyone tried to make otome/BL scenario in AI Dungeon?

Honestly, I only use that game to jerk off and too lazy to actually create something meaningful

>> No.24221692

I just think boys talking about their feelings, crying and being vulnerable in general is cute

>> No.24222530

Anal is fine. What I don't like is the fact that any admission to liking anal means the dude has to mention "acting like a girl" when he cums from it. Enjoy it as a man, please.

>> No.24222755

Can you avoid raping the shota looking guy in Omerta? I want the mc to get raped instead

>> No.24223359
File: 99 KB, 960x455, 00vyqu7ksam31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that omnipandering is the future

>> No.24224252

Wow, it's really been updated since I last used it, I'm still not creative enough to do much though.

When you try to appeal to everyone It just ends up not deeply appealing to anyone.

>> No.24224912

Fuck barafags
I like my boys being 1000 year old slender bishounen elf demon vampire angel god with long hair and bedroom eyes

>> No.24225515

Agree, I also dislike crossdressing and feminisation that often follows(talking about doujinshi)

>> No.24225581

What about slender bishounen + bara couple?

>> No.24225956
File: 1.44 MB, 1072x598, hnaws2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow, is this an actual akuyaku reijou type rival in an otome game?

>> No.24226875

Then do the chinchong route.

>> No.24226946

Somewhat unrelated but the ridiculous national stereotypes in Omerta are so overt it goes back around to being charming. What you get for playing a game where the MC is literally named after a racial slur I suppose.

>> No.24226969


>> No.24227022

Hot desu. Will he stop raping the shota then?

>> No.24227559

Feminization is a niche I don't really get (since nobody really has a girl equivalent), but it's good in some scenarios. What bugs me is that if SM isn't the main focus of a girl topping, this is often the route they go to make a boy submissive.

>> No.24227695

Feminization sucks both ways. It implies that femininity is inferior and also that a man's submission can't be it's own thing.

>liking anal means the dude has to mention "acting like a girl" when he cums from it
It doesn't even make sense, because only men can have prostate orgasms. It makes way more sense for men to get fucked in the ass than women.

>> No.24228078

I prefer feminisation to stuff where the sub guy gets called a pig. At least girls and traps are cute, I don't want to hear a guy go buhii buhii it's cringe and gross.

>> No.24228156

Only if the bara is the bottom

>> No.24228163

Strong, buff men wanting to be topped by women and/or smaller guys are the best.

>> No.24229444

Is anyone playing Tokyo 24-ku? Considering who's writing it I have high expectations

>> No.24229953

I'm waiting for someone to upload it because I'm a poorfag but yeah, it seems promising.

>> No.24230146

>found one review of someone who's finished one route and they're praising the writing and characters
Post about the game when you'll start it, anon

>> No.24230336
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If your Japanese is shit and you don't know about JP politics (like me), it'll be hard to follow. Other than that, I like the game. The art is consistent.

>> No.24230458

Anime guys singing reggaeton when?

>> No.24233581
File: 2.65 MB, 2048x1152, ev_091.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post your favorite CGs

>> No.24233829

Watch her be a bad ending yuri type route

I will be very disappointed if otome games actually do the reatarded villaness shot

>> No.24234232

Hm? What game is this?

>> No.24234447
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>> No.24234563 [SPOILER] 
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Big psychedelica ashen hawk spoiler

>> No.24235182
File: 640 KB, 1970x2048, EaRwd_jUMAAYkHz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Barely 3 months old
>Not even half a year
>Already has an amazingly huge amount of fanart and popularity
Feels nice to see a brand new joseimuke jump in popularity so fast, I wonder if it'll become even bigger or if it'll eventually dwindle. I'm enjoying it a lot despite the hate it gets thrown around.

>> No.24235465 [SPOILER] 
File: 582 KB, 1018x572, 1592129973973.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24236262

Hana Awase. Came out years before the villainess isekai trend or anything, this is the trope entirely played straight I believe.

>> No.24237007

thank you for reminding me to play the rest of the Paradise games

>> No.24237031

>it's cringe and gross.
that's the point.
eventually you'll realize feminization is cringe and gross too

>> No.24237302 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.24237700

I should really finish this one of these days but the direction it took halfway/two thirds of the way through completely killed my enthusiasm towards it.

>> No.24237768 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.24237994
File: 102 KB, 960x544, CND_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lot of pic related's CGs and official art are 10/10

He's got the best sex scene in the entire game desu. Probably the best Cero D scene by Otomate so far too. The bias is strong

>> No.24238039 [SPOILER] 
File: 3.64 MB, 1920x1080, 1592144196483.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spoilered as it is a sex scene after all.

I adore this CG, but how the fuck did Tamamori's clothes appeared on him, when a CG before he was naked and there was no time for him to put them on. This is my only problem with it

>> No.24238206 [SPOILER] 
File: 97 KB, 960x544, 1592145049349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is but speed through it to say you're done and play fata morgana after. At least it's beautiful.

>> No.24238219

*is meh

>> No.24238286

They're fluffy compared to the original, the plot parts are more like action movies than horror and suspense but you would expect that from fandiscs I suppose. Still full of the same sort of light ryona/guro type shit the first game has though, it's just consensual instead. One of the plot threads in Matsuda's after story is Azuma being mad at Matsuda for not beating him enough lol.

>> No.24238438

I've never been a fan of main guys getting special treatment, but they went too far with Akaza. They tried too hard to make him seem better than everyone else.

>> No.24238507 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.24238735

I think he's pushed so forcefully it gets irritating, athough he's one of my two favourite capturable characters from Olympia. At least he didn't get the engagement ring scene and isn't the fated semi-childhood friend

>> No.24238932 [SPOILER] 
File: 328 KB, 1280x720, 1592148472637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not as bad as Otomate's bias for Lupin imo. But yeah, while 5 out of the 6 routes is more on Olympia trying to help the guys with their problems, Akaza's route is the only one that feels like he really saved and helped Olympia with her worries. I'm not a fan of poster boys in general, but for some reason Akaza manages to be more likable than perfect husbandos like Aiji and Lupin. Maybe because his interactions with Olympia are entertaining and because she's the cutest in his route. It's fun to see her go completely tsun and deny that she's starting to fall for him everytime he attempts to woo her

I actually like the direction they took with Akaza's route. I prefer couples trying to fate that was pushed onto them over the fated couple trope. Yosuga seemed popular among the nips so I had high expectations in his route. But the shoujo-tier "What is this feeling...?" romance going back and forth annoyed the fuck out of me until the very end of his route. The way the problems got solved in his route also felt anti-climatic. His bad end is the best one tho and probably the only bad end that's noteworthy

>> No.24239117 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.24239241
File: 236 KB, 1200x1122, 82076284_p8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All the """"hate""" I see from gaijins is basically butthurt that their favourite fanartists jumped the ship. Not that I blame them.

>> No.24239266

I'm just enjoying all the waifufags tears over the old "boys don't sell, tits do" meme being busted once again.

>> No.24239444

These brown boys are the best but

>Play lesson
>Set it to loop until AP runs out
>Eat dinner
>This shit is still going

These "systems" need to be illegal already. I don't know why girl games promote them like they are a good thing.

>> No.24239470 [SPOILER] 
File: 30 KB, 480x272, 1592151213275.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The biggest troll in otoge history

>> No.24239527

I mean, Akaza is pretty much depicted as the perfect guy. The scene where he jumps after her into the spring was basically showing us how amazing he is, not to mention how every character praises him to no end. I agree that tsun Olympia is cute, but her attitude seemed like a way they could further make his route stand out from the others'. Kind of unrelated, but I wish he kept his glasses on at least. It was disappointing that he completely takes them off in his route.

>> No.24239572

Companies think women are brainlets when it comes to videogames so adding gameplay into things is too much.
It doesn't help that even when the already bad gameplay becomes significantly harder they complain to boot.

>> No.24239616

>Companies think women are brainlets when it comes to videogames
They're not wrong. At least from what I've seen on twitter and such, a lot of female Japanese players are always wary of playing games with actual gameplay because they might be too difficult.

