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2430899 No.2430899 [Reply] [Original]

Why do japs sleep on the floor?

Can they not afford/have room for beds?

>> No.2430922

They can't afford beds.

>> No.2430931

I heard it was because japan is too humid for normal mattresses and that slapping the sweat out of a sleeping bag is easier.

>> No.2430938

Easier to clean, saves space, etc.

>> No.2430933

they're afraid of heights

>> No.2430940

Real beds are 3D PIG DISGUSTING

They prefer 2D beds.

>> No.2430943

In Europe, sleeping places were raised to avoid rats. In Japan, houses were raised to avoid rats.

>> No.2430946

RESPECT motherfucker

downplaying their ability and showing the rest of the world that they're literally lower than them, even when they're sleeping

>> No.2430948

I lol'd.

>> No.2430962

Oh man, I was in stitches because of this. Thanks anon, I needed that laugh.

>> No.2430984

Oh you.

>> No.2430994

Why don't they wash them? In anime at least, they only ever spank them or let them dry if they peed on them. It's like they're afraid to actually clean them properly.

How can you beat bacteria laden sweat out of anything?

>> No.2431005


Well played.

>> No.2431022


How often do you wash your mattress?

>> No.2431172

There is a reason we use sheets on our beds you know.
You sweat a lot when you sleep.

>> No.2431180

>You sweat a lot when you sleep.
fatass detected

>> No.2431190

ITT everything wrong with the way people treat different cultures and why actual Japan threads are shit beginning at the OP.

>> No.2431201

Do you actually believe that you only sweat while sleeping if you're fat?

>> No.2431208

I live in Michigan, and have AC. I don't get sweat in it, as I am always freezing.

>> No.2431218

I sweat sometimes while I sleep.
I am also 110 pounds and summer is almost here.

>> No.2431227

You sweat whether you notice it or not.

>> No.2431232

sweat while sleeping? sure

sweating A LOT? i don't think so

>> No.2431255 [DELETED] 

want more go here


>> No.2431253

Smell your armpits after you wake up, chances are you will smell sweat.

Well I'm slightly overweight (BMI 25), but I'd think if it's a hot day even thin people would sweat.

>> No.2431286

Goddamn Japan outdoing the world again.

>> No.2431314

I slept on the floor once, Japanese style. The next day I get 9 spider bites on my back. I never slept on the floor since.

>> No.2432119

Clean your house.

>> No.2432125

Why would you go and do what the wonky Japanese do anyways?
They're idiots, them and their culture.

>> No.2432136

By bombarding it with sterilizing UV rays from the sun, that's how.

>> No.2432159


>> No.2432179

reported for racism

>> No.2432276

reported for racism

>> No.2432300

で? どうしてこの頃近所に住んでいる一般人がベッドを使って寝るんでス

>> No.2432321


>> No.2432329

You neighbour sleep in the sky?

>> No.2432898

>They're idiots, them and their culture.
more specific please, why idiot?

btw why whities sleep on the bed?

>> No.2432952

beds are comfortable and awesome

>> No.2433377

Not claiming to be an expert, here (does that make me unique on /jp?), but I always figured it was to save space. Japanese apartments -- and even houses -- are pretty small by amerikan standards.

>> No.2433400
File: 54 KB, 235x265, 1234319718271.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I didn't live in my mother's house I would sleep on a mat on the floor. It's not because I'm wapanese or anything. I am, but I just don't really like beds.

I think it's because I've moved a lot in my life. I try to keep my luggage to a minimum and furniture tends to be the bulkiest shit you can own. I prefer folding chairs and air mattresses.

Beds are a lot better for sex, though.

>> No.2433435


They've slept on the floor a lot longer than they've had space issues.

>> No.2433453

Sleeping on the floor is uncomfortable.

>> No.2433470

Futons aren't really that common any more, and they're becoming less common with the current generation. They're mostly used by poor people now because they're 1) cheaper and 2) take up less space in sub-microscopic apartments.

Unfortunately they haven't exactly figured out beds either. Every bed I've ever slept on in Japan has been rock hard and horrible. Futons are more comfortable than that shit.

I live in Japan now and have a bed. It sucks.