>> No.24239693
File: 318 KB, 1428x2023, Ead3xToUEAAfxSg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That reminds me I noticed that an artist I originally followed for lewds of Alexander from Kinpri ended up jumping ship to draw this Twisted wonderland brown wolf guy. I guess this artist is still consistent with their fetishes in the end.

>> No.24239697

Not exactly. She will hate Mikoto throughout the entire first game. But in Hime’s game, where Mikoto isn’t a threat to her "relationship" to Mizuchi she is all friendly and nice.

>> No.24239706

Yeah, I like the dude but he basically almost has zero flaws. The other boys in general felt rather flat for me. I liked Kuroba's personality though. Olympia has always been a tsun. But it's more apparent in Akaza's route because she appalled at his proposal and was set on not marrying him. She can be quite prideful so I can see why she's extra tsun when she's being in denial because not marrying him is something she's set on. I only remember him taking off the glasses whenever he's wearing his casual clothes, though I wish he kept them on too

>> No.24240278

I wanted to fuck him so much. I don't care if he's her dad or some shit, I wish he had a route

>> No.24240548

He was best boy, if only he was in a game that wasn't written by moralfags and also didnt heavily favor the main guy. maybe he wasn't into flatties

>> No.24240605

I mean the game just launched a shitload of mobages are terrible the first months coftfgocoftcoft give it some time to gets it's shit together.

>> No.24241138

That's why I couldn't play KOF for girls. It was the very definition of 作業プレイ and wasn't even fully voiced to boot

>> No.24241145
File: 643 KB, 1024x576, スチル 15-min.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's something about the colouring in this one that makes me almost hear how moody it is.

>> No.24241236

Women bitching about even a modicum of difficulty is why I can never enjoy games with a primarily male cast. They're as empty and unfulfilling to play as glorified waifu collection games. If the story and the gameplay are both shit what is there to do? Stare at appealing art between autobattle grinding? Maybe I'm too old but I don't appreciate games playing themselves to earn shit, and the fact that autobattle is the only way to keep from burning out speaks to how fucking shitty the game design in mobage has become.

>> No.24241439

It's like this game was showing you what acutally happened if you got together with a psychopath.

Unintentional deconstruction

>> No.24241455
File: 200 KB, 1049x1488, FB_IMG_1592112234300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is why you play omnipandering games

>> No.24241509

There's only one omnipandering game out there that has kept me for a while but sadly it seems like it'd rather cater to gay furries over us decent folk who appreciate humans and demihumans.

Even "omnipandering" games tilt heavily towards appeasing straight otaku from my experience. Makes it easier to hoard resources for the rare male banners worth rolling in, but it gets tiresome to be drowned in tits and female ass after a while.

>> No.24243958

>not including decent gameplay
>for a spinoff based on a well established fighting game franchise
Even if they're in a different genre they could at least make it fun to play

>> No.24244193
File: 186 KB, 1026x548, no route.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's pretty okay, but I guess it wasn't enough for him

>> No.24244336

>no route
sad I like designs like this
Who is the main guy in this game btw?

>> No.24244469
File: 1.35 MB, 1280x720, EV_119_b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I looked up cg set for [MariaCrown] Yoshiwara Higanbana
I think it has one the best sex scenes in otome games
Tons of breasts licking and cunnilingus

>> No.24244599
File: 248 KB, 1008x556, hot brown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a tragedy anon, because designs like that a rare. The main guy is the hot brown poster boy

>> No.24244629

But the guys themselves hardly undress, all you see is beautiful naked mc.

>> No.24244678
File: 946 KB, 1280x1024, August.Macleod.full.926945.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the priest, but he has such laid-back playful voice that I can't get into it.

>> No.24244693

Name main boys who are actually best boy

>> No.24244752


>> No.24244773

True, even though I think this game does better job than many other otomes. Blond guy also shows a lot of muscles which I found very hot

>> No.24244782

I'm playing that right now, it's genuinely quite good. And R18 otome are pretty rare in the first place.

>> No.24244845

Will mangagamer ever pick up a good R18 otome

>> No.24244894

They tld gahkthun are are going to release sonanyl maybe.

>> No.24244918

Aren't those games just eroge with decent looking boys

>> No.24244940
File: 28 KB, 236x299, 67181.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not immediately attracted to any romancable character in this game, which is a shame since it's in English. How is the Hugh route?

>> No.24244951

You play as girl who shag boy but only get 1 canon romance instead of 5. They're also very chuuni.

>> No.24245095

Wow that is indeed generic titty-focusing sex scenes. Also really don't care for love interest design.

>> No.24245108

Psychedelica doesnt have routes really instead you have an overworld map where you pick characters to spend time with, can even do with non romance targets. theres no time punishments so you can just click all of them in one playthrough lol. After you reach the req scenes for each boy you get on the very very short route that feels more like a long ending scene. Hugh's is... really rushed he's like "wow you're in a predicament and it looks like your definitely gonna die but um instead wanna skedaddle out of this kusoge be my gf?" And jed is like "sure" and hes like "ok I'll take care of u bby :D" and then he uses magic and they fuck off. I really like him as a boy and he would've been great in a real route, I wish this game could've done all the other characters better, lugus a shit.

>> No.24245182

Thanks, skipping this game

>> No.24245332

are there otomes where all the male characters genuinely think the MC is a boy and are any of them recommendable?

>> No.24245358

The MC in this sounds like a cuck

>> No.24245366

I can't really get into Hana Awase. The art and style of it is all really nice but the amount of shoujo cliches seems like it's going to be too much. Though I've only just started it so maybe it gets better, I don't know. People who like the series, what's the appeal?

>> No.24245429

Boner for Iroha's suffering

>> No.24245457

I felt the same when I tried it years ago. I could barely force myself through one game.

>> No.24245517

Let's test your fujo-skills. Determine best boy of upcoming nitro-chiral game by outlines alone.

>> No.24245569

The one in the coat. We're getting 2 older guys this time?

>> No.24245620

They all look somewhat older than mc to me, except sweater guy

>> No.24245626

Kenka Banchou Otome. Yeah it's pretty good.

>> No.24246375

So I keep playing NTY. Finished a second route, I kinda expected there would be no good endings and I were right. Anyway the game really shouldn't be called BL, since there's no L in it, maybe BS for boy sex, would be better. I'm so frustrated with it, like I love and absolutely hate it at the same time. I've never felt like this with any other game before. I kinda hate this game, but will do other routes anyway. Also MC is best boy and he didn't deserve all this shit.

>> No.24246506

MC looks cutest, but I second labcoat being best boy

>> No.24247254
File: 127 KB, 1024x472, EahdHpIU4AAUGFy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SB69 actually got Maximum the Hormone as a tie-up band

>> No.24248380

Bilshana Senki

>> No.24249769

Based on looks:
MC > 2 > 3 > 4 > 1

I'll try to guess their personality:
MC - probably just Akira 2.0 (which isn't that bad, imo Akira is the best N+C MC)
1 - generic stoic shit who rapes the mc (probably the worst boy)
2 - either a childhood friend or yandere-ish, maybe both
3 - probably a fujo favourite, so I expect him to be a tsundereshit like Noiz
4 - something like Virus, but more stoic

Overall I'd say 2 is the best boy

>> No.24250269

I like most the MC and the megane salaryman (pls tell me he's a tsundere or something for double kill).

>> No.24250320
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>> No.24250578
File: 290 KB, 2048x1152, Card_Floyd_Dorm_Uniform_SSR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really want to fuck this eel you guys.

>> No.24250872

Art for this game looks nice. Is this the kusoge with the best card art? I can't think of any competitors.

>> No.24251152

>Akira is the best MC
Yeah if you played only Togainu no chi

>> No.24251210

Konoe is the best by virtue of being a catboy

>> No.24251605

He has some annoying moments as
>lives in the world where women are almost non existent
>b-but both of us are boys
>dick goes where
>still going y-yamete after 3+ years of being in a relationship
But disregarding this I must agree. I do hope Slow damage mc will embrace the path of dick in the ass from the start

>> No.24251719

I played all 4 of their VNs.
Aoba is basically a dumbass hentai heroine
Konoe is Aoba but slightly less dumb
Youji is Akira but weaker
Akira is my favourite because I like both unemotional MCs and MCs that can fight

>> No.24251911

>dead parents
>younger and smaller than the rest of the cast
>'but we're both guys!'
>'I'm not a girl!'
>'...what is this feeling'
who is he?

>> No.24252073

stock BL mc

>> No.24252106


>> No.24252455

I don't know but I want to see him getting dicked.

>> No.24252475

Seriously though the only BL MC with living parents that comes to mind is Kyoichiro. I guess it's a usual VN trope to both keep meddling authority figures out the way (and in the case of BL games having no parents to dissapoint by going gay) and also provide some extra angst.

>> No.24252498

He looks like the kind of priest that would be corrupted by a demon in a BL

>> No.24252524

All nitro+ mcs
He's also the one who pursues one of the characters. He was basically begging for Tatebayashi's dick.
And as I remember, he's also quick to give up on "but we're both guys!" in other routes

>> No.24252575
File: 32 KB, 400x400, 1sede-_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Filthy lies, that's the purest priest you'll ever find. He's like a shoujo manga heroine. All priests are pure!

>> No.24252697
File: 368 KB, 1294x1959, EaiN5cZU4AAr2Bm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1 - generic stoic shit who rapes the mc (probably the worst boy)
Nah there's something about Doctor-kun that screams gap moe
>shark teeth
Do you really want too?

>> No.24252834

Agreed on gap moe. He might be the type who is outwardly stoic and manly but inside he's a shy, sensitive guy who only drops the mask around MC.

I get 'stoic shit who rapes MC' vibes from #4 more than anyone. Businessmen with that haircut are always, always sadist rapists in this genre.

>> No.24252884

Kyoichiro only bottoms and is the youngest/smallest but he isn't especially donkan or tsundere (except to Senge at the start) that I remember. He was smarter than I thought he was going to be after he was introduced at the start of the game at least.

>> No.24252937
File: 26 KB, 615x615, 1556109836971.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guys, guys, guys, GUYS.
Everyone is gonna rape the MC this is a Nitro+Chiral VN

>> No.24253059

Some of the good ends might contain less rape than others though. And that makes all the difference.

>> No.24253142

>He was smarter than I thought he was going to be after he was introduced at the start of the game at least.
This. I expected the usual type of BL MC, but was pleasantly surprised in the end. He and LD1 Gian are among top tier BL mcs

>> No.24253162

Lamento had no rape in good endings. If I remember correctly, the only main Lamento character to rape the MC was Asato but only because he became a monster boy and lost it completely.

>> No.24256165

Hatoful boyfriend and Kaitou jade have made me automatically suspicious of doctors/school nurses.

>> No.24258527

Actually now I think about it the Beniten and Nie no Machi MCs weren't technically orphans they both just had one parent that fucked off when they were too young to remember and then the other one died some time later. But the function in story is basically the same.

>> No.24259298
File: 55 KB, 518x372, peak otome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this peak otome

>> No.24259392

how did you get this picture of literally me

>> No.24259592
File: 1.24 MB, 1457x2048, 80772511_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You say that as if it's a bad thing

>> No.24259835

The school nurse was the best boy

>> No.24260465

*School nurse and the incest brother

>> No.24260910

The games not even out yet.

>> No.24262204

Souta was literally perfect.

>> No.24262236

In that sense, I'd count Michael from Shingakkou as having living parents (even if they die about 2 mins in the game) both because you see and hear about them quite a bit and because he thinks about his dad when he's going gay.

Plus he has living meddling authority figures anyway in father lazarus, uncle ahab and God.

>> No.24262339
File: 54 KB, 256x363, 30764.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone played Oukyuu Yasoukyoku(王宮夜想曲)?
Mainly interested in Edgar route.

>> No.24263446

Is BL or otome perfect game exists where all LIs are high quality tsunderes?

>> No.24264441

What's the point of a game with no variety in LIs

>> No.24264821

Having a vague enough personality type doesn't mean there can't be any variety in other character traits.

>> No.24264912

I want to pull them out with pliers

>> No.24265342
File: 57 KB, 506x470, 1592278494318.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based disney, it's killing the competition

>> No.24265763

sickenedbutcurious.jpg I don't play that game, but I really like seeing nicely done fanarts like these.

>> No.24269140
File: 122 KB, 1920x1080, EapGePdXgAEMCnJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No more filler characters

>> No.24269472

>shorts + longboots
I don't know what it is, but I know it will be good

>> No.24271273 [SPOILER] 
File: 138 KB, 1280x720, 1592335481851.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24273469

There's something fascinating about batshit characters

>> No.24278632
File: 156 KB, 481x1012, chevalier_pic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kind of strange perspective

>> No.24278694

Nice characters
Who do you like?

>> No.24278737

Wtf this is actually kinda important. Why do guys prescribe gender to sexual role and not sexual organs?

>> No.24279480

this is fine.jpg

>> No.24279999 [DELETED] 

I blame trannies

>> No.24280468

Really funny that there's tons of illegal uploads of Enstars stuff on bilibili including whole concerts but it's the abema stream that gets taken down in half a day

The 6th.

>> No.24280690


>> No.24280802

poor hypnosis mic not even in top 50

>> No.24280814

the 4 for sure, the less girly

>> No.24281270

>Muh don't post the hideous cards anywhere
>Doing this in the age of social media
Could it be they're retarded?

>> No.24281663

The sex CG kept getting worse after the first route until you reach the last route and there are like 3.

>> No.24281738

>Akira is my favourite because I like both unemotional MCs and MCs that can fight
Akira can't fight. He's hype but it's all talk

>> No.24281753

Damn the doctor looks like my type. Hopefully has has black hair

>> No.24282233

>Could it be they're retarded?
Possibly.I could maybe understand not wanting a user-run card database/social media account but this level of gatekeeping is just absurd.If your target audience doesn't know anything about the game,they won't play it.Simple as that.

>> No.24283065

What happened in enstars and why is "give Arashi's pronouns back" trending????

>> No.24283330

pronoun cringe as per usual

>> No.24283428

Well that's certainly obvious but I'mma need more details

>> No.24283602

They all look the same. Most the same hair style and length. Some of them are practically clones of guys from previous games. And the premise is Revolution and Midnight Cinderella again. What a bunch of hacks

>> No.24283641


>> No.24283688

>fan wiki

legit who cares

>> No.24283798

I don't know what I expected but it's remarkably dumber than I imagined. Eh whatever I guess

>> No.24283895

Amusing, I guess. 1 stupid admin vs. a small group of idiots over pronouns on a fan page.

>> No.24283977

The eighth example, because his face isn't neutral like everyone else's

>> No.24284142

All of them sound like shit except maybe Yves and Rio. Otherwise it's like daddy issues bpd pandering: the cast.

>> No.24284346

Western fans are mentally ill

>> No.24284755

Gundam mechas as cute boys gacha when.

>> No.24285279 [DELETED] 

What about series with cute and innocent shoutas?

>> No.24285313
File: 217 KB, 588x501, Shota.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where are the series with qt and innocent shotas? I wanna see them getting corrupted by the heroine.

>> No.24285386

Only 'heroine corrupts pure shota' route I can really think of is Rin's in Jooubachi, and Rin is like a sex slave anyway so not even that pure.

I think I've seen a couple situation CDs with that kind of premise though, check DLsite.

>> No.24285729

I'm not into enstars, wasn't this guy just an okama? I can't trust the wiki translations

>> No.24285988 [SPOILER] 
File: 184 KB, 1792x828, 1592414592057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was the base archetype, but it's then developed into the mess that is it now. The wiki translations are actually pretty accurate as each one requires them to be proofread. Arashi's development took a turn in 2018 with "Beasts". That story is quite explicit, in my opinion. Furthermore, recent stories have Arashi being uncomfortable being put in masculine positions and say things like (pic related).