>> No.2433508

I don't know what are their reasons but from my experience, sleeping on the floor (may it be on a mattress or a futon) is really good to your back.

>> No.2433521

I find that to be the opposite, my back aches if I sleep on the floor.

>> No.2433532

i love the floor, soft mattresses are for pussys

>> No.2433544

What about sleeping on a matress, on the floor? So you've got pillows and a duvet and all that nonsense that you have with a bed, you just don't have the actual bed. I always did that back for about a week or so prior to moving.

Is that not a compromise?

>> No.2433578

that's probably your crutch shaped back being worn back into shape...

>> No.2433586

ive only ever slept on a mattress, no bed, for years now. the bed part of things is meaningless when youve got no rats to worry about like they had back in the day.

>> No.2433615


Congratulations! You've reinvented the platform bed without the bed. I personally think that the reason why most people still use beds versus placing the mattress on the floor is because that's the way you're supposed to do it.

>> No.2433646

Who knows, either way all I know is sleeping on the floor is uncomfortable for me (and a lot of people in the west)

>> No.2433668

if you want to be a badass, force yourself to do it for a week.

then youll be able to sleep on any surface, and thats the true badge of a badass.

>> No.2433675
File: 133 KB, 800x1105, 1237699240325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since you virgins are having a hard time wrapping your heads around the possible uses for beds, let me repeat myself.

Beds are great for sex.

First of all, it's an issue with girls. Girls are finnicky creatures, and they have this infuriating tendency to shy away from sex until certain conditions are met. Laying down on the floor makes people feel poor, especially girls, and girls who feel poor aren't in the mood to fuck. Their bodies and their upbringing are screaming at them to get the fuck out of whatever shack they're in and find a real man with a real living space.

Besides the social perception, beds are also usually positioned at an optimal height. Got a bed in your room? Stand up next to it. Notice anything about the height it reaches compared to your hips? Put two and two together, Anonymous. Then bend her over and J-J-JAM IT IN.

>> No.2433680

not on the floor. on "shiki-futon"

>> No.2433695

>Beds are great for sex.

so they ARE useless to me.

>> No.2433703


You lost me.

>> No.2433704
File: 46 KB, 640x480, 1215856967047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2433724

useless bed, only good for their sex appeal

>> No.2433742
File: 17 KB, 300x338, toho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's now a touhou deviantart thread.

>> No.2433765

only a select few japs sleep on the floor

the majority of them have adopted western style beds, durrhurr

>> No.2433769

I just toss my mattress on the box spring that came with it. I don't have a frame or headboard or anything.

>> No.2433780

That sounds like a bad idea.
I have to stand up all day at class, so I'd rather have a comfortable bed to sleep on.

>> No.2433786

hard surfaces promote good back posture

mattresses are for faggots

>> No.2433804
File: 14 KB, 360x358, futon-frame-mission_lg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When it comes to saving space, I've always preferred the American "futon" that is also a couch. I grew up with one of these.

>> No.2433819

I have a cheap metal futon at the moment, but christ it's murder on my back, not to mention it was uneven as hell. I ended up just strapping it down into a permanent bed frame position, sawed off the armrests, and placed an air matress on top of it all.

>> No.2433827


I fucking love couchbeds. They're lightweight, they save a lot of space, and they're versatile.

>> No.2433838

Those things are horrible.
I don't know how anyone can sleep on those things.

>> No.2433889


So are inflatable mattresses.

>> No.2433904

i sleep in a tent under the oak tree in my back garden

feels good man, i can pretend i'm a lone survivor after a nuclear apocalypse and talk introspectively to myself while staring at the night sky

>> No.2433923

I thought I was the only one that did this. Of course, I sneak out at around midnight so the neighbours don't see me and think i'm a nutcase.

The wind gently whistling against the tent helps me sleep.

>> No.2433988

Tents are good but.. did any of you guys ever fell asleep while watching the milky way and all its stars? 's amazing.
Waking up all wet, however, it's not. The price you pay...

>> No.2433992

>Waking up all wet
But I'm not miles.

>> No.2433995

/trv/ here. Did some camping on the sly while in Japan, near this little lake next to some suburb. Amazing views at night, and there's nothing quite like sleeping outdoors to outdo Japan's summer humidity.