>> No.24287948

western fans call shino trans too

>> No.24288429

Whenever otome has a 8+ year age gap it's almost always a teenage girl with an older guy and not the other way around. Too many girls have daddy complexes

>> No.24288561

Well, given that otome protagonists are almost always in their teens/early 20s, having her be 8+ years older than the guy would easily trend into shotacon territory. Not that it's a bad thing for me, but it seems /ss/ isn't popular for otome's target demographics.

>> No.24289416

These ikemen in their late 20s to 30s still look as youthful as 18-20, no daddy issues girl would be satisfied with that. It feels like it's done so that he's guaranteed to have had sex with other women before you.

>> No.24289635

Who's the oldest otome MC? If we're not counting 100 years plus immortals like Little or Vivian.

>> No.24290210

>but it seems /ss/ isn't popular for otome's target demographics
Is it really? I thought that at the very least some girls would absolutely LOVE a shota option. Most /ss/ is made by women themselves too.

>> No.24290307

women in Japan make a lot of stuff that's targetted towards men

>> No.24290315

Rather than actual shota characters it seems like otome fans just like to be able to see kid versions of normally adult boys. I can think of a few games where there's some gimmick like extended flashbacks to everyone as kids or characters that can turn into kid and adult forms.

>> No.24290685
File: 465 KB, 446x433, FireShot Capture 1088 - Princess Maker 2_ Marriage to Cube+ Lucifon's dialogue - YouTube_ - www.youtube.com.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of my motivations for learning japanese is playing any otome with shotas I can get my hands on. There's pretty much nothing translated. Not that there's much good stuff in japanese either and I went through the entire vndb catalog for shota heroes. And what I really want is shota-jijis which is a niche within a niche
Being an ara-ara is suffering.

>> No.24290738
File: 167 KB, 1055x1252, EZHQiBbUMAE1w3O.jpg_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mahoyaku has a pair of shotajijis

>> No.24290748

I feel like there's quite a few of those but they're always sub characters.

>> No.24291071
File: 24 KB, 500x518, 1441727133137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will Nu-kun be for (you)? Or is he in a homolust situation with Sazabi-sama?

>> No.24291312
File: 38 KB, 499x338, 1463388176459.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Most /ss/ is made by women themselves too.
Sure m8, the milf/onee-san gets all the focus and the shota looks like a fucking gremblin or grown up adult but small, but yeah most of the /ss/ doujinkas are women buddy.
Women who are into shota either make it BL or it's shotadom.

>> No.24291349

If we're counting gachashit then there are quite a lot but he said said >otome so I presume he wants actual romance.

imagine wanting something other than shotadom anyway.

>> No.24291424

Women can enjoy sexy anime women while also liking cute shotas you dope. Post one image of "male targeted" ss where the shota is ugly.

>> No.24291441

there are a ton of those where they're the child equivalent of the ugly fat bastard, you're living under a rock.

>> No.24291581 [SPOILER] 
File: 495 KB, 1280x720, 1592441579142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I do not actively look for them since I'm satisfied by bl doujins, but whenever I see maleanon discuss it they seem to only talk about the ones with cute shotas. Their taste is good at least.

>> No.24291601
File: 1.35 MB, 1000x1153, DbmZ2GfUwAAxVnD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If Amuro and Char homolust is so strong that a certain famous manga basically made a Charmuro AU were they're spies their mechas are still gay of course.
[Nekomataya (Nekomata Naomi)] MusaKabe x ShotaGuda (Fate/Grand Order)
First page, I already typed shotacon and solemale in sadpanda I don't even feel like saving a picture.

>> No.24292342
File: 198 KB, 438x433, 1582708994534.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't get what you find so ugly about him. Do you just not like the haircut or what?

>> No.24293489

Where I'm looking all the shotas are shy and cute looking or deliberately girly, but yeah the focus is really on the wiman in most scenes. It's played off like a more active onee-san or size difference fetish.

>> No.24293502

Nah, there are some age difference romances that have the viewpoint girls in their mid twenties. "Younger guy" options are often in the freshman-in-college or just-exiting-high-school age range.

>> No.24295774

Godspeed, anon. I'm not into /ss/ but I can agree that thirst is a good motivator.

>> No.24296503
File: 701 KB, 1100x754, Ead8P3YX0AAST7u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want these two to be ハッピースカラビア together

>> No.24296505

I know nothing about three kingdoms shit but I'm going to start Juuzaengi anyway because I'll play anything with catboys. Is there anything I need to know?

>> No.24297264

check your eyes anon

>> No.24298033

Maybe the Dear My Sun MC who is a single mom, or the Vitamin X MC who is at least in her 30s by the last game

>> No.24298244

>played Steam Prison
>I like it
I'm so sorry

>> No.24298314

>Dear My Sun
I've never heard of that one, what a bizzare premise.

>> No.24298541

Sis..your taste

>> No.24299244

why is this game so dead in the west?

>> No.24299831

Literally 75% of the stuff that's popular on Japan, is pretty obscure among gaijins. I would even say it's doing ok thanks to the speed of the TL.

>> No.24299873

The emotional impact of their chapter was ruined for me by how shit Jamil's seiyuu is.

>> No.24299935

Which of those boring dudes did you like the most?

>> No.24300277

Half of them are boring, the other half is simply bizarre and make no fucking sense

>> No.24301282

Ate up my entire backlog of games I actually wanted to play over quarantine. Now it's back to sifting through random mid 2000s shit and seeing if I can find something worth finishing and waiting for new releases I guess.

>> No.24303952
File: 351 KB, 2048x2019, EZlj4xLUEAA-m4e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hating on DOKAN
Also aren't almost half of the VA are newbies? I think that without counting the teachers and Crowley the only ones that are really well known are Leona, Silver, Azul, Lilia and Idia.

>> No.24303988

I will always remember that /m/ post were an anon wrote the entire plot of a gundam based otome game but you play as the mecha and romance the pilots, there was even a ojou-sama rival mecha.

>> No.24304886

That's what happens when you hire random stage actors instead of actual seiyuu

>> No.24304938

do you have it saved

>> No.24305776

>aren't almost half of the VA are newbies?
that's no excuse, Deuce's VA is even better voicing that role than voicing Edamame, I'm in love.
(that said, I think Jamil's okay too, but maybe he was miscast.)

>the only ones that are really well known are Leona, Silver, Azul, Lilia and Idia.
Hanae Natsuki, bruh.

>> No.24305794

Shoutan and Hanae Natsuki aren't known?

>> No.24305884

Aoi can't act either. He should stick to singing roles.

>> No.24306076
File: 440 KB, 1920x1080, ss_178b1e9306a17877286e7014a2c21e432a628768.1920x1080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Palais de Reine got translation

>> No.24306583

Can she fuck her meido? Asking for a friend

>> No.24306656
File: 828 KB, 800x400, IMG_20200618_224949.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish brother route is blood related

But since this is otomate I'm 90 percent sure itll be a "suprise youre not acutally related" twist

>> No.24306805
File: 1.98 MB, 1240x1677, Ea0k4UuUMAARm-D.jpg orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too much nip, and westerners have a bigger hateboner towards >disney than nips do. You'd be surprised at the amount of people not willing to give it a try just because of that. It's a miracle that almost everything is translated though, you don't see that every day.

I love Jamil but I kind of agree, his VA is pretty bad. Kalim's VA is a stage actor too but he manages to convey the genkiness well, Jamil just sounds weird. His voice was okay during overblot and the "new" voice sounds a bit better but I wish he had a better, actual VA.

>> No.24306827

I like hearing newbie seiyuu but Jamil's is just bad. Kalim's was rough around the edges at times too but it wasn't enough to be distracting and he's a great fit for the character. With Jamil every time he has to go out of conversational monotone it's hard to listen to.

>> No.24309770

>all the jp discourse over what yumejoshi means
This whole time I thought it just meant girl who wants to get railed by her husbando

>> No.24309794

what other options are?

>> No.24309988

So far I've seen
>girl who creates a self insert for non-romantic purposes
>girl who creates a non-human self insert
>girl who creates a self insert but pairs it with a female character
>actually they don't have to be a girl to be a yumejoshi

It all started with some person who edited the yumejoshi page to dab on lgbts and now everyone is scrambling over editing it and it's changing every 10 minutes.

>> No.24310158
File: 443 KB, 2132x3144, Ea3KO-lUMAAeCY4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Inb4 delayed like Tsukiuta S2

>> No.24310265

now this is famed nip autism at work

>> No.24314107

>Hashihine cafe collab
>Hashihime manga
Anime when

>> No.24314589

Never, if only because it wouldn't adapt the homo parts and it would probably be incredibly low budget. Like DMMd or TnC but even worse since it doesn't have a big name studio behind it.

>> No.24314731
File: 40 KB, 800x450, 1579050772889.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is Hashihime getting all these projects suddenly? When it was oiginally released in 2016 and the port in 2018. Did some P-san play it while the pandemic was going on and gave green light to a bunch of stuff?

>> No.24315418

Vampires singing basic shit



>> No.24315541

Just say "girl who likes to self insert and imagine herself as part of the drama" and it can encompass all that and more

>> No.24315554

My initial thoughts was 'oh weird, what a strange fan project to come out of the blue" and then checked VNDB and saw it was official. Based Kogado

>> No.24317210

I would want an anime even just for the exposure. At least it's something in the BL VN community that isn't fucking Tnc or DMMD for once.

>> No.24320050

Is Hashihime vn any good? I was really unimpressed with character designs(everyone except one has short black hair), so I skipped it.

>> No.24320063

Oh come on anon please try and think of some better bait.

>> No.24320150

Black hair is the best, you dumb fuck.

>> No.24320175

it's boring when practically everyone have it

>> No.24320195

You can just say "a human being who does things with brain" and it can encompass even more. The definitions diluting trend is annoying.

>> No.24320219

They're meant to actually look japanese so they arr rook same.

>> No.24320230

Maybe also check out the premise and some reviews to get a better idea? Passing up on something because the characters don't look like Akihabara fashion rejects is fucking stupid.

Imagine passing up on the best BL game in years because the author went with a more realistic style.

>> No.24320258

The art style of Hashihime isn't even especially realistic, it's fairly stylised, just in a different way to your usual animu multicolor hair and huge shiny eyes.

>> No.24320354

I'm simple, character designs are half of a game to me. When there is not a single eye candy I won't play unless it is /blog/-approved kamige.

>> No.24320407

Love interests:
>an exceptional and straight University student who loves life and isn't fond of the main character and his novels. He's so straight he has to have sex with the main characters with his eyes closed. Wants to bang a fish
>tsundere guy who respects the elderly, adores the older man who adopted him, and who becomes dere the moment he confesses to the main character. There's af emale love rival in his route
>an incredibly gentle soldier, the usual boring vanilla type who wants to have an outdoor sex
>stoic assassin who hates the government and wears an eyepatch that hides his true fighting powers.
>a mature sophisticated man who is ashamed of his short height, his father is a spirit
The main charcater is their friend, he's inrecibly smart, beautiful, has the biggest dick among the characters, and has a talent for literature but he is thinking about quitting because he's about to be accepted to the University.
I don't know if that's your thing..

>> No.24320409

That's a stupid argument. If it looks good, it looks good. It doesn't matter how rare or common it is. Black hair contrasts nicely, you've been influenced too much by rainbow colored hair fuckbois.

>> No.24320422


>> No.24320427

Flawless summary. Thanks Anon.

>> No.24320466

Sounds good. What about the mask guy? Do we see his face?

>> No.24320539

At the same time if you are not a fan of black short hair, game that has only them looks boring. Imagine if everyone would have neon-green shoulder length hair or whatever combo you don't like. You'll get bored too.

>> No.24320718
File: 246 KB, 1200x847, EaswDnnXkAcz9GE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't wait to use my proxy-chan to get the merch.

>> No.24320762

Seconding, sounds hilarious.

>> No.24321054

Weird, the reason I was into the game in the first place was the setting + look of the cast. I love boys with black hair though.

>> No.24321181

Worst boys tend to have brown or orange hair. Discuss

>> No.24321261

White and silver hairs bathe in cum every night and are unfaithful

>> No.24321271

Green haired guys are nerds with tiny dicks

>> No.24321287

Who is the worst boy of all time?

>> No.24321293

Red hairs > the rest

>> No.24321343

Ryo from NTY. Managed to make gay sex boring.

>> No.24321349

Mink. Never before have I hated a character so goddamn much. There was not a single redeeming thing about him. Even his name is fucking stupid.

>> No.24321355

Blonds are best boys in any game, no exceptions

>> No.24321378

I usually like personality like his, but sex scenes with him were indeed the weakest

>> No.24321424

Do otomes with small-penis non-shota guy even exist?

>> No.24321432

Minku. The shittiest and the most unlikable shit I've ever encountered and I played shitty games with crappy yandere guys. He also looked like some semen demon sucked it all away

>> No.24321446

>usually like personality like his,
Dead fishes?

>> No.24321494

Aloof tsunderes

Which game?

>> No.24321540
File: 341 KB, 540x721, 1408971315279.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You cannot be serious.

>> No.24321595

Oh, I see. One of those days I'm going to finally play some Nitro+chiral game.

>> No.24321929

His route was so boring I forgot what he even did.

>> No.24322056
File: 231 KB, 900x634, 1427405659148.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Before the split:
Mink is introduced as a mysterious, serious type. He captures Aoba and lets his subordinates rape him, but their fun is interrupted before they stick it in and Aoba escapes.

After the split, if on his route:
Mink a cold, frozen shit who beats Aoba for anything he likes as he plots his entry into the corporate HQ. Aoba is drugged at a rave and Mink fucks him in a VIP booth while he's out of his mind. They infiltrate the tower for Mink's revenge and, depending on the results of Aoba's Scrap attempt...

Bad: Aoba's Scrap fails and Mink hatefucks him, decapitates him, and kisses his severed head.

Good: Scrap works and they get out before the place blows up. Mink vanishes for a few years and Aoba searches for him until, years later, he finds him innawoods staring at the scenery.
Mink abandons and ignores him without a word but Aoba stays because he's a goddamn idiot.

None of the plotlines in DMMd were particularly compelling but his is a total waste of time. Posting best boy to wash the awful memories away.

>> No.24322103

All I remember about Mink was those socks when he fucked Aoba. Noiz best husband. The end.

>> No.24322130

DMMD was my first VN but I can hardly remember anything about it except for fucking the robot to death, Mink being a wifebeater and fucking your dog/brother. The actual plot has left my brain completely.

>> No.24322142

Lamento and Sweet Pools are the best ones, although the latter is not for plebs who can't embrace ass meat

>> No.24322268

>People talking about DMMd
>Got nostalgic and wanted to play the game after 100% clearing it years ago
>Load up the game
>Doesn't work
>Remember patch only works for a new install and how I kept the game running for a week
>Official translation nowhere in sight

Well fuck that noise. Silver Chaos fandisc it is.

>> No.24322686
File: 24 KB, 256x360, 1966.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Playing this at the moment. Most of the way through Kou's route though I feel like I should have done Ryouta's first but too late now. It's considerably better than I thought it was going to be, pretty standard rapist with a tragic past yaoi storyline but it has this really nice dreamy atmosphere, it's hard to explain it but it reminds me of the VHS of Beauty and the Beast I watched again and again as a kid without really understanding what was going on and can only half remember now.
I also think I have some nostalgia for that anime goth vampires with crosses and lolita maids etc. aesthetic from my preteen years which makes this kind of thing charming to me because it's very much that.

>> No.24322764

I feel you hard on the nostalgia for those styles. I never thought much of vampires but I miss the gothic themes a lot. And cat boys.

>> No.24323545

Second this, even the MC became bored of it halfway through.

>> No.24323565

In the end he wasn't even a tsundere just shit.

>> No.24324611

I'm a bit late to this discussion cause I was sleeping, but I can understand this feeling cause when I first played it I was also unimpressed by the character designs and even wondered if I could tell them apart that well. However, in my case I got used to it pretty quickly and it's now up there as one of my favourite BL games alongside Lamento. Even though Hashihime kind of crashes and burns near the end I thought the good parts still made it worth it.

>> No.24325565

>I also think I have some nostalgia for that anime goth vampires with crosses and lolita maids etc. aesthetic
Why did it have to go out of style? That shit was great.

>> No.24326074

Honestly I think Lamento is pretty shit.
– By far the most unimpressive story out of N+C games
– Somehow manages to feel even edgier than Togainu no Chi
– It was such a chore to read due to the shitty backstories of LIs (muh demons).

The only good things about it are LIs (all 3 boys are good) and the atmosphere.

Lamento is the only game where I couldn't finish all the routes. At some point I even had to switch from Asato's route to Rai's because I got sick of his coping with his retarded village.

>> No.24326226

The plot was pretty underwhelming, I agree. OST is godly though.

>> No.24326884

What I don't like about nitro+chiral games is that despite being so serious and mature they never feature reversible scenes or even have MC being active sometimes(except that one scene with feminine guy in Togainu no Chi).

>> No.24326937
File: 526 KB, 2500x1563, IMG_20200620_125418.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And cat boys.
Da mouse will bring them back.

>> No.24327244
File: 930 KB, 1000x1412, 80718440_p11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I could discuss this dumb game more somewhere but I feel like this isn't the place for it. The english discord is trash and the subtle discussions on /fgog/ aren't enough
It feels like another fujoyume renaissance like touken ranbu was and the game has tons of non-ending lore, being EOP shouldn't even matter since quite absolutely everything is translated by now. At the very least I'm enjoying the couple months of peak content it's been getting fan-wise, a doujin event is already planned to boot.

>> No.24327477 [SPOILER] 
File: 5 KB, 92x97, 1592652900446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The demons were cool. But then again I don't really remember what their role was in the plot so maybe you have a point. Seems like it's time for a Lamento re-read after I'm done with spooky village adventures.
Finally the rat does something for the small man.

>> No.24327796

So you are trying to say that a plot centered around the voice that can control people and having one part of your consciusness in a dog who'll later get the body of your twin and fuck you as the true love interest is a better written story? Togainu isn't even worth mentioning because it is simply shit. You may not like Lamento but claiming it has the worst story among gay nitro games is delusional

>> No.24328029

>So you are trying to say that a plot centered around the voice that can control people and having one part of your consciusness in a dog who'll later get the body of your twin and fuck you as the true love interest is a better written story?

Yes. I'd rather have some obscure shit rather than a generic fantasy story with a generic edgelord villain.

>> No.24328224

We've pretty much been joseimuke general since the /vg/ days, I don't think people would mind if you wanted to discuss lore.
Personally I can't get past everything being tied back to disneyshit so I never bring it up, but I'd be up for reading what someone else has to say.

>> No.24328528

Shit taste desu

>> No.24328588

Ask me how I know you like Isekai anime

>> No.24328655

And what's wrong with isekai anime again?

>> No.24328705

Well... How can I put this... uhh... It's low-tier garbage with no artistic value whatsoever

>> No.24329014

>implying people expect some high quality artistic value from anime to begin with
>implying 99% of literally any genre isn't shit

>> No.24329346

Don't know about you but I always expect at least some artistic value from the content I consume. I constantly look for something new, refreshing and exciting in my fiction and that's why I don't mindlessly digest every piece of media I happen to come across. What's the point in watching/playing exactly the same shit you've already seen hundreds of times? Sounds like autism to me.

>> No.24329719

12 Kingdoms and Escaflowne were good

>> No.24329875

My profession is intellectually challenging enough so I don't seek some 3deep5you arts especially in a form of anime/manga. I watch animu to relax and have fun, isekai is fun to me because I like the premise. But that's just me, on a side note it's not fair to treat isekai as if it's somehow worse than any other genre. As I said most of anything is shit, people just hate on isekai because it's more mainstream than other genres so overall more isekai than some obscure stuff is getting adaptations.

>> No.24329901

>What's the point in watching/playing exactly the same shit you've already seen hundreds of times?
It's comfy. Dumb moege and fluffly unoriginal setups you know by heart are the best for relaxing when your life is going to shit.
Maybe I have shit taste but I'd like a fresh BL VN with the same "nothing is happening but characters being cute with each other" vibe that people seem to dislike in yurige. There are some low effort VNs like that from 00s but nowadays it's probably only in some doujin games I'll never find.

>> No.24330150

That's fair. I just like fantasy settings and dudes with animal ears and that kind of stuff.

>> No.24330375

Don't project your shit taste on me. 12 kingdoms is the exception thought

>> No.24330771

You should be thankful that I projected my shit taste on you, because your taste has to be even worse than shit considering that you unironically like the story in Lamento.

>> No.24331021
File: 342 KB, 2048x1519, Ea7xM4kUwAAPzA9.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but I'd be up for reading what someone else has to say.
Okay, prepare for a semi long post
The ghost camera is never brought up again nor do we know what it's purpose is, Crowley supposedly says it's for making "good memories" but why is it a ghost camera? The most common theory around nips is that maybe everyone is actually dead which explains why everybody arrives in a coffin. Supposedly people do remember the carriage picking them up so that's maybe a very filmsy theory.
The magical pens are never really explained, but it's a bit easy to guess it's like meguca soul gems. But do they really have their soul in the pen? What's the origin of unique magic, is it assigned or does it just "show up"?
Will RSA actually be relevant?
An underlying theme amongst all things is that, because the boys are all based on villians and go to a villian school, nobody will ever achieve a true happy end. That's why NRC keeps losing to RSA, they're the bad guys who will never be anything.
There's a lot more stuff but I don't want to sound like I'm just talking to myself, but there are certainly way too many things to take into consideration.
Disney or not, the characters do have some soul for themselves.

>> No.24331402
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>he most common theory around nips is that maybe everyone is actually dead which explains why everybody arrives in a coffin
But we have people from outside the school show up like Cheka and Chen'ya. And we actually go outside the campus in Episode 3, It was a pretty popular theory at launch but as the story progressed it started to lose ground.
I always assumed that the camera is related to the summoning system pictures since I think right after we get it we do the tutorial summon.

>> No.24331412

Huh that's interesting. I think I'm just too used to mobage writing because I automatically handwaved the ghost camera as as the excuse for the cards and personal stories setup, and RSA as "once we run out of things to do with the current cast we'll make these guys playable". Not too wild on the dead cast idea, but if other aspects like their status as villains turn out to be relevant that'd be pretty neat.
I do like the characters but all the disney references every chapter and knowing that the dorm leaders' conflicts will be loosely based off their associated villain kills my enthusiasm for the plot. Some of the cast really are great though and I really enjoyed the last two chapters in particular. Octavinelle are the best.

>> No.24331451

>Dumb moege and fluffly unoriginal setups
These can be good depending on the execution. It doesn't matter if it's been done a thousand times before, it only matters if it's done well. For example slice of life moe shows. There are some that are genuinely awful but also some that portray the inherent value in appreciating simple "normal" things. Most media is way too invested in melodrama and constant conflict as a way to make things meaningful (look at your average romance series, there's often little actual romance but lots of conflict) , but I think it takes very skilled writing to create something meaningful with slice of life/minimal drama.

>> No.24331639
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Unique magic appears to be innate, since Leona and Azul were able to use "It's a Deal" and "King's Roar" before they entered NCR. However they're both prodigies so they might had been able to have a more estable control of their magic. Keep in mind that none of the 1st years (Besides Jack but he's a beastman) have an Unique Magic, so they all have the potential for a certain type of magic but it takes time to develope it.
In more interested in the fact that all Unique Magics have an aria which seems to make them stronger.

>> No.24331682

>Fantasy game
>It's fake medieval England or fake historical Japan

Kill it

>> No.24331723

What's wrong baka gaijin, don't you like superior nippon rabumance?

>> No.24331817

Agreed. No setting is more boring than imperial Japan.

>> No.24331889

>Glorious Japanese Kabedon Folded Over 1000 Times
Also there's a 85% chance that the MC will have to dress up as a courtesan and will run into the """"villain"""", who would try to woo her.

>> No.24331976

When Hashihime was announced and I had nothing to work off plot or writing-wise, I heavily judged it by the H-CGs for whatever reason and thought it too 'blushy uke' for my tastes. I totally wrote off buying it on that shallow reason, but then decided to bite the bullet later when it actually came out (lack of English titles? The setting?).

Now that I gave it a chance, it's hard for me to remember just being so utterly disinterested in it. I somewhat blame English VNs lack of demos, and over reliance on people just having to read one summary and like the overall aesthetic. Too many straight VNs rely on 'kamige hype' from low-tier e-celebs, but even more niche genres like BL you have practically nothing. I started reading it and was immediately hooked. One route a day basically (Minakami's maybe 2-3 being the longest). It's hard for VNs to immerse me like that lately. I just wanted to know what would happen next, break the cycle, and delve into the characters. Even with later routes going to shit and feeling like Cliffnotes ideas the author wrote in, the character writing was strong enough for it to be a strong positive experience for me. I will pick the bits and pieces of good out of Hanazawa's route, dammit.

I fondly recommend and shill it everywhere I possibly can now, but I was going to initially completely ignore it due to the visuals not being able to catch my interest.

>> No.24332336

If it's anything 19th century or before I've never cared for it (the reason why I still haven't played Ken ga Kimi) but I have a huge boner for Taishou era shit.

>> No.24333268

You unironically think that a story about the guy with muh voice power who fucks his consciusness in his dog's body (that later moves into the body of his twin), and fucks a robot to death is good writing. You have no right to judge anyone's tastes.

>> No.24333394

I'm not saying that DMMD story is good. I'm saying that Lamento story is so shit it's practically worse than DMMD. Why? Because fucking your consciusness in your dog's body (that later moves into the body of your twin) is at least somewhat entertaining and it's not something you would expect. Lamento story is boring, generic and can't even be enjoyed "ironically" like DMMD.

>> No.24333544
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>The magical pens are never really explained, but it's a bit easy to guess it's like meguca soul gems. But do they really have their soul in the pen?
Crowley kinda explains it in Chapter 2 but seems to leave some things vague on purpose, the stone in the pens basically acts like a filter.

>> No.24333561
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>But we have people from outside the school show up like Cheka and Chen'ya
Yeah that's true, it's why I said it's a very flimsy theory. I do think there's some sort of life/death situation still at play in some way though.

I wonder if they'd actually make RSA playable, the appeal of twst are the villians and you can make even more than the ones that we already know but I'd still want to see them.

>> No.24333721

>I started reading it and was immediately hooked. One route a day basically
The same thing happened to me. I only intended on giving it a quick preview before I finished the game I was playing but wound up putting it on hold to read Hashihime instead. Coincidentally it started raining for a few days after I started and it wound up being a top tier reading experience.

>> No.24333766
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Playing Hashihime in the dark as rain poured outside was an amazing experience. I've never been so hooked by a VN before. I don't even like time travel and reincarnated lovers stories.

I pray that UuultraC gets picked up.

>> No.24334029
File: 88 KB, 1023x561, EYWVPzMUEAA6tqK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well NRC is already locked into the current 7 villain dorms in lore and there are already a bunch of students that aren't tied to a villain but to other characters instead(Heartslabyul(except Riddle)the playing cards, Kalim the sultan, Epel the poison apple, Jack who is ???, Silver is sleeping beauty).
If they want to make more villains they could slip some into RSA even if they aren't dorm heads or whatever.

>> No.24334035

I played it during a big rainstorm too. Cozy as fuck.

Right now I'm really after a VN that makes me want to marathon one route after the other no stopping again, but I just can't find anything so thinking back to playing Hashihime is pretty depressing. I'm not even an EOP so I have a decently sized pool of games to draw from but nothing's sticking.

>> No.24334088

Some nips theorize that Jack is based on the wolf who chases Belle at the start of the Beauty and the Beast.

>> No.24334366

That'd be very weird considering everyone else comes from the movie their dorm villain is from. If he is from outside of Lion King I'd figure he's at least a more important character from something(and that there's a reason behind it).

>> No.24334518

>I don't even like time travel and reincarnated lovers stories.
Kek, these are like my two favorites tropes in fiction.

>> No.24334654

That's just because you taste is so shit, you prefer dog fucking over a nice story and best nitro boys

>> No.24334771

Unpopular opinion: big brother characters should just remain brothers instead of love interests. Non-dysfunctional family interactions are already rare enough with japs always hating their parents for some reason.

>> No.24334839

Platonic brothers get in the way of more LI screentime by having le epic "I'm tha siscon but I will accept another man's penis in my imoto, ganbare ill b here if u need advice an if he makes you cry I'll beat him to death" moments, literally who cares it's a lose-lose for everyone involved.

>> No.24334988

>nice story
You either are really good at baiting or have a REALLY shit taste.

>> No.24335001

You prefer DMMD over Lamento, you can't lambaste anyone else for having shit taste.

>> No.24335019

I prefer DMMD's STORY over Lamento's story, not the whole VN. Now stop having such a shit taste and just admit that Lamento has a shit plot.

>> No.24335078

Sweet Pool is the better N+C game anyway.

>> No.24335087


>> No.24335160

Then that makes it worse. I can understand preferring the music or the art style, but the story? Fucking really man.

>> No.24335226

DMMD story is shit, but at least it's pretty short. Lamento story is not only shit, but it's also very fucking long.

Now tell me what is better: eating shit for a short time OR eating shit for a long time?

>> No.24335240
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I don’t care that it’s in Chinese, I’ve waited so long to see your smiling face again. You are my sun forever.

>> No.24335256

Are you guys seriously arguing what shit is smellier than the other? Why can't you just agree that both stories are a lackluster and nothing to write home about?

>> No.24335282

>ever agreeing on something

>> No.24335355

I mean I have a huge soft spot for DMMd but even I wouldn't praise it for it's storytelling.

Lamento built and used it's world fairly well. The story also flowed reasonably naturally no matter which route was taken. Bad ends were reserved for villains who happened to be inhuman devils that viewed humans as toys at best, so the usual N+C gorefests weren't totally out of nowhere like they usually are.

Honestly I'd rather take a Lamento rehash over any other of N+C's works. I don't know why they keep remaking TnC.

>> No.24335436

Siscons should be erased, period. All they do is orbit their imoutos. They have no lives of their own. They have no other personality. Their only purpose is to get in imoutos' way and wonder why imouto doesn't let a nice guy like them inject her with their not biologically related semen. They're basically incels

>> No.24335669

The only part of DMMD's story that's better than Lamento's is the big bad, and that's because while Leaks is retarded, Toue is hilariously amicable. I've never seen a guy have his master plan not come to fruition and just say "oh well gg" at the end. It's so great.

>> No.24335671

Can we get rid of brocons too while we're at it?

>> No.24335691

All incest and pseudo incest should be dead and buried, I'd rather read gorefest than incest, gross.

>> No.24335701

>little brother/big sister
pure and morally correct
>big brother/litte sister
shit and retarded

>> No.24335763

>not wanting daddy’s and uncle’s d

Wow this board has gone faggots

>> No.24335878

If anything I've seen more people think he's based on the Beast itself from B&B.
It would make a bit of a sense in a way and the mirror probably sorts anyone who is a furry into savannaclaw.

>> No.24337309
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>> No.24337935

I was too young and stupid to appreciate sweet pool the first time I played it.

I'm sorry for shitposting about ass meat babies for so long. I mean it's still pretty out there, but now I see the light.

>> No.24338048

Stop eating shit and realize that lamento is not bad

>> No.24338178
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>Playing Haruka 7 demo
>Kind of dull and relying on blatant exposition to move story along
>Look up reviews
>It gets better after the demo ends

Well ok.

>> No.24338198

1 1/2 years later and I am still upset about YumeCast ending.

>> No.24338239

Personally don't mind other people enjoying dad or uncle shit- I just avoid it. Bro/siscon characters are the worst though since they're just walking nuisances that exist to delay relationship development with other characters. If they are a viable route option it fucking sucks since they get rewarded for their petulant and irritating behaviour.

>> No.24339060

Is purple long hair a crossdresser? Her voice from other video is feminine, but VA is a guy and did only male roles so far.

>> No.24339404
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Looks like someone is deprived of headpats. It's ok, oniichan is here and he'll hold you and buy you melon bread and tell you it's ok to be a lesbian but if you date other men it's cage time

>> No.24339519

I‘m sorry you have such terrible taste.

>> No.24339550

At least I'm not the dude who tried to say DMMd was better than Lamento.

>> No.24339734

I get it. Cock blockers can be annoying. Even more so when they aren’t a route. I’m all for brothers and would appreciate if they could be treated more like a childhood friend where the original link isn’t forgotten or erased, but overcome and accepted in addition to. You feel me?

>> No.24339759

There's nothing wrong with killing your love interest with your asshole. This is what I'm looking for in my BL games

>> No.24340078

> nooooo muh chuuni catboy game is flawless and not boring at all
> nooooo b-but dmmd what about dmmd
The absolute state of Lamentofags

>> No.24340145

> Stop eating shit
I stopped. That's why I couldn't finish all the routes in Lamento.

>> No.24340221

>lamento is the worst nitro game
>even dmmd better
>nooo stop shitting on my dog-selfcest-icest fucking game it's good the antagonist is amazing minku is the best
>destroying the love interest with your asshole is good writing
The absolute state of dog fuckers

>> No.24340313

Wow, Lamentofags surely are retarded. Once again, I repeat:
STORY (Lamento) = LONG + BAD = BADx2

I do realize that I don't even fucking like dmmd, right? Here's my overall ranking of N+C games:
Sweet Pool > TnC = Lamento > DMMD

inb4 you start seething about how dare I put muh togainu no chi in one row with muh flawless catboyge

>> No.24340340
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Sounds like you've got a complex there buddy. Maybe take a break from places that like Lamento and do something you enjoy?

Else, if you're just shitposting, cheers until the next thread.

>> No.24340359

I'm not sure if trying to prove something to a retard that refuses to fucking read counts as a shitposting.

>> No.24340492
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>Character says "Sakiyama-kun"
>Translator puts "Youji"


>> No.24340827

seriously, a VN lets you fuck a robot to death and people complain?

>> No.24341073

Don't feel bad about jerking off to dog romance or the scene where the mc kills the robot with his butthole, there's no need to explain or justify your shit taste to anyone

>> No.24341089

>Togainu no chi above anything
You must really have a thing for dogs, bro

>> No.24341093


>> No.24341097

I hate what they did to makoto

>> No.24341147
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They went a little too far on "interpretive" for a lot of his dialogue, yeah.

>> No.24341195
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>> No.24341235


>> No.24341248
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How about manly Aoba doing manly things?

>> No.24341295

The way he chased after the wife beater after he told him to fuck off was very manly. I wonder what kind of target audience they had in mind for munk

>> No.24341317
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Actual abused housewives and teen girls I think. Perhaps neglect and/or abuse fetishists. In the case of the latter, pic related did it 10x better.

>> No.24341395

Fine too. Aoba grew on me more than I thought he would.

>> No.24341401

for the love of satan, don't

>> No.24341681

I'm sorry you do. Incest is THE grossest fucking fetish. I'd rather look at characters eating shit in Euphoria than this.

>> No.24341750

> hating on incest
> hating on bestiality
> hating on fucking robots
> hating on any other degenerate shit

I think y'all (haha updoods to the left) should go back

>> No.24341780

t. old fat NTR bastard

>> No.24341788

>the catboy VN is so bad that it makes literal dogfucking look like a good and compelling story.
Uhh, hello, based department?

>> No.24341931

I think you should get better taste

>> No.24341955

Me, the togainu no CHAD

>> No.24341968

I think you should go back to t*mblr. Not even r*ddit is this normalfag-ish.

>> No.24342013

If you can't handle people shitting on things you like then you're the one that needs to go back

>> No.24342039

Based on the track record will slow damage be kamige or kusoge

>> No.24342043

> not hating something = liking something
> not liking something = hating something
Shitposting aside, this is some actual normalfag mentality.

>> No.24342059

Sorry for not having as horrible of a taste as you do.

>> No.24342105

So you're complaining about people hating on something you don't even like? That's even worse.

>> No.24342137

Get a grip, literal dogfucker, people can and will hate on your disgusting taste and there's nothing you can do about it. Better pack your posts and go to your safe space.

>> No.24342143
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>> No.24342160
File: 43 KB, 390x470, e4c6a202efb6bb4b48e1bff276abbb43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lamentofag is still seething
That wasn't even my post.

t. dogfucker

>> No.24342181

Ok masobuta.

>> No.24342224

At least the characters aren't as bad as they first appeared, but Haruka 6 had the better first two chapters even though the story ended being kinda weak

>> No.24342266

> Homosexuality is ok
> But Incest (not even inbreeding) is bad

>> No.24342330

Homosexuality is THE grossest fucking fetish. I'd rather look at characters eating shit in Euphoria than this.

>> No.24342416

Homosexuality is hot. Incest isn't.

>> No.24342439

I don't think I've ever seen scat in BL

>> No.24342448

Prepare your anus for room #9

>> No.24342460

>oh no people don't like the stuff I do, must sperg out and shitposting to death now

>> No.24342467

No, you just have shit taste. Incest is hot, homosexuality isn't.

>> No.24342477

No my taste is good and yours isn't.

>> No.24342478

The duality of /blog/

>> No.24342479

No, you just have shit taste. Dogs is hot, cats aren't.

>> No.24342490

Can't prepare my ass for it if it isn't translated.

>> No.24342494

>oh no I'm totally not a hypocrite for liking a socially approved degenerate thing but disliking socially (yet) unapproved degenerate thing

>> No.24342508

Looks hot
It will be translated Soon™

>> No.24342511

You both have shit taste, birds and reptiles are hotter

>> No.24342520

This is why nobody likes incestfags

>someone doesn't like homo
>"haha he doesn't like gayshit, what a faggot"
>someone doesn't like incest
>"you're a disgusting moralfag for not liking my fetish go back to tumblr reeeeeee"

>> No.24342536

Oh shit I'm sorry, I didn't realize you have no brain of your own to decide what you like or dislike but relay entirely on what society approves/dissaproves of right now.

>> No.24342538

Porn studios sure make a lot of incest themed porn for it being socially unapproved.

>> No.24342597

a lot of stuff is only hot as a fantasy, incest included

>> No.24342607

Now try telling someone irl that you're dating your brother/sister

>> No.24342627

Low-effort projection

>> No.24342631

Why? We're talking about porn fetishes.

>> No.24342642
File: 23 KB, 110x110, 1592728981682.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thread's close to bump limit so I can post my terrible idea. would treating the /cm/ thread about twisted wonderland as a general be a bad idea? Or just making it a general and see how it goes

>> No.24342686

Judging by the amount of porn, incest must be even less degenerate than homo

>> No.24342691

I don't know if you'd get enough people for it. It's hardly been talked about here outside of the last two threads despite being several months old.
Cute bikki though.

>> No.24342781

And what am I supposedly projecting? You said I'm a hypocrite because I dislike your gross fetish. So who's the real hypocrite here?

>> No.24342813

I totally agree. How dare people dislike what I like amirite?

>> No.24343097

I've seen it get brought quite a lot lately in /fgog/ and some other kusoge threads I'm in, even if it's not enough people it could probably become more lively later on.
At the very least /cm/ could work just like it did with /sword/

>> No.24343298

Well I'm personally fine with the amount of discussion it gets here but I don't mind trying to help breath life into the /cm/ thread for you. I'll go leave a high quality post there right now.

>> No.24344165


>> No.24344298

Go home Aimee, you're lost.

>> No.24344418
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>> No.24347295

Might be my fetish, if they don't touch or eat it or other degenerate filth like that.
